"... would not call the cops if she was the victim of an unprovoked, physical assault in front of witnesses?"
Asks Darleen at Protein Wisdom, noting that Bradley is "now upping the ante by specifically alleging to the press that, Prosser put her in a 'choke hold.'"
I would truly like to know who made the decision to go public with this accusation. Was it one of the judges or someone lower down, with less awareness of the mess it would make, like a law clerk or summer intern?
३३२ टिप्पण्या:
332 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»It is strange that a state that is normally so normal is now so...out there.
All I know is that if I were Prosser or any other of her colleagues I wouldn't be alone with her, ever.
(The Crypto Jew)
Her best bet, now, is to claim it was a “prank” or a “Hack”. Also, she might want to admit she can’t say with “certitude” that it was Prosser. Otherwise this could turn out badly.
You almost have to have one of those digital devices that video tape and record everything you do, for alibi purposes.
Always remember that Judges are lawyers so she can say with a straight face that Prosser put her in a choke hold...just leaving the part out "after I ran at him with clenched fists my face contorted in inchoate rage".
FoxNews Investigation: Billionaire George Soros has spent tens of millions of dollars in the past several years to corrupt liberal judges, destroy conservative Supreme Court justices and to attempt to usurp voter election of judges.
Why are we allowing this criminal Socialist to take over our country and corrupt our system?
(The Crypto Jew)
It is strange that a state that is normally so normal is now so...out there.
Because we were all good Lafollette Progressives…when everyone agrees on what is so obviously right, true, and good civility naturally ensues. HOWEVER, once “those people” Spoil Paradise, and threaten to upend what is good, right and true, things get a little more testy….
More and more, I’m seeing the Left as the 1950’s and 1960’s Conservatives, intellectually bankrupt, relying on social inertia and the power of the State to carry them thru, when their arguments no longer can.
Someone uses profanity and a judge of all people things about calling law enforcement. Seems we have a more serious problem with the judges in Wisconsin than allegations of choke holds.
"... would not call the cops if she was the victim of an unprovoked, physical assault in front of witnesses?"
Judge Bradley hasn't filed an official police report about this incident because doing so would be a crime she could be prosecuted, disbarred and impeached for.
She is AFRAID to call the police because she doesn't WANT this episode investigated. Because she is the one guilty of the crime.
Just like Anthony Weiner.
Prosecuting her case in the press, instead of the courts, allows her to make false accusations without having to commit perjury under oath.
It's shameless and unethical and beneath a Supreme Court justice and her entire action brings into serious question the impartiality of the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
The bar cannot let this stand.
She's lying, of course.
As an aside, I really didn't know much about Wisconsin before reading Althouse, and even less about Madison. But after reading about Walker and the unions, constitution-ignorant Circuit Court judges, street-corner illegal prescription-writing doctors and World Wrestling Supreme Court Justices, I got to say you guys got one weird state up there.
And coming from a lifelong Southerner with states like Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana as my reference that means VERY WEIRD indeed.
Snitches cover the spectrum, from high up to low on the totem pole. Since it was apparently Bill Lueders who broke the story I doubt the snitch was higher on the totem pole..probably pretty low. And, I don't say this derisively, but I doubt Lueders has very many high placed sources or snitches.
"Seems we have a more serious problem with the judges in Wisconsin than allegations of choke holds."
I'm pretty sure if Prosser ever got this bitch into a real choke-hold she wouldn't be calling anybody any more.
See what happens when women get in the halls of power: silly ass drama. Can you imagine any of this mess with an all male court? An all female one, sure, but men can actually assault each other and move on. With women, you can't even have a freaking disagreement.
I'm all for women's rights, but you all need to earn your respect, now that we're equal.
This stuff is what I think of when feminists claim that the world would be peaceful if women ran it. I suspect that all the men would be dead and half the women as well.
My guess is that Bradley will kill this story today. She was misquoted, misunderstanding, blah blah. She and Justice Prosser were engaged in a heated debate, accidental contact this, nothing inappropriate that, etc. Prosser may even appear with her at a press event.
Whoever leaked Bradley's alleged comments had a miserable weekend.
The bitch didn't report it right away..
The bitch started it..
The bitch made me do it..
The bitch made it all up..
Or, garage, the bitch was being perfectly honest all along, and she was physically attacked, but decided not to press charges immediately, because.......
Your turn.
(The Crypto Jew)
The bitch didn't report it right away..
The bitch started it..
The bitch made me do it..
The bitch made it all up..
She’s LYING, Garage? And like Rep Wiener, it’s starting to catch up with her?
It doesn't matter who made the decision to go public with this accusation.
What matters is the negative attention given to Judge Prosser.
Even the other judges hate him.
The truth doesn't matter.
Tell the truth. Do you really think that if Prosser choked Bradley in front of highly credible witnesses that there wouldn't have been a police report? It's clear that these justices are political as hell. Think of the mayhem that Abrahamson and Bradley could have caused Prosser. Think of the timing?
Poor garage, all his heroes turn out to be lying frauds, and all his favorite stories ultimately expose him as a fool. Snakebit son of a mother.
Garage left out "the bitch had it coming", he seems to be off his game a little.
Just think of Sarah Palin and the media and the ideas will flow.
Bet it wasn't one of the underlings. This is how the Left destroys people and the Justices know it as much as anyone - and they are all hard core politicians.
They wanted their Court back and went the Ray Donovan route to get it.
Fred4Pres said...
It is strange that a state that is normally so normal is now so...out there.
It was always there. The intense cold combined with all that dairy-induced cholesterol; after a while, the brain congeals.
(The Crypto Jew)
Poor garage, all his heroes turn out to be lying frauds, and all his favorite stories ultimately expose him as a fool. Snakebit son of a mother.
Just Remember, BREITBART! And O’Keefe…O’Keefe NEVER wore the Pimp costume in the office, it makes it all UNTRUE! Breitbart and O’Keefe are all behind this, and who pays Althouse’s server bills, THE KOCH BROTHERS !!!!!
Prosser was speculating whether she could pitch.
I don't mean to pile on but I can't resist given your hyperbolic response but...
Don't you think the Koch brothers are really behind this?
Fred at the top:
Darleen's rhetorical question is spot on.
Look at it this way and you'll understand the motivations.
Prosser is accused of assaulting Walsh Bradley and is forced to resign or is impeached before his new term begins on August 1.
Since his new term never started Scott Walker cannot appoint a replacement and elections have to be called.
Guess who has the leg up in any election? Hello Justice Kloppenburg.
Prosser is reported to be shorter than Bradley.
Therefore, a standing chokehold is very unlikely to have happened (or else the jurist Bradley does not actually know the meaning of the word).
I doubt she meant this.
garage mahal you left out:
garage mahal stop being a little whiny bitch!
garage mahal said...
The bitch didn't report it right away..
The bitch started it..
The bitch made me do it..
Another justice — the source wouldn’t say who — responded, “You were not choked.”
You know, garbage, the actual truth.
Well, it was gonna inevitably go public, so that decision was made when she charged with her fists raised (or when he decided to choke her in front of four witnesses.)
All decorum in the court is lost.
Bradley, by obviously leaking an embarrassment, in an attempt to destroy Prosser's re-election win, isn't fit to sit on ANY court!
This woman is a MENACE!
