June 11, 2011

Nancy Pelosi and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz call on Weiner to resign.

CNN reports.

UPDATE: "Rep. Anthony Weiner is asking for a temporary leave of absence from the House while he seeks professional treatment in the wake of his Twitter scandal. A spokeswoman for the New York Democrat says he has left for professional treatment and will focus on 'becoming a better husband and healthier person.'"

Oh! He went into treatment mode! The old "it's a addiction" gambit.

AND: Please remember that I said it at 2:12 p.m., Central Time, on June 6th, the moment I heard that Weiner was going to do that press conference that turned out to be his confession:
My prediction — and you heard it here first! — is that he'll announce he's entering treatment for sex addiction.
Then, when he did not do that I said, that day:
I think Weiner did a fine job of coming clean, taking responsibility, and apologizing. I had predicted that he would "announce he's entering treatment for sex addiction. Possibly with a grim/stoical Huma Abedin at his side." I'm glad he didn't do that. He didn't blame anybody else or any "outside force." He didn't use the nonapology "sorry if you were offended" form.

Now, it seemed pretty obvious that he would have continued deceiving us if he could have gotten away with it, but having made the decision to confess and apologize, he did that well. Of course, I'm assuming that there is nothing more to this story than what he spilled today.
But there was something more, and he needed to do more, and went ahead and did what I predicted he'd do and what I'd given him credit for not doing.

ALSO: Here's 13 seconds of me giving that credit:


Phil 314 said...

I will not be satisfied till I see Madam Pelosi and Wasserman Schultz do a duet of this tune to Mr. Weiner.

tom faranda said...

As the NY Post has pointed out Weiner can't afford to resign. He has no other job skills and no law degree. He's worked in poltics since he graduated from college.

If he quits who will offer him a job? CNN maybe?


Sal said...

Here's Wasserman-Schultz modeling business attire. Those legs aren't too skinny.

windbag said...

I can't believe how judgmental these people are. This is a personal matter, between Weiner and his constituents. Oh yeah, and his wife.

rhhardin said...

If a position repeats three times, the game is a draw.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Darn. This was just starting to be fun:

A Modest Suggestion For His Alter-Ego

windbag said...

...and maybe between him and police.

...and maybe some minors' parents.

...and maybe the DA.

chickelit said...

But he's not a hypocrite...I don't get it...

Shouting Thomas said...

Aw! Come on!

Don't take the Weiner away from us!

AllenS said...

Tony, call Bill Clinton, he tell you what to do.

Fred4Pres said...

Wow, yesterday Pelosi was not calling for it. I guess the face saving resignation is out now, internal polling is in and the DNC does not like what it sees. And if Weiner does not go, they will redistrict him out.

What a wiener Weiner is.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You would think this would be the Minority Whip Steny Hoyer's job to make the Weiner an offer he cant refuse.

But the Dems have the party's women do the dirty work.

A republican in that situation the meme would be.. Republicans set back women's gains.. or some such thing.

I mean, The Dems cant say they are using the women as a way to shame the man.. Weiner has no shame.. I think we pretty much established that.

victoria said...

Resign, dude. I know the righties are happy about this because it takes the heat off the implosion of Gingrich's presidential run and the cat fighting between Palin and Bachmann. With campaign managers fighting for the candidates, makes for fun, fun fun.

Vicki from Pasadena

Anonymous said...

I suspect they are privy to information related to his contacts with known minors that are criminal in nature, and can no longer be ignored by State-run media.

h/t Patterico

David said...

I guess it's not up to the constituents any more.

Opus One Media said...

I heard Sen. Vitter called for his resignation and some fella from Nevada who used to be in government did as well.

Just passing through. Have a nice hard right day.

Got that gig at FauxNoise yet ann?

AllenS said...

Hang in there, Tony. You got nothing to lose. Besides, what the fuck else would you do with your life. You don't know how to do a stinkin thing. Hang in there!

Seeing Red said...

Ohhhh, this must be really bad.

Wretchard, once again has a fabulous comment:

It was Antonin Scalia who noticed in his dissent in Lawrence vs Texas, the increasingly pernicious assertion that there is there is no public interest in preventing or sanctioning any behavior, however odious to the majority of the public....

...1. But the assertion that “you cannot judge”, besides being an obvious example of judgment itself, eventually leads those of limited intelligence into reaching internally contradictory positions without even realizing it. In fact, the hallmark of a completely corrupted, but supposedly non-judgmental ethical system, is not the absence of morality but the codification of completely capricious morality. Like all forms of political correctness, PC morality degenerates into nothing more than a list of special rules, based on relative political power, not any sort of logic.....

I'm Full of Soup said...

I would love to see Pelosi's SAT scores. I bet she did not even get a 900.

David said...

Browndog said...
I suspect they are privy to information related to his contacts with known minors that are criminal in nature, and can no longer be ignored by State-run media.

Seems like a real possibility. We will see.

Seeing Red said...

Someone at the WaPo commented the txts between him & the 17 y.o. were deleted?

chickelit said...

I would relish seeing Weiner lead the charge to skewer Palin as we move into primary season. Lots and lots of tweets and CNN time.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

NYC political history seems to be on the side of the Weiner..

However, by the mid-1960s, [Adam Clayton] Powell was increasingly being criticized for mismanaging his committee's budget, taking trips abroad at public expense, and missing sittings of his committee. He was also under attack in his District, where his refusal to pay a slander judgment made him subject to arrest. He spent increasing amounts of time in Florida.

In January 1967, the House Democratic Caucus stripped Powell of his committee chairmanship. The full House refused to seat him until completion of the Judiciary Committee's investigation. Powell urged his supporters to "keep the faith, baby" while the investigation was under way. On March 1, the House voted 307 to 116 to exclude him. Powell said, "On this day, the day of March in my opinion, the end of the United States of America as the land of the free and the home of the brave."[7]

Powell won the Special Election to fill the vacancy caused by his exclusion but did not take his seat. He sued in Powell v. McCormack to retain his seat. In November 1968, Powell was again elected. On January 3, 1969, he was seated as a member of the 91st Congress; but he was fined $25,000 and denied seniority.[8] In June 1969, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the House had acted unconstitutionally when it excluded Powell, a duly elected member.[9]

I wouldnt be surprise if the Weiner somehow manages to hang on (keep his head down) and get reelected.

Seeing Red said...

Sometimes I wonder if part of this disconnect is due to Weiner's age?

These older dudes still see themselves as studly or want to be studly & get the young hot chicks?

This is like hitting on your teenage daughter's friends.

Chester the Molester.

It's all about them?

Anonymous said...

What happens when Huma finds out that I was sexting seventeen year olds? Help me out here! I'm stumped!

-Mad Anthony Weiner

Franklin said...

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. He deserves it for trying to tear down that statue...rather, for being willing to tear down that statue just to pander to a dangerous lunatic part of his base.

Curious George said...



AllenS said...

