১২ জুন, ২০১১

"Woo Hoo! Feingold at Walkerville tonight, maybe my other honey Jon Erpenbach will be there too!"

"I do love rubbing up against those two!"

In light of Weiner's Twitter troubles, it's fascinating to read a tweet like that.

ADDED: "A 5pm visit by former WI Sen/rockstar Russ Feingold will result in streets overflowing w/adulation."

So it's at 5. I'll try to get some pics of the idolators... and the rubbers-up-against.

IN THE COMMENTS: Shouting Thomas said:
Haven't read it, but this brings to mind the theme of Ann Coulter's new book, Demonic.
Having heard Coulter discuss this book on the radio the other day, I'd had the same thought as I was writing this post. So I bought the book — you can buy it here — to extract some relevant material.
Manifestly, liberals fanatically worship their leaders. FDR, JFK, Clinton, Obama, even Hillary, Liz Holtzman, and John Lindsay—they’re all “rock stars” to Democrats. They’re the Beatles, Elvis, or Jesus, depending on which cliché liberals are searching for. As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”
Le Bon is Gustave Le Bon, who wrote a book "The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind" (1895), which Coulter relies on heavily. Back to Coulter:
The most Reagan-besotted conservative would never seriously refer to his presidency with something as hokey as “Camelot.” But in the bizarro-world of the Democrats’ Camelot cult, all we ever hear about is the youth, the vigor, the glamour, the “Kennedy mystique,” and the rest of the cant.... Bill Clinton was called a rock star often, the expression “rock star” [is] the most irritating cliché of the century....

Eleanor Clift described the doughy Clinton-Gore team as “the all-beefcake ticket,” gasping that she was “struck by the expanse of their chests”... The Washington Post’s Sally Quinn said women identified with Clinton because of “the softness, the sensitivity, the vulnerability, that kind of thing.”... An infatuated Jonathan Alter babbled in Newsweek about the Clinton hug: “Bill Clinton hugs other men. It’s not a bear hug, usually—more like a Full Shoulder Squeeze. Women get it, too, but the gesture is more striking in its generational freshness when applied to the same sex....”

When Obama came along, guess who liberals started having sex dreams about?... The New York Times’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women—not too surprisingly—were dreaming about sex with the president.”... The Obamas, Warner wrote, were “a beacon of hope, inspiration and ‘demigodlikeness.’ ”...

NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change.’ ” Try to imagine conservatives coming up with such honorifics for Dwight Eisenhower. Being rational individuals, conservatives don’t turn their political leaders into religious icons. Liberals, by contrast, having all the primitive behaviors of a mob, idolize politicians. 

৭৯টি মন্তব্য:

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Haven't read it, but this brings to mind the theme of Ann Coulter's new book, Demonic.

I gather that one of the themes is that liberals are prone to being mesmerized mobs of idolators.

This is certainly evidence that her theory holds some water.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Such deep irony that the liberal/feminist conviction that
the personal is political
has ended up here.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

I gather that one of the themes is that liberals are prone to being mesmerized mobs of idolators.

Not just liberal. Aren't conservatives waiting for the next Reagan

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

And, in what way is this the same?

Reagan is admired for being an opponent of big government, for stating that there is a black and white world of good versus evil and for being the lone cowboy individual.

Conservatives are waiting for the next person who believes in these ideals. Well, they've already found her. It's Sarah Palin.

This goes back to whoever it was yesterday who kept claiming that believing in God was not a legitimate requirement of a political candidate.

Conservatives in general are religious. They worship God, so they aren't looking for a substitute here in this mortal world.

Or, to quote the old saying: "People who don't believe in God will believe in anything."

Curious George বলেছেন...

"Phil 3:14 said...

Not just liberal. Aren't conservatives waiting for the next Reagan"

We are talking Russ Feingold and Jon Erpenbach here.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Haven't read it, but this brings to mind the theme of Ann Coulter's new book, Demonic."

