It looks like the current conservative govs like Walker and Scott in Fl are getting pummeled, but the alternative is Tax and Spend Democrats. It makes no sense for opponents to wade into insanity like this at public functions. The ballot box (and more than a 2% margin) is getting more and more important for our future.
machine wrote: Does he think he can go to an educational site and not have this happen?
This how controlled speech begins machine. If you support this shout-down you are despicable and I spit on you. P-twooey! Somebody has to take up the Masel mantle.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew) This kind of stuff is just so annoying. Everybody needs to stop shouting. The minute you start yelling at everyone, you've lost the argument.
Oh I agree TOTALLY, I mean look at Lenin and the Bolsheviks, or Hitler and the Brown Shirts, or Saddam Hussein and the Ba’athists… oh wait they WON didn’t they, by shouting down their opponents? Shanna grow up, this is what makes authoritarianism/totalitarianism so successful, they SHUT UP THEIR OPPONENTS…pr!ssy people talk about “The minute you start yelling…you’ve lost the argument.” I bet you believe, “Violence never solved anything,” too. Moral “suasion just doesn’t work well with people who don’t share your moral under-pinnings.
You want to know how Hitler came to power ?(Godwin, yes I know, notwithstanding)Truth be told, the avg American usually leaves a town-hall meeting of give-and-take Q & A frustrated that "nothing was accomplished" yet walks away from a mass rally in a packed football stadium having listened to the one-way rants of a featured speaker (Obama?) feeling very pleased that he has fully "participated" in the political process..
They have to shout him down or the stupid little tools on the Left will hear the truth. Just like with AGW, Gitmo, etc, once the hysteria dies down the Left are proven liars and fools.
Cutting workforce training now shows Walker is interested in "creating" McJobs—not sustainable middle class jobs.
False talking point. You are a liar.
The "cuts" were to bargaining "rights" (which really are nto "rights", anyway), to make the big, fat, expensive, grandma-killing, middle-class paralyzing public employee retirements and benefits more like the those the poor Wisconsin taxpayers have.
Every public employee in this video was shouting "FUCK YOU!" to all taxpayers in Wisconsin. Assholes.
How would Arthur Ashe respond to this mob action? Remember, he was the only pro tennis player to stand up to the unsportsmanlike rudness of Jon MacEnroe by resigning the game after MacEnroe pulled a temper tantrum with no consequence to him. The referees were aghast because Ashe's reaction reflected badly on them, so after a brief conference they penalized MacEnroe, ending the theatrics of the various enfants terrible.
The left has had their way for so long they can't fathom that there's any other way.
These childish Wisconsin tantrums will be played out across the country, one local at a time as budgets fall and the inevitable cuts are made for years to come.
But only where Republicans are in charge.
Here in New York we suffer the same woes on a grander scale but the cuts that our democrat governor Andy-Boy Cuomo is making are being met in near far.
And we are surpised or shocked by this, why? That's the way the Left always deals with anyone else's free speech. See e.g., U Cal Berkely, Irvine and *gasp* Wisconsin at Madison.
I bet you believe, “Violence never solved anything,” too.
No, not really. I just hate the yell. Perhaps I should have said, the minute you start yelling you’ve lost the argument with me? It's very irritating.
And I continue to marvel at all these people in Wisconsin who seemingly have nothing at all better to do on vacation then hang out outside with stupid signs.
What does he expect? This administration severely cut education funding to pay for corporate tax cuts
machine; I guess you missed that "Basic Budgets" class. For any budget their is revenue (money in) and expense (money out).
Now your average Wisconsin citizen has money in (revenue) via a job and among the ways money can go out (expense) is state taxes.
The Wisconsin state government gets money in (revenue) via those taxes and then pays for stuff, money out (expenses), like higher education.
So when taxes are cut, the average Wisconsin citizen has less expense and can spend more of his/her revenue.
For the state government, when taxes are cut they get less revenue and if they want a balanced budget, they cut expenses. So eliminating programs doesn't pay for tax cuts. In fact tax cuts helps the taxed more easily pay for things. In the case of individuals it may be a new car or a college education. In the case of a business it may be more jobs, or new equipment etc.
I'm sure you knew that already. You unfortunately are of the mindset that after getting tax revenue via the Wisconsin state government, for so long, teachers, educational bureaucrats and teachers unions are forever owned those dollars.
