Zuckerberg's guide on this strange journey has been a well-known Silicon Valley chef named Jesse Cool. She lives in Palo Alto, eight houses away from Zuckerberg, and owns a local restaurant called Flea Street Café. Cool has introduced Zuckerberg to nearby farmers and advised him as he killed his first chicken, pig, and goat. "He cut the throat of the goat with a knife, which is the most kind way to do it," says Cool.At the Flea Street Café... you can talk about Jesse Cool. You can talk about Zuckerberg Nerd. You can think you're quite fine for needing to see an animal die in order to imagine that animals die in order for there to be meat, and you can claim that your seeing what you found it hard to imagine makes it somehow better for you to consume the product that everyone knows comes from animals.
२६ मे, २०११
There's something a bit absurd about a billionaire killing a goat...
... and congratulating himself about sustainability.
९५ टिप्पण्या:
Cherchez la femme. I've done worse to impress a good-looking woman.
"It is feared that something he disagreed with ate him."
I know people who slaughter their own animals for meat.
Some mexicans butchered a goat in a local restaurant - they did it after hours, did not clean up - hey - rules are for Gringos, right? - several patrons of said dive later contracted e-coli infections and one died. What can possibly go wrong, right?
I admire what he's doing.
He's not congratulating himself on sustainability. Instead, he says he learned something about sustainable farming. Which is different.
I spent way too many years on the farm to give a rat's ass about this kind of silliness.
"Zuckerberg and his longtime girlfriend, Priscilla, have been cooking what he slaughters, eating what many people would not dare consume."
"He recently ate a chicken, including the heart and liver, and used the feet to make stock. He posted a photo of the bird on his Facebook page, along with a list of the dishes he made from it."
He ate the HEART AND LIVER1111!!!11!
Okay, okay. The thing of it is, that if you're a billionaire you can do silly stuff like find someone to take time out of their day to show you how to butcher a chicken, and you can pay someone to cut your meat up, one order at a time for you.
Poor people couldn't possibly do that unless they actually raise the animals.
Which MAY be what he's learning about sustainability. After all, it doesn't say what he's learning about it. He may be learning that it's not possible to raise, process or transport enough food to feed everyone if you're butchering your own chickens for each meal.
I don't mind the notion that people ought to know where their food comes from and be honest about that, but that isn't practical EITHER. I grew up on a farm. I know exactly where food comes from and have personally killed any number of god's creatures and ate them, but it's so impractical for most people that presenting it as a moral imperative is not reasonable... unless you're a billionaire, and then why not?
(Given a choice, I like my meat in plastic wrap.)
It's always amusing to watch people venture out of cities all wide-eyed and in awe at the world they discover other people living in their entire lives.
When I was five, I used to clean catfish for my grandpa. This guy had to wait until he was an adult to process an animal? Jeez.
Ann, you ignorant slut.
This constant criticizing of your betters because they're better than you is, frankly, beneath contempt and you're better than that.
The celebrities they are trying to show you how they want you to do the things. They're being very, very patient with you and the least you could do is be thankful that they're taking the time out of their busy schedules to correct your errors.
This is a personal challenge. He's not saying everyone should do it.
I've run across enough meat-eating, anti-hunting animal rights activists that I'm glad when someone stops to think about where the meat comes from. Not everyone grew up on a farm.
Notice, Zuckerberg doesn't actually raise the animals ... he just is taken to the farm by his celebrity chec to perform the coup de grace, then has the animal butchered by someone else.
Noted cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer started out by killing animals too. Sociologists say it desensitizes the psychopath in preparation for their next adventures in life.
The elite are not like you and me. They're some sick, sick fucks.
Anyone remember Drew Barrymore waxing poetic about taking a dump in a rain forest?
Though I think it's at least possible that Z had someone in his life who wouldn't shut up about being a vegetarian if you're not willing to kill your own food... and he could afford to call them on it.
I wonder if they shut up.
(There is purposefully not a question mark on that statement.)
I seriously thought that "what other people wouldn't DARE eat" was hysterical.
But then I've heard of people who won't eat home grown chicken eggs because they come out of a chicken butt.
(And I'm still trying to figure out the survival benefit of irrationality.)
