We've seen the Rebecca Watson incident — with the elevator guy who asked her (at 4 a.m.) if she'd like to have coffee and her response, coming days later, in the form of a vlog dinging him for sexualizing her.
Now, for something completely different. A really creepy guy and a really kick-ass feminist:
Little Woman Owns Creepy Elevator Guy - Watch more Funny Videos
१३९ टिप्पण्या:
I like how she takes off after him as he runs away. Is that a young Wendi Deng?
Now that is something I'm sending to my daughters, one of whom used to teach martial arts and another who carries a gun as an FBI agent.
Why assume she's a feminist. Most women I know would be offended by that.
Wait - according to Rebecca that's not supposed to happen, or be possible, or something. Why isn't this woman wimpering?
And where's her blog post about what not to do?
This woman doesn't know anything,...
Too bad "awesome" is a dead word, 'cause that's what this is.
Also too bad there's no soundtrack.
I just remembered:
This has to be another case of Things That Shouldn't Be Happening (But They Are).
(Check out the two black girls in the last clip. Little Miss Helpless Feminist Rebecca Watson they ain't,...)
I like how she pulled him back by the collar, and continued to pummel him. She should have kicked him in the balls.
It looks like his plan fell apart shortly after he hit the close door button.
She should have hit the alarm on the elevator, but very nice. Excellent.
That is not feminism, that is not putting up with shitism. I love it. My daughters take Karate and self defense classes. My wife has taken self defense and pistol training. It is just smart to do so.
How do we know the short one was a chick? Secondly, aren't all feminists kick ass by definition? Third, that doesn't compare to the pregnant kickboxer last week beating the shit out of her attacker after taking one to the gut.
Rebecca Watson made feminism being a victim. Crack, as usual is spot on. This video is the complete opposite of being a victim.
Please add me to those who wonder why the conclusion is drawn that she's a "feminist".
P.S. Good for her.
No feminism angle, but I like the creative use of an automobile as a crime prevention device.
Women and Men, if you are physically attacked it is almost always better to fight back. Without hesitation. And fight like your life depends on it, because it may. And be as nasty and as vicious as you are capable of being. And do not give up.
So do they end up getting coffee or not?
Please add me to those who wonder why the conclusion is drawn that she's a "feminist".
Echo. According to Marcotte, a "feminist" would have been intimidated into spreading her legs for the perp.
And I love the way she pulls him back into the elevator once the doors opens for more beatdown.
I wonder if this is staged?
If you get into an elevator with someone who looks like they're wearing a gi, you do not give them a hard time.
The Blonde taught me that.
Robert Cook, I hope not. I would like to think this is a woman defending herself from a thug. That would be bad because I think this is an excellent example of not being a victim.
But it of course could be staged.
"I wonder if this is staged?"
There's the typical male, suggesting an attack on a woman was fabricated.
So a woman who defends herself is a feminist? Hell I bet she can change a tire or open a jar of mayo by herself too.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Well I’d say “she” wasn’t a Feminist. Had she been one, rather than fighting back she’d have posted a whiny blog piece about the patriarchy, and demanded Federal monies for increased “Elevator Security”.
In reality, “Bravo” for the person attacked…I think her attacker was not prepared for resistance, otherwise it might have gone badly for “her.” Of course, the attacker was within the “Flight or Fight” Zone of the victim, and with the Flight Option gone there was ONLY “Fighting.” Kegan points out some of the most vicious and intense combat occurs in situations within human flight or fight zones. People DO fight like “cornered rats.”
I believe Fred4Pres suggested that people fight in any situation…I’m not sure that is the best advice. Womyn, generally, are smaller and weaker than their male attackers. I believe statistics show that if womyn use a fire arm they fair well, but if they simply use fisticuffs their chances of victory are low and their chances of injury are high. I’d fight back, IF there is a significant weight or size differential or an obvious skill differential, in my favour…otherwise you may just be adding a beat-down to the indignity you are about to suffer.
At about 1:14 - Hell no, you're not going out there, I'm not finished kicking your ass!
