२१ जून, २०११

Concealed carry comes to Wisconsin.

From the comments section at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
1. "If you are so insecure that you feel you need to carry a gun, YOU ARE A NUT CASE and need PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP. If you feel the need to carry a gun, YOU ARE A NUT AND SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO DO SO!!!"...

2. "You people who are going to cc, please do not accidentally shoot us regular people or your self. Although it will be interesting to hear about the 1st cc person who shots themselves in the leg or testycles."
IN THE COMMENTS: t-man said...
The comment is clearly a parody, filled with "NUT"s, "NUT CASE" (scrotum), and testycles.

Either that or the writer's subconscious is trying to work through a few issues.
Oddly, these are 2 different comments, by different individuals, and they are separated in the thread by other comments. Either it's just a funny coincidence, or the term "nut case" somehow influenced the other guy to think about testicles. As for the misspelling, now I'm having flashbacks to the nude bicycle ride I witnessed last Saturday and which I cannot unsee.

२२१ टिप्पण्या:

221 पैकी 1 – 200   नवीन›   नवीनतम»
Moose म्हणाले...

"testycles" - is that the greek spelling?

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

"testycles"? Are those the bikes they use to make sure the paths are worth 9 mil per mile?

sakredkow म्हणाले...

Now how many of you good conservatives are going to jump at this bait?

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

Robert Heinlein

Der Hahn म्हणाले...

@Lincoln .. The ones for the nude bike ride, I think.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Someone might want to tell him that a good percentage of those who will be concealing are of the feminine gender. We don't have testycles.

Scott M म्हणाले...

"testycles" - is that the greek spelling?

The Family Guy episode where Brian is court-ordered to get neutered was on TBS last night around 6:30 central. There's a Testycles joke in there. Maybe that's what he was thinking.

As far as the topic at hand is concerned.......aaaaand WE'RE OFF! 200 comments easy. For my own part, 49 down, 1 to go.

Do I carry every single day? No. Do I appreciate the freedom that allows me to do so should I choose? Yes. Has CC ever actually been necessary in my life? Yes. Twice. And, no, I don't live in a high crime area.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Forty-eight states have some form of legalized concealed carry.

Only Wisconsin and Illinois do not.

I wonder if this commenter likes being on the wrong side of history.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Catch-22 revisited. Madison is tame today, and concealed carry is not that important. But the day that copper thieves, car-jackers and roving gangs of muggers appear, the CC man will be protected when no one else is. And low and behold, the Homeland security Forces are preparing the concentration camps for civil unrest as we speak. And the energy prices are soaring along with the food prices at Obama-Soros's design while they have pushed the US Dollar to the edge of an 80% devaluation. The best question is how much ammo can be concealed?

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Testycles aren't a problem with the proper bike seat.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

In the old West, politeness reigned, and you were expected to help bury anybody you shot.

There's no reason we can't do that today.

Automatic_Wing म्हणाले...

Nothing says psychologically healthy like caps lock and extra exclamation points.

save_the_rustbelt म्हणाले...

Ohio and Michigan have had CCW programs for a long time and have found a high level of safety and compliance. Safety training is mandatory.

On the other hand, criminals have a poor compliance record on both safety and legal compliance. Try taking a stroll in Detroit late some evening.

Lipperman म्हणाले...

One reason I am in support of concealed carry is personal responsibility. Because the only one responsible for the safety of you and your family is you.

Scott M म्हणाले...

Nothing says psychologically healthy like caps lock and extra exclamation points.

Well-crafted, sir.

अनामित म्हणाले...

rhhardin said...
"Testycles aren't a problem with the proper bike seat."

And we have a winner!

अनामित म्हणाले...

The comment is clearly a parody, filled with "NUT"s, "NUT CASE" (scrotum), and testycles.

Either that or the writer's subconscious is trying to work through a few issues.

Synova म्हणाले...


Funny comment.

The Dude म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Synova म्हणाले...

"Now how many of you good conservatives are going to jump at this bait?"

But, but... it's so SHINY!

deborah म्हणाले...

"Based on the writing style, mad writing skills and flawless logic I am willing to bet the author of that screed is a UW grad."

Or a conservative having fun.

Synova म्हणाले...

"Someone might want to tell him that a good percentage of those who will be concealing are of the feminine gender. We don't have testycles."

Sez who? ;-)

Sofa King म्हणाले...

If you are so insecure that you feel you need to carry a gun, YOU ARE A NUT CASE and need PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP. If you feel the need to carry a gun, YOU ARE A NUT AND SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO DO SO!!!

You people who are going to cc, please do not accidentally shoot us regular people or your self. Although it will be interesting to hear about the 1st cc person who shots themselves in the leg or testycles.

U mad bro

AllenS म्हणाले...

I like to carry a knife. Guns make too much noise. Draws too much attention. Has a tendency to thwart your clean getaway.

AllenS, Nutcase

WV: forkeroc

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

I think raving nutjobs who can't spell are more likely to get shot than anyone else.

David Smith म्हणाले...

I know that using existing research (like the FBI's) is less fun than creating facts from whole cloth, but having a CC permit, like obtaining firearm training as a minor, is a strong lifetime indicator for not being involved in any firearm-related crimes.

Correct capitalization, spelling and grammar courtesy of a 1950s public education.

Scott M म्हणाले...

There are 17 specified places that you can CC in here in MO. Outside of that, any business can follow specific guidelines to post that they do not allow CC on their property. In either cases, a telescopic baton, like those sold by Asp, are both extremely concealable and perfectly legal.

AllenS म्हणाले...

On the other hand, you can get further with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word.

virgil xenophon म्हणाले...

That rant is living proof that Aliens DO live among us..

Scott M म्हणाले...

There are 17 specified places that you can CC in here in MO

CAN'T CC in, sorry.

AllenS म्हणाले...

And, if you want to talk about really, really big guns, there's this: goodwill and artillery will get you more than goodwill alone.


Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

Welcome to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

save_the_rustbelt, why do you say "Safety training is mandatory"? WA has no training requirement, and our safety record is just as good as anywhere else. Yes, yes, training is a very good idea, but it turns out--at least for our noble residents--you don't actually need government coercion to have that.

AllenS म्हणाले...

When people say training does that mean hitting what you're shooting at?

The Dude म्हणाले...

That's what I mean by gun control, Allen S.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

Ah weapons.