Anyone remember Drew Barrymore waxing poetic about taking a dump in a rain forest?
Now I do. Gee Synova, thanks.
As usual Synova is the voice of sanity.
The chicken to Mark Zuckerberg - "do you really want to hurt me, do you really want to make me cry?"
Where's the "Zuckerberg is Palin" tag?
Oh sure......it's easy to kill a pig, goat or chicken that has been penned up and can't run away from you. Oooh...big tough guy.
I dare Zukerberg to go out in the Madeline Plains area (Ca) with a compound bow and stalk a mule deer, gut it and drag it back to camp, skin it and hang it until he can butcher it.
Then we can talk
Actually, I have never been able to personally kill my "livestock", especially the rabbits. They are just too much like pets because I know them. Even chickens have personality.
I have someone else do that.
I just can't do it. Although if I were hungry enough I'm sure I could manage.
The only thing I find disagreeable about this story is the idea that the most humane way to kill a goat is to cut its throat.
Maybe if it's a decapitation. Otherwise, the damned thing will take a while to bleed out or strangle on its own blood.
Much more humane: A bullet to the medulla oblongata.
Cutting its throat sounds more like some sort of ritualized butchery to me.
I dare Zukerberg to go out in the Madeline Plains area (Ca) with a compound bow and stalk a mule deer, gut it and drag it back to camp, skin it and hang it until he can butcher it.
All that requires skill (I'd hope).
Most the deer hunters in Louisiana I know do this: Build a blind 30 yds from a deer feeder. Drive an ATV to the blind when deer season opens. Shoot deer and then haul it out on ATV. High five the buddies. Have the deer processed by someone else.
Zuckerberg isn't doing a whole lot less than those guys.
I actually like what he is doing and I don't believe it is absurd.
My parents both grew up on farms and killed their dinner. When I was little I always saw chickens with their heads cut off running around the farm.
I used to never give a shit where my food came from but the older I get the more interest I have in how the food gets to the store or restaurant.
I watched that documentary about the guy who ate fast food for a year and it made me change my food choices. There was also a real movie about that too, starring Bobby Canavelli-so hot. The slaughterhouses made me sick to my stomach.
I also love the books "Eat This Not That". It is pretty easy to pick out healthy and good tasting food.
I could never kill anything myself and as a result I rarely eat any meat. I do like fish though. And my father kills a deer every year and I fucking love deer sausage.
"Most the deer hunters in Louisiana I know do this: Build a blind 30 yds from a deer feeder. Drive an ATV to the blind when deer season opens. Shoot deer and then haul it out on ATV. High five the buddies. Have the deer processed by someone else."
I think my dad put a salt block out one year. ;-)
Remember all the shit that they gave to Sarah Palin when she was filmed merely standing in front of a commercial turkey slaughtering operation?
And all the crap she was given for hunting moose and cleaning fish?
OMG!!! the inhumanity. But hey.... she is a dumb redneck hillbillie from Alaska and not a cool hip techno dude who cuts the throats of tame domestic livestock to prove a point.
I was a bit nonplussed when a friend gave us a half-dozen fresh eggs, direct from a neighbor's chicken.
I figured, "Hey, a bunch of variously sized and oddly colored eggs that won't fit in my fridge holders. Yay."
But I made a point of immediately having two as scrambled eggs and they were absolutely delicious. The white was more opaque and the yolk was more golden than in grocery store eggs. Otherwise the only difference was the taste. For once I could actually taste the eggs instead of them serving simply as media for salt and pepper.
So long as you didn't exclaim, "Oh noes! They came out of chicken butts!" you are excused your nonplussedness. ;-)
(The darker yolks are from eating bugs and plants, mostly plants. Chickens on grass will have yolks that are almost orange.)
You get the feeling all that Internet mogul stuff has really gotten to him.
When he starts doing it over the bodies of naked virgins, it's time to call the same people who nailed Michael Jackson.
Most the deer hunters in Louisiana I know do this: Build a blind 30 yds from a deer feeder. Drive an ATV to the blind when deer season opens. Shoot deer and then haul it out on ATV. High five the buddies. Have the deer processed by someone else.
Zuckerberg isn't doing a whole lot less than those guys.
Well, that really sucks. Disgusting.
