२१ जून, २०११

"Supreme Conflict: The Future of Wisconsin’s High Court."

A press release for an event here in Madison that is open to the public:
Two former Wisconsin Supreme Court justices and two private practice lawyers who have argued before the state’s high court will discuss its visible conflict and inner workings at a forum sponsored by the Madison professional chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Former Justices Janine Geske and Jon P. Wilcox, and lawyers Jim Troupis and Lester Pines will discuss the court at the June 29 forum. Geske served on the court from 1993-98, while Wilcox served on the court from 1992-2007. Troupis has represented numerous Republican clients and conservative causes as well as several members of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Most recently, he represented the campaign of Justice David Prosser in the statewide recount of the April election. Pines has argued many cases before the Wisconsin Supreme Court during his almost four decades of practice, including numerous original actions. He is a well-known Democrat who was appointed by Gov. Doyle to represent the state in defense of the domestic partner registry and other high-profile matters.

The discussion will commence at 7 pm.

Prior to that, at 6:30 pm, reporter Patrick Marley of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel will provide free training to local journalists on covering the Supreme Court. Marley has closely followed the court for the last several years, having reported on decisions, inner conflicts and elections.

Both events are open to the public and will be held in the Paul Bunyan Room of the UW-Madison Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St. in Madison.

SPJ is a national membership organization that promotes high standards and ethics among journalists, fosters First Amendment principles and advocates that journalism is a key element in representative democracy.

Contact: Mark Pitsch, president, Madison professional chapter, Society of Professional Journalists, 608-252-6145

४० टिप्पण्या:

अनामित म्हणाले...


Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Meh. Sounds like cicadas.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Snakes and weasels lying together.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

The mental image of a bunch of snakes and weasels lying together intertwined is pretty cool.

Fen म्हणाले...

chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.


Curious George म्हणाले...

Madison chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.


Fen म्हणाले...

Asteroid strike

Martin L. Shoemaker म्हणाले...

Trooper York said...

Snakes and weasels lying together.

And we'll call the offspring sneasels!

ndspinelli म्हणाले...

Lester Pines is a ham n' egger.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

"Former." By that I guess Loophole Louis gets to have a debate in a public forum?

It's like a festival of the cows.

Except without cows.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Who gets to wear the DOPE tee-shirt?

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Is this a gathering of Prophets? The High Court has the same old future unless the Madison/Dane county citizens vote to to secede. Maybe that is what the meeting is really about.

AlphaLiberal म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
AlphaLiberal म्हणाले...

Today former State Senator Dave Zien and a couple of his pals went to the Wisconsin Capitol rotunda and engaged in violent acts against protestors singing labor songs:

- Dave Zien (R-Nutjob) raced his wheelchair around the inside of the singing circle on the ground floor and tried to run over people's feet including women and children.

- The two other men with him unfurled a banner "Don't tread on me" and proceeded to walk around the first floor rotunda. They dragged their sign over the singers, hitting them in the face with it. They pushed on the signs held by the protestors.
- One of them put a singer in a headlock, punched him and broke his tooth.

I have no doubt that Ann Althouse and her right wing pals here will ignore or excuse this. (If a union supporter did it, she'd be screaming Bloody Murder).

There are your thugs, right wingers. The people trying to incite violence amongst a number who are simply singing.

I don't believe Zien was charged. After all, IOKIYAR!

Drew म्हणाले...

Society of UN-Professional Journalists.

Craig Howard म्हणाले...

It says something that there's a perceived need to train journalists how to cover the court.

Fen म्हणाले...

AlphaLibtard: I have no doubt that Ann Althouse and her right wing pals here will ignore or excuse this.

No. We just ignore any information you. We used to waste our time tracking down your bullshit to refute it. Now, its just not worth the effort.

No one trusts you. No one likes you. You are a Libtard Shill of the 1st Order. Go play in traffic.

Fen म्हणाले...

And please remember to slit your wrist longways this time, Alpha.

FedkaTheConvict म्हणाले...

I always chuckle when I see the likes of Garage Mahal and Alpha Liberal whining.