I'll resist the urge to talk about the sheer folly of firearms in the civilian population's hands.

The comments on JSonline...reading those is soul damaging. Be Careful, professor.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

If you can look at the Constitution and not see a right to bear arms, and at the same time you DO see a right to grind up infants in the womb, you might be a moonbat.

Steve Burri म्हणाले...

I have already lost one testycle via a gun totin' felon. I have made a little Kevlar 'overscrotum' for the other one so I've really got it covered.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Lincoln

I don't see either.

Scott M म्हणाले...

I'll resist the urge to talk about the sheer folly of firearms in the civilian population's hands.

Good. In return, I'll resist the urge to talk about the sheer folly of prohibition.

Lucien म्हणाले...

Is it just me, or does any request of the form "Please do not accidentally do X" show a limited understanding of what "accidentally" means?

virgil xenophon म्हणाले...

PS: "SPACE" aliens, that is; "illegal" aliens we already have aplenty..

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Scott

Okay, I laughed.

You are from MO? I grew up in Kirkwood.

coketown म्हणाले...

I think the standard liberal admonishment is appropriate here:

"Welcome to the 21st century, Wisconsin. Progress is inevitable so quit fighting it. Join the rest of the country instead of bitterly clinging to your outdated status quo. Ignorance and bigotry is no substitute for facts and reason when it comes to concealed carry."

Lincolntf म्हणाले...


In my youth, this was my preferred conversational approach.


TWM म्हणाले...

Fact is, there will not be any noticable difference to the moonbats after it arrives. That is unless one of them is in danger and a conservative concealed-carrying bystander saves their life.

SunnyJ म्हणाले...

Female, S&W .38 Bodyguard, will CC, have cojones...will travel but not on my testycle...too bumpy on rural roads out by my farm.

Have been accused of "Nut Job" as in, "you're crazy to live out here alone!" but, little red dot and buckshot in chamber first has limited my interaction with the "sane and secure" outside world to one stolen truck. Got her back too and never fired a shot, just followed 'em until they freaked out, pulled over and ran.

I did think about unloading that deterrent first load of buckshot into their disappearing backsides. But, I'm just a little Nut Job, not a big one.

Scott M म्हणाले...

You are from MO? I grew up in Kirkwood.

My wife's nanny, for lack of a better term, was the mother of Charles Lee "Cookie" Thornton.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Written by a Ph.D. graduate in sociology, I presume?

Or someone who managed to get through school by pouring the propaganda back out.

Not quite digested.

I guess it's like having a credential from haarvahd, huh?

Lucky, we don't use guns to cull the idiots out of the gene pool.

But we do have Darwin Award Winners!

One comment, chosen "at random" by editors, isn't worth the price of the newspaper.

Guess the editor liked this one, though?

(Well, Breitbart said you can only win over those trapped at the shallow end, one person at a time.)

Henry म्हणाले...

If you are so insecure you need to type IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS etc. etc.

Please don't cc anyone with your typing.

windbag म्हणाले...

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Scott

Did you just manage to tie together your personal life, the answer to my comment AND stay on topic for the thread all in one sentence?


Humperdink म्हणाले...

For those of carrying wooden clubs for protection , this appeared recently in our local paper:

Aggravated Assault. Warren-based state police reported an incident occurring between 2 and 2:30 a.m. on May 18, 2011, during which four males were involved in a fight outside of the Bucket Cafe, Sugar Grove. Matthew Harrison, 33, Jamestown, N.Y., had a metal pipe approximately three feet in length that was used during the fight, police said. According to police, Lucas Rose, 21, Sugar Grove, also had a weapon, a wooden bat, which he attempted to use during the fight. Police said neither Kevin Anderson, 23, Russell, nor Jedadiah Morningstar, 24, Sugar Grove, had weapons. According to police, Morningstar and Rose received fractured skulls that required surgery, Anderson received a broken arm, and Harrison received minor cuts, abrasions, and bruising to his head. Police charged Harrison three counts of felony aggravated assault, three counts of simple assault, and three counts of recklessly endangering another person; Rose was charged with one count of felony aggravated assault, one count of simple assault, and one count of recklessly endangering another person; and Anderson and Morningstar were both charged with one count each of simple assault. Further action is pending.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"If you feel the need to carry a gun, you are a nut and should not be allowed to do so." Great "Heads I win, tails you lose" logic there.

To keep playing that game, though, if you feel the need to advertise that you are a dose of sanity, you are, in reality, insane.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

Yes, but...

Sarah Palin is a stoopid skank!

Scott M म्हणाले...

Did you just manage to tie together your personal life, the answer to my comment AND stay on topic for the thread all in one sentence?

Thanks. Less is more, they tell me. Actually, that could have just been, "less is more", but it seemed impersonal. Also, notice the dangerous comma OUTSIDE the quotes...mwahahaha...

Georg Felis म्हणाले...

I know applying logic to a liberal rant is counter-productive, but as a conservative I can't help myself.

Does the liberal making the letter to the editor realize they are accusing all military and police officers of being crazy? And yet if threatened by a knife-carrying mugger, I would be willing to bet the letter-writer would fling themselves gratefully into the arms of those he/she has such contempt for in words. At least until the immediate danger is past.

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...


I can't think of anywhere in the entire US that your "deterrent first load of buckshot" is a good idea. It's pretty much universally the case that you aren't justified in shooting at another person at all, unless you're in reasonable fear that the other person is going to kill you or do you serious bodily harm.

Now, if you live in Snake Country, that's a different matter.

Daniel5000 म्हणाले...

Posting an anonymous comment from the Journal-Sentinel website is pretty lazy. It is also like shooting fish in a barrel. It must be a busy day for your Professor Althouse.

Stephen म्हणाले...

I carry, daily. It is just another tool in the shed (pun intended). As a matter of choice & self preservation, I am too old to fight. So if something bad happens I will stop the aggression; it is a matter of choice & self preservation by the assailant. Why do I carry a .45 ACP? Because they don't make a .46 ACP!

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

To keep playing that game, though, if you feel the need to advertise that you are a dose of sanity, you are, in reality, insane.

Does that mean since you feel the need to advertise you are a man, you are, in reality, not? (Unless T-man stands for transgendered man, in which case you would be...a gendered female? oh same result)

Also, don't confuse my comments with others.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Posting an anonymous comment from the Journal-Sentinel website is pretty lazy. It is also like shooting fish in a barrel. It must be a busy day for your Professor Althouse.