Me too. I heard her talking about the book on the Rush Limbaugh show this week. I just went and downloaded it into Kindle so I can extract some relevant quotes for the blog.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Coulter asserts that there is a mob mentality that possesses liberals and not conservatives.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Anyone who idolizes a politician has a serious problem, unless it's the vision of Sarah Palin in a tanning bed. (Is Sarah Palin still a politician or has she become a social critic?)

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Personally, I found the 2 quotes in this post embarrassing/disgusting. Does that make me conservative?!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

""Woo Hoo! Feingold at Walkerville tonight, maybe my other honey Jon Erpenbach will be there too!""

I know I'm already wet with anticipation (in a Anthony Weiner kind of way).

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Personally, I found the 2 quotes in this post embarrassing/disgusting. Does that make me conservative?!

You've been many of the same places I've been, Althouse... like the Village.

The left is very fond of its role as the critical thinker. But, it only likes to apply this critical thinking to its enemies. Not so fond of having this critical thinking applied to itself.

The verities of hipsterism, I think, are what are at issue. Hipsterism has become calcified and intellectually empty. But, it is a pseudo-cult. Hipsterism is the religion of the left. It demands obedience to a wide range of attitudes and beliefs. Question any of those attitudes and beliefs and you are a dangerous heretic.

Sal বলেছেন...

I'll try to get some pics of the idolators...

Just to make this challenging, limit photos to only the cute ones.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Funny how all the pagan idolatry seems to be so partisan.

For all of Cedarford's and Seven Macho's and revenant's talk of Palin being a totem, I don't see this kind of crass twitter panting from her side.

Maybe it's all sublimated.


wv = "rawit" Raw wit. Deal with it.

roesch-voltaire বলেছেন...

These tweets almost read like the bloggers who make comments about how hot Palin is etc-- many of which can be read on this site. Let us face the general public loves to focus on "idols" who sing and dance, etc., and folks who carry a Flip camera get to rub elbows with all sort of tent people.

Curious George বলেছেন...

AA: "Personally, I found the 2 quotes in this post embarrassing/disgusting. Does that make me conservative?!"

Just to be fair, the tweeter's handle is MadCityKitty. Nothing sexual in the "rubbing up" as it's what cats do. I just found it dumb.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

The difference, roesch-voltaire, is that Palin actually is hot in the way that a sane, functioning heterosexual man can appreciate.

She's about functionality. You know, mommy, grandmother, etc. She didn't kill her baby. She used her tits to feed kids.

Somewhat different than idolizing the weird, neutered, fag hag atrocities so admired by the left.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Does that make me conservative?!

No, just normal.

J বলেছেন...

"Demonic" Ann Coulter got her name right. Maybe she could have included pics from some of the porn shoots --or coke parties-- she did in Ellay back when she hung out with Guccione Jr. That is, unless she had the pics... purged.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

"Demonic" Ann Coulter got her name right. Maybe she could have included pics from some of the porn shoots --or coke parties-- she did in Ellay back when she hung out with Guccione Jr. That is, unless she had the pics... purged.

Right on cue, J appears to prove Coulter's thesis.

J's entire act is the embalmed corpse of hipsterism. He thinks it's unique, but you can hear the same brain dead shit in any cafe in Woodstock.

Years of dope smoking and beating off are the building blocks of hipsterism. J is the ultimate brain dead hipster. Here, you see how clever Coulter is.

She got J pegged.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
chickelit বলেছেন...

J is the ultimate brain dead hipster.

In touch with only his dick and a keyboard.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Personally, I found the 2 quotes in this post embarrassing/disgusting. Does that make me conservative?!

I bet they were forwarded to you by a conservative, like perhaps the losers that troll the #wiunion hashtag? I bet I'm close. I doubt you follow MadCitySquirrel. She is funny, kind and adorable.

J বলেছেন...

