"Heat the oven and pizza stone at 500 degrees for one hour..."
Oh, hell! Shut up about my light bulbs. Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
If you people really believed in global warming in the form that you would like to foist that belief on the common folk, that quoted line above would have sounded to you as something on the moral level of first, torture a small, cute kitten....
१५४ टिप्पण्या:
Nice, I like it when Ann finally loses it.
Yes, they are completely and utterly full of shit. Thanks for noticing.
And John Stewart...fuck you too.
Althouse is a goddess.
I hate it when they disagree and agree with me!
"You're cue when you're angry."
FIFY. :-)
and you, a law professor :)
i've long since given up on those that have one rule for the "good" people and another rule for the "bad" people. the new york times personifies this type of thinking.
pentagon papers? who cares if they're stolen or if there is any kind of security breach? print them!
emails from the CRU detailing the sausage making of international climate politics? they're stolen. don't print them!
FOIA request for sarah palin's emails while a public servant? wonderful! let's print them all and laugh at all the dirt we found (no dirt? quick, look over there!)
FOIA request for michael mann's emails while a public servant? horrible! let's get on our high moral horse and castigate those whose would dare to seek dirt on someone who seeks to influence public policy (i got yer hockey stick right here).
there is hopefully a special place in hell for institutions like the new york times.
mmmmmm. kitten pizza! best served cold. -cp
wv: ningla. um, no.
AGW my ass.
Now you know how the rest of us schmucks in fly over country feel when they try to cram the artificial guilt about global warming and carbon footprints and how we should all drive around in clown cars, sit in the dark and turn the thermostat down because we might kill a penguin or something.
All the while the elites cook pizza at 500 degrees, Al Gore uses more electricity in one day than most of us do in a lifetime.
It makes me want to set a tire on fire and dance around the black roiling smoke cackling wildly with a glass of scotch in my hand.
Rock on, AA. There is no greater affront to intelligence, sanity or individual freedom than these stupid ass-clowns and their "anti-Global Warming" laws. I can't wait for historians to tackle this shit-for-brains "movement". It'll be a great evisceration of the institutional Left.
It tasted like burnt hairshirt to me. One fork.
Jon Stewart...fuck you too. I just said John, because I want I want someone to piss on you.
You. Forget. Your. Station.
"The key to this recipe is a [sic] using the oven and broiler in combination."
Genius. Turn the oven on for an hour to prep for an actual three minutes of 'baking'; use the broiler for the top.
Meanwhile, I'm supposed to be chasing my Hot Pockets with a shot of mercury.
Fuck you, New York. Fuck you.
To quote Glenn Reynolds: I'll believe it's a crisis when they act like it's a crisis.
Don't toy with me....
I love it that Ann just could not hold back any more. How can you.
BTW--the 500 degree pizza stone technique would be fine if you did it in the dead of winter. It would heat your house. But at the end of June? In most of the country (including NYC) you not only heat the stone, but then have to run the airconditioning to cool the house.
Discriminating against women is fine just do not screw with my outdated energy inefficient light bulb fetish. We lost the steam engine, don't let it happen again!
My blushes, Althouse.
Damn, but you're purty when you're mad (why is it I have to do Troop's lines for him all the time?).
Yes, this is more of the Lefty, "Well, we don't have to be held to those rules because it would inconvenience us", sort of thing the party bosses in the USSR enjoyed.
And, if they've lost Ann, they're in real trouble.
I will give up my incandescent light bulbs when they pry them from my cold dead fingers.
I will use as much energy to heat and cool my home as I can afford.
I will burn my lights as long as I choose.
I will drive my car when and where I want.
I only wish it was no longer illegal to burn leaves. I would do that too.
It's fun to dress in camo and go down to the animal shelter and tell them that you want to adopt all the kittens. While filling out the paperwork, casually mention skeet shooting. Those people don't have much of a sense of humor.
But belief in co2 warming anything is a myth held holy only by the brain dead Cult of Gaia membership. It's rules do not apply to NYT food section readers who, having taste buds and Chakras of High Priests, who are exempt.
Garage, Superior technologies do not the force of law for broad acceptance. The internal combustion engine, the AC motor and the diesel electric locomotive supplanted the steam engine without government action.
first, torture a small, cute kitten....
I don't think Althouse was writing about Garage Mahal specifically, but I could be wrong.
State lawmakers have passed a bill that allows Texans to skirt federal efforts to promote more efficient light bulbs, which ultimately pushes the swirled, compact fluorescent bulbs over the 100-watt incandescent bulbs many grew up with.