Too bad she's turned away from the camera. Then folks could have started talking about whether she was hot or ugly -- and whether or not we'd kick her out of bed.
And if there were sound, we could have talked about whether her voice was annoying or not.
And if she had worn a feminist T-shirt, we could have said that she probably needed that lesson in reality. Stupid fem-tard.
Oh well. Maybe next time.
That Rebecca Watson elevator thing -- I just watched her video talking about it.. If these women are so liberated and what not, why did she assume that he was sexualizing her when he said he finds her interesting and wants to talk more? He could not very well ask if he can come to her room, so he invited her. So much for feminism and liberation. God, her video was godawful and people like Watson, the pseudo-intellectual variety creep me out.
Cheryl’s fists whirled like the vanes of a wind-powered turbine, chopping her sparrow-like assailant into bloody pieces that fell onto a growing pile of wannabe rapists.
Looks made up almost.
Seems fake. Why would the guy wait until the door opened? He also goes down way too fast.
Zrimsek always makes the sharpest funniest comments even if I do embarrass him by saying so.
Looks totally fake, but if not, she's awesome and he's pathetic on a couple of levels.
I believe Fred4Pres suggested that people fight in any situation…I’m not sure that is the best advice. Womyn, generally, are smaller and weaker than their male attackers. I believe statistics show that if womyn use a fire arm they fair well, but if they simply use fisticuffs their chances of victory are low and their chances of injury are high. I’d fight back, IF there is a significant weight or size differential or an obvious skill differential, in my favour…otherwise you may just be adding a beat-down to the indignity you are about to suffer.
Actually I think you are wrong. You are thinking rationally and applying that rationality to the attacker. That is a mistake. A man who attacks a woman is hoping for a easy target. I do not have time to look for it right now, but studies have shown less injury for woman who have fought back. Obviously if the woman can flee to safety, that is usually the best approach. But attacks are usually the result of no other options. In those circumstances, do not just submit, fight like a banshee.
It may be a training video for self defense. I hope it is real, however.
The clip I posted with the guy running into his attacker and killing him, that was real.
I bet he comes back to that elevator every day hoping she'll do it again. She's the first woman who ever touched him.
"Chip S. said...
Too bad "awesome" is a dead word, 'cause that's what this is.
Also too bad there's no soundtrack."
Here ya go
Bravo for her. But this doesn't look to me like (as some apparently think) a sexual assault. Looks like when the door opened he tried to grab the purse that was hanging from her right shoulder and flee. Looks like a garden-variety purse-snatching that happened to take place in an elevator.
That's so fake and some folks are so gullible.
Another elevator atheist bites the dust.
He instantly goes down without any reason and makes no attempt to defend himself. Yea, that's what a predator would do. I say fake, and not even accurate. If predators were like him, there would be law against hating them.
That was a pleasure to watch!
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Fred, all I can recall is Lott defending his thesis that more guns equals less crime, and his rebuttal of evidence “showing” resistance was a bad idea. He pointed out that the critics used statistics of ALL resistance, firearms, fisticuffs, and the like…and that THAT set of statistics, did INDEED show that womyn who resisted were injured, but that when you pulled apart the statistics involving firearm usage, the numbers showed womyn “winning” the encounters. My conclusion was that overall, resistance is not effective, UNLESS it uses a firearm. Hence my suggestion to weigh the correlation of forces very carefully.
Now Lott could have been wrong or I could have mis-remembered his point. But if IIRC, then womyn don’t do well in fights with men. But I could have gotten the story wrong.
Bottom-line: IF you are Cynthia Rothrock, or you’re facing Pee Wee Herman, then give it a whirl. Otherwise, UNLESS you are convinced you are going to be gravely injured otherwise, OR you have a fire arm, you might just let it happen.
It looks fake to me. Perp catches elevator just in time. Hides just out of camera. Doesn't attack until door opens. Doesn't look like she is hitting him that hard. More like swatting him. Neither of them look tired after the fight as they run off.