Heh heh. Touched a nerve, eh Tommy, and time to spout your idiot lies and insults eh, Shouting Segway? Time to lie, like your lie that you're a heterosexual? Or that you're like not pushing 80.
I don't use dope and don't hang with the mafia (and don't bless imperialist wars as did Coulter, CheneyCo's flagwaving fave ho). Neither do you then. Pops.

Coulter's a cheap floozy paid off by defense contractors and financiers. Her books are good for one thing,--like toilet paper, when I have to take ...a shouting thomas

capichay, Tard-tom-Tom, you bag of human excrement

J বলেছেন...

Uh oh, one of Althouse's log cabin regs, Chicken Klan grrl, defending his fave jerkoff partner Shouting Perry Como. Now, even the Authorities wd like to see the hot gay nazi porn those two exchange.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Liberals, by contrast, having all the primitive behaviors of a mob, idolize politicians.

The human psyche has a need for religion. For liberals politics is religion. Idolizing religions figureheads is a long time tradition.

chickelit বলেছেন...

The Obamas, Warner wrote, were “a beacon of hope, inspiration and ‘demigodlikeness.’

Later on, that meme was updated to read that you were racist if you didn't feel that as well.

ricpic বলেছেন...

This is why the dilution of the suffrage requirement has effectively ruled out an adult relationship between the state and the citizen. The propertied are far more resistant to worship of a peer they send to represent them than is the mob, which, composed as it is of powerless unpropertied individuals, seeks to prostrate itself before the powerful.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall বলেছেন...

Coulter is thorough, so I'd be surprised if she didn't include Newsweek's Evan Thomas quote about Obama in her book: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."


Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Conservatives in general are religious. They worship God, so they aren't looking for a substitute here in this mortal world.

Or, to quote the old saying: "People who don't believe in God will believe in anything."

On another note, David Mamet, who recently voiced his change from Liberal to Conservative thinking stated (and I am paraphrasing because I can't find the exact link) that one of the tipping points was when he used a system that you use in debating.

First detail what your opponent's beliefs, principles or arguments are, in his case it was conservatism, then detail what yours are, liberalism, and how you can refute the argument.

He realized that he could easily and clearly state the conservative side but he couldn't articulate with any clarity the liberal positions.

At this point, he realized that there was something wrong with liberalism and that much of that wrongness was group think and a lack of introspection or logical ideas.

He then went on research Conservatism by (gasp) actually reading conservative thinkers and publications.

Liberals are group think, knee jerk idealist who merely parrot talking points that they have heard from biased media. They swallow the liberal meme whole with out any discrimination.

Conservatives think about each of the positions and accept or reject or ignore as irrelevant the various positions that are presented. This is why there is such a disunity in the R party and among conservatives regarding certain issues and candidates. It is not a group think collective.

One type of thinking leads to wars and atrocity. The other while messier leads to actual functioning government.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I can't think of any conservatives who were thought of as rock stars, or who would attract little girls or slutty women on Twitter. I really can't...

Coulter is not just being mean, she's filling in an important hole in our history.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

It's not that there are no conservatives who idolize certain politicians, but that their rule is that the cult of personality is wrong, for we are all imperfect.

One must always beware of worshiping human idols is the message.

For the left, that's a feature, not a bug. And much easier employed absent a religion.

David Mamet does one helluva job explaining this (and more) in his new book. Man, whatta read.

J বলেছেন...

it's Shouting Lawrence Welk!

Now, don't get your blood pressure up defending Coulter, voice of the Cheney regime--might have to sedate you, pops. There, there, big glass or warm geritol, and some thorazine

LeBon. The madness of crowds! Heh. Whats that from 1860, or so? Coulter's attempt to discuss social psychology is about as ludicrous as her attempt to discuss evolution.

chickelit বলেছেন...

@DBQ: I heard you had retired. Glad to see you back.

