२३ जून, २०११

At the Class Warfare Café...


... which side are you on?

९४ टिप्पण्या:

Fen म्हणाले...

"Give me your stuff!"

Sofa King म्हणाले...

I am not altogether on anybody's side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you undertand me.

Sal म्हणाले...

Whatever side that tiresome old dufus is on, I'm on the other side.

wv: porking. Make your own joke.

Synova म्हणाले...

On the side of taxpayers and the private sector.


Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

Regarding sides, wugmumpery is always an option.

And a good option.

Until the profits from said option turn to fruit; Spoiled.

test म्हणाले...

OK Treebeard.

I'm on the side of those who produce.

Victor Erimita म्हणाले...

As Rodney Dangerfield said to Sally Kellerman in 'Back to School,' "Call me when you have no class.

Chip S. म्हणाले...

Well, via Kloppenburg they tried crass lawfare, so I suppose this is just the other shoe dropping.

DADvocate म्हणाले...

Whatever side the government workers aren't on.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

I am on the middle classes side. The only DC change Congress ever did for me was Reagan's first Tax Cut. The Tax code favors the wealthy who can plan the income and buy the deductions, and of course it favors the lower class that pays none and gets a check as reverse tax. Bit the guys that make 300K to 600K in a business or profession carry everybody on their backs. THhe Dems and the GOP both use them. Reagan's first tax cut actually benefited us and we spent the money causing the economic Boom years from 1986 to 1996.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

How's that trickle down economics working out for you middle America? Not so good? If we could just get more to the top it will surely start trickling a little better?

Titus म्हणाले...


I am rich and my husband is really rich.

As for anyone else, rich or not, I don't give a shit.

But you do have to be fabulous.

Titus म्हणाले...

By the way did you notice that Scott Walker's bald spot has disappeared.

Very interesting.

She definitely dyes her hair too. Whassup with straight men going all gay?

tommygun म्हणाले...

That little picture of those pathetic hippies just reeks of success - or something.

Chip S. म्हणाले...

@garage, The problem has been that Obama's variant of "trickle-down economics" involves pissing all over the non-politically-connected private sector.

Irene म्हणाले...

"War. What is it good for?"

War is bad. Peace out.

"There is class warfare. Which side are you on?"

Come on, pick a side and fight.

अनामित म्हणाले...

I am on the side of the flophouse hippie, the union man and the union thug, the inexperienced, self-righteous college student, and the older, inexperienced self righteous professors of justice and equality.

No, not really.

But there certainly is a nest of Lefties there in Madison.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Oh, and that strange moon-faced creature, the Kloppenburg.

test म्हणाले...

"garage mahal said...

How's that trickle down economics working out for you middle America?"

Good news. Garage is a mere three decades behind. At least he's ahead of most Democrats.

William म्हणाले...

Life is a sequence of inconsequential events. We try to bestow a template upon these events so that our lives have meaning and significance. Some templates are better than others. I don't think downtrodden proleteriat particularly fits that group of bobos.....They should claim themselves to be the true aristocrats of taste in Madison. Their balls and demonstrations should be presented as a form of amusement for the lower orders. We live in luxury and comfort to celebrate the possibilities of life. Not your life. Our life.

अनामित म्हणाले...

How's that trickle down economics working out for you middle America?

Garage -- Do you really mean to profess to us that Obama's crack economic team is engaging in trickle-down economics? Really? That would be as unexpected as the last two years of unemployment numbers.

Up your game, dude. I have seen you do much better here.

ic म्हणाले...

As a matter of fact, Walker is on the soak-the-rich side. Unfortunately for the public employees union, they are the only rich left in Wisconsin.

MarkG: The tiresome old dufus is a parasite. When he was young, he protested for the hippie side to sponge on the older generations. When he is old, he protests for the baby boomer side to sponge on the younger generations.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Titus -- My hair is going gray. I recently said fuck it and just shaved it down to a flat top.

I'd like to dye my hair but the sad fact is that it looks awful on straight (and ostensibly straight) guys. I don't think you can pull it off unless you are fully, flamingly gay.


deborah म्हणाले...

The side of truth, justice, and the American Way.

reader_iam म्हणाले...

.. which side are you on?

My individual family's side, of course. At ground, its behavior and integrity is all you can control or vouch for. What it does and does not do, what it takes and does not take, how it is and is not dependent on government (or even movements!) is the tell.

