The anonymous professor who emailed lawprof Brian Leiter to attack my commentariat said "She has the free speech right to run whatever cesspool she wants, but is she prioritizing her desire for a widely read blog over her obligation to be a responsible member of academia?" — which is quoted by Freeman Hunt, who laughs, calls it the "quote of the day," and paraphrases it: "Free speech is incompatible with academia!" Freeman adds: "Free speech areas are cesspools. Restricted speech areas are responsible academia." Yeah, but can you really expect law professors to drape their brains around that?
Maguro said: "The email is so prissy and self-important that Leiter almost certainly wrote it himself. Anonymous colleague, my ass." Well, let's be fair. Professor Anonymous does call the blog comments here a "festival of misogyny and homophobia." Palladian said: "I hope there's an open bar at your festival of misogyny and homophobia."
Roger J. said:
Professor A: unless I have completely misread you over the last five years, I am thinking you arent going down without a fight--(just dont ask me for money however, my principles arent THAT strong :) )Hey, good idea. Please! Encourage me:
I need some love!
dbp said:
An interesting logical loop here: Brian Leiter's blog posts an anonymous comment, which presumably is in agreement with the blog's editor. The comment is actively put forward by that blog, unlike at Althouse where comments are all posted and hardly ever deleted.Good point. But it's not slander. If it's in writing, we lawyers say libel, not slander. But it's not libel. It's just opinion. Lame ass opinion from a lawprof who — in my opinion — envies my readership, which is bigger than his.
Both blogs contain what could fairly be described as scurrilous comments. The difference is that Alhouse neither approves or disapproves of the comments while Leiter clearly takes an editorial ownership.
"She has the free speech right to run whatever cesspool she wants, but is she prioritizing her desire for a widely read blog over her obligation to be a responsible member of academia?"
This had got to be the most lame use of a question mark in history. Oh, I make a big long ugly accusation then make it all right with a meaningless squiggle on top of the dot.
If the Leiter post led to the removal of the Althouse blog, then is there a case of slander here?
Now, maybe you're wondering just what the hell was in those terrible comments — that supposed "festival of misogyny and homophobia." You try the link at Leiter's, but it gets you nowhere, because Blogger removed my blog. But here's the cached version of the page the Leiter blog links to. Check out the comments and see if you can tell what's really upset the people who are on my case. There are only 32 comments. They are easy enough to read. I pick out a few.
Maguro said:
[The 3 candidates] seem notably lacking in victim-group credentials. Are any of them gay, trans or gender non-conforming?This is a criticism based on one commenter's sense of what law schools do.
gutless said:
Is Margaret a lesbian? One imagines so in that her background doesn't seem competitive and yet, here she is. If so, she has the job. If not ,she is merely window dressing and the less offensive of the other two gets the nod.That's obviously another criticism of law schools, reflecting an assumption that law schools make choices based on diversity factors. I'm sure the criticism hurts some people, but it doesn't say there's something wrong with being a lesbian or that the candidate is a lesbian. Maybe a nervous reader could take that the wrong way, in which case, I'd say: that festival of misogyny and homophobia is in your head. Good thing you hid your name!
Thorley Winston said:
I think it’s generally a bad idea to announce the “finalists” when conducting a job interview, particularly for the top position. IMO there shouldn’t be a public announcement until they’ve made their selection.I agree, but the Law School chose to put the names and their credentials on its official website, obviously inviting public comment. I linked, opening it up to the comments. You know we are a public law school, and it's appropriate that people around the state receive information and have an opportunity to speak. And yet, feelings can be hurt. People in legal academia like to think that their feelings are righteous indignation having to do with women and minorities... but are they really? Think carefully!
Titus said:
If the woman candidate has big tits I say hire her. Otherwise, go with one of the men.All right, that's absurd and over-the-top, by our dear, treasured Titus — a gay man. He's been talking like that on this blog for years. The regulars know him. And they know I love him. If that's what Leiter and the Anonymous Professor feel such angst about... it's because they don't understand the community here. They're like Sean Hannity fretting about Common in White House.