Let alone, that she flies out of her seat, and runs at at least one other "colleague" ... threatening to batter him ... She ought to resign in disgrace.
Because Shirley Abrahamson has no leadership skills whatsoever, all this publicity has brought the respect for the court down into the gutter.
I guess to jerks like this it is considered a "level playing field." It is also close to the sewer. Abhrahamson and Bradley can spit directly into the gtating.
Crooks stay home.
But crooks shouldn't be made into judges, either.
Typical day only if you're forced to read PRAVDA.
If Loo-ders was writing a story where he thought it would receive one effect; and Prosser would be forced to resign. He misjudged his target.
You can't send this story back to Loo-ders for re-writing, anymore than you can send SUMI's opinion back to her court on remand.
Consider the context: The heated exchange occured at the time in which the libs wanted to delay publishing their decision on the Collective Bargaining bill for at least a month. In fact, their attempt to delay it was, what caused the uproar.
Now if Bradely is telling the truth, then Abrahmson has exactly was she needs to delay the decision. Bradley can file charges and the Abrahmson can argue that the SC will take a recess while the Prosser situation is being worked out.
But that didn't happen, so the only conclusion is that Bradley is not telling the truth and is caught now embellishing a story.
"Why are we allowing this criminal Socialist [Soros] to take over our country and corrupt our system?"
Free speech?
Anyway, he's not gonna win.
garage mahal stop being a little whiny bitch!
Hey, it's not me that's whining. I think it is highlarious watching you hack sleuths rally around your guy. As if you're really interested in what the truth is. There is no theory that isn't plausible! My favorite conpsiracy theory is this is all made up to try and get Kloppenburg on the ballot again. Uffda!
James, is that true?
Then Prosser needs to hang on till August 1. Perhaps he should go fishing for a few weeks. I hear the walleye are biting.
Because Shirley Abrahamson has no leadership skills whatsoever, all this publicity has brought the respect for the court down into the gutter.
And now you have the rest of the story . . . .
garage mahal, you get credit by me by giving a good uffda! That made me laugh.
As Dukakis said: "The smell from the fish starts at the head."
As to the "choke hold" ... the biggest problem with this "turning of the screw" ... is that there were witnesses. She never lined up the four judges, where Prosser was the fifth ... And, they were discussing PUBLISHING the opinion ... Abgrahamson and Bradley wanted hidden.
Now, this story has context.
It also has "people quoted" who had eyeballs in the room ... as saying Prosser didn't "chke" anybody. He lifted his arms to defend his face from Bradley's blows.
And, the crook was not in the room. Make that crooks. Interns, secretaries, and staff, were also not in the room. Nor was the sheriff.
After it was over TUBBS was called.
So, the paper trail is being hidden from view. And, it will be up to the legislature to decide what sorts of crimes were committed.
Please note the republican politicians will notice the attempts made to hide the OPINION at the court from being published.
And, yes. The people, because of Loo-der ... are aware that "something's going on."
It's as if Kloppenhoppen's hooves keep beating in the background.
So much toil.
So much trouble.
And, the losers can't stop trying to take Prosser out. (I hope by now he has bodyguards.)
Well, at least we understand how Klopper got in the mix. Your judges are dingbats. What's wrong with you people in Wisconsin?
Wallace to Bradley: "Are you a dingbat?"
And other questions we'll never hear from the MSM.
Someone uses profanity and a judge of all people thinks about calling law enforcement.
And these dingbats are making legal judgements that affect millions of people!
Garbage thinks "highlarious" is a word. His English is as bad as his French.
You almost have to have one of those digital devices that video tape and record everything you do, for alibi purposes.
There is now an eyeglass device with a hidden camera that transmits to a remote site. I suggest Prosser invest in one.
Garbage thinks "highlarious" is a word.
It IS. Right after ginormous, but before irregardless.
You almost have to have one of those digital devices that video tape and record everything you do, for alibi purposes.
Ever see Robin Williams' "Final Cut"? It's "One Hour Photo" Williams, not "RV" Williams, and would seem to point toward where we're headed re video.
I've been assuming all along that the story came from mere minions (law clerks, interns, secretaries, etc.), not supreme court justices. It's hard to believe that folks able to achieve the pinnacle of a learned profession like law could engage in this kind of behavior. I'm sure that most Wisconsinites have been deeply ashamed and angered by this sordid affair.
Face it, you cheesehead pooftas blew it. You had that little bugger Prosser by the short hairs, but you let your women folk screw the pooch. Here we was choking the beegeezus out of an old lady with witnesses, no less, and do those dingbats call the cops? What the hell kind of a union thug operation are you running up there anyway? And whats with all the hippies beating bongos in the rotunda? They should be cracking heads. I thought youse buys coulda been contendahs.
"The bitch made it all up ... or...?"
Or, the bitch is working with George Soros to exercise her vendetta against Judge Prosser.
What is so hard to understand, Garage?
Judge Bradley clearly does not like Judge Prosser and the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel has reported that Judge Bradly physically attacked Judge Prosser.
What say you about this? Garage? What do you have to fucking say about this?
It's pretty clear Judge Bradley was one of the original sources for this story and she's definitely the source for the allegation she aired in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.
But she refuses to call the police. Why, Garage? What do you have to say about this?
Judge Bradley is a violent person who requires anger management courses if she wants to keep her fucking job or else we're going to run her out of office.
Do you understand me, Garage?
"would seem to point toward where we're headed re video."
Men sometimes need this when in the room alone with certain women.
Otherwise, the man is guilty until proven otherwise, because women never ever accuse falsely.
Come on Garage, speak the fuck up. You were the one originally pushing this story.
What the fuck do you have to say about the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel report which states that Judge Bradley attacked Judge Prosser and he was required to defend himself.
Say something coherent, Garage. You were pushing this story. But it seems now that the full facts are out you're not saying much of anything.
Speak up boy.
The word was "bitch."
That's the word that got Bradley to sail out of her chair. Hover. And, redirect herself with fisticuffs flying ... towards Prosser's face.
Can't quite sell "bitch" as a curse word in our word-tolerant environment.
Prosser should have called her a screaming bat shit lunatic. And, he should have countered her paper-signing of a complaint ... with a signature on a 30-day-commitment to a mental hospital. Where to get her out of her room at the courthouse, they'd have had to wrap her up in a straight jacket. Maybe, even taser her, if she tried to bite one of the medics.
Things just never work out the way you're taught happens in creative writing schools.
Just like in art schools, where a 3-legged-horse passes muster for display.
You cana't make these stories up!
And, people here think Soros is paying for this shit? WOW. We should all submit grants. Does he pay a lot?
Pogo is correct. Crystal Gail Mangum is a perfect example of a woman who would never lie.
There is no theory that isn't plausible!
Remember when you clowns were saying the Weiner story couldn't possibly be true because it wasn't on Drudge?
You people have the intellect of 6 year olds.
Another justice — the source wouldn’t say who — responded, “You were not choked.”
The source would not say who? Odd. That suggests that it was said by one of the liberals on the court.
The fixation on a criminal complaint seems strange to me. We do know the Capitol Police are involved with this event somehow, although it's not clear how yet. The fact that she considered doing so and then did not suggests that she may see other ways to handle conflict among the justices.
Frankly, I think it is eminently reasonable that Justice Bradley would report Justice Prosser to the Judicial Commission and try to get him kicked off the Court rather than go the criminal justice route and try to get him put in jail.
