Jeez--it is what--17 months to go? This is the MSM trying to create a horse race for ratings IMO.
We will know if Perry is a favorite when the dudes in the MSM start doing hit pieces on him--if he does well in the debates, the hits will start coming late this week.
He isnt my favorite for a whole lot of reasons, but my bottom line--lets talk about this late this fall.
Mitt is claiming the fierce "money raised lead" that scares off less liquid candidates. He has announced twice, and he is calling in chits everywhere to get to 24%. Meanwhile Palin who has not yet announced still grows in support. Romney is not even running in Iowa or South Carolina. So Palin's Train can still runaway as soon as it hits the tracks and leave Mitt's 24% far down the line.
The real question is: Did I waste my money when I bought the Yahara Bay Gin? I've not yet cracked open the bottle (I went to buy Rehorst and came home with a genuine Madison gin) but plan to do so tonight.
And I'm picking the Broncos to win the AFC in 2012 because: -I like their new coach -they drafted some good picks -Tim Tebow has potential and has been disrespected in the sports media -I just like them
My prediction is Herman Cain's stock is going to rise.
Eh, they have him on record saying that being homo is a choice. If Herman Cain's stock rises among Republicans, expect the media to replay that 24/7 until they've got him labeled a homophobe with latent homo tendencies.
. . .
At which point I think we could accuse the left of hating him because he's gay . . . amirite?!
at this point in the process I have no idea who I would support--other than to say nominate anyone who can get rid of Mr Obama--I will wait to see what happens--far too early to tell--republicans are fighting among themselves, and Mr Obama has only his record to run on--interesting times ahead
Fred never ran for president. He strolled. Jeri is a delight and only brought grace and charm to his stroll. Seriously Fred just liked sipping bourbon, smoking fine cigars, and spending time with Jeri.
I think it is dawning on Republicans that the country is in bad enough shape that none outside a few social cause activists on the right are really concerned about how "pure" Romney is in opposing abortion, if some other person was a gun backer earlier in their life than Romney. Ideological litmus tests have come to matter less in priorities than "This person could fix things wrong with my life and money security right now, and beat Obama."
Its about jobs, the debt..America surviving as a great country. That is what is on the line. And the Cults of Adoration set up around right-wing "faves" by activists have to contend with that. The Cult of Palin adoration being static in numbers while her negatives continue to pile up in Rep, Independent as well as Dem ranks is an indication of this.
Serious problems call for a serious, seasoned candidate to go up against Obama.
Romney bills himself as a technocrat, like Obama did. His signature achievement, Romneycare, was supposed to increase the number of insured, improve care, bring down costs, and decrease dependence on emergency rooms for primary care services.
Romneycare increased the insured from 90 to 95% in Massachusetts, but failed on the other important metrics, most notably costs continued to escalate.
I don't care if Presidential candidates are for or against gay marriage, abortion, etc. But I will not tolerate incompetence. And Romneycare displays utter incompetence. The fact that Romney defends it shows that he's arrogant. Why should anyone support Romney over Huntsman? Huntsman was a much better governor, is better looking, and at least as smart. Huntsman also has foreign policy experience.
These high numbers for Romney are a great sign for Huntsman.
I find it hard not to root for Palin if only for the excitement of it all. I don't think she would try to gut social security, let alone blow us all up. Where does she stand on new foreign military adventures? Trade and immigration?
I hope Palin refuses to debate or do mainstream media interviews. She should just travel around the country making speeches, run television ads, and issue broad campaign statements on her Facebook page.
Heck, it used to be that Presidential candidates didn't even campaign. So who's to say there's only one way to do it now?
Herman Cain is an interesting man with a fine resume outside political service. Which he has no experience with, at least no time in any elected office.
Unless the candidate is a commanding general in a major war, I don't think these "outsiders" with a fine public speaking tongue ever go anywhere past a band of devoted followers who are basically speech-lovers and judges of how their fave "won" the crowd with charisma and silver tongue and red meat. The folks enthralled by a Jesse!, a Pat Buchanan, a semi-psychotic Alan Keyes (but baby can that guy thrill a crowd and dominate a stage with his trained voice and seasoned preacher-speak!!)
