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The hotel maid as hotel hooker.
I have no idea whether this story is true... but if it is, how common is it for expensive hotels to have maids who double as prostitutes? Do the hotels provide this service intentionally, unintentionally, or somewhere in between? Is this what "turn down" service in fancy hotels is really about?
२२९ टिप्पण्या:
229 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Innocence really brings out the color in your eyes. It's quite attractive.
Althouse presciently mistyped (and then corrected) back here:
"a room with man amenities."
I've been on business travel to hotels with "turn down service." I assure you I never found any naked, partially naked, or even fully clothed maids in my bed when I returned from wherever I was working.
Frankly I'm going to need to see more proof that the maid in question was picking up extra money on the side (or on the back, as it were). This smacks too much of a Kiplingesque "just so" story, timed to get a wealthy and well-connected off from being tried for a serious crime.
And, FWIW, all this still doesn't mean that the maid wasn't raped and Strauss-Kahn isn't a rapist. The case still has to be proved in a court of law. I should think a law professor would realize that.
Apparently not a turn-down service at all.
The takeaway message from these stories is that powerful people can commit crimes against anyone they want at any time they want.
They have allies in the media because many of them OWN the media; and those who don't have good friends who do.
Our society is not based on laws.
It is based on money and power. If you have them, you are Scot free.
If you don't, keep your fucking mouth shut; because the oligarchy will destroy you.
All this will go away if the rape victim will just drop the charges and go away.
That's the message.
What Big Mike said.
Supposedly, some chains overseas do this sort of overnight entertainment.
All I know about it is, staying at a very ritzy resort in western PA, a sumptuous, provocative-looking lady with a very alluring Russian accent knocked on our door - I was with The Blonde - and informed me, "I am here to turn down your bed".
My first and only contact with such amenities.
Hookers are not hard to find at fancy hotels. In fact they will find you if you hang around bars, lounges, etc. In a lifetime of travel I was never solicited by the room-turndown-cleaning maids. On the other hand, while I stayed in a lot of fancy hotels, I did not stay in the lavish suites that the taxpayers of the world make available for heads of IMF and other fancy pants jobs.
Basic rule: sex is always available if you want some.
Unless you are Al Gore.
Cyrus Vance, Jr., is the DA.
Cyrus Vance, Sr., worked for Jimmy Carter.
Family connections run deep within the democrapic party.
You can't sell me on the idea that the Sofitel Hotel is a Brothel. And, you can't sell me on the idea that maids "automatically" service rich clientele. Because it's the HOTEL MANAGER that called the police!
If the maid was really a hired whore, why did the hotel manager not just send her home? He could have given her a few days off. No?
The only way the cops got their hands on DSK is because he thought he lost his cell phone. And, when the COP told the hotel management to lie ... DSK was told "he'd get his cell phone back, if only the hotel knew where to send the bellman.
This gave away the location.
The location turned out to be ON BOARD AN AIR FRANCE FLIGHT! First class. Open ticket. DSK just has to show up ... and even if it means throwing another passenger off ... DSK "flies."
And, the diplomats have been working overtime!
Diallo was told to "trust" the cops. Who put her up. And, now it comes out they supplied a hotel room that is also a haven for prostitution. Who knew?
And, does it matter?
Does it matter than Roman Polanski is thought to be a great film director? You know the 14 year old kid grew up. She's in her 40's. And, she's no longer wishing Polanski serve his sentence.
Who can blame her?
By the way, how did the cops get to crap on this story?
The first judge is the one who set bail! The maid has nothing to do with what evidence got shown to the judge ... other than the judge thought DSK was a flight risk.
You know, I hope DSK goes back to france. They're all a bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys. He's qualified to become president. But first he has to win. And, sarkozy has to lose.
As to NOT paying a whore for her services ... because blow jobs come "free" ... I guess we've all learned something new.
Trusting the police to protect you from violence, however, is not in the cards.
And, like father like son! Cyrus Vance, Sr., was just as incompetent. And, yet, we can't seem to lose the stinkers who served with Jimmy Carter.
While no one is the press deserves a Pulitzer.
Why is the focus always on the wrong thing? I could care less about a lying hooker at this point (that ain't news) and want to talk about DSK - the Anthony Weiner of France, and the poster child for Dan Savage's version of "marriage."
Husbands getting blowjobs from lying whores as part of their hotel stay - before having lunch with their daughters and then getting their wives to bail them out of trouble for it.
That's the very definition of marriage, right?
Oh - and in answer to your question:
The only time I've ever encountered such service is in Thailand. But, in truth, you can get anything in Thailand.
I can't wait to get back to Thailand.
"The case still has to be proved in a court of law. I should think a law professor would realize that."
No. The prosecutor should drop the case if he doesn't have the evidence to meet the burden of proof. Since he must prove the elements of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, it's hard to see how he could possibly win this one. It seems like an abuse of discretion not to dismiss the charges right now.
Will more men be booking hotel stays at Manhattan's Sofitel?
Will they think it's a brothel that operates in the open?
Gosh, when you're on 42nd street ... as a tourist ... how to you make up your mind?
You've got the Sofitel on one side of the street. And, the New Yoke Times on the other.
Would you call a cop if you got mugged there?
This whole thing now smells like berries on a Ginko Tree.
Look the frog didn't want to pay her! That's theft of service at the very least.
Why does Mario Puzo have to be proven right?
"I've been on business travel to hotels with "turn down service." I assure you I never found any naked, partially naked, or even fully clothed maids in my bed when I returned from wherever I was working."
I've frequently been in my room when the "turn down" service person knocks. They frequently come in and do their little routine of getting the bed ready when the client is in the room. It would be exceedingly easy to begin light banter and see how things proceeded. It would be the easiest prostitution gig imaginable if the employer condoned it.
An old case. Memories, again, from my youth.
Cops were supposed to protect a witness. So they put him up in a hotel at the tip of Coney Island. When, suddenly, the witness fell twenty-one stories down.
Hit the ground.
Cops shrugged it off.
Nobody ever got prosecuted, either.
Some things never change.
Diallo should have tossed off the bedsheet the cops used to transfer her from her "safe" hotel. To the grand jury.
She should have run for her life. And, melded into the crowd.
the hooker bit seems very unlikely to me.
1) It does not seem like it would be a very profitable venue. When the housekeeper is there, the guest seldom is. So it does not seem like there would be opportunity.
2) The housekeepers are generally kept on a very tight schedule. I just don't think they would have time to hook.
3) If she was in a room with the door closed the supervisor would eventually notice. Perhaps not the first time she did it but if often enough it would be noticed.
4) A hotel with hookers for housekeepers would soon get a seedy reputation.
I could see a housekeeper hooking for extra money outside of work. In the hotel? Seems pretty dubious.
My comments are based on thousands of hotel nights in hundreds of hotels and motels over the past 40 years. Including some pretty dumpy dives as well as very high end joints.
I still think this was either done or used as a tool to get Chicagoan Christine LaGarde into the IMF. There are just too many coincidences to be plausible otherwise. These range from LaGardes 25 years running McKenzie & Baker in Chicago, to Cyrus Vance, son of superfixer Cyrus Vance, to the timing of Lagarde's appointment to IMF and the case falling apart the next day to several other things that really may just be coincidences such as the Housekeeper living in an ACORN project and the Hotel itself being owned by a Chicago based realty company.
Is she being slimed as a hooker, as well as being threatened with prosecution to keep her quiet?
This whole thing gets stinkier and stinkier every day.
In luxury hotels, you can order a special bath. Someone comes to your room and fills the bathtub for you, lights candles, etc. It would be easy to disguise a prostitution service within that. You can order that when you want. So there are people on the staff at night who will come to your room when you call and help you with something related to your body.
This kind of stuff happens here from Reno to Sacramento (especially after sports events in Sac).
In Nevada, where prostitution is legal within limits, Reno police do sweeps of downtown poor areas like sidewalks and old motels where hookers on temp circuits from California (novices wrongfully assuming that legal means legal for them) pose as anything that works, including posing as maids off duty from nearby higher class hotels ... in a kind of Darwinian random mutation fashion, using whatever predatory lie that works and then inventing new ones ... if the maid’s real vocation as hooker in the Strauss-Kahn case is not misreported by the New York Post, it’s likely statistically true across the city, like bike congestion ... and any NY prosecutor ignorant of street practices or not suspicious enough to ask really hard questions before filing charges in NY, especially against an IMF’r, is going to end up on the wrong side of the – money ...
This is just another indication that Cy Vance is an idiot ultra liberal douche who was foisted on the people of New York. The sex crimes chief who is getting pushed out of her job next month knew that it was bogus but they pushed her aside and went full speed ahead.
Cy Vance Jr. is an even bigger loser than his dad was.
I bet Obama is gonna tab him for attorney general if God forbid he gets another term.
BTW: I have stayed in hotels where there were hookers around. I have stayed in hotels where the bellman asked me if I wanted "company". I have stayed in hotels that really were primarily brothels (Don't ask).
My comment was about the housekeeping staff being hookers. Never ran into that or even a suspicion of that.
Wow! That Althouse sure has a wild imagination. Getting a little hot and bothered now just thinking about all these scenarios. This is better than phone sex.
Can someone tell me what "turn down service" is? What do they do for you?
I have no idea. How much extra do you pay?
And, where's my check, Althouse?
I predicted this outcome from your first post.
No hotel of consequence would permit much less encourage prostitution from its maid staff. This was a freelance operation but reflects poorly on the union which has negotiated such lax work rules that it is apparently easy to clean the daily requisite number of rooms leaving time to fuck the customers. Management was clearly right when it claimed the maids could clean two or three more than they did, a number the union doubtless claimed was exploitative.
In forty years of travel, with many weeks of stay in high end hotels i have never been solicited and have never heard of it happening
Ann Althouse said...
"The case still has to be proved in a court of law. I should think a law professor would realize that."
No. The prosecutor should drop the case if he doesn't have the evidence to meet the burden of proof. Since he must prove the elements of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, it's hard to see how he could possibly win this one. It seems like an abuse of discretion not to dismiss the charges right now.
Beg to differ. It's one thing to have "evidence to meet the burden of proof", which Vance may have. It's another to drop it because of reasonable doubt, i.e., witness credibility.
In luxury hotels, you can order a special bath. Someone comes to your room and fills the bathtub for you, lights candles, etc. It would be easy to disguise a prostitution service within that. You can order that when you want. So there are people on the staff at night who will come to your room when you call and help you with something related to your body.
That's sounds compromising on the face of it.
Did you defend a case like this?
Hotels in Times Square have had a reputation for this for decades.
35 years ago, it was right out in the open. First time I stayed in a hotel in Times Square, the whores and pimps were doing biz openly in the lobbies.
Rudi Giuliani tried to drive this aspect of the hotel biz, along with the sex shows and porn shops out of biz.
I think the suppression program just didn't entirely work. When a district of town has the kind of reputation Times Square has had, tourists and biz travelers are attracted by that reputation. You know, like gay guy tourists know that the West Village is the place to go to play?
So, I think the biz was curtailed but mostly just pushed into the background.
If DSK had wanted a good night's sleep, he would have stayed at one of the diplomatic hotels near the UN. The fact that he stayed in Times Square tells me that he wanted to play, and that he knew where to find some company.
"In luxury hotels, you can order a special bath."
So what?