Tony, have Bill Clinton talk to your wife Huma. He'll straighten this all out for you. Shortly, she'll be standing right by your side. Maybe even bake you some cookies.

WV: thmeade

Meade, that should have been yours.

David said...

"Detectives were made aware of alleged contact between Congressman Anthony Weiner and an area teen," New Castle County Police said in a statement. "Detectives have conducted an interview with the teen and she has made no disclosure of criminal activity nor inappropriate contact by the congressman."

It's the lying, not the sex stuff. Plus the utter stupidity of the behavior.

Rose said...

Though most of the public will see this for the first time on CNN, or other "mainstream" media - ALL of the heavy lifting, ALL of the investigative reporting, ALL of the sticking to it and refusing to let him get away with lying came from BLOGGERS.

Hats off to Breitbart, Ace of Spades, Patterico, RSMcCain and all the others!

There is hope for journalism yet.

SteveR said...

Ouch, that's like being called out by the UN Human Rights Commission

Anonymous said...

Rep. Weiner will not resign. If Clinton get hold, then he can. He wants to be NYC Mayor. He has not held a job. He only has an UG degree. He is useless. His wife makes a lot of money as a SecState Clinton scheduler. But, one salary cannot accomodate both. She is not a policy person or a State foreign officer -but a scheduler. What happens after Clinton leaves State? How will she make salary? So, all this is on Weiner's mind. Plus, they have a child.

No, he will not resign. Why should he? His voters want him. He will stay till 2012 and not run for re-election. That is the compromising. Plus he knows he is a Dem and will get support from Barbara Walters, NPR, NYT, etc. He will remain.

Fred4Pres said...

Pelosi and Wasserman Schultz are clearly moral fascists!

Tingles Matthews and David Brockington need to denounce them immediately! The rubes!

Anonymous said...

He will not resign. He has told these people they are free to call on him to resign so that his shame does not reflect on them.

Only reason they are doing this.

Anthony Weiner doesn't think Anthony Weiner has done anything wrong, and Anthony Weiner isn't going to resign.

Quaestor said...

HD House wrote: Got that gig at FauxNoise yet ann?

Obviously House has his teeth in today.

Fred4Pres said...

AP, he may do that. If he does, the Dems will redistrict him out. And he will be a persona non gratia if he fucks up Democratic chances. Even Bill Clinton paid the price for his mistakes (why do you think the Dems did not go with Hillary in 2008). Weiner is not well liked amoung Democrats. They owe him nothng.

I hope Weiner damages Schumer too.

Lincolntf said...

Why wouldn't he resign? The only reason he's in politics is for the media love and the stupid Lefty tail. When the Dems no longer put him up front on every TV show, what's he gonna do? Studiously craft innovative Legislature? No, he'll be surfing "Barely Legal" websites from his Iphone. If he wants to hide in the corner for 18 months he can, but I don't see it.

Anonymous said...

"Someone at the WaPo commented the txts between him & the 17 y.o. were deleted?"

It's worse than that.

He told her to destroy that evidence after he reported the hacking crime.

That's conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice.

Seeing Red said...

Even Bill Clinton paid the price for his mistakes (why do you think the Dems did not go with Hillary in 2008?

I actually thought they were sick of them sucking all the oxygen out and wanted the control back.

1775OGG said...

Weiner went to see his political doctor, who gave him some advice, which left Weiner distressed, saying: "Doctor, you're saying a lead pill will cure this problem, make it go away. But, what about my family, what about my kids? Please anything but this!"

Afterwards, Dr. Pelosi talked with her legal guru, DWS, who offered this: "No problemo. We're clean. Those nasty mean GOP'ers will be blamed. They drove him to it!"

But seriously, this is how it could turn out. What else can he do to cleanse his soul?

Seeing Red said...

Uh ho............

Country's going to hell.

People R not in the mood for this crap.

Sebastian said...

"At the same time, two senior Democratic officials said on Saturday that Mr. Weiner was planning to check himself into a treatment center. "


richard mcenroe said...

Weiner could always get a job slinging ice-cream at Baskin Robbins next to Gary Condit... but that would mean leaving him loose around minors...

richard mcenroe said...

Is there any woman involved with the Democratic Party who doesn't have the conscience of a whorehouse madam? Pelosi, DWS, NOW, NARAL, Garofalo, the View, Walsh...

Bob Ellison said...

"Congressman Weiner has the love of his family, the confidence of his constituents, and the recognition that he needs help. I urge Congressman Weiner to seek that help without the pressures of being a Member of Congress," Pelosi said.

Needs help with what?

richard mcenroe said...

and he will be persona non grata IF he fucks up the Democrats' chances?!

Anonymous said...

" ... that would mean leaving him loose around minors."

Look, this Democrat is still a United States Congressmen.

Schools throughout the nation are still planning field trips to Washington, D.C. He met the 17-year-old on a school field trip to Washington, D.C. He then began grooming her on Twitter.

They're still bringing Anthony Weiner fresh young high school students for him to groom with his "not quiet explicit yet" text messages and Twitter follows.

Every Democrat school board member in the United States must now be asked by their local newspapers: "Is it appropriate to bus young impressionable high school girls to Washington D.C. to meet with admitted pervert Anthony Weiner."

David said...

Going into rehab, Anthony?

It's your last refuge.

Call Tiger Woods. Ask how it worked for hium.

Carol_Herman said...

They have to "call on him" to resign? Is this a trick?

Does the GOP force out it's deviant members?

I'm missing something. Because Blarney Frank was never forced out. Teddy Kennedy was never forced out.

And, John Kerry is one of Obama's top dogs ... with access to the military.

Both parties stink.

Weiner's always been known to his colleagues as a jackass.

And, the only one who can make weiner resign is Hillary.

Nancy? Not so much. She doesn't want to wear a pair of men's underpants on her head. Even if all the Botox finally fails.

richard mcenroe said...

Hey, Victoria! Read any good e-mails lately?

Trooper York said...

"victoria said...
Resign, dude. I know the righties are happy about this because it takes the heat off the implosion of Gingrich's presidential run and the cat fighting between Palin and Bachmann"

The "implosion of Gingrich's presidential run"? Seriously. Nobody cares about that.

And there is no evidence of a catfight between Palin and Bachmann. That is only to be found in the fevered imagination of the lapdog media and the far far left regions of the bloggershere inhabited by people like vicky.

You must be so proud of your Weiner. He was always your kind of guy, no more so than now. You should support him because he stands for everything you support.
Don't drop him in his hour of need like Pelosi and all the rest.

Stand by your man.

Sebastian said...

Didn't Ann call the rehab ting days and days ago?

Anonymous said...

"Going into rehab, Anthony? It's your last refuge."

He can try this tactic, but it will not stop the criminal investigations into this man's illegal attempts to obstruct justice by getting people to destroy evidence.

Democrat Anthony Weiner is going to jail for his crimes.

He can run.

But he cannot hide.

Seeing Red said...

Stand by him,

Not in front.



whatta bunch of magpies.

