June 4, 2011

Grilled cheese and cows.

That's all we've got here: the cooking of mass quantities of grilled cheese sandwiches and a brief interview about a Guernsey Jersey calf named Haley.

Meade shot this video at the "Cows on the Concourse" event today near the Capital Square in Madison, Wisconsin. There was a grilled cheese sandwich eating contest later, but we didn't catch that. It's just cooking sandwiches in the first half of this clip, and, then, in the second half, it's that calf, with Meade's voice in the audio track, asking questions.

Meade shot the video, and I did the edit. I hope you enjoy seeing these ultra-wholesome things that took place in our beautiful city, which is not all protests and tent cities.


Lincolntf said...

I want to eat half of those grilled cheese sandwiches and adopt all of the calf.

Daniel Fielding said...

Iwant a grilled cheese sammich , NOW!!!! :) Seriously, though, we dont have cool events like this in Ann Arbor, except for the crazy Art Fair during the 3rd week of July every year.

Fred4Pres said...

I want a grilled cheese. I am going to make one now.

Fred4Pres said...

I just grilled a coho filet along with some burgers. I watched swifts start using the bird houses I put up, which is cool since they eat so many bugs.

But a grilled cheese in about an hour would be really good. With some cold ale.

Fred4Pres said...

Then again...

Mmmmmmm, wiener!

gail said...

Those are good lookin' sandwiches. Are you sure that's a Guernsey calf? Looks more like a Jersey.

edutcher said...

It may be something thought of as kids' food, but a good grilled cheese is a very good lunch.

Nice calf, too.

coketown said...

That is so wholeseome! I love it. And I want one of those grill-carousels. Nothing is worse than making ten grilled cheese sandwiches only to find out after eating the eight that ten is not going to be enough.

Did either of you pet the calf?

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

My father had Herefords and Charolais at one time. Some of the calves were a kind of orangey-pink.


Anonymous said...

Are you trying to tell Meade to tuck his shirt in?

Where you born in a barn?


Anonymous said...

"This is what animal husbandry looks like!!"

er...recall Walker!

cue the drums-

traditionalguy said...

that looks like a nice town to live in...except on the windy winter days.

Ann Althouse said...

"Are you sure that's a Guernsey calf? Looks more like a Jersey."

You're right. I misheard the woman's answer to the question (not in the edit).

Anonymous said...

Notice how her feet start shifting when Meade asks about the calf's future...she's thinking, uh oh, is this a PETA person?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

edutcher said...

It may be something thought of as kids' food, but a good grilled cheese is a very good lunch.

Especially if you experiment with different cheeses of high quality. The traditional kids' grilled cheese is usually made with American or another "safe" cheese that most kids will eat.

I like to visit a good grocery or cheese shop where they provide a little write-up on the cheese, which usually includes notes on its suitability for melting or cooking. Otherwise I've made mistakes like trying to grill Pinconning, a wonderful sharp cheese that sadly seems to granulate and fall apart when you try to melt it.

garage mahal said...

Wonder if it was unwholesome for Meade to travel to Washington D.C. to protest.

MadisonMan said...

Coming Soon: Chickens on the Concourse, with an Egg Salad Sandwich eating contest!

This weekend is why Wisconsin rocks weather wise in Summer. Bliss.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

That grilled cheese would go real well with a side of veal.

The rule of Lemnity said...

My LP Vinyl to MP3 transfer is going to take longer because apparently I was doing something.. not exactly wrong but I was not scrubbing the sound data and therefore not getting as clean result as I would have had I taken a little time to look up and read some instructions.

Now, the question is will I start from scratch.. I mean, scratch what I've done and start over.

Moose said...

@Daniel - A2 doesnt really have anything cool anymore in general.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kjbe said...

Cream puffs from some Green County org, for me today. Yum.

Fen said...

mmmmmm would be nice if we had a cafe thread. I'm especially interested in what Madison "leave the kids out of it" Man has to say about this:

from Tommy Christopher tommy@mediaite.com
to dkos
date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 9:58 PM
subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors

Please let me know what’s going on. I will be posting these girls’ story pretty soon, with proper protection. They just don’t want all these bread crumbs out there. They are 16 years old.

from Markos Moulitsas
to Tommy Christopher
date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:34 PM
subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors

That’s a community member’s post. Not my staff. I don’t exert editorial control over what the community writes absent legal imperatives or deeply offensive material. Right now, I’m seeing neither.

