And includes this video, where Weiner looks so uncomfortable that I'm feeling pretty sorry for him... and then he up and calls CNN's Capitol Hill producer Ted Barrett a "jackass."
The man is stressed. Would it really be so bad to check out who's following you on Twitter and — there's always a little picture — click "follow" if the follower looks cute?
IN THE COMMENTS: johnroberthenry questions the veracity... of the pie scenario:
Weiner talked several times about a guy in the back of an audience of 145,000 people throwing a pie at him.
I would be amazed if he could attract an audience of 145,000 people. Where would he make this speech? I suspect that only a NASCAR track would be big enough.
And then a guy in the back throws a pie at him? I'd like to meet that guy. He must have one HELL of an arm.
२७२ टिप्पण्या:
272 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Well, isn't that what people do?
I mean, that's just the tip of the iceberg in this case, but: is it so awful to be drawn to the "hotties" (or hot avatars) among your followers?
Sex addict.
This is totally understandable if you are just some guy cruising the interweb, but Twitter is a public relations tool for Weiner. How about filming his next campaign ad at the Stripper Car Wash (not that he will ever need one)?
This guy makes a habit out of calling people jackasses.
He's very arrogant... and headed for a fall.
Somehow, life always trips us up just at the moment when we are most confident and full of ourselves.
This guy is on his way out. Don't know how he'll manage it... but the handwriting is on the wall.
To quote the Grateful Dead:
Trouble ahead, the lady in red
Take my advice you'd be better off dead
Switchman's sleeping, train Hundred and Two
Is on the wrong track and headed for you
Trouble with you is the trouble with me
Got two good eyes but we still don't see
Come round the bend, you know it's the end
The fireman screams and the engine just gleams
Has his wife of one year made a public comment about this yet?
I like how Jon Stewart is kinda angry over the fact that the MSM won't do any investigative journalism. Obviously the MSM won't do it, because it might lead to the truth.
An innocent person files a police report...or at a minimum says they did not do this and that they were hacked. They don't couch, they don't equivacate, and they sure as hell don't complain about being "distracted."
It was a stupid thing, but Weiner is making it far worse.
Somewhere, Megan Kelly is laughing her ass off.
Strikes me as an incident I saw on Arrested Development, but then so many present day pols remind me of that program.
Actually, as of Friday morning last week he followed only about 95 others.
He suddenly doubled it, so that the number of young babes relative to the overall population of people he follows wouldn't stand out so much.
Why else would he suddenly go on a bender and pack his list that way?
Why is it surprising that a number are total babes?
So the little man is in bondage to hottie women on the internet. Tiger Woods can give him a referral to a clinic and the Dems can find themselves a new spokesperson for slandering the morality of the GOP. MSNBC will still let him appear there.
I like that jackass! He's committing journalism. And how tall is he?
Job report was terrible; libyian war extended, afghan casualties go over the 1000 mark.
Perhaps someone should check White House computers? This news takes the news focus off jug ears. Not that the white house would try to manage the news however--The weiner can easily be thrown under the bus because his constituency would elect another bum like weiner
Looks like a win-win situation for team jug ears. I am channeling my inner conspiracy persona here.
Arrogance isn't a big enough word for the presser I saw him hold yesterday. Strangely, "asshole" has fewer letters, but seems big enough to encompass him.
I give up. What does the tag "Pie" have to do with the Weinerwaggergate.
--Well, I haven't been watching the videos till now, so: I only made it through the first four minutes before I started hyperventilating.
Some laugh-out-loud moments, but: infuriating stuff.
What a weird dickhead. Lust doesn't make him weird, it's everything else. Like he thinks this shit he talks can stick.
I read that he was a total playa before he got married.
He must be a total playa still.
Good for him.
He must be a total playa still.
Good for him.
In the abstract, I agree with you, Tight Ass.
But, in terms of his current career aspirations, I don't think it's going to work out well for him.
Traditional guy: one of his best quotes was "I would not spend two hours responding to that pie."
In the context of a hypothetical guy who threw a pie during a speech, but it sounded as ridiculous as everything else this guy said.
I buy the "I was just looking at the cuties" line if he's just an ordinary schmuck, but he's one of 435 US congresscritters. He's a schmuck, but not an ordinary schumck. He should know better.
Even Bill Clinton had the grace (if you can call it that) to do his tacit wink 'n' nod during Monicagate before he was forced to his full confession.
That whole 'well now you *know* how I am!' kind of twinkle.
Weiner has no twinkle. Nothing about him has that je ne sais quoi of the hangdog Casanova.
He looks and sounds *furtive* in a way that makes him feel much more dirty and unwholesome. Plus right now all we know about is the internet, dirty pictures, and lies. If he screwed a co-ed, that would make his misdeeds more part of the Human Condition. As it is, he's coming off more as a conflicted little creep.
Its time to put the National Enquirer on this story--they nailed John Edwards when the so called MSM wouldnt touch it. Although it does appear that CNN has taken up the challenge--their questioning to the weiner man was quite direct--My inner cynic says ratings, of course--they need all the help they can get.
Following babes on Twitter is futile, unless you're hoping their (mostly) vapid observations come with some cheesecake Twitpics.
Feeling sorry for Anthony Weiner? You've got to be kidding? The man's a total prick.
"Why is it surprising that a number are total babes?"
It's not just a number. It's a surprising number.
"Feeling sorry for Anthony Weiner? You've got to be kidding? The man's a total prick."
Well, see, that's the thing. Nobody feels sorry for the total prick. That's what's so sad.
Twitter is real life, even though some people seem to think of it as an alternate reality.
You shouldn't follow people on Twitter that your spouse would be dismayed to find you chatting on the phone with, or hanging around with, IRL.
I don't believe in a lot of slippery slope arguments, but I do believe cheating on your spouse follows a definite slippery slope-like path.
(I apologize to Simon for my grammar in the above few paragraphs)
I blame the wife for this.
She is very hot but isn't she half Paki and half Indian?
Not a good combo in the sack.
She probably doesn't do what is required by the man and as a result the man has to go elsewhere, like to the black woman.
Is sending a boner pic to another considering cheating?
Should a wife leave a man for this?
What would you (few) women do here if you found out your husband send a picture of his boner to another woman?
A smart Congressman would reciprocally follow everyone.
Well, see, that's the thing. Nobody feels sorry for the total prick. That's what's so sad.
Being a total prick is a lifestyle choice.
I had to laugh at his pie analogy. I wonder how long it took him to dream up that speech.
He was so determined to make the analogy and when the reporters kept asking him 'real' questions for a change, he just couldn't handle it.
Like most politicians, they have some pre prepared, canned talking points and usually the press lets them get away with it.
LOL to the tenth power!!!
Should a wife leave a man for this?
If it's JUST this and nothing else, meaning no physical infidelity, then no.
Well, see, that's the thing. Nobody feels sorry for the total prick. That's what's so sad.
He's not a total prick, but rather, a sad, pathetic, small prick, trying to be a total prick. His angry rants over some minor issue suddenly fall into context.
How fitting is it that Wiener is in trouble for showing his wiener, and that the name Wienergate could be in reference to his name or his package? And did I mention the guy is an absolute dick?
Would you expect this guy to be named anything but Wiener? Maybe Dick Johson, or Hugh G Prick or something Bart Simpson would crank call Moe with.