Especially when she gets perturbed if someone else nutpicks her comments section.

MikeDC म्हणाले...

Will it be interesting to hear about the 1st insecure cc person who shoots an abusive stalker ex-boyfriend, rapist, home intruder or random nutcase that shows up at your school or business armed and pissed off?

AllenS म्हणाले...


Do you have any juicy Palin emails that you'd like to share with us?

DADvocate म्हणाले...

Is there a difference between "need" and "desire?"

I don't need to carry a gun, but I desire it. I love, even lust, to feel that cold steel in my hand, knowing at the squeeze of my finger I can send hot lead flying through the air. I'm this guy's worst nightmare.

Oh my, I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

Actually, I have a nice little S&W M&P 9c (a semi-automatic 9mm pistol) and have completed the concealed carry class for Ohio. I still need to get my license.

Living is a somewhat isolated spot in the country, it's nice to have some protection. When seconds counts, the police are minutes away.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

No. Why?

Scott M म्हणाले...

Especially when she gets perturbed if someone else nutpicks her comments section.

Don't you still owe her an apology, Garage? Or did you get that cleared up?

अनामित म्हणाले...

I didn't confuse your comments with anyone else's. Mine was a free-standing comment, addressing a pompous nom-de-plume.

Also, you are way off on the etymon of t-man.

Expat(ish) म्हणाले...

@AllenS - Funny, I carry a knife at all times. It's a very sharp folding knife that is 1/10" legal in NC.

There are too many places where I can't legally carry (dropping my kids off to school, entering a government building) my pistol.

But a knife is certainly better than nothing. Handy for opening packages too.


garage mahal म्हणाले...

Don't you still owe her an apology, Garage? Or did you get that cleared up?

For what?

Scott M म्हणाले...

But a knife is certainly better than nothing. Handy for opening packages too.

Collapsible tactical baton with horizontal belt holster. Less training to use properly than a knife and probably (though I've not matched them up) a bit quicker to deploy.

Luke Lea म्हणाले...

The ideal solution is to live in a safe neighborhood where you don't even have to lock your doors. Unhappily that "luxury" isn't available to everyone though, I confess, I've enjoyed it my whole life long and wouldn't have it any other way. Heck, our house doesn't even have locks! Nor did the one before, or the one before that.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Garage -

I don't think that Althouse would object to someone quoting from the comments here to indict the reasoning of the commenter. What is objectionable is using the comments to smear the host. Neither Althouse nor any other commenter is using the comment at the J-S to tar the J-S reporter.

I suspect that you are capable of unstanding that difference, but choose to plow ahead disingenously anyway.

Scott M म्हणाले...

Dose - name the place and time. First round is on me. I just have to get a kitchen pass (dammit).

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

I didn't confuse your comments with anyone else's. Mine was a free-standing comment, addressing a pompous nom-de-plume.

Also, you are way off on the etymon of t-man.

It's more of a nom-de-guerre. You appear to be armed, after all.

I'm curious on t-man now. I guess I thought t-girl...t-man....

Charlie Eklund म्हणाले...

After reading the comments over at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel site, it's quite clear who the "nut cases" really are.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

I suspect that you are capable of unstanding that difference, but choose to plow ahead disingenously anyway.

And the purpose of pasting comments there, here, is?

अनामित म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Known Unknown म्हणाले...

You people who are going to cc, please do not accidentally shoot us regular people or your self. Although it will be interesting to hear about the 1st cc person who shots themselves in the leg or testycles.

Plaxico Burress, call your office!

अनामित म्हणाले...

We had to suffer the same hokum in Minnesota when the carry law passed a few years back. The new light rail choo-choo train has killed more people than those carrying guns with permits.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

And I'll make a "testycles" joke.

How many CCs does that testycles engine have? 50?

Milwaukee म्हणाले...

A former co-worker proudly displayed on Facebook his ownership of an AK-47 and discussed how much fun shooting it was. Months later he went on and on about what a tyrant the duly elected Governor of Wisconsin was. In fact, he posted that he had a gun and was soooooo angry he could so out and shoot something. An immediate family member posted below his comment "Does that something start with an 'S' and end with 'cottWalker?'". He neither deleted nor disallowed the comments. Seems to me we have a great deal more to fear from 1. unstable leftist, or 2. just plain crazy people like Loughner or 3. SWAT teams getting the wrong address.

Fen म्हणाले...

You people who are going to cc, please do not accidentally shoot us regular people or your self.

CC carries reduce violent crime because the perps can't tell which "victim" will be their last.

Following Wisconsin Libtard logic, the rest of you should pay a heavy tax for the increased safety CC owners provide.

Of course, since most of you are parasites, its no wonder you are afraid of pesticide. Your Union Thugs won't look so tough with a sucking chest wound.

Alex म्हणाले...

And the purpose of pasting comments there, here, is?

Insightful discussion? Alas, not with garbage around.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

S&W .38 Bodyguard

Oooooh. I want.

I like the smaller grip.

Fen म्हणाले...

Posting an anonymous comment from the Journal-Sentinel website is pretty lazy.

That comment sums up the typical Libtard reaction to CC, regardless of where it was posted.

It is also like shooting fish in a barrel.

Well, thats true. The Left is phobic re firearms. After watching their Brownshirt mobs in Wisconsin, its obvious why.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

Alright, I'll do a little story time here about CC.

I've never once felt the need for a gun in my life. I stopped two guys from robbing trucks outside my apartment a few years ago (I used to live in Milwaukee). I called the police and went out to follow them (approximately two blocks away). The police took so long to respond (total time from when I called 911 57 minutes) that they wised up to my following them, turned around, and confronted me.

It wasn't the first or the last time, but I stared down the barrel of a gun. I talked to him, feet away, with that gun pointed at me the whole time. When the police finally did arrive, they fled and were apprehended. They turned out to be 16 years old. (both over 6'1 though)

Moral of the story - if I had a gun, I would have killed two kids that night. Or died. That sounds like a lose lose to me.

mariner म्हणाले...


"Cold steel", "M&P 9c"?

You're funnin' with us.


SunnyJ म्हणाले...

Well Kirk P, let me explain. I cannot CC my pump action shotgun and I always use buckshot first, because it stings like hell...and if there's any chance not to kill the aggressor...I'm for that.

