A photo of a man’s bulging gray boxer-brief underwear was posted to [Rep. Anthony] Weiner’s account with yfrog — an online image-sharing site — on Saturday night, according to biggovernment.com, which is run by Andrew Breitbart. The photograph is from the waist down, and shows no face.You've got your special election and your special erection. 2 completely different things. But they can be linked.
“The weiner gags never get old, I guess, ” the veteran lawmaker emailed a POLITICO reporter in response on Saturday.
“This evening a photo surfaced on Congressman Weiner’s yfrog account and in his verified Twitter timeline of a man in his underwear with an erection,” Publius, the handle for the site’s editors wrote...
Earlier this week in Weiner’s home state, a special election was held to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of married Republican Rep. Chris Lee, who sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman he met on Craigslist....
ADDED: FedkaTheConvict the convict recommends this absurd interview Weiner gave to Megyn Kelly (back in March). Let me pinpoint the part I found especially funny, when he grants her time to speak, then immediately talks over her.
११९ टिप्पण्या:
Weiner is finished. Its a slow news weekend but the media storm will really pick up on Tuesday.
If his Facebook, Twitter, and yfrog accounts were hacked as he claims, how did he manage to get control of those accounts just four minutes later?
Also, why doesn't he report this alleged hacking to the FBI?
How does he pronounce his name?
Wien is Vienna in German (Austrian for O'bama).
Wiener is a person or a sausage from Wien (e.g. same for Frankfurter, Nurnburger or Hamburger)
It is pronounced in English as Weener and auf Deutsch as Veener. (sorry I can't do vowel sounds on this keyboard.)
In German, Weiner would be Viner, and in English, Whiner.
Does he pronounce it Whiner?
Yeah, a few of the sites (AoS HQ, with links) have got a pretty good trail of "evidence" that the Weinerman was the original poster/tweeter and that he knew the recipient, all stuff that he's denied. We'll see.
This is so unfair. Chris Lee brought down just for taking off his shirt. And now, it's like... pay back time? What's wrong with these men? It's not like they can't keep in in their pants? Weiner or whoever posed for that picture *did* keep it in his pants. Underpants, yes. But pants nonetheless. Give the man some credit.
There is no "fair" in politics.
Instapundit linked to an interesting article that explains the meaning of all this Twitter stuff to those of us who don't use or understand Twitter. Apparently, the number of people you follow holds more meaning than the number of people who follow you.
He used the example of Joe Scarborough. He has over 100,000 people following him on Twitter, while he only follows 394. Weiner has over 45,000 followers and only follows 194, including the young lady, 3,000 miles away from his district.
Do the math.
Wiener...Weiner...a distinction without a difference.
Why is a good carpenter like a young woman? Neither one wastes wood.
This has got to be a set-up.
I always thought Weiner was a wiener.
& a whiner.
I wonder if he wants cheese w/that?
The deafening silence from the MSM on this the last 24 hrs is telling of the typical media bias. Had Weiner had an "R" behind his title (can you pronounce "Larry Craig, John Ensign, or Mark Foley?) there would be nothing but a 24/7 full-court press going on in EVERY arm of the media, large and small, local and national--you name it. And Wiener seems to be lying thru his teeth too. (big surprise!) Breitbart, et al, claim they have already documented TWO lies that Wiener has publicly made by way of "explanation" over at his site: "Big Journalism & Big Government" by examination of the timeline of his Twitter feeds.
Stay Tuned..
Mebbe he should have added a gnome?
Weiner is a weenie!
I've seen this guy on O'Reilly.
Standard variety New York liberal weenie!
Somebody used a Congressman's Twitter account to cyber-rape a young woman. She was so terrified that she took down her own account. Congressional cyber-rape shouldn't be a big joke any more that cop rape is. If Breitbart or some other hacker is using Weiner's account to commit cyber-rape, they should go to jail. If Weiner is the cyber-rapist, he should go to jail.
Ann Althouse said...
This is so unfair. Chris Lee brought down just for taking off his shirt. And now, it's like... pay back time?
Weiner made 3 mistakes:
1. whatever he was doing with somebody in Seattle.
