१३ जून, २०११

"Republican Debate Prep: What to Watch For in New Hampshire."

According to the NYT, you should look for:
* Romney vs. Obama...

* Pawlenty vs. Romney... The only question for Monday night is whether Mr. Pawlenty goes after Mr. Romney in his first answer, or if he waits until later in the debate.

* Bachmann’s Introduction.... In her first debate appearance, the often bombastic, conservative lawmaker is hoping to present herself as a serious, viable alternative to the other candidates in the field....

* Newt’s Return.... Can a strong debate performance help reassure donors and supporters that his campaign is not teetering on the edge of collapse?

* The Lesser-Knowns.... Representative Ron Paul of Texas is often a crowd-pleaser, especially with libertarians. Herman Cain.... And Rick Santorum...

* The Sideshow.... The Democratic National Committee has assembled a “rapid response” team in Manchester... The Progressive Change Campaign Committee will run an ad on broadcast and cable television attacking Republicans for what they say are attempts to end Medicare. Another group, Protect Your Care, will do the same, showing ads that say “Stop the Republican Plan to Cut Medicare.”
I would add: Look for live-blogging on Althouse! Is there any better place to hang out during the debate than in the comments here?

४१ टिप्पण्या:

अनामित म्हणाले...

Newt is done and only needs to turn his head or sneeze to realize it.

Revenant म्हणाले...

I might have paid attention if they had included Gary Johnson. But they didn't, so -- meh.

mccullough म्हणाले...

Pawlenty should go after Romney. Romneycare sucks and Romney wouldn't stand for re-election in Massachusetts. Those are two easy to understand weaknesses.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Newt doesn't "return." Tom DeLay doesn't come back into politics, either.

And, Sarah Palin has a plan!

First on her list is to make sure the GOP convention realizes she's no Ronald Reagan taking it on the chin in 1976.

Back then Reagan's inner circle begged him to go independent. But he had arleady gone from being a democrat to becoming a republican,for Goldwater, in 1964, for sure. But I'd bet for Eisenhower, too.

He just didn't want to be an Independent.

I see Sarah Palin has painted her wagon ONE NATION.

If the GOP stays stuck on stupid. On sellecting another Bush baby. Or a dole. Or a McCain. Sarah will venture forth across America.

Then we'll see what happens.

Both sides need to clean house.

Nothing else looks as bright as Sarah Palin doing an Independent run. And, picking Trump to her veep.

Trumps slogan? "You're FIRED."

America's response? ALL FIRED UP. Mark my words.

AllenS म्हणाले...

Is there any better place to hang out during the debate than in the comments here?

Not sure if it's the best, but it will be good, that's for sure.

WV: foolin

No, I was serious.

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Prediction: Newt goes out of control at debates and has to be put down!

Like Ol' Yeller. But you are not sad, just relieved.

Dave म्हणाले...

Revenant beat me to it...what you can't watch for, is Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Is there any better place to hang out during the debate than in the comments here?

Normally, I love it here, but it's far too early and the field thus far is far too depressing. The best place to hang out will be the one that doesn't cover the debate at all. Nevertheless I sincerely hope everyone here has a good time. Let me know if you start a Stanley Cup finals thread, though!

Eric म्हणाले...

I really like what Bachman says when I read it. But when I hear her speak somehow the delivery grates on my nerves.

All in all the field is a bit better than we've had in recent years, though the party is likely to pick whichever is the least inspiring. That would be Mitt "RomneyCare is totally not like Obamacare" Romney.

X म्हणाले...

I don't understand why CNN excluded Johnson. They included Clinton in '92. Does Johnson not have a marxist harpy for a wife?

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

I wish Rand Paul were running. He is a more practical version of his father. But the key, for me, is he bleeds limited guvmint.

David म्हणाले...

Please let me know how it came out.

How do you think Palin is going to do in a three way race?

Basil म्हणाले...

What Rocketeer said...

I wonder how many Republicans -- or anyone likely to vote against Obama -- will pass this up as a yawner?

I'm glad Althouse is watching, so I don't have to. I'll be mostly interested to see if the field narrows any after this. Eventually, it has to get down to somebody the Tea Parties can back with enthusiasm. Until then, it is boring.

edutcher म्हणाले...

Four people to watch:

Pawlenty, Romney, Cain, and Bachmann.

Can T-Paw inspire some fire in people?

Can Romney defend himself?

Does The Hermanator distinguish himself from the pack?

What does Bachmann say about Ed Rollins (and it's bound to come up since he's violating his old boss' 11th Commandment)?

And, yes, I will be hanging on every word at Althouse.

WV "nanni" What his governess called Michael Bloomberg

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Thanks for live blogging.

It looks like a beautiful early summer evening here in Madison. No way in he!! will I spend it inside, in front of the TV, watching mostly wannabes try to make tomorrow's headline.

kent म्हणाले...

O/T: Wisconsin Democrat Tells Female Constituent He Wants to “Smack Her Around” in Message (Audio)

AllenS म्हणाले...

Here's what I dread, the ascension, or, is it the descension:

Dole - McCain - Romney.

We have some very serious problems in this country. Debt/deficit. Not only that, but structurally, our whole economy is based on what? Where can we find growth? Finding growth is our only way out of this. Romney? obama?

Unless there is a huge replacement of our current member of the House and Senate, it might not matter who the POTUS is.

bgates म्हणाले...

I don't understand why CNN excluded Johnson.

I don't understand why the Republicans included CNN.

Revenant म्हणाले...

The thing to watch for is which candidates are proposing one or more of the following:

(1): Big cuts to Social Security
(2): Big cuts to Medicare/Medicaid
(3): Big cuts to defense spending
(4): Tax increases

Anyone remotely serious about avoiding national bankruptcy is advocating at least two of the items on this list.

