July 3, 2011

The hotel maid as hotel hooker.

I have no idea whether this story is true... but if it is, how common is it for expensive hotels to have maids who double as prostitutes? Do the hotels provide this service intentionally, unintentionally, or somewhere in between? Is this what "turn down" service in fancy hotels is really about?


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Cedarford said...

Carol - "Carol_Herman said...
Well, Cedarford, there are assholes and antisemites in every lot.

Stick it up yours for all its worth."

You are a rather obtuse bitch, you know.
Every race and ethnicity has certain characteristics, abilities, and traits. Same with certain professions. Not in each person, but overall, enough to say the characteristics exist and form useful working stereotypes, not false stereotypes.
Some positive, some negative.

Spend time in another country, or many and you note the truisms and well as stereotypes that do not appear to be correct.

Americans have no problem referring to typical things about the Saudis, the Japanese, Chileans, Aussies, the Chinese, Scots, Germans, damn Russians. Some quite complimentary, while being open to discuss the less than laudatory aspects of Han acting like Han, Arabs acting like Arabs, cops thinking in Blue us v them terms. Jews are nothing special that deserve some immunity from any criticism, no more than inner city blacks claiming no one can criticise their problems on account of "millions dying in slavery", etc.
Everybody has their grievances, everyone can recite how they are special because of incidents of suffering or injustice they can recite chapter and verse.

Mark said...

Wow. Next time I see the folks I worked (and traveled extensively) with, I am going to berate them mightily for not cluing me in about these awesome extra services.

Luther said...

"A conviction in this case will be greeted worldwide as the biggest miscarriage of justice since Dreyfus."

Not a good analogy, I think, in any number of ways.

Besides, this may be a case where 'most' would prefer that they both get fucked, so to speak. Not saying that is right or fair. Just that none of us know the actual facts about either of the players.

Where is that hotshit asshole reporter from FoxNews6 shoving microphones in peoples faces. He need stretch out to a wider interest.

Penny said...

Is American "justice" rubbing up against an *important* French man?

Butt of course!

walter said...

Eh..dunno. The idea of forced oral sex seemed a bit questionable to begin with. Seems like DSK might get his bit off. And you'd think it would be difficult to contain the sound of a woman under attack in a hotel. But then..this isn't an ordinary place. It's the err..full service Sofitel. All this changes if a weapon was involved..which has not been the accusation. And you'd think anyone with questionable background, legal status etc would not attempt such a strange frame up. Just doesn't add up to me.

Penny said...

And *American Justice* is also rubbing up against a Guinea native who appears to understand exactly what it is she had to "lose".

Luther said...

Yeah, Cedarford, you've got it all figured out. The Jews are just a bunch of whiny motherfuckers. For the last 3000 or so years.

To equate ignorant, parochial, local, temporary, preudice... which goes both ways you forget to mention, with historical and proven genocide of Jews, well, it makes you an asshole, frankly.

Cedarford said...

Luther - don't have anything to add to the general discussion, other than that there may be some figment of the truth in all these comments. And that, we, the citizens will never know what the truth is, much like the Bradley/Prosser incident.

There is a person like you on every thread discussion on an issue. Who comes in and asserts that at least they have the wisdom to know that everyone with an opinion or is working through the facts is wrong.
Because who hit the WTC on 9/11 is "unknowable".
"WE" (always the "we") have no way of where Obama was born, if Crystal Gayle Magnum actually lied, if "we" truly landed on the moon, if Trig is not Palin's secret baby..

Just as irritating are the people that preach that only a jury of people who don't have important other obligations excusing them, can "settle once and for all" any matter. Guided by what information they are allowed to get by the helpful lawyers on both sides who only want truth and justice to prevail, they can examine any matter and "almost always get it right."

Example - Trooper York is charged by a homeless woman he pushed out of his shop with groping her and sex asault, same thing she does anytime cops roust her? Well, best arrest Trooper and let him hire a good lawyer and pay bail if he can afford it until the Big Trial where a jury somehow all from little Dominica and Harlem will find the truth about the white oppressor and the poor black Dominican victim.

It is a wonder that we do not have juries weigh evidence and create state budgets or rule on Global Warming or have foreign nations come in and resolve disputes in front of the near-infallible American jury system.
They already do such fine work in blazing the lighted path to the truth on medical malpractice and product liability awards.

Penny said...

America welcomes ALL, yet only SOME jeopardize their ability to stay OR their ability to leave.

Luther said...

Cedarford, where, exactly, did I say anyone is wrong on this thread.

Point it out, specifically.

As to your further aspersions to my character, fuck you.

As to juries... Cedarford.

Are you a citizen of this country?

Have you ever served on a jury in this country?

I happen to think, based on your past comments here, that you are a Jew hater. Now, could we pass that through a jury of your peers... whom would they be, I wonder.

BAS said...