This is starting to sound like an abusive spousal relationship. I think they all need to be sacked and a new supreme court elected/appointed/drafted...
Jay, you need your meds. Take a break and get them, now.
I knew Anthony Weiner was lying from the get-go.
And, I knew once he said he couldn't identify the photo of his crotch shot with an "certitude" ... we saw the Internet produce a WINNAH!
No, you didn't read it in the New Yoke Times. You saw it going VIRAL among people who get their updates on the Internet.
Loo-ders mistake, too.
Just like Dan Rather's.
There comes a point where the story becomes famous.
Sure. While SOROS pays.
Glad he's spending money like a drunken sailor ... on trying to peddle political influence in this country, with dingbats!
By the way, Obama won because McCain lost. Has nothing much to do with anything beyond the stupid party, always seeming unable4 to muster candidates who aren't crooks and fools.
Some things?
Some things we can fix.
But stuff being run on Soros' money? Nope. We can only watch.
And, then we can double over in laughter. Which is the best exercise motif in any given day.
Two thoughts:
1) Professor, you live in a state filled with people who hate it. And I don't mean Justice Prosser.
2) Bradley is going to find herself out of a job.
Be serious. Do you think that if Prosser got busted for battery he wouldn't get kicked off the court? What's more, think about the PR, the headlines, the political impact.
If Bradley had the good, Prosser would be toast by now.
She doesn't, but here's where your comment starts to make sense. She might still be able to get him canned through the JC, and smear him back channel through the press, but someone blew it by going public with the battery charge. Now she's got to clarify, or she looks like a dope.
I don't know how Bradley can be forced to resign. But that would be an outcome she'd deserve having.
While Walker would get to name her replacement.
This would kick one leg off of Abrhamson's minority stool.
She'd no longer sit, she'd wobble.
There is a shop called The Uffda Shop for all things Uffda: bumper stickers, signs, t-shirts, coffee mugs, coasters, anything you put the word Uffda! on.
Bradley sounds like a flake.
Come on, Garage!
Speak up.
Fox news is reporting today that George Soros has spent tens of millions of dollars to buy corrupt judges.
What do you have to say about this?
The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism receives its funding from the very same George Soros.
What do you have to say to this fact?
ThinkProgress - the group pushing this story out over the weekend - is funded by George Soros.
What do you have to say about this fact?
Come on, Garage.
Speak the fuck up, dude.
I'm showing you how this is a highly organized smear campaign that Judge Bradley is participating in to undermine and de-legitimize the Wisconsin Supreme Court. And I'm doing it without even having had to leave my house to figure out what went on here. I haven't had to lift a finger ... just click a couple of web links and it's all very clear who is pushing this story and why they're not going to the police.
What do you have to say, Garage?
(The Crypto Jew)
Nevada stop your incessant hectoring of Garage, I will answer for him:
It's not the crime it's the cover-up. If they'd just copped to losing their cool like a gaggle of teens it would be awful, but it would go away till the next election. Upping the ante to lying is what will put her out immediately.
There were at least four witnesses, it seems.
If she thinks she was assaulted, she should go to the police and file a complaint.
But that might expose her to more consequences than (say) a press release.
Man up, woman!
I think you're AFRAID to speak, Garage. I'm calling you out, Garage.
I think you're at a loss for words because your little ploy from Friday turned around and bit you in the ass.
The story you were pushing has turned around and implicated Judge Bradley in a conspiracy to undermine the credibility and impartiality of the Wisconsin Supreme Court ... an unethical act that should lead to her impeachment.
That's why I think you have nothing to say.
I think you're a coward and you're afraid.
Little. Little. Man.
The way this is going, if I were Prosser I wouldn't stand next to any windows until August 1. We have yet to see the limits on what the Left considers acceptable tactics.
I hear Meadehouse is at the Tea Party singalong at the Capitol. They're singing Flintstones and Gilligans Island. Seems fitting.
We saw what happened w/Weiner. The MSM will have to be dragged into this kicking and screaming. Is there anybody who is a GOP insider/staffer/whatever in the WI State House who is also a blogger? It seems like a place ripe for such a person. Anyone know of any? I don't care if it's a guy with ten comments in a year, somebody must have a bit of scoop from the Right.
(The Crypto Jew)
Garage is there a Drum Circle, or a Sweat Lodge, or at least one old, gray-haired hippie with a pony-tail? Otherwise it’s not a real public gathering, in Madison.
"...I think it is highlarious watching you hack sleuths rally around your guy...."
Says the guy who was convinced Weinergate was some Breitbart con job.
Comedy gold you are garage.
Not sure, but you can bet there are Snake Flags.
Not sure, but you can bet there are Snake Flags.
Scares you, doesn't it?
Don't think that this will ultimately go anywhere, but you can always dream about it.
If she were to file a police report, the police were to investigate, who would be the witnesses? Apparently a majority of the Supreme Court. They are apparently THE eye witnesses.
So, what would happen at trial? Those same Justices would seem likely to have to testify. Then what? The trial judge might be able to get away with being honest. But at the appeals level? I would think that any appeals judge is going to think twice before jumping the wrong way on this case. Does s/he want to spend the rest of his career worried that the Justices above him will second guess him based on how he handled this case and their testimony?
Oh, and then what happens when the loser tries for Cert.? My guess? Likely couldn't get a quorum who weren't conflicted out. (ok, it is unlikely that they would grant cert. in the first place).
Still, it is quite entertaining contemplating what could potentially unfold here.
Publius 9 is ridiculous. Where's the police report? You have those in Madison right?
In 2000, everyone thought that Florida had a uniquely bad electoral system and recount law. But the only unique problem with Florida was how close the vote was. Then attention shifted to Washington State, Minnesota, and now Wisconsin.
Wisconsin politics, are no unusual in any significant respect. Look to your own state capitals in most, the fault lines are the same and they would crack under the same stresses.
"Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs was notified of the incident shortly after, and he met with the entire Supreme Court"
He was notified? That's kind of passive, yeah? By whom was he notified?
Then what?
What happened next?
What was the outcome of that conversation?
Was anyone arrested? Who was interviewed? What did they say?
Is there an ongoing investigation of Judge Bradley for her assault of Judge Prosser?
Why is a Police Chief responding to crime calls? How did it come to be that the Chief of Police took a garden-variety assault call?
The problem with the original reporting on this incident is that it is deliberately hiding basic facts from the public. It's deliberately obtuse and opaque.
It's a shoddy piece of yellow journalism that should be ridiculed.
A bunch of deliberately unanswered questions wafts above this pile of shit story.
And it's high time the journalists at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel got to the bottom of this.
So WHO called Tubbs to the Supreme Court chambers? Why presume she did NOT call police?
(The Crypto Jew)
Nevada you are nothing but a BREITBART-Loving, TEA-B@gger.... I’ll bet your Internet Bill is bought and paid for by the KOCH BROTHERS
"Why is a Police Chief responding to crime calls? How did it come to be that the Chief of Police took a garden-variety assault call?"
It's the damn Supreme Court of the state. Don't you watch movies!
Prosser should get a restraining order on her.
Calling the police is not the same as filing a complaint.
The crack reporters at Journal Sentinel will get to the bottom of this.