Unfortunately in this case the taxpayers would like to
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew) And I continue to marvel at all these people in Wisconsin who seemingly have nothing at all better to do on vacation then hang out outside with stupid signs.
Well, what can you say or do, they are either teachers or students, and so they have the Summer off…and apparently the one thing Modern Education teaches is how to make signs and giant Papier Mache puppets….
I suppose all of you here were ok with the teabaggers shouting down and preventing debate at the healthcare town halls...that was cool, but this is "union thugs" in action...typical republican reaction: when we do it it's about Liberty, when they do it it's about thuggery!
p.s. chickenlittle: this isn't controlled's freedom of speech. If Walker does not like it, he can pull a Bush and only give speeches in a controlled atmosphere (and kick out people who have bumper stickers he doesn't like/agree with).
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew) I suppose all of you here were ok with the teabaggers shouting down and preventing debate at the healthcare town halls...that was cool, but this is "union thugs" in action...typical republican reaction: when we do it it's about Liberty, when they do it it's about thuggery!
1) The use of TEABAGGER, automatically disqualifies you from discussion; 2) IF you could find some examples of this shouting down and show how they are equivalent. Asking your Congress Human where the Constitution grants a power to REQUIRE the purchase of a good or service, is not quite the same as chanting “Recall Walker.”
But as long as you’re OK with my side chanting “Defeat Feingold” at all his appearances, we’re kewllllll.
Governor Walker if you are going to do the time, might as well commit the crime. Introduce a bill to ban civil service unions outright and end collective bargaining for civil service employees at the state and local level. The just because you are a nice guy introduce a right to work law for WI. And if WI has has a statute requiring union rates for state contracts bill a bill rescinding that at both the state and local level. just saying.
One man standing. How many goons do you need to shout him down?
How many goons in a movie theater, before someone in the crowd gets up ... and does a "choke-hold" on a demonstrator?
These putz's just wanted to get on TV. They'd scream because they knew they'd get "attention."
Not all "attention" is good attention.
Giffords got a bullet in the head.
We are in desperate need of making our neighborhoods safe again. The thugs? They think they've got the advantage ... Meanwhile, if Walker wanted to ... he can go to his office ... and BROADCAST his remarks for cameras.
He even has a choice. He can stand at a podium. Or sit at his desk.
People from all over would tune in, too.
I think we're watching what could be called "oppositional research." We see it with our eyes. And, so many Americans seeth!
Is this supposed to frighten us into Marxism? Only stupid dorks would think so!
Add to this how our economy keeps tanking. How BOTH SIDES in Congress are short of leadership skills.
And, how obama "just gets away with it" ... because no one's voice gets to be like Reagan's.
I'm going to make a correction on what I just wrote. With the explanation I was talking about BOTH parties lacking leadership skills.
But not Sarah Palin!
However, I've moved Sarah Palin away from the republican party. Yes. Her voice registers the best notes.
And, yes. I really believe I saw the name of the Independent Party she will start, when I saw the mural on her bus, ONE NATION.
Did you know Bannon, who just did her movie UNDEFEATED ... also did one for Reagan? IN THE FACE OF EVIL. Reagan's war in words and deed. (Plus, the DVD box also has a disk with the remastered Sante Fe Trail). How much fun is that?
machine said... I suppose all of you here were ok with the teabaggers shouting down and preventing debate at the healthcare town halls...that was cool, but this is "union thugs" in action...typical republican reaction: when we do it it's about Liberty, when they do it it's about thuggery! There's a difference between shouting down a speaker at a largely ceremonial event and getting loud at a town hall meeting where a representative is openly contemptuous of people who disagree with him/her, no? I think that's one of the biggest differences between liberals and normal people. With liberals, every occasion is an occasion for self righteous, self indulgent displays. Normal folks understand the subtleties and nuance of etiquette and civil behavior.
When is the last time you saw a non-liberal protesting at a Special Olympics event?
"The cooking school is now culinary arts." Well, these graduates can still spit in your food.
Governor Walker demonstrates he is a MENCH! The fat ladies ... who got into the camera's face ... with their arms raised ... thinking they were having their Oprah moment. Were at the wrong show!
And remember....this was organized by WEAC. They told their members to go to Racine, to bring horns and drums, and try to prevent the Governor from speaking.