The measure, sent to Gov. Rick Perry for consideration, lets any incandescent light bulb manufactured in Texas - and sold in that state - avoid the authority of the federal government or the repeal of the 2007 energy independence act that starts phasing out some incandescent light bulbs next year.
"Let there be light," state Rep. George Lavender, R-Texarkana, wrote on Facebook after the bill passed. "It will allow the continued manufacture and sale of incandescent light bulbs in Texas, even after the federal ban goes into effect. ... It's a good day for Texas."
The Natural Resources Defense Council, a New York-based environmental group, is calling on Perry to veto the bill.
"Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
Althouse quoting Scalia in the Walmart case, if only we had a pic of her best Italian gesture, the day would be complete.
I have a similar recipe. You place the pizza stone on the ground, then surround it by 6 barrels of oil. Ignite the barrels, and once all 252 gallons of oil have burned away, put the pizza on the pizza stone for ten seconds.
Careful! The eco-shame you're about to enjoy is extremely hot.
What would be a more efficient way?
Pre-heating the oven for an hour is for NY Times pizza hacks. Everyone knows that if you cut the safety latch that prevents you from opening the door on your electric oven in the self-clean cycle, you can get it to the 800 degrees it takes to cook a decent pie.
Trooper had a nice pizza tour post over at his joint a couple of weeks back. Just sayin'.
Oh man, when you lose Althouse on carbon footprints and AGW, well, it's over Johnny. IT'S OVER!!
What would be a more efficient way?
Walk to one of NYC's innumerable pizzerias, where they can exploit scale economies in heating pizza stones.
Fahrenheit 500: the temperature at which bullshit burns.
Do the bridges and tunnels entering NYC instruct you to "Leave All Self Awareness Behind Before Entering This City!"
Not to mention there must be thousands of pizza parlors in NYC so wtf would I need to bake my own pizza??!!
It's not about results. It's about control. It's a religion!
Awesome. Thank you Professor!
Too bad 'Up' is not an internet country code. That would make for a great url.
Depending on the mass of the oven stones and the insulation used, heating an oven to 500 degF for an hour could use way less energy than a 100W bulb lit for the same period. We don't enough information to know. Neither does the government.
I suggest privatizing energy, killing off all the nanny rules, and letting individuals experiment and decide for themselves what the hell they want to use their energy for. If they don't like the results, they can innovate, invent, improve--things the gummint knows nothing about.
"If you people really believed in global warming in the form that you would like to foist that belief on the common folk, that quoted line above would have sounded to you as something on the moral level of first, torture a small, cute kitten.... "
Why are you still a liberal?
Truth to power.
IgIsBliss, For $185K you can have that domain name soon.
I am going to to have to lay this on you gently, Ann -- but there are 800 degree pizza restaurants, wood-fired even . . . yes! burning carbon and spewing carbon dioxide in the process.
Anyone want to buy $185K worth of carbon credits?
The Times has always been an utter joke in this way. Their pious fulminations over "the rich," or weeping over the "disadvantaged" have always been interspersed with ads for Baccarat crystal, Blackglama furs and Cartier jewelry. Here is an article on the national shame of "hunger." There is a review of a restaurant where a meal costs hundreds of dollars per person.
If you think about, it is consistent, though. Moral vanity and regular vanity are both still vanity.
@Original, she's still a liberal because the University of Wisconsin is one gigantic liberal cocoon.
But she's evolving.
Also, what John Borell said at 7:34
And we can add that to what Glenn Reynolds has been saying for a while: "I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis. Until they start foregoing private jets and beachside mansions, it’s going to be hard for me to take their calls for sacrifice on my part seriously."
But, but, but, ... Gore lives in an energy efficient hovel on the Plains
In order for a liberal to be consistent he or she must fore go fire and eat raw meat. And no shelter either!
I am going to to have to lay this on you gently, Ann -- but there are 800 degree pizza restaurants, wood-fired even . . . yes! burning carbon and spewing carbon dioxide in the process.
Who cares? Pizza is more important than carbon dioxide. Especially since every living thing exudes it.
If people were really concerned about their carbon footprint and carbon dioxide, and all that nonsense they should just kill themselves and reduce their footprint, dioxide emission, and shrieking harping voices.
Depending on the mass of the oven stones and the insulation used, heating an oven to 500 degF for an hour could use way less energy than a 100W bulb lit for the same period. We don't enough information to know. Neither does the government.