In most luxury hotels, you can order a massage too and someone will come to your room and put their hands all over your naked body.
Sorry. I'm not buying that it would be "easy" to have a clandestine prostitution service in a hotel. People talk. Talk gets out. Most hotels simply do not want to risk their businesses.
I've stayed in five-star hotels in 18 different countries (every single top hotel brand). Not once did I ever see any evidence that any of these hotels promoted prostitution (and yes, I was willing and eager to find it and was looking for it).
In fact, in most of these hotels, there exists efforts to keep prostitutes out (such as having every hotel guest required to officially sign in so that hotel management can figure out who the whores are).
DSK fucked the maid. He is a married man with children. There is plenty of physical evidence in the form of his DNA. His sperm is all over the room.
He then hurriedly left that room - so fast that he left important personal items behind. He then got on the very next unscheduled flight to France without a ticket - an unplanned flight.
Many women have since come forward to tell their stories to the media of being raped by Strauss-Kahn in the past.
None of that has changed, Ann.
None of it.
I am going to guess it is possible, since it would explain the DNA evidence.
If it is true, it shows that the real party to blame (from DSK's perspective) are not the NYC police but the mail and the Sofeitel for allowing this to go on. I can see the hotel manager saying he is "shocked, shocked" that whoring is going on at the hotel.
shouting thomas has been arguing Times Square hotels have a built in whore system. While that undoubtably was true in the 70s, I assumed that was mostly driven out with the corporate take over of TS. Perhaps not.
I remember playing black jack a couple of years ago at the Mirage with a buddy. Our respective wives were tired and went back to their respective rooms. We were heading to go to our respective rooms (it must have been around 4 a.m). My pal was approached by a lady asking if he wanted company. She was pretty, well dressed, but was obviously willing to be a date for payment. My buddy said, sorry he already had someone and winked at me. She smiled and said you gentleman have a nice evening.
The Mirage has to know that sort of stuff was going on. Provided the girls were discrete and did so after hours, and presumably pay off who needs paying off, it goes on.
It's a safe assumption that any profession that is also a classic role-playing fetish--housekeepers, nurses, schoolteachers--earned its reputation. These fantasies don't just develop on their own.
That's why Catholic schoolgirl uniforms sell well, but nun outfits not so much. Personally, I'm into firemen.
Even prostitutes can be raped.
maid not mail.
Ann, "if the employer condoned it" the hotel wouldn't rate 5-stars.
And, management would have given the maid an ice pack. Perhaps, even a paid off.
At least DS-K didn't hit her in the face.
And, for some unknown reason, when this story first broke ... women in france came forward and said DS-K was a violent sexual predator. This remains outside of the maid's complaint.
You know, there once was a time if a man wanted to beat up a woman, he'd first have to marry her.
Then? She could never testify against him in criminal court.
I still think the lesson, here, is ... don't go to the police!
The Sofitel's management has sure learned that they would have been better off just letting the maid go home. Until she calmed down!
Seems there are no other reported cases coming from that hotel!
Not even tourists saying their luggage got tampered with!
The maid got to keep her job for 3 years. While the turn-over rate for hotel maids probably runs pretty high.
So, I say this. Management wouldn't have given the maid a chance to call the police ... if the management wasn't alarmed!
We're all just innocent bystanders. Looking at a train wreck.
Cyrus Vance is one incompetent dude. Just like his father.
And, you can't use a law school credential, anymore, to draw conclusions about character!
Cyrus Vance got into law school because it was easy! Professors were probably terrified to grade his work.
Because politics forms such an ugly, ugly underbelly in this whole sorry mess.
The surprise? Because of the Internet we can see other people also figuring this out.
And, by the way, the Post's story doesn't seem quite right.
I'll suggest a more likely story.
Maid offered the services. She knew who he was and what he normally wanted.
DSK has a reputation for getting rough. She got pissed at the rough treatment. Tempers flared.
He refused to pay. Things went to hell.
The HALF MOON hotel!
Where the cop tossed the witness out the window. From the 21st floor.
Back then? The reputation of the cops got broken.
For the cops now? It's just lose-lose.
However, maybe, we'll get another SERPICO? More people will pay to hear the back story than you know.
nevadabob, I stay in decent hotels world wide too and even in Bangkok have not seen professional girls in the lobbies. The exception being hotels on the Las Vegas strip (after hours and discretely) and in hotels in the Soviet Union (just before the fall) and Russian Federation.
But the TS Sofietel? Maybe it is a french thing. I am not going to dismiss it out of hand because it might explain that pesky DNA evidence that was discussed.
So the maid's testimony has been so discredited that it is forbidden to ever be heard in a court, because a DA declares it. But the "discredited" meme comes from a series of PR releases through the media that have not been tested inside a court room either. This French Ruler of the New World has said that it is so, and so it is so. The Judicial system of the North American Province must obey its Masters.
Next time I check into a $3000/night hotel, I'll look around, ask questions and get back to you.
"The prosecutor should drop the case if he doesn't have the evidence to meet the burden of proof. Since he must prove the elements of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, it's hard to see how he could possibly win this one."
This is some corrupt bullshit right here, folks. Ugly, ugly corruption.
First, the prosecutor has the evidence to meet the burden of proof. He has a victim who is willing to testify that she was raped. That's enough evidence to meet the burden of proof (so long as a jury believes her testimony and ONLY a jury can make that decision in the crucible of a trial).
It's pretty clear what's going on here. The media (and we all know who we're talking about don't we?) is laying the groundwork for the corrupt act of dropping these charges to occur.
The play has been written. It only remains for the final act to be played. It will shortly.
DSK will walk.
He'll never see the inside of a courtroom precisely because of corrupt people like Ann Althouse who are willing to see rapists go untried even though an indictment by the peoples grand jury has been handed up.
Our system is fully and completely corrupt.
DSK will walk because he is a rich and powerful man who can rape at will and has raped at will.
Mark. My. Words.
shouting thomas may have explained the situation well.
And if such behavior was going on at the Sofitel, it may have been only a manager or consierge or two who were in on condoning it. I am sure the official police of hotels on the Las Vegas strip or the Sofitel are no hookers, but shit happens.
Good points across the board. I noted the complications (above) in Nevada where prostitution is legal, but in this NY case I’m not up on the posture/status of the case inside the prosecutor’s mind after initial intake? – in Nevada, the lies by wanna-be’s from California are as ubiquitous as predatory and free form, but a maid taking chances in a high class hotel? – would she be primed by experience to game the system with exactly the kind of studied allegations she thinks must result in charges? – and then think it will settle out of court? – a Kobe Bryant grand-polluza-of-a-jackpot if she gets beyond the pants and into the pockets of Kahn’s pants? – there was good/conclusive evidence of sexual contact, right? – have sex, and game the DA? – and Kahn is what, ignorant (see his past history)? - a double set up? – the DA? – and Kahn? – why not go across the border to NJ and play roulette? – but that’s not what a hooker with a once in a lifetime chance at a grand slam is really thinking? – why shouldn’t the maid take a shot? -- give it a go?
... you know, it just hit me, it’s gamblers’ disease ... you always think the odds are in your favor the more you lose ...
You can bet your ass if this was a black dude like the Crack Emcee and a maid claimed she was raped then Cy Vance would have went ahead with the trail. Give this animal his bail and proceed with the trail and let the chips fall where they may. I bet he skips town and that will tell you what happened right there.
Let a jury decide. Don't trust the lawyers. Let oridnary common sense citizens decide who is telling the truth.
But the lawyers don't want that to happen. They have to keep their courpt shell game going.
The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.
nevadabob, no. This is not a civil trial, it is a criminal one. A resonable jury could not convict someone with this many holes in the testimony and severe credibility issues. If she was a prostitute and told police that he assaulted her from the get, that would be different. She apparently lied and got caught in a number of pretty significant lies.
I think the charge will be engaging a prostitute, he will plead guilty and then walk. Yeah, he is getting that because he is rich and has a fire team of special forces lawyers working for him.
And a guy like Cory Maye? He does seven years on death row (10 years in prison) and has to plead out to manslaughter to get released. All he did was reasonably defend himself when cops did a no-knock raid on his house. Only problem was, the cops had the wrong house. Opps. But he shot the chief of police's son (who was on the raid) so they sentanced him to death (he had an incompetent public defender). The only voices for Maye have been Radley Balko and Glenn Reynolds. Go to The Agitator or Reason and check out that story.
nevadabob, if you want corrupt shit, the Mississippi prosecutors and courts are engaged in some corrupt shit.
Our culture needs heroes and villains. First DSK was a villain w/ the housekeeper the hero. Now..the roles are reversing. When I worked for the prosecutors office I was taught by a wise woman prosecutor. She taught me that often the victims are not much better than the defendant. But, you investigate and prosecute based on facts, not prior history. Even if a drug dealer gets shot during a deal..he's still a victim and warrants the same effort. Lord knows the facts in this cluster fuck. But..even if the alleged victim is a prostitute, that doesn't mean she can't be raped. Indeed, I worked the brutal gang rape of a prostitute.
Let a jury decide. Don't trust the lawyers. Let oridnary common sense citizens decide who is telling the truth.
The maid will be publicly ripped to shreds.
If she has any sense, she's working on how to obtain a behind the scenes payoff in return for bailing completely.
I think she's probably doing just this. She can probably live like royalty in her little home town in Africa with a decent payoff.
If it is true, it shows that the real party to blame (from DSK's perspective) are not the NYC police but the mail and the Sofeitel for allowing this to go on.
Come on, Fred4 - it's the hotel's fault DSK is a slut?
Let's say it's you, would you accept the offer?
I say this is DSK's problem and no one else. Not even the hooker:
Hookers are hookers.
In one Russian businessman's hotel I've stayed in, they had the simple expedient of having a strip club in the hotel - saving you from having to ask the floor lady (who lives on the floor, cleans the rooms, and keeps an eye on the guests) for "turn-down service".
I have no reason to doubt that hotels at least look the other way as "forensic dates" (they'll do what you want, as some experts will say what you want) ply their trade.
I was solicited at a HoJo in Amarillo, TX in 1974 or 1975, though not by staff. I reported, naïvely, to the front desk.
That Friday, the same two were dropped of in classic call girl attire, disembarking from a classic pimpmobile, and walked through the restaurant into the bar. Then the light went on that they were unadvertised amenities.
Those are the sober facts. I have no opinion on whether the hotel shared the fees.
There's mention of her Union being involved in placing her there for that specific purpose... I'm interested in hearing more about that. Is it true? How widespread is it, if so? How corrupt are the Unions, anyway?
Nevadabob. I think the flight he jumped on was both scheduled and booked by him in advance. Weeks in advance. The meme that he left in a desperate rush has been debunked. I think i am right on this. Possibly not but i think he was meant to leavre on that flight.
The last person on earth I'd blame is Ann Althouse.
She's one heck of a great teacher! She puts the information out there EXPECTING us to answer back.
I couldn't do what she does!
I just wished we had a working court system that wasn't so fucked up ... that a man accused of being a violent rapist ... gets to fly home to france ... Because a judge came along. And, un-did the lock.
Wasn't the first issue if bail was set appropriately, was it not?
Cyrus Vance is an INCOMPETENT ... in a city full of 'em!
And, the NYPD just ran amok!
Up ahead?
Will the maid be deported?