One of the signs the "protestors" were holding said, "Scotty, if you only had a brain." If he has no brain, why are they so afraid to hear (or let others hear) what he has to say?
"Are normal people going to start horsewhipping union members?"
They were protesting cuts to this school.
Yes, I know. My question stands.
The tea party movement stages protests. It doesn't try to shout down Democrats, it doesn't storm into Democrat-controlled legislatures and try to prevent votes from happening, and it doesn't try to get legitimately-elected Democrats recalled just for the hell of it.
But then, the tea party movement is comprised of productive citizens. The Wisconsin protests are union activists and government employees. Different mindsets.
For the state government, when taxes are cut they get less revenue and if they want a balanced budget, they cut expenses. So eliminating programs doesn't pay for tax cuts. In fact tax cuts helps the taxed more easily pay for things. In the case of individuals it may be a new car or a college education. In the case of a business it may be more jobs, or new equipment etc.
If one uses a static study of economics, true. But static studies of economics never are useful and never produce outcomes that are remotely comparable to reality.
I suppose all of you here were ok with the teabaggers shouting down and preventing debate at the healthcare town halls
They actually debated. These pathetic mouth-breathers are incapable of that. Fire all of them. Wisconsin will be better served with none of them employed by the state.
this isn't controlled's freedom of speech. If Walker does not like it, he can pull a Bush and only give speeches in a controlled atmosphere (and kick out people who have bumper stickers he doesn't like/agree with).
...or he could just make Wisconsin a right to work state and tell all of the unions to go screw themselves. Public unions are a horrid idea and they need to be killed off ASAP.
Madison Area Technical College instructors are not touched by new law until 2013, when their current contract runs out...cuts that had to be made now would have come out of middle management...instead MATC admin elected to cut back on PT and extra hours for teachers to save middle admin.
Diversity of thought is not allowed, the Gov bashing that occurs at teacher training sessions, convocation and/or any group meetings is outrageous. Myself and another instructor responded with complaint at one inservice and the next day when the bashing started, one of the leaders, made a half hearted remark to the group to "try and respect that others might have a different opinion"...he was laughed at by the room, who couldn't imagine that anyone amongst them might have complained.
The only democracy that is respected by WI progressive Dems/unions is the one where they have the only voice and everyone else is silenced. You can see how that philosophy works so well with education....not.
This administration severely cut education funding to pay for corporate tax cuts (that don't produce economic growth btw).
If you are that ignorant about economics, you deserve to live in the Obama depression. The trouble is that we have to endure it also.
My understanding is that the "tax cuts" were for companies that moved into Wisconsin and brought new jobs. I guess that is too tough for you to understand.
The Tea Party grew from a crowd of older citizens who refused to be told they were ignorant by the Representative who let the attend His Townhall Meeting.
They spoke one at a time and told the liar that he/she was lying and that they were not fooled.
Smooth talking BS was not working, so the Representatives gave up. They had no plan B.
Machine: Thank you for using the term tea bagger. You do know, do you not, that the bags are in your mouth? That you, lefty friend, are the pot?
You are, as they say, trying to box above your weight on this thread. You are not doing very well, frankly. Even the lamest of thinkers have given up on the "Bush years" as an excuse for the current debacle because even they are aware of the metrics that apparently you are oblivious of.
Machine, you are aware Obama has yet to have a single month where unemployment was lower than Bush's worst I wouldn't brag much if I were you.
And Tea Party members debated. Your special ed allies are intellectually incapable of it.
And just so we're all on the same page, average WAGES (not total compensation) at:
Milwaukee Area Tech College:$95,000 (including the $135,000 cosmetology(!) instructor)
The cosmetology teacher does not work in the summer. (I go there for my student pedicures.) The waiting list for the pastry chef program is 2 years. They have the physical space for these programs, but apparently, nobody to teach more hours than the (I think) 37 hours a week in the contract.
I was wrong. Not 37 hours. Thirty two. It's like Lincoln never emancipated the slaves.
That perspective overlooks a key fact. The fulltime workload for full-time faculty at MATC is 32 hours per week during the school year, according to Kathleen Hohl, MATC’s public relations director.
"What does he expect? This administration severely cut education funding to pay for corporate tax cuts (that don't produce economic growth btw).
Does he think he can go to an educational site and not have this happen?"