J বলেছেন...

wow David Mamet. From theatre queer to rightwing zionist in a few months. He's another confused rich person who wants to keep his taxes down.

Unlike DBQ--another confused poor person who thinks the GOP/TP--the party of oil executives and financiers--gives a F. about her

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

ricpic---go back to Ann's post :"Forgiveness is like Cancer"--I left a post in reply to you--it's the last comment, #54

KCFleming বলেছেন...

" another confused rich person who wants to keep his taxes down. "

Confused how?

And keeping taxes down is bad; why?

But typical leftist Alinsky ad hominems.

ricpic বলেছেন...

Why is it a bad thing to be a zionist, J? Don't hold back.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

theatre queer

The bigotry starts flowing.

gives a F. about her

Unlike J, who cares so deeply.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

@DBQ: I heard you had retired. Glad to see you back.

Thank you :-D

Retired from my financial practice (Thank God! considering what is soon coming to the financial markets. I don't need that ulcer or heart attack trying to shepherd my clients throught the melt down) but not from my keyboard or from life.

roesch-voltaire বলেছেন...

Dust here is the link to Mamet's article in Village Voice"
where he had this to say: For the Constitution, rather than suggesting that all behave in a godlike manner, recognizes that, to the contrary, people are swine and will take any opportunity to subvert any agreement in order to pursue what they consider to be their proper interests.
His conservative view, as you can see, is a strange mix that hopes we swine eventually will get out of each other's way.

edutcher বলেছেন...

I remember a film clip if Carl Reiner standing on a stage in front of an audience of celebs during the '68 Demo convention in Chicago. He unveiled a pic of Eugene McCarthy and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, OUR LEADER!!".

I thought they were all going to jump to their feet and, "Sieg Heil!!".

(J, the closet Kraut, would have fit right in)

The interesting thing is I noticed this sort of behavior during the Kennedy Administration, in my early teens. I just couldn't see people getting that wound up over a politician.

Or a family of them.

Phil 3:14 said...

I gather that one of the themes is that liberals are prone to being mesmerized mobs of idolators.

Not just liberal. Aren't conservatives waiting for the next Reagan

A few are (for that matter, there are those that are looking for the next Ayn Rand). Most are looking for a good man - or woman - that's out there today.

Ann Althouse said...

Coulter asserts that there is a mob mentality that possesses liberals and not conservatives.

More of a herd mentality on the Left. You stray from the orthodoxy and you must be purged.

Personally, I found the 2 quotes in this post embarrassing/disgusting. Does that make me conservative?!

That crusty Conservative coating must be thickening.

J বলেছেন...

You obviously don't know what an ad hominem is, fool. Alinsky. Heh heh--you really are a stupid bag of human garbage, Pogo.

What were tax rates during Eisenhower, or Nixon, assclown?? Google and find out.

Annie Coulter: the whore-in-chief of the GOP

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

J, the way you fulminate, swear and rage!

I'm surprised you don't blow a heart valve in mid-keystroke.

Take another toke, dear boy.

Then go back to beating off.

Don't think about these things for a while. It's a little too much for you.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

For all here, that quote about those who do not believe in God will believe in anything is commonly attributed to G.K. Chesterson in reply to the statement of a friend who had exclaimed his worry that the modern generation--by rejecting God--would therefore become total nihilists believing in nothing. "On the contrary," Chesterson replied, "it simply means that they will now believe in anything." (para from memory)

Conserve Liberty বলেছেন...

@Shouting Thomas said: The left is very fond of its role as the critical thinker. But, it only likes to apply this critical thinking to its enemies. Not so fond of having this critical thinking applied to itself.

The entire process of Critical Thinking, dependent as it is on questioning one's own assumptions, naturally leads one to deny learned social and traditional academic norms. That's the entire point.

By process, critical thinking conclusions are evidence of high-function.

The entire process is intentionally designed to validate the left's pre-defined positions.