You know, I think so. DS-K and his political minions are pissed off, now, enough! They'll go to any lengths to make life miserable for Diallo.
Doesn't mean the book closes.
When you see so many curious onlookers ... you can see something that could stick in the craw.
The HALF MOON HOTEL episode did!
Roman Polanski also can't come back here to get an Academy Award.
Diallo, the maid, can't get her job back at the Sofitel.
Who knows? Maybe, even their 5-star rating has been put in jeopardy? Who decides 5-star ratings, anyway?
Probably judges who are shmucks. Wouldn't surprise me.
Oh, yeah. The DNA evidence will be flushed down the toilet by Cyrus Vance! The last thing he needs is the spotlight of a trial.
The maid will have to stand up to the questions just like this french fuck. If I was the cops I would plant some dope on him just to get his ass in Rikers. Maybe that would discourage the French from coming here to America.
I hate the French.
I cite the Mike Tyson precedent. He might not have done this but he did enough other shit that it is justice if this sends him to the slammer.
It is not her history that is the problem with the prosecution, it is being caught in lies during the criminal investigation. I am all for juries making the final decision and not giving DSK special treatment, but this evidence is weak.
If I was the cops I would plant some dope on him just to get his ass in Rikers. Maybe that would discourage the French from coming here to America.
Now you're talking like a New Yorker.
I can remember when that was about what you could expect from the cops, too.
New York City used to be the Wild Wild West. It was fun in a lot of ways. But, also, dangerous as hell.
It's funny to read the young guys like Palladian and Kookie lamenting that they weren't around for the good old days of the Wild Wild West.
i agree with nevadabob,
unfortunately, society is run by the people who can control
especially with our main rationing device ~ money.
from the Comedy Sketch guys
thanks again for posting :D
Netherlands abandons multi-culti, Muslims outraged
Geez, and CHucky hasn't linked to it!
Trooper, you’re killing me. You don’t think Kahn saw the movie, Irma la Douce?
Are you kidding me Shouting. The old coppers from the sixties would have had this guy wrapped up with testilying before you could say Jacques Robinson. I mean just imagine what Popeye Doyle would have done to this Frenchie scumbag.
How dare he come to our country and refuse to pay our hookers for an honest blowjob. Don't we have any standards anymore?
In luxury hotels, you can order a special bath. Someone comes to your room and fills the bathtub for you, lights candles, etc. It would be easy to disguise a prostitution service within that. You can order that when you want. So there are people on the staff at night who will come to your room when you call and help you with something related to your body.
The gross part is it's usually portly, middle-aged men ordering such "services".
How dare he come to our country and refuse to pay our hookers for an honest blowjob. Don't we have any standards anymore?
That's exactly the way I look at.
An honest whore is a gift from God. If she's enthusiastic and pleasant, so much the better.
But I am with Trooper and Crack on this point, frogs are mostly contemptable.
And if a criminal case is exceedingly weak, prosecutors should drop it.
The gross part is it's usually portly, middle-aged men ordering such "services".
Hey! I'm a little portly, and definitely past middle-age.
Portly old men need love, too. What's gross about that?
In Pretty Woman Julia Roberts plays a hooker in a hotel. The management is somewhat nervous about her presence, and they try to protect their establishment by dressing her differently and asking her to tone it down.
In France major political figures are not accosted for using prostitutes. A minor film star named Pauline Laffont claimed to be a diplomatic service prostitute who was an escort for diplomats all over the Pacific territories of the French overseas empire. This was in about 1986.
She was murdered shortly thereafter, or so it seemed. She was found thrown into a ditch way out in the mountains, and it was claimed that she had died in a hiking accident. But she had no history of hiking, much less hiking alone.
I suspect the French secret service is weighing whether or not to kill this woman because she's becoming an inconvenience to their senior personnel. My guess is she's going to commit "suicide" soon. Let's see.
At any rate, prostitutes can still be raped. That is, if they didn't like the price, or if they change their minds. They can change their minds even in the midst of a paid-for service, and the Johns are supposed to respect this.
He is at least a John, isn't he? Maybe he was still getting too rough for her liking, which still means that it's rape. Doesn't it?
ndspinelli said...
Our culture needs heroes and villains. First DSK was a villain w/ the housekeeper the hero. Now..the roles are reversing.
Kahn is only a hero to the Gray Lady and the other aristocrats.
If the maid turns out to be a bad guy, that's something else, but nobody is calling the toad a hero.
At least on this side of the Atlantic.
You know, there are customers.
And, then there are customers.
You can always go back with merchandise to Macy's. And, the customer is always right.
Here? DS-K has been to the Sofitel dozens of times! DOZENS of nights at $5,000 a pop.
And, still management called in the police!
Sure. If you're a script writer ... you can write out plenty of scenarios. I guess the same is true if you're a lawyer.
There's only one thing left unanswered. How much did DS-K pay to get his bail reduced to nothing?
Althouse wrote: No. The prosecutor should drop the case if he doesn't have the evidence to meet the burden of proof.
Fine. But it's another thing altogether to applaud the man or suggest that he represents some sort of norm.
Some suggest he should resume his quest for the French presidency. That would be fitting and would vindicate the historical notion that the political French dally with whores.
shouting thomas, try the Mirage at about 3 am in the morning. If you are looking, you will find it there.
Trooper York,
If I was the cops I would plant some dope on him just to get his ass in Rikers. Maybe that would discourage the French from coming here to America.
It's about time.
Man, I didn't know this much action was going on at these places. I'm not staying at the Motel6 anymore, that's for sure.
"A resonable jury could not convict someone with this many holes in the testimony and severe credibility issues."
Bullshit. I've seen nothing so far that leads me to believe that this man isn't probably guilty of rape - especially all the other women who have come forward with their stories of rape. There is certainly enough evidence that DSK should stand trial.
But that's not my point, now is it Fred?
My point is that this man has been indicted by the people. He has been legally accused of a crime. He's been indicted. And we have a victim of that crime willing to testify that she's been raped.
Maybe a jury wouldn't believe her. Maybe they would.
But that won't matter, because this man will never see the inside of a courtroom because our system is completely and totally corrupt. DSK is a billionaire. He has billionaire friends at the NY Times and those friends are going to make sure this never goes to trial. That he's never in a courtroom.
The victim will never get a chance to prove her veracity precisely because rich people like Ann Althouse and Strauss-Kahn won't let poor people have their day in court.
Laws? They're for the little people.
I suspect there was a crime here, but it wasn't rape. Let him plead out to engaging a prostitute as a misdemeanor. As for theft of services, she and DSK can hash that one out in a civil court.
And I would like to see them both deported, on general principles.
The gross part is it's usually portly, middle-aged men ordering such "services".
Yeah, "lights candles,"...give me a fucking break.
Man, I didn't know this much action was going on at these places. I'm not staying at the Motel6 anymore, that's for sure.
Motel 6 is a favorite of truck drivers. The hookers at the Motel 6 are just a little bit (well, actually a lot) lower class.
nevadabob, I would rather see the courts have holes in the nets that let more criminals escape than have a tighter weave that catches more of the innocent.
This DSK frog is clearly a douchebag for a host of reasons. Whether he is a rapist or not, well maybe not. The trouble is when you have a he said she said case and the alleged victim lied to the cops on several key points, it make the case untenable for the prosecution. NYC is going to spend millions on a criminal prosecution that is highly unlikely to be successful?
I do not like the double standard, but I wish we would save our outrage for guys like Cory Maye who was truly fucked over by the system.
nevadabob, whoa, dude ... take a drive to Lovelock to visit Juice ... all about the rich and famous? -- you don't think a DA would get a woodie over this chance?
Considering all this nonsense, I've got a question:
Is talking to girls - or even just getting them to sleep with you - really that hard?
Cy Vance and the New York Times show you the true face of liberal racism. They will bury this case because of who this french scumbag is and who the alleged victim is. Just as Nevada put it, this scumbag was indicted by citizens and should stand trial and be judged by citizens. Not to let off scot free by a cabal of ultra liberal douchenozzles who would railroad a workingclass guy just to pretend that they are soft on crime. The case should go forward. But it won't. The fix is in. This douche will walk. And be the President of France.
That is why we should break off diplomatic relations with them and forbid tourism so our hookers won't be raped by their future Presidents.
"I suspect there was a crime here, but it wasn't rape."
Fred, how do you explain the other women who have come forward to tell the media that they too have been raped by Strauss-Kahn.
Are the all prostitutes?
The reason this will never get to a courtroom is that there are a lot of other women who are willing to testify that Strauss-Kahn also raped them in precisely the same manner.
That lends extraordinary credence to the testimony of the maid.
If this ever gets to a jury, they'll convict him.
So it won't ever get to a jury. Juries are for black junkies, spics and other undesireables.
Not rich Socialists with friends at the New York Times and inside the White House.
According to the media reports, the maid seems oddly cooperative in recounting and explaining all her previous lies and misdeeds, especially for such a tough and experienced cookie as she is also made out to be.
I do not think there is anything "Kiplingesque" about this, but I wonder if someone had not been reading too many Dan Brown plots.
Or it may be just two rather stupid and unsavory people getting into a petty squabble that unfortunately has larger consequences.
nevadabob, guess what, none of those stories is likely admissible as evidence anyway in a criminal trial. Because it is so prejudicial, you have to be convicted to have that stuff come in and it has to be relatively close in time to the alleged crime.
And how many other women have come forward? I have heard of one (that french news reporter) and she did not report it to anyone but her mom. And it was, what, ten years ago (I am not sure, but correct me if I am wrong)?
How desperate and dumb do you have to be, to be at this level - head of the IMF, potential presidential candidate, etc. - to still fall for a line from a hooker?
If a hooker (I didn't know) came to my hotel room now - me, just the little 'ol Crack Emcee - I'd be all "Get the fuck out of here!" but this jerk - they're still considering this knucklehead as presidential material!
Completely insane.
Let me see if I understand this, correctly?
A woman's boss has the police called in. Where the room of a rape 'allegedly' occurred.
And, the DA has the cops investigating the woman's IRS records?
She's also in America, perhaps, illegally? Or with a status that can have her tossed out of this country.
And, nobody's attempting to scare the living daylights out of this woman?
I think we can put a stop to everyone's ever going to the police to file a report. Just by telling them that the IRS will provide their tax returns. Which will be put under the microscope.
Because a witness can be challenged on the stand?
And, nobody files and OBJECTION?
What about just having a prosecutor who maps out the crime scene? Why do you have to establish anything about the maid's character?
She was either raped, VIOLENTLY. Or this was really part of her job?
Go ahead. Sell to the jury it was really part of her job!
You've been to New York?
You've seen their jury pool?
Nobody gets to sit on any jury who reads the New Yoke Times! PERIOD!
And, most New Yorkers aren't going to let something like the definition of an African's character get in the way.
Jurors will decide this case ... even with Cyrus Vance being a total incompetent ... based on their inclinations to see the rape as really happening.
While DS-K, happy to see his bail reduced, FLEES!
This story gets even funnier, ahead, if DS-K mounts a presidential run. And, unseats sarkozy!
Based on one judge releasing a man (over a slow holiday news weekend) ... who had been kept in jail ... because he was considered a flight risk.
Obviously, Abrahamson and Bradley aren't the only nuts who wear robes.
Okay. We're back in the days of the HALF MOON HOTEL.