I also say it's fake because everything on the internet is. I bet Crack Emcee is actually a 102 lb Asian girl who does acupuncture to pay off her tuition at the School of Crystal Healing and Jurassic Technology.
Greatest line ever:
That is not feminism, that is not putting up with shitism.
Thanks F4P
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
the School of Crystal Healing and Jurassic Technology
Does that school offer advanced degrees in Jurassic Technology? I’m looking for a good school in that area, I’m finding it heavy sledding in my job search with a BA in “Madonna Studies.”
So do the people getting on Althouse's case actually agree that the term "feminist" should mean what Watson, Marcotte and their ilk think it means. Elevator girl looks like a better definition of feminism to me.
There is a Museum of Jurassic Technology here in Venice, CA. It's the strangest thing in the physical world. Having been there myself, I'm 90% sure it really exists.
This just begs the question once asked by Dorothy Parker:
Do men make passes at women who wear glasses?
Wendi Deng became Wendi Murdoch, because she put first things first. And, she had to convince Rupert, she meant more than just business.
From the looks of things, she's also produced two daughters ... who are now fluent in Chinese. Outpacing the two other women Rupert married in his yoot. Giving him kids that don't shine a candle to Rupert's smarts and power!
Oh, by the way. Wendi Deng is NOT a feminist! She's married to a powerful guy! AND, she holds her own!
I think "being a feminist" involves giving up too many brain cells.
And, like Titus would say (alas), they don't have tits big enough.
Feminists are a poorly organized political pressure group.
This woman was a one person pressuring one other person with quick blows and well balanced control moves.
She is a warrior.
How oddly the Woman in the Elevator is a metaphor of modern woman!!! There used to be an 'elevator girl' in many of them, operating it (seen in a lot of old movies), as if the unnatural up & down movement (elevator as womb) requires a protective female presence. Grimly defiled in "Lady in a Cage" with Olivia de Havilland, where she is trapped inside. Civilization her prison. Gruesomely realized by Princess Diana minutes before her death (in the "service lift"), from which Madonna pretended to rescue her by copying the imagery in "Drowned World" but then fleeing outside, even as GIRLS in BOXES were central images, as in "Human Nature," which she made Britney Spears re-enact as being trapped in an elevator!!! Talk about the zeitgeist Alty- the footage was only released the other day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq8anbOzFho&feature=player_embedded
I don't know if it's fake because you can't see if she's effectively gotten him into a hold of some sort with his arm when he goes down.
But those punches are awful. You'd hurt yourself more than your attacker with those.
wv: hedombr
Hedombr than you think!
'Blogger bagoh20 said...
Looks totally fake, but if not, she's awesome and he's pathetic on a couple of levels.'
It's lame beyond belief.
About the lurid appeal of the woman in the elevator, recall Camille Paglia on steel boxes....
When Hillary was asked how she was handling all this controversy over the Paula Jones case, she said, "I just put it in a little box. That's how I deal with it. I put it in a box in my mind and I just don't think about it." And then yesterday Clinton picked that image up. I was struck by it. Of course the word box is a slang word for vagina! The first time I became aware of that was when I was in college listening to the great Doors song, "20th Century Fox": "She's got the world locked up inside her plastic box." There it is: Hillary's steel-vault box is her steel-trap mind! She also views the White House like a fortress, like a citadel, and she locks out everyone outside of it.
bagoh20 said...
I also say it's fake because everything on the internet is. I bet Crack Emcee is actually a 102 lb Asian girl who does acupuncture to pay off her tuition at the School of Crystal Healing and Jurassic Technology.
7/26/11 2:44 PM
Next you are going to tell me Trooper York is not John Wayne!
Count me in with those that believe it to be faked--for all the reasons cited above in the comments.
And faked or no, it hasnt got a damn thing to do with "feminisim."
Looks fake to me. Girls, get a gun and let’em have it in the face – a much better alternative than hoping to overpower a man. I’m not saying don’t fight like hell’s demons if you have no other alternative …
This one looks real.