If the aggressor continues coming, then there is evidence you tried to scare them off first and what comes next is on them.

Aggressors out here come on 2 legs and 4 legs, and no legs as it is snake country. I'm 5ft and a little over 100 lbs and 60 yrs old.

Let me encourage you to read the law, as there is room in the definition of "fear of bodily harm, death or ability to defend oneself from harm". In other words: I'm small and old, unless the aggressor is a 3rd grader my chances of physically protecting myself are slim to none.

I also live a solid 10-12 min from police or fire response. I have deterred more than my share of aggressors with buckshot, it is almost as good as the sound of the pump action of my shotgun in the dark. Now there's a universal language spoken by all.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"...I'll resist the urge to talk about the sheer folly of firearms in the civilian population's hands...."

I'm quite sure the criminal population shares that sentiment. Having some homeowner trying to kill you when breaking in makes the job that much harder.

Scott M म्हणाले...

Moral of the story - if I had a gun, I would have killed two kids that night. Or died. That sounds like a lose lose to me.

Impossible to judge without further info. How far away from them where you when they pulled? Would you have had a chance to pull? Did they frisk you?

In other words, sounds like they got the jump on you, regardless, and you did your best to talk them out of shooting you. Having a CCW wouldn't have made a difference in that case, unless you're too jumpy to be carrying it in the first place, which I also don't have enough info on.

SteveR म्हणाले...

I don't cc but know quite a few who do and there is no obvious outward indication. So you never know..

The Police, minutes away when seconds count

I have a friend whose son lost one to cancer. He's a unitestycle.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

This is great. Garage won't have to live off road kill anymore.

Fresh meat!

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

So does concealed carry refer to guns or nuts? Are the women being left out once more. Seriously, the argument replays the Flight Surgeon's Catch-22 telling Yossarian that if he asks to be grounded from suicide missions, that proves that he is sane, and sane men are never grounded. Only a crazy nut will not ask to be grounded. But since the crazy nuts did not ask to be grounded, they cannot be grounded.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Of course, since most of you are parasites, its no wonder you are afraid of pesticide. Your Union Thugs won't look so tough with a sucking chest wound.

A Tea Party thug assualted somebody in the Capitol today. Would it have been better if these two men were shot dead instead of arrested? Why can't I carry inside the courthouse to protect myself against these hoodlums?

Oh, and you never did elaborate on that story of you killing a hippie. Remember that? This would a good thread to expand?

Chip S. म्हणाले...

How many CCs does that testycles engine have? 50?

Not sure of that, but I'll bet it's a two-stroke configuration.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Scott

Half a milwaukee city block or so. Could I have pulled? Maybe since I was following them for a full 30 minutes BEFORE they wised up.

I know I wish I was more noble and would have talked them down in all circumstances, but in my mind's eye - I know I would have taken ANY option other than what I did. Short of running, which would have been suicide.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"...Moral of the story -if I had a gun, I would have killed two kids that night. Or died. That sounds like a lose lose to me..."

No offense but you sound like an idiot. You followed two car thieves around and put yourself in a situation of being shot? Brilliant move.

I sometimes carry my gun but I don't follow trouble either.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

Moral of the story: two aspiring armed robbers got to continue their training for a life of crime. Did you happen to catch their names? Might want to monitor homicide cases to see when these two show up as defendants.

Fen म्हणाले...

I'll resist the urge to talk about the sheer folly of free speech in the civilian population's hands


BTW, before excercising your 1st Ammendment rights, you need to pass an 8 hour course on hate speech. And be sure to register each thought before you post it in public.


Scott M म्हणाले...

Maybe since I was following them for a full 30 minutes BEFORE they wised up.

Obviously it was a bad idea to follow them anyway, but even given the 30 minutes...you wouldn't pull your weapon under any circumstances unless you felt your live was in immediate and direct jeopardy? I'm not talking about WI statute here, I'm talking about common sense as applied to be CCW law and the aftermaths of such incidents in CCW states. You shouldn't even THREATEN to pull if it can at all be avoided. My specific question was how close they were when you saw the gun. Otherwise, it's just two 16-year-olds walking toward you, albeit recently from a possible illicit activity.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

Liberals ALWAYS want the Government to have ALL the guns. Why is that, do you think?

Fen म्हणाले...

garage: A Tea Party thug assualted somebody in the Capitol today.

As usual, your links never say what you claim they say.

And yes, assault and battery is a shooting offence.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

A Tea Party thug assualted somebody in the Capitol today.

Another dithering idiot post by garbage, who's only reference is a nutjob website.

But, garbage states it as if it's a fact.

These are Weiner tactics. garbage is a Weiner.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Half a milwaukee city block or so. Could I have pulled? Maybe since I was following them for a full 30 minutes BEFORE they wised up.

WTF? Did you wake up and think you were McGiver or Colombo or something? What a maroon.

You put yourself in the position of danger. It is a wonder you weren't shot trying to play stake out artist.

Concealed carry is not so you can play Hill Street Blues. It is to protect you from attack or assault.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Lincoln

Wait, you are saying I should have killed them for pulling a gun and ripping off car stereos? At 16 years old?

Thou shalt not kill anyone?

@ Hoosier

Ya, boneheaded move. I have a knack for always jumping into situations I shouldn't. I absolutely shouldn't have followed them around/done anything more than call 911.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...


WTF? Did you wake up and think you were McGiver or Colombo or something? What a maroon

I am a bit of a nut.

SunnyJ म्हणाले...

Lincolntf: Because they are public union brothers and sisters of solidarity...so, basically it means they have the guns on their side. Very visible during the WI protests, police spokesmen and actions told all you needed to know about how they took over the capitol building and were allowed to stay.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"...Would it have been better if these two men were shot dead instead of arrested?..."

You really have become an insufferable ass.

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

GM - U just keep digging.

Wrong on MMGW

Wrong on Blue State schools - see Instapundit today

Wrong on Gun control -

Wrong on socialism

Reality is starting to butt up against your belief system.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

No, I'm just saying that actions (and inactions) have consequences, and not just the ones you listed in your "lose-lose" scenario.
As for your "thou shalt not kill" crack, you can bite me.

Scott M म्हणाले...

I have a knack for always jumping into situations I shouldn't. I absolutely shouldn't have followed them around/done anything more than call 911.