He cut inflated state employee benefits, not education funding.
What economic growth have liberals promoted in strangulating businesses? The liberals' way to create "growth" is by coming up with unsustainable projects that cost taxpayers ludicrous amounts of money.
Walker should have brought with him some art work that he made. Then as soon as someone was critical of it the police could swoop in and arrest the offender(s).
Looks like the on summer vacation teachers had time to go to Gateway. They really are so disconnected with reality. The union/democrats are using the perception game to try to influence voters. There is no huge outcry from Wisconsin voters, just a small number of union/democrats.
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८९ टिप्पण्या:
What does he expect? This administration severely cut education funding to pay for corporate tax cuts (that don't produce economic growth btw).
Does he think he can go to an educational site and not have this happen?
union thugs. always classy.
It looks like the current conservative govs like Walker and Scott in Fl are getting pummeled, but the alternative is Tax and Spend Democrats.
It makes no sense for opponents to wade into insanity like this at public functions.
The ballot box (and more than a 2% margin) is getting more and more important for our future.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
So when Feingold is shouted down when/if he’s Governor, you’ll be fine with that?, this is what democracy looks like, huh machine?
Repeal the HFCS subsidies!!
Exactly, machine. Cutting workforce training now shows Walker is interested in "creating" McJobs—not sustainable middle class jobs.
So I guess what democracy looks like is... Noise? Seems to be the primary theme here. No dialog, no interaction. Just noise.
Tea party tactics on steroids.
It is an example of the new civility that was all the rage after the Loughner shooting spree.
machine wrote: Does he think he can go to an educational site and not have this happen?
This how controlled speech begins machine. If you support this shout-down you are despicable and I spit on you. P-twooey! Somebody has to take up the Masel mantle.
You've got a lot of commies in Wisconsin, Althouse.
Classy bunch.
Hope they lose. They need to be humbled. They need to be brought to their knees.
Walker is performing the governor's job very admirably. And part of it is suffering many fools and assholes along the way.
I like his summer suit=cream!
"This administration severely cut education funding to pay for corporate tax cuts (that don't produce economic growth btw)."
All evidence that schools there now have surpluses instead of deficits to the contrary.
Also, don't you just love the tolerance of the leftg?
This kind of stuff is just so annoying. Everybody needs to stop shouting. The minute you start yelling at everyone, you've lost the argument.
All evidence that schools there now have surpluses instead of deficits to the contrary.
This may be true of some public school systems, but it is not true of higher education (in other words, the kind he was celebrating).
He should have prepared a briefer, punchier speech, or spoke extemporaneously.
A rather pedestrian speech, when contrasted with the protest, made him sound like he was droning and provided bad "optics".
They're a bunch of idiots.
That's all I've got to say.
Oh - except Scott Walker's great.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
This kind of stuff is just so annoying. Everybody needs to stop shouting. The minute you start yelling at everyone, you've lost the argument.
Oh I agree TOTALLY, I mean look at Lenin and the Bolsheviks, or Hitler and the Brown Shirts, or Saddam Hussein and the Ba’athists… oh wait they WON didn’t they, by shouting down their opponents? Shanna grow up, this is what makes authoritarianism/totalitarianism so successful, they SHUT UP THEIR OPPONENTS…pr!ssy people talk about “The minute you start yelling…you’ve lost the argument.” I bet you believe, “Violence never solved anything,” too. Moral “suasion just doesn’t work well with people who don’t share your moral under-pinnings.
You want to know how Hitler came to power ?(Godwin, yes I know, notwithstanding)Truth be told, the avg American usually leaves a town-hall meeting of give-and-take Q & A frustrated that "nothing was accomplished" yet walks away from a mass rally in a packed football stadium having listened to the one-way rants of a featured speaker (Obama?) feeling very pleased that he has fully "participated" in the political process..
They have to shout him down or the stupid little tools on the Left will hear the truth. Just like with AGW, Gitmo, etc, once the hysteria dies down the Left are proven liars and fools.
No class.
I hope that this creates a backlash against the unions supporting this. It's inexcusable.
Cutting workforce training now shows Walker is interested in "creating" McJobs—not sustainable middle class jobs.
False talking point. You are a liar.
The "cuts" were to bargaining "rights" (which really are nto "rights", anyway), to make the big, fat, expensive, grandma-killing, middle-class paralyzing public employee retirements and benefits more like the those the poor Wisconsin taxpayers have.