You can't go wrong with big tits.
COMMENTS (Relocated from Althouse2):
Which brings me back to the conclusion that I think is painfully obvious about him: he deserves every ounce of criticism that he is bringing upon himself.
Freaking idiot.
MAY 13, 2011 6:43:00 PM CDT
Danny Vice said...
There are a couple of avenues available to you Ann if you want to preserve your posts. Granted, it will be pretty time consuming, considering the thousands of posts you've published, but the option is there to grab these posts while they are still accessible.
I trust someone on your end has shared some of these options with you. If not, please email me.
Dannyvice (at)
MAY 13, 2011 6:47:00 PM CDT
Lincolntf said...
This post has been removed by the author.
MAY 13, 2011 6:49:00 PM CDT
Lincolntf said...
Hmmm, the blog has always struck me more as a tidal pool of mythology and arachnophobia, but I'm a lousy reader.
MAY 13, 2011 6:51:00 PM CDT
nevadabob said...
They're 86-ing comments here too.
MAY 13, 2011 6:52:00 PM CDT
edutcher said...
To be sure Titus is an acquired taste (there's a metaphor), but, let me think, let's work on that phrase, "obligation to be a responsible member of academia"...
Does that include Ward "Little Eichmanns" Churchill?
William "Guilty As Sin" Ayers?
Cornel "Sun People" West?
We may have our disagreements with her, but the lady gives us a forum unrestricted in most ways. As I said, when the roll is called up yonder, the looker with the platinum bob will be conlawproffing with George and Ben and Jimmy while these "academics" will be sharing a barbecue pit with their heroes from Al Qaeda.
MAY 13, 2011 6:52:00 PM CDT
Pastafarian said...
You know, there have been many, many more offensive threads in Althouse blog history. Any of the threads to which I've contributed, for example.
I can recall one that featured Freeman Hunt, of all people, dropping f-bombs like Rahm Emmanuel on an acid bender. Good times, good times.
But I will agree with this much of this turd's thesis: If the mysterious outage is politically motivated, then I suspect that it's the politics of your commenters, more than your own politics, that led to it.
MAY 13, 2011 6:55:00 PM CDT
TWM said...
"All right, that's absurd and over-the-top, but our dear, treasured Titus — a gay man. He's been talking like that on this blog for years. The regulars know him. And they know I love him."
Oh crap, does Meade know he signed-on for a threesome?
MAY 13, 2011 7:00:00 PM CDT
nevadabob said...
"We may have our disagreements with her, but the lady gives us a forum unrestricted in most ways."
In their eyes, that is her sin. She allows people to express themselves however they see fit.
That's racist and homophobic and misogynistic.
People (in their view) need to be controlled so we can end the hate speech once and for all and get on with the war in EastAsia.
Or is it Eurasia today?
I forget.
MAY 13, 2011 7:01:00 PM CDT
Michael K said...
If Blogspot did this for political reasons, you need to be out of there as fast as possible. I use Word Press which has a pretty good rep as blogging software and can be customized as Patterico has done. I also use a separate web host, called Blue Host, and have had no problems and doubt very much if Blue Host cares what is on blogs it hosts.
Academics are such humorless people, present company excepted. I have a friend, a science associate professor, who is sweating out tenure after having to leave another institution when it was denied for political reasons. And that is science, not sociology.
MAY 13, 2011 7:08:00 PM CDT
TWM said...
Time for . . . you're that big . . . and that threatening evidently . . .
MAY 13, 2011 7:09:00 PM CDT
EnigmatiCore said...
Well. On the off chance that guy is not a Google employee and that their abuse system is not manned by him, I flagged one of his remaining comments as abuse and detailed his abuse of power (including, apparently, the ability to mess with Google accounts-- I had to have them send a verification code to my cell phone and enter it in order to access my account because of 'suspicious activity').
That jerkwad belongs nowhere near any position with any kind of authority.