Opus One Media said...

passing back through...

hdh 1 fauxnoisecrew 0

but heck who keeps score. this is just for fun.

The Crack Emcee said...

If ever there was a time for him to Twitter his dick to someone - two someones in this case - this is it.

He still wouldn't gain my respect but, as Democrat politics go, I'd applaud him.

frank said...

Calling on Mr. Weiner to resign is the worst news I've heard since the passing of the 19th amendment.

The Crack Emcee said...


Wow, yesterday Pelosi was not calling for it. I guess the face saving resignation is out now, internal polling is in and the DNC does not like what it sees.

I told you we had the ball, or in this case, we've got 'em by the balls,...

windbag said...

Transcript of Weiner's comment on the underage thing.

Anonymous said...

Weiner is refusing still to resign and now has requested a "leave of absence" to buy time.

rcocean said...

The Wiener needs to stand firm and not wimp out.

Barney Frank can house a Gay Prostitution ring, Teddy can leave a girl to drown, Clinton can lie under oath and pull a Lewinsky, and Kerry can lie about his Military records, but Weiner has to resign?

The Weiner needs to stay in office and on TV - we need to be reminded that the Democrats love Weiner -and are a collectively a bunch of Weiners.

Trooper York said...

Weiner is actually the perfect Democrat. His attitudes and views were often put out front on TV and Congress as he is what the Democrats are all about. They shouldn't abandon him in his hour of need.

Stand proud Weiner.
Stant firm Weiner. (that was cool rc)
Long may you wave.

Anonymous said...

"If ever there was a time for him to Twitter his dick to someone - two someones in this case - this is it."

This is pretty naive commentary, Crack.

Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Weiner have an excellent working relationship and always have.

They've planned out, in advance, what they want to do going forward with this scandal, and their plan is to defuse the situation and allow the waters to calm.

They have agreed to do this by Pelosi saying he should get help, and by him asking for a "leave of absence."

This allows him to claim he's receiving some sort of scientific treatment and doesn't require him to resign and buys him time to allow the media to become distracted by some other scandal ... such as Sarah Palin wanting a tanning bed or something.

This maneuver is being coordinated very, very carefully by Nancy Pelosi and Debrah Wasserman-Schultz in complete consultation with both Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin and the Clintons.

Why would he flash a cock their way when they're working so hard to save him?

Cedarford said...

BTW, there is evidence of a catfight between the two Goddesses of men on the Religious Right. Bachmann and Palin are openly sniping at one another.

On Weiner, there are 6 truly pushy, arrogant and obnoxious House of Rep Democrats that love media time.

Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Maxine Walters
Anthony Weiner
Nancy Pelosi
Bwanny Fwank
Sheila Jackson Lee.

So we have two of the 6 pushy, obnoxious media whores demanding a 3rd such person in their group resign.

And more importantly, why does Debbie Wasserman Shultz sound like she is talking while gargling on a cock everytime she speaks? Is it a female NYC acquired accent?

KCFleming said...

After Bill Clinton, Ted and John and Bobby and Poppa Kennedy, Barney Frank and JF I-still-have-the-hat Kerry, after all that, now the Democrats are embarrassed?

What the hell for?

Anonymous said...

By the by, there's no such fucking thing as a "leave of absence" for a United States Congressman. He's either there to vote for the interest of his constituents, or he isn't there and has resigned.

The people of the 9th Congressional District demand and deserve representation in the United States Congress.

But watch.

Shortly, Nancy Pelosi will announce that she has granted Mr. Weiner his requested leave of absence - for a short time only - no harm, no foul.

She will do this even though she's just another member of the House and has no power and no authority to grant such a ridiculous fucking notion.

The people of the 9th Congressional District of New York deserve a Congressman.

If Anthony Weiner is so sick that he cannot perform the functions of his office, he must be removed from that office even if the United States House of Representatives must EXPEL him to do so.

The House, on a two-thirds vote, may expel any member for any ethical violation that brings disrepute on the House.

If he flatly refuses to resign and leaves the people of the 9th Congressional District of New York without any representation in the Congress, then it is time for the House to expel Anthony Weiner.

Lincolntf said...

Cedar- you obviously missed every single blog in the world (except maybe Stormfront) recognizing that the Bachmann/Palin spat was completely fabricated, right? Day late and a dollar short, as usual.

The Crack Emcee said...


Why would he flash a cock their way when they're working so hard to save him?

Gawdammit, nevadabob, as a black leader I say the man should be waving his dick! Heck, I'd do it - to improve the image of my people,...

Anonymous said...

" ... as a black leader I say the man should be waving his dick! Heck, I'd do it - to improve the image of my people."

Well, Crack, I have to admit, you have me there, dude. You have me there.


rhhardin said...

Remember the similarly named battle of the bulge.


Crack's suggestion is perfect. Send Pelosi the dick pic.

Instead they're trying to bore the public to death with a rehab narrative now.

Cedarford said...

Lincolntf - Nope, besides the sniping both ladies say was just exaggerated, they are good friends, blah blah...both derive their celebrity from the same religious right block and older conservative men attracted by their looks. And are going after the same supporters and donors. Throwing out the red meat to the same yokels. Only room for one Goddess.

It's like when Jesse was running and other black wannabes wanted to horn in on the action. Jesse and his followers made sure through media and talking off record with black leaders that everyone had to agree there was only room for one "Head Negro".

My money is on the half-term Gov to beat out the Minnesota media whore as the end Goddess remaining.

Lincolntf said...

Yup, it's just like Jesse Jackson...

FedkaTheConvict said...

uhhh....Gabbie Giffords.

Henry said...

Weiner is going to seek treatment!

Althouse was right, just early.

Henry said...

Except he didn't volunteer for treatment to save his marriage. He did it to save his seat. There's the rub.

Temujin said...

It seems like just moments ago, Debbie W-S and Nancy P were saying he might stay. Go. Stay. Go. Hell...this is not easy when you don't have any standards or (dare I say) philosophical base.

But wait....Anthony doesn't want to go yet. He's asking for reprieve, second chance...REHAB!. Yeah, that'll make everything alright. 30 days in sex therapy. Hi...my name is Anthony...and I'm a sext abuser. (Group: Hi Anthony). I feel so horrible. Like nobody understands me. I didn't mean to do it. It's not my fault. I think I was...(wait for it)....abused as a kid.

He'll be back in 30 days, doing a national apology tour (drat...Oprah is gone...but Baba Wawa is still here!). He'll be redeemed. He'll be forgiven. He'll look into the camera and tell all of you- he's so sorry. He was a bad man. He was a liar. And....(everybody)...it'll never happen again!

Then the Garafolo Thing can go on TV and tell everyone that he was the right guy to stand behind (if I can say that) and that he should be the next Mayor of New York City!! MSNBC will get Al Sharpton on for an 'expert' opinion of character.

Standards are a terrible thing to waste.

Charlie said...

Pelosi and Wasserman-Schultz, now there's a couple of brain surgeons for you.

Anonymous said...

chickenlittle said...