In Indiana only one person in a conversation has to consent to recording. Some States require complete consent (I think that is insane).
That being said, if it is legal in Wisconsin and I were Justice Prosser, I would carry a digital recorder with me at all times.
I work as a prosecutor. On two occasions citizens "quoted" me from meetings saying things I did not, and would never, say. Once claiming I said I was going to "make an example out of my (his) son"; and once claiming I told the mother of a defendant that I "knew all along that her son was not guilty." In the second case a disciplinary complaint was made against me. (It was dismissed.)
Now I try my utmost not to talk to anyone about prosecution unless I have a witness and/or a digital recorder.
For what it is worth, I think both of the parents involved really believed I said that they claimed I said. The human tendency to believe what you want to believe is very strong.
AST....so true. My dad was a school teacher and one thing he would never do is be alone with a female student...or at least not certain female students. A false charge that cannont be easily disproven (due to no witnesses) is pretty nasty.
So yes, the other justices should never be alone with Bradley.
"The bitch set me up."
-Marion Barry
Vista Hotel, January 18, 1990
all liberals are insane just like judge bradley because she could not win an argument with logic she losses control and attacks judge prosser.then she lies about it to slander a better person.i hope the republicans impeach her and bar her from practicing law.then she can munch rugs for a living.
A) The Police were called and the police are investigating. The Chief of Capitol Police already met with the Justices. Try to be informed before opining.
B) You probably won't ever know who went public with reports of Prosser's continued violence. Why does it matter? There is no responsibility on anyone else's part to cover up Prosser's hostility, temper and violence. Good for them for going to the press.
Prosser's response is not much different than a plain vanilla wife beater: "the bitch made me do it."
Of course, conservatives will defend anything done by one of their own, with no thought to values or principles.
The most likely explanation is the guy with the admitted problem with women and a bad temper making him do bad things is that HE was attacked.
"So WHO called Tubbs to the Supreme Court chambers? Why presume she did NOT call police?"
My point is that if journalists were doing their fucking jobs we wouldn't HAVE to be presuming anything.
We'd have answers to these basic questions.
The real problem here is that the hacks who wrote the original story have an agenda. And they're being paid by a political gangster who has spent tens of millions of dollars in the last few years to silence judges in the United States and to usurp our powers to elect and recall judges.
That's why we're not getting answers to basic questions. That's why everything is couched in innuendo and suppositions. It's classic yellow journalism bought and paid for by a corrupt Socialist billionaire.
A police chief doesn't answer crime calls, folks. How did Tubbs end up answering this call?
Basic fucking reporting isn't being done because everyone involved has a hidden agenda.
Judge Bradley has done an unbelievable disservice to the citizens of the State of Wisconsin. She has deliberately and willfully brought the court into disrepute by her false allegations in the press and has caused average citizens to lose confidence in the court and to question its judicial impartiality.
That is unethical.
She should be fucking impeached and disbarred.
And the right wing has quickly constructed a counter-narrative, which Jutice Bradley has slammed with wit:
“You can try to spin those facts and try to make it sound like I ran up to him and threw my neck into his hands, but that’s only spin,” she said. “Matters of abusive behavior in the workplace aren’t resolved by competing press releases. I’m confident the appropriate authorities will conduct a thorough investigation of this incident involving abusive behavior in the workplace.”
(The Crypto Jew)
The most likely explanation is the guy with the admitted problem with women and a bad temper making him do bad things is that HE was attacked.
As I understand it he has witnesses that :
1) Outnumber Bradley; and
2) Say Bradley attacked him and that Prosser did NOT choke Bradley.
BTW< Garage, even Al Capone has/had a Right to Self-Defense….
Nevada Bob, and YOU are presuming she is lying,hahahahaha, you don't like presumptions made by journalists? I dont like hypocrisy.
(The Crypto Jew)
I dont like hypocrisy.
Where, where hypocrisy?
Oh, but the art teacher liked to be alone with some of the female students. Especially this particular blond with a nice chest.
Next ahead, if Bradley is cornered ... she will say "she didn't say that."
And, she will claim no one knows with any "certitude" what it is she did say."
And, then she'll rip into Loo-der's stenographic skills.
The story is no longer a toss up between "he said, she said."
Bradley is coming off as being the robed wonder who can be inflamed by a truthful word spoken, that she didn't like. Or want to hear.
To get to Prosser's face ... it is now apparent the bat shit crazy witch flew out of her seat.
Some witnesses only saw this from watching Bradley's back.
She's taller and heavier than Prosser.
If this ends up at an impeachment trial ... she's gonna have to demonstate her "technique" to legislators.
I doubt anyone, today, who is employed BY wisconsin, in any capacity ... thinks that Bradley will be considered "da winnah" when da' bell rings.
You're so dumb. You do realize that the quote you cited is her problem--if she said it?
The quote (and article) allege battery with witnesses. She trusts that the apparently multiple investigations will reveal the truth. Where's the police report? The poor woman was strangled, eleventy!
@Alpha Liberal
She referred to the other story as facts. Sounds like an extremely weak response to me.
We now have one Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice (Bradley) on the record stating what happened.
Prosser, OTOH, ain't saying jack. He has some flunkie make his charges against his victim, (that she atacked him with her neck). Of course, Ann Althouse cares not who Prosser's anonymous flack is. Only who leaked the story in the first place.
And, Bill Lueders is one of Wisconsin's top reporters. He is well known by the highly placed and the lowly.
Still no word on the "You're fucking dead!!!" Democrat? Still proudly representing the feminists and pacifists in his District? When he's not abusing both his colleagues and girls in the sex trade, he must do some great work on choo-chho's or something.
wv: proli
Bradley "proli" flipped out because she knows that without Union grease, she's a nobody.
I would really like someone here to please explain to us all how Prosser's bullshit story could possibly be true. He alleges that she "charged" him and then, somehow, his hands wound up around her neck.
Did she try to head butt him? How do you see see this working, exactly?
And, given Prosser has an established record as someone who has already been verbally abusive toward his peers PLUS the many accounts of his worsening temper, maybe you can point to us Ann Bradley's record of same?
Prosser: The Bitches Made Me Do It:
"I probably overreacted, but I think it was entirely warranted. . . . They (Abrahamson and Justice Ann Walsh Bradley) are masters at deliberately goading people into perhaps incautious statements. This is bullying and abuse of very, very long standing."
IOW, "why do you make me keep beating you?"
Is there any other source that says the Capitol Police are investigating other then Politico? All other sources say, if they say at all, that the Capital Police have been *informed*. Big difference.
"I'm powerless against these women! They just make me do dumb stuff!"
Is there any other source that says the Capitol Police are investigating other then Politico? All other sources say, if they say at all, that the Capital Police have been *informed*. Big difference.
Stay tuned...there's a lot of digging going on right now.
But to answer your question Politico is the only outlet that says the police are "investigating."
Bagoh20, sexist pig:
See what happens when women get in the halls of power: silly ass drama
As opposed to the six months in Wisconsin before this episode?
As opposed to the shenanigans of Newt Gingrich, Anthony Weiner, Scott Walker, Fitz Boys, ...etc...
(The Crypto Jew)
Garage, you keep ASSUMING she was in a chokehold…just like you ASSUMED Brietbart hacked Wiener…be cautious about your ASSUMPTIONS.