Chip S. म्हणाले...

Seven, Good news is on the horizon.

sakredkow म्हणाले...

Why don't you come on back to the war, don't be a tourist

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

I'm on my side. After me everyone else comes first.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

I'm in whichever class get's less homework, and I look down on you other suckers.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"Up your game, dude. I have seen you do much better here."

I don't know how I missed that. It seems that would stand out like a union worker with callouses.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

In real terms, I'd like to know what the alternative to trickle down is, and why anyone other than a loser would prefer it.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

That's the best the old hippies can do in Madison?

Looks like a Kloppenhoppen festival where she mounts the stage and claims victory. Ooops.

Plus, how do you know the asian female, sitting at the statues base. With her shopping bag by her side. Just isn't waiting for someone to come by and give her a lift home?

Most of the time you can really tell when someone's at a rally. Or, they're just waiting for a car ride.

Titus म्हणाले...

Seven, you would be surprised. Many many straight guys dye their hair and you may not know because you don't necessarily look for it.

Reagan dyed his hair, I mean hello, do you need anymore convincing.

It is very easy too. Just buy some bottle in Walgreens and dye away. Pick a color that is close to your natural color, or perhaps a lighter or darker shade.

And wash that gray away!!

Scott Walker dyes too!!!

Karl म्हणाले...

I'd be a fan of the Asian Chick if she was wearing pants.

AST म्हणाले...

If this were really a war, these jerks would have been dispatched with pitchforks long before now. They like to think of themselves as the put-upon proletariat, but in fact they demand to be treated like aristocracy.

BJM म्हणाले...

... which side are you on?

The French Dubstep Mimes?

UTR म्हणाले...

hmmm, hopefully those options turn to fruit?

haha, nice blog post man
from, the Comedy Sketch guys :D

Michael K म्हणाले...

How's that trickle down economics working out for you middle America? Not so good? If we could just get more to the top it will surely start trickling a little better?

Garage, how is that redistribution working for you ? Probably OK so far as the taxpayers continue to pay their taxes. I forget. What do you do for a living ?

Many Faces Of NORIK म्हणाले...

I once found an old Soviet university texbook from the 1950s on the history of Ancient Greece. Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that it was 10% history ad 90% - class struggle.

Mick म्हणाले...

I'm on the side of the Constitution, which is the side Obama, who is knowingly Usurping the Presidency, is not on. Starting to wonder which side a "law prof" that doesn't trumpet that fact is on.

wv: pregas--the period just after eating beans.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Oh man, it's Mick. How's all those things you have planned to force Obama from the presidency going? Where are your best laid plans, dude?

What's the matter? Secret Service stop by?

You and people like you are complete idiots and must be ridiculed incessantly. The last thing I, as a conservative libertarian, want is to have people thinking that a vote against Obama is vote for you moronic birthers.

edutcher म्हणाले...

As I said before, I am on the side of class.

Which those guys aren't.

Well, they have all summer to pretend it's '67 and they're speaking Truth To Power instead of just hanging out because there's nothing better to do.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"Obama is trying to set a precedent that would allow foreign influence into the Oval Office, at the behest of the One World Government Banking elite"

-- Mick 2/16/11, comments at Althouse.

doofus म्हणाले...

Wow, Mick.

Fish. Gun. Barrel.

Mick म्हणाले...

Seven Machos said...
"Oh man, it's Mick. How's all those things you have planned to force Obama from the presidency going? Where are your best laid plans, dude?

What's the matter? Secret Service stop by?

You and people like you are complete idiots and must be ridiculed incessantly. The last thing I, as a conservative libertarian, want is to have people thinking that a vote against Obama is vote for you moronic birthers."

It doesn't matter where Obama was born, Obama internet operative bootlicker! He was born British of a British subject father. Obama would not be a natural born Citizen if born on the Oval office desk! SCOTUS precedent of Minor v. Happersett says he is not eligible, and yes, I will stop him from injuring the Constitution any further; in due time.


Mick म्हणाले...

Seven Machos said...
"Obama is trying to set a precedent that would allow foreign influence into the Oval Office, at the behest of the One World Government Banking elite"

Absolutely True.

अनामित म्हणाले...