A few other thoughts--when did this occur and did the woman make a police report? And there is the issue of timing: the release of the video coming so soon after the watson dust-up. And do all elevators have security cams? anyway, the fight sequence is absolutely lame--nothing but swats--no directed blows or kicks or other moves a martial arts person would execute. (although I dont think it was alleged the lady was a martial arts expert)
And this is likely a re-enactment of something that did happen...
So do they end up getting coffee or not?
one lump or two?
WV: turets -- I am not lying
I rewatched it. He attacks her black bag, not her.
She then grabs it and swings him down with it.
He covers up with the bag under him while she hits him.
When the door opens he starts out with her bag, and she pulls him and her bag back into the elevator.
He finally regains his footing and runs out with her bag and she runs after her bag.
But it was definitely real.
In the words of Sarah Palin, "Fight like a girl."
The Flaming Lips saw it coming:
"Her name is Yoshimi
she's a black belt in karate
working for the city
she has to discipline her body
'Cause she knows that
it's demanding
to defeat those evil machines
I know she can beat them
Oh Yoshimi
they don't believe me
but you won't let those
robots defeat me"
Rebeca Watson is trying to parlay this "elevator incident" into a Dancing with the Stars gig.
Rebeca.. I know Bristol Palin, Bristol Palin is a good friend of mine..
Rebeca Watson, you are no Bristol Palin ;)
O.K., I agree - it looks fake - but this shit ain't. (Check out baby's Karate stance!)
Watson wouldn't last in my world,...
I bet Crack Emcee is actually a 102 lb Asian girl who does acupuncture to pay off her tuition at the School of Crystal Healing and Jurassic Technology.
Fuck that - I'm the Mayor of Manila!!!!
Cute, but I think it's a gag and they planned it. That guy caved a bit too easily. Could be wrong though. Funny either way!
I remain curious as to how we know the woman is a feminist? Althouse? Bueller?
(although I dont think it was alleged the lady was a martial arts expert)
Check out what she is wearing when she enters the elevator. It is a Gi and her belt is black with gold characters.
Good observations, traditionalguy.
This is exactly what many of us would like to do to assholes who stick their hand in a closing elevator door. Wait for me!
Sometimes, I tell the perp - "that was close, you got on the last car going up for the day."
I once did that myself, thinking the car was empty.......
Where? when? police report? or just a phantom U-tube going viral on the internet shortly after Ms Watson does her screed?
It is, of course, possible it is real--any confirmation from the establishment that owns the elevator and the cam? Are they investigating? this thing does not pass the bullshit test, IMO.
At this point this is simply an internet gag that some people seem to be buying into.
There was a saying before political correctness took off..
Girls with glasses seldom get passes..
Rebecca Watson wears glasses.. and a guy made a pass at her.
I call that progress ;)
The video clip is EXCELLENT!
It's never too early to teach kids self defense.
And, from the looks of things ... this kid is black belt. Where did he run, when he got off the elevator?
You know, I'd bet this kid's DAD taught her how to behave when "confronted." Though there's an advantage, too ... that he went low.
He was just looking to get his ass kicked.
Cookie's right.
That makes twice (the first for calling Obama a war criminal).
@bagoh20--I've also been to the MJT. As is often said, but in this case correctly, it was a unique experience.
I assume that psilocybin factored heavily into its conception and design.
Good for her.
John Henry
...and a really kick-ass feminist
1. Any woman who kicks a man's ass is a feminist.
2. She kicked his ass.
Therefore: 3. She is a feminist.
From The Book of Blonde Logic
"In the words of Sarah Palin, "Fight like a girl.""
I'm sorry, but I just love her for moments like that.
Just imagine if she were president instead of Obozo.
She's a feminist because she solved the problem herself (and how!).
A real feminist doesn't wait for a man to come to her aid (or, for another female, for that matter).
Frankly, I think crime should have a higher occupational hazard, and she's providing it.
I am still trying to understand how viewers can glom onto this utube clip without a scintilla of corroborating evidence and believe it. Amazing.
Creepy Oregon tiger vs. a cross country cat in Connecticut (via Wisconsin!).