But no, Wiener sounds about right. What a dick.
What would you (few) women do here if you found out your husband send a picture of his boner to another woman?
Work on forming an exit strategy. It would betray not only a lack of integrity but classlessness and bad judgement. Long term all those traits together in a spouse will lead inevitably to misery.
"Would it really be so bad to check out who's following you on Twitter and — here's always a little picture — click 'follow' if the follower looks cute?"
I do the opposite -- I block anyone who follows me if they have a "cute" avatar -- by which I mean (as I assume is meant in the above quote) an avatar that's a sexy young woman. For one thing, most of those are actually fake twitter spam that lead to porn sites or some website selling something, usually some marketing scam. (In either the profile link or the tweets there will be a link to a porn site or a marketing scam site.)
If the follower looks like a legitimate person, I still block them if their tweets have nothing to do with anything I tweet about -- if it's all things like "Heyyy guurrrl, whassup went to lunch 2day had the fries LOL." I figure this person just randomly follows people or uses one of those follow aps that are supposed to get you followers (they're supposed to be attracted to your site and follow *you* -- the "I've got ten thousand followers!" game is big on Twitter). In any case, I'm not sure why some random young person with nothing of interest to say would be interested in following the tweets of a middle-aged woman who is apparently obsessed with photography, cats, and Doctor Who, so I block them.
In any case, someone in a position of responsibility like Weiner should not be indulging in silly social media like Twitter. I'm against government officials wasting their time (and my tax money) on the internet, or even having an intern do it, in this fashion. If they want their constituents to contact them, the thing to do is to set up an official .gov (or website with a phone number and email and snail mail addresses. I don't want my government officials (that I pay for with my tax dollars) trying to "be my friend" by doing the same things I do. And I certainly don't want them to use their time -- even their "free time" (which I don't consider them to have -- as far as I'm concerned my tax dollars have bought their lives 24/7 as long as they are being paid by them) to pick up chicks. I want them to do their jobs.
What would you (few) women do here if you found out your husband send a picture of his boner to another woman?
Divorce comes to mind.
If he is sending pictures and has that little control, what else is going on and how often?
When trust is broken.....there is no mending it.
When my first husband had an affair and I found out (20 years ago), all his shit ended up in the street and I changed the locks immediately. The note to warn him not to come home was attached to the front seat of his truck with a fillet knife.
But hey, that's just me
Would it really be so bad to check out who's following you on Twitter and — there's always a little picture — click "follow" if the follower looks cute?
When an unknown total babe follows me on Twitter, it's usually somebody selling something, and I block them.* I've never clicked to find out what they're selling (phone sex, I presume), but it's pretty easy to tell. Their handles are often machine generated, with a string of numbers tacked on (indicating that Twitter has already found and deleted their earlier accounts). Rep. Weiner's follows at least seem to be real people with legit handles.
Aside from how stupidly he has handled this, my reaction is: so what? Assuming the worst of what evidence we've seen, he's guilty of internet flirting (plus a clumsy cover-up), and the media is guilty of rampant hypocrisy. They look worse than him.
*Exceptions granted, of course, for women who intelligently discuss my technical interests and through no fault of their own happen to be total babes. Despite the stereotypes you might see in movies or TV, that label applies to a lot of women in software.
I'd never heard of him before but having seen his interview with my heart throb Megan Kelly and now this, I have to say that he is such a pencil neck pissant bully who enjoys pushing people around, especially the very much bigger CNN reporter. He is a dangerous man to put in a position of power. Even without knowing his politics, I loathe him and would enjoy mocking him to his face.
@ Lucius
I know Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton was a President of mine. Anthony Weiner is no Bill Clinton.
The NY Post does some investigative journalism.
Printing photos and names of these women was awesome journalism.
To think all Weiner had to do to escape your inquiring eye was to have an actual affair with a family friend, get caught, and pay off the mistress with Mom and Dad's money, with a little negotiating help from another congressman.
I heard the House Whip is looking for the Weiner ;)
A smart Congressman would reciprocally follow everyone.
I always admired Corey Booker because he sought out politically interested people, some from the left and some from the right.
The constant camera clicking is extremely annoying.
Also, why does he stand there so long saying over and over that he won't talk about it? He'd be better off walking away.
Do famous people have to listen to that clicking wherever they go?
It sounds like giant insects are standing around exercising their mandibles just out of sight.
No wonder Johnny Depp moved to the French countryside.
This guy is not a "player". The guy is in congress. He could hire an attractive aid and have an affair on his wife in a heartbeat. Instead he sends obscene pictures of himself to some coed in Seattle?
He is not a player. He is a maladjusted deviant prick. And he was only a prick to Kelly because she is gorgous and he is a loser who knows he would never have a chance with her.
Also, why does he stand there so long saying over and over that he won't talk about it? He'd be better off walking away.
I think because he was just determined to get his pie story out there, thinking that it would change everything and people would believe everything he said......because he is 'just that clever'.
When you make a life of telling lies and half truths and get away with it, unchallenged, you begin to believe your own lies.
"It sounds like giant insects are standing around exercising their mandibles just out of sight."
How long before he shows up with black and blue marks? That'll be the coup de grace.
He has a large nose.
There goes the link between a large nose and a large hog.
His wife seems pretty cool too. I don't know why but I love the fact that she never says anything but you know she is around the action. She's very hot and mysterious. What a catch she would be. She is supposed to be a very hard worker and very nice as well. How did she end up with him? She could of had any man.
Her clothes are very fierce too which is major bonus points. Hot bod too.
DBQ: it has been said by someone far smarter than me that the truth is the only thing that can be told the same way twice.
I see either one of two options:
Weiner operated his own Twitter account and followed a lot of total babes and even sent (at least one) inappropriate picture. In this option, he being a public figure, this would make him either stupid or reckless--or possibly some combination of the two.
If he had an intern run his Twitter account then he could throw the kid under the bus, but then he would have to admit that claiming it was really the member of congress sending tweets was bullshit.
All he has to do is ask for an investigation, and sign something that declares he did not do it himself. If he is innocent and his account really was hacked, it would be a no brainer....
It sounds like giant insects are standing around exercising their mandibles just out of sight.
The movie version of The Right Stuff gets this perfectly.
I think because he was just determined to get his pie story out there, thinking that it would change everything and people would believe everything he said......because he is 'just that clever'.
I picture him getting ready for his day by standing in front of the mirror and rehearsing the pie speech over and over.
"Would it really be so bad to check out who's following you on Twitter and — there's always a little picture — click "follow" if the follower looks cute?"
Yes, it is bad. This Democrat is a supposed to be a public servant. Instead, he's surfing the internet using taxpayer dollars, taxpayer computer and telecommunications equipment and doing it on the taxpayer's time.
So, yes, it is bad. He's a married man, for Christsakes, and allegedly a grown man. Are all these hot young teens he's stalking on the internet even of legal age? Where the hell is Chris Hanson on this guy? Let's get some cameras following this scumbag around and see how many internet teens show up for "lunch dates" with this sick pervert.
At any rate, the taxpayer is sick and tired of government employees sitting around surfing for hot babes to twiddle on our fucking dime.
He should be investigated by legal authorities and have to pay back the money he's been stealing from the taxpayer while doing this personal business on the taxpayer's time.
Our budget deficit is too high, and our debt burden too high, to allow this to continue.