"And the right wing has quickly constructed a counter-narrative, which Jutice Bradley has slammed."
Counter-narrative? You mean reporters not affiliated with George Soros started asking some pointed questions?
We have police for a reason, Alpha. We have courts to put people under oath and force them to tell the truth.
Judge Bradley is fucking LYING to the public through Soros-funded media and nobody believes her because she refuses to file a police report against judge Prosser.
And we all know why she refuses to file charges. It's because she would have to lie to the police and that's a crime.
Counter-narrative? We call that the truth. And it's coming out.
I never thought Breitbart hacked Weiner. I said, which is true, that anything produced by Breitbart must be considered a fabrication, distortion, or an outright lie, first.
Yes, there are other sources saying police are investigating besides Politico.
Try: www.google.com
Or www.bing.com
Or www.yahoo.com
To this whole insipid question: it is an unusual situation with uncertain jurisdiction. But the police have been notified and are looking into it. So, Bradley is letting that police investigation and the other investigations run their course.
That should give you lying shills plenty of time to make some new shit up.
After reports were published Saturday about the incident, Bradley told the Journal Sentinel that Prosser "put his hands around my neck in anger in a chokehold." Prior to Bradley giving her account, Prosser issued a statement saying reports quoting anonymous sources would be proven false. He declined comment Monday.
Apparently, Prosser has something to hide. Why won't he speak up and give his version of events?
(The Crypto Jew)
I said, which is true, that anything produced by Breitbart must be considered a fabrication, distortion, or an outright lie, first
Because well he makes you mad…whereas anything from CBS or MSNBC must be true….or Justice Bradley, of course.
"I would really like someone here to please explain to us all how Prosser's bullshit story could possibly be true. He alleges that she "charged" him and then, somehow, his hands wound up around her neck."
He isn't charging that. The witnesses who finally spoke to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that this is what they saw.
That's how we can say it's true. Witnesses in the room said that is what happened.
The only people who allege that Judge Prosser was the aggressor are being protected by George Soros' media hacks.
If you want us to take you seriously, AlphaLiberal then you have to stop using tainted sources of information such as Soros-funded hit groups.
They're transparent and everybody knows what Soros is trying to do.
I strongly suggest you get checked for paranoid schizophrenia. You obviously seem to have some bizarre, serious mental problems. Go directly to the nearest mental institution, do not pass go, and do not collect $200. Adios.
(The Crypto Jew)
Apparently, Prosser has something to hide. Why won't he speak up and give his version of events
Because people like Althouse have already poked holes in the claims made, and he figures Bradley is about to do a “Wiener”?
I said, which is true, that anything produced by Breitbart must be considered a fabrication, distortion, or an outright lie, first.
this is very true. The man has established himself well as a reckless character assassin and liar.
NevadaBob, have you ever called the police? You don't "press charges," the police do. You file a report, they investigate and then they take action.
Try making less idiotic charges.
"Look to your own state capitals in most, the fault lines are the same and they would crack under the same stresses."
Oh, I wish. I make fun a lot of the Wisconsin shenanigans, but here in California, the liberals are so much in charge that the battle you are having there is not even possible here.
You have a lot of freeloaders and thugs in place, but here they own the place. A Walker could never win here, would be assassinated if he did, and would never even get a budget to work with.
Wisconsin has nuts, but they are outnumbered by the sane. CA is the reverse.
Count your blessing Wisconsin. Your nuts are cute little poodles, Ours are pit bulls.
Excuse me a minute?
Wasn't Bradley's first ploy an attempt to keep the OPINION unpublished? And, her plans went south.
Not leaving good enough alone, this bat shit crazy lunatic is shoving in her chips and going for broke.
Wouldn't be the first gambler that had to stop playing when the chips ran out.
Given that Walker SIGNED the budget ... also shows ya that Loo-der and his note pad ... tossed a story into the mix ...
Perhaps, Loo-der was hoping no one would notice the BUDGET's been signed?
PRAVDA used to change the facts on the ground exactly this way.
But we have the Internet!
"Apparently, Prosser has something to hide. Why won't he speak up and give his version of events?"
Judge Prosser has filed an official complaint with the Wisconsin Bar Association, so clearly he wants an investigation.
Why won't the unethical Judge Bradley call the police and end this charade?
Because she's LYING. And you're LYING. And you don't want this investigated. You don't want Judge Bradley to have to make under oath statements.
That's why.
It's pathetically transparent.
I would really like someone here to please explain to us all how Prosser's bullshit story could possibly be true. He alleges that she "charged" him and then, somehow, his hands wound up around her neck.
I can tell you how it happens all the time with event security personnel. A person charges the line, stage or personality. With a guy you put your hands out to push on the chest because this is the area easiest to slow down a person with the least amount of possible damage. It's also reflexive.
SO a woman runs at you and you put your hands out to push the chest...and you realize that chest has breasts...and your hands go upwards.
It's a real training issue to get security personnel to grab the shoulders in order to avoid the inevitable "he choked me" claim.
It's a problem with people trained to avoid it. Seriously, go look at youtube videos of people charging a mound or similar...the first move guys do to other guys (mostly) is to put out your hands to the other guy's chest.
(The Crypto Jew)
NevadaBob, have you ever called the police? You don't "press charges," the police do. You file a report, they investigate and then they take action.
Try making less idiotic charges.
Oho, OH, let me ask has a “Police Report been Filed?”
But after reading about Walker and the unions, constitution-ignorant Circuit Court judges, street-corner illegal prescription-writing doctors and World Wrestling Supreme Court Justices, I got to say you guys got one weird state up there.
Thank you. I've lived here my whole life, but I've lived in the north half, where we're pretty normal. We're not too keen on the lunatics to our south. Maybe it's time for a revival of the Northern Wisconsin/Upper Michigan Secession Movement.
Ann, You have done a great public service in reporting on Wisconsin this year, but your fisking of this reportage is the very best.
Dane County Sheriff may investigate
Ruh roh!
Alpha, you still pretend to have principles (unlike Garage who long ago gave up the pretense), so please answer my question about the scumbag who screamed at his much smaller female colleague that she was "fuclking dead!!".
Do you care about her welfare at all? Has her victimizer been held to account by his Party? Will you suck up to the misogynistic piece of his shit because he represents your views? Will you do nothing as he truly does represent your view of how women should be treated?
"Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs was notified of the incident shortly after, and he met with the entire Supreme Court"
Cops have to file reports, even for the silliest things. If you call them or notify them, it gets filed. (Personal experience: Last year I called the cops for something that turned out to be nothing, but it was filed, and I have a case # for it.) If Tubbs filed a report, this information would be included in news reports.
If Tubbs were notified of something as serious as an alleged choking, why would he opt to talk to the group of judges rather than file a report and deal with the singular person responsible for the choking?
Answer: At the absolute least, two things are obvious.
1. The was not a situation with a singular source of violence against one innocent person. (Tubbs did not talk with just two justices -- he met with the entire SC. Why meet with ALL of them, one of which was not even present for the incident, if this is all about Prosser snapping and lunging for Bradley's neck?)
2. The physical contact between Bradley and Prosser didn't even the nick the surface of being even possibly close to a serious assault case. Tubbs would be in MAJOR trouble if the incident were reported to him, he failed to report it, and the incident escalated (be it injury from being choked, one of the parties snapping and shooting the other, etc.)