If you actually had a CCW weapon, it's far more likely that you would have made the sensible decision and called the cops instead of following them.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Another dithering idiot post by garbage, who's only reference is a nutjob website.

A picture on yfrog is a nutjob website? LOL

Alex म्हणाले...

Moral of the story - because DOS is a nut the rest of us have to be defenseless against thugs.

Synova म्हणाले...

DoS, watching out for someone elses property makes you a good neighbor, but that's really not what guns are for. Nothing about that is life-or-death. Now, I suppose if you'd been carrying and two people pulled on you, someone might have died if you tried to get your gun out to shoot them, but I doubt two to one odds would have been in your favor.

People who want castle laws (quite different from CC laws) that allow for the defense of home and property are pretty clear it's because it's your home and it's only prudent to think that anyone breaking in will not hesitate to do anything else. Waiting until they do is unwise. And a person really shouldn't have to retreat from your home.

But I don't know anyone who thinks that a person shouldn't retreat from tailing criminals if they decide they don't like being tailed.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"Wait, you are saying I should have killed them for pulling a gun and ripping off car stereos? At 16 years old?..."

Well it will make liberals happy to know that if someone points a gun at me, I will not require them to show id before I shoot.

Alex म्हणाले...

And a person really shouldn't have to retreat from your home.

Synova - you meant a person shouldn't have to retreat from THEIR home?

Alex म्हणाले...

DOS - ever heard the expression "bad seed"?

Alex म्हणाले...

If they're ripping off car stereos at 16, assault, murder is right around the corner.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Scott

Ah, I wasn't clear in my story. The first thing I did was call the police - before I even left my apartment. If that's all I would have done, they would have broken into another 30 or so cars and left.

I stayed on the phone with someone at the location I called the cops to while I followed. (to direct the cops to me/them).

I would have fled, but I didn't realize they were on to me until they pulled and ran at me.

@ Lincoln

I see what you mean about alternate futures. I'll just hope that particular one doesn't come true. It wasn't meant to be a crack about thou shall not kill - I am a liberal hippy after all. We're mostly harmless.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

You really have become an insufferable ass.

Last week you jumped at defending Boortz and his "we need dead urban thugs littering the streets". What's the difference between someone assaulting you and stealing your car?

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Hoosier

I wouldn't have either. That was the point.

@ Alex

Ah - so in your mind, when do we start executing people? The first DUI? The first petty theft? Draw a line man. I know some mean 10 year olds you can go shoot.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Garage said:

A Tea Party thug assualted somebody in the Capitol today. Would it have been better if these two men were shot dead instead of arrested? Why can't I carry inside the courthouse to protect myself against these hoodlums?

Congratulations. A new low.

Scott M म्हणाले...

DoS - I appreciate the clarification, but...

I would have fled, but I didn't realize they were on to me until they pulled and ran at me.

As I said before, your having a CCW wouldn't have changed that scenario. Unfortunately, you never would have had a chance to pull and would most likely have acted exactly the same. I'll stand by my point, though, that if you actually had a CCW, you wouldn't have followed them in the first place.

Milwaukee म्हणाले...

Dose of Sanity: You say they were "robbing" trucks. Were the trucks occupied, or unoccupied, and were they just pilfering the trucks? Good that you called the cops. Even cops wait for backup before interfering if they are outnumbered and nobody is in physical danger. But your sense of something is what caused you to follow them. You put yourself at risk, unnecessarily. No wonder you find yourself at the wrong end of a gun barrel. Concealed Carry is about self defense, not about vigilante-gonna-stop-the-bad-guys craziness. Is your real name "Peter Parker"?

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"...Last week you jumped at defending Boortz and his "we need dead urban thugs littering the streets". What's the difference between someone assaulting you and stealing your car?..."

Typically the car jacker is sticking a gun in your face. I'm not going to kill someone for shoving me. Guess that says something doesn't it.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Milwaukee

Unoccupied. Just busting in, grabbing the faceplate/stereos and moving on. One minute, tops.

I didn't mean to interfere/intervene. I just hate seeing injustice - and I made a calculated judgment I could stop it without putting myself at risk. I was wrong.

Also, peter parker is lame.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

Ah, that's why people keep thinking they were car thiefs. Terrible wording in my initial story.

Apologies. They were thieving from cars. Just not car thiefs.


wv: geiness - So close to what I need right now.

Lucius म्हणाले...

@Scott M: You are connected, sir!

per the Nike "Dope" thread, were you escorting Ribbentrop's granddaughter on base?

Scott M म्हणाले...

I just hate seeing injustice

How about home owners sensible enough to buy within their means and get fixed rates having to subsidize irresponsible idiots that bought way, way too much house and secured it with ARMs?

gerry म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Scott M म्हणाले...

per the Nike "Dope" thread, were you escorting Ribbentrop's granddaughter on base?

LOL, no. That was 1987. The dope thing was '92, after Desert Storm...when we were bored silly, but had facilities like you wouldn't believe.

BarryD म्हणाले...

As a libertarian, I sometimes carry a concealed firearm, and I sometimes hang out naked.

But I have yet to both at the same time.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Scott

Strange turn. But yes, there too.

Synova म्हणाले...

Last year?.. maybe? Year before?

Someone "car jacked" a lady here in Albuquerque, only they kept her, too, and drove around in her car and raped her for two days.

For some reason I have the idea that her eventual rescue involved a frozen turkey and a Wal-Mart parking lot, but I might be confusing two stories. (I could google it, I suppose. There was the other Wal-Mart incident here of a customer with concealed carry that shot a guy who jumped over the deli counter and started to stab his ex.)

Car-jackings are generally violent (an old man from my church back in California some 12 years or so ago was stabbed to death by a car jacker when he got back in the car after the guy stabbed his wife) as they involve stealing the car while a person is in it.

So, I donno, garage. What IS the difference between stealing a car and assaulting someone? Or are you going to pretend that "car jacking" is the same thing as "auto theft."

Scott M म्हणाले...

Strange turn. But yes, there too.

Excellent. A+++ for injustice consistency. Doesn't that make you sort of batman-hippy though? LOL, what does all the batgear/batvehicles/batcave look like if it were a hippy instead of a billionaire?

Milwaukee म्हणाले...