This ... this exact kind of activity shows our politicians have too much of our money. If they can waste it surfing for young schoolgirl teens on the internet, then it's time we had a tax cut.
"Actually, as of Friday morning last week he followed only about 95 others. He suddenly doubled it, so that the number of young babes relative to the overall population of people he follows wouldn't stand out so much."
I noticed that, also.
Odd how these media-anointed "technophiles" aren't nearly as clever as we would be led to believe.
@Titus: your take on the wife is intriguing.
At acertain level she has elements both of a Sofia Coppola-style hipster and the kind of South Asian hottie you'd expect in a Mira Nair movie.
But one has to ask: 1) what makes her an aide de camp in Hillaryverse; and 2) why did she marry this guy?
For all her svelte and belted, olive-hued charms, I'd have to take a pass. I mean, pass on by.
"Has his wife of one year made a public comment about this yet?"
The media have been, and will continue to be, very respectful towards Hillary aide de camp Huma Abedin, the spouse who plucked Anthony Weiner from under a rock a year ago and tried to make him an honest man.
While the press doesn't give two shits about Anthony "Check Out My" Weiner, they believe that Huma Abedin is a very competent and professional Muslim woman in her own right who would never stoop to sleeping around on her husband.
In her role as an advisor to the Secretary of State, she has to work with people in the Middle East who care about these sorts of things and now she has to put up with the stain of infidelity on her family name placed there by her piss-pot husband.
The media will be respectful and leave her name out of this because it's such a shame she's revealed to have been tricked so badly by the awful Anthony Weiner.
Where does she go to get the Abedin name back?
Where does she go to get the Abedin name back?
She didn't keep her own last name for professional reasons? So her legal name is Huma Weiner?
Typical regumplican character assassination--the TP hacks won' discuss specifics--like Weiner's voting record--so they resort to scandalmongering (following l-serv orders from Breitbart, Limblow, etc).
Weiner's hardly respected by most authentic demos anyway. He's a moderate, was hawk on the war, etc. So you're attacking one of your own.
"I give up. What does the tag "Pie" have to do with the Weinerwaggergate."
It comes from his live news conference meltdown on CNN where he offered a bizarre non-denial denial.
Weiner: "If I were giving a speech to 45,000 people and someone in the back threw a pie, I would not spend the next two hours of my speech responding to that pie."
This was the reason he gave why he is refusing to answer any reporters' questions on his misuse of government equipment to surf for teenie trim.
Because of pie.
Man's a fucking sick pervert moron.
Watch the train wreck here:
"A smart Congressman would reciprocally follow everyone."
Exaclty. And a pervert Congressman would just follow the teenage hotties.
"Weiner's hardly respected by most authentic demos anyway. He's a moderate, was hawk on the war, etc."
I beg to differ. According to the ADA (from their website - Americans for Democratic Action has and will continue to be a forthright liberal voice of this nation. We work to advocate progressive stances on civil rights and liberties, social and economic justice, sensible foreign policy, and sustainable environmental policy.) he is one of their heroes in the House.
"Do famous people have to listen to that clicking wherever they go?"
That clicking sound is the little red career dissipation light in the corner of his eye going off.
It's annoying, but yes, when you're a Congressman who has been literally caught with his pants down, people are going to take your picture over and over and over.
... You know ... For the warning posters we'll have to put up in all 56,000 of the nation's junior high schools.
So, Sarah's not responding to the journo pies they throw?
A smart Congressman would reciprocally follow everyone.
Gotta disagree with this. A Congressman who did that would be getting thousand of direct messages from nutjobs every day. Weiner just wants to get DMs from hotties. Cuz he wants to get their views on the tanning-bed tax proposal or something.
The wife is hot.
She is totally Bollywood Star.
I fucking love her.
So beautiful.
Has she ever given an interview?
I would love to see her luscious lips move.
She looks great in oversized Prada sunglasses.
"His wife seems pretty cool too. I don't know why but I love the fact that she never says anything but you know she is around the action. She's very hot and mysterious."
Here's Huma Abedin's Vogue photo shoot. Very hot, seductive Muslim. Her fashion sense is non-burqa, if you know what I mean. People say she's never worn the same outfit twice. Super rich. It's too bad she's such a bad husband picker. She needs his shit like she needs a hole in the head.
Hot here:
Weiner's liberal, but hardly radical. Actually he's one of the few leading Dems to stand up to the Patriot Act Extensions (for which he deserves credit). However he did vote for the Iraqi war.
Either way, another tempest in a piss pot, the Ahouse MO.
What would you (few) women do here if you found out your husband send a picture of his boner to another woman?
I don't know what I would do, but I would be heartbroken. And disgusted.
Even if I didn't really love him (imagining the worst of Huma, here), I would think he was a putz for messing up so publicly. That would be humiliating.
Weiner's liberal, but hardly radical.
So, anything right of radical liberal is "one of our own" by your classification system?
Weiner's liberal, but hardly radical.
Hasn't Weiner said there is no reason for the existence of health insurance companies?
I don't think he sent the wiener pick, but his strange behavior makes me wonder if he's covering something up.
If questions about Wienergate distract Weiner from important work, then he should just answer them quickly and then drop his long-winded and clumsy attempts to change the subject.
Por ejemplo:
Reporter: "Did you send that picture of your wiener?"
Weiner: "No."
[Repeat as necessary.]
If he is not responsible for the wiener pic, is there any danger in simple denial?
Shouting Thomas said...
This guy makes a habit out of calling people jackasses.
He's very arrogant... and headed for a fall.
All elected Democrats are arrogant beyond belief. He just gets more TV time because of who he's married to...
Maybe Weiner is not getting the coochie at home, and they have an "arangement."
Maybe the rumors about Huma are true.
"Has she ever given an interview?"
Huma Abedin is notorious for not speaking to the press. It's one of the top two reasons she is a trusted confidant to the Secretary of State of the United States. She knows how to keep her mouth tightly closed.
The other reason being she doesn't sit around all day hunting up internet skank.
Here's a well-researched article about Huma Abedin that she did not sit for) done by the New York Observer
(There are whispers of rumour that she is secretly Hillary's lesbian lover and that her marriage to Mr. Vienna Sausage is for show and political convenience.)
11:25. Not exactly, Scottie Stupid. More like any policy not in step with the Paul Ryan-Randian glibertarian agenda is communist to you and the Teabuggers. Medicare-it's a stinkin' Red plot, brutthrerr
Maybe read the wiki on the New deal a few times and start over.
"Maybe Weiner is not getting the coochie at home ..."
You've seen him (and now know what it's like to be around him for a while).
Would you fuck him?
Look, you can hardly blame her for switching teams after marrying that piece-of-shit scumbag. Fucking guy is ruining her career.
I'd love to try to recruit her back over to the good side of the force.
The hot is strong in this one.
Correction: 91 followers.
He added 107 followers in the past few days.
I guess in an effort to blur the picture a bit.
It's pretty funny that a congressman is following people who aren't influential to his district, or even in his district, but rather fairly reliably are hot teenagers who happen to act like groupies who "love" Weiner, their "boyfriend".
Old creepy man.
J said...
Typical regumplican character assassination--
The "Republicans" didn't send the picture of Weiner's, wiener. You bozo.
PS, Guess who officiated at Weiner's Wedding?
Politics is a slash and burn business.