I hope a bear or alligator eats them.
If you want to hunt....hunt. Make it a fair fight, a test of skills and senses. If you want to fish for bass use lures and subtlety....not dynamite
If you want to slaughter domestic animals for food as a practical matter then do so. But don't make a big deal out of it as if you are something special or have discovered the moon.
This is how we eat and have done so for the last several million years.
However....if I were starving and needed to eat a deer...the salt lick would probably work just fine.
I just wouldn't lie to myself and tell myself that I was a mighty hunter.
Self-sufficiency is the fastest route to poverty.
If you're a billionaire, you have a lot of slack and so may not notice.
Wait for him to make his own shoes from his own hides and his own needles and his own thread.
@Lincolnntf: You've identified a major part of your egg problem right there. Those egg holders in the fridge? Don't use them. They expose eggs to too much moving air that dries them out (not to mention odors of other stuff in the fridge). Keep them in their Styrofoam carton, or even a brown paper bag. Those holders were the bright idea of a marketing person, not anyone actually concerned about food preservation.
Zuckerberg's example, though, gives rise to an idea...
Meat Eating Licenses!!
No one shall be permitted to eat meat unless and until s/he has slaughtered a mammal and consumed all of its edible parts. Said slaughtered mammal shall be no smaller than a guinea pig (Cuyo!) and shall not be any mammal protected by law.
Absent a license, to be proffered at the request of butchers, market cashiers, or waiters, consumers will be restricted to the 'Vegetarian' side of the menu.
Works for me...
I could kill chickens, turkeys and fish (I'm an old grouse & turkey hunter). But if I had to slit the throat of a goat, pig, or cow in order to eat one, I wouldn't do it unless I was starving.
I wonder, would I go crazy too if I was worth billions of dollars?
I would like to find out.
So the Facebook King will buy a few thousand acres, stock & hunt his game while poachers r shot & claim the farm subsidy, too? & reward trip deductions.
I've read Ireland owns a lot of US farmland, they're in trouble, mebbe he wants to take some off their hands?
boarfest - well, they're running wild down south. Hubby wants to hunt 'em.
I find it loathsome.
I see the point, but find it pointless.
Liberal appeasement.
There is no voyeuristic value in killing an animal, or watching one killed.
It's done out of necessity. Everyone knows meat comes from live animals.
Let them buy their meat. Until they can't. Then, they come to those of us that hunt.
Then they can hunt, kill, butcher, and cook along side.
Only then will they appreciate where meat comes from.
It's not a show. It's not a "lesson".
Well, its a pleasant contrast to Ted Turner opening crappy restaurants with poor service of their uninspired food ... all to dump his bison on us.
she is a dumb redneck hillbillie from Alaska and not a cool hip techno dude who cuts the throats of tame domestic livestock to prove a point.
Wow. About as close to Truth as the Queen DB has yet approached.
Now, make it some tame, domestic mormon fillie, then slow broasted for hours. Sabrosa!
What time does J usually pass out?
I seems to me if you're a meat eater it's a lot more classy to do your own slaughtering than to let a supermarket chain sell meat in a Styrofoam container. Zuckerberg is facing up to what it means to eat meat. Good for him.
A couple of years ago Ann linked to a story about a guy who was arrested for cruelty to animals for roasting a squirrel with a blowtorch. If he'd cooked it in a $40 Teflon fry pan with butter, wine and garlic no one would have said a word.
Zuckerberg killing pig.
This is noble. This is good.
Palin in front of farmer killing turkeys which he paid to feed and fed himself so that he could feed hundreds of people?
This is Bad.
Hey. I see DBQ already drew a bead on this.
" ... he is a dumb redneck hillbillie from Alaska and not a cool hip techno dude who cuts the throats of tame domestic livestock to prove a point."
And you know, it doesn't even sound like much of a point. Almost like Zuckerberg just wants to kill things to see how it makes him feel when he eats those things.
And he's rich and powerful enough to get away with this sort of animal cruelty.
(Remember, he's not raising the animal, or even butchering them himself. He's just slitting the throats, getting whatever wad off he gets, and walking away, leaving the dirty work of actual butchering to the less fortunate.)