MAY 13, 2011 7:11:00 PM CDT
Michael Haz said...
You broke from the borg. The borg will kill you.
MAY 13, 2011 7:11:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
It's obvious to me what the problem is here. I have told you time and again. Stop with the politics. More posts about American Idol and dogs urinating. These commie pinko bastards are very vindictive pricks. You need to lay low.
You said you wanted your blog to be a mixture of Fellini and the Monkee's.
Neither one of them gave a shit about labor douchenozzles.
I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so.
MAY 13, 2011 7:18:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
And they dumped Tourettes Rocker Boy last night and you didn't even have one post on it.
Shame on you.
You. An American Idol blogger.
MAY 13, 2011 7:18:00 PM CDT
Pastafarian said...
This really shines a new light on the cowardly banning and deletion at Lawyers Guns and Money. Maybe they're just afraid of being shut down by their liberal over-lords.
I'm not sure if they're on Blogger -- the meager traffic of their little-known boutique blog is so small that they're able to handle it with their dedicated server, a repurposed Commodore 386. The average comment thread there is about 20 comments; there are several that have one or two. The longest I've seen is a little over 100 -- driven mostly by my participation. So they might have their own domain.
MAY 13, 2011 7:19:00 PM CDT
JoeDetweiler said...
My understanding is that nitecruzr is just a volunteer, and that seems to me to be the problem. You should be talking to an employee and Google should be seeing to it that you are talking to an employee.
MAY 13, 2011 7:19:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
Hey I was banned from Television Without Pity after four comments.
They are like Nazi's over there.
Don't think I forgot about you Kay Howard. You are in the book. Just sayn'
MAY 13, 2011 7:22:00 PM CDT
Pastafarian said...
Trooper, I was a little disappointed to see that you hadn't contributed to the cesspool of homophobia and misogyny. When I heard that one of the comments speculated on the candidate's tits, you were the first person I thought of.
MAY 13, 2011 7:27:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
Hey I am a well know lover of tits. I coddle them. Put them in the best of lacy bras. Tits are my friend. They should be yours.
MAY 13, 2011 7:29:00 PM CDT
Ann Althouse said...
"And they dumped Tourettes Rocker Boy last night and you didn't even have one post on it."
I tweeted it.
MAY 13, 2011 7:30:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
I was busy at a benefit while all this was going on. I asked some of my detective friends to look into it. But so far nobody has a reasonable explanation.
Except that stuff like this is gonna to happen more and more in Barack Obama's America.
MAY 13, 2011 7:30:00 PM CDT
blake said...
If your blog returns, you should immediately download it.
Given your traffic, you should consider getting a blogging application that allows you to compose locally and post to multiple blogging sites.
Really, at your level, you should probably get your own domain and hosting service.
MAY 13, 2011 7:32:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
I do notice that none of the "liberals" or "progressives" who post daily on your site has anything to say in support of you. Where is AlpaLiberal, Jeremy,Robert Cook, Jay Retread and all the rest. They are oddly silent about the destruction of a blog that they write multiple posts on to support their point of view which is displayed without censorship or fear or favor.
I hope you see who you can depend on. Just sayn'
MAY 13, 2011 7:33:00 PM CDT
NotYourTypicalNewYorker said...
The culture war imperceptibly widens.
Here, there...
The losers start stepping out of the tree line for better shots.
MAY 13, 2011 7:36:00 PM CDT
Coketown said...
Oh my God, Titus is gay?!
MAY 13, 2011 7:38:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
This post has been removed by the author.
MAY 13, 2011 7:39:00 PM CDT
garage mahal said...
I do notice that none of the "liberals" or "progressives" who post daily on your site has anything to say in support of you.
I'm here. I think the theory that Google shut down this blog pretty goofy though. Fittingly it was hatched by Moe Lane @
I do feel bad if all the old content is gone though. If nothing else all my old comments gone would be a sad day indeed.
Seriously I hope you get your blog back, fully preserved.
MAY 13, 2011 7:40:00 PM CDT
Coketown said...
