१२ जून, २०११

Obama in long pants. Boehner in shorts. [CORRECTION ADDED: I got played by the NYT!]

Obama won the "Golf Summit." In my book.

You've got a big photo-op golf game with the President of the United States? Wear pants!

Don't the Republicans like to portray themselves as the adults? Put on a pair of pants! A man in shorts looks like a ridiculously enlarged boy.

CORRECTION: The golf summit is next weekend. The photos are just what the NYT selected to illustrate its article about the future event. Unfair to Boehner! I expect both men to wear pants for the summit.

५१ टिप्पण्या:

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Any excuse to vote for Obama again in 2012 huh Ann?

Chip S. म्हणाले...

Um, the "golf summit" is next weekend.

DADvocate म्हणाले...

Childish at best, on your part, to judge a person by their clothes.

And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Rick Caird म्हणाले...

It depends on where you live. If you live her in Florida and show up in a pair of long pants, people might think you are a Yankee. Maybe, They might even think you are from Wisconsin.

Sal म्हणाले...

It's hot! Wear shorts.

chuck म्हणाले...

Either that, or Sir Patrick Leigh Fermor, the Brit who kidnapped the Nazi commander of Crete in WWII.

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Warning to GOP candidates, no shorts or you will lose the Althouse vote!

अनामित म्हणाले...


The Times picked the photos--the match is next weekend.

They're both losers in my book. Don't they know that next weekend is the U.S. Open?

LL म्हणाले...

Does context matter? After all, he is playing a game.

What if he was swimming?

SGT Ted म्हणाले...

Wrecking the economy? Thats OK, but wearing shorts is beyond the pail.

A. Shmendrik म्हणाले...

I am from Wisconsin, and I live in South Florida. I can count the number of days each year when I wear long pants on both hands.

Jeeezus, Professor, you sure have a war on shorts!

Almost Ali म्हणाले...

Even in tie and tucks, Boehner is the "Judge Smails" of the political golf course. And willingly ripe for the picking.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Correction added.

I got played by the NYT!

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Even in tie and tucks..."

Tucks! If you are looking that closely, there's something wrong with you!

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"I am from Wisconsin, and I live in South Florida. I can count the number of days each year when I wear long pants on both hands."

Who wears long pants on both hands? That's crazy! Sometimes I wear gloves on my feet, but only when I'm horsing around.

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Boehner, you get a second chance. Don't let Ann down! Long pants!

Almost Ali म्हणाले...


I got played by Ann Althouse!

Make that; in a Brooks Brothers suit. With Keds. For kids. White.

Phil 314 म्हणाले...

I'm writing this in nice shorts and about to go to church. BUT I live in AZ and I will do many things to keep cool.

I'd rather be cool than kewl

(PS Looks like Rep. Boehner has some venous issues.)

Chip S. म्हणाले...

How GHW Bush lost Althouse.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"I'm writing this in nice shorts and about to go to church. BUT I live in AZ and I will do many things to keep cool."

No air conditioning, then? Bizarre!

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"How GHW Bush lost Althouse."

If you hit the "men in shorts" tag and go all the way back to the earliest post (or posts), you'll see that I always made an exception for sports where shorts were the standard dress. So tennis is to be distinguished from golf.

I also always had an exception for when you're outdoors and the temperature is high enough. But I'm seeing guys out here in Wisconsin in shorts when it's in the 50s (or even lower). I say, no shorts until it's in the 80s. Okay? It's not a question of hot weather until it's in the 80s. I see men in shorts when they are obviously cold!

Chip S. म्हणाले...

Standards evolve.

But I say no shorts on a golf course until temps are in the 90s.

OTOH, what if Boehner showed up in plus fours?

G Joubert म्हणाले...


But why do you care so much about something that, in the scheme of things, means so little? It seems a little obssessional.

Almost Ali म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Jason म्हणाले...

"The bitch set me up!"

Ralph L म्हणाले...

Maybe they'll wear kilts.

For a basketball player, O has scrawny calves.

Almost Ali म्हणाले...


I don't [know] when Boehner started wearing shorts, here he is on the golf course 20 years ago.

edutcher म्हणाले...

You need to raise your standards. Some men don't look good in shorts, true.

Some look quite manly. The Blonde all but swoons when I'm in shorts.

Ann Althouse said...

"I am from Wisconsin, and I live in South Florida. I can count the number of days each year when I wear long pants on both hands."

Who wears long pants on both hands? That's crazy! Sometimes I wear gloves on my feet, but only when I'm horsing around.

There's a parlor game:

when Althouse wears gloves on her feet, what garment goes with what body part?

Ralph L म्हणाले...

Andrews Air Force Base’s three championship-level courses.
In the Navy, the joke is the Air Force has to be able to build a golf course whereever they deploy.

Congressional used to have the best summer CC swim team in the DC area (I suspect they have an indoor pool). Now I wonder if they have enough children with so many DINKs.