But he's not a hypocrite...I don't get it...

Actually, he is. Not only did he deny last Monday that he had chatted with anyone underage, but there's his support for the Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators Act of 2007.

More info on his website here:


From his statement about the bill:
Sadly, the Internet is the predator's venue of choice today. We need to update our strategies and our laws to stop these offenders who are a mere click away from our children.

I guess we now know just how Fast Tony knew about the dangerous sexual predators on the Internet..

edutcher said...

Hate to tell HD, but nobody buys the "catfight". The fight is with Ed Rollins, who is already being measured for a place under Bachmann's bus. And not too many people are crying over Newt.

One of two things must have happened, especially since Drudge had Pelosi Galore saying he could stay a couple of hours ago:

Nothing in the Palin e-mails so the Lefties, especially Willie, can't say, "See? They do it, too".

There's something to the underage thing.

richard mcenroe said...

Is there any woman involved with the Democratic Party who doesn't have the conscience of a whorehouse madam?

Hey, madams nursed the sick during frontier epidemics and cared for the wounded at Pearl Harbor.

You have to have to conscience of an NKVD executioner to be a woman in the Democrat Party.

Alex said...

passing back through...

hdh 1 fauxnoisecrew 0

but heck who keeps score. this is just for fun.

Beyond pathetic. I pity you man!

Quaestor said...

HD House wrote:
hdh 1 fauxnoisecrew 0

Your self-satisfied grin is sagging a bit. Try more Poli-Grip.

Anonymous said...


Police show up to question the 17-year-old victim.

Wasserman-Schultz and Pelosi then both issued coordinated statements, within moments of each other, using Democrat-friendly CNN as the conduit, calling for his resignation.

Moments later, again via CNN, Weiner requests a leave of absence. This preserves his Congressional seat.

It's pretty obvious that they're conspiring - working together and in a coordinated, planned fashion - to derail the criminal investigation.

In other words they appear to be committing a conspiracy to obstruct justice.

I'm pretty sure that's a felony.

Joanna said...

If he quits who will offer him a job? CNN maybe?

The Daily Show.

Anonymous said...

CNN: While the New York congressman seeks treatment at an undisclosed location, he will take a "short leave of absence" from Congress, Risa Heller said in a statement.

A Democratic source, familiar with conversations among Weiner and Democratic leadership about his fate, did not know what specific type of treatment Weiner would undergo.

You see, secretly, they're working together in a coordinated fashion to derail the investigation by removing him to an "undisclosed location" where he will get "treatment" of some unspecified kind.

This is an out-and-out conspiracy to obstruct justice and Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are participants in that conspiracy.

CNN is even reporting that they are coordinating their actions.

Anonymous said...

"If he quits who will offer him a job? CNN maybe?"


Quaestor said...

What I want to know is where is Chris Hansen when we need him? When is he going to demand "Have a seat. What are you doing here?"

RuyDiaz said...

passing back through...

hdh 1 fauxnoisecrew 0

but heck who keeps score. this is just for fun.

Huh? Can somebody explain this?

Quaestor said...

Joanna wrote: "If he quits who will offer him a job? CNN maybe?"

The Daily Show.

Perfect. He can be Jon Stewart's second banana! ... er...no,wait a minute...

Humperdink said...

I am surprised Der Wienerschnitzel (boneless meat) has not sought spiritual advise from one the many experts waiting in the wings. The Rev. Jessie Jackson, he of Operation Procreate fame, is the first that comes to mind. I am sure the kind reverend would pleased to reach out a hand. Anything to help a fellow Dem out of a tight spot. Fellow New Yorker, Al "the Torch" Sharpton might be peeved at being passed over however.

Anonymous said...

Now that the dam of Democrat apologia for this clown has burst look forward to some really sleazy revelations in the next couple of days.

Quaestor said...

RuyDiaz wrote: Huh? Can somebody explain this?

Reduced acetylcholine synthesis.

RuyDiaz said...

Reduced acetylcholine synthesis.

Well, that's the obvious explanation. I thought there was something else behind it. My bad.

ampersand said...

If Weiner goes, Pelosi becomes the face of the democrats again. How does this help?

Weiner won't go until the Dildo-in-law says so.

I have a suggesttion for his next campaign ad.


Quaestor said...

If you're looking for obvious explanations, I'm your man!

Well, one thing's for certain. Tony Weiner will not be invited to join NAMBLA. He doesn't look anything like Marlon Brando.

Anonymous said...

The House Democratic leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, said Weiner “has the love of his family, the confidence of his constituents and the recognition that he needs help. I urge Congressman Weiner to seek that help without the pressures of being a member of Congress.”

Weiner had no immediate reaction.

Before Saturday afternoon’s developments, Weiner told reporters in his neighbourhood that “I have to redeem myself and I am going to try to get back to work.”

Weiner said his conduct involved “personal failings” and that he would try not to let them get in the way of his “professional work.”


So, Weener is going on a "leave of absence", which in no way will interfere with his professional work of collecting his paycheck and benefits while not working.

Wait until the other dems chew on that for a minute-

Lightbulb moments galore-

"Hey, I have some person matters to deal with, taking leave, see ya in the fall"

rhhardin said...

I wonder if there's economics rehab available.

Anonymous said...

Weiner has no job prospects, but he does hold something of enormous value - inside knowledge of how the Democrats have operated in Washington, and the cozy relationship between the MSM and the Demoratic party.

He'll be paid off by some (Hello, Bunny Melon!) to keep his mouth shut if he gets desperate enough.

Roger J. said...

Hey HD House: good to see you back man--you're still the stupid M-F that was here before--you might want to consider checking into rehab yourself! You might be able to cure your althouse addiction

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"So, Weener is going on a "leave of absence ..."

Whoa, whoa, whoa there little lady.

He's not GOING on a leave of absence. He has REQUESTED a leave of absence.

Funny thing about requests: Sometimes they're not granted.

The United States House of Representatives is governed by rules. And members may not make fraudulent requests. If they do the Speaker of the House is under absolutely no obligation to grant such fraudulent requests.

A member, for example, who is legitimately ill and who needs to miss votes, may request a leave of absence. But that illness must be legitimate.

House members are specifically forbidden from using the leave of absence process for "political" reasons. A member may not, for example, use the leave of absence process to defuse a political crisis of their making.

Republican John Boehner is the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. He is the person who may accept, or who may reject, a request for a leave of absence from a member of the House.

Since it is clear that Democrat Anthony Weiner is attempting to fraudulently make use the house Leave of Absence policy merely to defuse the current political crisis he finds himself in owing to his deviant sexual indiscretions, Mr. Boehner should reject that request out of hand.

Members may not merely absent themselves from their responsibilities because they find themselves in political crisis.

The people of the 9th Congressional District demand representation.

The Speaker of the House should instead schedule a vote on the expulsion of this member who has violated the House Ethics rules and has brought significant unwarranted disrepute upon the esteemed House.

Anonymous said...

That's life.

That's what all the people say.