One other possible downside of Cain besides lack of any elected office experience - he is a 66-year old Stage IV cancer survivor. (He might be good VP fodder, having none of the Palin, Bachmann, Perky Christine negatives - but don't think he will peel more than 1-2% of black votes from Obama. He might be OK in the inexperience is sometimes OK with voters, VP slot.)
Well, I don't like Romney anymore than I did before and believe fervently that he is Dole/McCain 2.0 at best, and that a Romney presidency would be breathtaking in its mediocrity and "unexpected" statism.
But maybe that's just me.
On the other hand, I still like Palin a great deal and would like to see her win the Presidency, but I'll admit that when I hear day after day, week after week, that she can't win, it works. I end up believing it.
the Geists! of yr nazi ancestors strongly diapprove mein haar. That's ....freemasonry! How did the wehrmacht and SS treat freemasons, aka , zionist collaborators, C?? Think, fertilizer.
Gingrich really yr sort of mann, C. Catholic crypto-nazi, Spenglerian-intellectual sort, probably reads Mein Kampf when his viagra isn't happening with the lovely Callista.
================= Romney is not Obama. But running any of the other right-wing heartthrobs (save perhaps Paul Ryan and Huntsman who hasn't even declared..) means 4 more years of Obama. Palin=More Obama Cain= More Obama Gingrich= More Obama Bachmann = More Obama Pawlenty = More Obama
"I like him too, but we elected an inexperienced smooth talker in 2008. How's that workin' out for ya?"
I would never call Obama a smooth talker. Rather, a bumbling, stumbling orator, who leans on overused clichés and is disaster without a teleprompter. Go back and watch some of those campaign speeches from 2008. The emptiness is on full display. Why didn't people see it then? I submit they did, but the media told them that Obama was brilliant and they decided that it must be their lying ears that were wrong.
Just pointing out C-ford's inconsistencies. Real nazis never support freemasons-zionists. Even...protestants are suspect, except the sturdy lutheran-saxon infantry sorts (no need to involve Tits, the Atards' logcabin crew slut).
In American terms, none of the GOP-tea tards in the running would please the Founders. The Pauls, however f-ed up, at least understand the UC-constitution. I strongly doubt a Bachman or Palin can even read it, and it's against the Mittster's religion. Newt read it, and might approve of certain parts--at least the ante-bellum US-CON.
Cult of 76-year old Ron Paul? 4 more years of Obama.
I am not an adorer of Romney the way some have fixated on Jesse!! in his day, Obama, or the half-term Gov Palin as near-perfection for the Oval Office.
I want someone who can beat Obama vs. lose nobly and "Send a Message!!" (see the impact of Sharron Angle's or Perky Christine's Message!! 7 months post election!) Sent, message not accepted following their snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
If I want someone who can beat Obama, I don't honestly care if he wasn't against abortion since age 6. I don't care if he is a dork. I don't care if Romneycare was flawed or Hillarycare was flawed and Obama could not be faulted pre-election because he had never dealt with healthcare matters (5-6 Republicans are basically saying as Obama was - "I have no experience with healthcare issues and that makes me pure&clean")
I just want an electable someone who will do a better job than Obama fixing America economically. I want Romney or perhaps Huntsman or Ryan if I decide they are more electable than even Romney against Obama to make the next 2-3 SCOTUS nominations.. I want someone with a solid resume of executive accomplishment. Which rules out half the Republican field outside Romney.
I just don't think that I want to support the guy that Joe Klein, Chris Matthews, Ezra Klein, Kevin Drum, Jeanne Garafolo and Cindy Sheehan think will be the best Republican candidate.
I mean they have the pulse of the moderates here in America.
Romeny's philosophy is top down, just like Obama. Romneycare is just an example of the technocrat committee knows best. We will fix the economy with our solutions, etc.
It's time for government to step the fuck out of the way and keep giving money to people who can and should take care of themselves.
It's clear you know nothing about Romney's approach or his record. Like Obama he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. Like Obama, he's wrong.
"This is the MSM trying to create a horse race for ratings IMO."
Eaxctly right. 35-50% of voters won't make up their minds until a few days before the primary - no matter what happens. Until that point much of the perceived front runner's support is soft, effectively there because people want to vote for someone who they believe has a chance at both the primary and general. This support can evaporate nearly overnight as Howard Dean found out.
Printing poll results is meaningless. Those who know what they're doing are talking about what various candiudates support will do between now and the election, not where we are now.