The state of Colorado has decided it's too expensive to continue mutliating the genitals of unconsenting minor children with state tax dollars. And so Colorado has joined 17 other states to defund the Jewish religious practice of forced penis mutilation.

If you want your child mutilated now, you'll just have to find a back alley and pay for it yourself.

Triangle Man म्हणाले...

Like traditionalguy, I am on the side of the middle class. Those making $250k to $900k or so, who are just trying to live the American dream. I hope to join them some day.

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

I'm on the taxpaying side and it is starting to feel like I'm a sucker and fool for following the rules...

KCFleming म्हणाले...

I wonder if these protesters have caught the eye of the Wisconsin Historical Society, as artifacts to chronicle Gov. Walker's plan to limit collective bargaining.

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

garage mahal said...

How's that trickle down economics working out for you middle America?

You mean the "stimulus"?

Because you believe in trickle down economics, clown. You just want the government doing the tricking...

KCFleming म्हणाले...

The Asian woman's bag says she likes veggies.

Her face says she's prolly only protesting that the old hippie eats a lot of meat, ifyouknowwhatimean.

Big Mike म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Roy Lofquist म्हणाले...

Praise be to Nero's Neptune
The Titanic sails at dawn
Everybody's shouting
"Which side are you on ?"

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Whose side am I on? I'm on the side of the working people.

Which puts me opposed to the public sector unions.

अनामित म्हणाले...

How many Colorado Jews are using Medicaid to pay for circumcision, Moby? Just out of curiosity...

अनामित म्हणाले...

I will stop him from injuring the Constitution any further; in due time.

I hope to God some lackey at the Secret Service is paying to attention to the comments section at Althouse.

TWM म्हणाले...

The one with actual, you know, class.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I'm for anyone who brings back warm summer days.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Hilariously, Mick, I looked into your blog link. Here is what I found about its author:

Leo C. Donofrio, who retired his license to practice law to become a professional poker player...

Also, Mr. Donofrio allegedy wrote the following in a longer, crazy tract:

I graduated law school in June 1990 and took a job at a law firm in New Jersey. I moved home with my parents I began taking magic mushrooms and going to the Melody. Mat was playing all Manchester stuff every Friday night and the music was incredible but the Roses were the best. Listening to them on Mushrooms put me in LaLa land and I've been there ever since....once I heard them on Ecstasy I was looking down on Heaven which was far below. I still use mushrooms and Marijuana occasionally. I do not tell anyone ever that they have to use them to get in touch with their spirit. I like them and that is that. I took Ecstasy on my own, and I f------g got addicted to it. I didn't get addicted to it on a daily basis, but i was on it every week for a couple of years.

I really worry a lot about these people.

Hagar म्हणाले...

This is the thread I should have posted this on:
Please. Some folks need to cool off a bit.

The problem with the public employee unions is that public employees have gone from having low-paying, but secure jobs to having high paying, and secure jobs, and their minds are still stuck in the past.

On a few occasions I have asked a public employee just how much did he/she think I was getting paid as an engineer in private practice, and the answer have always been in the region of about twice as much as I actually made, and of course there was no comparison of the benefits such as vacation/sick time, insurance, carrying my own IRA's, and never being more than 3 steps away from the exit door, etc.

The public employees and their champions just need to wake up and smell the coffee, that is lower their expectations to about the level the rest of us actually exist on.

ndspinelli म्हणाले...

I am on the side of ANYONE who does an honest days work. Be they illegal immigrants, not committing crimes but working hard to support their family, street musicians playing for change, to wealthy business owners, making a payroll every week. There are few greater responsibilities than making a payroll. I have worked for the govt., private biz, and ran my own biz. The latter changed my world view.

carrie म्हणाले...

I'd like to be in the class that gets their summers off or can retire at 55 so that they can sit around the capitol square in the summer with protest their signs, but I guess that would put me in the teacher's class so I guess I am really on the side of the non-public employee middle class. It always amazes me when I hear the the teacher and state employee unions say that supporting them is supporting the middle class. Class and wealth is all relative. I'm from rural Wisconsin and the "rich" people in my rural county are the teachers and the federal, state and county employees. In my rural county, the real working class people (i.e., non teacher/federa/ state/county employees) support the changes to collective bargaining for public employees and by doing so support the real working class who are paying high taxes to pay the excessive benefits that the public employee unions have been getting.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

The politician says, "I'm on YOUR side."