Or, so says this guy.

Martha said...

Browndog said...
I suspect they are privy to information related to his contacts with known minors that are criminal in nature, and can no longer be ignored by State-run media.

Could be evidence of hook up with the 17 year old on Skype. The police visited the minor after discovery of Weiner Skype sexscapade with tweeter #4.

Anonymous said...


NYTimes: “Congressman Weiner departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person,” said the spokeswoman, Risa Heller. “In light of that, he will request a short leave of absence from the House of Representatives so that he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make himself well.



Unknown said...

He must resign, he mustn't resign, on second thoughts, he must resign. This like chasing down E-coli bacteria in Germany. Except Weiner is more toxic.


Anonymous said...

nevadabob said...

"So, Weener is going on a "leave of absence ..."

Whoa, whoa, whoa there little lady.

He's not GOING on a leave of absence. He has REQUESTED a leave of absence.

Whoa yourself-

I'm no lady, nor am I little.

Further, I'd like to know if there has ever been a request that has been denied.

Further still, do you really think they will deny his request?

Deny his human right to affordable healthcare?

Cedarford said...

Hate to say it, but it is not unusual in public chat rooms, social media - to have some R or X-rated stuff come out. And 14-18 year olds are among the worst perps - examination has found - and their communications and those of adults are NOT limited by age or a requirement to submit proof of age documentation before communicating with an adult.

Nor is it a crime to lie about one's gender, income, looks, age, war hero status, etc., in social media.

With the 17 year old, a little different because Weiner may have known she was 17.

But then you get into what is "inappropriate contact, contributing to the delinquency of a minor"?? Flirting, claiming to be "ready to fight in tights in a superman cape, for justice" - likely does not meet the threshold.

Humperdink said...

If the Weiner is granted a LOA, wouldn't it makes sense for Der Schlickmeister himself, Bill Clinton, to temporarily assume the Weiner seat. After he he married the poor schmuck.

The "people" would have access to congress via their temporary rep and Bill Clinton would have access to Weiner's data base. A win win.

The Crack Emcee said...



Naw, dude, I'm serious: did you see how impressed Stewart was?


I am surprised Der Wienerschnitzel (boneless meat) has not sought spiritual advise from one the many experts waiting in the wings. The Rev. Jessie Jackson, he of Operation Procreate fame, is the first that comes to mind. I am sure the kind reverend would pleased to reach out a hand,...

La-la-la, I'm not listening! I've got my fingers in my ears! I don't like this imagery anymore,...

Anonymous said...

"Hate to say it, but it is not unusual in public chat rooms, social media - to have some R or X-rated stuff come out. And 14-18 year olds are among the worst perps -"

And that is why we must rely on the discretion of 46-year-old members of the United States Congress.

It is patently clear that Anthony Weiner was "grooming" this 17-year-old girl. He has an admitted history of using social media as his own personal masturbation pit and it is obvious that he had plans to lure this poor girl into his pit.

Saying this stuff occurs does in no way excuse it when a member of the United States Congress uses his offices for purile purposes.

We do not have to accept this sort of bullshit from our government and if Mr. Weiner ever comes out of hiding I sincerely hope that a concerned father smashes him right in his fucking trachea.

If Anthony Weiner or any other Democrat member of Congress starts sending my kid "cock-gag" messages via Twitter, he can expect to get a very unpleasant visit from me and to have his ass kicked all the way down Pennsylvania Fucking Avenue.

The Crack Emcee said...


I'm no lady, nor am I little.

We're going to need to see photographic evidence of both assertions.

And shave your chest.

HT said...

At this point, I'm honestly a little torn. Does our following Weiner so intently say more about us or him? He is now saying he will seek treatment. He has now completely and utterly run out of dignity.

The phrase from Dr Zhivago, "the private life is dead," comes to mind.

RuyDiaz said...

At this point, I'm honestly a little torn. Does our following Weiner so intently say more about us or him? He is now saying he will seek treatment. He has now completely and utterly run out of dignity.

The phrase from Dr Zhivago, "the private life is dead," comes to mind.

No. He's still trying to bullshit us. He's the same Weiner now as he was before. Don't dwell on it.

Anonymous said...

"Does our following Weiner so intently say more about us or him? "

It says a lot of things about both of us.

It says we are sick and tired of this sort of bullshit and we're not going to take it anymore.

It says of him that he knows no shame whatsoever.

It says of us that we have reached the point where we are not going to allow our political elites to make cock-gag sport of our daughters.

It says of him that instead of standing and taking his medicine like a man he hides behind the skirts of women and flees into the darkness to seek "treatment."

It says of us that we have the ability to destroy these motherfuckers and it says of them that they are the cowards we always knew them to be.

It says a lot.

About both of us.

We'll follow this prick wherever he flees to; we will not tire; he will not enjoy his time in public office; ever.

We are watching him and the rest of them.


That's what it says. It says there are watchers and there are men who would prey on us.

They will not succeed.

Because we are strong.

And they are cowards.

Anonymous said...

"... the private life is dead," comes to mind."


This man was seducing 17-year-old minors on a PUBLIC communications channel called Twitter.

In full view of the public.

He didn't crave a private life. Huma Abedin was his private life.

He wanted to shove his cock in our faces.

In public.

He deserves everything he is about to get. We haven't even BEGUN to destroy this deviant motherfucker.

Quaestor said...

Crack wrote:
And shave your chest.

Yeeeehaw! Heh!

wv: exoexted - exted only on the outside

rhhardin said...

Oh! He went into treatment mode! The old "it's a addiction" gambit.

My name is Anthony and I'm a Democrat.

Anonymous said...


New threshold for resignations is "dating little boys"

Charlie Rangel: Anthony Weiner shouldn't resign because he "wasn't going out with little boys."

B....... said...

"Weiner can't afford to resign he has no other job skills"

You're just kidding, right? He would be #1 stud muffin for any number of porn films. And he's already developed connections to the porn industry (Ginger Lee).

Chip S. said...

Doesn't that suggest that Rangel is a homophobe?

Anonymous said...

Blast From The Past! You read it here first!

June 6, 2011 (Five days ago)

Nevadabob: (Here's my prediction: Admits he has a problem. Describes it as a private matter. Checking into sex rehab for a time. Not resigning. Huma will not be in attendance but he will say he has her support.)

A. Shmendrik said...

Stand firm, bro! Never detumesce!

Anonymous said...

I pray for him that the treatment facility doesn't have Wi-Fi

Anonymous said...

"We're going to need to see photographic evidence of both assertions.

And shave your chest."

Setting up a twitter account as we speak....

And I'm not messing around.

I'm gong full blown Congressional right out of the gate!

Anonymous said...

"Doesn't that suggest that Rangel is a homophobe?"

Yes. It suggests that Charlie Rangel (remember, he's black) thinks that the worst thing you can do as a Congressman is to get caught out on a date with a young male.

If you do THAT ... well, then you need to resign.

Anything short of that and you don't have to resign.