Thank you for pointing out the quote about Tubbs' notification. The lack of a resulting police report leads me to believe that nothing really happened, beyond tantrums, flung fists/hands, and a major overreaction by someone who is overly sensitive to physical touch.
The slow, scattered release of new tidbits is drawing a really bizarre picture of what happened. I'm now imagining Bradley in a "chokehold" with Prosser, who is much shorter than she, behind her, dangling from her neck, while the other justices--all witnesses, apparently--are hooting and hollering and throwing dollar bills onto the floor while one of the aides/sources manages bets.
garage mahal said...
"I'm powerless against these women! They just make me do dumb stuff!"
Sounds like the Camille Paglia theory of western civilization.
Lincoln, what are you about? Be quick because I am logging off.
I know that Prosser said he would "destroy" Abrahamson and called her a bitch. I don't know what you are referring to and, so, cannot comment on it. I did look and see if I missed something. Don't see it here and I'm not searching this site to figure our WTF you are talking about.
We all know what is coming next:
Bradly going on Twitter with #CHOKED
Mr. Peepers is 5'2" ... And, doesn't really have a reputation of being a man who fights with anyone.
Yes, once, losing his temper in chambers ... (which is information that usually never goes beyond closed doors) ... there was an attempt to villify him in the eyes of the public. Who were going to vote on Prosser's next 10 year term.
And, in spire of Kloppenhoppen's victory speech ... the klutz didn't win. But became laughingstock.
Maybe, not laughingstock in Madison. But pretty much laughingstock everywhere else.
Anthony Weiner, by the way, was his own worst enemy. Both by using his Cell Phone to take a "crotch shot." And, then, just finding out his wife was "preggy" ... he decided he needed to talk dirty to "phone friends."
You don't need "certitude" to tell ay that Anthony Weiner's worst problem is that he is a lying schmuck.
Bradley's story now needs more time in the sunshine.
"garage mahal said...
I never thought Breitbart hacked Weiner. I said, which is true, that anything produced by Breitbart must be considered a fabrication, distortion, or an outright lie, first.
And the reason it must be is because, on the facts, his 'productions', AKA proof, totally undermine your sacred goats.
Against the MSM freakouts, he was 100% right about NAACP, to the limited extent he talked about Sherrod he was right, about ACORN he was damn right, about Weiner he was 100% right.
There's no reason, other than being a partisan hack, to say he 'must' be distrusted as a fabricator.
You can't name a single provable lie he's ever told. I've asked you to a few times, and you just can't do it.
In fact, this constant need to express how dishonest he is, without any actual evidence of it, shows you're guilty of the sin you pretend you're mad at him for. Which isn't that unusual, I guess, psychologically.
You care, first and foremost, for being an obvious and annoying hack, to get reactions. So you actually know your claims are wrong enough to provoke a correction. That's what you were setting up.
It's very amusing. Breitbart owns you.
I just want to know what kind of chokehold. Was it a simple front choke, or was it something more complex like a standing guillotine? Most other chokes are difficult to execute while standing, I'd guess, so we can probably rule them out.
Pat Miletich can probably tell you about standing guillotines, and may now even be able to tell you how not to get caught in one.
Interesting that Alpha and Garage aren't being a bit more careful about making categorical claims after the Wiener affair. It reminds me a bit of a friend who used to go all in during Texas Hold'em even when he had just a high pair. He argued that eventually his gamble would win him his money back on a good hand. I ended up taking his money often enough that he figured out that the tactic was wrong, and that he ought to be more cautious.
Alpha and Garage clearly haven't learned the lesson yet. And if they haven't by now, they're unlikely to in the future.
From MJS link
Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs met with all seven justices about the incident involving Prosser and Bradley, sources said. Tubbs has not spoken about the incident, but is expected to release a statement Monday.
Seems the Chief is doing the investigation. So today we find out whether Walker appoints a conservative judge to replace Bradley or Prosser.
I don't believe for one second that you don't remember the episode, Alpha, but I'll humor you. It's your Party, so you can lie if you want to, lie if you want to...
NevadaBob, have you ever called the police? You don't "press charges," the police do.
Laughable. In the one break-in I've had in my life, the police very pointedly asked me if I was going to press charges against the woman.
So...private citizens cannot press charges, Alpha? Want to stand by that?
Prosser is finished. There's no way he gets out of this still sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Of course, he'll still be a hero to some, just because there are those that have wanted to choke a bitch all their lives, for all the women who turned them down, or all the times they got laughed at, or because they Just. Wouldn't. Listen.
I went back and looked at Althouse's previous posts on this incident. It's simply bizarre and desperate reasoning. She does not make sense and indulges in her usual mind reading and other tricks.
Basically, Ann just knows the conservative is innocent and Ann just knows the liberal is guilty. The same pattern for hundreds of innocents, with the same bizarre "logic."
"Be quick because I am logging off."
As usual.
AlphaLiberal excretes his scat and leaves it undefended once it's ripped to shreds and stinking up the place.
I do have to hand it to AlphaLiberal about one thing, though. He knows how to fuck over George Soros: by putting in a half day's work for a full day's pay.
I just want to know what kind of chokehold. Was it a simple front choke, or was it something more complex like a standing guillotine?
Not sure. But I would like to know when I can delivery of my new planet.
This is electoral war by other means. An attempt to sink somoene in ginned up controversy. They didn't like Kloppenberg's loss, they didn't like Sumi's decision being body slammed. So...this unusual event breaks.
If she was charging at him with raised fists that is assault. If he was trying, in effect, to stiff arm her, to keep her at a distance where she couldn't land a punch, grabbing her by the shoulders seems understandable. In Madison you certainly couldn't shove her away by putitng your palms against her chest and pushing (imagine the shitstorm that would bring!)
I think Prosser is pretty much on notice that there are folks on the staff of the Court who are aligned with the faction that supported Kloppenberg. For them, it's not over, and he needs to make sure he is accompanied by staff whenever he speaks with Bradley.
Another thought is that Wisconsin needs to remove the state government issues from the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dane County DA. Controversies should be randomly assigned to either nearby acounties or picked randomly from a pool of all counties. Ishmael Ozanne (sp?) is still hurting from the smackdown of Sumi's ruling. He doesn't need to be involved in this.
Scott M, I have called the police and they have made the decision of pressing charges. It was not my call.
Of course, he'll still be a hero to some, just because there are those that have wanted to choke a bitch all their lives, for all the women who turned them down, or all the times they got laughed at, or because they Just. Wouldn't. Listen.
Exactly. Which is another reason Ann Althouse is showing a pathetic turn to being a partisan shill as never before. So a woman is attacked and her attacker says she made him attack her. And Althouse sides with the attacker.
That the situation got to this point to begin with reflects very badly on Prosser. He had no business grabbing anyone else anywhere. Hands off, asshole.
If anyone's tired of Credulous Garage, all you have to do to bring back Skeptical Garage is change the subject to vote fraud. Suddenly, nothing less than a criminal conviction will count as evidence.
"TAKE delivery"
...when snark goes bad...
Nevadabob, just because you choose not to have a life doesn't mean I can't.
I honestly have no fucking idea what LincolrnRTF is talking about, yet he demands answers.
You guys are weird.
I have called the police and they have made the decision of pressing charges. It was not my call.
Could be different for different states and/or categories of offenses.