I’m not sure I get why you want me to pull that. Those DMs appear relevant to the story. As I understand it, those two individuals injected themselves into a political smear effort, why should they be protected now?

Open to a counter argument that has nothing to do with protecting your source

/via Insty

The rule of Lemnity said...

I guess starting from scratch is the same as starting over.

Except for a blog scratch like the one on this post.. its a correction.

And then there is the Weiner trying to scratch his wiener pic and not having much success.

The rule of Lemnity said...

If the Weiner hangs on and does nor resign and runs for re-election and wins.. I believe its better for us partisans.

If he stays on the grill.. it means he will always be there for a funny poke.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Make the democrats defend the Weiner.

Fred4Pres said...

A jersey heifer is too valuable for veal...

But if its a he, watch out.

Jersey cows are very docile, but Jersey bulls are actually kind of agressive.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Weiner Please Dont Go..

The rule of Lemnity said...

Meade says he momentarily forgot what they did with cows ;)

Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?

I'm just kidding Meade.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys

The rule of Lemnity said...

Grilled Cheese Song..

The rule of Lemnity said...

I was going to play the Dallas Cowboy Stomp Video.. but I felt it would be inappropriate since it was the Packers.. is there a Packers cheese song?

Feelin So Fly Like a Cheesehead..

Of course there is.

paminwi said...

Adult grilled cheese: tallegio cheese and sliced pears. Really tasty and gooey!

Chuck66 said...

But they do wear socks with sandels.

Synova said...

Jerseys are beautiful little cows.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Cows on the Concourse..

The grill cheese cost $1.50.

A Weiner in Manhattan is $2.00.

We are in tough economic times.. I can see why the Weiner was passed over in favor of grill cheese.

gail said...

BTW, Jersey is the best tasting of the dairy breeds, much better than Holstein. We only had Holsteins and Jerseys, so I can't rate Brown Swiss, Guernsey, or any of the newer grazing breeds.

My husband always said a barley feed pig produced the best tasting pork.

David said...

I don't have the proper equipment to grill a cow. That grates on me.

Titus said...

That cow is going to be a steak.

Thank god I am a vegetarian.

I can't stand the thought of some beautiful cow becoming a steak.

tits, big tits.

gail said...

I was just thinking about Jerseys, and thought someone may enjoy this story from a number of years ago.

My dairyman husband and I were just getting home from running errands when we saw a group of heifers (young animals) in a hayfield running towards the road. By the time we turned around, this group of 6 or 7 Holsteins and 1 Jersey, "Sweet Pea", had run a good 1/2 mile from the farm.

We drove back about a quarter mile when my husband got out, yelled "Sweet Pea" at the top of his lungs, told me to turn the truck around and wait. He yelled a few more times, and when the Holsteins quit running because Sweet Pea quit running, Ken opened the pickup tailgate, sat on it, and told me to drive slowly home.

He kept calling Sweat Pea who started running towards him just like a dog, Holsteins trailing after her. Soon he yells at me, "Go faster, Sweet Pea is going to pass us!" A minute later he yells, "Slow up, they're getting tired!"

The whole pack followed into the yard, and as they stood there huffing and puffing we got the barnyard gate open and the whole group back in the barnyard. Then we looked at each other and just burst out laughing...that damn Sweet Pea....

Jerseys are the very smart, and Sweet Pea had a knack for making us look dumber than her.

Titus said...

If some slutty woman whore was willing to sacrifice her meaty tits then I would def. devour them. But a beautiful cow, no thanks.

Meade said...

Great story. Thanks.

Ralph L said...

So the females get boinked, have babies and have their boobs played with every day, and the males get slaughtered. The way of the world.

Fred4Pres said...

RalphL, you could be born in India. Then you are a diety, except you get to eat garbage and generally die early from injested plastic bags and other debris.

Ahh to go back to the good old days.

I thought the term heifer referred to a young cow (but not a young bull).

Curious George said...

PatCA said...
Notice how her feet start shifting when Meade asks about the calf's future...she's thinking, uh oh, is this a PETA person?
Actually she would be nervous either way. PETA says milking cows is cruel.