Every public employee in this video was shouting "FUCK YOU!" to all taxpayers in Wisconsin. Assholes.
How would Arthur Ashe respond to this mob action? Remember, he was the only pro tennis player to stand up to the unsportsmanlike rudness of Jon MacEnroe by resigning the game after MacEnroe pulled a temper tantrum with no consequence to him.
The referees were aghast because Ashe's reaction reflected badly on them, so after a brief conference they penalized MacEnroe, ending the theatrics of the various enfants terrible.
I was there yesterday for about an hour before Walker spoke and I obviously missed the most eventful parts of the protest.
But from what I see the leeches were out in full force.
The left has had their way for so long they can't fathom that there's any other way.
These childish Wisconsin tantrums will be played out across the country, one local at a time as budgets fall and the inevitable cuts are made for years to come.
But only where Republicans are in charge.
Here in New York we suffer the same woes on a grander scale but the cuts that our democrat governor Andy-Boy Cuomo is making are being met in near far.
Funny how that works, eh?
wv: bleche
Looks like the ALEC agenda ain't too popular in Racine either.
And we are surpised or shocked by this, why? That's the way the Left always deals with anyone else's free speech.
See e.g., U Cal Berkely, Irvine and *gasp* Wisconsin at Madison.
"What I did on my summer vacation" essays forthcoming from WEA members/droids.
This may be true of some public school systems, but it is not true of higher education
Higher education bubble
It will be the next to crash.
I bet you believe, “Violence never solved anything,” too.
No, not really. I just hate the yell. Perhaps I should have said, the minute you start yelling you’ve lost the argument with me? It's very irritating.
And I continue to marvel at all these people in Wisconsin who seemingly have nothing at all better to do on vacation then hang out outside with stupid signs.
What does he expect? This administration severely cut education funding to pay for corporate tax cuts
I guess you missed that "Basic Budgets" class. For any budget their is revenue (money in) and expense (money out).
Now your average Wisconsin citizen has money in (revenue) via a job and among the ways money can go out (expense) is state taxes.
The Wisconsin state government gets money in (revenue) via those taxes and then pays for stuff, money out (expenses), like higher education.
So when taxes are cut, the average Wisconsin citizen has less expense and can spend more of his/her revenue.
For the state government, when taxes are cut they get less revenue and if they want a balanced budget, they cut expenses. So eliminating programs doesn't pay for tax cuts. In fact tax cuts helps the taxed more easily pay for things. In the case of individuals it may be a new car or a college education. In the case of a business it may be more jobs, or new equipment etc.
I'm sure you knew that already. You unfortunately are of the mindset that after getting tax revenue via the Wisconsin state government, for so long, teachers, educational bureaucrats and teachers unions are forever owned those dollars.
Unfortunately in this case the taxpayers would like to
to pay for stuff they want, not stuff you want.
"machine wrote: Does he think he can go to an educational site and not have this happen?"
I would think not. Yet he goes. And ignores. And keeps passing his agenda. Knowing that this thuggery actually helps!
I think he digs it! Gotta love the man!
"Governor Scott Walker shouted down..."
shout down. "To overwhelm or silence by shouting loudly."
Walker wasn't shouted down. He was shouted at.
Get it right Althouse
So when taxes are cut, the average Wisconsin citizen has less expense and can spend more of his/her revenue.
That's a great theory. But it didn't happen. The average Wisconsinite isn't seeing a tax cut. Corp donors yes.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
And I continue to marvel at all these people in Wisconsin who seemingly have nothing at all better to do on vacation then hang out outside with stupid signs.
Well, what can you say or do, they are either teachers or students, and so they have the Summer off…and apparently the one thing Modern Education teaches is how to make signs and giant Papier Mache puppets….
It's summer and the Wisconsin teachers with nothing to do are giving a seminar on Free Speech.
They are teaching that the loudest voice gets to speak, and there is no authority apart from mobs of chanting assholes.
After all the shouting, did they sing the "Internationale" or "Horst Wessel"?
Are normal people going to start horsewhipping union members?