2. doing his romancing (if that was what it was) via a public twitter feed, duh...
3. a poorly thought out coverup that demonstrated once again, that he's an incompetent idiot.
Chris Lee only got to step 1
This has got to be a set-up.
"Bitch set me up" - Marion Barry
I'll gladly take a little schadenfreud with my potato salad this Memorial Day weekend.
Weiner has always struck me as one of the most obnoxious, dishonest loudmouths in the Party. I assume that's why he gets so much face time on the boob-tube. If he's lying, and really is a pervy old guy messing around behind his new wife's back, then I wish all the tender mercies of our tabloid /Internet society on him.
Althouse: "Underpants, yes. But pants nonetheless. Give the man some credit."
But they were shorts, no? I'm surprised you're willing to give credit to a man who posts photos of himself in shorts.
I would do him.
He's hot.
"Blogger windbag said...
Instapundit linked to an interesting article that explains the meaning of all this Twitter stuff to those of us who don't use or understand Twitter."
That link explained it to me.
Weiner is an asshat. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
kinda hard to take a man with the last name of Weiner or Wiener or whaterver very seriously. In fact the man just kinda looks a bit like a Weiner to me.
Bill Clinton officiated at Weiner's wedding.
It's a light hearted day here at Althouse. I hate to spoil the mood.
But, Althouse, have you read that every reported rape in Norway in the last 5 years was committed by a Muslim?
Where's the feminist outrage?
And the Swedish .se on your new name is appropriate. Sweden is one of those feminist hells Madisonians love.
As a great American once observed, "Stupid is as stupid does".
You would think it would sink into people's thick heads that the Internet is public - as well as pubic.
NotYourTypicalNewYorker said...
There is no "fair" in politics.
I think Uncle Saul said that.
PS Anybody know where Weiner's socks were when that photo was taken?
And how hopelessly declasse' to send an erection photo!
I mean, really, what sort of man sends out a hard-on photo to his mistress? Does he also wear a hard hat and yell requests for mustache rides to comely passer-bys?
Maybe if your John C. Holmes you've got a reason to send a hard-on photo. But, if you're Jewish....!!!???
I don't think Lee was taken down "just for taking off his shirt." There was a context to that.
Weiner has no backbone.
As I understand it, Chris Lee's wife revoked is DC permission slip. He resigned the same day and went home.
The denezins of the intertubes have been making fun of both Anthony Weiner and Debbie Wasserman Schultz this weekend. Quite a coincidence.
And speaking of scrubbing the internet, Wasserman Schultz might want to ask AP to remove this unflattering photo.
One thing's certain about that photo of Wasserman-Schultz: She's not reminiscing about her good times with Anthony Weiner.
His wife is smoking hot.
She's getting a big hot weiner up her puss.
She's getting a big hot weiner up her puss.
Maybe she's not.
She looks Persian. Maybe she knows how to give a decent blow job.
The white girls are pretty pathetic when it comes to eating Weiner. They only do the top two inches.
Weiner pulled a boner. Mistook his Kosher hot dog for a real Vienna sausage, and tweeted the appetizer.
Does make one twitter.
As we say out here in fly over country--what a dick.
"And speaking of scrubbing the internet, Wasserman Schultz might want to ask AP to remove this unflattering photo."
Man, the President's thighs are way too thin!
There is not enough makeup in the world to make that little POS and my congresscritter hot. He is just a despicable little rat and I hope this does make him go away.
Ann Althouse said...
Man, the President's thighs are way too thin!
LOL, and by comparison hers are?
Ich bin ein Frankfurter.
I'd assume a Weiner is one who makes wine, and a Wiener is somebody from Vienna, but English doesn't distinguish the vowel order.
I don't know that it's unflattering. She's a hippie.
She's hippy all right.
I now know why they only show headshots of her on tv.
She looks fine.
He and Arnold prove that power (without looks) is truly an aphrodisiac.
Well, Ms. Schultz has certainly issued many broadsides attempting to rear end republicans, but of course her strategy has left open a huge backdoor through which her opponents can attack her, despite her not insignificant posterior defenses. We will see. The midriff thickens.
More proof that no one likes to see the sausage getting made.