"Better we lose with a candidate with nothing much to offer past right-wing purity and have 4 more years of Obama..than Romney in office!!"
Yeah, what-in-the-world is that about? Let's keep that rigid and hopelessly self-defeating attitude and then sit back and mumble under our collective breaths while Obama reprises the hokum of the Grant Park election night victory speech.
Romney is the only Republican candidate who can beat Obama. He has the resources, organization and appeal to independent voters. Also, he's a proven turn-around artist.
Sound like someone we could use given our ongoing (and "unexpected") economic troubles?
I hope Rick Perry does throw his hat into the ring so I can scratch that itch.The job creation record in Texas is definitely impressive and I'd like to see how he stacks up on the national stage.
Romney isn't quick on his feet but he's handsome. Palin's family is too crazy, and close inspection into that will undo her. I talked with a purported communist a few days ago who said the economy is so bad she wanted Romney in. The country needs someone with good leadership skills and sound morals.
Cedarford: Better we lose with a candidate with nothing much to offer past right-wing purity and have 4 more years of Obama..than Romney in office!!
Who's this "we" of which you speak? Neither of these men represents the interests of people like me; they represent people who are actively opposed to the interests of me and mine. The "right" (lol) and the left will just continue taking turns in the ongoing gang-bang of the nation. Is there some delicate distinction in methods of being reamed into Third World status that I'm missing here?
Its about jobs, the debt..America surviving as a great country. That is what is on the line.
It's clear you know nothing about Romney's approach or his record. Like Obama he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. Like Obama, he's wrong.
================ Unlike Obama, he doesn't conduct himself as if he is the smartest person in the room. But he does have the academic and business credentials to substantiate the idea that he IS likely the smartest person in the room.
That is not to say Romney has a lack of other flaws. Personality? Too religious for some? Too facile? Too dull? Judgment flawed on certain issues and interactions?
Yes, he can be hit with many things he is wanting in. I simply say he is electable in a bad economy, would do a better job than Obama.
Angelyne - OK, name your perfect candidate that "is with you on things". Who? Are they electable?
If both parties have no one to offer you, and the country is being "reamed into 3rd world status" - fine. What is the solution then? Suspend the vote and the Constitution and go with a military putsch after top military, civilian leaders declare Washington and democracy is now too broken to be repaired from within the system?
And, yes. If the elites pick Romney, expect Sarah Palin to detach herself, and run as an Independent.
Name her veep: Trump
The GOP, right now, is NOT on the mend! It will take the 2012 election to send MESSAGES! I don't expect the democraps to do well. And, with an independent run, I expect the GOP to arrive in 3rd place.
Picking the Mormon for the top spot in 2012, is on par with the democraps picking Dukakis in 1988.
Voting for the "less smelly candidate" ... can be on par with picking McCain. Who thought white people wouldn't vote for Obama.
Obama is politically stupid!
With the first borrow "stimulus" if he had brains in his head ... he'd had offered the banks a "deal." LOWER EVERYONE'S MORTGAGE to fair levels. Don't let the Mississippi bridge the levees, so to speak.
Keep afloat the home owners. But he did not.
So, things remain being run by stinkeroo's. Both parties are to blame.
I don't think it changes the dynamics of the nomination process very much at all. The nominee will still have to build a coalition of Tea Partiers, Rinos, and independents--Reagan Democrats, if you will. A flame thrower can't be nominated. I think we're looking at a President Pawlenty or Perry, and a Vice President Bachmann.
I'm amused at the two memes being pushed here: "McCain was the media's choice in '08 and we lost" and "McCain was the moderate candidate".
The latter meme is just silly; McCain's more conservative than the second or third-place finishers, and arguable more conservative than the President he was running to replace.
The former meme is even sillier. McCain wasn't picked by Republicans because he was the media's darling. He was picked because he was running against Romney, Huckabee, Giuliani, and Paul. In that field in he was the closest overall match to core Republican beliefs on social, economic, and military issues. He wasn't chosen for "electability". The best option in that regard would have been Romney or Giuliani -- Republican moderates.
Realistically, of course, no Republican was going to win in 2008. Not after eight years of Bush plus the financial collapse of '08.