I have a commercial natural gas Wolf range, (8 burners with the option to change out two burners into a griddle, huge oven that can cook 2 large turkeys and several casseroles at the same time),......and I can tell you unequivocally that heating the oven for an hour to 500 degrees puts out a hell of a lot more heat than using fifty 100 watt bulbs for the same time period.
Besides....what business is it of the government if I want to heat my house with a Wolf Range or fifty 100 watt light bulbs.
Eff off.
Don't MAKE me set the tires on fire and throw styrofoam on the burning pyre.
"Why are you still a liberal?"
It's like actually announcing that you are no longer Muslim. You just don't do it, even if it's true. You can always pretend to still be so as to avoid being in deep trouble in the wrong company.
Some day she may want that emeritus status.
I've always thought that environmentalists don't really believe their dogma applies to themselves. It's only us knuckle draggers who threaten the earth.
It would serve them right if, unable to build nuclear power plants, we all went back to burning wood and coal.
Yes, garage, even leftists can be hypocrites.
Either that, or they are shameless liars, who say pretty words for their idiot followers and the rubes they are trying to cheat and rule.
Nah, they don't have to shut the fuck up on my account. I just laughed.
It's much easier, in New York, to walk to a wonderful pizzaria. Where you order. And, their ovens are closer to 800-degrees. This 500-degree thing is bullshit. It' just aint' hot enough.
The other thing? In New York you don't have to "make" your own cakes. There are enough stores where you go to buy them. Ditto for bagels.
To say nothing of Zabar's.
See? Successful businesses have customers.
The New Yoke Time became a poor excuse for a newspaper. It is NOT a publishing empire!
Andrew Breitbart, of all people, just set me straight! When the game's RIGGED ... you call out the bastards on RIGGING THE GAME. And, you stay at it ... until you see them suffering in the gutter.
Imagine an Easy Bake Oven with a florescent bulb.
I think I got my sister's incandescent model up to 500 deg. once with a platoon of army men inside. Yea, it was war crime, but technology had advanced faster than morality had.
Discriminating against women is fine just do not screw with my outdated energy inefficient light bulb fetish. We lost the steam engine, don't let it happen again!
But you're the one who's into trains.
In order for a liberal to be consistent he or she must fore go fire and eat raw meat. And no shelter either!
It's a start ...
I am going to to have to lay this on you gently, Ann -- but there are 800 degree pizza restaurants, wood-fired even . . . yes! burning carbon and spewing carbon dioxide in the process.
Making money and paying taxes, too!
I am going to to have to lay this on you gently, Ann -- but there are 800 degree pizza restaurants, wood-fired even . . . yes! burning carbon and spewing carbon dioxide in the process.
AND making more than one pizza at a time for more than one or two people.
Don;t forget that the majority of the Times readers who try this technique will be using an air conditioner to cool their kitchens while preheating the oven to 500.
I wonder what Intrade would say about the possibility of repealing this law.
It's a very good idea, but maybe an hour is a bit excessive. I like that she ages the dough overnight. It makes a big difference. Even longer is better. So is 20% semolina flour for the dough, and then mozzarella di bufala. The big green egg gets up to 700° easily, plus the amazing wood charcoal smoke.
Yeah Garage - much better to have sweet compact fluorescent mercury juice leaching into the environment.
Oh, Ann, hilarious! You have made my day ... love your disgust with those hypocrites
Why are you still a liberal?
"Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in."
" Discriminating against women is fine just do not screw with my outdated energy inefficient light bulb fetish. We lost the steam engine, don't let it happen again!"
It's not outdated. It's using more energy for a certain quality of light. It's a lot better than CFLs. Saying it's outdated by them is absurd hackery.
You always skip over the controversial parts of your arguments. The way you do it makes clear what a hack you are, because you do so precisely and predictably. You know you're wrong, in other words, but don't care. You only care about repeating your party line. How sad.
Wow. WV: DivaLike.
A couple of years ago, several Democrat Congressmen/womyn, held an outdoor annoucement about some global warming issue, then each got into a different SUV, and were driven 1 block to the congressional parking ramp by the Capital.
It is things like this that make me think that these people don't really believe in man-made global warming.
The other thing? In New York you don't have to "make" your own cakes. There are enough stores where you go to buy them. Ditto for bagels."
Are you serious?
If I go to NYC I can buy pizza and cake? Wow. Here in Texas, we don't have any brick oven pizzarias or bakeries. No sirreeeeee. Wow. What's a bagel?