"Wiener and Weiner are 2 different words."
Perhaps, but "Wiener" and "creepy internet pervert" appear to be the same word.
Maybe she's not.
She looks Persian.[...]
That's Huma Abedin, alleged (without evidence), Hillary Clinton mistress.
She's also way hotter than the alleged mistress.
"Yeah, a few of the sites (AoS HQ, with links) have got a pretty good trail of "evidence" that the Weinerman was the original poster/tweeter and that he knew the recipient, all stuff that he's denied."
Wiener is a liar.
His account's have not been hacked - he's lying about that. He sent the obscene photo out.
If his computers and Facebook and yfrog and Twitter accounts had been "hacked" the Federal Bureau of Investigation would be investigating.
Twitter would be investigating.
Facebook would have announced they are investigating.
Wiener is a sitting Congressman for christsakes. If his accounts had been taken over by hackers out to embarass or intimidate a sitting US Congressman, many federal agencies and the companies themselves would be swinging into action.
But they aren't. Strangely, they're all quiet.
None of these companies are investigating anything. The FBI hasn't been called in. Wiener hasn't so much as dialed 911.
And he never will.
Because falsely reporting a computer hacker intrusion is a felony crime.
Wiener/Weiner ... fuck I don't know how you spell it ... so from now on I'll just call him The Cocksucker.
The Cocksucker is lying.
"The deafening silence from the MSM on this the last 24 hrs is telling of the typical media bias ..."
This is the other reason why we know Wiener actually sent out the obscene photo to the innocent student victim, whose life he has now ruined.
If he'd have been innocent and a terrorist - pardon, hacker - had taken over his online accounts to intimidate and harass him, then that would be the storyline and it would be all over the news.
But the media is acting strangely quiet. Nobody seems interested in a hacking story of the accounts of a sitting United States government official? I find that hard to believe.
It's pretty obvious that they're squashing the story, trying to cover it up, hoping nobody will notice over the long holiday weekend.
Wiener is lying.
Yeah, it's pretty clear Weiner is lying. The posts going back months, the mutual "following", the Seattle reference, the "My boyfriend Rep. Weiner" tweet by the pic recipient, etc. It would take a Shawshankian level of coincidence and bad luck for A. Weiner to be an innocent victim in all of this. Not buying it. He's a skeevy old perv trying to get his freak on with an undergrad. He'd step down if he had any decency. I predict he'll have a long career.
"She's getting a big hot weiner up her puss."
Obviously, you haven't seen the photo, Titus.
For a guy named Weiner ... well let's just say they don't call him Mr. Cock. They call him Mr. Weiner.
For a reason.
His poor wife. Now she'll spend the rest of her life wondering when Chris Hanson is going to jump out of her broom closet and ask hubby to sit down.
If there was ever a guy who epitomized "what goes around, comes (sp?) around" it's Anthony Veiner.
W. J. Clinton involved? Hey it could have been a cigar under that pair of Haines.
This week is going to be pretty interesting , especially on Scar'bro.
Lost my head there, Scar'bor will bury it.
Wiener wants to be mayor of NY. Only Bloomberg has made some kind of deal with Christine Quinn, lesbian president of the City Council, where she supports whatever schemes he comes up with while he promises to support (finance) her upcoming mayoral run.
I hate this city. Whores of all stripes, power hungry tinpot dictators all waiting to pounce on the unwitting public.
"The Cocksucker lying.."
nevadabob wins the thread!
Now that he's grown to a powerful congressman and no longer the dweeb pictured in his high school yearbook, the one used for his Twitter account, he's finally become attractive to the demography that rejected him back then. Apparently that's irresistible.
Anthony Weiner's mistake:
Using a cell phone to transmit a private message via Twitter that includes a photo. Twitter warns that longer private messages could be split by the cell service provider. In this case, the split portion of the message with the photo was transmitted to the public side instead of the private side of the same Twitter account, the one held by Gennette Nicole Cordova who was not terrorized at all, on the contrary, welcomed the photo as coming from her proclaimed new boyfriend. There is no reason to believe the relationship had time to develop to anything more than internet contact. Similar to Chris Lee. This was a get-to-know-me pic, not a remember-this-? pic.