And, Cyrus Vance is incompetent.
Jurors, however, are the only people assigned to be FINDERS OF FACT.
My guess is the trial will never see daylight.
You learned nothing from the Duke case. Sometimes the rich white people are assumed guilty of exploiting the poor black people, just like in days of old. And you will ride to the rescue just as you did not do in days of old. This woman provided sex and didnt get paid. She cheated her employer just as she cheated every applicant fir imigration that was denied to make room for her and her bogus history of gang rape and persecution. Sometimes poor people are shit. Sometimes black women are shit. Sometimes rich white people are innocent. Being an asshole is not against the law.
"Is talking to girls - or even just getting them to sleep with you - really that hard?"
Rape isn't about sex. Or love.
It's about the power to ram your cock into the asshole of everyone you come into contact with.
And do so with complete impunity.
That's what DSK gets off on. He likes knowing that he can anally rape whoever he wants, wherever he wants.
And then board a first-class flight to Paris - complete with champagne - without even having to purchase a fucking ticket.
That my man. IS POWER.
I went from having doubts about the case, to thinking he did it, to having severe doubts about the case. I do not have the evidence, the prosecutor has it. If the case is exceedingly weak and the credibility of the victim is extremely questionable, he should dismiss.
Like the prosecutor did at the end of My Cousin Vinny.
THe real legal question behind this case is: "If a john has sex with a prostitute and does not pay her, is the nonpayment a crime or a tort? And can the prostitute claim rape because she didn't get what she consented to?"
.. any DA who cracks Kahn is next governor of NY, barring a Spizter dive into the wetlands, next president ..
Thulsa Doom: Yes! You know what it is, don't you boy? Shall I tell you? It's the least I can do. Steel isn't strong, boy, flesh is stronger! Look around you. There, on the rocks; a beautiful girl. Come to me, my child...
Thulsa Doom: [coaxes the girl to jump to her death]
Thulsa Doom: That is strength, boy! That is power! What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? Look at the strength in your body, the desire in your heart, I gave you this! Such a waste. Contemplate this on the tree of woe. Crucify him!
nevadabob, I am almost positive DSK was not accused of anally raping her. There was accusations of sodomy because of an alleged blow job.
Raping a woman by shoving your dick in her mouth seems...risky. -
The devil is on the details: it was oral sex , so she has no teeth? Add Iron Cross references
There was sperm in the wall???why was Charlie there?
And she told his boyfrien , she knew was she was doing...
He went to dinner without guilt, or he is a phyco or he is innocent of rape
"And how many other women have come forward? I have heard of one (that french news reporter) and she did not report it to anyone but her mom."
Now you're trying DSK's case for him.
My point, Fred, is that a legitimate and completely legal indictment has been handed up by the people. The victim is willing to testify. There are other witnesses willing to testify that they too have been similarly raped by this man.
There is absolutely no reason why we should not have a fair trial for this victim.
The people demand a trial.
But there won't be one.
Rich, corrupt Socialists in this country are free to commit any crime they want to and they will not face trial because they have friends at the New York Times and they have friends in the White House.
DSK will never see the inside of a courtroom because our country has been completely corrupted by these fucking Socialists.
Alex, let's go to whores with a heart of gold. I liked the chick on the Poisiden Aventure and Jamie Lee Curtis in Trading Places.
SOme of you argue that just because she lied about a number of things to the police doesn't mean she is lying about the rape. Same logic should apply to how you feel about him. Just because someone has a reputation for being a womanizer and too aggressive doesn't mean that he raped the maid this time. Don't be hypocritical - use the same logic on both sides.
"...how common is it for expensive hotels to have maids who double as prostitutes? Do the hotels provide this service intentionally, unintentionally, or somewhere in between? Is this what 'turn down' service in fancy hotels is really about?"
Uh, no.
I worked in a mid-level NYC hotel (not in Manhattan) for 8 years and if any maid had been discovered to have been engaging in such activity, she would have been immediately fired.
If security found women in the lobby or other public areas of the building who seemed to be prostitutes, they were immediately escorted off the property.
I would find it incredible to think any expensive NYC hotel would be complicit in such activities.
They should let a jury decide. If women want to come forward to claim he did it to them that should be admissable.
Look this guy is French. That's two and a half strikes right there.
I say we send Popeye Doyle and the sheriff form the Jaws movie over to France to get the goods on this maid mouth dick stuffer guy.
Oh, Michael.
Mike Nifong needed black votes to get re-elected.
Crystal Mangum's vagina was so full of different sperm, she was like a walking fertility clinic in there.
The Duke LaCrosse team was only saved because one of them who left the party, thought he needed cash. And, he went to an ATM machine. This gave him a date/time stamp piece of evidence.
The Sofitel is supposed to be a corporate owned 5-star jobby.
Not your usual brothel.
Why did the management at the hotel call the police in, if this hotel "offers" blow jobs as part of its maid service?
Meanwhile, Cyrus Vance, Jr., is as incompetent as his father. And, very prone to pressure from the democrapic elite.
Diallo, the maid, didn't stand a chance!
While Crystal Mangum has come to the attention of the press, because she put a knife into one of her "regular" boyfriends. And, he died.
Seems to me in Crystal Mangum's case our court system worked fine.
I still cannot fathom what Diallo's tax returns have to do with anything. I don't see her as EVER sitting at her kitchen table, trying to figure out her 1040.
I also know that our government takes its tax cuts right off a wage earner's checks. You never see this money!
However, H&R Block. And, companies like that. Feed off poor people, whose taxes have already been paid. And, who are TOLD they'll get reimbursements. The categories of deductions? They're OFFERED. It's part of the "service." To get people to come in and file.
How many law abiding people don't even bother to file? They know they've paid their taxes. Even though a lot of them don't even save their pay stubs.
How come Timothy F. Geithner can become Secretary of our Treasury, een though he's a tax cheat?
You mean to tell me, "tax cheating" skews the case against the maid?
And, Cyrus Vance is looking out to "save jurors" ... from what?
Maybe? Just not laughing out loud.
Judges don't allow that in their courtrooms. Because laughter breaks up decorum.
Good to see people commenting! It means there are legs under the table of this "story."
Like caplight, I don't know what "turn down the bed" means. If some maid had come to my door and told me she came to turn down the bed and I were unusually quick I might have been like, "Excuse me, madam, but there must be some misunderstanding because I've never offered you that. Not that you aren't respectable looking [if she were], but that's not the sort of thing I would offer to someone I don't know at least fairly well. Thanks for turning it down in person, though, I guess. Well, bye." Just goes to prove that having occasionally spent a night at a Holiday Inn (and similar hotels) doesn't teach you everything after all.
"Same logic should apply to how you feel about him. Just because someone has a reputation for being a womanizer and too aggressive doesn't mean that he raped the maid this time."
This is why we have trials. The crucible of a criminal trial reveals the truth. Cross-examination is a real bitch.
What is happening here is that DSK's friends in the media (mostly the Socialists who own the New York Times) are preparing the battlefield for the complete dropping of all charges so that there cannot be a trial.
If there was a trial, maybe DSK would be found guilty.
So there can't be a trial.
And there won't be one.
Fred4Pres. First stories leaked to the press said there was blood on the bedsheets.
Where the4 DNA checks out, you can't blame the maid for coming in from a gay couple's honeymoon bedsheets.
Diallo, the maid, left the scene intact.
Why did management cooperate with the cops?
Why did the NYPD even get called in, here?
I have always heard that ordering up an "escort" is part of every hotel's off the record service, but maybe that's urban legend.
If you believe the foreign papers, she is a good looking woman.
" I have no opinion on whether the hotel shared the fees."
The girls tip the staff, silly.
The problem is that the French never pay their bills. They never paid us back for the money we spent saving their ass in two world wars and now they want to fill our hookers mouths with their filthy french cum and not pay the tab.
They are just deadbeats. We don't need deadbeats here in the USA. We have enough already. They should all be deported and all of the outstanding visas revoked.
I said it once and I will say it over and over....we can't have their future Presidents coming over here and raping our hookers!
When I read this story earlier today I figured that, having carped at Shouting Thomas in earlier DSK threads, I'd better come here to grant that his speculations had proven pretty accurate. His conjecture about what likely happened seems plausible, too. Still, in future discussions I'll resist automatically granting the validity of factual assertions based on extrapolations from the state of the world 35 years ago.
As for the ready availability of these services in fleshpots like Bangkok, in my experience the very best hotels go to great lengths to keep hookers off the premises entirely. I suppose that could be done in order to enforce an in-house monopoly, but I have yet to meet a hotel maid who seemed well-suited to hooking on the side.
"Turns down the bed," means at night. After you've checked in.
This is when fancy hotels put a mint chocolate on your pillow.
In this story "turns down the bed" doesn't make sense, here. Because it's "morning shift," versus "night shift."
The unions supply the chores list.
If anyone in the union takes graft from maids, this should have an investigation all its own.
Since it's cash. And, the DA knows that the union thugs are doing this ... Money needs to be marked.
And, union thugs arrested.
Gone are the days when "management" could skim off money from a poor person's paycheck.
It's like WHACK-A-MOLE. You hammer at one piece of shit. And, up pops another.
But who, now, would willing to go to police with a complaint?
You can't start an investigation if you can't get a complainant.
It's not safe to complain.
Police can't even promise ya "witness protection" ... Look what happened at the HALF MOON HOTEL.
Seagate! I new the HALF MOON HOTEL was in an out-of-the-way place ... At the tip of Coney Island.
There were two cops stationed at the door.
Witness flew out the window.
Cops saw nothing. And, heard even less.
So under nevadabob's theory, Mike Nifong did nothing wrong? That case should have gone to trial?
Again, wink wink, try the Mirage. 3:00 a.m. If you are looking, you will find it there.
One thing about Duke. They graduate law students. Who become lawyers. Who, up to a point, always sent the school money. In answer to alumni letters.
That's gone, now.
The damage done by the professors at Duke, who tried to castrate the whole entire LaCrosse team ... hasn't ended well.
It's just the same, now, for Obama. Reduced to collecting donations with raffle tickets that went from $5 a pop to $3.
Also, Crystal Gail Mangum is now in jail for murdering her boyfriend.
While Diallo will probably be deported.
And, DS-K? For all I care, he can become president of france.
They do have a problem in france, though. Their africans set fires to cars. And, ours do not.
The smear against Diallo is unfortunate. Being a maid is backbreaking work. And, she paid taxes. Because her paychecks had money deducted straight off the top.
Actually, I don't think she was a whore at the Sofitel.
Whoring now? Only if you believe the cops.
It could have been worse. But in Seagate, the HALF MOON HOTEL was closed.
Sullying the maid's reputation?
I guess it's all in a day's work, huh?
Journalist Tristane Banon talks about the violent attempted rape at the hands of her godfather, indicted rapist Dominique Strauss-Kahn:
Daily Mail: Tristane Banon, the 31-year-old god-daughter of Strauss-Kahn’s second wife Brigitte Guillemette, said he attacked her almost a decade ago.
Ms Banon will now tell French detectives about the alleged attempted rape, which took place in an anonymous studio flat in Paris in 2002.
Strauss-Kahn lured the then 21-year-old trainee journalist to the property under the promise of an interview, and then started to rip her clothes off, it is claimed.