Liberal orthodoxy denies the possibility that a self-defined high-functioning concluion can be false, ergo critical thinking cannot apply the the left.

Ergo cogito sum.

WV: lautt. No observation necessary.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Aha....I found the link.

It is an audio ofMamet being interviewed.

He is being interviewed by Limbaugh.....not worry liberals your ears will not melt (I can't vouch for your brain not melting) if you take a few seconds to listen to part of the interview. The point is in the very first part of the clip.

J বলেছেন...

Conserve liberty ... with some handy pig latin. The bogus Descartes' quote has no relation to what you are attempting to say, puto.

And you don't know f*ck about logic, not knowing modus ponens from su madre's cula.

You're not the party of Jefferson, who however hypocritical, opposed the estate holders of his time, judicial barons, theocrats, and the capitalist tyrants of his age. Jefferson was actually a jacobin (the pompous blowhard Hamilton said as much).

Yr the party of ..Nixon and Kissinger

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Leftists also attempt to idolize their enemies into Godlike beings who enthrall others too mindless to think for themselves.

Example: rather than accept the fact that a huge swath of the Tea Party contains Independent and Democrat voters organizing with fiscal conservative Republicans to oppose Obama, they latch onto a handful of figures like Glenn Beck, the Koch brothers, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and claim that, like Satan, they are influencing others in some nefarious way and 'tricking' them into supporting them, rather than accepting that these people merely talk about and support ideas that lots of other people agree with.

ricpic বলেছেন...

Xenophone - That's a great Edmund Burke quote. Too many sophisticates think that the expression of hatred toward the hateful (those whose actions have earned hatred) is a mark of the rube and they'll go to any length not to say something declasse. It is one of the great dangers when the elite have managed to weed from their ranks "rude republican men," the situation we are now in. It's not that you should oppose the hateful by expressing hatred for them, it's that without hatred your opposition will lack the fuel to make it white hot effective. Obama, for example, has earned our hatred and should be opposed with maximum ferocity, not as "one of us" who has merely overreached. Too many words but I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

actually, when conservatives talk about Reagan, it is not only the policies they fondly remember, but also his natural leadership abilities and smarts. Thats what they miss and see as lacking in current GOP leaders. It is also why Palin is popular.

J বলেছেন...

How Shouting Puto--yr the old man here, liar,demon, tweeker, defender of Cheney-Co. Now I know some people in NY as well. Dont make me have them show up at yr singlewide in Woodstock and kick yr teeth in, log cabin boy while you're eating TV dinner.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Hey J why are you such a gay basher? Are you a member of Democrat Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church?

Maybe Titus needs to take you under his wing and teach you to love diversity.

J বলেছেন...

Hey Shouting Tom Tom--Yr teeth kicked in, pops, pronto. Got that, klanqueer? And goes for the rest of the tweeker klanfags here.

Ta ta for now, Ahouse satanists

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

@ Althouse. I know that you don't want to moderate comments or ban a commenter. Part of the experience of your blog is the ability for commenters to have a lively discussions and disagree, even uncivilly, with each other.

But, threats (however empty they may be) of violence towards other commeters should not be tolerated. I respectfully request you ban this pond slime.

How Shouting Puto--yr the old man here, liar,demon, tweeker, defender of Cheney-Co. Now I know some people in NY as well. Dont make me have them show up at yr singlewide in Woodstock and kick yr teeth in, log cabin boy while you're eating TV dinner.

vw: ammeobes. Google, how do it know?

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

"Where's your Moses noooowwww?"


"I'm hip! I'm hip!"

From The Flintstones popped into my head when reading this.

When one takes a belief in a higher power out, Man becomes God.

It never works well for the world when that happens.

Or they're "Looking for Love in all the wrong places."

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Now J resorts to threatening his enemies with beatdowns. He must be a union member.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Yr the party of ..Nixon and Kissinger

I'll never understand Y - other than that commie-outing thing - the Left doesn't love Nixon.