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

We watched Citizen Kane the other night. It's one of our favorite movies, but we hadn't watched it in years. I had forgotten how good it was.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

Nothing says "winner" like a drugged out online-poker addict who fancies himself a philosopher, political scientist and professional gambler.
Definitely a 2011 All-Choad Team nominee.

SGT Ted म्हणाले...

why does Garage hate JFKs tax policies?

Hagar म्हणाले...

There is Mark Twain's story about the village, the inhabitants of which earned a precarious living taking in each other's wash.

It does not work.

Except for a few functions, where government engage in "useful" work, such as street maintenance, operating sewerage and water systems, etc., public employees are overhead expenses to the economy as a whole. Some overhead expenses are indeed very necessary, and a successful firm can add a little by choice to make life a little nicer, but if it overdoes it and the overhead gets bloated, that firm is no longer going to be successful.

It is no different for a government, Federal, State, or local.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

The democrats like "trickle up". Make everyone poor. It's only fair. Well, everyone except the totalitarian left/ DC insider.

Mick म्हणाले...

Seven Machos said...
"Hilariously, Mick, I looked into your blog link. Here is what I found about its author:

Leo C. Donofrio, who retired his license to practice law to become a professional poker player...

Also, Mr. Donofrio allegedy wrote the following in a longer, crazy tract:

I graduated law school in June 1990 and took a job at a law firm in New Jersey. I moved home with my parents I began taking magic mushrooms and going to the Melody. Mat was playing all Manchester stuff every Friday night and the music was incredible but the Roses were the best. Listening to them on Mushrooms put me in LaLa land and I've been there ever since....once I heard them on Ecstasy I was looking down on Heaven which was far below. I still use mushrooms and Marijuana occasionally. I do not tell anyone ever that they have to use them to get in touch with their spirit. I like them and that is that. I took Ecstasy on my own, and I f------g got addicted to it. I didn't get addicted to it on a daily basis, but i was on it every week for a couple of years.

I really worry a lot about these people."

Of course, you engage in personal destruction, just like most of the Obama Internet operatives. Donofrio posted that so that no one would get any ideas that he was some sort of Conservative ideologue. He is purely a lover of Liberty and the Principles of the Constitution. His ability to interpret the Constitution is Far more advanced than anyone. Notice how you have nothing to say about his analysis of Minor v. Happersett-- because you can't---truth is acid in the face of a liar. Born British means not natural born and not eligible.

Mick म्हणाले...

Seven Machos said...
"I will stop him from injuring the Constitution any further; in due time.

I hope to God some lackey at the Secret Service is paying to attention to the comments section at Althouse."

Please, why don't you tell them. I have nothing to hide.

अनामित म्हणाले...

This is what leftists do.

And nobody does it better than Barack Hussein Obama.

Your fellow citizens are not who they appear to be.

They are, in fact, your enemy.

You can spot them by the car they drive, the food they eat, where they shop, how old they are, what color they are, how much money they make, where they live, what hobbies they enjoy, where they work, who they have sex with, what they watch on tv, what gender they are, what university they attended, What clothes they wear, etc., etc.

Yes, you can spot your enemies anywhere and everywhere.

You are surrounded.

You cannot defeat your enemy alone. You need a strong ally.

You need the democrat party.

You need Barack Hussein Obama.

Drew म्हणाले...

Trickle down is not an economic theory or option. Rather, it is a fact of economics as solid and dependable as the rotation of the earth. You can either work against it (as Democrats have attempted) or you can work with it. But it's undeniable.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

Looks like Madison's branch of the Loser's Clubs of America.

roesch-voltaire म्हणाले...

I am on the side of the micro brewers and other small businesses that are under attack from the New Republican Oder in Wisconsin. This part of the budget bill is just shameful pay back to big contributors.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi म्हणाले...

I'd like to be in the class that gets their summers off or can retire at 55 so that they can sit around the capitol square in the summer with protest their signs, but I guess that would put me in the teacher's class so I guess I am really on the side of the non-public employee middle class.

carrie, the retired teachers aren't the one protesting. Most move out of the state to avoid Wisconsin's high tax rates. Even the union has told them to leave to avoid being fleeced... by themselves, I guess.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

Nice fake indignation, R-V. The "shameful payback" was the feckless cowards fleeing the State to extort the people on behalf of their corrupt paymasters in the Unions. Just ask them, they're not ashamed of it.