I think definitely. He would most likely be governing with Republican majorities in both houses of Congress. And, he would not be trying to bypass Congress with his nominations and stacking agencies, as Obama has done. And, anyone he puts in as Attorney General and Secretary of the Treasury have to be cleaner than Eric Holder and Tim Geitner. No more recess appointments to the NLRB to overturn 70+ years of labor law (in the case of Boeing) or stealth implementation of cap and trade by the EPA. Indeed, I would suggest that the biggest difference may be that high level Executive Branch appointments would be made more from a competence, and not ideology, point of view.
That said, I would probably prefer ideologues at the top of some of these agencies, such as the EPA. Just ones opposite in philosophy from those O'Bama picked.
I would not vote for Romney in the primary, but I would in the general election. I see him far better than for more yeas of WTF Hope and Change.
McCain was every pundit’s favorite "maverick" Republican. They loved his ass. He only became a crazy old man who wanted you off of his lawn when he was the nominee and they went into the tank for the Jug Eared Jesus.
The Republicans had a lot of flawed candidates but Rev is right when he says that nobody was going to win because of "Bush" fatigue.
That is why the Republicans have to have someone who will bring the battle to brittle Barack. He will crack and be shrill and condescending and arrogant. It is who he is. And the white guilt factor will not be in play this time.
So that is why it is not in our interest to support a milquetoast pusillanimous prevaricator who has to defend Obamneycare at every debate.
We need someone who is not afraid to put the pressure on Obama so he will crack like LeBron James
We can't settle for someone nobody wanted, like our last Presidential candidate. We need a bold new choice, like our last Presidential candidate's running mate.
Make no mistake. Although I am a Sarah Palin fan and I think she can win the election I am not dead set on her as the only alternative.
What I am dead set against is buying the Rhino candidate that is being foisted on us by the mainstream media who in Rev's opinion are the arbiters of who should be picking the Republican candidate.
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७३ टिप्पण्या:
But, can he handle Bachmania?
Find out tonight!
Jeez--it is what--17 months to go? This is the MSM trying to create a horse race for ratings IMO.
We will know if Perry is a favorite when the dudes in the MSM start doing hit pieces on him--if he does well in the debates, the hits will start coming late this week.
He isnt my favorite for a whole lot of reasons, but my bottom line--lets talk about this late this fall.
And--with any luck, Newt Gingrich will be gone and forgotten--of course he wont go silently
I assume some real candidate will turn up.
My prediction is Herman Cain's stock is going to rise.
Rodger J, Newt is already forgotten. He is on the stage only for comic relief.
250 comments...easy.
Mitt is claiming the fierce "money raised lead" that scares off less liquid candidates. He has announced twice, and he is calling in chits everywhere to get to 24%. Meanwhile Palin who has not yet announced still grows in support. Romney is not even running in Iowa or South Carolina. So Palin's Train can still runaway as soon as it hits the tracks and leave Mitt's 24% far down the line.
This is pretty much the "anybody but Obama" effect affecting the current front-runner.
Read this article! Click the link!
We're talking about the ELECTION, baby!
The real question is: Did I waste my money when I bought the Yahara Bay Gin? I've not yet cracked open the bottle (I went to buy Rehorst and came home with a genuine Madison gin) but plan to do so tonight.
My prediction is Herman Cain's stock is going to rise.
Given that the herd of RINOs has shrunk dramatically, no big surprise.
As to the money he's raised, that worked out so well for him last time, didn't it?
"Rodger J, Newt is already forgotten. He is on the stage only for comic relief."
That's right Fred. Just like your Fred, he ran a lazy campaign that fell apart, and then the failures were blamed on the wives.
God help us if Romney is the nominee. We will be toast.
Just like your Fred, he ran a lazy campaign that fell apart, and then the failures were blamed on the wives.
Yeah, but the difference is I believe Thompshon, lol.
And I'm picking the Broncos to win the AFC in 2012 because:
-I like their new coach
-they drafted some good picks
-Tim Tebow has potential and has been disrespected in the sports media
-I just like them
(Did I mention that I hate the Raiders.)
My prediction is Herman Cain's stock is going to rise.
Eh, they have him on record saying that being homo is a choice. If Herman Cain's stock rises among Republicans, expect the media to replay that 24/7 until they've got him labeled a homophobe with latent homo tendencies.
. . .
