First I wanted to say that on behalf of the entire Blogger team, we're very proud to have Ann's blog on our platform and many of us are regular readers. Of course we wish she would stick around with us, but if Ann feels like it's time to find a new home elsewhere, we are committed to making sure that users have control over their data as well as tools for making the move off Blogger possible. It is the reason we have spent a non-trivial amount of time helping her with the export file, even though it may end up on another service. To be clear, the entire 1.8G file is now in her hands.Thanks to Google for this help and for letting us all know about that
While our export tools may have been somewhat unreliable when handling blogs this large (Althouse is one of the largest Blogger blogs!), along the way helping Ann we discovered ways to improve them and moving forward Blogger will be much better equipped to handle cases like this.
So Ann while I'm personally sad to see you go (if that is indeed the decision), I wanted to let you know that you will always have a home on Blogger and a team who cares about your experience with Blogger. That also (of course) goes for everyone. We love hearing from users, and anyone can bug me directly on Twitter (@electrobutter) if something is on their mind, or hit up the team via @blogger.
When the move is accomplished — soon! — this archive will remain here, even as all the old posts and comments will also appear in the new place. The new posts will only appear at the new place and will continue there. (The new blog will still be called "Althouse" (with the url
८६ टिप्पण्या:
I am glad google recognizes there was a problem here. I hope that they booted the actual problem (the individual who was not being helpful).
Well, he sounds like a nice guy.
Also, what Fred said about the original techie. If Google is smart, they'll see he causes more problems than he fixes.
PS Ann, you might want to put a note in the masthead here for everyone to update their bookmarks when the move comes.
Moving isn't an improvement. You'll just take your familiar name ... Break it. And, make it look like we're communicating off-shore. Perhaps, someplace ins Sveden.
Now that you have your archives, why not think that Blogger's improvements have worked wonders on how we approach dropping off our comments?
For years, before I'd hit the "submit" doo-dah ... I'd copy what I wrote. To be safe. Because you never knew what would happen when you "did" the word verification and hit enter.
Enter was an infrequent outcome!
Need to start, again, if you didn't save your work, was very frustrating! Copy and Paste? Okay. Easy buttons. I had learned all about them back in the 1980's.
But now? Now I no longer need the menu choices.
And, let me add that Professor Jacobson's "word press" system stinks to the high heavens!
Grey background. Busy forefront. And, a comment system that takes your comment ... but it disappears! Maybe, he likes that?
But really think twice before you move.
Also, now that you've got your archives, why not invest in your own "morgue." A data storage place ... where you're given the lock and keys?
Very civilized coming from a minion of the Evil Google Empire.
I've started reading I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59.
They seem like very well-meaning folks.
I wonder what the largest blogger blogs are?
Glad you found the "real tech support" folks. It is always difficult to reach that level, but worthwhile.
I hope you reconsider and stay with Blogger. I think it is better to make a popular and known environment sound than venture off into the unknown. It's sort of like sticking with Microsoft or Apple instead of wandering off into the superior world of Unix.
For years, before I'd hit the "submit" doo-dah ... I'd copy what I wrote. To be safe. Because you never knew what would happen when you "did" the word verification and hit enter.
One discovery I made regarding this problem is it can be a browser issue. This happens all the time for me at work where we have an older IE. It rarely happened at home where I use Chrome.
According to this, Althouse is the second most popular blog with blogspot in the URL. Googleblog is the most popular.
I can't believe any of you are urging Althouse to stay on Blogger. Remember you can't ban users here and some are in desperate need of the ban-hammer.
I don't supposed Brett realize that Anne want to leave is due to the extremely unprofessional behavior of their moderator. I mean, when a big chunk of your online identity is held hostage to such moron, why won't you leave?
Remember you can't ban users here and some are in desperate need of the ban-hammer.
How does that work effectively in any case? It would have to IP-centric wouldn't it? Even then, most people blog and email from two IP's. Ban registrated users so it makes the re-register each time?
Scott - have closed registration most of the time like Hot Air. That's the solution.
"And, let me add that Professor Jacobson's "word press" system stinks to the high heavens! Grey background. Busy forefront."
Don't worry. I had a design genius who shared and improved upon my taste for black-and-white clarity. You'll either love it or not even notice what we/he did.
Stopped capitalizing the "a" in "Althouse" and... what else?
good articles and i like it very much thanks 4 your share... Berita Terbaru
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan: "I'm from the google and I'm here to help."