Off topic but I am trying to engage in some Althouse themed posting. Ann, you are the master of themed seperate posts.
Roger J...You may have a brain which compares this video to thousands of fake fight scenes from TV and films, and it looks unreal.
But to those who have seen thousands of real amateur wrestling matches, it looks perfectly normal.
To spot counterfeits, you simply have to study real ones over and over.
RogerJ--I can see why you and others are skeptical.
But "credulity" might be based on the fact that it's just more fun to treat it as real, and there's no evident downside to being wrong.
ChipS (and Tradguy)--I agree that the result of the fight is a morality play--I mean Charles Bronson made a fortune on his vigilante stuff because those kind of stories resonate--No doubt this video resonates: the triumph of good over evil; the miscreant getting his ass kicked and all of that--its a greant morality play.
Believe it if you prefer. I dont, but I do appreciate its larger message--but I gotta tell you, i still dont know how we conclude the lady in question is a feminist.
I guess I have said my piece and might as well drop it.
Totally, 100% staged, without a doubt. The guy went down practically on his own and didn't once try to fight back.
Tradguy: I actually boxed for two years at the military academy, engaged in pugil and hand to hand training in various army schools from basic training to ranger school--I am quite versed in what fights look like. I have been in enough to have a bit of first hand experience. My experience in personal fighting is why I prefer a 45 ACP as a sidearm--stand off is a good thing.
After watching it several times, it does have a staged quality to it. It is also not a viral youtube clip, but one on a specific site suggests it might be faked. Granted none of this is conclusive, but you have to recognize the strong possibility.
That said, I do think a woman attacked in an elevator should fight back. And push the alarm button. And scream. And generally never surrender.
Now that's how to fight like a girl!
Call Tru TV. This is the sort of thing that they show on The World's Dumbest.
A pack, not a herd, indeed.
Hmmmm maybe it's not fake
Anyone speak Chicomm?
"you are mistaken...I am not trapped in here with you...you are trapped in here with me"!
This was a grab of a bag, and a grab and pivot of the bag back followed by a covering fall over of the bag with the owner pummeling him to get him to get the man on the bottom to give it back.
But when he tried to get up and leave she horse collard him back, and then he escaped and ran away with her bag with her in hot pursuit.
My point is that it never was a fight. It was as if two shoppers were pulling a sales table item away from the other the day after Thanksgiving.
Curious George, I would like to believe. Thank you. Even better than the Polar Express.
I call fake.
IMAO to the extent it was staged, it was staged by the thief. My guess is that he was loitering some place where he could watch the elevators and get to the door before it closed once he spotted a likely target.
And what could be more likely than a petite female alone? No big strong guys who might come to her defense, no group of women that might be able to grab his shirt or jacket before he made his exit.
Then he does the grab and pushes her down so he can make a clean getaway -- probably timed the doors so he'd be away before she could get up and chase him.
But she hangs onto the bag and delays his exit long enough for the closing doors to trap him inside while she pummeled him.
Anybody else see it that way?
I just wonder if she's single? I have two unmarried sons that could use a strong woman to keep them in line.
"Bottom-line: IF you are Cynthia Rothrock, or you’re facing Pee Wee Herman, then give it a whirl. Otherwise, UNLESS you are convinced you are going to be gravely injured otherwise, OR you have a fire arm, you might just let it happen."
Joe, I think you're dangerously wrong.
And the phrase that reveals why is this one... " UNLESS you are convinced you are going to be gravely injured."
If a woman waits to fight back until she is absolutely sure that her attacker does mean, for reals, to do her grave injury, it's far far too late. In her attempt to be sure, she's let the guy get too close, let him put her in sure jeopardy.
The will to commit mayhem is also likely to send off "not prey" vibes as well.
I think that telling women that committing focused mayhem is a bad idea for them is borderline evil, actually. Convincing a woman not to pull her punches is hard enough. Women ARE physically weaker, and they can't afford to stand toe to toe. A half-assed first attempt because her mind isn't in the right place really will only make her attacker mad. Something with a bit more mental commitment may well give her the chance to escape.