What is the point in cultivating double standards as contrived distinctions between political parties if you do not intend to use them? Republicans generally claim to be more moralistic along these lines, Democrats less. So Chris Lee could expect to be foisted by his own petard as it were. As for Anthony Weiner, there is no such explosive so expect nothing to come of it, although I do wish it would explode. Have you ever listened to the guy? It's like being in a pool of hungry otters.
Wiener and Weiner are 2 different words.
Sez you.
Let's see how the media stonewall holds up after Rush gets hold of this story on Tuesday.
ethnics in general can take the dick to the base. I believe part of the reason is that they are hoping to become American and want to prove they are hard workers.
Just my experience.
White's suck a hog like they are licking a lollipop. I am like bitch get to the bush or were done.
Megyn Kelly gets the last laugh.
Have you ever listened to the guy?
It's like being in a pool of hungry
LOL, I was wrong! nevadabob's analysis AND description WAS right, he IS a lying Cocksucker, but
Chip Ahoy wins out by virtue of descriptive originality!
Back to the hacking topic.
Weiner clearly IMHO opinion was not hacked.
If a member was hacked, he would call the FBI cyber task force. I expect that they take hacking of accounts of Congtress persons very seriously.
why not?
Cuz the first thing the FBI always does is take a statement.
Weiner knows that the FBI hates being lied to. Ask Scooter Libby. He didnt go away for outing Plame. It was for making a false statement to the FBI.
same here.
hence Weiner is lying in public but doesnt dare lie to the FBI
Isn't this the douchenozzle that married Hillary Clintons girlfriend?
He had to get the strange because it is no fun being the beard.
A beard weiner.
Ironrailsironweights will be pleased at least.
Let me pinpoint the part I found especially funny, when he grants her time to speak, then immediately talks over her.
I saw that interview live on TV. It also went the other way. They're both tenacious.
One of the most humorous things about this is the idea of a grown man thinking that that is going to be a good strategy for wooing a woman.
"I know how to win her over! I'll send her a picture of my crotch!"
Hey leave Brett Farve alone.
The dude played for the Packers for twenty years. That had to mess up his head.
Look at what it's done to garage and Original Mike and they are only fans.
I mean Garage keeps emailing photo's of his tongue to Judge Sumi and telling her to speak truth to power.
It's a Wisconisn thing.
One of the most humorous things about this is the idea of a grown man thinking that that is going to be a good strategy for wooing a woman.
You are asking the wrong question. Sure, it wouldn't work with a woman--but would it work with a groupie?
Unless he's sleeping with one of the past or present Mrs. Bin Ladens, I couldn't care less.
I would want to hear from the Wolfe guy who was the only one to retween the alleged porn pic before letting him totally off the hook tho.
"One of the most humorous things about this is the idea of a grown man thinking that that is going to be a good strategy for wooing a woman."
This is hardly a woman. The girl is a student ... barely out of high school.
Unless he's sleeping with one of the past or present Mrs. Bin Ladens, I couldn't care less.
Sure, his actions indicate that he is immature, exploitaitvie, and reckless--who cares whether he has a great say in the future of the nation.
The Washington Post has broken the embargo and reported on Democrat Anthony Wiener's obscene internet porn imbroglio.
The Post terms the photo Wiener sent to a student as "lewd" and notes that Wiener claims his accounts have been hacked.
However, the FBI has not announced an investigation. Twitter has not announced an investigation. Yfrog has not announced an investigation and Facebook has not announced an investigation.
None of these organizations is investigating the high-level hacking of the online accounts of a member of Congress?
Where is the FBI? A member of Congress has been victimized by computer hackers and the FBI could seem to care less.
Maybe it's time to cut the FBI budget, since they won't investigate crimes committed against a sitting member of the United States Congress.
On the other hand, maybe Wiener is just lying about his accounts beign hacked and he really is sending obscene photographs taken with his government-issued Blackberry phone of his penis to students.
If that's the case, then the FBI needs to start an investigation against Mr. Weiner.
A wise man once said, those who don't learn from history are doomed to post underwear pics to their twitter account.