Too bad for Weiner. He probably thought he could "sexy text" a woman, who was "sexy texting him." Who would know?
This is a POLITICAL disaster!
Weiner can't tell the truth, now.
And, word games didn't help him extricate himself from "flashing" someone with his Blackberry.
If Weiner is depressed, it's because he just saw what happened to his carfully crafted career.
He's also got Hillary angry at him, too. Given how Hillary feels about Huma. (It's one of the reasons CNN can attack Weiner without fear! Hillary wants this man to RESIGN!)
Does Huma?
Will the wife call in the rabbi, and will they suggest that Weiner seeks addiction counseling? Yesterday, here, someone posted the probability of such an outcome.
While I doubt Huma is an "innocent" spouse. (I don't think Maria Shriver is an "innocent spouse," either.)
If there's a divorce?
Well, Maria Shriver got so angry she's the one who stirred the "maid's love child" into the mix. So no sympathy for her! Was she blinded as a child to all of the Kennedy men's antics?
You know, I don't think so.
Some stories just get to smell of revenge. Huma's reaction is still unknown.
As to "silly sexual stuff," look what it brought to Gary Hart. And, to the silk pony.
For Anthony Weiner to resign from congress; it will be because he can't show his face among the other members, without being harassed. And, laughed at.
Savvy politicians have no use for the "Gary Hart," "Eliot Spitzer, Client #9" stuff, either. And, I'd suggest no wading into the Capitol's waterworks, outside the building. Splashing around with a whore.
In American politics, sometimes we get to see an ordinary politician falling (or being thrown) on his sword.
Huma does have a certain hotness, and a kind of Charlotte Gainsbourg vibe about her that's alluring; but I'm not convinced she's a firecracker or cares to be one.
My hunch would be she's of that Gene Tierney/Jackie O. model of melancholic woman who doesn't mind a certain lowkey Dierdre of the Sorrows allurement but really just wants to be taken seriously and doesn't have very fierce carnal promptings.
Of course, this kind of stance is guaranteed to provoke fierce carnal promptings in certain onlookers of whatever persuasion.
Weiner has such a nasty face. I can believe there's been little chemistry between them, so conjecture as you will.
They call it showbusiness for ugly people, and for Weiner that certainly applies.
"Reporter: "Did you send that picture of your wiener?"
Weiner: "No."
That would end it.
But you see he can't say that.
Because he did send it. And he knows he sent it.
And he knows we know.
And he believes that we're just waiting for him to say he didn't send it to provide the proof that he did, in fact, send it.
So, he will never say he didn't send the pornographic tweet to that student and he'll never say it wasn't him who uploaded the obscene photo to yfrog. And he'll never claim that's not his cock.
Because it is.
Typical regumplican character assassination--the TP hacks won' discuss specifics--like Weiner's voting record--so they resort to scandalmongering (following l-serv orders from Breitbart, Limblow, etc).
Classic projection.
l-serv orders from Breitbart? You must be assuming that there's a conservative version of JournOList. You know the one that ACTUALLY exist(ed) somewhere besides in your fevered imagination.
And who was talking about Weiner before he started tweeting wieners? Nobody, except when he unleased profanity-laced tirades on the floor of the House claiming that Republicans were killing people. So pretty much the ONLY thing he's known for is being an all-around jackass.
He's a nobody. He's a member of the minority party of the House which means he has no actual power to even affect the debate in any way shape or form.
So what is it exactly that you're claiming it is about Weiner that is soooooo super scary that he - of all the possible Democratic targets - made him TARGET #1 on the conservative hitlist?
Oh that's right. Nothing. It's just you trying to distract from Weiner's wiener problem.
Not exactly, Scottie Stupid.
Someone asks for clarification on a point you made and your first reaction is to lash out like that? Why, Jolly?
More like any policy not in step with the Paul Ryan-Randian glibertarian agenda is communist to you and the Teabuggers. Medicare-it's a stinkin' Red plot, brutthrerr
Show me where I said that. Otherwise, it's irrelevant to my original question. Provide a link or stop making this ridiculous claim.
Titus is right about the wife being smoking hot. All the more evidence this clown is some kind of deviant. Who hits on random coeds when you have that at home?
Weiner's biggest problem is that he is a retarded version of Rahm Emmanuel. Rahm is better looking, smarter, more ambitious, and much more saavy. Undoubtedly, Rahm has a bigger dick.
Weiner tried to be Rahm, but he failed. Big time.
Wow, thanks for the links Nevada.
She is superwoman.
So exotic and fucking hot.
What a woman.
She ended up with Weiner?
That is just sad.
"The man's a total prick."
Nah. At best, he's half a prick. More like a Vienna sausage.
J said...
11:25. Not exactly, Scottie Stupid. More like any policy not in step with the Paul Ryan-Randian glibertarian agenda is communist to you and the Teabuggers. Medicare-it's a stinkin' Red plot, brutthrerr
Maybe read the wiki on the New deal a few times and start over.
6/1/11 11:33 AM
Redistributing my income to you sure seems commie to me. Hey I didn't vote for FDR or LBJ so why should I have to cash their checks? You know the old saying 'the only good commie is a dead commie". Now run along and do the world a favor and make yourself a good commie, but in an environment friendly way and have a nice day.
John: I dont have a dog (or wiener) in this fight, but to your question: why in the world would Tiger Woods betray his gorgeous wife for the skanks he was fucking?
The answer seems to me to be simple: Men think with the small heads rather than their big heads--seems to me to be an easy answer.
Weiner is no ordinary wiener, he's a putz!
"When my first husband had an affair and I found out (20 years ago), all his shit ended up in the street and I changed the locks immediately. The note to warn him not to come home was attached to the front seat of his truck with a fillet knife."
I got a Raging Rep. Weiner reading this.
You gotta love a woman with fire, principles and weaponry at the ready!
"When my first husband had an affair and I found out (20 years ago), all his shit ended up in the street and I changed the locks immediately. The note to warn him not to come home was attached to the front seat of his truck with a fillet knife."
What if she would have found out that he had an affair twenty years prior, but nothing since?
Is Huma the kind of woman other women would hate?
Can't be the case, I guess, Hillary seems to love her or does Hillary really really love her?
I would love to be a fly on the wall when her and Hillary spoke about the boner tweet.
If I was straight I would love to have a woman that looked like Huma.
I am sorry but she is so fucking fierce.
Roger J,
But Tiger was actually getting some. This loser was just stalking coeds on Twitter. Big difference. As I said, he is some kind of deviant. No wonder his wife is gay.
Huma was one of Bill Clinton's interns and he never hit out her?
I find that weird.
I would be happy just happy smelling her clothes after a day of work.
OK John--I take your point. Tiger was an equal opportunity fucker. But I mean really: cheating on Elin? Lord that lady is a real babe. And did you see the other skanks Tiger was boinking? ewwww
11:46: do Reason a favor, Gump, and STFU.
I bet when Huma shits it smells like flowers.
And her periods are probably really pretty and not much flowage.
I would enjoy watching her at the gym on a stair master.
That bitch is hot.
She loves cheeseburgers too.
What if she would have found out that he had an affair twenty years prior, but nothing since?
Duct tape the note on the window rather than a filet knife in the seat of the truck. ;)
GOP-tards can't win on substance (ie, the discussion on Medicare, which the US public supports by and large),
Yes bozo, I think you and the party you vote for should hang your hats on Medicare.