It's a funny video, but it does look staged.
On the other hand, the video of this lady at an Australian rugby game is definitely not staged.
Big Mike, I thought it looked like she got her bag back at first, but then it didn't look like she had it when she chased after him, so maybe he got it after all.
I don't think it looked staged.
Hmmmm maybe it's not fake
Anyone speak Chicomm
In about 3 years we all will.
Sound safety advice.
And I agree a purse snatching is not worth a fight. But in any circumstance where the attacker can do hysical harm to you, assume they are trying to kill you and react accordingly. No cooperation. Yell, scream, make noise, use your car keys as a weapon, flee if you can, but fight the attacker if he approaches you.
On the other hand, the video of this lady at an Australian rugby game is definitely not staged.
She is just a dedicated fan. A little over the top, but definitely dedicated!
I heard the "don't get in a car" advice put this way...
Better to get shot in the parking lot at Wal-Mart then to get shot on the mesa.
Is that video staged?
The doors open and close on the same scene. The man's face is covered with a mask. Plus, he's wearing gloves.
And, then when the suspect runs ... the doors open on the same floor with the same background?
Is this a set up?
Zrimsek always makes the sharpest funniest comments even if I do embarrass him by saying so.
Dude is on his game of late. He's the dog's bollocks and dare I say, the winningest of the thread winners.
"And, then when the suspect runs ... the doors open on the same floor with the same background?"
Most floors look the same, especially if it's a hotel.
I still vote fake, she never actually lands a blow that would make the guy cover up.
The tell was when she dragged him back in. No-one is that wimpy.
Dude is on his game of late. He's the dog's bollocks and dare I say, the winningest of the thread winners.
I agree. His stealth, under the radar, timely ordinance has no equal.
Totally Wendi Rupoch.
Don't mess with the nips.
Her tits wouldn't of moved if he ripped off her shirt.
Little tittys.
What happens when you take off a girls bra and....nothing
No sagging, no deep breath and then gravity.
They just sit there.
That would suck.
tits, small tits, really small tits.
Do you guys ever like to make the tit jiggle. Maybe like "cup it" and then stand back to see how many times it bounces?
I know plenty of women who could kick ass.
This video, though, looks pretty fake. Particularly when , a) he first falls down so easily and doesn't fight back and b) when he flips backward with what looks like barely any pulling on his back collar.
And where's the video from the hallway when they leave the elevator? Where's the follow up police report?
Sorry Murdoch.
No, I am not drunk.
I only have two drinks a week, but what are you doing tonight Sixty? You up for it? I generally don't do geezers but you know for the right amount of money I will plug my nose and hold my breath and won't touch you.
But I will dance in front of you and allow you to jerk off.
Titus is always welcome on my elevator.
And if he isn't welcome on your up an' down?
May I suggest you take the stairs... or sleep in the lobby.
Elevator creepers just have to hope that they never run into a Cris Cyborg during their travels.
Seems fake. Why would the guy wait until the door opened? He also goes down way too fast.
Not only that, he just uses his arm to prevent her from getting off the elevator. It doesn't look to me like he's attacking her at all. An attacker is going to try to take advantage of the strength difference by grappling his intended victim.
The whole thing looks like either a gag or a training video from a self defense class.
I have a wife who is 5' tall and weighs 100 lbs.
She can do what that size 2 petite woman in the video did.
Aggression, strength and quickness come in small packages, believe me.
The sneak thief with weak arms still knew how to use a rolling action over onto his hands and knees to generate the force that would overpower the bag out of her hand grip on the strap.
Then he had to wait for his chance to run with his prize, and so he endured her attacks on his back until then.
She countered his first attempt to stand up to escape by jerking him back with a two handed grip yanking on his jacket and using his balance against him.
But falling back onto her also gave him a loosening of her grip which allowed him to run all the way home, baggie and all.
He has practiced this before. But I believe she reacted to his moves.
Agreed with Trooper. My God.
It looks Japanese, and that's a dead giveaway. Japanese people have some weird fucking videos. I won't go into the details. Explore at your own risk.