At which point I think we could accuse the left of hating him because he's gay . . . amirite?!
at this point in the process I have no idea who I would support--other than to say nominate anyone who can get rid of Mr Obama--I will wait to see what happens--far too early to tell--republicans are fighting among themselves, and Mr Obama has only his record to run on--interesting times ahead
Anybody but Romney.
Hey do not be bad mouthing my Fred!
Fred never ran for president. He strolled. Jeri is a delight and only brought grace and charm to his stroll. Seriously Fred just liked sipping bourbon, smoking fine cigars, and spending time with Jeri.
And who can blame him?
Fred would have been a great president.
I think it is dawning on Republicans that the country is in bad enough shape that none outside a few social cause activists on the right are really concerned about how "pure" Romney is in opposing abortion, if some other person was a gun backer earlier in their life than Romney. Ideological litmus tests have come to matter less in priorities than "This person could fix things wrong with my life and money security right now, and beat Obama."
Its about jobs, the debt..America surviving as a great country. That is what is on the line. And the Cults of Adoration set up around right-wing "faves" by activists have to contend with that. The Cult of Palin adoration being static in numbers while her negatives continue to pile up in Rep, Independent as well as Dem ranks is an indication of this.
Serious problems call for a serious, seasoned candidate to go up against Obama.
What's your favorite Fred Thompson movie?
Thought he was great in Die Hard 2, though many people liked him better in Hunt for Red October.
"My prediction is Herman Cain's stock is going to rise."
I like him too, but we elected an inexperienced smooth talker in 2008. How's that workin' out for ya?
Let me hastily add, I do not like Romney. His defense of Romney Care is ridiculous.
"mccullough said...
Anybody but Romney."
Better we lose with a candidate with nothing much to offer past right-wing purity and have 4 more years of Obama..than Romney in office!!
Romney bills himself as a technocrat, like Obama did. His signature achievement, Romneycare, was supposed to increase the number of insured, improve care, bring down costs, and decrease dependence on emergency rooms for primary care services.
Romneycare increased the insured from 90 to 95% in Massachusetts, but failed on the other important metrics, most notably costs continued to escalate.
I don't care if Presidential candidates are for or against gay marriage, abortion, etc. But I will not tolerate incompetence. And Romneycare displays utter incompetence. The fact that Romney defends it shows that he's arrogant. Why should anyone support Romney over Huntsman? Huntsman was a much better governor, is better looking, and at least as smart. Huntsman also has foreign policy experience.
These high numbers for Romney are a great sign for Huntsman.
I find it hard not to root for Palin if only for the excitement of it all. I don't think she would try to gut social security, let alone blow us all up. Where does she stand on new foreign military adventures? Trade and immigration?
How is Romney not four more years of Obama?
Romney is a top-down technocrat, just like Obama.
Pawlenty and Huntsman are much better candidates and would do much better as President.
" ... to 24%, compared with 17% in late May."
So, that means that 76% of Republicans don't support his candidacy.
I fail to see how this poll result reflects favorably on Mitt Hussein ObamaCare Romney.
I hope Palin refuses to debate or do mainstream media interviews. She should just travel around the country making speeches, run television ads, and issue broad campaign statements on her Facebook page.
Heck, it used to be that Presidential candidates didn't even campaign. So who's to say there's only one way to do it now?
Herman Cain is an interesting man with a fine resume outside political service. Which he has no experience with, at least no time in any elected office.
Unless the candidate is a commanding general in a major war, I don't think these "outsiders" with a fine public speaking tongue ever go anywhere past a band of devoted followers who are basically speech-lovers and judges of how their fave "won" the crowd with charisma and silver tongue and red meat. The folks enthralled by a Jesse!, a Pat Buchanan, a semi-psychotic Alan Keyes (but baby can that guy thrill a crowd and dominate a stage with his trained voice and seasoned preacher-speak!!)
One other possible downside of Cain besides lack of any elected office experience - he is a 66-year old Stage IV cancer survivor. (He might be good VP fodder, having none of the Palin, Bachmann, Perky Christine negatives - but don't think he will peel more than 1-2% of black votes from Obama. He might be OK in the inexperience is sometimes OK with voters, VP slot.)
Mitt Romney.
The Democrats favorite Republican.
The Media's favorite Republican.
The one they tell us is the most electable.
The one they say the moderates will support.
The one they want you to want so badly.
How did that work out for you with Johnny Boy McCain there paly?