Here's the outlook on WIsconsin Progressives from one of their comrades-in arms:

Wisconsin Demoralized, Demobilized

By Matthew Rothschild, June 17, 2011

"The mood in Wisconsin is dejected.

After a string of defeats, first losing the state supreme court race against David Prosser, then losing the decision at the state supreme court on the anti-collective bargaining law, and finally losing the vote on Walker’s hideous budget in the state legislature, people are down.

People see that Walker won everything big that he asked for, and despite all the great activism, we don’t have anything to show for it—at least not yet. As a result, lots of people are going to suffer.

The mass protests that I expected this week at the capitol in Madison did not materialize. On Tuesday, there were maybe 5,000 people there. On Thursday, barely 1,000. I’m sorry, but that was pathetic.

Part of the problem may have been poor organizing. One local labor leader said of the state AFL-CIO, “This is what happens when you call a protest and you don’t tell anybody about it.”

But a bigger part of the problem was the lack of an overall strategy that would have given people a sense of what use there was in protesting at this point anyway.

It seems to me that the state AFL never had a mass strategy, was surprised by the mass uprising, and was even a little afraid of it. The leadership never called for boycotts, never called for a general strike or any workplace actions whatsoever, never called for civil disobedience. (See “Dogging Walker,” in the June issue of The Progressive.))"

Matthew Rothschild is the editor of The Progressive magazine, which is one of the leading voices for peace and social justice in this country.

Read the article in its entirety here: http://www.progressive.org/wx061711.html

Curious George म्हणाले...

AL "There are your thugs, right wingers. The people trying to incite violence amongst a number who are simply singing."

You forgot that one of the singers was charged with disorderly conduct, and that the alleged battery occurred after...yes after...the singer tried to take the Gadsden sign away. Why did you forget to mention that? Odd.

As far as the lead up...that kind od infantile behavior has been an ongoing occurrence by the left for months.

Bayoneteer म्हणाले...

Wisconsin ought to just elect its SC on partisan basis just like the executive and legislative offices and drop the silly pretense that law is somehow above politics. Putting partisan hacks in black robes really doesn't change anything about them and at least the public would have a clearer idea of what they were getting when they vote.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Delta-Minus Liberal wrote:

- Dave Zien (R-Nutjob) raced his wheelchair around the inside of the singing circle on the ground floor and tried to run over people's feet including women and children.

Wow! Raw, naked aggression! No doubt it was a weaponized wheelchair, made by Blackwater or Halliburton or Lockheed.

What's next -- a report on how Zien's eye viciously assaulted someone's elbow?

Fen म्हणाले...

You forgot that one of the singers was charged with disorderly conduct, and that the alleged battery occurred after...yes after...the singer tried to take the Gadsden sign away. Why did you forget to mention that? Odd

See? I already knew this, based on experience of Alpha's and Garage's little propaganda attempts failing miserably time and again. Now I just discount them, without bothering to research it. Same result.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Well, Fedka the Convict, I'd bet there are teachers looking forward to their paychecks not having the union deduction done automatically.

And, I'll bet the next race after that, too. The teachers won't be handing the union their bank account and pin numbers either.

why? Because there's a limit to stupid when it involves money.

Let 'em tear into each other!

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Meanwhile, at the rotunda, the left can't outdo themselves, anymore. Not after the gal swallowed the key to her U-Bolt. They should have just shut off the lights, and left her to contemplate her dilemma.

Oh, yeah. And, a man in a wheelchair can run over people with working legs. Who are just standing there.

Did the man in the wheelchair then use his chair to go UP the staircase?

BULLSHIT ARTISTS can't even invent good stories.

Patrick म्हणाले...

Damn, I know I'm late to commenting, but I wanted to ask Alpha if he was seriously claiming that some guy rolling around in a wheelchair was being violent. I mean really, you're scared of a guy in a wheel chair? "Help, Help, he's coming over, he might roll over my toes!!!"

Hide the women and children!! Will someone please think of their feet?!!

Come on, Alpha. Get on your game. You guys are slacking. Isn't there any oppression inherent in the system for you clowns to whine about? Just some toe rolling? Sheesh.

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