State lawmakers have passed a bill that allows Texans to skirt federal efforts to promote more efficient light bulbs
Sweet! Texas is right next door so I can buy all the light bulbs I want!
I read a suggestion once to use the back of a cast iron skillet to get the good pizza char.
The liberal in Madison thing...its about where you are from. The Republican candidate for congress this past fall was a female law professor from St Thomas university. But a native of Texas, hence the political conservatism.
Where is that sanctimonious twat, and Althouse's resident Hoaxer, Gabriel Hanna?
I'd like to know what you're going to **do** about it. About those 100W bulbs the government is taking away to cool down their global pizza oven.
No, not so much as a bloody lip, or a pie in the face, much less a 500-degree pizza shoved down their commie throats. Whole.
"Discriminating against women is fine just do not screw with my outdated energy inefficient light bulb fetish..."
Taking away incandescent light bulbs IS discrimination against women!
first, torture a small, cute kitten....
by placing it on a pizza stone that's been heated to 500 degrees for an hour.
Is this like MLB teams having "green" games, but then flying to all games on private charter jets? If they wanted to be green, why not fly commercial? Or take buses if the trip is under 6 hours? But wearing green hats and handing out light bulbs is supposed to make up for their private jets?
"I am going to to have to lay this on you gently, Ann -- but there are 800 degree pizza restaurants, wood-fired even . . . yes! burning carbon and spewing carbon dioxide in the process."
Yes, but I'm not the one taking away the light bulbs, so why are you acting like that would upset me?
In any case, in a restaurant, you don't preheat for an hour just to cook one pizza.
And if we're playing comparative restaurant pizza oven temperatures: I like Porta Alba here in Madison, with a 900° oven.
In order for a liberal to be consistent he or she must fore go fire and eat raw meat. And no shelter either!
Don't worry, garage, you're in the clear...harvesting your own roadkill makes you a veritable pargon of enviro virtue.
John Borell said:
"Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
Best. Althouse. Quote. Ever.
I wonder what the temp of the ovens at Ian's pizza is? Surely they contributed to global warming, with all of those hundreds of pizzas they made for the protesters several months back... ;-)
Oh yea, I preheat my oven so hot that I have to let it cool down for 24 hours, after which I just have to wave the pizza around in the kitchen for a few seconds and it's done. You bunch of pussy ass pizza cooking novices.
Do you have any idea what the environmental footprint is of newsprint and ink made from petroleum?
A newspaper printing plant is nothing more than a toxic waste pit.
Liberals can just magically disappear everything around them that does not conform to the way they want to see themselves.
It's amazing that they work in an industry that so dramatically destroys the planet.
They have to make you use the dimmer light bulbs so you can't see all of the stuff your low flow toilet won't flush.
My quick back of the envelope shows it takes about 2.8 MJ to run a 100W bulb for 8 hours. Incandescent bulbs are like 90% inefficient, so we can count pretty much all of it as waste (though, yes, it's wasteful counter to use, whatever). Let's round to 3MJ anyways.
It takes maybe 14MJ to get a pizza stone to 500°F in an electric oven. Let's round to 15MJ.
So, that's 5 bulb-days = 1 pizza-night.
There's a lot more incandescent bulbs in the world … both residential and corporate and public … than pizza nights. It seems like if you're going to try to address a problem, you look for the long poles first, not arbitrary culinary excesses.
Also, with all the concern about "let the costs/market be the only thing that controls how I consume" in the comments, here, I'd imagine there's lots of support for a carbon tax, or some other means of addressing of the externality of emissions. Yet somehow I don't think there actually would be. :p
(Also, LOL at the idea of Althouse "still being a liberal".)
"If you believe in global warming," the Times shouted to them, "clap your hands and turn out the lights; don't let the Earth die.
Clap your hands! Clap your hands and say, 'I believe in CFL bulbs!'"
"I'd imagine there's lots of support for a carbon tax, or some other means of addressing of the externality of emissions"
Then your imagination is a complete idiot.
Odd thing in far SE Wisconsin - you can't buy a slice here. Despite the high population of boot people.
What's with that?
Warming all got started when Rachel Carson did her faked data science on DDT which is banned leading to the renewed epidemic of mosquito spread malaria. Now hundreds of millions of people have had 2 weeks of 105 degree fevers who formerly had normal body temperatures at 98.6 degrees, as adjusted for the ones who simply died quickly. To this day the NYT idiots will not admit that they were wrong on the benefits of DDT.
@jsled - Oh sure, blame the Joules.