Well, I don't like Romney anymore than I did before and believe fervently that he is Dole/McCain 2.0 at best, and that a Romney presidency would be breathtaking in its mediocrity and "unexpected" statism.
But maybe that's just me.
On the other hand, I still like Palin a great deal and would like to see her win the Presidency, but I'll admit that when I hear day after day, week after week, that she can't win, it works. I end up believing it.
Reichmarshall Cedarford, a Romney man??
the Geists! of yr nazi ancestors strongly diapprove mein haar. That's ....freemasonry! How did the wehrmacht and SS treat freemasons, aka , zionist collaborators, C?? Think, fertilizer.
Gingrich really yr sort of mann, C. Catholic crypto-nazi, Spenglerian-intellectual sort, probably reads Mein Kampf when his viagra isn't happening with the lovely Callista.
"I like him too, but we elected an inexperienced smooth talker in 2008. How's that workin' out for ya?"
I really don't think Obama's problem is that he's an inexperienced smooth talker. The problem is that he's a committed Leftist ideologue.
mccullough said...
How is Romney not four more years of Obama?
Romney is not Obama.
But running any of the other right-wing heartthrobs (save perhaps Paul Ryan and Huntsman who hasn't even declared..) means 4 more years of Obama.
Palin=More Obama
Cain= More Obama
Gingrich= More Obama
Bachmann = More Obama
Pawlenty = More Obama
I love it when J and Cedarford go at it. It's like when Godzilla went after Mothra or something.
Titus you can be Raymond Burr.
Once again that "Shouting Perry Como" thing was brilliant yesterday man.
The juxposition of two such incongruous things. Perry Como and Shouting.
It is almost as crazy a pairing as Mitt Romney and leadership.
You are a comic genuis sir. I salute you.
"I like him too, but we elected an inexperienced smooth talker in 2008. How's that workin' out for ya?"
I would never call Obama a smooth talker. Rather, a bumbling, stumbling orator, who leans on overused clichés and is disaster without a teleprompter. Go back and watch some of those campaign speeches from 2008. The emptiness is on full display. Why didn't people see it then? I submit they did, but the media told them that Obama was brilliant and they decided that it must be their lying ears that were wrong.
Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
Yogi Berri
Noboby will vote for them. They are popular with Republicans.
The pundits
That's Yogi Berra.
Yogi Berri is what he leaves when he is pinching a loaf.
Sorry Titus for intruding on your turf.
Carry on.
Danke, TY.
Just pointing out C-ford's inconsistencies. Real nazis never support freemasons-zionists. Even...protestants are suspect, except the sturdy lutheran-saxon infantry sorts (no need to involve Tits, the Atards' logcabin crew slut).
In American terms, none of the GOP-tea tards in the running would please the Founders. The Pauls, however f-ed up, at least understand the UC-constitution. I strongly doubt a Bachman or Palin can even read it, and it's against the Mittster's religion. Newt read it, and might approve of certain parts--at least the ante-bellum US-CON.
Well, it doesn't matter. Obama get's four more years because the economy is "turned around." Debbie Wasserman Schultz says so
Cult of 76-year old Ron Paul?
4 more years of Obama.
I am not an adorer of Romney the way some have fixated on Jesse!! in his day, Obama, or the half-term Gov Palin as near-perfection for the Oval Office.
I want someone who can beat Obama vs. lose nobly and "Send a Message!!" (see the impact of Sharron Angle's or Perky Christine's Message!! 7 months post election!) Sent, message not accepted following their snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
If I want someone who can beat Obama, I don't honestly care if he wasn't against abortion since age 6. I don't care if he is a dork. I don't care if Romneycare was flawed or Hillarycare was flawed and Obama could not be faulted pre-election because he had never dealt with healthcare matters (5-6 Republicans are basically saying as Obama was - "I have no experience with healthcare issues and that makes me pure&clean")
I just want an electable someone who will do a better job than Obama fixing America economically. I want Romney or perhaps Huntsman or Ryan if I decide they are more electable than even Romney against Obama to make the next 2-3 SCOTUS nominations..
I want someone with a solid resume of executive accomplishment. Which rules out half the Republican field outside Romney.
I just don't think that I want to support the guy that Joe Klein, Chris Matthews, Ezra Klein, Kevin Drum, Jeanne Garafolo and Cindy Sheehan think will be the best Republican candidate.
