Blaska asked Lueders about his “three knowledgeable sources” who supposedly had to remain unnamed to "maintain their professional relationships." Blaska said that his "inescapable conclusion" was that they were Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson, "and their liberal court ally, Justice Patrick Crooks."
Lueders replied:
The sources are people we considered reliable. We very carefully represented that they alleged certain events. They did. Justice Bradley has now made the same allegation in her comments to the Journal Sentinel. Your ‘inescapable conclusion’ is incorrect. Beyond that I have nothing more to say.It's like a logic puzzle, isn't it? It's like in "Clue" when you make an accusation like Mr. Green with the lead pipe in the conservatory. You check the secret cards, and it's the wrench, not the lead pipe, but you were right about Mr. Green and the conservatory. You slip the cards back into the little black envelope and tell the other players you were wrong. They don't know how wrong.
By the way, Blaska is making noises about a singalong in the Capitol today to rival the "Solidarity Singers who have been singing sad songs of dissent in the Capitol Rotunda for at least four months now." But for some reason, he thinks he needs a permit, and so — like that silent majority march the other day — he's proposing a silent demonstration:
Be there at 11:45 a.m. Bring your sheet music -- make 10 copies -- and signs (sans sticks). I’ll do likewise. We’ll stand silently in a group in the middle of the singers -- unless they have a permit for that day -- holding our pro-Walker signs but saying nothing. My sign will read “Can we have our Capitol back?”What songs would the conservatives sing (if they could get permission)?
I’m thinking songs like “God Bless America,” the theme to the Flintstones, Gilligan’s Island and -- in honor of wheelchair-bound patriot Dave Zien, "Born to be Wild!" Sunny Schubert suggests the Beatles’ “Taxman.”Yeah, conservatives should show up and celebrate the signing of the budget bill, the momentous event that occurred yesterday. Maybe you didn't notice. It was overshadowed by the gigantic turd Lueders felt moved to drop at exactly that moment.
६८ टिप्पण्या:
Go with "Taxman", that'll tick them off.
Oh, and nice catch. Lueder's "investigative" piece coincided precisely with the voters' victory over the Unions? How very coincidental. Hey Lueders, you feel like investigating your own timing? Don't make us do it for you.
Lueders, the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, and WPR are complicit in writing a false story, as I very much doubt they were manipulated.
The JournoList was more brazen about it, but all such "news" organizations are nothing more than lobbying and propaganda sites for Democrats.
I love when "journalists" like Leuders (I was just reviewing his other pieces) take the most antagonistic pose possible, like Leuders' "Gov. Walker declared war on Teachers!!!" hysteria in one story, but then claim the purest impartiality in others.
Note to "journalists", we don't believe you because we know you. You lie. For money. It's not cool. Stop doing it.
Lueders is just one more example of journalists that are nothing more than the media arm of the Democratic party.
And thanks to Althouse for breaking the story behind the story.
10 years ago, only the WPR/WCIJ tale would have been told.
I'm writing a song titled God Bless Gasoline!
Should become the conservative anthem.
Drill, baby, drill!
Did you catch the great Palin animated cartoon at The New Fox News? I think it's supposed to be a takedown, but it only made me like her more.
What this country needs is a president with a great rack!
"The sources are people we considered reliable."
And we should just take his word for it, despite the fact that he has shown himself to be unreliable.
By "reliable", he means "loyal to the Party" and he knows we know it. Just another apparatchik doing his best to screw his neighbors.
Blaska said that his "inescapable conclusion" was that they were Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson, "and their liberal court ally, Justice Patrick Crooks."
Lueders replied:
Your ‘inescapable conclusion’ is incorrect.
The JSO says Six of the court's seven justices - Justice N. Patrick Crooks was not present - had gathered in Bradley's chambers.
My guess, Judge Crooks was in the Library with Colonel Mustard, therefore the inescapable conclusion is false...
"We very carefully represented that they alleged certain events. They did."
This guy is a journalist?
He is on staff and gets paid to write in English?
Sing this (to the melody of Solidarity Forever!)
We had the fall elections that we lost instead of won
So we grabbed our drums and bugles for some protestin’ fun
Yet our force was weaker than Walker’s awesome strength of one,
Damn our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
The public finally realized that we are the greedy parasite,
Nobody bought this serfdom shit once our compensation came to light
There’s always something left for us but to organize and fight.