‘I kicked him, I called him a rapist, he didn’t seem to care,’ said Ms Banon in earlier interviews, in which she also described Strauss-Kahn as acting like a ‘rutting chimpanzee’.
Ms Banon’s mother, Anne Mansouret, said the only reason she did not press charges at the time was because 'she was just starting out in journalism' and was afraid of being 'defined by the story' of being attacked by a senior politician.
I would note here that Banon isn't a prostitute.
She isn't money grubbing.
She isn't a maid.
She didn't lie on her asylum application.
She has no ulterior motives.
And she's telling you that her own godfather, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, tried to rape her.
A few have mocked Motel 6 here.
I should point out that Motel 6 and Sofitel are both part of the same chain.
As is Red Roof Inn.
I stay at both from time to time and have never been disappointed.
The RedRoof Inn in Chicago, on Ontario a block off Michigan, is probably the best deal going anywhere. Last November, during a major trade show (All 5 halls of McCormick Place) I got a suite with a separate bedroom with door, a sitting room with microwave and fridge, for $130/night.
Whenever I stay in downtown Chicago, it is my first choice.
OT but funny video:
Dopey chick tries to fire a shotgun.
Bonus nip slip at about the ten-second mark.
You know, John, while staying in New York City, at $5,000 a night, the Sofitel was DS-K's first choice.
He stayed there dozens of times.
But he won't go back.
So, I'm wondering if the hotel chain's upper management has gone in there and fired anybody?
Also, once DS-K exits the USA ... he won't be coming back.
I do feel sorry, though, for Ms. Bannon. How save is she now that she said her god-father is a "rutting chimpanzee." And, he didn't give a fart for her feelings when she was 21.
Maybe, Ms. Bannon will write a book? Just in case she's put under threat, ahead?
It's too bad a judge let DS-K out of jail. He's not now just a flight risk ... he's a danger, ahead, to Ms. Bannon as well.
@Professor, you responded twice to different parts of my same comment. That is just so cool.
Responding to your responses in reverse order, it's my understanding -- reinforced by meeting maids in hallways in the hotel -- that they have a certain list of rooms to clean within a certain time limit. "It would be this," and "it would be that," but I don't see how they could do their jobs in the time allotted and still turn a trick or two unless every one of their clients was pretty quick on the trigger. So I'm skeptical.
And I don't recollect any maids engaging in light banter if I'm in the room when they enter to turn down the sheets. Of course I greet them politely, but since I turn back to my laptop screen or the stack of papers I'm reading, perhaps they would chit-chat if I encouraged it. But I'm more likely to think that if they chit-chat with you it's because they feel they can let their guard down more with a female. Not being female, I couldn't say.
I understand your comment about a prosecutor "should" (your word) drop the case if he doesn't feel he can win. But prosecutors have proceeded on vastly less than the forensic evidence and circumstantial evidence that this case presents -- and I'm certain that you are aware of that and have in fact seen it happen.
Ergo I have two opinions on this case. First of all, that this was a winnable case no matter how sleazy the maid turns out to be and thus the wealth, prestige, and well-connectedness of Strauss-Kahn played a critical role in the decision to drop it. And, second, that the dropping of charges absolutely confirms what Dickens wrote.
Ann Althouse said...
"The case still has to be proved in a court of law. I should think a law professor would realize that."
No. The prosecutor should drop the case if he doesn't have the evidence to meet the burden of proof. Since he must prove the elements of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, it's hard to see how he could possibly win this one. It seems like an abuse of discretion not to dismiss the charges right now.
To me, it is not enough to just dismiss and make a mealy mouthed Nifong statement that "something happened to this woman " but "The heroes of the DA's office in their high professionalism, love of the law and cognizent of our duty, always, for the time being the "incident" is not going forward.
Nope..they will not do their job if they fail to charge the woman for her apparantly false rape accusation to railroad a man to 25 years or pay her extortion money, her tax-dodging, welfare fraud, undeclared drug money bank accounts, lying on official Federal applications under penalty of the law on her asylum claims.
And part of that would entail splattering the woman's name and face all over the media, and give her the full public perpwalk and watch media scrurry AWAY from filming THAT perpwalk.
They should have got Crystal Gayle Mangum in the Duke Case. An equal lowlife. But hesitated because of fears blacks and liberals would rally and the 'cleanest thing' was to say she was just a sick person of diminished capacity that jail wouldn't deter or help, so a decision was made not to charge her..
Then she tried burning down a trailer with her kids in it..got away with another wristslap. Then of course, famously decided to stab her BF/pimp to death in his sleep.
Had they locked the lying whore up for what she and Nifong and the Duke 88 and Duke Pres Broadhead did to the 40 students..that BF/Pimp would still be alive.
Carol Herman,
You are on fire today. You go girl.
If you have anything else that you want to get out of your system, come over to NIOT (Nothing is Off Topic) at
All you other Althouse hillbillies are welcome as well.
John Henry
I strongly recommend Island at the Center of the World which is the epic story of the New Amsterdam colony. Unlike the Puritans in New England, Manhattan was a rather rough and tumble place which was tollerant of most nationalities, the Indians, and did not particularly enforce the social norms of the day. The author found a collection of old dutch documents in Albany and managed to recreate the early history of the colony. Facinating stuff. There was a story about a bawdy loud prostitute who plied her craft around Wall Street in particular who, through a series of later marriages and being somewhat fecund, managed to become a grand matron of many families in New York State.
So if this hotel maid plied that profession, there is a long history in New York that she belongs to.
Ann Althouse --
Could, might, possibly, perhaps...
In all my contracting, never once have I heard the words "Want a date?" from a room maid.
Go with what you're told, not what imagination provides.
The refusal by Strauss-Kahn to pay the hooker/maid for her services after they were rendered signals a self-destructive streak a mile wide in Monsieur.
sorry to get hung up on the details but since no one answered my question I deduce that you pay a hotel to send some one to your room to pull your sheets down. Do they leave a mint? a nightcap? And for extra they draw a bath. Do they get out your jammies? And how much do you pay for this?
WV: comente-what I am doing here on a post about a Frenchman
Godot said...
Even prostitutes can be raped.
And even a regular drug dealer with a history of cons and lying and services fraud that was pinched 18 times for posession COULD be telling the truth that the 19th time the crack rocks cops find in his pocket are not his but were slipped into his pocket by the Mexican vendor he just bought a chimichanga from.
Do cops, especially if the drug dealer is crying and saying they are a devout Muslim/found Jesus and gave up drugs - have a duty to arrest the now consternated and visibly fearful Mexican?
He IS accused, and the 18-time plus other crimes lying dirtball drug peddlar OUGHT to be believed! Otherwise, you have the possibility of justice not being done if you fail to take such accusations of a drug dealer as seriously as anyone else!
This sorry tale is all because we let these filthy Frenchmen into our wonderful country. I mean how are they fit tourists. They want to elect a maid mouth dick stuffer president and have Roman Polanski as a babysitter.
We need to ban them henceforth.
Reagan was right! Dig long enough through the crap, and you're gonna find the pony.
Here? The elites went after the maid. Without realizing that the Blacks (including those in the middle class), are gonna get turned off! Voting for obama looks less than likely, ahead. Even if it means a whole class of voters prefer sitting on their hands.
the maid's not a whore. That's just a cop setting up a woman who thought it would be worse, if she faced the notoriety.
Turns out the cops were looking to frame her. With the aid of the IRS.
But doing this is not free!
It's appalling that a person's reputation can get this wasted!
Over what?
Reducing DS-K's bail?
I'm not even sure DS-K survives as a candidate for the presidency in france. What can he bring them?
Sarkozy just has his hands full hopeing the german's don't kick Merkel out of office, with a no confidence vote. The EURO's not guaranteed.
Greece's future? Another one of those things that can go down the toilet. Along with spain. italy. And, portugal.
Even with the frenchman walking, proving that the elites have "power." What kind of power is there in trashing a maid?
That "african button" is pretty darn expensive to push.
Even here. Where mostly white folk gather. Diallo is just lucky to be alive, given who has been tasked to protect her.
Not a good day for the NYPD, either.
But the pony? He's gonna take "hope and change" for quite a ride!
Stupid to have gone after the maid's reputation just to spring a french pervert.
If I was a maid I would be careful when I was changing the sheets in John Kerry's room. Just sayn'
It's a hairball. The maid is a woman of considerable guile and elastic ethics. If a trick were available, I don't know if she would turn it down. On the other hand, I can believe that DSK, with his history of assaulting the daughter of a family friend, is capable of rape.....The item about her being a prostitute was a leak from the defense side, not the prosecution. I think it was a warning shot. Even if she is not a prostitute, DSK and his team are quite capable of finding someone who can swear she was. This is a way of exerting pressure on the woman to drop the charges....On the other hand, DSK will be facing a NYC jury. Those people who thought OJ was innocent will think that he is guilty. And, judging by the comments here, they are not the only ones. There is considerable pressure on DSK to make the charges go away....The bet here is that the case gets settled out of court. I think the precedent here is not the Duke case but the Kobe Bryant case......I wonder why it is that a woman who charges that she was gang raped by the Guinean Army does not inspire any outrage among that organization or Guineans?
"I wonder why it is that a woman who charges that she was gang raped by the Guinean Army does not inspire any outrage among that organization or Guineans?"
Because you can't trust a guinea. I mean look at those guys on the "Jersey Shore." Those guinea's are sticking their dicks in anything moving. Even some that are so drunk that they ain't moving. Seriously. You can't trust a guinea. Just sayn'
Oh Jesus, you guys. "Turn down service" means a maid turns down the bed, makes sure you have enough towels, and usually leaves a chocolate or a flower or something on the pillow. I used to travel 45 weeks a year.
This case seems completely remarkable for the lack of credibility on both sides. Is it, or is this just what you find whenever you probe very deeply into anybody's life?
"This case seems completely remarkable for the lack of credibility on both sides."
Only one person has testified under oath before a grand jury and that is the rape victim.
Everything you've read in the newspapers this week has been via anonymous sources that may not even exist and is being orchestrated by DSK's defense team.
You are being manipulated.
And it is working.
"Brevity is the soul of wit." Does this Carol Herman creature get paid the the fucking word? I guess those 20 cats in her one bedroom apartment have tired of her stupid rants. Somebody please click onto Amazon and buy her a blow-up boyfriend. I'll kick in $20.
Nevadabob. The sworn word of the accuser is worthless.
"In all my contracting, never once have I heard the words "Want a date?" from a room maid."
Are you trying to get me to write more of the kind of comments that got Don hot?
Obviously, the maid-prostitute in a luxury hotel wouldn't use the streetwalker approach. She'd need a technique that would screen out the hotel customers who would be upset about such sleaziness in their midst. That would get her fired!
Think about how you would go about being a maid-prostitue in a fancy hotel. You'd need some skill at low level flirting that could escalate or stop in response to the cues from the customer.
Actually, Nevada Bob, other than the whore report coming from the NY Post, everything said has come from cops, DA through official channels, plus the woman's poor clueless lawyer (Who has stepped into a big pile of dog shit and just stands there talking - lacking the brains to shut up, get out of the dog crap pile, scrap the shit off his shoes)
Seems to me putting this idea out there opens up a lot of hotel maids to sexual harassment. The big hotel chains would have a lot to lose if some of their maids don't wish to be prostitutes.