When I moved out of Milwaukee my insurance charges: auto, renters, personal liability, all went down. One of the things I had to learn is that when I was at school I was a teacher, and I could correct students who were misbehaving. Once out of school, I'm not their teacher and I'm not their daddy. Following around gangsters who are breaking into cars demonstrates a serious lack of judgment, and has contributed nothing to the concealed carry discussion, other than to reinforce the notion that people who can't be trusted with weapons are out there. If you had a gun would you have pulled it on them and ordered them to stop? "Citizens Arrest!" You do know that the Medical Examiner can tell if you shot them through the front or in the back while they are running away.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

It is almost as good as the sound of the pump action of my shotgun in the dark.

An acquaintance of ours owns a gun shop. He suggested getting a shotgun for home defense, as the pump sound alone was enough to send any intruder running.

Alex म्हणाले...

BTW this is a continuing theme of liberals since the Miranda case. Soft on crime. They wonder why they keep losing the suburban vote!

The Dude म्हणाले...

If someone in my house hears me racking my 12 gauge that means that they survived the round that I keep chambered. They won't hear the second racking.

WV: drice - once, twice, drice.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Milwaukee - You obviously don't know me and can't seem to understand me.

@ Scott - I would contend that batman IS a hippy. Discuss.

Scott M म्हणाले...

@ Scott - I would contend that batman IS a hippy. Discuss.

No way, man. He's very pro-violence and pro-vengeance.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

Batman demands that society care for him as if he were a child?

Scott M म्हणाले...

Batman demands that society care for him as if he were a child?

That's not necessarily hippy, is it? Hippy communes strove to be self-sufficient, which would be decidedly libertarian at least in that aspect, wouldn't it?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Garbage is just pissed because CC passed before he had a chance to crow-in-advance about its certain defeat. A perfect record ruined!

Carol म्हणाले...

Yeah nice story, DOS - what does it have to do with me? I'm out driving around late at night all the time, part of my job, and you prefer that I wait for someone like you to come along if I get in trouble? Talk nice and maybe nothing bad will happen? I don't care if some guys *never felt the need for a gun* because they're just so awesome already.

In the past friends were murdered, I myself was mugged at knifepoint, and worse. CC is the best thing that ever happened to women. Learning to shoot and getting my CCP was downright liberating.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

@ Scott

He does drugs. He has strange garb. He's always trying to help "the good guys". Johnny Law and him don't always get along.

Scott M म्हणाले...

He does drugs. He has strange garb.

Yes, but so do goths. I can't think of anything less hippy than goths. Well, except may a drill sergeant.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

The ones who were "self-sufficient" didn't last long. The lifetime dopers, navel-gazers and un-reconstructed Deadheads are the hippies I'm familiar with. (Years working at an indy bookstore in MA exposed me to more than my fair share of the breed.)

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Typically the car jacker is sticking a gun in your face. I'm not going to kill someone for shoving me. Guess that says something doesn't it.

This person was put in a headlock and punched in the face. Did that person have the right to use deadly force to protect themselves?

Goju म्हणाले...

Had you been carrying and mamaged to go Dirty Harry on the two thieves, you may have found yourself on the losing end of a civil suit. While you could have made a reasonable self-defense defense to a criminal charge - the thug's families would have a basis for claiming your vigilante actions in fact provoked the incident. And with no other witnesses to back up your version, how would you prove that it wasn't you who drew first and the thugs were only reacting to your threatening them?

Playing vigilante is very dangerous. Criminals do not like to leave witnesses.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"Two men were arrested at the Capitol this afternoon after Solidarity singers say a singer was punched in the face."

Everyone's a critic.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

An acquaintance of ours owns a gun shop. He suggested getting a shotgun for home defense, as the pump sound alone was enough to send any intruder running.

I think that it really depends on how experienced you are. But, I got that advise some 20 years ago when I was being stalked by a former business partner. I bought a 12 gauge with a short and a long barrel. One day when he pulled in front of my house, I let him see it, and me loading the first shell. No more stalking.

After that, I mostly have used it to shoot birds that tried to dig holes in the house to build their nests. And, a bit of trap. But in those 20 years I have never lived anywhere that was sketchy.

Dose of Sanity म्हणाले...

And with no other witnesses to back up your version, how would you prove that it wasn't you who drew first and the thugs were only reacting to your threatening them?

Clearly you've never been to milwaukee. I'd say there were 15 people watching.

Anyway, fair point.

Patrick म्हणाले...

"1. "If you are so insecure that you feel you need to carry a gun, YOU ARE A NUT CASE and need PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP. If you feel the need to carry a gun, YOU ARE A NUT AND SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO DO SO!!!"..."

This is the type of comment made by someone who lives in an area where they feel safe. I find it interesting that so many of those who feel safe in their neighborhoods want to dictate how those who feel unsafe should protect themselves (or not protect themselves).

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"...This person was put in a headlock and punched in the face. Did that person have the right to use deadly force to protect themselves?"

No garage. He should follow the liberal playbook and just get his ass beat and then maybe blame the cops for mistreating the criminal.

There a dumbass response to your dumbass question. Seriously your posts are like watching an old relative go senile.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

You can't answer because you'd have to admit using deadly force against a Tea Partier. It was never in doubt.

DADvocate म्हणाले...

You're funnin' with us.

Yeah. Cold composite maybe?

DADvocate म्हणाले...

This person was put in a headlock and punched in the face. Did that person have the right to use deadly force to protect themselves?

Definitions vary from state to state, but according to my CCW instructor who is also a chief of police, yes. Be prepared to prove it to a jury, which in this case shouldn't be too hard since you'd have bruising on your face and head.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

In this case, a busted tooth.

Methadras म्हणाले...

Leftards and their hatred of inanimate objects.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) म्हणाले...

I'm surprised there's been no discussion of the carry arms themselves. My favorite is the Taurus "Public Defender" a lightweight .45 cal 5-shot revolver chambered for .410 shotshells.

Very conveniently concealed, but probably a bit light for most women -- too much kick on account of the high calibre. Women unaccustomed to shooting would probably do better with 9 mm or .38 cal.

For personal defense you'll probably want a #3 buckshot load (.24 cal pellets) alternating with .45 cal ACP.

For varmints -- bunnies, rats, snakes and such -- just go with #6 shot shells.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"...You can't answer because you'd have to admit using deadly force against a Tea Partier. It was never in doubt..."