Remember Google are left-wing douchebags who will delete your blog when the going gets really rough. Remember Althouse is very influential in politics now and I could easily see this escalated to the CEO who is a an Obama lover and he would just order the blog deleted.
Google is the evil empire.
I'd guess that Eschaton...
... is the Blogger blog with the biggest archive.
My traffic is currently larger, but he's declined over the years. He's been around longer than me, and has had extremely long comments threads for many years.
In recent years, it's largely a place where the blogger declares an open thread and people continue to hang out in the comments, as with Little Green Footballs.
I had a dream last night that I did it with Scott Walker and the lame stream media had a picture of it.
I was chased out of the state.
I was walking around Madison and everyone had my naked picture on their ipads.
I was devastated and was being videotaped while working out.
"I don't supposed Brett realize that Anne want to leave is due to the extremely unprofessional behavior of their moderator. I mean, when a big chunk of your online identity is held hostage to such moron, why won't you leave?"
He knew that. He hasn't explained that, but my guess is they use that method to push back spam bloggers who are trying to resist deletion. By blogging from a place where anyone can blog for free, I put myself in the position of having to get through filters designed to stave off the depredations of the spammers.
To me and my readers, it seemed obvious that you don't delete "Althouse." There should be a way to say, hey, you deleted an important blog that is obviously not spam, but there was not. Indeed, expressing that instinctive idea got the forum guy trying to punish me for thinking I'm special. And when my readers backed me up, he pushed back twice as hard. An offense of a sort known to him, but not to us, was committed, and I would have to pay.
That was pretty awful. Now, I do feel that I would be able to contact Brett in the future and avoid the forum as my only point of entry, but I can't help feeling that no matter how big I am, I'm still incredibly tiny as a component of the Blogger enterprise, which is oriented to the millions of blogs in that system.
Coca-Cola tanked when they changed their formula.
The hotel maid raped by former IMF director and Socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn has sued the New York Post for libel after it alleged that she is a prostitute.
Will you address this issue, Ann? Since you suggested the Sofitel Hotel was involved in running a prostitution ring. "Is this what "turn down" service in fancy hotels is really about?"
chickenlittle said...
"Coca-Cola tanked when they changed their formula."
True but Coca-Cola erupted when they changed bottles to the then-new "hobble-skirt" design. Same formula, new bottle.
Coca Cola tanked when the railcar tankers of cane sugar at the plant were replaced with corn syrup.
But the traditional cokes are now bottled in Mexico.
But the traditional cokes are now bottled in Mexico.
"Because they put an addictive chemical in their [Coca-Cola] that makes ya crave it fortnightly, smartass!"
This was a nice post. We often fail to acknowledge those folks in various industries who really try to connect with the customer and make a better experience.
Moving will not cause Ann to fail. Not possible.
Casey Anthony not guilty of all major charges. Guilty on 4 charges of lying to law enforcement. I'm at a loss. Time to do some more research.
I thought it was Mexican urine that made all the hipster assholes like Corona?
I live in an area with a large Mexican population. We can get Mexican CocaCola at the supermercados and also sometimes at Walmart and the big grocers.
I've been buying the Sierra Mist with real sugar in it and sometimes the Pepsi Throwback if I want pop.
I am sooo looking forward to No more 200 comment page limits!
wv: frypho
Mexican beer sucks.
Mexican Patron tequila is great stuff but a bit pricey for something made by Mexicans (I thought they worked cheap).
Mexican Coca Cola, made with cane sugar, is great stuff. Actually it is how U.S. Coca Cola used to taste. We cannot get it because the US is a protectorate of certain sugar interests in south Florida so soft drink manufacturers have to use high fructose corn syrup (which is not as good as cane).
Well I take back Mexican beer sucks, Pacifica is good stuff but don't over pay for it.
This is EXACTLY the tone Blogger should have taken from the beginning. It inspires confidence in them and in ourselves. Pitch perfect. Sincere, and caring. Welcoming and professional. My hat is off to Brett.
"This is EXACTLY the tone Blogger should have taken from the beginning."
But it wasn't. They were assholes from the beginning and only after their reputation lay in tatters did someone actually show up and say something reasonable.
I've deleted my Blogger account because they're working hard with Socialists to alter our country.
Google should be broken up and sold off by Republicans using our anti-trust laws. They're anti-competitive and the company is too powerful.