This would perhaps even create the situation where an innocent maid is raped by a guest who expects her to be a willing participant.
The Wall Street Journal agrees with me in, both, how the French will react (blame America) and that DSK is the French Anthony Weiner:
As to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, no doubt he has been handled roughly. Some in France will ascribe this to "the Americans." We would suggest it is truer to say that if a man is known throughout the world as simply "DSK," he has attained a degree of stature and fame that he can protect or pointlessly put at risk. Running an international institution or running for the presidency of an important nation is incompatible—if no one has noticed by now—with also being a famous and full-time roue.
There was a time when the peccadilloes, misdemeanors and even high crimes of public officials might be carried out on the tides. No longer. In the modern media age, nothing of this sort is ever "small" for people in public life, which—hard as it is to recall—brings with it public responsibilities.
People like Dominique Strauss-Kahn or Anthony Weiner, who want to skate along the edge of responsibility to the public they serve and the excitements of private temptation, should probably retire to private life where they can take their chances with nothing more than private reputation.
The case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn has turned out to be a useful if rugged lesson for prosecutors, the media, politicians, gawkers and the famous man at the center of it all. With luck, the lessons may even be learned.
In case you are all wondering about Trooper York's fascination w/ Rikers, it's because he spent some time there. Trooper was one of those squeege guys on the corners of New York. When Rudy cleaned up the city Trooper served a couple of stints @ Rikers. During one incarceration, Trooper was gang raped by a hockey team who were thrown in Rikers for a drunken brawl. That's the history behind Troopers hatred of hockey. However, he's off the streets and working the program so we need to be tolerant of his rants..just purging those demons. Nothing but love, Trooper. Your Yankees did pimp slap the Brewers this week. And, if guineas didn't stick it into anything that moved we wouldn't have you making your ascerbic comments..thanks Mrs. York for fucking the Genovese and Gambino families.
Sounds to me we now know how the good professor "worked" her way through law school..en vino veritas.
nev-bob, I understand what you're getting at, but even the uncontested facts are nearly incredible. First, the 62-year-old bureaucrat/politician who's so horny he just has to squeeze off a round before jetting back to Paris. Zut alors!
Then it turns out that the accuser is involved with a drug dealer and has admitted to several substantial lies, one of which relates directly to the case. Even forgetting about the anonymous tale of her providing other services, she's not exactly an ideal witness.
Clearly, we have no factual basis for concluding that this was a play-for-pay gone bad, but I don't see how someone can be convicted of rape on the basis of her testimony. Battery is another story, given the physical evidence.
I have never stayed in a $3000 a night suite, and the world has many dimensions that I am not aware of. Still, my peripheral vision of the housekeeping staff at most hotels does not lead me to believe that they were recruited for their good looks.....Lots of the girls at the reception desk are attractive, however. But if you offer them a c-note for a quick blow job, my experience is that they say no and the registration procedure is needlessly delayed....Olympia Press, in the sad era before internet porn, used to put out a series of literate, dirty books. For the most part they were written by nice girls from 7 sister colleges. Reading the musings of Althouse on the strategems of hotel maids makes me wonder how she worked her way through college.
"Think about how you would go about being a maid-prostitue in a fancy hotel. You'd need some skill at low level flirting that could escalate or stop in response to the cues from the customer."
What is your fucking point, Ann?
That prostitutes exist? Well, congratulations, you've made your point.
If you have some evidence that this lady is a prostitute or that the 5-star Sofitel is running an illegal prostitution ring through it's housekeeping service then spit it out.
Your defense of Strauss-Kahn makes him look even guiltier than he already appears because it's so fucking far-fetched and absurd.
You should take a step back and re-read your comments here. They sound strained and desperate.
It's gross and I notice that most of your usual very intelligent female commenters are deliberately staying on the sidelines.
Lots of the girls at the reception desk are attractive, however.
At last, an opening for me to finally serve up a personal anecdote....
On second thought, I'll hold onto it for the "Letters" section of Althou.se. I don't have that many stories to choose from. I will say, though, that no cash was involved, only mistranslation.
"Think about how you would go about being a maid-prostitue in a fancy hotel. You'd need some skill at low level flirting that could escalate or stop in response to the cues from the customer."
Ann, why don't you address the attempted rape allegations of the journalist Tristane Banon.
Here is someone who doesn't have an ax to grind. She isn't a prostitute. She isn't poor. She isn't black. She isn't an immigrant. She isn't powerless. She hasn't lied on official forms.
And yet, she maintains that Dominique Strauss-Kahn tried to rape her in the same manner that this lowly maid maintains.
So, bring your intellect to bear on why Ms. Banon should not be believed. Bring your intellect to bear on why she felt it was important to let the world know that DSK is not what he seems to be.
Show us how easily you can dismiss her testimony.
I bet you won't. Because you can't.
DSK will walk. The fix is in. The deed is already done and all that's left is for the groundwork to finish being laid.
But what you are doing is wrong and unethical and I think you should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm ashamed FOR you. It's despicable what you're doing.
"Clearly, we have no factual basis for concluding that this was a play-for-pay gone bad, but I don't see how someone can be convicted of rape on the basis of her testimony."
I am not, for one moment, suggesting that DSK will be convicted solely on the testimony of a single flawed witness.
What I am predicting with utter certainty is far more sinister: There will not BE a trial. Ever. No matter what.
And there will not be a trial because our system of justice is completely corrupt.
There will not be a trail because this man's goddaughter would testify under oath that he tried to rape her too. And that would seal his fate. So, there just can't be a trial. Sorry.
There will not be a trial because the New York Times is owned by Socialists and they intend to protect their own by threatening the political career of the prosecutor who took this case before a grand jury.
There will not be a trail because the White House is in the hands of the Socialist Party of the United States.
There will not be a trial because the laws do not exist to punish them ... the laws are meant to protect them.
Our judicial system is so thoroughly corrupt that this man will never see a courtroom. No jury will ever have the opportunity to pronounce him not guilty.
These people never GO to trial.
Gee ndspinelli you are one hostile guy. What's the matter are you are a frog or what?
Or just another stupid hockey fan?
But I love it because I am one hostile guy so bring it on dude.
I might have already told you this one but you know what you get when you have 32 hockey fans in a room?
A full set of teeth.
You know what you have when you have 32 Frenchman in a room?
At least one of them trying to put their dick in the maids mouth. Just sayn'
Well, DS-K won't wxactly "walk;" he will never be president of France after this.
Dan Brown rules!
"Blogger Trooper York said...
This is just another indication that Cy Vance is an idiot ultra liberal douche who was foisted on the people of New York. The sex crimes chief who is getting pushed out of her job next month knew that it was bogus but they pushed her aside and went full speed ahead."
Check back in about 3 months and let's see where the 'pushed-out-of her job' sex crimes chief is working.
She was already slated to leave on 1 September. You think her trashing the victim could enhance her job search? I don't see it as an impediment to a soft landing at a cushy connected firm
This smells like 'FIX.
"Well, DS-K won't wxactly "walk;" he will never be president of France after this."
I'm quite certain that if he gets away with this rape, he'll be crowned KING of France.
Not everybody shares a US ethos.
Well, DS-K won't wxactly "walk;" he will never be president of France after this.
We could really use an Althou.se parimutuel forum for questions like this.
It's just a damn shame this case can't be tried before the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It would be the ultimate Althouse thread.
Imagine the protests!
Ann should be wondering why Freeman Hunt is deliberately not commenting in this thread.
Apparently her hotel workers union has it's finger in the prostitution business. Someone in the NY Post notes that a new arrival in the country would usually be assigned to a motel out in Queens but this lady er woman went straight to the top because they knew she could make money.
Oh, Ann. DS-K had been inside this hotel, at $5,000 a night pop, dozens of times.
This time he did something to the maid. And, the maid got hysterical. In the press, it said "not right away. She cleaned another room, first."
But it's good to notice she's the only one who has been put under oath. And, the grand jurors believed her. Then, one judge set bail very high.
I'm not so sure only the defense has been leaking. Because only the DA has access to the IRS. And, only the DA can strike terror into the heart of a witness.
The cops? You call this a "protection detail?" Seems to me that pretty high up the chain ... there's an attempt to turn a 32-year-old African maid into a hot-house of whoredom.
With all the character assassination characters coming in "after the fact."
What have her tax records got to do with her having good character, or not? Taxes are collected out of her paycheck. These deductions come right off the top.
Did Diallo trust the cops? Did she really think the Brookyn hotel was a good hotel?
Seems that whoring goes on more at the hotel the cops picked out ... for its "witness protection racket." Than just about any place else in New York City!
This case will never see the light of day! It's gone, now.
Well, unless DSK is a real gambler. And, sticks around because he wants to see the witness deported, first.
That it's so easy to un-do someone's reputation? You know, I had no idea they gave lawyers these kinds of lessons.
But you can learn something new every day.
First off, what whore "sucks on it," without being paid, first?
You want me to believe whores are naive?
I don't believe a whore would work as a chamber maid. Because it involves very heavy lifting up of mattresses.
How do you go from kneeling in front of an "extended male member" ... to getting pushed down, and assualted?
Then, you go and tell this story to the grand jury. Who comes back and decides they heard the truth from the witness.
Now, why would Cyrus Vance go and tear into the witness? Don't tell me it's because of Crystal Gail Magnum. That's just shows another crazy assault on justice.
And, ya know what? Every one of those cops on "witness protection detail," should lose their jobs. Starting with the captain. And, all those jerks should lose their pensions! It would work as a quick fix to a terribly broken system.
Oh, yeah. Diallo was NOT on the night shift, when this occurred. DSK should have checked out! How come he didn't have to?
Wouldn't you think if a hotel guest didn't check out ... he'd at least be charged for the very next day?
Don't you know that's why people check out by noon? Because they don't want to pay for another day ... even if they get an extra chocolate mint.
I still say this story got cooked. Just like Timothy F. Geithner got away with cooking his own return. And, then claiming it was the fault of Turbo Tax.
Doubt the maid was computer literate. I had read she was, in fact, illiterate!
That's not a fault of character. It means she was born in Guinea. And, women aren't taught to read and write.
Scoundrels infect journalism, just as sharks infest da' law. Whores are mildly character flawed in comparison.
I guess I'm a bit naive that this kind of thing had never occurred to me. Like Althouse, I find it plausible, but I have no idea if this happens commonly. I suspect it does somewhere out there in the world. If anywhere in the USA, NY and LA. I've stayed in very nice hotels, but I had servant type people messing with my bed or whatever, so the idea of calling for their help is something I have no experience with.
The things you can find on Google. November 12, 1941 I was not quite two years old. My parents must have talked about this A LOT! For me to remember the story. It doesn't tell you, here, that there was 24 hour, around the clock, police protection. Two cops stationed in front of the hotel room door. (I was wrong about the floor, though. I seemed to remember the witness got tossed out of the 21st floor.)
Oh, it never passed the smell test of being a suicide. So, I copied what I found on Wikipedia. CAROL
"The Half Moon Hotel in Coney Island, New York was a 225-foot-tall, 14-story hotel that opened in 1927 on the Boardwalk at West 29th Street. The hotel was designed by the architectural firm of George B. Post and Sons. It is best known as the location where Abe Reles, informant for the FBI who brought down numerous members of Murder, Inc., "fell" to his death on November 12, 1941 a few hours before he was scheduled to testify against Albert Anastasia.