He gave us the EPA which is regulating us to death

& would have given us single-payer if Teddy - Bridge, what Bridge? K didn't put the kabosh on it.

Plus, realist Kissinger, we must learn to live w/the commies.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Instapundit just got Mamet's book in the mail. I'm ordering a second copy for my son, via AA, natch.

Lucius বলেছেন...

@J: "Jefferson was actually a Jacobin"

That's rather a sweeping claim, isn't it? When did Jefferson put Adams under a guillotine?

I think you need to stop reading your Thomas Paine in the unannotated Dover Thrift editions.

Lucius বলেছেন...

@DBQ: J thinks he's some kind of post-Structuralist update on Lear's Fool by way of Tarantino.

I daresay he exaggerates his available pool of friends for any purpose besides deferred mutual mental masturbation.

Paul বলেছেন...

RV-you are obviously ignorant in regards to conservative thinking and philosophy. No surprise there!

I recommend you read "Conflict Of Visions" by Thomas Sowell in order to at least understand that which you are criticizing.

Mamet mentions this book as an eye opener and the main thrust in his evolution from a fuzzy thinking leftist to a rational conservative.

Lucius বলেছেন...

@J: And I've seen you make this "Jefferson=Jacobin" claim before.

It makes you sound like an autodidact, which might explain some of the hypersensitive vituperation against alleged "hillbillies" and such riffraff that spews from you.

If you were to put aside the foulness of your assumed demeanor and ditch the adolescent wordplay (which in fact is a terribly strained sort of word *work*, as joyless and anal as Richard Dreyfuss' mashed potatoes mountains in "Close Encounters") it might be possible for you to produce an actual argument.

*Might*: I say this charitably. Because really I don't think you know very much of what you think you know.

Anyway, you've dug yourself quite a trench of non sequitur vituperation from which to extract yourself before you can begin to claim to be taken seriously.

Also, noone is fooled by you googling Latinate terms for logical fallacies. You are no Alfred Tarski, that much is certain.

ic বলেছেন...

"...the expression “rock star” [is] the most irritating cliché of the century...."

Oh, really? How about calling the Kennedys American royalty? I've heard that crap more than a couple of times on TV. That's sickening, almost as sickening as the Weiner.

Charlie Martin বলেছেন...

Does that mean Feingold is a stalker?

Chuck66 বলেছেন...

Ann Coulter may be a flamming at the mouth media hog, but when she is right, she is very good.

Her book Slander covered (with documentation) years of how conservatives are attacked.

The best part in that was how each Republican President is "the most stupid President ever".

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Phil 3:14 -liberals are prone to being mesmerized mobs of idolators.

"Not just liberal. Aren't conservatives waiting for the next Reagan."

Conservatives are not nearly as bad as liberals and progressive Jewish media flacks - who go from
creating Camelot and the Back Messiah, Jesse!!!, and (prefall) John Edwards as a silky-haired sex magnet - to creating Saint Martin Luther King, (the one perfect American, greater than all others!)

But if you look you see conservatives have their own cults of martyrdom, hero worship, investment in a sexual sort of vicarious long distance groupie crush on certain conservatives.

Reagan, William F. Buckley, Hayek, Friedman, Bush in his brief post-9/11 idolatry as the manly man, the Maximum beloved war leader Keeping Us All Safe, the American Churchill. Women went to Rudy! rallies in 2002 with signs saying they wanted Rudy's baby.
More recently, you had the Cults of Condi for President, the Paulista Cult, the Goddess Palin and Bachmann Cults. Tea Party "rock stars". Conservative women forming creepy adoration fansites for Paul Ryan, Mitch Daniels.

But the liberals and the progressive Jewish mythmakers in the media are far worse. Nothing conservatives did approaches the systemic movement to glorify Black Messiah, the multi-front liberal campaign to venerate Saint Martin such that questoning his magnificence is grounds for school disciplinary action or mandatory assignment to sensitivity of diversity training in the workplace. A kid would be safer questioning if Lenin was all that hot in early 60s Russia than a white oppressor HS male wondering out loud if Saint Martin deserves his uncritical worship.