Note to self: Don't send pictures of wiener to anyone via twitter, email, text message, facebook, or any other electronic mode.
Further note to self: In fact, don't take any pictures of wiener at all.
"Further note to self: In fact, don't take any pictures of wiener at all."
Further notes to self:
5) Don't use your government issued Blackberry to take your pervy porn pictures.
4) Don't misuse of government property by producing obscene content.
3) Don't send pervy porn pictures to students using official government accounts.
2) Live up to your marriage vows, you fucking scumbag and don't cheat on your wife in public.
And the number 1 Reminder:
1) Don't report the "hacking" of your Congressional accounts to the FBI because lying to the FBI is a felony and they'll put your fucking ass in jail and then you'll become someone else's bitch.
The tally so far:
Washington Post: Covers the news
New York Post: Covers the news
New York Daily News: Covers the news
London Daily Mail: Covers the news
Associated Press: Supresses
New York Times: Supresses
CNN: Supresses
MSNBC: Supresses
NBC News: Supresses
WSJ: Supresses
CBSNews: Supresses
What a dick!
By the way....
The GOP should do everything in its power to destroy this man's political career. He would accusse us of stealing the souls of black babies if it meant 12 hours of pro-DEM political coverage. He treats us like enemies and we should treat him accordingly.
WHoa...I just logged back here and saw my "handle" mentioned as a tag. Startled me for a minute.
wv: putsa; as in Anthony Weiner is a putsa.
"The GOP should do everything in its power to destroy this man's political career."
And you should definitely stop using Facebook and Twitter and close your accounts. Not even United States Congressmen it seems are safe from the hackers which have infected these online systems.
You don't keep any personal information on Facebook, do you? Apparently, the Facebook identity thieves can even get into members of Congress' accounts to embarass and humiliate them.
Imagine what they could do to you!
If you want your career and your future ruined, by all means keep using Facebook and Twitter.
WeinerGate is trending quickly as the Democrat perv has gone to ground to "study next steps:"
I don't believe he would have posted the picture himself, but the guy is definitely easily confused with the subject of the photo. Maybe somebody had seen him popping off like that one time too many.
For those of you who haven't seen the pervy Democrats' puny gherkin, here it is:
Warning Ladies: This Wiener Not Suitable For Sex
WeinerGate is trending quickly as the Democrat perv has gone to ground to "study next steps:"
He thinks he can bluff his way out of this. Unbeliavable.
It has to be awful being one of Weiner's top-level advisors. Your instinct is to believe your principal in these situations, but your principal will swear upon his mother grave that he's telling the truth, rather than admit what happened to you or anybody else.
My free advice to his press secretary is to start revising his resume. Weiner wouldn't survive this roasting.
"Weiner wouldn't survive this roasting."
Weiner is hardly important, really. The larger question is how can Huma Abedin, his wife, can weather this storm.
Huma Abedin is actually an important and impressive figure in Washington, D.C. (Rumored to be Hillary Clinton's lesbian lover, she has at minimum been a trusted aide for many, many years).
Nobody gives two rats asses about Anthony "Perv" Weiner except some college bimbo now covering her internet tracks for him and hiding herself from the press with his help.
Anthony "Perv" Weiner has stained, permanently, his India/Pakistani wife Huma Abedin and her family. They can never recover from his dishonor.
Nobody gives two rats asses about Anthony "Perv" Weiner except some college bimbo now covering her internet tracks for him and hiding herself from the press with his help.
Her reaction doesn't make much sense. If I were to receive pictures of Nikki Haley on her underwear--and God willing, one day I will--anyway, if that were to happen, I would talk to every journalist who called me, and get myself in front of the camera to get the record straight. Because I'd knew nothing was going on, and thus nothing could be proven.
There could be other explantions why she's hiding from the press, some of them good: she's overly shy, she wants to talk to her family first, whatever. But overall, things don't look good for Anthony Weiner.
Wait ... NOOOOOOOOOW I see why the Democrat was enthralled with the student barely out of high school who he sent his dick picture to.
Monster boobies.
Still, it's really pervy for a married Congressman to be chasing school girls by sending them photographs of his penis taken with a government-issued Blackberry phone.