@ lincolntf
I was stunned myself. I guess that the jury thought the State didn't prove its case. The four counts of lying to the cops are the equivalent of pissing on a parking meter compared to the rest, and since she already has three years of time served, she'll probably walk very quickly.
Justice? You make the call...
Hwy maybe she can sue Nancy Grace for Libel?
"Will you address this issue, Ann? Since you suggested the Sofitel Hotel was involved in running a prostitution ring. "Is this what "turn down" service in fancy hotels is really about?""
Ironically, you are libeling me.
Unfortunately, I don't even have an intelligent opinion on whether she was guilty of first-degree murder or not. The "tabloid-ification" of trials/cases like these (O.J., Holloway, etc.) makes me fell so uncomfortably voyeuristic and ghoulish that I don't watch much of the coverage. The only reason I had a preconceived idea that she was guilty was through osmosis from the immersion coverage. I'll definitely have to go find some "trial-watch" blog to figure out what the real deal was.
Guilty on 4 charges of lying to law enforcement.
Don't talk to law enforcement, is the universal advice of online lawyers and Martha Stewart.
My guess Casey Anthony may have did it, but the prosecution did not convince the jury. I knew it was mostly circumstantial, but with the lying you would think there could be a conviction.
As for the Hotel Maid suing the Post? What can you say? At least that case does not involve a murdered child.
What's the professional fallout for DA's that loose hi-viz cases like this?
Do you think Casey will write a book in ten years titled, "I didn't do it, but if I did..."
Interesting Christmas morning this year at the extended Anthony household.
"Ironically, you are libeling me."
You should have said he was threatening you.
It's nice to be nice. I, myself, should try that more often.
Blogger does care about their users and as Ann says it is a great place to start! The argument for leaving Blogger as a platform really has nothing to do with the way the technology works. The best argument for leaving blogger is actually similar to buying a house vs. renting it.
As long as Althouse stays on the blogger platform Google owns the house. They can tear it down, ask her to move out, change the terms of the agreement etc. This works great for bloggers getting started.
It is stupid for someone who has an established brand. It is long past time for Ann to stop wasting her money (i know blogger is free) on rent and buy her own house, that she can build and improve on at her own timeline. She can change from WordPress to any other blogging / CMS platform any time she wants but she still owns the property, the back links, the Google page rank etc. And if she were every so inclined she could sell it for a profit.
I'm glad you're moving, Althouse.
I'm also glad Google is trying to improve their service, but it's hard to believe this is the right place for a huge blog.
More electrobutter, less nitecruzr, Google.
Coca-Cola tanked when they changed their formula.
Au contraire. In retrospect, the re-release of the Classic formula improved sales.
Au contraire. In retrospect, the re-release of the Classic formula improved sales.
If memory serves, their sales rebounded when Coca-Cola Classic hit the market, not New Coke or whatever the hell it was. As awful as strawberry Quik. Ghastly stuff.
If memory serves, their sales rebounded when Coca-Cola Classic hit the market, not New Coke or whatever the hell it was. As awful as strawberry Quik. Ghastly stuff.
That's exactly what I said. However, sales did more than rebound to the previous levels. They grew. New Coke was a brilliant marketing blunder.
"Ironically, you are libeling me."
No, I'm not, and I'll gladly defend myself in court against you if you'd care to sue me.
You did suggest that the Sofitel might be operating a prostitution ring by suggesting that is what "turn down service" might represent.
Truth is an absolute defense against libel claims.
And besides that, you're a public figure. You can't be libeled except with absolute malice aforethought.
I'll gladly see you in court.
Rush, playing it as W.C.Fields, adds that as to the four counts of lying to the investigators, it all goes on her permanent record.
Truth is an absolute defense against libel claims.
But the question mark establishes absolute deniability, does it not?
There was a difference between pre-NewCoke Coke and the post-NewCoke "Classic Coke". Old pre-NewCoke coke was more peppery and always made me feel as if it were cleaning all the plaque off my teeth. Post-NewCoke Classic Coke never did. I was able to taste test them both when we had some old pre-NewCoke Coke and some post-NewCoke Classic Coke at the same time. My aunt was one who loved Coke and hated New Coke and had horded some of the old pre-NewCoke Coke.
"No, I'm not, and I'll gladly defend myself in court against you if you'd care to sue me."