A program that is in permanent deficit, has 10's of billions in annual fraud, and is unsustainable.
Really, I do.
Roger J,
Some men have no standards. They really don't care. It is not so much that this guy was trying to cheat on his wife or even who he was trying to do it with. It was the way he did it. Sending a picture of your junk on twitter? That is just tacky.
"However he did vote for the Iraqi war."
He also voted for the Libyan war.
No, wait ... the Demorats never got any authorization for the Libyan war. My bad.
Titus, this is for you.
The problem is though, that the story in the Observer says she is very conservative.
I believe that means she is very conservative sexually, which could be a part of the problem here.
It even infers she's a dyke which could be another problem.
Conservative is great but when you think of conservative sex it sounds vanilla.
Liberal sex for me please.
GOP-tards can't win on substance (ie, the discussion on Medicare
Here is Harry Reid discussing the Democrats budget:
“There’s no need to have a Democratic budget, in my opinion,” Reid told the Los Angeles Times last week. “It would be foolish for us to do a budget at this stage.”
PS, the last time the Democratic Controlled Senate passed a budget was April 29, 2009.
Here is Debbie Wasserman Shultz (D., Fla.) discussing the Democrats plans on Medicare:
Like I said, the Republicans have a plan to end Medicare as we know it. What they would do is they would take the people who are younger than 55 years old today and tell them You know what? You’re on your own. Go and find private health insurance in the healthcare insurance market, we’re going to throw you to the wolves and allow insurance companies to deny you coverage and drop you for pre-existing conditions. We’re going to give you X amount of dollars and you figure it out.
So please, go on pretending the Republicans don't engage the issues.
Seriously, march forward, clown.
Who said they did, Jay-gump? But the GOP-tards are milking the little pseudo-issue for all it's worth. Hysterical is you, basura
GOP-tards can't win on substance (ie, the discussion on Medicare, which the US public supports by and large), so....they resort to character attacks, insinuations, ad hominem, etc--, Limblow/Breitfart tactics.
heh heh
Stray thoughts: Did you notice that Weiner Man was flamboyant and nearly out of control in his tweets and in his interviews. That conduct must have served him well so far in life. Actually he is an entertainer and fun to watch. But can he go cold turkey on these virtual reality assaults on women for getting his fun? I have seen him do interviews with FOX News babes where he verbally tore into them. If not, then Huma is going to have her hands full defending herself.
No offense to Human, and no disoffense to Weiner, but: maybe it's like that mammarian archetype Camille Paglia discusses with regard to waitresses.
He has a glamorous wife (I can't quite go with 'fierce' here-- maybe in real life she really is, but based on the pics I see a good dresser--maybe a bit *too* good for Washington-- and attractive but neither 'fierce' in a fag-hag sense nor in terms of goddess-y hot), but maybe there's not so much heat between them. And then: they're supposed to be a 'power couple', and that can be a real damper on the man, can't it?
Really, to lean on Paglia once more: one god per household. That's probably a good rule.
So maybe he's more excited by the distant attentions of semi-anonymous coeds with big jugs and that bubbly wholelifeaheadofme thing going on. Whether he's even sexing one up or not.
Mind you: his constituents should feel very free to punish him for this silliness, and then his ridiculous lies on top of it. He's an ass, arrogant and entitled.
But if he wants to sulk off as a private citizen, ditch his glamorous lovely wife and cavort with a journalism student half his age, I wouldn't go browbeating him with the whole Incest Taboo Manquee like a lot of people would.
A less putzy person than Weiner, I might even be reasonably supportive.
OMG, Fred, that picture just made my undies to what Weiner tweeted.
That bitch is too much. Stop everything everyone now and look at that picture Fred has at the link.
Could you imagine Huma on top of you while you are inside of her and her head is going from side to side and her hair is all over her face while she is feeling her tits. Wow, that would be hot.
What an idiot he is.
so....they resort to character attacks, insinuations, ad hominem
Um, Weiner refuses to say whether or not the photo is him. That is not "character attacks" you ESL idiot.
Huma for president, please.
I really really love her a lot.
OK, I am done. I am sounding like John Hinkley.
Titus, are you a closeted straight man? You can be metosexual if the rest of the straight white guy baggage bothers you.
"... the GOP-tards are milking the little pseudo-issue for all it's worth."
That's because this goes to the larger issue of the budget deficit and the debt limit.
See, we have too much tax money flowing to Washington, D.C. There's so much money that Congressmen have enough to spend on Blackberry phones which they used to send dick pics to their internet skankwhores.
So, obviously, we need a tax cut.
See ... we're addressing the pressing fiscal issues of the day by discussing Mr. Weiner's internet skankhunt and putting it into the larger budget context.
(PS: Isn't saying 'tard' morally offensive? I thought Democrats cared about the mentally challenged, but apparently Democrats just think of these people as 'tards.')
Mind you: his constituents should feel very free to punish him for this silliness, and then his ridiculous lies on top of it. He's an ass, arrogant and entitled.
Assuming you mean punish in the sense of voting him out...not gonna happen. Wrangle committed actual wrong-doing, not just unseemly Twitter gaphs, and got re-elected by his zero-liability constituency.
Controlled budget-- ohh deep stuff Jay Tard. You remember that from those biz admin courses at Peoria College. Don't fergit that bottom line, frat boy
Besides, the GOP-tards just OK'ed what 700 billion for the DoD budget (with help from many DINOS). Even the ghost of Ayn Rand pisses on them for that.
Fred - you have got to be kidding - that scrawny, big-nosed ugly-ass bitch is the woman
Note that the women Weeny was tweeting looked nothing like her.
@Titus: Respectfully, flowage can be pretty. "Surfing the crimson wave"-- doesn't that sound a lovely picture?
I did mean "Huma". "Human" sounds so disrespectful, in the incorrect context. But human, too.
Huma for president, please.
She has lost weight during the past year. The woman needs better nutrition.
J said...
Controlled budget-- ohh deep stuff Jay Tard.
You're incoherent.
I'd love for you to link to the Democratic plan on medicare though.
Come on clown, do it
The woman he tweeted was a skank but she tit have really big tits and a hug bustline.
Maybe Huma's tits are too small.
And come on Sixty Huma is hot.
So, since two people are sending and receiving tweets, let's assume you don't start a conversation of your dick inside your underpants.
Let's assume the gal "sent something." Like Monica, her first day in the White House, and the first chance she had to glimpse Bill Clinton, turns her backside to him. As she reaches in and pulls up the top strap on her thong. BINGO.
That's really Weiner's problem. He can't say what got him to want to flash her. But, if HER picture to him was "sexy." And, "flirty," why are you assuming she was texting words like R, @ and !!!?
Perhaps she snapped herself, first?
Gosh, what woke Patriot USA 76, up from his slumber? If you listen to Dan Wolfe, he says he's been following this twitter stuff for WEEKS and WEEKS. And, he predicted it was gonna take out an "East Coast Congress critter." What does he have "catched" on his computer? And, now, just for safe keeping ... how many "vaults" opened ... just in case there is a raid to steal Wolfe's "goods?"
I think there's the reason you see Anthony Weiner so depressed! He can't tell you the whole truth! Even if he ends up without a marriage. And, without his seat in congress.
You know what they say about crap, when it hits the fan.