Kev म्हणाले...

(the other kev)

So, if it's 'Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me,' just how foolish do you have to be to trust the New York Times?

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

No air conditioning, then? Bizarre!

Who will be able to afford air conditioning when Obama finally closes all the electrical plants and the price of power "necessarily skyrockets"? We will all be wearing less than shorts to keep cool.

Besides. In dry hot climates we use Swamp Coolers (evaporative!! my husband the plumber yells at me) to keep cool. Much less expensive and great for your skin and houseplants.

Hagar म्हणाले...

Seems to me that you were doing the playing, Professor.

The NYT did not date the photos, and you jumped to concussions.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"The NYT did not date the photos, and you jumped to concussions."

I'm not *that* careless!

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

The Times deserves criticism for biased photograph selection. Obama wears shorts to play golf sometimes and I'm sure Boehner sometimes wears long pants. If they weren't together on the same occasion, the Times should have shown equally dignified looking pictures. I assumed the Times would follow that rule, which is why I assumed this was the golf summit.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

How is assuming something without verification different from jumping to conclusions?

अनामित म्हणाले...


"A man in shorts looks like a ridiculously enlarged boy."

And every time you go off on an anti-short rant, you sound like the ridiculous old ladies clucking at young women walking by that their dresses aren't long enough.

"No air conditioning, then? Bizarre!"

So much for carbon footprints, eh?

Ralph L म्हणाले...

DBQ, check Hagar's spelling.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"How is assuming something without verification different from jumping to conclusions?"

Show me where I denied jumping to conclusions and I will show you where you jumped over a joke.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"And every time you go off on an anti-short rant, you sound like the ridiculous old ladies clucking at young women walking by that their dresses aren't long enough."

Quite the contrary. Those ladies seem to be jealous of the superior feminine beauty possessed by the younger women. I am unhappy about the men's lack of sexual attractiveness.

To get an apt analogy, you should have men grousing at young women in baggy, boxy pantsuits.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse --

"Quite the contrary. Those ladies seem to be jealous of the superior feminine beauty possessed by the younger women. I am unhappy about the men's lack of sexual attractiveness."

Hate to tell you this, but you don't get to decide what you sound like.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Hate to tell you this, but you don't get to decide what you sound like."

Well, you sound like a person who doesn't know how to make accurate analogies. As a law professor, I don't hate to say that. I feel compelled to say that. An older woman disapproving of younger women in sexy clothes is not like an older woman disapproving of men of all ages in unsexy clothes. Be more rational. If you're just reporting your feelings about my disapproval, I'll ding you on denial.

Michael K म्हणाले...

But I'm seeing guys out here in Wisconsin in shorts when it's in the 50s (or even lower). I say, no shorts until it's in the 80s. Okay?

Does that apply to women, as well ? At Dartmouth, which is an even colder area than Wisconsin, girls are out in shorts sunbathing when it hits 40. I don't mind young women in shorts but there should be an age limit.

Gary Rosen म्हणाले...

You mean the NYT actually edited an article to make the Democrat look good and the Republican look bad? I'm shocked, shocked!!!

bgates म्हणाले...

An older woman disapproving of younger women in sexy clothes is not like an older woman disapproving of men of all ages in unsexy clothes.

All ridiculous old ladies clucking at clothing choices they don't like sound the same.

you sound like a person who doesn't know how to make accurate analogies

You sound like a person who doesn't understand what the phrase "sounds like" means.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

You got played by the New York Times, Professor?

That happens a lot more often than you perhaps realize. You're may still be a bit caught up in the glory days of the Times, when they merely slanted the truth, but nevertheless reported the truth.

These days, not so much.

Phil 314 म्हणाले...

No air conditioning, then? Bizarre!

Well, I have to walk from car to service. I may stand outside for awhile after church. My wife and I might go somewhere after where we're outside for an extended period of time.

(PS She's wearing a dress; I never looked good in a kilt. Besides, the wool is kind of itchy.)

Craig Howard म्हणाले...

Enough with the shorts meme!

When you start wearing granny dresses (remember those?), I'll ditch the shorts. Until then, we'll both dress comfortably and stop worrying about how we look.

At our age, precious few care anyway.

अनामित म्हणाले...

New media Althouse sticks with old media..

New York Times


Andrew Sullivan

it's a religion in our house

Fen म्हणाले...

I got played by the NYT!

Ha. First CNN, now this.

You're seeing why most of us avoid them.

el polacko म्हणाले...

how about no skirts above the ankle for women? sheesh. granted, not everyone looks good in everything but ann sees too many pasty-legged old men in wisconsin to be a good sartorial judge. i'm a californian who has great (i've been told), tanned legs and i like to be comfortable so it's a win-win for me in shorts. i'd tweet a pic, but..well, you know.

Mickey म्हणाले...

Methinks Althouse's father never wore shorts.