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

Marxists/Commies/progressives have no class.

That's like the English anarchists group/mob protesting to keep their mouths suckling on the gov't teat.

OTOH - progressives have no class either. Jeremy can't go w/out bringing up sex or vulgarity.

Pottymouthed kids trying to act as adults for decades.

Thank the boomers.

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

I'm for anyone who brings back warm summer days...



i repeat


invite Al Bore to visit! It might snow.

Leland म्हणाले...

What, no "men in shorts" tag to say what side the host is on?

Actually, I noticed the men in shorts after I noted the young lady had no business showing off those knobby knees and thick calves.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I mean, seriously. It's 10 AM, it's cloudy and not even 60 degrees out with a cold breeze.

That is wrong wrong wrong. So wrong.

roesch-voltaire म्हणाले...

Linc you should listen to Right Wing Radio hosts in Madison try to deflect the anger of their listeners who want to know why their Republicans and Walker are attacking small mirco brewers which in turn will affect their businesses . You would get an earful of real indignation.

test म्हणाले...

"Hagar said...

On a few occasions I have asked a public employee just how much did he/she think I was getting paid as an engineer in private practice, and the answer have always been in the region of about twice as much as I actually made..."

Government employees compare themselves to the top few percent of private workers believing they would have been as successful / lucky had they chosen that direction. And since they haven't assumed any they undervalue risk/security by orders of magnitude.

And then they speak only to each other because they've convinced themselves everyone else is evil.

Hagar म्हणाले...

That is also a point; my seal goes on my work, and if anything goes wrong, I am responsible.

(No mealy-mouthing about taking responsibility, as if I had a choice - my world will hold me responsible and punish me accordingly!)

Government employees may get registered as a plus on their resumes and, in some agencies, a requirement for advancing in grade, but the responsibility for whatever goes wrong is with the agency (lots of luck with that!), never with them as individuals.

LilyBart म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
LilyBart म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Michael म्हणाले...

Marshal: "Government employees compare themselves to the top few percent of private workers believing they would have been as successful / lucky had they chosen that direction."

This is exactly right and it is the belief from which springs their hatred of the successful because at a core level these people do not believe their own lie.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

The problem with class warfare is that it only works for so long. Right now, the Democratic party is the party of the very rich, government employees, and the poor. The later two, of course, leech off the rest of us, and the rich are more than likely on that side because they use their political power to get even richer. It is why the Democrats, despite trying to tar the Republicans with the title, are truly the party of Crony Capitalism (with Jeffrey Immelt of GE being the poster boy of that). Wonder why Wall Street tended to support Obama? Look no further than TARP and Dodd-Franks (and, yes, GE got TARP funds).

In the end though, this alliance breaks up because we can't afford it. All three of those constituencies cost the rest of us money, and we don't have any any more.

The government employees in many states seem to have over played their hands. All of a sudden, we find that they are making (including benefits) far more than their counterparts in the private sector who are paying for their excessive wages and esp. benefits, and then the Obama Administration shovels hundreds of billions of dollars to them of borrowed money to support these levels of pay, benefits, and staffing.

Yes, their phone banks and mandatory Democratic party donations (in the form of their union dues) got Obama elected. But, the President can no longer help them financially with a Republican House - elected at least partially to put stop this incestuous nonsense. So, he is doing what he can (note the NRLB and Boeing), but not enough to protect them.

And, the poor are up against the same brick wall - we can't afford to give them as much of a free ride these days. Now, if we can just get their crony capitalism under control.... But that will be last, because they are the closest to the perps (i.e. Democratic politicians).

Hagar म्हणाले...

How is "crony capitalism" different from "crony socialism"?

अनामित म्हणाले...

How is "crony capitalism" different from "crony socialism"?

In crony capitalism, man exploits man. In crony socialism, it's the other way around.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

McCain got Obama elected.

The GOP is the stupid party.

Methadras म्हणाले...

Leftards, always wanting everyone elses stuff for free and making them like it. Parasites. Every one of them.

अनामित म्हणाले...

I'm with the oppressors and capitalist insects.

reader_iam म्हणाले...

How is "crony capitalism" different from "crony socialism"?

Best question I've seen asked on Althouse since 2007.