CNN: " ... it was a difficult kill for Zuckerberg, at least emotionally. He had an entirely new feeling once he took a bite: "The most interesting thing was how special it felt to eat it ..."
Gross. I bet he had it with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
Look, if you or I showed up at a farm and expressed a desire to cut the throats of the farmer's animals, we'd be carted away to a jail cell for a mental evaluation.
I predict he'll eventually graduate to higher level beings - you know, to see how it makes him feel when he eats them.
The UN guys are ramping up right now to get payoffs from animal killers. Animals have human rights says the UN's Gaia division. Does that make Gabriel right when he asserted last night that humans are animals. IMO Gabriel needs to meet a better class of humans...maybe some nice bronze age girls.
Does he eat every part of the goat, or does he waste recklessly the entrails, the eyes, the brain? There are hungry people in Africa (not India!) you know?
The ruling class wanting to pretend they can get back to simple nature goes back a long way in the history of the West.
All those pastoral plays and operas at the French court, performed by an aristocracy who had never shoveled a load of horse shit in their lives. The German romantics idealization of nature as somehow not only beautiful but actually careful of human existence.
"Now, you haughty dames and knights,
who study only strange delights
Tho' you scorn the homespun gray and revel in your rich array:
Tho' your tongues dissemble deep, and can your heads from danger keep;
Yet for all your pomp and train,
Securer lives the silly swain."
---Thomas Campion -- Jack and Jone
We kill and eat goats in our Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in California, but we have a different reason than insufferable narcissism.
I am not sure why he felt he had to do it, but hey, where do you think meat comes from?
Sustainable or sustainability are dead give aways. If you are a farmer/rancher or otherwise invested in something, that's just natural. If you use either of those words you are making shit up.
Zuckerberg can afford to play that game, usually its taxpayer money.
I shovel horse shit.
Won't ever make it as an aristocrat, will I?
Sounds like Zuck has too much time on his hands. He should find a good blog and make comments on it. That is how I waste my time. :)
I have bought goats and sheep in the market and had them cooked. I did not kill them, but I helped eat them.
"We kill and eat goats in our Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in California, but we have a different reason than insufferable narcissism."
And yet, what a narcissistic thing to say.
I raise chickens and get my own eggs. They are awesome. But shoveling chicken shit can get tiresome. And chickens can tear the heck out of a garden.
In September 2011, Zuckerberg flushed the toilet and as his goat meal waste swirled down the toilet he wondered, 'Gee, what happens to my poop when it's gone?'
Zuckerberg's guide on his strange journey into running his own waste water treatment facility has been a well-known Silicon Valley plumber named Jasmine Deuce.
She lives down the street and and owns a local plumbing supply store called Pee Street.
But shoveling chicken shit can get tiresome. And chickens can tear the heck out of a garden.
I'd like to have chickens someday, but here are two new negatives to think about. I always thought the downside was what to do with all of those eggs and also keeping them safe from foxes and raccoons.
Sure but you have sex with a goat like Mikey Kaus and you are a star on Boringheads.
Wheres the justice in that?
Most the deer hunters in Louisiana I know do this: Build a blind 30 yds from a deer feeder. Drive an ATV to the blind when deer season opens. Shoot deer and then haul it out on ATV. High five the buddies. Have the deer processed by someone else.
Having grown up in NM, where deer hunting is similar to what DBQ describes, that shooting fish in a barrel style of hunting bothered me when I moved to Texas. Of course its that or having an extremely high deer population (no natural predators) or having hunters roaming around all over private land.
Deer overpopulation is a big problem in many areas.
I hope Zuckerberg doesn't start pondering how humans get made.
"There's something a bit absurd about a billionaire killing a goat..."
When I first red that line I thought it was about Osama Bin Laden.
Mission accomplished professor.
Heh. People poke fun at Ted Nugent. Meanwhile, lefty Zuckerberg is out slitting the throats of farm animals.
Deer overpopulation is a big problem in many areas.
That's true, and meat is meat. Venison, whether taken legally or ethically or neither, is still venison.
However, when the deer hunting lobby complains about too many wolves, and there's a fat fucker behind the microphone, you know what's what.
Like a big bloated billionaire, is Zuckerberg also late to trends?