But our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
Hagar, even better, he seems to be some sort of "elder" among the Lib journo tribe, having graduated from the local rag up to that thinly veiled political group, the "Center for Investigative blah,blah,blah".
"The sources are people we considered reliable. We very carefully represented that they alleged certain events."
This is the state of investigative journalism today? Fucking Democrat Party stenographers?
Ladies and gentlemen ... as a newspaper editor and publisher, may I apologize profusely for the unethical professional conduct on display in this comment by Bill Leuders. It does not represent what this man was taught in Journalism school and it does not represent quality journalism.
In every profession, there are people who are just too goddamned lazy to do their jobs properly or ethically.
We see that in the Boy Scouts, where some Scout leaders took advantage of the little boys and had sex with them; and in the Catholic Church even.
Every profession, no matter how noble, has members in it who are corrupt and unethical. Newspapers and journalism are no different.
I'm here to remind you that it is not the job of investigative journalists to write down quotes given to them by partisan political figures and then pass on those claims un-investigated. There are many fine investigative journalists who do fine work in many newspapers across the country, but Bill Leuders is not among them.
Please do not let the shoddy partisan work of Bill Leuders convince you that all investigative journalists are paid hit job stenos in the employ of George Soros.
There are some fine journalists out there if you seek them out.
Nothing about what Bradley said, Ann?
"The facts are that I was demanding that he get out of my office and he put his hands around my neck in anger in a chokehold," she said. "Those are the facts and you can try to spin those facts and try to make it sound like I ran up to him and threw my neck into his hands, but that's only spin.
"Matters of abusive behavior in the workplace aren't resolved by competing press releases," she said.
"I'm confident the appropriate authorities will conduct a thorough investigation of this incident involving abusive behavior in the workplace."
One thing that stands out to me is the lack of integrity by someone that is supposedly a journalist. Isn't the truth the ultimate objective of an investigative journalist? The truth is not subjective. Either tell us the whole truth or leave out your misleading half-truths that are designed to tell the story you want people to hear rather than the actual truth.
Maybe it is time for a story about Lueders and how he actually showed up for work today without being drunk. I'm sure you could find several people to quote who would say that they were pleased that he was able to stay away from the bottle this morning. The story would be accurate, but does anyone think it conveys the truth?
"Isn't the truth the ultimate objective of an investigative journalist?"
Bill Leuders is not an investigative journalist. He is an imposter posing as one.
The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism is nothing more than a George Soros-funded hit squad targeting Republicans with unfounded innuendo and easily disprovable allegation.
They are not "journalists" any more than the disgraced Dan Rather was a journalist. Or any more than The New York Times' Jason Blair was a journalist.
There are frauds in every profession.
Bill Leuders is a fraud. He has perpetrated a hoax on the citizens of Wisconsin and in the process, libeled a sitting Supreme Court Justice with malice aforethought and as part of a conspiracy with other members of the Soros group to de-legitimize the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
He should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.
Althouse has already answered the question of what conservatives should sing in the rotunda: The National Anthem.
Not only is it a conservative song celebrating a military victory, but it is also the patriotic song. Even better, it forces everyone else to stand up and sing along, or look like unAmerican jerks.
The facts are that I was demanding that he get out of my office and he put his hands around my neck in anger in a chokehold,
As the father of a karate student, I feel compelled to note that what she is describing is not a chokehold.
Um, Nevadabob, noted newspaper editor and publisher:
It's Jayson Blair.
Try to get the byline correct, at least.
Ignorance: yeah, but TV shows show strangling and choking the way Bradley is representing it. So she thinks that's the way it's done.
Kind of like how when a TV or movie character wants to destroy a computer and he or she shoots the monitor...
wv: nestion
"Try to get the byline correct, at least."
And reward him with Google hits?
No thanks.
Nice try, Jason.
My guess, Judge Crooks was in the Library with Colonel Mustard, therefore the inescapable conclusion is false...
The question isn't whether Crooks was present at the conference; it is whether he is one of Leuders' three sources. The fact that Crooks wasn't an actual eyewitness does not mean he couldn't be a source.
I'm willing to wager that Shirley and her Shirleyettes were the sources.
As 2012 approaches we can expect a tidal wave of this sort of propaganda from the progressives. They will pull out all the stops to smear every candidate and conservative who is in a position of leadership. They will dig through our trash and snoop into every electronic aspect of our lives a la Palin and her e-mails. Expect it! Plan for it!