That's what Charlie Rangel believes and is willing to say openly to reporters.

He hates gay people. Isn't it obvious? He's holding gays up to derision and holding them out as the lowest form.

And yet ... still welcome in the Democrat Party for some strange reason.

Palladian said...

Does his gold-plated congressional health care cover his "treatment"?

I wonder how much this is going to cost us, in the end...

RuyDiaz said...

Doesn't that suggest that Rangel is a homophobe?

Perhaps. But it definitely explains why Rangel didn't resign: "Sure, I had an off-the-books vacation home in the Dominican Republic--but at least I wasn't sleeping with little boys!"

Fred4Pres said...

Bill Maher is a complete dickhead, but this is comedy gold: Bill Maher and Jane Lynch read Weiner's text messages to the Las Vegas dealer.

Anonymous said...

"Does his gold-plated congressional health care cover his "treatment"?"

He's not really getting treatment. This ploy just allows him to buy some time and "disappear" so he doesn't have to answer any more questions about why he's "grooming" 17-year-old girls on the internet.

Also allows Delaware Democrats time to get to the cops to get them to close the investigation quickly without actually subpoenaing the actual Twitter "DM's" or "Direct Messages" that the pedophile Congressman tweeted to the young girl.

So, no, I don't think Mr. Weiner is going to be submitting any claims to his health insurance since this whole "treatment" story is just a thinly-disguised media scam to make journalists look like Jackasses.

Anonymous said...

"Yes. It suggests that Charlie Rangel (remember, he's black) thinks that the worst thing you can do as a Congressman is to get caught out on a date with a young male."

I think the aphorism runs as follows:
The worst thing to be caught in bed with (for congressmen) is a dead girl or a live boy...or words to that effect.

Phil 314 said...

I hear Lorena Bobbitt has a cure for this "sex addiction" problem.

Carol_Herman said...


There's nothing being said with "certitude." And, Hillary is now also coping with Chelsea's marriage being nothing more than a bag of shit.

Maybe, the question is "What will Hillary do?"

Where's the evidence that weiner goes to jail? I just don't see it! I don't see "Client #9." And, I don't see weiner leaving.

Sex therapy, however? Sure. Headlines about him seeking help? Sure.

But I still don't think you can kick the "jackass" out of him!

Schumer hasn't asked for weiner to resign, either. Call me when things get serious.

Fred4Pres said...

This is funny too: Maher does New Rules on Weiner: How pathetic is it to have a sex scandal over masturbating!

He is going to rehab for jerking off too much and texting? The other addicts should kick Anthony Weiner's ass for general principle.

Anonymous said...

"The worst thing to be caught in bed with (for congressmen) is a dead girl or a live boy...or words to that effect."

In 1983, Louisiana Democrat Edwin Edwards held a press conference on the eve of his historic 3rd term as Governor.

Edwin Edwards: "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy."

Edwards won that election.

Bonus: Where is he now? Why, he's in federal prison, convicted of extortion, wire fraud, money laundering and mail fraud.

He's about to get a roommate.

Anonymous said...

Maher: "At least get laid!"

Anthony Weiner ain't got what it takes to get laid. Why he's a serial masturbator.

erictrimmer said...

Assuming Weiner is not sincere...

Who believes in "sex addiction?" Who is he appeasing by going to rehab?

Is there a sizable chunk of voters who actually believe this hocum?

RuyDiaz said...

This is funny too: Maher does New Rules on Weiner: How pathetic is it to have a sex scandal over masturbating!

That's what I kept pondering about, and still can't fully understand: if you are going to be a crappy human being, at least do it for something good.

Trooper York said...

I knew that Congressman Weiner seemed familar.

Like I knew him from TV or something.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

In four weeks Weiner will be making one-point-five-mill at MSNBC, with an audience of 15,000

Anonymous said...

"Who believes in "sex addiction?" Who is he appeasing by going to rehab?"

Nobody, but appeasing people isn't the purpose of this.

The purpose of this:

1) It gets the Democrat Weiner away from reporters. He's been sequestered to a non-disclosed location and told to shut his pie hole. He's his own worst enemy when he's in front of reporters because he hates them with a fucking passion. After all, he's only recently discovered that they're waaaaaay fucking smarter than he is. So, naturally, he hatest them.

2) It gives Pelosi and Wasserman-Schultz time to formulate a strategy that can survive one news cycle.

3) The long-distance bill between Washington and Libya is pretty high. Huma can't effectively strategize while she's half a continent away.

4) Police are now involved. But, they're Delaware police. Joe Biden is from Delaware and Delaware is a hugely Democrat state. So, they need time to put a fix in. Should be relatively easy to do, but it will take a day or two. This buys them that time.

5) The press can now be placated. Since Anthony is "admitting" he has a "disease" for which there is "treatment" the storyline can change to how "courageous" Weiner is for "seeking" such treatment. And really, the road to recovery begins with a single step, doesn't' it? Isn't he "brave." Lots of hooks and tangents and red herrings for the press to chase while they fix the case.

6) Hey, if things don't work out, they can now involuntarily have his dumb ass admitted to fucking Bellvue.

7) Lobotomy - defined as the complete removal of the frontal lobe of the human brain - cures exhibitionism. And political problems.

So, there's that.

Fred4Pres said...

Trooper, my kids love the Munsters. Weiner is not Eddie Munster, he is Arnold Horshack.

edutcher said...

What Fred just said.

rick said...

I am surprised Der Wienerschnitzel (boneless meat) has not sought spiritual advise from one the many experts waiting in the wings.

How 'bout the man of God who officiated at the merger?

No more spiritual man than he.

nevadabob said...

"The worst thing to be caught in bed with (for congressmen) is a dead girl or a live boy...or words to that effect."

In 1983, Louisiana Democrat Edwin Edwards held a press conference on the eve of his historic 3rd term as Governor.

Edwin Edwards: "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy."

Edwards won that election.

Bonus: Where is he now? Why, he's in federal prison, convicted of extortion, wire fraud, money laundering and mail fraud.

He's about to get a roommate.

Actually he said, "The only way they gonna git me is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy."

I saw him saying it on a news item at the time. If memory serves, he was already in office.

One of the DeBartolos rolled over on him later on.

Peano said...

The old "it's a addiction" gambit.

The dude has an addicktion all right.

Anonymous said...

A Democrat Party union official - perhaps taking his cue from Anthony Weiner - gave a special ed student a vibrator. Urges her to masturbate with it. Union officials refused comment. The teacher has been arrested.

HT said...

There is no Democrat Party.

erictrimmer said...


You're reasons sound plausible.

Too plausible...

traditionalguy said...

@ Trooper... Please take note that Weiner is not now, never has been and never will be an attorney at law. (Unless the ABA cleaned up his Wikipedia page). When my wife asked me if he was a lawyer, and I instantly replied no. I just knew that he is too dumb to be an attorney. We hide the evidence much better than Weiner did.

Clyde said...