The name "Half Moon" refers to the name of explorer Henry Hudson's ship, which anchored off Gravesend Bay in Brooklyn (the location of Coney Island), while searching for a short cut to Asia."
"Servant type people."
Is that you Cy?
@Dustin, what Althouse is trying to do is build up the "reasonable doubt" that the defense would attempt. Those of us who are experienced travelers to business-class hotels, e.g., myself, edutcher, Charlie Martin, don't buy it. We've been there, and that's not how it works.
Professor, I'm one of those people that every lawyer should want to excuse -- I won't say that it's impossible to bullshit me (I voted for Carter, back when I was young and foolish, for instance) but it's not as easy as you or your graduates would like.
And my company pays my full salary even if I deadlock the jury for a year.
Obviously, he was staying at a HO-tel.
According to the NY Post:
She was turning tricks on the taxpayers' dime!
The Sofitel maid who accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of a sex attack in his suite wasn't just a hotel hooker -- she continued to work as a prostitute in a Brooklyn hotel where she was stashed by prosecutors, The Post has learned.
The so-called victim, whose web of lies has crippled the Manhattan DA's case against the former International Monetary Fund boss, played host to a parade of paying male visitors in the weeks after Strauss-Kahn's arrest, a prosecution source said.
"While she was under our supervision, there were multiple 'dates' and encounters at the hotel on the DA's dime," the source said of her paid hotel room. "That's a great deal for her. She doesn't have to cover her expenses."
SECRET LIFE: The infamous Sofitel maid/hooker, her identity protected by a sheet, is guided by cops last month.
Ramey Photo
SECRET LIFE: The infamous Sofitel maid/hooker, her identity protected by a sheet, is guided by cops last month.
The woman has a regular fleet of gentlemen callers who range from wealthy clients she met at the Sofitel to counterfeit-merchandise hawkers and livery-cab drivers, said sources close to the defense investigation.
Some of her clients also gave her pricey jewelry, the source said.
Nothing happened in the first two weeks of her stay at the hotel, when she was under around-the-clock supervision provided by the DA's Office, said a law-enforcement source.
Prosecutors were apparently worried about the woman's emotional state and that reporters knew where she lived.
There was an additional concern that DSK representatives might try to bribe her or that she might get cold feet. And because she couldn't go home, they decided that having her stay in a hotel under their watch was the best way to keep her safe and secure her cooperation.
But starting about June 1, the arrangement changed -- she was dropped off and picked up when prosecutors needed her but was otherwise free to do as she pleased, the source said.
It's unclear how many encounters took place, the source said.
The woman is still being housed by the DA's Office but it's unclear if it's the same location or how much money has been spent to house her, the source said.
"I can't say with 100 percent certainty that it's not true," a senior prosecutor said about whether the woman was turning tricks while at the hotel.
Also, The DA suspects that the $100,000 she deposited into her accounts over the last few years included proceeds from sex-for-money exploits, said another prosecution source.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/she_laid_low_as_da_paid_for_digs_8Udq6nhQaHaC4KOOfkctpI#ixzz1R5U3kQ5h
"... what Althouse is trying to do is build up the "reasonable doubt" that the defense would attempt. Those of us who are experienced travelers to business-class hotels, e.g., myself, edutcher, Charlie Martin, don't buy it."
Yes, that's what I see here: Ann Althouse working with others to preemptively taint the jury pool. This is a common tactic amongst a certain crowd.
What I can't really figure out is why? Except for the Jewish angle, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Althouse doesn't usually reflexively side with the billionaire crowd and she's doing it so poorly that it's backfiring.
It reminds me of her defense of the rapist Roman Polanski.
Oh well, we can't always know what people's motives are, but in this instance, it's demeaning that she feels the need to make this woman a whore in order to ensure there is no jury trial for DSK.
It will work.
This will never go to trial and they don't really care even if their attempts to make it look good are convincing.
Won't matter.
He'll never see a courtroom because the fix is already in.
Everything Ann and others are doing is only window dressing.
Trooper York said...
You know what you have when you have 32 Frenchman in a room?
At least one of them trying to put their dick in the maids mouth. Just sayn'
What do you get when you put 32 Frenchmen in a room with lying greedy African female con artists?
A lot of dicks going in willing mouths for a little money.
What do you get when as Shouting Thomas said, a crowd of liberals into white privilege joined by brain dead conservatives convinced the chivalrous thing to do is take the word of any women against any man?
1.A common belief that the whole thing is the white man's fault.
2. A belief that if a woman cries rape, alleges harassment, claims a store owner said racist things when he tried stopping her over some negligee she forgot was in her purse...You MUST BELIEVE THE WOMAN AND ASSUME THE MAN IS AT FAULT. HOLD HIM, LET A JURY DECIDE!
When asked about the lost money, job, and reputation when trial happened even if the woman is preposterous and the expected acquittal happens - just say "Sorry, but you are a man...so suck it up...It's fortunate you did not face a S Bronx jury as a white man. You should be grateful. "
NY Post: "a prosecution source said."
Again ... sole-sourcing from one alleged prosecution witness that may not even exist.
See, you only have to buy ONE OF THEM.
And they come cheap.
Every story about this woman in the past few days can be traced back to a single "prosecution" source.
Sixty Grit, if what you say is true, why does Glenn Reynolds say there's a glut of lawyers looking for jobs, who can't quite pay down their law school debt?
I am, by the way, a fan of Breitbart's. I also live in Southern California. So I know where he's coming from when he says in his "yoot" it was easy to be liberal. Took no sacrifice on his part. Let him sleep till 3 PM, daily. Etc.
And, now he says what was so attractive about the liberalism bullshit is that it was at the shallow end of the pool.
I can remember from summer camp days, hating to put my head underwater. But even I was forced to learn how to swim. After awhile the shallow end no longer holds your friends. And, you learn to graduate to deeper water.
I also know MarkO. Whom I've met only via computer. I know he went to Duke. And, I know he's not proud of what happened to "his" law school.
Then, of course, Crystal Mangum stuck a knife into her boyfriend. And, he was dead. I do believe she's in a jail cell, serving time. Not too many people feel or that sorry for her, now.
Now, back to the case at hand.
I do believe Ann stirs up conversation, by taking a position ... just to watch if anyone is willing to debate her.
I think it's a great technique!
I love reading this blog. Because so many people, in sharing their own points of view ... just add to the discussion.
There's plenty of stuff, here, I would not have thought of on my own.
Peter, at IronRailsIronWeights ...
HO-tel is the best!
I give it 5-stars.
"The hotel maid as hotel hooker."
*Some* hard working women doing the *dirty* work for bigger tips?
Surely, you jest.
It's as if you think that *business* is done with a wink, a blink and a nod.
Even a blind monkey knows that's not true.
I'm tired of the anonymous treatment this woman is getting.
Her name is Nafissatou Diallo.
Well, Carol, it's nice that you like this blog.
Now, try editing your remarks down to 10% of what you post.
Her name is Nafissatou Diallo.
That's an infamous surname in New York.
Her name is Nafissatou Diallo.
That's an infamous surname in New York.
"I'm tired of the anonymous treatment this woman is getting."
But you're OK with the anonymous treatment all the newspaper sources supporting the rapist DSK are getting in sliming this poor maid rape victim.
We see what you're about Thomas.
You're a misogynist woman hater and rape supporter.
Sick, dude. Just sick.
You think it's OK for anonymous people to rake this poor black immigrant over the coals, but somehow manage to find some rage for the fact she's still anonymous.
Hateful. Hateful racist bigotry and misogyny. Man Althouse is becoming a magnet for you people.
She works hard for her money, and she's kinda cute.
Peter? At IronrailsIronWeights.
You know I can't quite place your reference that Diallo is a scorned sur-name in New York City.
Wasn't he the poor guy that had his rectum assaulted by cops? And, needed hospitalization?
Have the cops just assaulted another Diallo, here? What's with them?
That's an infamous surname in New York.
Yes, it is. Wonder if it's a relative?
And the first name... Nafissatou!
First thing that came to my mind... Nosferatu!
Today, I read, that the judge is only "weighing" dropping charges.
It's possible this story will stink, soon, just from backfire?
And, if Cyrus Vance, Jr., was hoping for an escape hatch ... he might want to consider changing his own name?
Who'd want to claim kinship with a father who worked for Jimmy Carter? When most NY democraps would just rather "forget?"
Meanwhile, will the maid ever get her job back?
You know, I also read that with all of the investigation so far NO ONE could find a financial connection that connects to the maid. Nada. Nothing.
And, since she's illiterate ... she can't even write a note demanding any payment.
Stupid cops. When they could get nothing on this woman ... they planted her in a known seedy hotel. That rents rooms by the hour.
I can remember once. When such a hotel was identified to some middle class women, they staked it out. Only to discover their own husbands were going in.
"Meanwhile, will the maid ever get her job back?"
No, she will not.
It's important for low class immigrants - especially black ones - to understand that if they speak up, they're fucked. Totally. Their lives will be destroyed and the law will not support them. Newspapers will shred them. Their privacy will be history. Their very lives ruined completely.
So they should just accept their rape.
The important thing is that the white Socialist can still become President of France!
So, there's a silver lining for the darkies.
There's that.
At least.
It's important for low class immigrants - especially black ones - to understand that if they speak up, they're fucked. Totally. Their lives will be destroyed and the law will not support them. Newspapers will shred them. Their privacy will be history. Their very lives ruined completely.
You are one of the crazier hysterics to show up here lately.
Cool off. This has nothing to do with you.
I'll stipulate that this case will NEVER see the light of day inside the courtroom!
But, let's say it did?
The maid's illiterate.
How does an attorney hand her something to read? Be it her tax return. Or anything else?
Diallo cannot read or write!
Her whole world is put together with verbal cues. She can't even read the headline in a newspaper!
True. You don't need reading and writing skills to turn a mattress, and make a bed.
Other witnesses from the hotel would lay out her work history. It was a good one. The woman was honest. Her file will be empty of any customer's complaints. She didn't have any!
I'm not even sure, given that she can't read or write, that she's depositing big sums of money in a bank account.
Lying to journalists about what you know, as long as your name isn't published ... it isn't hard to "embellish" facts. Or even make them up out of whole cloth.
Tearing this woman down? From day one, DS-K's lawyers have been tasked with taking her down.
Because there's the evidence in the hotel room!
There's also the fact that no whore will give you a blow job, if you don't pay up FIRST! This is not a business done on credit!
First, you negotiate price!
First and FOREMOST!
You'd starve to death if you gave service, first.
I once thought just avoiding the jury summons with a few tricks ... would be enough. Now, I see you've got to be crazy to go to the police for any reason, whatsoever.
How will cops, ahead, meet any of their numbers, if citizens think the stupidest thing in the world is to file a report?
It wasn't worth it!
the perp should have been kept confined. While someone with a sense of decency, sorted through the motives to get the witness out.
Amadou Diallo, an immigrant from Guinea, was shot full of holes by four NYC police officers in 1999. Allegedly, one of them thought he was taking a gun out of his coat when he was taking out his wallet.
Abner Louima, an immigrant from Haiti, was beaten up and sodomized with a toilet plunger by New York police officers in 1997.