They are good at psy ops. Unfortunately for them, we are on to them. Their weakness is in their predictability. This latest smoke and mirrors expose is a lame attempt to deflect and steal thunder. At the least we need to get our representatives in congress to audit the tax status of those organizations who abuse the system and tax payer money for partisan/political purposes.
sarge here mizz annie sounds a littl shill an unfocused this am meadie has not performed his carnal duties this am what the hell ever they may be
sarge does not like to use them cliches but sarge is gaggin in his mouf a littl thinkin of it
ps blaska been in cognitive decline fer sum time
did sarge mention thar mexican intestinal ameobas will make yar bowls make a sound much like "blaska" ever time yar hit the head which the sarge will tell yar is quite often
dont drink the water in chiapas is all sarge is saying er yar will be reminded of this blaska on a frequent basis
futher the secret code word is prout another sound yar here while yar is blaska-ing in yer shorts harharhar blaska is a verb now
sarge = (Carol_Herman - intellect) x(23% of coherence)
sarge = (Carol_Herman - intellect) x(23% of coherence)
Oh, yeah?
Pogo = (bagoh/2 + (rhyme x 2))
Chris Wallace wants to know, "Is Prosser a Flake?"
I doubt many conservatives show up to celebrate the bill. They tend to have real jobs that they can't just walk out on.
Darleen at PW responds to Ann and Lueders and this whole controversy:
… do you think that a woman like Bradley, who seriously considered calling the cops because Prosser used a profanity about another justice would not call the cops if she was the victim of an unprovoked, physical assault in front of witnesses?
Yeah, me neither.
@Scott M
Except for the rhyming.
Plus I can't dance, neither.
IANAL. I am on the outside looking in. But that doesn't stop me from wondering about the fastest way to get to the truth.
If I am reading all this correctly, then a crime has been committed by someone. Yet, there is no police involvement. Shouldn't someone -perhaps EVERYONE - be charged with obstruction of justice for failing to report the crime as an Officer of the Court? And if there are several someones, shouldn't Conspiracy charged be drawn up as well?
At the very least, shouldn't law licenses be on the line at the Bar for the non-reporting of the crime?
Don't have a dog in this fight, but I am all for blowing the smoke out of the room and letting the sunshine in.
Let's cut to the chase on this.
Prosser is set to be sworn in this August. Causing him to resign before that time means Walker appoints a different justice only for the few weeks remaining in Prosser's unexpired term. An election would need to be held for someone (hello Kloppenburg) to fill that seat in the next term.
It was a planned attempt at a political hit.
Investigate the allegations? Who does that, the highly politicized Madison police department? And if there are charges made, where are they made? Why in the Dane County Circuit Court, of course. Hello Sumi.
Nice going liberals. Fuck the system in order to get what you can get in the voting booth.
*can't, not can*
"Fuck the system in order to get what you can get in the voting booth."
What progressives fail to comprehend is that if they fuck the American system to get what they can't get at the voting booth, then we're going respond by killing all of them in a New Civil War just like we killed all of them in the last Civil War when they attempted to secede.
They're not going to win this.
Bill Lueders, who is funding the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism? You're a crack reporter, you can find out - assuming you don't already know.
I'd like to see the names of the persons (not anonymous front organizations) who have and are donating their money to fund this enterprise.
Report that, Bill Lueders.
So what is the next step? Are the events of this tempest in a teapot going to be investigated or openly discussed by the participants and witnesses or is this story going to continue to sit there like a "gigantic turd"?
"So what is the next step? Are the events of this tempest in a teapot going to be investigated or openly discussed by the participants and witnesses ..."
The next step? There is no next step. This mission was accomplished. People have been led to believe that an attempted murder by David Prosser occurred.
That was the entire point of the mission.
Mission Accomplished!
The Wisconsin Bar Association will investigate. They'll reprimand Judge Bradley for bum-rushing Judge Prosser. They'll reprimand him for stopping the attack. It will all occur behind closed doors. An open records request for the facts will be denied by the courts because they protect their own.
This will all get shoved under a convenient rug now because Judge Bradley is at quite some legal peril here instead of Judge Prosser.
So, lefties will drop this and accept that the best they could hope for now is that they smeared Prosser and nobody will follow the story any more.
That's how Soros-funded hit squads work. They're monkeys who throw feces to see what sticks. They don't care that they smell like shit.