You're probably judgment proof. But she didn't say she was going to bother suing you.
"Truth is an absolute defense against libel claims."
I hear that a lot. Often from people who are changing what they said.
Let's look.
"Since you suggested the Sofitel Hotel was involved in running a prostitution ring."
changed to
"You did suggest that the Sofitel might be operating a prostitution ring by suggesting that is what "turn down service" might represent."
You adding two weasel phrases. You compared a direct accusation that the maid was a prostitute to Althouse merely asking about prostitution in hotels from a position where she made no assertion she had any idea about the issue.
So yeah, you're out of line.
"But the question mark establishes absolute deniability, does it not?"
No, it doesn't.
Ann was suggesting through a rhetorical question that the hotel might be involved in a prostitution ring. It's transparent what she was trying to do and say. Putting a question mark behind her false allegation doesn't shield her.
Coyingly phrasing it as a question is still highly suggestive.
I never said she defamed the hotel. I merely said she should address the libel suit filed today by the rape victim because Ann herself raised it as a possibility that the hotel was involved by asking her question.
And she did suggest that by asking the question.
I don't think Ann is much of an attorney if she believes I have libeled her. She should study up on libel case-law regarding public figures before she makes such a ludicrous claim.
But the real question is why Ann refuses to discuss the implications of the Tristane Banon attempted rape charges and the libel action brought today by DSK's New York assault victim.
She's been noticeably quiet except to wrongly tar the victim of the assault.
Did Althouse suggest the hotel was running a prostitution ring?
Did she ask if turn down service was some kind of cover for one, noting she had no idea?
Did you conflate the two? Yep. Is that the truth? Nope.
"I don't think Ann is much of an attorney if she believes I have libeled her. She should study up on libel case-law regarding public figures before she makes such a ludicrous claim."
You made a claim that is false and was designed to harm someone's image. Your claim about public figures suggests an infantile understanding of the law. You already have shown many times that you've got an axe to grind.
It's amusing how defensive you're being, instead of just noting you stand corrected about saying something that wasn't true.
"You did suggest that the Sofitel might be operating a prostitution ring by suggesting that is what "turn down service" might represent."
Oh, bullshit. Not only was I talking about hotels in general, I was posing a question for discussion purposes. There is no statement of fact and no statement of fact about a particular hotel. You invented an assertion and attributed it to me falsely.
Don't worry. I won't sue you. But you need to pay attention to the distortions you make in characterizing what others have said or written, because you are frequently wrong.
Jeez, Nevadabob looks squirrelly on the run.
@Dustin Thanks.
I love the way Nevadabob tried to intimidate with an accusation of libel, then cowered like a baby when he got a tiny taste of his own medicine.
Heh, heh. He said "tools".
Indeed, expressing that instinctive idea got the forum guy trying to punish me for thinking I'm special. And when my readers backed me up, he pushed back twice as hard.
He didn't just "push back". He actually used GMAIL account holds to punish those who backed you up.
I have long felt you gave scant attention to those who went through that on your behalf.
I love the way Nevadabob tried to intimidate with an accusation of libel, then cowered like a baby when he got a tiny taste of his own medicine.
I'd imagine cowering like a baby is a common state in nevadabob's life. I mentioned this about him a few days ago and will repeat it here and whenever else the spirit moves me.
You really are a sad case, aren't you, nevadabob? Either you are (a) a really dumb right-winger, the type of right-winger that other, smarter right-wingers distance themselves from and declare to be a liberal moby, or (b) you are a liberal moby who thinks it is a useful endeavor to spend lots of time writing inane, internet tough guy commentary to somehow discredit conservatives. In either case, a total waste of time and skin. Your parents must be terribly disappointed with you.
And yeah, $20 says he's judgment-proof to boot.
"I love the way Nevadabob tried to intimidate with an accusation of libel, then cowered like a baby when he got a tiny taste of his own medicine."
I've invited you to sue me. Please do.
I welcome the opportunity to wax your ass legally in a courtroom. Show the taxpayers of Wisconsin and your students just how much money they're wasting on you as a law professor.
If you truly believe I've libeled you then sue me. I don't fear your intimidation.
But you won't sue me.
You're scared.
Ha ha. The judgment-proof troll came back. Predictable. And sad.
I wish we could have more on this topic. Today, July 5th, in Bronx, NY, the maid's attorney has filed suit FOR LIBEL, against the NY Post.