12:05 that's from ...yr own--AA regs who put "-tard" at the end of every word. Tit for tat, GOP-tard (has a nice ring to it, eh)
Even Aynnie Rand sprays piss on ya from......... on low, aimed upwards from Hell as it were. Hell-piss! heh heh
did and huge-sorry.
typing fast, hard for Huma.
@ScottM: yes, I'm afraid we have to assume as much.
But maybe Hillary's having a "Bring me the Head of Alfredo Garcia" sort of moment.
There are now 77,000 federal employees being paid by Obama more than a state Governor is paid - and yet instead of working at his desk to solve this problem, Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner has been spending his time searching the internet for skankwhores he can send his little cock pictures to.
We clearly need a fucking tax cut.
(Let it not be said that GOP-tards can't discuss the pressing fiscal problem of our day without tying that into the larger context of the sick perverts they let into the Democrat Party.)
Sixty Grit, I am happily married, but I do find some Indian-Pakistani women very attractive.
Especially this one.
"When my first husband had an affair and I found out (20 years ago), all his shit ended up in the street and I changed the locks immediately. The note to warn him not to come home was attached to the front seat of his truck with a fillet knife."
I got a Raging Rep. Weiner reading this.
You gotta love a woman with fire, principles and weaponry at the ready!
Can you believe it, he had the nerve to bitch that I had ruined his upholstery.
I threw him a roll of duct tape.
I never could understand those political wives who stood at their husband's side, showing some sort of wifely support, when the guy got caught with his pants down and his 'member' in another woman's....well you get it.
How could those women stand there and get publicly screwed and humiliated. Have they no self respect??... And YES, I am talking to you Hillary.
If it IS true (if) and Weiner is guilty of sending pictures of his boner to young girls, among other things, I hope his wife has some self respect and doesn't become another doormat.
Yet another arrogant jackass exposed by his own ignorance.
Just the beginning, as the use of Twitter and Facebook start to expose the bad habits and choices of many.
Our every move and thought were not meant to be available to everyone on the planet 24/7.
"Did you send the weiner pic," asked a reporter. "No," said Weiner.
That's not evidence of anything.
Weiner can't answer this one UNDER OATH! He can't make a statement like this to the FBI.
But, ya know what? He REACTED to some picture that was sent to him!
And, since Dan Wolfe at Patriot USA 76, has been following Anthony Weiner's tweets for months, now, you have no idea what's locked up in his computer "catch."
Probably, the forced hand at the casino, will have Weiner throwing in his cards, without showing them. Poker rules, apply.
I never could understand those political wives who stood at their husband's side, showing some sort of wifely support...
Maybe they think that there's some sort of problem in their marriage, and they think it's more in keeping with their marital vows to stick around and try to fix whatever's wrong than to get all holier-than-thou and prance away with a feeling of smug superiority.
Or maybe they think their kids would be worse off if they kicked hubby to the curb.
Or maybe hubby has more to offer than an old pick-up truck.
I am speaking with my husband and if she has any paki in her she is a muzzie.
I told him that she is half Indy though and he said it doesn't matter. She is muzzie.
My husband just saw her pic and said she is awful looking. Good figure, but bad face he is saying right now.
That's some hot Indo-Paki linkage there Fred.
Gee, if I didn't have to spend so much time taking down Democrat Congressman I could spend some quality time searching the Weineersphere for some of that spicy curry right there.
Let's say Hillary and Huma have a special relationship. Very private. Where the women, in private, can talk about everything.
If Huma found that she married a jackass; I'd bet Hillary is privy to the details.
Yes, this is a public humiliation for Huma as well as for the jackass she married. But to Hillary? Familiar territory!
Hillary can speak to the face you need to keep on in public!
The friendship between Hillary and Huma GROWS.
The fate of the jackass?
You know, it's been decades sine Bill Clinton went to Hillary for sex. Yet, as far as you can see, they're "still married."
Political marriages come with a price. But part of that price is that you get to keep your political clout.
Anyway, how did a Jewish mom name her kid Anthony? And, how did a Jewish family go to a wedding, where the Jewish man was marrying a Muslim? Inquiring minds want to know.
Why did Huma want a wedding ring? If Weiner were a bull, instead of a jackass, she could put the ring through his nose.
"Maybe they think that there's some sort of problem in their marriage, and they think it's more in keeping with their marital vows to stick around ... "
Adultery is not some problem that is to be solved in a marriage.
It is a revelation that the marriage itself has failed so spectacularly that it cannot be salvaged.
Ladies ... go to the mattresses and knife the upholstery.
My husband just said, is her name now Huma Weiner?
Too bad.
Here 'ya go Fred ... right back atcha:
Keep your "Congressman" in ur pants, if you know what I mean, and I think that you do.
Would it really be so bad to check out who's following you on Twitter and — there's always a little picture — click "follow" if the follower looks cute?
I don't think so. I've done it myself when I get a "so-and-so is now following you" email.
But I don't send them pictures of my throbbing heat-seeking moisture missile. The wiener pic casts the situation in a whole different light doncha think?
Adultery is not some problem that is to be solved in a marriage.
It is a revelation that the marriage itself has failed so spectacularly that it cannot be salvaged.
Seriously, don't you think that's the call of the aggrieved party in the marriage, Dr. Phil? Or do you not believe that people ought to decide how to live their personal lives however they see fit, without your help?
Anthony Weiner: "I have no idea to this day what that Indian-Paki woman was singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I’d like to think she was singing about something so nasty, it can’t be expressed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, that voice soared higher and farther than anybody in Congress dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into my drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last penis in Congress felt free to be out.
Fuck you, byatch
The correct response to the little pseudo-moralistic, scandal mongering teabuggers of Gumphouse.
The "get Weiner" orders probably came from Fox hdqtrs, as well as the Breitfart/Limblow l-serv.
Weiner voted against the recent defense slushbucket bill as well. Probably explains the GOP-tard attack.
It is a revelation that the marriage itself has failed so spectacularly that it cannot be salvaged.
Great wedding picture. I think tense is the word. Very very tense.
He looks like he's not sure it's pink on the inside. And she's dreading giving him a peek.
Obviously "Screech" Wiener didn't get laid until well past his 30th birthday, and now he's making up for lost time. At least in his fantasies.
I think creep sums him up pretty well.
"Seriously, don't you think that's the call of the aggrieved party in the marriage ..."
People are free to do whatever they want ... but infidelity is the sign that the marriage itself is so far gone as to be irretrievable.
The amount of utter disdain and disrespect that you have to have for your spouse to commit adultery is so deep the marriage is dead.
The person may be worth saving, but the marriage ... the trusted bond between the two people ... is irretrievably broken and unfix-able.
Sorry, I've been through it and so speak from personal experience. Not saying you can't continue living together or even continue in a marriage ... but that love-bond is never there again. It's never the same.
It's gone forever.
You never forget the event occurred and it changes everything.
Weiner talked several times about a guy in the back of an audience of 145,000 people throwing a pie at him.
I would be amazed if he could attract an audience of 145,000 people. Where would he make this speech? I suspect that only a NASCAR track would be big enough.
And then a guy in the back throws a pie at him? I'd like to meet that guy. He must have one HELL of an arm.
Or else the pie only flew 10 feet and Weiner has Hellacious good eyesight to see it.