They have no professional reputations to care about (Leuders is a fucking hack and libel magnet that no newspaper will hire any more).
Soros will give them money until he's done using them and moves on.
Mission accomplished.
@Curious George: Awesome. You should write more lyrics, print them all in the shape of missal books, then replace their Solidarity singalong books with these new lyrics. They would probably sing these new songs without noticing anything was different.
Hey, can someone file an FoI request to paw through the Wisconsin justices' outside emails? Just to be sure there was no improper collusion?
We could crowd-source it....
nevbob - don't ever insult my ancestors by calling them progressives. They were proud reactionaries.
Why should anyone take Lueders' word for anything? That "unnamed sources" dodge has been the stock in trade of the Lefty smear machine for 40 years.
Shouting Thomas said...
I'm writing a song titled God Bless Gasoline!
Should become the conservative anthem.
Drill, baby, drill!
Did you catch the great Palin animated cartoon at The New Fox News? I think it's supposed to be a takedown, but it only made me like her more.
Of course, it's a shot, but it does give you 2 more reasons to like her.
PS sarge is J after the booze has kicked in completely.
It is we who made you wait forever at the DMV
Because we used start at 10AM and quit at 3:30
Unlike voting to get service you needed a state ID
But that gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
The world that's staffed by idle drones was ours and ours alone.
But that's history too since Walker cut our budgets to the bone.
Now we have to type and file and answer the goddamn phone.
Because that gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
We have taken untold millions that the public toiled to earn,
And the unions took their 10% so that fact was never learned
But because of Walker these are times that we will always yearn
Because our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
Now our protests sound tired and oh so very lame
We can’t think of anything else to chant but this idiotic “shame”
We resort to a failed Feingold to say who we need blame
But still our gravy train is gone
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
There is no police report? You have to be kidding me. Luedders would have checked into that, wouldn't he?
If Prosser did act as alleged, he committed a batter to a judge, which is a Class H felony (assuming Justice Bradley alleges that the action caused her pain.) There is also a felony for strangulation, sec. 940.235 that might apply.
Did you know that Justice Prosser was able to get the Liberal District Attorney’s office in Dane County to amend his 4 point intermediate speeding ticket to a 2 point defective speedometer conviction? Check out CCAP for Dane County Case no. 2010 TR 21741. The ticket, for driving 16 to 19 over the limit, was issued last September. On March 3, 2010, (before the election) Justice Prosser appeared at a final pretrial conference in Dane County Circuit Court and was able to get a huge reduction in the ticket. Why is it relevant? I understand that you want to reduce the importance of the story by attacking the two initial media outlets reporting it, but consider: The Justice - facing election – negotiated his own speeding ticket to an advantageous result (who is going to say ‘no’ to a Supreme Court Justice); he calls Abrahamson a bitch – and then blames her for goading him into it; and now, he claims that he was acting in ‘self-defense.’
If Prosser did act as alleged, he committed a batter to a judge, which is a Class H felony (assuming Justice Bradley alleges that the action caused her pain.) There is also a felony for strangulation, sec. 940.235 that might apply.
Did you know that Justice Prosser was able to get the Liberal District Attorney’s office in Dane County to amend his 4 point intermediate speeding ticket to a 2 point defective speedometer conviction? Check out CCAP for Dane County Case no. 2010 TR 21741. The ticket, for driving 16 to 19 over the limit, was issued last September. On March 3, 2010, (before the election) Justice Prosser appeared at a final pretrial conference in Dane County Circuit Court and was able to get a huge reduction in the ticket. Why is it relevant? I understand that you want to reduce the importance of the story by attacking the two initial media outlets reporting it, but consider: The Justice - facing election – negotiated his own speeding ticket to an advantageous result (who is going to say ‘no’ to a Supreme Court Justice); he calls Abrahamson a bitch – and then blames her for goading him into it; and now, he claims that he was acting in ‘self-defense.’
But I didn't think that Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson was among the 5 justices present when Justice Prosser expressed his loss of confidence in her, which (according to some accounts) was the trigger for Bradley's assault on Prosser.
If so, she wouldn't be much of a source.
Jim Lindgren
The lone Justice who wasn't at the conference in Bradley Walsh's office was N. Patrick Crooks. The other six justices were all there.
In any case, Lueders hasn't said that his sources actually witnessed the events in question. Could be all hearsay from people who heard the story second or third hand.