I don't know who Gail Collins is. (There is a vague, dull memory of this person in the bck of my mind.)
But what a snotty, snotty article.
'Xcuse me you elite twit... 100 watt lightbulbs keep many a person's well house from freezing. They can be quite efficient, over-educated dummy.
And I bet before you die there will be lefty hysteria over the mercury cleanup routine. (Forgot about the children, right?)
Look at the self-rightous sniffs about the ubiquitous plastic bags which were foisted on us in the late 70s to "Save the trees!!1!"
Do you guys have any idea how you come across? Or is that echo chamber turned up too loud?
wv bilatr
Buy now, not bilatr.
JSLED at 10:34 PM just wrote a SAT question.
I'm supposed to follow how lightbulbs equal pizzas?
It's not practical. Examples should be set in real world terms.
And, for real world analysis a hot apartment isn't a lot of fun if you have to get all your guests drunk first. And, provide them with the "surroundings" to stay put ... while you slave away in your kitchen.
For one person? In life, people don't put the stove on.
While take-out lets you freeze some slices. And, you don't need a 500 degree oven to reheat a frozen slice. Don't you have a microwave?
a hot apartment isn't a lot of fun if you have to get all your guests drunk first.
It is if you've invited the right people
jimbino said...
Depending on the mass of the oven stones and the insulation used, heating an oven to 500 degF for an hour could use way less energy than a 100W bulb lit for the same period. We don't enough information to know. Neither does the government.
I suggest privatizing energy, killing off all the nanny rules, and letting individuals experiment and decide for themselves what the hell they want to use their energy for. If they don't like the results, they can innovate, invent, improve--things the gummint knows nothing about.
I'd like to have a personal nuclear reactor, but the government won't let me. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
"It takes maybe 14MJ to get a pizza stone to 500°F in an electric oven. Let's round to 15MJ."
Did you count the instruction to preheat for one hour?
In any case, the pint us that if you really cared, you'd notice things like this. They don't really care. But they will control us.
And they care about what interests them. Purporting to achieve restaurant level pizza at home turns them on, but they dont have the sensitivity and taste to see what is important about incandescence, so they want to ban that.
Pint us = point is
jsled wrote:
There's a lot more incandescent bulbs in the world … both residential and corporate and public … than pizza nights. It seems like if you're going to try to address a problem, you look for the long poles first, not arbitrary culinary excesses.
There's a lot more filthy commoners in the world than members of the Entitled Class. It seems like if you're going to try to address a problem, you look for the long poles first, and excuse the minor excesses of the Important People.
I'm playing a stupid hunch that the 100th comment on this thread will be the millionth comment overall.
This post really ought to be the one that makes history.
Damn. No fireworks. No bells. No duck. No luck.
"Shut up about my light bulbs. Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
I love you, Professor Althouse.
For the past few hours, I keep circling back to read Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
It gets better every time.
Did anyone reading this thread have an urge to eat pizza tonight?
Here's something that makes me feel better: those weenies will be just as ugly as anyone else in cold, hard, efficient domestic light - heavy on the blue tones.
"so we can count pretty much all of it as waste "
No you can't. A: I use light bulbs partly for their gentle warming effect and B: they produce light that I need and is not replicated by CFLs.
You count it as waste and then call for a carbon tax. You just want to control other people. It's pathetic, given the rampant examples, such as your using a computer to whine about light bulbs, of liberals not caring about the consequences of their energy use.
You just want control.
And you don't get to say whether or not Althouse is a liberal, not that it really matters.
Nice. Almost as nice as all the AGW fanboy billionaires lecturing us from the cozy confines of one of their several 10K+ square foot mansions, or various "world leader" shindigs in exclusive resort locales.
Naturally, they all went on their private jets.
Forget the oven, by the way. Baking pizza on a gas grill produces a far better result. Use the stone as you would in an oven.
Tip: If you're making the pizza from scratch cook bake the dough on one side in the gas grill, then flip it over, add the toppings, and bake until done. The result is a very crisp crust.
If you people really believed in global warming in the form that you would like to foist that belief on the common folk,
Fen's Law. The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about.
You should start using it as a tag :)
Hey, can we get serious here for just a second? What about the fucking polar bears?
I want to note that "Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up." is not even close to being the best Althouse quote ever.
Does our president know about this cooking pizza at home trend? He should. First its ATMs, now this. Another job killer. The next thing you know there wont be a need for telephone operators or abacus manufacturers
Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
When The Althouse Woman says something like that, I know that there is hope for this world.