"Amadou Diallo, an immigrant from Guinea, was shot full of holes by four NYC police officers in 1999. Allegedly, one of them thought he was taking a gun out of his coat when he was taking out his wallet. Abner Louima, an immigrant from Haiti, was beaten up and sodomized with a toilet plunger by New York police officers in 1997."
You'd think these black immigrants could take a hint about whose on their side.
But, sadly ... no.
When raped, they still think they can get justice out of corrupt New York prosecutors.
Wake up black people. The law is designed to imprison YOU.
Not white Frenchies buddy-buddy with the Socialist in Chief.
Is there an assumption that white people aren't outraged at what happened to this maid?
The maid worked at a fine 5-star hotel with white management. Something prompted them to call the cops.
Something prompted the cops to want to find DSK. But they couldn't. It seems there were a few hours where nobody knew where DSK was.
Then, he calls the hotel and asks if anyone turned in his lost cell phone. And, a cop intervenes. And, tells management to lie. Because the cops wanted to find him. Perhaps? Only to question him?
Only because DSK is on the tarmac at JFK, do the cops need help in arresting him. They boarded an Air France plane. Where DSK said he had diplomatic immunity.
Did DSK bring a world of hurt onto his own shoulders?
You know, if DSK had not left Manhattan. But sauntered back to the Sofitel Hotel ... I doubt he would have been arrested.
And, once he was "taken in" to be questioned, I'm sure he'd have contacted his attorney pronto-tonto.
The maid keeps being blamed.
She's the most innocent character in this whole charade.
She's also handicapped by illiteracy. Let alone, the police "bring her to a safe haven" to protect her from the stamping horde of journalists ... and, they pick out a hotel notorious for its sexual escapades?
How come a journalist just didn't don a mustache ... and seek out the maid. He could have gotten a whole story. Maybe, even a blow job?
Or maybe, he'd have been first in line to see the bullshit getting served up with our tax dollars?
You just never know.
Oh, by the way, if the judge "weighing" whether or not to toss these charges ... decides he's better off letting this case proceed ...
What happens if DSK flees? He doesn't need a passport to exit an Air France plane in france. Heck, he'd be welcomed back there with as much fanfare as has been reserved for Roman Polanski.
And, I don't care.
Trooper York said...
This sorry tale is all because we let these filthy Frenchmen into our wonderful country. I mean how are they fit tourists. They want to elect a maid mouth dick stuffer president and have Roman Polanski as a babysitter.
We need to ban them henceforth
No, we just need to communicate to filthy rich Euros and foreign Jews that they are no longer welcome in NYC.
Whereas, devout Muslim asylum scammers who are tax and welfare cheats and doing work for a gang are eagerly welcomed in NYC. Especially those with that hard-working immigrant ethic displayed in vigor of prostitution, false rape accusation scams, drug money moving, and work in moving counterfeit designer and brand name high end clothing to street merchants and away from stores.
The rest of the country will gladly welcome French and Jewish visitors with big wallets. Friendly people appreciative of the money, and interest in their place..And besides tourists, a lot better and less expensive assortment of low tax places for Jews and Euros to do business in.
You can have all the Muslims and African and Caribbean lowlifes like the rape accuser.
Call it NYC gets what it wants, the rest of the country gets what it wants(except Cali and Blue cities besides NYC - can't fit all the foreign refuse in one city, after all.)
Trooper, I just like busting balls. I grew up out East where there are real men[and women] and busting balls is accepted and encouraged. Here in the white bread midwest it's not pc to bust balls..just needed a fix and I know you can dish it out and take it, unlike the wimps here in Wisconsin.
My old man was a huge Yankee fan[as was I until I matured] and I used to love to bust him, and he busted right back. I hated Reggie and when the Reggie bar came out he sent me a big box. I filled my jacket w/ a couple handfulls and went to work. I had to serve a summons that day on a woman who was having her parental rights severed for beating her 2 kids. This is always contentious and nasty. I knocked on the front door of a 'hood residence, " announcing my presence w/ authority"[name that movie character]. I hear the back door open and from out back comes racing the biggest, meanest ghetto dog you've ever seen. He has me pinned on the porch and I figured I'm fucked. I then remember I have 2 pocketfulls of Reggie Bars. I carefully reach into my pocket, unwrap one and throw it on the porch. The dog eats it voraciously. I unwrap a couple more and throw them on the front lawn. The dog runs after them and I beat feet to my car. My old man laughed his ass off when I told him that story. He liked Reggie, but hated Winfield. I took him to the hotel where the Yanks stayed in KC and he got to meet Billy, Yogi and some other Yanks..it made his year. Yogi was a mope, but Billy was cool. Chambliss was a real good guy as was Bucky Dent.
Well, Cedarford, there are assholes and antisemites in every lot.
Stick it up yours for all its worth.
This is not a story about asylum seekers. The maid went to work that day, as she does every day she worked. She was a fine employee. Judged by her work habits. Not her skin color. Nor her religious beliefs.
DSK brought this whole thing down on his own head! He wasan't going to go back to the Sofitel! He was looking to scram out of town. On a plane. Bound for france.
All the cops wanted to do was "talk to him." But he wasn't to be found.
Then? Of all things he thought the hotel would provide a service ... where some poor clerk would drive out to JFK. Come to the Air France gate. And, as a hotel courtesy, return his damn cell phone!
If this isn't the story of an arrogant putz, and a maid who got no respect ... then you'll just remain out of the loop.
Now, besides the stinking missing cell phone, what was in that room that alarmed Sofitel's management ... to the point where we get to the maid being taken to the hospital.
And, then the maid going in front of the grand jury.
She's under oath.
And, yes. Grand jury testimony is secret.
All journalists had to do, however, was show up at the "one hour motel" in Brooklyn, Walk straight in. Or wear a disguise.
Is it so hard to find journalists who wouldn't check out a story where they could ask for a blow job? And, expense it to their paper, no less?
How come there's no real evidence that you could buy this woman for $20? Maybe, even less? What's the going rate?
How come the judge is only "weighing" if he's gonna toss the case, or not? Is the judge hoping DSK just skedaddles to paris, france?
If justice ever gets found, they'll un-gag her. And, she'll spit it out. DSK isn't a gentleman.
And, no. It's not about his lousy tipping habits, either.
France is more than welcome to its prize.
A day in court wouldn't be in DSK's favor, either. Who knew the french gave up french kissing for cock sucking.
Nifong tried to hide the lack of DNA evidence by having his corrupt friends at the DNA lab just toss all of that information into one report - it was only because the defense lawyer was able to hire someone who could figure out what the lab was trying to obscure that Nifong's plan was foiled.
Actually, Sixty, one of the defense lawyers actually got an intro book on genetics and legitimately learned what the hell the report was saying. They verified his understanding with experts later --- but one of them actually taught himself about DNA on the fly.
They should have got Crystal Gayle Mangum in the Duke Case. An equal lowlife. But hesitated because of fears blacks and liberals would rally and the 'cleanest thing' was to say she was just a sick person of diminished capacity that jail wouldn't deter or help, so a decision was made not to charge her..
By most accounts, she was batshit crazy. The ONLY reason she even accused the players of anything was that she was about to be committed against her will due to how completely non-responsive she was to everything that night.
A SANE nurse --- who believes all claims of rape by women --- asked her if she was raped (which is against their training) and the story began there.
"Until Proven Innocent" is a must read.
She is quite cute. I will give her that.
I think the prosecution is fucked if she lied repeatedly to the police during this investigation, but I have no sympathy for a socialist-millionaire eurotrash frog. But I do not want to see our criminal justice system abused by a prosecution that has no chance (and I am outraged over what happened to Cory Maye). I would recommending drop to a lesser charge and hold the line there (if I letimately thinks a crime had been committed). But if he thinks it was just paid sex gone wrong, charge him with engaging in prostituion, have him pay the fine, and send the frog-pig home to abuse women in France.
Just when you thought the morality and who was the perp and who was the victim was completely reversed...now comes word that Dominique is just another stereotypical filthy rich Jew who is cheap, penny-pinches, and outright stiffs "service workers" out of tips.
The latest story is that Diallo knew he was a rich whale from her gang members..She asked, he said just a BJ since he was in a rush but she would be rewarded...then she blew him without getting the money up front. When he was 'done' her refused to pay her a cent. (Strauss and his uber-connected wife have a net worth of over a billion dollars - most of the wealth, as with John&Theresa Kerry - coming from the wife sides.)
The whore asked for her money, Strauss said she failed to get a proper agreement beforehand, he was clever enough not to say what she would be rewarded with, so he told her got it for free. Her dumb error, not his.
Turned his back on her, ignored her, dressed, walked away after 9 minutes of her screaming for the money...dined with daughter in a relaxed swank luncheon...then off for the Flight..
Source said now the hooker is saying she screamed rape as payback for being "Jew'd out of her money" (she didn't say Jew'd out..my words).
DSK Strauss lawyers are saying, yes, the part about no money changing hands was true, but they had no comment on the rest of the story.
The then-head of the IMF and would-be French president had sex with the maid, who worked as a hooker at his Manhattan hotel - but then had a furious fight after he refused to pay and turned his back on her, according to the New York Post.
And according to the paper, the accuser is so brazen she even carried on seeing clients while in protective custody after her accusations made headlines around the world.
The Post insists that even before she went into Strauss-Kahn's room she knew who he was - or at least he could be a potential bonanza.
'She figured he's a rich dude, and she would get paid,' a source close to the defence investigation told the Post. 'She was told by the crew she ran with that this was a gold mine.'
The maid parked her cleaning cart outside Suite 2806 on the morning of May 14 and keyed her way into the room - knowing what he looked like from a photo hanging in a maids closet that identified him as an important guest, the Post claims.
Sources told The Post that when the two were finished, the woman demanded cash from him - but he refused to pay and dismissively turned his back on her while getting dressed.
'She remained in the room with him while he got dressed for at least nine minutes.'
The humiliating exchange sparked the maid's anger, prosecutors suspect.
This may be one of the nastier threads I've read here. I'll have to say that it reminds me of the many opinions about the Bradley/Prosser story. A lot of bullshit without all the facts being known. I don't have anything to add to the general discussion, other than that there may be some figment of the truth in all these comments. And that, we, the citizens will never know what the truth is, much like the Bradley/Prosser incident.
I will say one thing though...
ndspinelli, you are someone I would never want to personally know, as I would be fearful that something of you might rub off on me just by association. Fuck that. You are twisted.
So in the new conservative world you automatically side against the rich white guy in favor of the poor black female accuser And this makes you feel how....? Why? Very disturbing view
According to the comments section where the photo was published, this is a picture of some Sengalese beauty queen and not Diallou. Too bad. We've got sexism, race, religion, and class going for this story. What we really need is a little bit of sex appeal to heat the furnace a few more degrees......Cyrus Vance is the big loser. He must definitely be hoping that DSK pays off the maid, and they all go away. If he takes this case to trial, there's a good chance that people like nevadabob will find their way onto the jury and that DSK will be convicted. A conviction in this case will be greeted worldwide as the biggest miscarriage of justice since Dreyfus. If DSK gets acquitted, people will say that the case should never have gone to trial or, worse, that he prosecuted it in an incompetent way.....If, on the other hand, he drops the charges, it's a sure bet that many will claim that he's giving preferential treatment to the VIP. That will cost him in the next election......There's no good resolution of this case for Cyrus Vance. However, it is resolved it will not look like justice.
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