Mark G. I have 40 which is too many. You can keep three and do just fine. You will get on average 2 eggs a day with three hens. None when they molt. My suggestion is get an aracauna (green or blue eggs), and a couple of different breeds (brown or white eggers) so they don't molt at the exact same time. I like austrothorps. Jersey Giants are cool too, but they can get broody. You can't go wrong with Rhodies and Plymoth Rocks.
Roosters are optional and needed only if you want fertile eggs. I don't have any because you can hear them a 1/4 of a mile away.
Raccoons and foxes are easy. You fence the hutch and run on all sides (top and bottom too). With three or four hens it is not that much fencing. If you have a big enough yard and the neighbors don't mind you can let them out to eat the grass when you are home.
I find it uncomfortable and unsettling that this could become a hipster fad.
I'm vegan, unless it's something I kill myself.
wv: unquer
Hey Zuck, you can't just make love to a woman. You're getting the good stuff without the bad stuff (making her pregnant, assuming you didn't mean to do that). Show you're a real man, don't wear a condom, and deal with the consequences. If you don't knock her up, watch her menstruate all week. Don't hide your eyes! You got yourself into this thing, go all the way!
However, when the deer hunting lobby complains about too many wolves, and there's a fat fucker behind the microphone, you know what's what.
Sorry, this didn't come out of this air. Minnesota had the wolf-hunting debate as early as 1997. Some Minnesota deer hunting lobby was out there whining about wolves, led by some fat fuck.
So glad to see Mrs. Pogo is doing well.
Zuckerberg and his longtime girlfriend, Priscilla
They started dating in kindergarten?
The guy can afford to live the kind of life he wants to live and he isn't hurting any humans. Back the fuck off you creepy communard.
I think that the best production over time that I get is with the Araucanas. They don't lay as much all at once as some of the production breeds (Rhode Island Reds or Leghorns, etc.) but they seem to lay for more years.
Minimum orders from the hatchery is a whole lot of chickens, but Araucanas are likely to be available if anyone local is selling pullets.
"I'm vegan, unless it's something I kill myself."
Haha! And I only drink milk I milked from a cow myself. And cheese... cheese that I, uh, cheese from the cow I milked three months ago. Because being a vegan sucks and eggs come out of chicken butts.
(Milked cows, too, in my time.)
I myself have killed and eaten many potatoes, but just for sufficient carbohydrates to sustain my life.....It's stories like this that cause my respect for Charlie Sheen to deepen. Fate has thrown all this money at the dumb Zuck and this is how he spends his days. Still, it's better than ironing doll clothes.
Howard Hughes called. He wants his Kleenex boxes back.
Only a matter of time.... Marky Mark. Only a matter of time.
Feed stores usually sell chicks one at a time, and they usually have aracaunas.
I keep a few heirloom leghorns and sicilian buttercups. They are high strung, but feisty.
In certain corners of the blogosphere, Zuckerberg is ridiculed as a hopeless Beta for having an unattractive girlfriend. Priscilla is at best a 5 or 6, according to this line of reasoning, while Zuckerberg could have just about any supermodel in the world if he wanted.
I don't have a problem with meat eaters wanting the experience of killing for their meat. I think people should kill and eat meat in humility.
"Most the deer hunters in Louisiana I know do this: Build a blind 30 yds from a deer feeder. Drive an ATV to the blind when deer season opens. Shoot deer and then haul it out on ATV. High five the buddies. Have the deer processed by someone else."
Yea, not having to chase your food around the woods is "unfair and beneath"
Family pack of pork loin on sale--aisle 5.
If I was hungry, and had no other option, I'd kill and eat any one of you. I'd also respect you for beating me to it. Just so you know, I never sleep.
Two words: Adam Ricardo.
Or was that David Smith?
bagoh20, I am envisioning that cartoon of the Laurrel and Hardy like characters who start envisioning each other like a hamburger and a hot dog and chasing each other. I think it was Warner Brothers.
"Keep your eyes on your own plate. Other people's plates are not your business."
--reader_iam Philosophy of Raising a Child in a Mixed Diet World
Two words, Douchebag Foodie.
That is all it is.
This is the same impulse I got after I did acid in my 20s so I guess I can't make fun of him.