We must have plenty of money in the budget and not need ANY TAX INCREASES since Democrats are able to waste so much money on this sort of cockamamie bullshit.
"... I would talk to every journalist who called me, and get myself in front of the camera to get the record straight."
Exactly. Looks guilty even if it's not guilty.
If the photograph was not wanted ... well why is she hiding herself and deleting her Facebook and Twitter accounts and trying to protect Democrat Anthony "Perv" Weiner?
After all, if his account was hacked like he says, she'd have no reason to hide now would she?
And wouldn't Rep. Perv, if his account had really been hacked, want the FBI to investigate? After all, he claims they've made him look like a stalking internet perv sending dick pictures to students, which is probably a felony (interstate transmission of obscene material and misuse of government telecommunications equipment).
Seems like he'd want some official investigation to find out who is trying to destroy his Congressional career.
I really feel for his family and especially his wife Huma Abedin. She and her familiy have been stained by her husband's dishonor.
The man is a jackass.
Apparently he DM'd a porn star and a teenager girl too! (See Ace of Spaces)
What a pervert.
This is so unfair....What's wrong with these men? It's not like they can't keep in in their pants?
I don't see what's unfair. Wiener (apparently) did this and posted it on twitter, publicly, though he seems to have intended to send it to this college girl privately. He did it and people noticed - nothing unfair there as far as I can see.
The wife and I have been debating the other part this afternoon. We've come down to these guys have always been doing this, they're just getting caught now.
Some men tend this way sexually. Someone here has posted a few times that if you show them a beautiful woman they'll show you a guy that's tired of sleeping with her. These guys are rich and powerful and they're used to going after as many women as they want. If there's a bimbo eruption they just buy them off.
So you've got DSK, Clinton, Ahnold, Wiener, Favre, Edwards, Tiger and on and on. None have the moral or ethical power necessary to overcome their sexual drive, and I'd guess they are also just used to getting what they want. They just don't love their families or wives enough to deter them from doing these things.
The weird part, the wife points out, is sending pictures of your junk. Favre did it as well as the wiener. The wife insists this isn't going to turn on any woman. But I think it may turn on a young vulnerable woman attracted by the idea of a relationship with a rich powerful man.
No wonder some women hate men so much.
Here's the porn star Rep. Perv Wiener was following and sending direct messages to on Twitter:
Warning: Not suitable for wives to catch you tweeting
It must suck for all the Democratic wienies who thought they were electing Jimmy Stewart and it turns out they were electing Charlie Sheen.
Duh, Wein-ing!!!
"windbag said...
Instapundit linked to an interesting article that explains the meaning of all this Twitter stuff to those of us who don't use or understand Twitter. "
Can *you* please link it?
I think you are right about being one of Weiner's staff. From what I read he has the highest turnover in congress in almost a dead tie with his big buddy Schumer. They both have tremendous turnover of staff. Personally I couldn't stand to work for either one of them.
IMO... He was not hacked.... he is a hack.
A most implausible statement from Gennette Cordova: Statement from Gennette Cordova, student who was sent lewd Twitter photo from Rep. Weiner's account
I am going to say something that is very Cedarford here but I'll say it anyway - WOW, could you have found two people who represent their ethnic stereotype anymore than Debbie and Anthony??
By the way, love the Jewish people. Just pointing it out.
Anthony Weiner is the worst piece of shit representative to step along since the likes of Chuck Schumer rolled onto the NY politico scene. His brand of leftard is what is indicative of the leftard movement, stupid, venal, banal, and stupid. He would be the #2 sob that I would punch in the face with #1 being Reid.
Titus said...
I would do him.
He's hot.
You would then be slumming, plus you would most likely reject his hog.
Weiner has a bigger problem on his hands. As of 4-9-2011 Gennette Nicole calls him her boyfriend as of this snapshot:
You've got a problem, you fucking douche of the house.
I'm just glad that his name/title isn't Rep. Anthony Bratwurst (D-NY) as it would have totally ruined our Memorial Day weekend cookout.
Ann, your hero Breitbart has made a fool of you again! He has already started backing away from the story.
Ann, you dolt.
these guys have always been doing this, they're just getting caught now.