Listing 16 journalists.
Proving injury to the maid, by accusing her of being a prostitute. Humiliating her.
I do hear libel suits are hard to win. Especially against major newspapers.
Can we keep this topic going?
"Today, July 5th, in Bronx, NY, the maid's attorney has filed suit FOR LIBEL, against the NY Post."
And she probably has a respectable case against our professor here, too.
Hey, why not make it interesting nevadabob, and post your real-life contact information for Althouse? That way, you can make it easy for Althouse to sue you. I should think a total badass (ha ha) like you would welcome the opportunity to throw down that gauntlet in front of your adversary. Come on man, belly up to the bar and show everyone what you've got! All three dollars of it, I mean.
"Hey, why not make it interesting nevadabob, and post your real-life contact information for Althouse?"
If Ann is half the attorney she would like everyone to think she is, she already knows she doesn't need me to do that.
Althouse will not sue me because she would lose and that embarrassment would reverberate.
She doesn't realize that perhaps now because she's not really well-versed in the libel case law.
But I am.
Eventually, she'd have to hire a lawyer and he'd tell her she doesn't have a leg to stand on either in fact or in law.
I'm not concerned one whit.
And I'm not backing down one whit.
If Ann Althouse wants to sue me for libel I invite her to do it and predict right now that she will not.
And I'm not backing down one whit.
If Ann Althouse wants to sue me for libel I invite her to do it and predict right now that she will not.
Ah yes, the internet tough guy strikes again. If were so sure of your case, you'd make it as easy as possible for Althouse to act, so as to show who was the true master of the game. But I will give you this, I predict she won't sue you either, because there's no benefit in suing judgment-proof failures in life. But nevadabob, I must ask, have you been a loser all your life, or did this just kick in during the past few years?
WV: converge - all that rises must converge.
Somefeller, you need to understand something:
I'm not an immigrant.
I'm not black.
I'm not poor.
I'm not a victim.
I haven't lied on a any asylum forms.
I'm not a public figure.
I'm not concerned.
At all.
Of course you're not concerned. You're not the type of person worth chasing after except to bat around in a comment thread because the batter is otherwise bored. But you still haven't answered my question!
"You're not the type of person worth chasing after ..."
Ann Althouse wrote: "I love the way Nevadabob tried to intimidate with an accusation of libel, then cowered like a baby when he got a tiny taste of his own medicine."
Nevadabob wrote: "Please, if you truly believe I have libeled you, then sue me. I am not afraid of you."
Yes, Althouse was doing the batting around in the comment thread at that time. Like I said, a fun thing to do when nothing good is on TV, but not worth any more effort on anyone's part. Anyway, your little schtick is pretty weak and lame, as I suspect everything else is in your life. But please feel free to answer my question at any time.
"Yes, Althouse was doing the batting around in the comment thread at that time."
She certainly tried to. Not realizing that I'd revisit the thread after she committed herself.
Ball's in her corner.
I WANT her to sue me. Because it would be a malicious suit she knows beforehand would not be sustained; thereby opening up herself for a countersuit for harassment.
And she, as we all know, is not judgement proof.
I stand ready to defend EVERYTHING I have written.
But Ann Althouse will not do the same.
"I stand ready to defend EVERYTHING I have written."
Well, why don't you go out somewhere all by yourself and do just that, because no one is interested in hearing your defense. If you want to be here you need to be interesting (or inconspicuous) and you're making this about you. It's time for you to shut up now. Go start your own blog. Everything tedious you write from now on is liable — liable!!! — to be deleted.
Hey somefeller. I didn't give you permission to use my photo.
Yeah, I don't see the libel in mentioning a news story about a law suit and asking if Ann wants to comment on it. Ann raised the whole question of prostitution in this matter on her blog, suggesting the maid was turning tricks.
So, a big WTF on the libel.
Not a fan of Nevadabob, mind you.
The actual phrase that led to a charge of libel:
'Will you address this issue, Ann? Since you suggested the Sofitel Hotel was involved in running a prostitution ring. "Is this what "turn down" service in fancy hotels is really about?"'
One would hope a law professor would shed some light on this legal claim, one sure would.
Trooper, sorry about that, but it was done out of necessity. I did use the most flattering photo, however.
Either take your meds or sue your psychiatrist.
I knew it was mostly circumstantial, but with the lying you would think there could be a conviction.
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