@ john d hyland
FYI, Prosser did not claim he was acting in "self defense." So please try again.
And Prosser getting his ticket reduced?
For songs, pick from those in Bob Roberts, No. 10 at Ten Liberal Movies So Lame They Make Even Democrats Want to Vote Republican.
hyland, you dingleberry, one does not lose their right to due process upon becoming a Judge.
This whole thing is apholing!
True, but as someone who practices in that court I can tell you that he got a rare deal - and showed up himself to get it. To me that's a different form of bullying.
"True, but as someone who practices in that court I can tell you that he got a rare deal"
Maybe you just need to step up your game there Clarence Darrow.
@john d hyland: then I presume you want to go into the bullying tactics of the Chief Justice, no? Shouldn't her activities be even more carefully scrutinized given her position?
Or do you have the usual double standards of the Left?
"bullying"? You're pathetic.
Thinking of changing the last verse to:
Now our protests sound tired and oh so very lame
We can’t think of anything else to chant but this idiotic “shame”
Our last change will be the recalls that will surely end the same.
And our gravy train is gone!
John D. Hyland: Everyone can get their tickets reduced in Wisconsin. You plead to a lesser violation and pay the fine for the greater violation. All you have to do is go to traffic court to do it. If you pay by mail, it's the greater charge.
@Curious George: I'm loving that new last verse.
@john d hyland: "Did you know that Justice Prosser was able to get the Liberal District Attorney’s office in Dane County to amend his 4 point intermediate speeding ticket to a 2 point defective speedometer conviction?"
Hey John, I must now confess: recently, I went to court for a speeding ticket that could have been 6 points. The DA met with me in the back room prior to the court and offered to drop it to 2 points, or even no points if I was willing to pay a higher fine. (I was one of about 60 people there that night.) That's what they do in the system; it's no big surprise - except, perhaps to a "progressive" jerk who wants to continue with these baseless smears and personal destruction. Back to the bridge, troll!
OK, final cut. Sung to the melody of "Solidarity Forever"
Nothing Lasts Forever
We had the fall elections that we lost instead of won,
So we grabbed our drums and bugles for some protestin’ fun,
Yet our force was weaker than Walker’s awesome strength of one,
Damn our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
The public finally realized that we are the greedy parasite,
Nobody bought this serfdom shit once our compensation came to light,
Sure there’s always something left for us to organize and fight,
But our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
It is we who made you wait forever at the DMV,
Because we used start at ten and quit at half past three,
Now voting is like coming here you’ll need a state ID,
For our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
The world that's staffed by idle drones was ours and ours alone,
But that’s history because Walker cut our budgets to the bone,
Now we have to type and file and answer the goddamn phone!
But that gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
We have taken untold millions that the public toiled to earn,
And the unions spent their 10% so that fact was never learned,
Now those were times that we will forever yearn,
Because our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
Now our protests sound tired and oh so very lame,
We can’t think of anything else to chant but that idiotic “shame”,
Our last chance will be recalls that will surely end the same,
And our gravy train is gone!
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
© Curious George Productions 2011
All Rights Reserved
Blago guilty on 17 counts, not guilty of trying to bribe Rahm Emanuel, no verdict on two counts.
They should sing Twisted Sister's "We're not going to take it." Also, "Hit the road Jack", and "Naah naah naah naah, hey hey, goodbye" just to rub it in.
Loo-ders didn't get to where he wanted to go.
It's like a Dan Rather crack up. But Loo-ders isn't as famous.
While it seems it's Prosser who has filed a complaint with the State Bar. Or whomever it is who oversees the judiciary.
If we were at a poker table, it would seem Prosser has the best cards.
If the stakes were pieces of clothing, then Prosser is the best dressed guy in the room. (Or at the table.)
If I had to guess, Bradley didn't "choke" until this morning. When it dawned on her that she's exposed a "process" used in 50 states ... where what goes on in conference ... stays secret.
It's not secret, anymore.
But there's 'spin.'
And, there's Soros paying for spin.
You know, this story is interesting, enough, to tune in t'marra.
curious george
You chose the wrong song as inspiration. Next time:
More details have emerged about "Chokegate":
Who is funding the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism? You're a crack reporter, you can find out - assuming you don't already know.
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we should just take his word for it, despite the fact that he has shown himself to be unreliable.
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