Either way he is a dick who just keeps digging the hole deeper.
I say gone by Friday night. He will say he needs to spend more time with his family or something. His resignation will have nothing to do with his underpants.
Trivia question:
For 10 points name the serial adulterer, alleged rapist, convicted felon, perjurer and impeached ex prez who tied the not at Weiner's wedding?
John Henry
"Adultery is not some problem that is to be solved in a marriage.
It is a revelation that the marriage itself has failed so spectacularly that it cannot be salvaged."
Seriously, don't you think that's the call of the aggrieved party in the marriage, Dr. Phil? Or do you not believe that people ought to decide how to live their personal lives however they see fit, without your help?
How about you? Do you feel that way, that it was MY call, or do you just like to snark on the internet about pick up trucks?
Marriage is a vow. Once it is broken, it cannot be made whole or made to be the same as it was. A broken vow is like a broken piece of china. All the glue you use to put it back together will never hide the cracks or the damage that was done.
Political marriages come with a price. But part of that price is that you get to keep your political clout
And lose your soul.
The person may be worth saving, but the marriage ... the trusted bond between the two people ... is irretrievably broken and unfix-able.
Wrong again. That may have been true in your case, but that doesn't hold for every single person that's been through it.
J -- Still waiting for you to tell us about John Edwards's awesome plan to end poverty. Man, if that guy had been elected, think where we'd be now. No poor people.
I bet Weiner would have helped. Those two dicks together would be unstoppable against poor people.
Don't bother, Seven, Jolly's got nothing. He'll tell you to go look it up yourself, but it's impossible to Google which plan Jolly thought was going to end poverty and he knows it.
"The "get Weiner" orders probably came from Fox hdqtrs"
No, the orders came down from Twitter. They're tired of Democrat Anthony Weiner getting his sperm all over their company. It's gross.
Facebook also ordered us to take him out for calling their logon security into question buy claiming he was "hacked."
They're tired of people doing that, so we're making an example.
Scott -- But it drives him insane when I ask and he goes off on even crazier tangents.
Dance, J! Dance for my pleasure!
N-bob, I don't question the sincerity of your feelings, or DBQ's. So, for example, I did not and would not post a comment wondering why in the world DBQ would do what she did. You may well have expressed the views of most people in what you said.
But I don't see why that means you have to disparage the different choices made by people who are in situations you know very little about. When I see someone like Eliot Spitzer's wife standing in public in evident humiliation, I'm not moved to call her a fool. I'm moved toward sympathy, and the hope that things somehow work out for her.
"I bet Weiner would have helped. Those two dicks together would be unstoppable against poor people."
Yea, Edwards and Weiner would have DP'd poverty right up its anal cavity.
Sigh. Not to be.
Scott -- But it drives him insane when I ask and he goes off on even crazier tangents.
Yes, but you really shouldn't mess with someone that can bench 400. Just sayin'...
Too true, Scott. Too true.
OT--J's comments and avatar recall a schoolyard parody of the old Addam's Family theme song. Think da,da,da,da--snap, snap--da,da,da,da!--snap, snap--etc.:
"The Addams family started
When Uncle Fester farted
They all came out retarded
The Addams family."
Juvenile, vulgar, offensive, but funny. Come on J, how about a snigger with the vapid?
Wait for it--four, three, two, one--
Byatch. God that's clever.
There was a recent story about some kid in Syria who was tortured to death. That's the kind of story I gloss over. The horror diminishes not just the peoople involved but all humanity. What a fucked up species we are.....This story is just the opposite. All the details are fun. It's not just a sex scandal involving a guy named Weiner, although that alone would be sufficient. He's got a striking looking wife who is a Muslim and maybe even a lez. Clinton officiated at his wedding. He's got a seduction technique that no one even knew existed. This is one of the best scandals ever. In enriches all of us. OK, we're a fucked up species, but humping hyenas are nowhere near as much fun to look at.
The two tools I like to mess with on Althouse are J. and Mick. It's a personal failing, I know. I should be a bigger man. But I can't bench 400 pounds, so I have to have my fun somehow.
Speaking of Mick, Althouse needs to bring out a thread about Obama's eligibility to be president. This story about Weiner is getting tedious.
But I don't see why that means you have to disparage the different choices made by people who are in situations you know very little about. When I see someone like Eliot Spitzer's wife standing in public in evident humiliation, I'm not moved to call her a fool. I'm moved toward sympathy, and the hope that things somehow work out for her.
I never said that she 'shouldn't' do it. Stand there and be publicly humilated after being privately humiliated and trashed. People can put themselves through all kinds of sorrow and humiliation. Maybe they can live with it. Maybe things can be salvaged.
I just said don't understand it.
Fool me once.....fool me....well, that's it. Once.
But, that's me.
"But I don't see why that means you have to disparage the different choices made by people who are in situations you know very little about."
People stay together for lots of different reasons ... but the love-bond of trust that they enjoyed before the adultery is irretrievable. The "marriage" ... the bond, not the legal aspect ... is dead.
Can two people continue in a relationship for children, or career, or companionship, or to save their own self-esteem, or for financial reasons or political necessity? Or for some other reason? Absolutely, they can and often do.
But the marriage is dead. The love-bond of trust that brought those two people together in marriage is gone. That's my view. Others may have a different view but that's my view.
I pity a woman who has to stay with an adulterer for financial reasons or for political gain.
I genuinely pity Hillary and wish she had the strength to be a whole woman.
My mom did it ... with 6 kids. Kicked my philandering dad to the fucking curb and good on her for doing it. Never looked back and never needed to.
Strong woman.
My mom did it ... with 6 kids.
And the deep need to continue speaking about this reveals itself.
Hey man, watch it. J's deep, a bona fide, card-carrying interlectual. His avatar is from Bergman's "Seventh Seal."
For the record, I think Huma Abedin should seriously consider whether this is the first time her philandering husband Democrat Anthony Weiner has flashed his cock to some busty internet skank.
You see, I believe that a person don't get this sloppy on the first try. The first try, they're careful like. They don't want to get caught. You get this sloppy after doing it for a long, long time. After you get to thinking you can't get caught because you have it all figured out.
Weiner is destroying Huma. And an internet flasher is the type of a person who just can't help themselves. He's got a sickness. He'll do this again and make her look even more foolish.
She should curb his ass. And fast.Before he completely destroys everything she's worked so hard for herself to build up.
Hurry, Huma. Before it's all gone.
Wasn't that a movie with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman?
Malika Arora in Kaal Dhamaal ...
Watch out, Fred. This one's spicy! Don't let your Rep. Weiner out watching this one.
Weiner didn't just tell the pie story, he started it, was interrupted and restarted it. It sounded the same, word-for-word, to me. If not exactly the same, it was very close.
Well rehearsed.
Daily Caller reports Weiner now admits that the photo of the erect penis which was Tweeted to the student in Seattle might be his erect penis.
He also doubles down on his "hacked" lie claiming now that his entire "system" was hacked. But he also claims that somehow it's "not a matter of national security."
MSNBC to air the inanity shortly.
An anxious nation awaits.
This just in...