J বলেছেন...

11: 19

what's that Lucius, jew boy? Dare say we touched a nerve by mentioning your NAMBLA hero Kissinger, or dissing Coulter or her pimp Limblow, pedo hero of the TP-GOP?


fock yrself, satanists

J বলেছেন...

There you go Cedarford--a bit of balance (not much...but some). Reagan-idolatry is far more pronounced than Bill Clinton's brief moments of fame.

The Paul Ryan groupies now another masscult--same for Palinites (most quite irrational--like NASCAR fans). So Coulter's at best half-correct. Logos help us if Palin-mania starts to roll (and note her strategic pics with Churchill's..star of david)

mariner বলেছেন...


Frank J. Fleming has some tips for you.

Joanna বলেছেন...

J, are you saying that conservatives have a mob mentality, therefore liberals do not? Or are you agreeing with Coulter and saying that liberals have a mob mentality, then adding that conservatives do, too?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

IMO Ann Coulter is onto why the liberal gangs are so easy to lead into irrationally false belief systems. The leaders of the liberal mobs are willingly Demonized men/women in exchange for receiving their power to deceive others.

SDN বলেছেন...

Of course, if J was a real tough guy, he could put his address up so we could drop by....

J বলেছেন...

I would say both groups do, at times, Jo., just as both are populist to an extent. Coulter's trying the old "democrats are populist rabble" technique--typical faux-aristocrat schtick ala WF Buckley. Now, traditionally demos were mostly poor and uneducated (...lets not forget the Demos are Jefferson's party--the "democratic-republicans)--but that doesn't in itself make them wrong, does it. The republicans were descended from the Federalists, and yankees, more or less.

But that's not the case any longer. With Palin appealing to the NASCAR/NRA and biblethumper-budweiser crowd Id say the GOP/TP is at least as populist as Demos.
Coulter's generalizations are mostly just guesswork fluffed out with her ham-fisted moralism (and lets not forget she's a biblethumper of the first rank).

(actually Jo I enjoy your civilized discourse, quite rare in Ahouse land--ie, one gets tired of being called nazi-commie deviant, etc for not supporting the Tea-tards --so some vitriolic response to be expected)

J বলেছেন...

2;52. SDN better, put yours up, tough guy. Ill drop by. By myself (unlike you and yr little rat pack of klanqueers).

(But im in Socal Miss SDN. Come on by, trash. Leave note on my blog).

Trooper York বলেছেন...

I have to admit it... Shouting Perry Como is pretty damn funny.

SomeoneHasToSayIt বলেছেন...

Once you understand that, to be a Liberal/Progressive, you live in a near constant state of cognitive dissonance, then things that transport you, even if temporarily, out of that state, are especially welcome. Hence swooning hero worship toward an individual up on the stage.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"David Mamet does one helluva job explaining this (and more) in his new book."

Wonderful book, Pogo. I devoured it in one weekend. Will read it again to really catch it all.

Number Six বলেছেন...

Worshiping Rock Stars! Demonic! These are not new ideas.

Karl Marx himself wrote a warning about the dangers of the 'cult of personality'. It would be a gross understatement to say that Socialist leaders have used the cult of personality to increase their power.

So don't be surprised when modern socialists use the same tools that have worked so well since 1917.

Bruce বলেছেন...

J said, in response to being accused of using ad hominem:

You obviously don't know what an ad hominem is, fool. Alinsky. Heh heh--you really are a stupid bag of human garbage, Pogo.

Perhaps J is showing his/her sense of humor here, or perhaps it's just J being J. But this response has had me laughing now for a good long time now. Comic gold, I tell you! I so needed a good laugh today. Thank you!

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

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