I suppose all of you here were ok with the teabaggers shouting down and preventing debate at the healthcare town halls...that was cool, but this is "union thugs" in action...typical republican reaction: when we do it it's about Liberty, when they do it it's about thuggery!
p.s. chickenlittle: this isn't controlled's freedom of speech. If Walker does not like it, he can pull a Bush and only give speeches in a controlled atmosphere (and kick out people who have bumper stickers he doesn't like/agree with).
Are normal people going to start horsewhipping union members?
They were protesting cuts to this school.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I suppose all of you here were ok with the teabaggers shouting down and preventing debate at the healthcare town halls...that was cool, but this is "union thugs" in action...typical republican reaction: when we do it it's about Liberty, when they do it it's about thuggery!
1) The use of TEABAGGER, automatically disqualifies you from discussion;
2) IF you could find some examples of this shouting down and show how they are equivalent. Asking your Congress Human where the Constitution grants a power to REQUIRE the purchase of a good or service, is not quite the same as chanting “Recall Walker.”
But as long as you’re OK with my side chanting “Defeat Feingold” at all his appearances, we’re kewllllll.
The WI Sore Loser Saga goes on.
Does WI not have scheduled elections wherein people can change who represents them and does the work the state needs done?
Did the lefty Lib Democrats types not get that memo?
Or did the unionized teachers neglect to each these people how to read?
This is class warfare all right.
Those with no class versus those with class.
Income and social status being irrelevant.
It appears that the Kenosha Fire Dept. does not enforce fitness standards. Union firefighter
Governor Walker if you are going to do the time, might as well commit the crime. Introduce a bill to ban civil service unions outright and end collective bargaining for civil service employees at the state and local level. The just because you are a nice guy introduce a right to work law for WI. And if WI has has a statute requiring union rates for state contracts bill a bill rescinding that at both the state and local level. just saying.
I wonder how the normal people of WI feel about the public unions these days. I would guess their approval numbers have gone down.
Keep it up! You're doing Walker's job for him.
How Does it Feel to be a Leech?
Taxpayers have Voted--Kapisch?
Crybaby Poopy-Pants
Shopworn Robo-Rants
New Heights of Contempt Daily Reached.
Does WI not have scheduled elections wherein people can change who represents them and does the work the state needs done?
Yep, and the next scheduled election to change who represents them is Aug. 9th.
The libs demonstrate what they mean by a class-less society.
Jeez. How dare him. He thinks he is allowed to speak in public without being shouted down. Where does he get off?
The entire Wisconsin Democrat Party strategy is after-the-fact vote suppression / voter disenfranchisement. This is but one tactic.
Conserve Liberty
One man standing. How many goons do you need to shout him down?
How many goons in a movie theater, before someone in the crowd gets up ... and does a "choke-hold" on a demonstrator?
These putz's just wanted to get on TV. They'd scream because they knew they'd get "attention."
Not all "attention" is good attention.
Giffords got a bullet in the head.
We are in desperate need of making our neighborhoods safe again. The thugs? They think they've got the advantage ... Meanwhile, if Walker wanted to ... he can go to his office ... and BROADCAST his remarks for cameras.
He even has a choice. He can stand at a podium. Or sit at his desk.
People from all over would tune in, too.
I think we're watching what could be called "oppositional research." We see it with our eyes. And, so many Americans seeth!
Is this supposed to frighten us into Marxism? Only stupid dorks would think so!
Add to this how our economy keeps tanking. How BOTH SIDES in Congress are short of leadership skills.
And, how obama "just gets away with it" ... because no one's voice gets to be like Reagan's.
If Reagan were alive?
Obama would be meatloaf.
I'm going to make a correction on what I just wrote. With the explanation I was talking about BOTH parties lacking leadership skills.
But not Sarah Palin!
However, I've moved Sarah Palin away from the republican party. Yes. Her voice registers the best notes.
And, yes. I really believe I saw the name of the Independent Party she will start, when I saw the mural on her bus, ONE NATION.
Did you know Bannon, who just did her movie UNDEFEATED ... also did one for Reagan? IN THE FACE OF EVIL. Reagan's war in words and deed. (Plus, the DVD box also has a disk with the remastered Sante Fe Trail). How much fun is that?
I would not want my children being taught by those Wisconsin teachers. They are an embarrassment to your state. Unbelievable behavior by adults.
machine said... I suppose all of you here were ok with the teabaggers shouting down and preventing debate at the healthcare town halls...that was cool, but this is "union thugs" in action...typical republican reaction: when we do it it's about Liberty, when they do it it's about thuggery!