MSNBC is about to come out with what appears to be a terrific interview. Luke Russert was just asking Rep. Anthony Weiner questions about his controversial Tweet, and Weiner appears to actually be answering. Unfortunately, the live feed kept going out — so we will have to wait for MSNBC to air the full video in a bit. In the mean time, we do know that Russert asked Weiner if the lewd pictures that were Tweeted from Weiner’s account to a young lady were of him. Weiner answered: “I can’t say with certitude. My system was hacked. Pictures can be manipulated. Pictures can be dropped in and inserted."
"Weiner's hardly respected by most authentic demos anyway. He's a moderate, was hawk on the war, etc."
1. Anthony Weiner is a progressive Jew's - progressive Jew. He even gets bonus points for marrying, not just the standard shicksa ornament - but a Muslim. (Even if he is just a beard for a gay woman with a past "special relationship" with Hillary - Ooops, even more bonus points by Leftist standards for serving as a beard.)
2. Like many progressive Jews from NYC, as well as other liberals - Weiner was part of the mass conversion that lasted about 2 years - involving two planes striking the Blue Bastion. From military loather to cheering warhawk - back to military-loathing human rights activists when the politically opportune time came to trash the People who Live in Flyover Country.
3. Weiner is "Israel First!" It is a requirement of taking over Schumer's old District (rumor was Schumer offered him the seat so he didn't have to suffer his dickhead staffer Weiner following him to the Senate). It is a NYC tradition - be an ADA,card carrying ACLU liberal and vote against most US defense spending. But vote to award every plane or bullet requested to Israel, courtesy of US taxpayers.
It's what liberal progressive Jewish voters want.
Cedarford -- It's about the dude's cock. Only a disgusting anti-Semitic moron like you would try to bring in the man's religion.
Fuck off.
nevadabob said...
For the record, I think Huma Abedin should seriously consider whether this is the first time her philandering husband Democrat Anthony Weiner has flashed his cock to some busty internet skank.
Isn't it interesting how often the men of the Democratic party (Clinton, Edwards, Weeny, Condit, Kennedy, et. al) treat their women like trash and so disrespectfully?
And here I thought they were the party of the feminists...
It says a lot when even Chuck Schumer thinks you are an obnoxious, pushy, dickhead.
It says a lot when there is some hilarious scandal about a dude's cock and all anti-Semites can think about is whether people involved are Jews are not.
Bear in mind, Cedarford, that Jews run the world. They are smarter and richer than you are. That's why you hate them, right?
Cedarford -- It's about the dude's cock. Only a disgusting anti-Semitic moron like you would try to bring in the man's religion.
Fuck off.
Antisemites are the most boring cranks. The really have nothing else to talk about. Jesus. (I meant Yeshua; take it CedarFord.)
Almost as many posts as who follow Anthony Weiner's tweets on twitter.
Our nation's children are already learning the tried-and-true Rep. Anthony "Check Out My" Weiner method for how to deflect pesky questions.
They will not be distracted by jackass parents:
Seven Machos said...
Cedarford -- It's about the dude's cock. Only a disgusting anti-Semitic moron like you would try to bring in the man's religion.
Fuck off.
No, State Dept Israel-plant & stooge Machos, it is about me replying to your dear friend J.'s post that Weiner was a moderate and a war supporter.
It's about what sort of man Weiner is. Abrasive, arrogant, progressive Jew who is also a Zionist. Who may just be a beard as a 45-year old batchelor, just married last year to a politically ambitious woman. Perhaps another closeted gay progressive jew - who in ironies of ironies - wants to have other people think he is a manly man by mailing images of the Weiner boner out. (after looking at his "never-fail" Brad Pitt screensaver)
It is time for Weiner to hike the Appalachian trail with his pie.
My theory may be incorrect about Weiner as closeted gay. Just got a "correction" sent to me that Weiner might swing both ways, but he had a steadyGF in college and other female relationships that lasted months. And speed-dated other high profile women once he was elected and became powerful and "attractive".
He could still be a beard. The lesbian rumors about Hillary and Huma are long-standing.
And if it is a political marriage - might Weiner need some special weiner-love elsewhere?
Rep. Anthony Weiner 'can’t say with certitude' photo isn't him
Winer's accounts were not hacked. They were not ghost-written. Certainly the tent photo was not ghost-Tweeted.
Weiner had control of his accounts within minutes of the supposed hack. That is patently impossible. Hacked accounts are closed to the owners because the password is changed. See the problem here? That is why if you still believe him when he says his account is hacked, then you are too stupid to even talk to.
There is only one possibility that I can see given Weiner's refusal to investigate and given his defensive behavior which is characteristically obstinate. The one possibility that would make sense of everything, re-controll of the passwords so quickly and refusal to investigate, is if Huma Abedin herself was the hacker for reasons of her own.
Could someone please explain this to me? I hate this stuff. _Why_ do people seem to think that any of this is relevant to a politician's job, or any other? Why do they seem to think that it is appropriate for the politician to resign if he turns out to be guilty?
I can hear it for Spitzer, since so much of his image was based on attacking prostitution. But for any of the numerous other politician-caught-cheating scandals in the last few years, I don't understand why the politician tends to resign. This has nothing to do with his job, at all.
And I don't understand why politicians dig themselves into holes on these things. If I were Mr. Weiner/Craig/Edwards/..., my first and only response to questions on the subject would be, "That's a private matter; no comment." I might add something like, "Mind your own ___ business." If newspeople want to do their own digging and write their own stories, that's their business, but I would see no reason to tell them a thing. My private life may be news, if I were a public figure, but that doesn't mean I have to help them uncover it.
First of all Anthony Weiner has no kids. And, Huma ain't pregnant.
But you're in a political casino. Bill Clinton was asked by Hillary, here, to "officiate" ... So, they were married together by a class-less horn-dog.
What you don't see is what's going on behind the scenes. You also don't know what the gal in question called her own "flirty" posts.
You do know, however, that on Twitter, you can't wax like Shakespeare. But a quick pic of the "cod piece" ... and you know WHY a man would respond the way he did.
You also sort'a know that Dan Wolfe, of Patriot76USA was not only following Weiner ... back on May 5th he said (or tweeted others), that he'd seen some pretty risque stuff coming off of Weiner's twitter feed.
He also may have "stuff" on Barney Frank. And, Charlie Rangel.
If these were cards in a poker game, at some point (if you've got lousy cards), and you could lose your house ... the saner decision is to go "out." And, throw your cards in. Unseen.
Besides, Hillary may be telling CNN, and other liberal feeders, to go after Weiner whole hog.
Like any stage(d) production, we have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.
Breaking: Weiner putting words in Huma's mouth ... says she is "befuddled"
Weiner also discussed the reaction of his wife, Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton whom he married last year.
Weiner (to MSNBC): “She’s seen an awful lot. But I won’t mind telling you even for someone that went through the Clinton years this has been a befuddling experience.”
Dazed and confused, apparently, to be going through the Clinton scandal years all over again with her own husband.
I, personally, don't think it's relevant or impactful to his job if this is what he decides he's going to do with his downtime and to his wife. This is assuming it is indeed his doing.
Conversely, and against assuming it's his doing, I care very much if a sitting senator lies and tries to cover it up. Aside from any legal ramifications and/or abuses of the powers we trust him with, I don't want someone that thinks they can get away with the petty possibly trying to get away with the grand. In the end, that is a character issue.
Not the slobberbob in the boxers, but the acts of lying, covering up, and feigned annoyance at the people and press.
You did it. Over 198 comments, same number of Andrew Weiner's select followers.
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