You go girl!
What is the best Althouse quote ever?
AJ Lynch said...
Not to mention there must be thousands of pizza parlors in NYC so wtf would I need to bake my own pizza??!!
Prolly get a MUCH better pizza than at 98% of the retail pizza places and restaurants. Really. We've pretty much given up ordering pizza out. {Yes, there are exceptions].
Great post, Ann!
@lewsar: I'd love to use your 7:37 p.m. comment as a signature line in all my emails.
You all made me laugh out loud: @Peter V. Bella 7:53, @Coketown 8:07, @Beep 8:08... and more, too... Ann, you have the best commenters anywhere on the interwebs. Hands down.
BTW: First thing my teen daughter said a couple years ago when I found out about this damnable law: "So there'll be a black market in light bulbs?? Cool."
Now, back to stockpiling my beautiful incandescents....
Heh. The really funny thing is that the kind of "artisan" pizza and bread baking cookbooks that NYTs readers prefer routinely say exactly the same thing (and from experience, yes, you do need everything preheated that hot and that long).
Stockpiling incandescents here as well. CFL is just another way for the government to keep us in the (literal) dark.
To each his own but, to me, there is no such thing as bad pizza. I even like those ones in a box under a heat lamp I can buy at a Sunoco Mini mart.
P.s I bet even her librul NYT colleagues are making fun of smug, dumbass Gail Collins today.
It is OK to use a 500 degree oven as long as the light bulb illuminating the inside is a CFL.
Unless you fear getting mercury on your pizza.
"Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
I believe the WI Supreme Court intends to quote that as precedent in certain upcoming cases...
The Nanny Police don't understand. This fight isn't really about light bulbs. It's about high-handed government interference with freedom of choice, and that right there is anathema to Nanny Police.
"Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
Start printing the t-shirts.
The Left need to keep pushing this sort of drivel. Never mind concerns about CFL's poisoning us. In fact, don't even mention it. So then when I pass that statist scrunt's screed on to moderates with the note "what about the Mercury?"
First they clear-cut a virgin forest, then they burn the waste. Next they haul the logs via truck, rail and ship to a paper mill belching out thick, black smoke along with noxious fumes and poisons all done 24 hours a day under incandescent lighting. Then they bleach the resultant paper and release the chemical overflow into previously pristine streams that once teamed with fish and other wild life just before loading the product onto smoke belching diesel trucks for the several hundred mile trip to the printing presses of the New York Times. Then, apply toxic ink, shred waste paper and have it magically disappear up a unicorn's butt and the next thing you know Shazam! You have a printed pizza recipe.
And why let all that good protein in aborted fetal tissue go to waste. Protein production has a vast carbon footprint. If you aren't going to inject the stem cells into someone, why not fry that tissue up in a nice tasty omelet?
Take two pizza stones (if you are cheap, buy unglazed ceramic tiles at Home Depot). Put one pizza stone on the bottom rack, the other on the top rack. Preheat your oven to the highest temperature on the dial, this takes fifteen minutes at most. Slide the pizza on the bottom stone. The heat will reflect off the top stone, giving the cheese a nice char. Remove from oven, cut into slices and let the cheese scald the roof of your mouth. This is the closest I have been able to come to Pepe's/Star Tavern pizza at home.
Doing something about carbon footprints is (or should be) for the little people. Lecturing about carbon footprints whilst flying from coast to coast on private jets is for our moral superiors.
I heat my pizza stone to 425 for an hour. Also make sure you put it on the bottom-most rack.
Your how to "print a pizza recipe on paper" was very funny!
I know it's not the point of the article, but I've been cooking great pizza using a cast iron pizza plate using this technique:
I think it may also be energy efficient.
From the article:
Bake it for three minutes. Then turn off the oven and turn on the broiler. Broil the pizza until golden, crisp and a bit blistery and charred in places for one to four minutes, depending on the heat of your broiler.
Jesus fucking Christ, is this guy insane? Broil a pizza? You're going to end up with the bottom of the pizza barely warm, the middle raw and top charred all to hell and back.
That's the NYT version of a soon to be illegal Eazy Bake Oven.
Do you have any idea what the environmental footprint is of newsprint and ink made from petroleum? A newspaper printing plant is nothing more than a toxic waste pit.
I'm sure the NYTs and its staff all have carbon "waivers" from some Obama Czar.
The rest of us? We're screwed.
Obamacare will be the same. Your quality of care will depend on how politically connected you are.