अनामित म्हणाले...

What a complete BULLSHIT event anyway.

Why the fuck are Republicans appearing ANYWHERE on CNN?

I won't vote for any candidate that appears in this debate. CNN is not an objective news network and any candidate that appears in a debate sponsored by CNN isn't really a Republican.

These are all Democrat Party plants.

mccullough म्हणाले...

This debate is on CNN, moderated by John King.

Dark Eden म्हणाले...

"If the GOP stays stuck on stupid. On sellecting another Bush baby. Or a dole. Or a McCain. Sarah will venture forth across America.

Then we'll see what happens."

I love Palin as much as anyone but if you're right what happens is four more years of Obama.

Phil 314 म्हणाले...

Is there any better place to hang out during the debate than in the comments here?

My answer

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Rev wants to show us his Johnson.

Dude that's the Democrats.

I'll have Weiner tweet you.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

Agree with Nevadabob--cut CNN loose--appear on pajamasmedia and fuck the MSM

anyone honestly think any candidate will get a fair shake--on CNN? only thing that would have been worse would have been MSNBC

Bender म्हणाले...

Is there any better place to hang out during the debate than in the comments here?

Yes. Any place -- ANY -- that does not have to do with politics, especially the politics of an election still 17 months off.

Take a stand people. Bring an end to this idea of a perpetual campaign. Enough already.

Besides, it is a gross mistake for these folks to have begun so early. Come next year, people will be totally bored with them. I'm already bored with Romney. And he has not grown on me in the last five years since he began his campaign.

As usual, the one with the most sense -- as shown by the fact that she has not jumped in yet, even if the press is stalking her -- is the Sarahcudda. Same with Perry.

The smarter thing to do is hold back and wait for a groundswell to push you into the race, rather than you jump in with a tin cup in your hand pathetically asking for votes while prostituting yourself by eagerly agreeing with every idiotic thing that some questioner asks you about (like global warming).

Trooper York म्हणाले...

The only thing that would get a fair shake on CNN is Weiner's weiner.

So to speak.

Trooper York म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
अनामित म्हणाले...

Why are some in the Republican Party allowing CNN - of all networks - to have a hand in deciding who OUR candidates for political office will be?

What's next, Chris Matthews getting to be the Republican debate moderator?

Keith Olbermann being named our official party spokesman?


Original Mike म्हणाले...

What MadisonMan said. I'll be outside at the telescope. If clouds intervene, it'll be the battle for Lord Stanley's Cup. I may switch over between periods.

erictrimmer म्हणाले...

Is Ron Paul really a lesser-known? I'd say he's the third most famous candidate in the debate behind Romney and Gingrich.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

CNN??? Really?

Hagar म्हणाले...

I can see holding political debates the Lincoln-Douglas way with the candidates addressing the nation in turn.

And when it gets down to one candidate from each party, I can see giving each candidate a lectern and letting them have at it, perhaps with some sheriff's deputies standing by in case someone gets rowdy in the hall.

But no way am I going to listen to this garbage with a bunch of blowdried yahoos on stage trying to keep a straight face and avoid speaking their minds while answering inane questions posed by the witless hosts of the morning chit-chat shows or the League of Women Voters.

J म्हणाले...

Yes, air the Regumplican debate on Pajamas Media! Should pick up a couple hundred klansmen and maybe a few dozen tweekers watching from a Nevada bunker in their Hitler tutus.

Paul-Gingrich!--ie, rednecks for ending the US as we know it . A bit superior to a Mitt mormonic regime, or ...Palin's stoogeocracy

Bill म्हणाले...

The only thing the GOP debates will answer is this: Will Obama win by a larger landslide, or a slightly smaller one?

None of these candidates have any shot in hell of beating him...not one of them is a viable opponent.

The question that won't get answered: Why is Althouse so incredibly lazy when it comes to grading finals?

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

Sorry, Dear Professor, but my glass belongs to Vodka.

mccullough म्हणाले...


Obama has Axelrod issuing daily rebuttals on Pawlenty and others, and Robert Gibbs will be in New Hampshire tonight to address the media and say why Romney and Pawlenty are worse than Obama.

Obama doesn't want to face Romney, Pawlenty, or Huntsman. Any of them will beat him oretty easily because the economy is going nowhere in the next year.

Eric म्हणाले...

(1): Big cuts to Social Security
(2): Big cuts to Medicare/Medicaid
(3): Big cuts to defense spending
(4): Tax increases

Anyone remotely serious about avoiding national bankruptcy is advocating at least two of the items on this list.

Well, yeah, but nobody who's remotely serious about getting elected is going to advocate that kind of stuff. Otherwise we wouldn't be in the fix we're in.

Here's what I'm seeing as best case scenario - high inflation with a somewhat lower increase in the official CPI. It's a tax increase and benefits cut all rolled up in one strategy. And it's relatively stealthy, since most people don't realize inflation is purely a monetary effect.

The worst case scenario is much, much worse.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Wow. Listening to Rev's criteria I guess his preferred candidate is Ned Stark.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Wow. Listening to Rev's criteria I guess his preferred candidate is Ned Stark.

They aren't "Rev's criteria". They are math's criteria.

The budget:
Defense: $700b
Medicare/aid: $800b
Social Security: $700b
Interest: $200b
Everything Else: $1100b

Deficit: $1500b

ricpic म्हणाले...

Time for Obama to rally "my people" against "the enemy." May a thousand flash mobs bloom. That, by the way, is going to be the six hundred pound gorilla that no one will mention but that has ALREADY decided the election. The election will turn on the correct visceral fear by whites that the tenuous hold on safety they now have will be gone with four more years under the great dismantler.