Resign? That only happens in Republican scandals! (Elliot Spitzer was the exception that proves the rule.) Democrats not only hang in there, they get re-elected by their constituents. If Barney Frank and Charley Rangel can do it, why not the Weiner?

I hope he Foleys them into oblivion in 2012.

Political said...

If you want to take a break from the Weiner story, I think you'll enjoy a piece called Mitt Romney Comes to Michigan and Liberals Have a Hissy Fit http://mittromneycentral.com/2011/06/09/mitt-romney-comes-to-michigan-and-liberals-have-a-hissy-fit/ You won't believe some of the stuff in that article.

Fred4Pres said...

Weiner's song of the day.

Penny said...

Late arrival to this discussion, and without reading the 100 plus comments, so apologies if I repeat.

Am I the only one to imagine Weiner in a come-to-Jesus meeting with former President Clinton?

Clinton says, "Look, whatever you do, no religious advisor. I did that, and I don't want the press rehashing my past indiscretions. Be a man of the people. See a psychologist like everyone else."

The gentlemen then share a laugh and a cigar...since that will have to do from now on.

Peter V. Bella said...

He is going to buy his way out by paying a shrink.

If this does not work be prepared for the carefully fueled rumor he is suicidal. This will elicit an extreme pity party and mercy melee. That will be his lifeline.

Anonymous said...


Penny said...

Ha ha Rick. Good one!

If it weren't for all the Liberal Arts Psychology graduates we spit out every year, maybe we could skip that rehab step and even get away with, "Sorry. Me bad".

Joe said...

Why couldn't he just pick girls up at Denny's like Tiger?

Penny said...

Good question, Joe?

He even had his bat out for the Grand Slam! lol

richard mcenroe said...

Tom Faranda -- Weiner can't do anything and thus feels entitled to govern those who can.

And thus, the Democrats' America...

richard mcenroe said...

Fred4Pres -- Weiner is Screech.

ChickenLittle -- I'd like to see that too, but I suspect not for quite the same reasons...

JR said...

Crack @ 6/11/11 2:28 PM.

Good one. Hadn’t seen it that way. His grand exit with another twitter -– the big one to Pelosi and Schultz -– a Jack Nicholson meltdown on the witness stand in “A Few Good Men.” “Yeah, I ordered the code red ....” And dying for the chance to wag it one more time.

avwh said...

"One of the DeBartolos rolled over on him later on."

That was Eddie D - the owner of the 49ers. Eddie D got convicted for bribing Edwards for a casino license in New Orleans. So Eddie had to "transfer" the 49ers ownership to his sister, Denice.

And the 49ers have been NFL doormats ever since Denice's husband (Dr. York) ran them instead of Eddie D. Eddie still gets standing ovations at Candlestick from the 49er Faithful whenever he returns, BTW - 5 Super Bowl championships will do that for you.

Methadras said...

The Weiner is going into hiding/

wdnelson93 said...

The People's Cube version: http://thepeoplescube.com/current-truth/pelosi-and-the-swamp-spot-the-difference-t7345.html

The People's Cube website = the anti-p.c.

w.v. - chewe I chew and chew, but still can't swallow the Dear Leader's p.c. message.

el polacko said...

will he be going into rehab for LYING ? by focusing on his sexual 'illness' we're diverted from the fact that the man has not an ounce of veracity and is willing to impugn anyone if he thinks it will save his sorry ass.

William said...

There are some scandals that are too farcical to be sordid. There was that football coach who apparently liked to see his wife giving a foot job to other men. WTF. Then there's Weiner. His scandal doesn't really shock or titillate. It's more than inappropriate; it's silly.....Rep. Lee should be the role model for people caught in such a farce. Just resign immediately. There is no way you can play out the hand without making yourself, your family, and your supporters look like bigger jerks......Of course, all this publicity and the attention paid to his penis may be the very reason that Weiner is in this scandal in the first place.

William said...

Further thoughts on Weiner's penis. Many of his liberal supporters are advancing the opinion that he is greatly endowed. Jon Stewart, Barbara Walters (eww), and, of course, Anthony Weiner have stated this. The conservatives, at least in this forum, are claiming that his package is paltry and pathetic.....I pass no judgement on this issue. But it does seem that if the data on this subject can be so differently seen and analyzed, what are the chances of us coming to consensus on global warming.

Penny said...

"Weiner can't do anything and thus feels entitled to govern those who can."

Weiner can do one helluva lot for his party, and even more for the "game" of politics.

He is, in fact, a gladiator.

Did he fight fair? Does it matter if "losing" means you are out of the game?

Instead of smashing Weiner, Democrats should set up "Hotdog Camp" for the truly gifted, think-on-your-feet "advocates for the cause".

They are doing this man a great disservice. He fought for them in places they didn't want to go. He did it better than anyone. DON'T make me bring up the likes of Juan Williams.

And now? Democrats put on their waistcoats and white gloves and pretend that politics is a friggin' tea party? No pun intended.

This to Mr.Weiner...

Your personal foibles and failings are your own, and between you and your wife. And while they now know more about you than you ever would have hoped, your party's reaction should tell you ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW... about them.

Forgive yourself, and then move on...

The majority of the people who elected you to represent them, still say "yes" to Weiner.

Tell them about what you learned about yourself... and about Washington DC.

William said...

I saw Maher's show. I was moved to tears when the audience applauded Weiner's refusal to resign. It was like they were witnessing Luther nail his thesis to the Cathedral door. How often in public life do you see a Congressman take such a principled stand? Weiner didn't tell them any lies; he was telling lies to Republicans. This is not only permissible, but, rather, a form of idealism. The highest form of truth is the successful deceit of a Republican. Weiner didn't pull it off (so to speak), but the effort was valiant.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Gonna throw this into the thread because it's about resignations.

Gabrielle Giffords. If she can't serve her term, maybe she should resign.

As far as I can tell, her district just doesn't have a rep right now. She's unlikely to return anytime soon. Even if we're looking at next year (with a miracle), that's half her term. What's most likely to happen is that she won't be recovered enough by May, 2012 to file for reelection. Then her replacement will be elected in November. That's a full term for her district where the seat is vacant. How's that representation?

I wish her well, but it seems to me that the voters should be able to elect someone else in meantime. Arizona has a provision for a special election to fill a vacant seat. She could be replaced by a Democrat. She can always run again later if she can (and I hope this would happen), and if she can't then she shouldn't be in office now.

Not very nice, I guess, and there is the argument that the assassin wins if she quits. The problem is that he already has won for six months because she's not in Congress, nor is anyone else. If she'd died, Arizona would have a representative by now.

The real way to win against assassins is for the system to keep working no matter who dies. That's not happening in this case.

There's no constitutional mechanism to deal with this like there is with Presidential incapacity. It's just a personal choice of the representative. The House could theoretically declare her seat vacant, but it's unlikely to do so. I'm not sure that would be a good idea, anyway.

If government is service, then the servants need to know when to let someone else serve. It's been six months.

Titus said...

I don't think many of the people in Washington are hot but I have to admit I would do Weiner.