In the one break-in I've had in my life, the police very pointedly asked me if I was going to press charges against the woman.
So a woman is attacked and her attacker says she made him attack her
That's a total lie. Where...EXACTLY...has Prosser said that regarding the alleged choking incident? Or are conflating separate events?
Step away from the bong, Alpha!
The flake Bradley has flung disinformation about her fluke flack attack but exposed her as a flunky of flailing Abrahamson when she flinched.
"So a woman is attacked and her attacker says she made him attack her. And Althouse sides with the attacker."
I don't read Althouse siding with Prosser.
I read Althouse as point out, quite reasonably, that George Soros-linked groups have ... 10 days later, crafted a narrative they don't want the police to investigate.
If Judge Prosser committed an unprovoked physcial attack on Judge Bradley then she should call a fucking cop ... not George Soros.
Personally, I'm convinced Judge Bradley is a lying fucking cunt and deserves to be stripped of her job and punched twice as hard. She's brought disgrace onto the court and is actively participating in a criminal conspiracy to undermine the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
But that's just me.
Althouse hasn't taken a side. She's merely pointed out that your Soros-linked groups' claims are full of fucking holes.
She's a classic skeptic and she should be.
(The Crypto Jew)
Could be different for different states and/or categories of offenses.
ScottM if your wife is lying there, dead with an axe in her head, and you say, “No officer I don’t want to press charges” More than likely the state will ignore your request. OTOH, if you are claiming that the kids next door TP’d your favourite Holly Bush, YOU are going to have to carry the legal load here….though the Prosecutor decides whether or not to prosecute……
In this case, Assault and Battery, with witnesses, that’s the State or Bradley’s call…it’s bigger than some TP on a Holly Bush.
Could be different for different states and/or categories of offenses
RE: my break-in.
1. Mine happened in Madison.
2. I was led to believe that if the break-in had been worse, the police would have pressed charges in addition to my having the option to press charges. Since the incident was relatively tame, the police did not deem it worthy of them pressing charges. BUT I was still given the option to press charges.
Read the link, you fraud. You were here during the whole occupation shitshow, and you know exactly what I'm talking about. Another low-rent liar from the Left. Can't you guys mix it up once in a while and send someone with some brains?
PopeRatzo: , just because there are those that have wanted to choke a bitch all their lives, for all the women who turned them down, or all the times they got laughed at, or because they Just. Wouldn't. Listen.
Thank you for our daily demonstration of libtard projection.
So a woman is attacked and her attacker says she made him attack her.
That is a lie, and Alpha Liberal is a liar. A woman claims (12 days after the event) that she was attacked, and the man she accuses has said nothing resembling "she made me do it." There is no evidence at hand that any attack even took place; just some hearsay channeled through partisan media.
What is it with the reality-based community, that reality forces them to make things up?
(The Crypto Jew)
What is it with the reality-based community, that reality forces them to make things up?
Because “REALITY” to the “Reality-Based Community” is a whole lot different than it is to the rest of us?
That's a total lie. Where...EXACTLY...has Prosser said that regarding the alleged choking incident? Or are conflating separate events?
Try to pay attention.
Prosser earlier in the year verbally attacked Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson (I linked to that story above). He basically said "the bitch made me do it." That's one instance.
In the new case, it's not exactly Prosser alleging Bradley attacker him with her neck. It is an unnamed source on Prosser's behalf. So that one is slightly different.
It is a pattern of man with an out of control temper, lashing out at people he disagrees with an unable to have a civil debate.
It's despicable that right wingers side with a man physically fighting a woman. Can't wait for the new "Wife Beaters for Republicans" PAC to emerge.
Would it count as a "choke hold" if Prosser, remaining seated, used the arms of his chair for support ... and kicked up his legs?
He could'a done his "choke hold" with his feet, ya know?
It would be a standard ROCKETTES dance step.
Arthur Murray could give classes.
But given that Prosser is so much smaller than Dame Bradley, it's hardly likely his arms could be extended high enough to go all the way around her neck, like a necklace.
The story keeps coming with more SPOOF than proof.
So, I'll guess it remains in da' news. With the MSM trying to keep up with the latest developments.
You know, at no time in this "far-kock-ta" story ... does Prosser rise up out of his chair.
While, if Prosser, seeing the bitch coming and him and swinging ... DIDN'T get up to run into the closet ... or under the table ... Is an amazing comment to his ability to keep seated.
When it was over, Prosser should have called the janitor, to have Bradley swept out of the room.
Now? Well, the broom gets passed to the people.
Not enough people actually believe Bradley, now. Won't that cut into her written opinions, in the future ... when People quickly scan her opinions? Seems more than likely. Than less likely.
Unless Bradley's impeached.
Breaking News
""After consulting with members of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, I have turned over the investigation into an alleged incident in the court's offices on June 13, 2011 to Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney," Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs said in a statement. "Sheriff Mahoney has agreed to investigate this incident. . . . "
Because this case is not as easy as Prosser losing it and attacking Bradley. Or Tubbs wouldn't be releasing it.
It also give the Dane Prosecutor the ability to decline to charge.
(The Crypto Jew)
It is a pattern of man with an out of control temper, lashing out at people he disagrees with an unable to have a civil debate.
Yeah, just because you say doesn’t make it true Alpha…12 days after the fact, only Bradley making the claims, others dispute her claims…sorry Alpha just think you and Garage need to take the chill pill here…because you know what, I’m betting Bradley recants or NO ACTION IS TAKEN.
Try to pay attention.
I'm trying to, but you conflate different events in the same paragraph. You mean what you meant to say is that Prosser had _verbally_ attacked Bradley a year ago...
But the way you _wrote_ said he admitted to _physically_ attacking her.
What is it with the reality-based community, that reality forces them to make things up?
So that's what "reality-based community" means! They base their lie on what the inconvenient circumstances of the day brings.
For the love of god, get yourself onto some medication. You are obviously in desperate need of it, you looney goose.
Apparently, Prosser has something to hide. Why won't he speak up and give his version of events?
Why should he?
The police are investigating.
He's a lawyer.
Alpha said:
He [Prosser] basically said "the bitch made me do it."
Alpha "basically" said, "Look I totally made that shit up, and I haven't worn women's panties in hours."
"It's despicable that right wingers side with a man physically fighting a woman. Can't wait for the new "Wife Beaters for Republicans" PAC to emerge."
There you go again. It's an allegation with different witnesses saying different things.
Besides, no matter which one goes a conservative...a young conservsative, will be appointed. Best case scenario the majority increases by one and worst case it stays the same.
Dane County Sheriff's office investigating Bradley claim
Madison - The Dane County Sheriff's Office is investigating a claim by Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley that Justice David Prosser put her in a chokehold earlier this month.
"After consulting with members of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, I have turned over the investigation into an alleged incident in the court's offices on June 13, 2011 to Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney," Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs said in a statement. "Sheriff Mahoney has agreed to investigate this incident. . . . "
It was not immediately clear why Tubbs would consult with the court on who should investigate the matter.
Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne said he has not talked to law enforcement about the incident but would review anything that is referred to him.
"As far as I know, nothing at this point has been referred to our office," Ozanne said Monday.
At about the same time, Gov. Scott Walker told Journal Sentinel reporters, editors and members of the newspaper's Editorial Board on Monday that the matter involving Prosser and Bradley was "a serious matter."