Nah. Sure I can.
It's right up there with very young Steve Jobs being fruititarian for a spell - probably until he figured out cocaine and weed weren't technically of the fruit family.
(Hey Mark ... It doesn't count unless you go bowhunting like Ted Nugent and the Sioux Warrior.)
Alright, I'm done.
Fred: "I am not sure why he felt he had to do it, but hey, where do you think meat comes from?"
We all know where it comes from ... it's raised by professionals who care for the animals and is butchered by other professionals who also care for the animals.
Not some fucking psychopath who likes to show up, slit throats, and then walk away.
That's just animal cruelty for which you or I would go to jail ... but since this man is part of the "elite," our laws don't apply to him. He can kill with impunity.
Reminds me a bit of this scene from Portlandia.
"I don't have a problem with meat eaters wanting the experience of killing for their meat."
In general, this comment makes a lot of sense. In practice, however, the way Democrat Mark Zuckerberg is doing it reduces the event to psycho level.
He's not hunting the animal. He has a celebrity chef pick him up and take him to a farm, where he slits the throats of tamed farm animals.
He's not raising the animals himself (like a 4-H girl does, who then has to sell the animal she's come to love at auction for its meat and thus learn the lesson of respect for the animal).
Zuckerberg just shows up in his Beamer with the kill knife - again probably provided by his celebrity friend.
He's not then butchering the animal and doing the prep work himself. No, that sort of dirty work best suited for someone who didn't "make it" in life.
He doesn't even fucking cook the animals. He has his celebrity chef friend do that too.
All he does is the throat-slitting.
He's mocking vegans and slitting the throat of tame animals to make his point. All there is to this story.
It's positively Lector-esque.
You are all way off base. Chefs are the new priests. The priest asked the man to slaughter the goat and he did. End of story. We worship savory food and obey those who prepare it. We live in a society that is fucked to the gills.
If the priest asked the worshipper to slaughter a goat, is the meal Satanic?
Gerry: No, hopefully tasty though.
Gaia approves
"A bit absurd . . . "
That's the Althouse understatement of 2011.
Hitchcock would have a remedy for this.
He could have saved himself a lot of trouble by just watching the Shocking Meat Video on Althouse's sidebar.
That Portlandia clip reminds me of the SNL skit with Dan Akroyd/Gilda Radner, "Mel's Char Palace"-
Mel: Hi! I'm Mel, for Mel's Char Palace! Where you find your own cow! You cut your own steaks! You select your cow from over 200 head! You stun it! You cut it! You charbroil it! You.. cut.. your own steaks! We give you the saw! You cut your own sirloins, tips, blades, and roasts! You find it! You stun it! You cut it! As big and as thick as you want it! Only at Mel's Char Palace! Our saws are light! Here's Mrs. Mel!
[ Mrs. Mel walks up gripping a chainsaw ]
Show 'em how to work the saw!
[ Mrs. Mel lets the chainsaw rip ]
Yeah, she does it, you can, too, at Mel's Char Palace, 217 Paramus!
"We all know where it comes from ... it's raised by professionals who care for the animals and is butchered by other professionals who also care for the animals.
Not some fucking psychopath who likes to show up, slit throats, and then walk away.
That's just animal cruelty for which you or I would go to jail ... but since this man is part of the "elite," our laws don't apply to him. He can kill with impunity."
Lol where do these commenters come from?
Slittling the throat of a goat does not make one a psychopath. It's perfectly normal human behavior. A goat is prey. One may even derive pleasure from killing prey. It's only natural.
I doubt Zuck has broken any laws, and if he has, then the law is an ass.
"Slittling the throat of a goat does not make one a psychopath. It's perfectly normal human behavior. A goat is prey. One may even derive pleasure from killing prey. It's only natural.
Lol where do these commenters come from?"
I don't know where nevadabob came from. I'm guessing Nevada, though.
But I did want to make a point of agreeing about pleasure. Humans derive pleasure from doing things that contribute to survival. Sex, friendships, family bonds, building, creating, breeding or growing food, solving puzzles, eating, hunting, fighting, and killing.
Killing things contributes to survival. It might not be quite as compelling as eating and sex, but it contributes to both.
People are predators. Simple fact.
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