"I still vote fake, she never actually lands a blow that would make the guy cover up."
I'd call her a 'self-defender'. Hats of to this lady. The creepy guy deserved his ass-kicking. If more ass-kickings resulted from boorish behavior in this country, I posit that there would be on balance, better-behaved people. Think Texas and how many people carry personal protection - thieves are less likely to act out because of this.
I do not see a parallel with what 'Ms. Watson' allegedly encountered. What the drunken sop she encountered deserved was a snicker and a 'no thanks'.
But thanks for the video, just the same.
Now, for something completely different.
It looks Japanese, and that's a dead giveaway.
OK, I'll bite. How does it look "Japanese"?
WV: balit.
Put me in the it's a fake column.
It looks Japanese, and that's a dead giveaway.
That's the first thing that I thought of when the female first got on the elevator.
Also, purse snatchers are not going to be weak men. They are aggressive and will not only punch back, but stab or shoot you.
This film ranks right up there with Godzilla, but with less actors.
Maybe it is a training video done by Althouse and Meade to show how a real feminist should act?
Interesting story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune this morning about a homeowner who heard glass breaking, got out of bed, armed himself with a knife, met the intruder downstairs and was shot and killed. Thieves are always desparate. They are not weaklings.
Never attack a woman wearing a ghee.
The initial wrist take-down was perfect and quick!
Appearances are deceiving, it is wisely said.
A very entertaining thread. Based on a very brief and jerky lo-res video of no documented provenience many regular commenters, persons with reputations for objectivity and probity, have filled in the blanks with what? -- imaginings, expectations, fantasy, or the currently fashionable narrative? The most egregious offender is Althouse herself having sown the seeds of peremptory interpretation with "a really creepy guy and a really kickass feminist" which neatly fills in two uncertainties: Is what we see real or staged, and who are the persons seen? This is not report of a disinterested observer, but rhetoric from someone with an agenda; it makes me look with an increasingly gimlet eye at the state of scholarship up in Madison.
ll of her supposed wailing on him, including pulling him back into the elevator, is actually her frantic effort to get her bag back. She never does.
@G Joubert
Then what is that she is holding in her right hand?
Bag of water is incredulous: "He instantly goes down without any reason and makes no attempt to defend himself."
It's a wrist-take down. It's executed perfectly. If you grab a person's wrist in a certain way he will crumple to the ground very quickly. It's an amazingly effective hold. I'm not any good at martial arts, but I have learned that move in the past.
It's funny how people who don't even recognize a wrist take down would deem themselves able to judge what's happening.
There's no way to tell if it's a training video without more data, but there's nothing about it to indicate that it's fake.
Yeah, it's pretty creepy when guys express an interest in women. Women should definitely use violence to stop such rapists.
Actually, I did "recognize" the hold. I've also done enough martial arts demos to know that even close up in real life it can be hard to tell whether it's being done for real or not.
But this raises a number of other questions. If it's staged, why does she punch so poorly? If that's really a black belt, where's the form?
If it's real—well, look at the way she "manhandles" this guy. She's jerking him back and forth by the back of his jacket.
Dunno. If it's supposed to be a demo, it's not a good one. If it's real, he must be a pretty light, small dude.
You conflate self-defense and feminism. Two very different philosophies. This little gal would probably laugh at an American feminist and punch her out if she didn't shut up when told to leave her alone.
I was gonna pass, but I won't.
He grabs the bag. Stop the film. You can see her left hand on his elbow area and her right hand in the reflection on his wrist.
She replaces her left hand and starts forcing him down. She ineffectively left knees him, but then steps down and looks like she hits his thigh.
There's no way to know the exact areas hit, but if those were finger or extended knuckle punches, he was in some kind of pain because the eye, temple, jugular and several nerve clusters are available.
His objective was the bag. As pointed out, he got it off the elevator. We don't know that he kept it.
I would advise my daughter to not chase him.
If it was staged, it was made to look unstaged very well.
Oli, she's still swinging it at him as he runs away.
Looks fake.
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