I've been in more than a few fistfights without having to resort to deadly force. Evidently you feel deadly force is warranted in any altercation. Just more evidence that liberals are idiots.

Synova म्हणाले...

"This person was put in a headlock and punched in the face. Did that person have the right to use deadly force to protect themselves?"

You just have to try, really try, (even assuming your description is accurate) to equate this to having someone stick a gun in your face and steal your car?

Does a person have the right to defend himself. Yes. This really isn't rocket science, garage.

Are you going to, really are you going to try to say that someone does not have the right to defend himself? If a car jacking and a public scuffle or even assault are the same to you then, for sake of argument we'll go with that.

So, for sake of argument, they are actually the same. Getting punched in public is the same as getting dragged by yourself into an alleyway in the middle of the night is the same as a guy sticking a gun in your face and dragging you out (if you're lucky) of your car.

Now, should you be able to defend yourself with deadly force in any of those situations, garage? Should you be able to defend yourself with deadly force in any situation at all?

You tell us. I want to know what garagemahal thinks is appropriate self-defense.

Because it's easy to equivocate and divert and easy to try to take apart someone elses opinions when you never put forward your own.

अनामित म्हणाले...


You've linked a yfrog picture with vague commentary by an anonymous poster alleging that two men were arrested and that a Solidarity singer got punched in the face. The snap shows one man being frog walked, and no evidence of Solidarity singers, headlocks, punches, or Tea Partiers.

You're not well man. Take a break.

Scott M म्हणाले...

I'm surprised there's been no discussion of the carry arms themselves.

Glock 19 with a Crossbreed CC holster. I went with 9mm so I could use the same ammo with the Hi-Point carbine. I also don't expect to come against body-armored opponents. In any case, I tend to buy a couple of boxes every other Friday whether I plan to shoot or not, just cuz.

I'm still shopping for a long rifle, though if I had my druthers, it would be a version of the M14. Call it a soft spot.

Tully म्हणाले...

Testycles is one of the lesser
well-known Greek philosophers.

DADvocate म्हणाले...

I went with 9mm so I could use the same ammo

I went with the 9mm because the caliber is large enough to do the job and the ammo is generally cheaper than other calibers of equal or larger size.

I'm planning on buying a .22 pistol of some sort simply for cheap target shooting.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

So, for sake of argument, they are actually the same

Ok then.

Scott M म्हणाले...

Ditto on the ammo. As far as the .22, I believe there are conversion kits for your 9mm that will allow it to shoot .22. In this way, you're still getting the weight and feel of your 9mm, but with radically cheaper ammo for target and drawing practice. The weight will be different, but I'm told by those that know it's not that big of a difference.

Synova म्हणाले...

Just going with the way you want to set up the argument, garage.

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

Here in Minnesota, opponents of concealed carry predicted that the passage of concealed carry would result in a significant uptick in gun violence.

It didn't happen.

I can't remember exactly, but I seem to think there was one case in which someone with a permit fired a shot in a heated moment. He didn't shoot at a person, but at an empty car that he and his friend or relative were arguing about. Like I said, it was a while ago, and I'm fuzzy on the details.

About the same time concealed carry was passed, we got light rail. Three people died in accidents involving the light rail line.

Who'd a thunk?

Automatic_Wing म्हणाले...

What is garage's argument, anyway? Concealed carry is bad because some hippie got punched in the face in Madison, is that it?

Synova म्हणाले...

"I've been in more than a few fistfights without having to resort to deadly force. Evidently you feel deadly force is warranted in any altercation. Just more evidence that liberals are idiots."

My guess is that garage wants us to condemn the Tea Partier without knowing any facts, if it was a Tea Partier (maybe like that jared fellow was a tea partier?) or what provocation might have been involved if there was any provocation. I do believe in "fighting words". If the guy was minding his own business there's no excuse, but Obama did tell people to get in their opponents faces and punch back twice as hard.

I also think that garage wants to accuse everyone of racism for not condemning the guy who thought that car jackers should be answered with legally obtained and permitted concealed carry firearms.

Curious George म्हणाले...

GM: "A Tea Party thug assualted somebody in the Capitol today. Would it have been better if these two men were shot dead instead of arrested? Why can't I carry inside the courthouse to protect myself against these hoodlums?"

When did this happen as I can find no actually news on this? I'm getting a sniff of bullshit...

SunnyJ म्हणाले...

Bart Hall, you and others after may not have seen my earlier posts in this lengthy discussion. I started it with S&W .38 Bodyguard, buckshot 1st chamber and slugs to follow for CC because can not carry my pump action shotgun CC. Also do to my size and age and purposes. You make good points and I was happy to see you understood the deterrent of buckshot theory. Check prior posts here for more details. Thanks for your thoughts.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

My guess is that garage wants us to condemn the Tea Partier without knowing any facts, if it was a Tea Partier

Was curious the ground rules, that's all. Urbans thugs. Rural thugs.

It was a Tea Partier by the way. Ex whacko senator Dave Zien is in the pics, who apparently was wheeling his wheelchair around trying to run over toes yelling "Walker for President!"

Ironically, the guy carrying the "Don't Tread on ME" flag is the one that punched the Solidarity singer in the face.

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...


"Moral of the story - if I had a gun, I would have killed two kids that night. Or died. That sounds like a lose lose to me."

Complete nonsense. You're taking your actual situation, which could have had many much-worse outcomes (one of the kids pulls the trigger, for example) and comparing it to a hypothetical where you only allow the worst-case outcome to be exhibited. But instead of your biased conjectures, let's look at real life examples, instead. Lots and lots and lots of times where armed citizens successfully defend themselves with firearms, sometimes without a shot even being fired.

And there's something about your story that I don't follow. You called the police before you went out, then went out and try to observe them covertly, from a distance? How in the world was that stopping them from continuing their predation?


I don't know a single defensive handgun authority, from Ayoob on down to the local folks who are teaching defensive handgun courses, who advocates the "shoot to wound" or "shoot to scare" response. YMMV...

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"...Was curious the ground rules, that's all. Urbans thugs. Rural thugs..."

Madison, WI is rural?

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...


It completely depends on what you want a rifle for, but yeah if you've got the bucks there's hardly anything that compares to the M1A.

I sure wouldn't want to carry it around deer hunting, though, which goes back to the purpose question.

Curious George म्हणाले...