There's a difference between shouting down a speaker at a largely ceremonial event and getting loud at a town hall meeting where a representative is openly contemptuous of people who disagree with him/her, no? I think that's one of the biggest differences between liberals and normal people. With liberals, every occasion is an occasion for self righteous, self indulgent displays. Normal folks understand the subtleties and nuance of etiquette and civil behavior.
When is the last time you saw a non-liberal protesting at a Special Olympics event?
"The cooking school is now culinary arts." Well, these graduates can still spit in your food.
Governor Walker demonstrates he is a MENCH! The fat ladies ... who got into the camera's face ... with their arms raised ... thinking they were having their Oprah moment. Were at the wrong show!
And remember....this was organized by WEAC. They told their members to go to Racine, to bring horns and drums, and try to prevent the Governor from speaking.
One of the signs the "protestors" were holding said, "Scotty, if you only had a brain." If he has no brain, why are they so afraid to hear (or let others hear) what he has to say?
"Are normal people going to start horsewhipping union members?"
They were protesting cuts to this school.
Yes, I know. My question stands.
The tea party movement stages protests. It doesn't try to shout down Democrats, it doesn't storm into Democrat-controlled legislatures and try to prevent votes from happening, and it doesn't try to get legitimately-elected Democrats recalled just for the hell of it.
But then, the tea party movement is comprised of productive citizens. The Wisconsin protests are union activists and government employees. Different mindsets.
James, great photo of the Kenosha firefighter w/ a Milwaukee Tumor. It makes Trooper York look buff!!
You know, I see no reason to not simply go to a district office and order them to fire half of the office staff. Nothing will be missed.
What does he expect? This administration severely cut education funding to pay for corporate tax cuts (that don't produce economic growth btw).
Can you cite a single study to back this up?
I mean, "your word" isn't really useful.
For the state government, when taxes are cut they get less revenue and if they want a balanced budget, they cut expenses. So eliminating programs doesn't pay for tax cuts. In fact tax cuts helps the taxed more easily pay for things. In the case of individuals it may be a new car or a college education. In the case of a business it may be more jobs, or new equipment etc.
If one uses a static study of economics, true. But static studies of economics never are useful and never produce outcomes that are remotely comparable to reality.
I suppose all of you here were ok with the teabaggers shouting down and preventing debate at the healthcare town halls
They actually debated. These pathetic mouth-breathers are incapable of that. Fire all of them. Wisconsin will be better served with none of them employed by the state.
this isn't controlled's freedom of speech. If Walker does not like it, he can pull a Bush and only give speeches in a controlled atmosphere (and kick out people who have bumper stickers he doesn't like/agree with).
...or he could just make Wisconsin a right to work state and tell all of the unions to go screw themselves. Public unions are a horrid idea and they need to be killed off ASAP.
Madison Area Technical College instructors are not touched by new law until 2013, when their current contract runs out...cuts that had to be made now would have come out of middle management...instead MATC admin elected to cut back on PT and extra hours for teachers to save middle admin.
Diversity of thought is not allowed, the Gov bashing that occurs at teacher training sessions, convocation and/or any group meetings is outrageous. Myself and another instructor responded with complaint at one inservice and the next day when the bashing started, one of the leaders, made a half hearted remark to the group to "try and respect that others might have a different opinion"...he was laughed at by the room, who couldn't imagine that anyone amongst them might have complained.
The only democracy that is respected by WI progressive Dems/unions is the one where they have the only voice and everyone else is silenced. You can see how that philosophy works so well with education....not.
This administration severely cut education funding to pay for corporate tax cuts (that don't produce economic growth btw).
If you are that ignorant about economics, you deserve to live in the Obama depression. The trouble is that we have to endure it also.
My understanding is that the "tax cuts" were for companies that moved into Wisconsin and brought new jobs. I guess that is too tough for you to understand.
@ GM "Does WI not have scheduled elections wherein people can change who represents them and does the work the state needs done?"
Yep, and the next scheduled election to change who represents them is Aug. 9th.
Under the circumstances I sure wouldn't be bragging about that one.
Now WHERE did the duly elected Democrat state legislators go when the WI legislature was doing business earlier this year?
They *ran away*!
*Why* did they run away from the job they were elected to do -- along with the OTHER legistators who did *not* run away?