I mean they have the pulse of the moderates here in America.
I mean as much as I love my buddy Cedarford I don't think I would take his advice on what sells to moderate America.
Finding Jews hiding in an attic, sure he's your go to guy.
But taking the pulse of the undecided voter. Nah. Not so much.
Romeny's philosophy is top down, just like Obama. Romneycare is just an example of the technocrat committee knows best. We will fix the economy with our solutions, etc.
It's time for government to step the fuck out of the way and keep giving money to people who can and should take care of themselves.
It's clear you know nothing about Romney's approach or his record. Like Obama he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. Like Obama, he's wrong.
"This is the MSM trying to create a horse race for ratings IMO."
Eaxctly right. 35-50% of voters won't make up their minds until a few days before the primary - no matter what happens. Until that point much of the perceived front runner's support is soft, effectively there because people want to vote for someone who they believe has a chance at both the primary and general. This support can evaporate nearly overnight as Howard Dean found out.
Printing poll results is meaningless. Those who know what they're doing are talking about what various candiudates support will do between now and the election, not where we are now.
"Better we lose with a candidate with nothing much to offer past right-wing purity and have 4 more years of Obama..than Romney in office!!"
Yeah, what-in-the-world is that about? Let's keep that rigid and hopelessly self-defeating attitude and then sit back and mumble under our collective breaths while Obama reprises the hokum of the Grant Park election night victory speech.
Romney is the only Republican candidate who can beat Obama. He has the resources, organization and appeal to independent voters. Also, he's a proven turn-around artist.
Sound like someone we could use given our ongoing (and "unexpected") economic troubles?
I want a candidate who has large pointy patriotic tits that can poke you in the face when they walk by.
Didn't Jim Demint support Romney in the last go around?
Whassup with that.
I hope Rick Perry does throw his hat into the ring so I can scratch that itch.The job creation record in Texas is definitely impressive and I'd like to see how he stacks up on the national stage.
Can the governor of Puerto Rico run for president? Talk about an impressive turnaround...
Romney isn't quick on his feet but he's handsome. Palin's family is too crazy, and close inspection into that will undo her. I talked with a purported communist a few days ago who said the economy is so bad she wanted Romney in. The country needs someone with good leadership skills and sound morals.
Cedarford: Better we lose with a candidate with nothing much to offer past right-wing purity and have 4 more years of Obama..than Romney in office!!
Who's this "we" of which you speak? Neither of these men represents the interests of people like me; they represent people who are actively opposed to the interests of me and mine. The "right" (lol) and the left will just continue taking turns in the ongoing gang-bang of the nation. Is there some delicate distinction in methods of being reamed into Third World status that I'm missing here?
Its about jobs, the debt..America surviving as a great country. That is what is on the line.
Tell me about it.
It's clear you know nothing about Romney's approach or his record. Like Obama he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. Like Obama, he's wrong.
Unlike Obama, he doesn't conduct himself as if he is the smartest person in the room. But he does have the academic and business credentials to substantiate the idea that he IS likely the smartest person in the room.
That is not to say Romney has a lack of other flaws. Personality? Too religious for some? Too facile? Too dull? Judgment flawed on certain issues and interactions?
Yes, he can be hit with many things he is wanting in. I simply say he is electable in a bad economy, would do a better job than Obama.
Angelyne - OK, name your perfect candidate that "is with you on things".
Are they electable?
If both parties have no one to offer you, and the country is being "reamed into 3rd world status" - fine. What is the solution then?
Suspend the vote and the Constitution and go with a military putsch after top military, civilian leaders declare Washington and democracy is now too broken to be repaired from within the system?
If unemployment doesn't recover to at least 8.5% by next summer, then any of the current or likely Republican candidates will be the next President.
Hint: Unemployment will increase.
Wow. The GOP is fighting for 3rd place.
And, yes. If the elites pick Romney, expect Sarah Palin to detach herself, and run as an Independent.
Name her veep: Trump
The GOP, right now, is NOT on the mend! It will take the 2012 election to send MESSAGES! I don't expect the democraps to do well. And, with an independent run, I expect the GOP to arrive in 3rd place.
Picking the Mormon for the top spot in 2012, is on par with the democraps picking Dukakis in 1988.
Voting for the "less smelly candidate" ... can be on par with picking McCain. Who thought white people wouldn't vote for Obama.