May be hookers are a Sofitel feature. I live a couple of miles from the Sofitel in LA, and drive past it may be once a week or more? It has some interesting characters on the streets around it, see the Althouse link to Christopher St. issues.
Did anyone read the book Hotel by Arthur Hailey? It dealt with some of these issues.

Cedarford said...

Yeah, Luther, anyone who says anything adverse about Indians, Persians, Greeks, Armenians, Iraqis (The Mongols), blacks (genocidal Bushman, Arabs, Zulu,colonialists, slavers), Chechens - are also Haters!! based on past genocides.
Only praise of those people and their associated nation or area within a nation is allowable because...what..they too get an immunity amulet like the Jews have staked out for themselves?

We can add in Ukraininans, ME Chaldeans, the remnants of the N Africa Christians the Muslims liquidated that made it to Sicily, the few surviving Caribbean Arawaks, Aussie Aborigines, several Native American groups on the new world, N Indian Buddhist refugees that fled the Muslim genocide, Zoroastrian survivors of deliberate extinction efforts as well onto your "immunity from criticism list" as well.

Heck, even the Germans had a qualified Genocide from losing 1/3rd of their population in the Hundred Years War.

Shall the Jewish claim of immunity from criticism be extended to the Iranian people and government for Tamerlane's genocide? Are Tutsis now above reproach due to the Hutus?
All ME Arabs due to the Mongol genocides?

Clarify, please.

Titus said...

She must be a decent piece of ass if she is selling it.

Granted, many hookers are hideous, but she sounds like she may be fuckable.

She also sounds hard working.

Have there been any pictures of the whore yet?

A muzzie hooker, very interesting. Don't read about that very often.

Trooper York said...

That was a pretty funny story nd. The only unbelievable thing was that the dog would eat a Reggie Bar. That was some disgusting candy right there.

I met Billy a few times and for the first ten drinks he was a pretty cool guy. But you had to leave then because it would go south quick.

Trooper York said...

You should know that I would never have that problem Cedarford. First I have cameras and I tape everything. Second I would have the wife bounce out a woman. And third even a homeless woman can need a bar.

But Cedarford I think you have to take a step back and read what you have been writing dude. I think that you are in a bad place dude. Seriously. Shave off that little mustache and come into the 21st century. Just sayn'

ic said...

That explains why those hotels charge $3000 a night. You can expense your hotel stay with "room service", easier to tell the mrs too.

Luther said...

"Clarify, please."

All you cite local and parochial, in the end. None of whom have endured the criticism and hatred as have the Jews for the last 3000 or so years.

Yet, still, no one here, or myself have ever claimed Jews to be immune from criticism. That is a red flag that only you own, Cedarford.

wv - coons. I swear.

A. Shmendrik said...

How long was Morganthau DA? Looks like Cyrus Vance, Jr. will not come close to putting a dent in that tenure record.

I thought the room in question was $3K/night, elsewhere above someone suggests it was actually billed at $5K/night. I mean, at those rates, you should be fellated simultaneously by at least 3 maids. And get triple program points!

TTBurnett said...

Heck, even the Germans had a qualified Genocide from losing 1/3rd of their population in the Hundred Years War.

Actually, that was the Thirty Years' War.

Another case of plenty of blame to go around, so I wouldn't call it "Genocide." A fun book to read about that war is Adventures of a Simpleton, which has a lot to recommend it as a title here. Except, of course, it needs to be plural.

Igor Stolyarov said...

It also really depends on a country, where the hotel is. For some of them it's quite expectable to behave like this...

Dead Dog Bounce said...

I think it may be significant that this was the Saturday housekeeper. If there's a shadow-hooker-shift for housekeepers, the weekend would surely be it.

With the lies in the immigration statement, the fake extra kid, the apparent money-laundering, and the phone call to jail, this woman clearly had something dodgy going on all the time. It's not clear that she was a hooker, but it's up to her to prove otherwise at this point.

ndspinelli said...

Cedarford, Carol Herman just learned the word "stereotyping" @ her GED class and is shooting from the hip using it. It's the biggest word she's learned and she's damn proud of it!!

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, We met the Yanks @ the Crown Center Hotel in KC BEFORE the game. Billy was just hung over, but not ubriaco!

ndspinelli said...

Wait a minute, Cedarford..I just read some of your posts..you're batshit man..take some Prozac.

Fred4Pres said...

As usual Crack nails it. DSK is the definition of the new marriage. And before you feel sorry for Frog-Pig-Prince (because a socialist millionaire must be related somehow to Man-Bear-Pig) this happened because DSK refused to pay her for a bj? So he is terminally stupid beyond being contemptable.

Cincinnatus said...

I guess I should stop spending the night in Holiday Inn Express.

coltov mocktail said...
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coltov mocktail said...

I did a maid at the Ramada Inn. There was never any talk of money or rape though.

I think that there's nothing wrong with consensual sex or the sex trade.

I would consider it irrelevant if someone I might vote for had engaged in either.

However, rape and false accusations of rape should definitely be punished.

It's up to the courts to determine what happened, not the media mill.

ravigeet said...
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