Exactly. Men get caught because they get lazy.
The first few times, they dial the level of energy they throw into the deception up to 10. But they soon realize its overkill and start skipping simple things, like... taking a shower afterwards, changing into a clean shirt, shreding the motel rcpt, etc.
Eventually, their deception level falls below the detection threshold of the one they are deceiving.
Trust me ladies, if you come home from work 30 mins early and catch him in bed with another woman, its not the first time he's done this!
The more careless his deception, the longer he's been getting away with it.
Jay Retread said...
Ann, your hero Breitbart has made a fool of you again! He has already started backing away from the story.
Ann, you dolt.
Where? Outside of redacting her name, that's all that Breitbart did, jackhole. Oh, my bad, guess his office gets caught lying again.
Even Drudge has wiped this false story clean off his website. You have been conned by Breitbart once again Ann.
Even Drudge has wiped this false story clean off his website. You have been conned by Breitbart once again Ann.
This story was never on Drudge.
This photo of Weiner & wife taken yesterday calls for the Professor's analysis.
"This photo of Weiner & wife taken yesterday calls for the Professor's analysis."
I see Huma took her beard outside yesterday. Probably the only way to get him off chat roulette.
He still has a free hand left though, she'd better be careful. He may yet further stain and shame the once impeccable Abidel name.
The Daily News did not explain how they came to be in the exact same place and time with a photographer to catch this timely photograph.
Gee, I wonder if his friends in the media were tipped off by Rep. Perv himself that he'd be at such-and-such a location if they wanted a photo.
So that he could make it seem like his wife believes his lame "hacking" cover story and is not upset with him.
He's using her as a human shield.
You stay classy, Rep. Weiner.
This photo of Weiner & wife taken yesterday calls for the Professor's analysis.
Does that thing even needs analysis? They are holding hands, but very far apart--look at the distance at which they stand. She's looking away from the camera, while he's looking into the camera. Looks more like he's walking a disobedient dog, rather than walking with a wife.
So, Huma is going along with it, but doesn't believe the crap he's serving.
Of couse Drudge remove it. Are you arguing that he never bothered covering this fake ugly hit piece? You are desperately spinning to cover your shame.
Ann has help Breitbart to defame this girl because you disagree with this congressman's political views. You people are sick.
Can we count on Althouse to do a second post highlighting her hero Breitbart ("have me on your ham-radio show Andy!") newest blunder? Of course not.
Ann has help Breitbart to defame this girl because you disagree with this congressman's political views. You people are sick.
Ah, yes, the Breitbart-is-evil strategy. Oh, and you--you Jay Retread, not us--are shifting the focus from Electronic Weiner to Ms. Cordova. (Hint; the act under scrutiny is the sending of the boner picture, not whether they were having an affair.)
What pathetic, lying, shameless scumbag you are Jay Retread.
My shame? I haven't done anything to be embarrassed or ashamed about.
Prove that Drudge ran the story...show screencaps.
In fact, over at FreeRepublic they were even wondering why Drudge DID NOT link to the story: Why isn't Drudge covering the Weinergate scandal?
"Ann has help Breitbart to defame this girl because you disagree with this congressman's political views."
We disagree with the Democrat Congressman's view that he should feel free to send pictures of his penis to young students without having to pay any consequences.
That's perverted and morally wrong and has nothing to do with his politics.
He has irrevocably stained the Abedin name and shamed his wife Huma and their family forever.
Jay Retard's heart doesn't seem to be into his defense, does it? Kind of limp, so to speak. [And full of lies. How do we know Retard isn't Wiener? Has anyone seen them together?]
Looks like a sex scandal take down couldn't happen to a better congressman.
Jay Retread said...
Of couse Drudge remove it. Are you arguing that he never bothered covering this fake ugly hit piece? You are desperately spinning to cover your shame.
Ann has help Breitbart to defame this girl because you disagree with this congressman's political views. You people are sick.
Can we count on Althouse to do a second post highlighting her hero Breitbart ("have me on your ham-radio show Andy!") newest blunder? Of course not.
Really? I've looked back at all of drudges cached updates and I don't see it at all. Care to produce it, trog?
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