Obama is politically stupid!
With the first borrow "stimulus" if he had brains in his head ... he'd had offered the banks a "deal." LOWER EVERYONE'S MORTGAGE to fair levels. Don't let the Mississippi bridge the levees, so to speak.
Keep afloat the home owners. But he did not.
So, things remain being run by stinkeroo's. Both parties are to blame.
If unemployment doesn't recover to at least 8.5% by next summer, then any of the current or likely Republican candidates will be the next President.
For the sake of argument, let's assume this is ironclad true. How much more vicious do you think the GOP primaries and debates get at that point?
Scott M,
I don't think it changes the dynamics of the nomination process very much at all. The nominee will still have to build a coalition of Tea Partiers, Rinos, and independents--Reagan Democrats, if you will. A flame thrower can't be nominated. I think we're looking at a President Pawlenty or Perry, and a Vice President Bachmann.
wv: hotte--I blush.
"I would never call Obama a smooth talker."
Agreed. "Charismatic" was more what I was reaching for. And though I don't find him such, certainly many people do.
"I really don't think Obama's problem is that he's an inexperienced smooth talker. The problem is that he's a committed Leftist ideologue."
True. He is, however, also inexperienced, which is actually turning out to be in our favor.
I'm amused at the two memes being pushed here: "McCain was the media's choice in '08 and we lost" and "McCain was the moderate candidate".
The latter meme is just silly; McCain's more conservative than the second or third-place finishers, and arguable more conservative than the President he was running to replace.
The former meme is even sillier. McCain wasn't picked by Republicans because he was the media's darling. He was picked because he was running against Romney, Huckabee, Giuliani, and Paul. In that field in he was the closest overall match to core Republican beliefs on social, economic, and military issues. He wasn't chosen for "electability". The best option in that regard would have been Romney or Giuliani -- Republican moderates.
Realistically, of course, no Republican was going to win in 2008. Not after eight years of Bush plus the financial collapse of '08.
Would Romney be better than O'Bama?
I think definitely. He would most likely be governing with Republican majorities in both houses of Congress. And, he would not be trying to bypass Congress with his nominations and stacking agencies, as Obama has done. And, anyone he puts in as Attorney General and Secretary of the Treasury have to be cleaner than Eric Holder and Tim Geitner. No more recess appointments to the NLRB to overturn 70+ years of labor law (in the case of Boeing) or stealth implementation of cap and trade by the EPA. Indeed, I would suggest that the biggest difference may be that high level Executive Branch appointments would be made more from a competence, and not ideology, point of view.
That said, I would probably prefer ideologues at the top of some of these agencies, such as the EPA. Just ones opposite in philosophy from those O'Bama picked.
I would not vote for Romney in the primary, but I would in the general election. I see him far better than for more yeas of WTF Hope and Change.
McCain was every pundit’s favorite "maverick" Republican. They loved his ass. He only became a crazy old man who wanted you off of his lawn when he was the nominee and they went into the tank for the Jug Eared Jesus.
The Republicans had a lot of flawed candidates but Rev is right when he says that nobody was going to win because of "Bush" fatigue.
That is why the Republicans have to have someone who will bring the battle to brittle Barack. He will crack and be shrill and condescending and arrogant. It is who he is. And the white guilt factor will not be in play this time.
So that is why it is not in our interest to support a milquetoast pusillanimous prevaricator who has to defend Obamneycare at every debate.
We need someone who is not afraid to put the pressure on Obama so he will crack like LeBron James
We can't settle for someone nobody wanted, like our last Presidential candidate. We need a bold new choice, like our last Presidential candidate's running mate.
Now that's thinking outside the box.
Yeah that didn't work for Al Smith and FDR.
Sometimes the talent was on the bottom of the ticket but the top of the ticket dragged it down.
The only reason Mr. Wilson got as many votes as he did was because of the enthusiam for Palin.
Make no mistake. Although I am a Sarah Palin fan and I think she can win the election I am not dead set on her as the only alternative.
What I am dead set against is buying the Rhino candidate that is being foisted on us by the mainstream media who in Rev's opinion are the arbiters of who should be picking the Republican candidate.
I mean what could go wrong?
I'm amused at the two memes being pushed here: "McCain was the media's choice in '08 and we lost" and "McCain was the moderate candidate".
No one loves a loser.
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