...and to round off a morning of admiring comments,your STFU post has been chosen as our Funniest Link of the Day at The Laughing Conservative
I am a little confused about why, if Solar Energy is the future, the Elites the NY Times represents have not been able to obtain a solar oven to preheat their pizza stone to 500 degrees for 1 hour.
It is a lot simpler to use raw, BLESSED solar energy to create heat than generate electricity, invert it to AC use.
I imagine the objections are reasonable.
1. Even at my Hamptons retreat, the sheer size of such a contraption would take up too much space and would diminish the quality of my water views.
2. With fellow Elite guests jetting in from San Fran, Israel, Europe to East Neck Airport- we NY Times readers prefer to entertain and serve Pizza in the evenings, as is our traditional way - or I surely would have a no carbon generating solar oven.
3. When you think about it, it is very inconvenient and all to rely on clear skies while engaging in important networking over perfect pizza. Besides, what a few meritorious Elites do with pizza stones and private jets is a very small matter in AGW - whereas the stupid Jesus-loving masses with their dumb inefficient lightbulbs ARE in huge nimbers. Therefore, forcing the ignorant masses to use the lightbulbs best for them and the planet is a higher priority....
4. If the ignorant masses were only better educated, they would understand the importantance of using CFL lighting...and perhaps one day also learn the importance of a 279.00 imported Scottish granite pizza stone.
I'm not even a Warmist and I find self-cleaning ovens to be incredibly grotesque.
You're going to burn enough power to run your home for 3 days to avoid using moderately more elbow torque?
Odd... I wanted to share this gem on Facebook, but blogger wants to include the second comment (Fred4Pres') rather than include any of Ann's.
"I am going to to have to lay this on you gently, Ann -- but there are 800 degree pizza restaurants, wood-fired even . . . yes! burning carbon and spewing carbon dioxide in the process."
Wood-fired is carbon neutral. The wood you burn grew by taking CO2 out of the atmosphere. You're just putting it back in. Net CO2 emission -- zero.
How many libs does it take to replace a corkscrew bulb? 11
3 in full Hazmat suits, because you just never know
3 to hold the ladder--OSHA requirement
1 to monitor the MSDS
1 to supervise the potential evacuation
1 to chant to Gaia apologizing for the ineveitable and irrevocable harm
1 to change the bulb
1 to boost the changer's self esteem: "J darling you're so brave to be up there on that big tall ladder, but it's counterclockwise. No darling it's lefty loosy, righty tighty. For God's sakes you nincompoop get off the ladder. Mommy will do it."
What is the best Althouse quote ever?
Good question. I don't know the answer.
We need suggestions. (Though probably not in this dying thread.)
The New York Times editorial "Let There Be Light Bulbs" is an astonishming mish-mash of illogic and name calling.
In the end, Gail Collins concludes that a government ban on "bad" light bulbs is no different than government's establishment of standard weights and measures.
BTW, I filled my home with CFL's as soon as their price became reasonable- because I'm cheap, and I like lots of light.
But there are still applications where an incandescent is a better choice. And for these, I don't appreciate having to hoard light bulbs, or buy them on a black market. Petty though it may be, this is a clear example of government over-reach.
And the smugness of the NY Times (whose entire staff knows less about electrical engineering than any first year engineering student) is, at a minimum, esthetically displeasing.
The NY Times would have more readers if they had more writers like YOU!
Electric Range for 1 hour at 500d uses approx 3 Kwh
100W Bulb for one hour uses 1/10 Kwh so
1 pizza = 30 100W light bulbs for one hour.
In my house we have 15 lamps that hold a standard light bulb, but at any one moment no more than 5 are burning.
That means I can choose to make a pizza every other evening or burn my 100w light bulbs for two nights.
Seems about right, so hell, just Shut. The. Fuck. Up. About. My. Lightbulbs.
In the end, Gail Collins concludes that a government ban on "bad" light bulbs is no different than government's establishment of standard weights and measures.
Shhh, but sometimes, I measure things in centimeters. Please don't tell anyone.
I get pretty great pizza in a convection oven at about 400 degrees for 13 minutes. Pre-heat? Yeah, but I get impatient, so I stick the pie in at about 200 degrees.
The heat will reflect off the top stone, giving the cheese a nice char.
I would imagine reflective foil would have the same effect.
I take AGW very seriously. The minute Al Gore moves out of his mansions and into a cave and/or the Blowhard Times terminates its carbon-spewing energy-intensive hardcopy newspaper operations, I'm gonna take action. Until then, I'm with AA - STFU.