GM:"It was a Tea Partier by the way. Ex whacko senator Dave Zien is in the pics, who apparently was wheeling his wheelchair around trying to run over toes yelling "Walker for President!"

Still no news story...

Steve Koch म्हणाले...

I was an MP during my two years in the army. We qualified on a variety of weapons including the Colt .45 semi-automatic pistol. On my AIT class's first attempt to pass the .45 shooting range test (after nearly 8 weeks of training), 2/3 of the class failed to qualify and had to retake the test at least one more time.

The moral of the story is that it is hard to hit somebody with a pistol even if you practice a lot. The next hand gun that I buy will have a laser sight on it.

CC should cut down on crime in Wisconsin.

Karl म्हणाले...

"He suggested getting a shotgun for home defense, as the pump sound alone was enough to send any intruder running."

The notion of attackers freezing or fleeing at the sound of racking a shell into the chamber is pervasive.
It's also a bad idea.
Never confront an intruder with a gun that has an empty chamber.
See "StressFire II" by Massad Ayoob.

Ayoob's books should be required reading before venturing into CC.
This should be as well researched as buying a new car or selecting a college.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"...Dave Zien is in the pics, who apparently was wheeling his wheelchair around trying to run over toes yelling..."

Is that the rural version of a drive by?

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"...I also think that garage wants to accuse everyone of racism..."

That's pretty much the liberal MO anymore.

Curious George म्हणाले...

So Garage "A Tea Party thug assualted somebody in the Capitol today" at 1:54PM or earlier and none of the Madison news outlet are reporting it?

Almost four hours later? Nothing? In Madison?

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

"....Almost four hours later? Nothing? In Madison?.."

Maybe rural crime takes longer to report.

Michael The Magnificent म्हणाले...

It has passed!

Assuming Walker signs it, La Follette publishes it (he has 10 working days from enactment), and Sumi doesn't issue a TRO based on a nuisance lawsuit, we should be able to apply for a license either October 1st or November 1st *, and have a license within 21 days after that.

Thank you Wisconsin Republicans, and thank you Lord.

* Even if Walker signs it into law tonight, La Follette could still delay publishing the law until next month (there are only seven more working days left in this month). The legislation takes effect on the first day of the fourth month beginning after publication.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Garage said

"It was a Tea Partier by the way. Ex whacko senator Dave Zien is in the pics, who apparently was wheeling his wheelchair around trying to run over toes yelling "Walker for President!"

That's some high falutin' Wisconcins Union supporter logic. Why then let's try this:

President Obama is a homosexual, by the way. That gentleman in the picture is the well known homosexual prostitution supporting homosexual Barney Frank.

Paul म्हणाले...

I have a Texas CHL (since the day it started and they were issued. It's a VERY low serial number issue!)

Nut jobs? Nuts don't need no permit to carry in order to do their deeds. Plenty of drunks without DLs kill people ever day.

Go look at Vermont, Alaska, Arizona. They have OPEN CARRY and concealed carry without stink'en permits.

You see 'Dodge City' over there? You see 'blood in the street' over there?


Well 'shzam!' And you folks wonder it?

Fen म्हणाले...

When did this happen as I can find no actually news on this? I'm getting a sniff of bullshit...

And even if it happened, I don't trust Garage to give us the truth about what when down.

I'm betting the Libtards threw the first punch, or something like that. We've been through this with our resident moonbats 100 times. Days later, there's always more to the story that they left out, and they hide from the thread.

Sigivald म्हणाले...

Thus, cops are nuts.

Actually, looking at bungled SWAT raids and incompetent weapon handling, maybe he has a point?

(As always, comments like that tell me much more about the psychology of the utterer than of the people he's judging.)

Curious George म्हणाले...


I don't know...this happened 5 hours ago and if it is what garage said it was there is no way it would miss the evening news. I mean, finally something that meets the narrative of "the violence of the tea party"...in Madison. And it goes unreported? No. Fucking. Chance.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

Wisconsin State Journal has nothing on the story? From what I can tell, they have a constant presence at the Capitol every day. Always updating their online stuff, etc. Hard to believe they missed an arrest.

Kelly from Georgia म्हणाले...

9mm Taurus

Bf got it for me when I passed my proposal defense for my doctorate. He said, "Flowers wilt."


TWM म्हणाले...

"This person was put in a headlock and punched in the face. Did that person have the right to use deadly force to protect themselves?"

Depends on how you can articulate the circumstances. How big was the attacker? How small was the victim? Someone punching you in the face to the point where you fear for your life is certainly a deadly force situation.

Of course it's up to a jury to decide, but as the old saying goes, "better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6."

Cincinnatus म्हणाले...

Dose of Sanity, it seems rather obvious that you have taken entirely the wrong lesson from your confrontation experience.

garage mahal making up stuff again? Look at my shocked face.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Fen slithers in late, hours after dodging my question, takes a look around hoping someone else fought his fight for him. What a puke.

Curious George
Here you go:

Man arrested for battery in Capitol altercation

Pretty much as I described, no?

For those of you keeping score at home:

Union Supporters- 5 months of protests = no assualt charges.

Tea Party gun rights advocates- one or two(?) days protesting = one battery charge.

TWM म्हणाले...

"Pretty much as I described, no?

For those of you keeping score at home:

Union Supporters- 5 months of protests = no assualt charges.

Tea Party gun rights advocates- one or two(?) days protesting = one battery charge."

MY GOD, that changes everything.

Curious George म्हणाले...

"Wisconsin State Journal has nothing on the story? From what I can tell, they have a constant presence at the Capitol every day. Always updating their online stuff, etc. Hard to believe they missed an arrest."

The person who posted the pic in garage's is a WSJ reporter. The caption "Two men were arrested at the Capitol this afternoon after Solidarity singers say a singer was punched in the face." So it was heresay. Five hours later they don't have a story? That tells me one thing...there is no story. Because they would publish the accusation unless they in fact knew it wasn't true.

Curious George म्हणाले...

GM: "Pretty much as I described, no?"

No, actually not. I don't recall you mentioning that one of the Solidarity singers was also charged with disorderly conduct, and that the alleged battery occurred after the singer tried to grab the Gadsden flag. The reason I don't recall it is because you didn't add it to your description. Odd.

Also, nothing in the story indicates that the man charged with battery is a Tea Party member.

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