I can see where there is an attraction to the guy.

He is also kind of dirty and I like that.

Titus said...

I would do that Patrick McHenry as well. That republican hick from Hickory North Carolina.

He sounds so repressed you know he is ready to burst.

Penny said...

OK, will go along with that, John Lynch. If only for the sake of discussion.

Problem is that "servants"...SERVE.

Tell your servant what you want, and, within reason, you will get what you want.

Does that make sense?

Sit down and THINK about that.

Say it to yourself...

"I will get what I DEMAND from my servant!"

HT said...

Clyde said...

Resign? That only happens in Republican scandals! (Elliot Spitzer was the exception that proves the rule.) Democrats not only hang in there, they get re-elected by their constituents.


I agree.

David Vitter
Larry Craig
Strom Thurmond
Henry Hyde
Nancy Pelosi

dave in boca said...

The funniest quote by this pathetic little dweeb in his conversations on Twitter with a 17-yr. old was, IMHO,

"I'm a very important man and don't have a lot of free time....."

If he doesn't say so himself. My guess is this pompous grandiose li'l paraphiliac may have his Blackberry confiscated and his congressional district re-gerrymandered out from under him.

What a shame that would be for such an important dude!

AllenS said...

My prediction — and you heard it here first! — is that he'll announce he's entering treatment for sex addiction

Except for the fact that he wasn't having sex, yeah, you were right. Still, it doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

"Your personal foibles and failings are your own, and between you and your wife."

We need a million father march on Washington to go have a showdown with Anthony Weiner and explain things to him.

And if he doesn't have the decency to resign, that's precisely what's going to fucking happen.

Anthony Weiner is preying on our daughters. Do you really think we're just going to sit back and allow this fucking sick pervert to continue to get away with abusing our children?

You've got another think coming, honey.

It's a good thing Anthony Weiner has decided to go into hiding. But eventually, he has to come OUT of hiding. And we'll be there.


Anonymous said...

"Gabrielle Giffords....That's a full term for her district where the seat is vacant. How's that representation?"

Sadly, it's not about "representation" at all, it's about the dem party holding the seat in their column as long as the woman is breathing and her fluids are circulating.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Toad Trend said...

In the world of the democrat, like all the bad medicine they prescribe, it is 'ALWAYS FOR THEE, BUT NOT FOR ME'.

Which, friends, is why they OWN the hypocrisy tag.

Pelosi Galore and Blabbermouth Schultz should demand his resignation, yesterday.

AllenS said...

Look at it this way. I have thoughts of having sex with Christie Brinkley all of the time. Fact -- I've never had sex with her. Now, if I tried to check into a clinic for sex addition, what do you think they'd tell me?

I wouldn't let the Weiner into a sex addiction clinic. That doesn't seem to be his problem. Hell, Huma isn't even around enough for him to be getting enough pussy from her either.

Man up Weiner. Hang in there.

AllenS said...

I've been a sex addict since, oh, about the time of puberty. That's when I started to have impure thoughts about girls in the neighborhood.

Toad Trend said...


But, you do not have any decorum standards to uphold as a 'public servant'. I remain consistent, and would demand that both dem and repub alike step down for this type of behavior.

Can we agree they bear a certain level of responsibility, like, not engaging in this sort of behavior with minors, for starters?

What he does in his private life is his business. He has however crossed a line with at the very least HIS WIFE. Best I can tell, she has been silent, and absent.

I have no issue with your point, it works with the regular Joe, as I am, but the sanctimonious Penisaur has been gored by his own sword.

Again, hypocrisy is owned by the left. I will call them on it, every time.

AllenS said...

Well, you nailed the hypocrisy angle, Don't Tread. That's for sure. Unfortunately, there isn't a decorum standards clinic anywhere to be found. And, may I add, there certainly isn't anything even close to a decorum standards clause in the House or Senate, let alone the Presidency. BJ proved that.

That's why he won't resign, no matter who says that he should. Hang in there, Wiener!

Fen said...


Congress is full of animals like this. And when the People elect an animal like him, simply because he's good at hating Goldstein and stealing our taxdollars, they raise these monsters to positions of power where their madness is inflicted on the rest of us.

Usually, there isn't much we can do about it. Sometimes they maintain power forever, like Ted Kennedy. But every now and then, one of these "elites" skylines himself and is vulnerable.

I don't care what Weiner's job prospects are after he's fired. He's certainly not qualified to be a Leader.

Good luck with your Celeb-rehab, Weiner. Maybe they'll stick you between Lohan and DSK.

AllenS said...

I'd be willing to bet that he would win reelection in this district that he represents. Those people probably share the same set of morals (or lack of morals) that the Weiner has. So, he's got that goin for him, also.

WV: dogabl

TMink said...

Addiction helps to understand why people do stupid stuff repetitively. It does not excuse anything they do. It just answers the question "Why would he do that?"

It is a brain thing. During orgasm, the brain lights up like a Christmas tree. It is a very powerful neurological event that is also very pleasurable. Some people get addicted to the event and will go to extreme measures to experience it. This is exactly the same as opiod or drug addictions.

But it excuses nothing, nada, zip, zilch. He should be brought up on ethics charges and disgraced. It may help him actually get treatment.


DaveW said...


So the wiener will enter into "treatment" at some ultra high end spa - paid for by his lavish government health insurance no doubt - while he continues to draw his lavish - relative to the norm among his subjects oops I mean constituents in the U.S. - government salary.

Where can I get a gig like this? Get caught forking around on your wife of only one year with a half dozen high school and college groupies, get a month off with pay at a fancy spa.

Great work if you can get it. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I think the "individual member" has made enough decisions already.

From an AP report yesterday before Pelosi changed her mind again:

The former speaker said in San Francisco that she believes the decision should be made by "the individual member" and the people in his district.


DaveW said...

You know, this guy had the world at his feet. An up-and-comer in the Dem party, talked about for mayor of New York. Married Hilly's smokin' hot aide. He was on the DC merry-go-round. He'd get a job as a chief of staff for the next Dem admin, or a cabinet job, become a lobbyist, make a filthy ton of money.

Now he's going to lose it all. Probably lose his congressional seat, his wife will dump him. He'll be radioactive in Dem circles, won't be able to get a job working in one of George Soros' sweatshops.

And there's nothing special about him, he doesn't come from money, he has a meh college degree. He's not even going to be able to make a decent living.

And why? Because he wanted to send a picture of his wiener to a college girl (or maybe worse, the way it's developing). Heck he didn't even get laid as far as we know. Talk about losing everything.

I almost feel sorry for the guy. These guys must truly have no control over their behavior, or there's some button in his brain that this sort of thing pushes that turns the rest of his brain off.

Anonymous said...

".........But it excuses nothing, nada, zip, zilch. He should be brought up on ethics charges and disgraced. It may help him actually get treatment.


No, he can help us all by keeping his seat and becoming the face of the Democrat Party 2012.

HT said...

There is no Democrat Party.

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