When we get to the point when we allow Big Government to control our lives down to this trivial of detail, stick a fork in us, we're done, all done.
I have New Old Stock of 150's 200's and 300 watt clear light bulbs (from the 1950's I think) I use them in the barn and in the attic spaces. Nothing else throws light like these babies.
My life, my choices. In it, there is no use for Liberals.
Sorry I have not read the comments here yet before posting, but I offer some anti-AGW claims ammo that I hope will be useful to layperson skeptics. I hope the light Bush's light bulb ban becomes a real issue since it kicks in the year of the next election.
Cold fusion featured in the LA Times in '89 before it was debunked. Environmentalists were aghast at the possibility of cheap clean energy:
“It’s like giving a machine gun to an idiot child.” – Paul Ehrlich (mentor of John Cook of the SkepticalScience blog, author of "Climate Change Denial")
“Clean-burning, non-polluting, hydrogen-using bulldozers still could knock down trees or build housing developments on farmland.” – Paul Ciotti (LA Times)
“It gives some people the false hope that there are no limits to growth and no environmental price to be paid by having unlimited sources of energy.” – Jeremy Rifkin (NY Times)
“Many people assume that cheaper, more abundant energy will mean that mankind is better off, but there is no evidence for that.” – Laura Nader (sister of Ralph)
CLIMATEGATE 101: "For your eyes only: Don't leave stuff lying around on ftp sites - you never know who is trawling them. The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I'll delete the file rather than send to anyone....Tom Wigley has sent me a worried email when he heard about it - thought people could ask him for his model code. He has retired officially from UEA so he can hide behind that." - Phil "Hide The Decline" Jones to Michael "Hockey Stick" Mann
Here I present The Quick Glance Guide to Global Warming:
Denial: http://bit.ly/m6xySt
Oceans: http://oi53.tinypic.com/2i6os4y.jpg
Thermometers: http://oi52.tinypic.com/2agnous.jpg
Earth: http://oi56.tinypic.com/2reh021.jpg
Ice: http://oi56.tinypic.com/30a99tx.jpg
Authority: http://oi52.tinypic.com/wlt4i8.jpg
Prophecy: http://oi52.tinypic.com/30bfktk.jpg
Psychopathy: http://oi52.tinypic.com/1zqu71i.jpg
Icon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmPzLzj-3XY
Thinker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n92YenWfz0Y
-=NikFromNYC=- Ph.D. in Carbon Chemistry (Columbia/Harvard)
Great post! There's a gal in my town who recently built herself and her family a beautiful, giant sized home on a large vacant lot in a gated community. They moved out of their previous home - an unpretentious rancher on a regular street. They also bought a new car - a Smart Car! I never fail to laugh when I think about them tooling up to their McMansion in that tiny little car. I'm sure she's convinced herself of her utter and complete environmental goodness ...
Carbon footprint, eh? I got yer carbon footprint right here... Go get all the carbon offsets you want for free! You can maintain that huge carbon footprint:
Here in Texas, we don't have any brick oven pizzarias or bakeries. No sirreeeeee.
Who needs 'em when you got smoked brisket to. die. for.
@garage mahal
" garage mahal said...
In order for a liberal to be consistent he or she must fore go fire and eat raw meat. And no shelter either!
6/20/11 8:53 PM"
Garage, you may think you're kidding but you're not. Or at least by less than you thought. It's a matter of public record that an ecofreak by the name of Jared Diamond really did call agriculture the worse mistake ever made. I kid you not. u_u
The reason I remember it is that I had a lot of fun fisking it when a friend of mine brought it to my attention, albeit from a different site than Mr. DeLong's:
Someday I'm going to have to go back and fix up the broken link: Typos, formatting problems and all, that post really was a lot of fun to write. ^-^
I'll listen to kitchen advice coming out of New York when they're allowed to install a garbage disposal in their sinks.
And I'll take any advice from the New York Times when... okay, I'll never do that.
LOL. I like your intro. I was searching for Pizza Recipes, I am planning to make a fantastic Home-Made Pizza for an upcoming Filipino Singles Party for all my filipinos here in Great Falls. As a filipino woman who just moved in America, I really dont have a lot of experience making some good pizza. In the Philippines, we have different type of Food. When I cam here everytime I attend a party, there's always like chips, mexican food, and of course the Pizza. I think Pizza is great to have for parties. So, Really glad to find some good recipes and try. Experimenting and trying new recipe is fun to do, and everyday practice makes a perfect pizza! :)
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