*Why* therefore were there "recalls?"
Who played the childish game of we can do that TOO!!! nyah nyah nyah!!111 Double dare you!! Nyah nyayhn nyah.
Garage ... the Wisconsin Democrats look and sound like total LOOOOOOOSERS.
The Tea Party grew from a crowd of older citizens who refused to be told they were ignorant by the Representative who let the attend His Townhall Meeting.
They spoke one at a time and told the liar that he/she was lying and that they were not fooled.
Smooth talking BS was not working, so the Representatives gave up. They had no plan B.
Damikesc says:"Can you cite a single study to back this up?"
Yea: the Bush years....we are going to be paying for that calamity for several more years. thx
Damikesc says:
"[teabaggers] actually debated"
Yea: the Bush years....we are going to be paying for that calamity for several more years. thx
Well, as they say in those Guinness commercials:
(PS Machine you're supposed to say:
"Yea: the Bush years doody head")
Machine: Thank you for using the term tea bagger. You do know, do you not, that the bags are in your mouth? That you, lefty friend, are the pot?
You are, as they say, trying to box above your weight on this thread. You are not doing very well, frankly. Even the lamest of thinkers have given up on the "Bush years" as an excuse for the current debacle because even they are aware of the metrics that apparently you are oblivious of.
Machine, you are aware Obama has yet to have a single month where unemployment was lower than Bush's worst I wouldn't brag much if I were you.
And Tea Party members debated. Your special ed allies are intellectually incapable of it.
machine said...
"... to pay for corporate tax cuts ..."
Give me a break; try doing MORE with less for a change (we do in private industry all the time!) while you still ride on our backs (taxes).
Absolutely no sympathy from these quarters.
Education is still being funded.
And just so we're all on the same page, average WAGES (not total compensation) at:
Milwaukee Area Tech College:$95,000
(including the $135,000 cosmetology(!) instructor)
Madison Area Tech College: $87,822
Kenosha firefighter w/ a Milwaukee Tumor
I call my good life extra padding a Milwaukee Roll, but that guy has a Milwaukee Bakery.
And just so we're all on the same page, average WAGES (not total compensation) at:
Milwaukee Area Tech College:$95,000
(including the $135,000 cosmetology(!) instructor)
The cosmetology teacher does not work in the summer. (I go there for my student pedicures.) The waiting list for the pastry chef program is 2 years. They have the physical space for these programs, but apparently, nobody to teach more hours than the (I think) 37 hours a week in the contract.
I was wrong. Not 37 hours. Thirty two. It's like Lincoln never emancipated the slaves.
That perspective overlooks a key fact. The fulltime workload for full-time faculty at MATC is 32 hours per week during the school year, according to Kathleen Hohl, MATC’s public relations director.
Garbage Mahal said "The average Wisconsinite isn't seeing a tax cut. Corp donors yes."
Stop badmouthing the Obama planned across the board tax increases and all the continued Obama admin/GE perks!
Wow. Hadn't dipped into Ann's comments for a while. Looks like the libtards have found them.
Nahh Craig -- Garage has been in seclusion for a while and hasn't been earning his keep so he's trying to get his count up on this post.
We've has some civil threads recently where the lefties haven't bothered to try to defend the indefensible.
"What does he expect? This administration severely cut education funding to pay for corporate tax cuts (that don't produce economic growth btw).
Does he think he can go to an educational site and not have this happen?"
He cut inflated state employee benefits, not education funding.
What economic growth have liberals promoted in strangulating businesses? The liberals' way to create "growth" is by coming up with unsustainable projects that cost taxpayers ludicrous amounts of money.
I said:
"He cut inflated state employee benefits, not education funding."
Allow me to restate that:
He just asked them to pitch more in for these benefits, not cut them.
Walker should have brought with him some art work that he made. Then as soon as someone was critical of it the police could swoop in and arrest the offender(s).
Wisconsin has become an embarassment, and they always seemed to have such nice people (at least on the western side).
The Crack Emcee said...
"Oh - except Scott Walker's great."
Looks like the on summer vacation teachers had time to go to Gateway. They really are so disconnected with reality. The union/democrats are using the perception game to try to influence voters. There is no huge outcry from Wisconsin voters, just a small number of union/democrats.
Apparently the union thugs want him to cut the Defense Department instead of the schools.
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