Could you all go back to arguing over who the acting agent is when one "presses charges"? I spent like 4 minutes googling and was ready to interject, but then the whole topic, like, died. And wasn't even resolved.
You are obviously in desperate need of it, you looney goose.
He, go easy. Stream of consciousness doesn't make one crazy. Why, of the Pythons, only Graham needed real help.
(The Crypto Jew)
Could you all go back to arguing over who the acting agent is when one "presses charges"? I spent like 4 minutes googling and was ready to interject, but then the whole topic, like, died. And wasn't even resolved.
Only the state may press charges, IF the defendant is a well-known and well liked (or at least really, really liberal) Democrat (who supports Abortion and Gay Marriage). ANYONE may press charges if the defendant is a Republican or a Conservative. How’s that, does it make for better “googling”?
"Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne said he has not talked to law enforcement about the incident but would review anything that is referred to him."
The DA, the plaintiff in the case about which the justices apparently were arguing.
Bradley and Abrahamson are both chemically imbalanced. The Kloppenburg loss has burned them forever more. They have no real power other than to agitate, irritate, and smear. However, with the liberal media this can be dangerous.
I've been anxiously waiting for Coketown to report on "pressing charges".
Actually, Lincoln, I don't read every comment posted here. I know you think your postings are of great national importance, but I don't. I don't live here.
I was out at the Capitol during a lot of the protests, not arguing with partisan shills here.
Yes, the Rep should not have said "you're fucking dead." That's obvious.
The Rep in question apologized for that statement. So I guess I thought it was a dead issue as the Rep in question apologized for that statement.
But he apologized and here you are still screaming about it and calling me names over it.
I really don't know what else to say to you, except that it is advisable sometimes to accept an apology and then set an issue aside.
I've been anxiously waiting for Coketown to report on "pressing charges".
Not until you put that period inside the quotation marks where it belongs.
(The Crypto Jew)
Why, of the Pythons, only Graham needed real help.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Chapman needed “help?” Whilst I loved the show and the movies, I really didn’t follow the actors, themselves…I thought Graham died of AIDS/Cancer…he had other problems?
Well, I guess now that the "report" is being "investigated," we're at intermission time.
So, in the next act, whose gonna play SUMI?
Who'd dare to take another shot at having the courts involved in a matter of pure speculation?
Oh, yeah. And, if Dame Bradley has no scars on her neck, yet ... she should get some applied by a tattoo artist.
I've never seen so much fertilizer in one story.
Could you all go back to arguing over who the acting agent is when one "presses charges"? I spent like 4 minutes googling and was ready to interject, but then the whole topic, like, died. And wasn't even resolved.
I was trying to give Alpha the benefit of the doubt and try to coax him from completely wrong to just kinda wrong.
The cops in my case asked me, repeatedly if I was pressing charges. They also called me back later in the day to talk me out of pressing charges. Had I not successfully stopped the knife-wielding retard from getting my daughter while she slept, I don't think I would have had a say in whether or not the state would have pressed charges.
When I travel and tell people I am from Wisconsin, they look at me with a blank stare, and then they ask "Where is that?" Now they ask, "Are you nuts too?"
Not until you put that period inside the quotation marks where it belongs.
The hell you "say"!
Did she try to head butt him? How do you see see this working, exactly?
You really want people to speculate on this? Okay.
In the heat of the argument, she got in his face, possibly with a finger in his chest or a fist in front of his face. He put out his hands to keep her away. She batted at them, or tried pushing him, he responded, and one or both of his hands touched her neck. Possibly more than once.
You see this sort of thing on the playground all the time.
So, AL, you had completely blanked out the entire episode, but because you think that I think my posts have special significance, you should reply with an absolute dodge and lose all of the righteous indignation and horror that you applied to the Prosser myth?
Yup. Absolutely. I buy it hook, line and sinker. It's all me. Carry on. I totally believe you.
Those are scare quotes;).
he had other problems?
Severe alcohol and drug problems, according to Pythons On The Pythons. Great book by the way.
When I travel and people ask where I am from, and I say Wisconsin, they used to ask "Where is that?"
Now they ask, "Are you nuts also?"
JS article just got another complete re-write in which
"Ozanne, the Dane County district attorney and a Democrat, was involved in the case Bradley and Prosser were arguing about just before the altercation. Ozanne said Monday if law enforcement recommends charges he will review whether he has a conflict of interest. When there are conflicts, he refers cases to special prosecutors, he said. "
Special Prosecutor **Bingo**
What a strange way for a bunch of judges to behave. You'd think they'd try to preserve a little dignity with it being in such short supply nowadays.
Boy, the projection from the Left is enormous here today.
"I said, which is true, that anything produced by Breitbart must be considered a fabrication, distortion, or an outright lie, first."
In the case of Garbage [and others], "anything produced by [Althouse's Lefty commenters] must be considered a fabrication, distortion, or an outright lie, first, last, in between, and always."
As for yellow journalism and Lueders [*who* think he's a top reporter? Are they on really bad drugs?], "I *read* William Randolph Hearst, and, you, sir, are no William Randolph Hearst."
And our Beta commenter is simply pathetic. I sure hope Soros pays enough for this, because it seems to be corroding his soul, along with whatever honest intellect she/he may once have possessed.
Bingo what? (nobody gets to say, "was his name-o" because I'm preempting it)
Great job Prosser won in that election. Must be a real joy to head off to work every morning.
So a woman is attacked and her attacker says she made him attack her.
What part of a defensive position defines the same position as an "attack"?
What planet are you from?
So, need more proof of the utter rancidness of the 19th Amendment?
No, Lincoln, not at all. I did not recall the incident. I looked at your link. I Googled for 15 seconds and found the apology. Then I responded to you.
Then you continued with the attacks on me.
Look, he apologized. What kind of persona are you that you won't accept an apology?
A: An asshole.
Where is Prosser's apology?
Ozane was in the room?
Who else flew in the window?
It's still a big fat OOPS ... for descriptions of "in chamber conversations" reaching out and touching the public.
Who will come along and shut the stall door?
Who can ever bring back dignity to Wisconsin's supreme court?
From the looks of things ... as I notice how many comments this story is still attracting, today ... Let alone the number who partook over the weekend ...
I'd say the topic is a blockbuster.
Will it change the makeup of the supreme court, ahead?
Did Kloppenhoppen earn disability pay?
Has Shirley Abrahamson, for all the time she's spent up on the bench, learn anything about how a supreme court is supposed to work?
Next? I expect to hear that Prosser is really 6'4" ... and she was very afraid he'd unwind to full height.
Of course, she'd be lying. But that's nothing new to those loony dames.
OT: Blago guilty on 17 counts, not guilty of trying to bribe Rahm Emanuel, no verdict on two counts.
Where is Prosser's apology?
Why should Prosser have to apologize for Bradley's false accusations?
(The Crypto Jew)
ScottM, What’s a few Drinkie-Poo’s too many amongst friends, that’s what I say…..
And Coketown you boring old codger, the punctuation NO LONGER HAS TO GO INSIDE THE QUOTATION MARKS…just read that last week, IIRC. Cold be wrong and NO, I’m not going to Google/Bing it, because I don’t care enough. But I do think I recall that that was the Earth-Shattering Grammar news of the week.
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