I also 'encouraged' the blog by buying through the Amazon portal instead of going to Best Buy, even though it means waiting several days to get my merch and have a more fulfilling life.
I encourage everyone else to encourage her in this way. Words of encouragement are less motivating that transactions of encouragement.
MAY 13, 2011 7:40:00 PM CDT
Pastafarian said...
blake -- wouldn't that cost a butt-load of money, given what has to be pretty substantial traffic, and a content-rich site, what with all of the photos and the enormous archive?
MAY 13, 2011 7:41:00 PM CDT
The Drill SGT said...
All right, that's absurd and over-the-top, but our dear, treasured Titus — a gay man
amusing and entertaining? perhaps
treasured? no :)
MAY 13, 2011 7:41:00 PM CDT
nevadabob said...
I find it striking that Althouse is censoring and memory-holing comments that are critical of Google's leftist and socialist politics.
Looks like Google's action is having the correct effect.
They've convinced Althouse to strangle her commenters.
MAY 13, 2011 7:42:00 PM CDT
Barry Dauphin said...
You're too big for Blogger.
MAY 13, 2011 7:43:00 PM CDT
Shannon Bell said...
Hey Ann,
Just my opinion, but screw Google and blogger. Buy an awesome URL, go with Wordpress and be done with it.
Who knows what kind of games these jokers are playing.
MAY 13, 2011 7:44:00 PM CDT
Shannon Bell said...
Oh, by the way. Thanks for that awesome link at Insty's place yesterday!
MAY 13, 2011 7:45:00 PM CDT
Michael Haz said...
Wouldn't have happened if McCain had been elected. Google are Obama's people. They're like Organizing for America, except they hold a horrible lot of power.
MAY 13, 2011 7:46:00 PM CDT
Coketown said...
I doubt the old blog is lost. And I highly doubt this is a sinister plot by Google to silence people of Althouse's political persuasion--whatever the hell that persuasion is.
And if it is lost, don't worry: Trooper has the last 4 1/2 years printed out and spiral-bound in a handsome collection titled, "The Collected Wisdom of..." And since they're criminalizing prostitution in Nevada he'll have plenty of time to re-post everything. Idle hands, etc.
MAY 13, 2011 7:51:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
I didn't include you Garage. I don't consider you a real liberal.
You are just stupid.
(You are a Packers fan)
But you know I love you guy!
MAY 13, 2011 7:52:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
Seriously, the same thing happened when the blogger lady got engaged. Garage was one of the few to quickly and unambigously wish them well. The rest were silent for a suspicious long time until they felt they had to begrudingly acknowledge it. Look it up....oh wait a minute.....
MAY 13, 2011 7:53:00 PM CDT
Lincolntf said...
The Google/Blogger conspiracy might be a longshot, but the nitecruzr pissant is all too real. Dickless little shit.
MAY 13, 2011 7:54:00 PM CDT
Seven Machos said...
I'd be just shocked and amazed if Blogger really took down Althouse for political reasons. That is just not done in the United States. I just figured it was ridiculous technical problems and you, Althouse, took down your own blog in disgust until you found a new home.
Anyway, color me skeptical of the conspiracy for now. If it's true, it's sickening and disheartening and really suggests something seriously morbid about the American left. We all know they are closet fascists, but to be so obvious about it isn't usually the way it goes.
MAY 13, 2011 7:57:00 PM CDT
Seven Machos said...
May 13, 2011
Blogger is back
What a frustrating day. We’re very sorry that you’ve been unable to publish to Blogger for the past 20.5 hours. We’re nearly back to normal — you can publish again, and in the coming hours posts and comments that were temporarily removed should be restored. Thank you for your patience while we fix this situation. We use Blogger for our own blogs, so we’ve also felt your pain.
Here’s what happened: during scheduled maintenance work Wednesday night, we experienced some data corruption that impacted Blogger’s behavior. Since then, bloggers and readers may have experienced a variety of anomalies including intermittent outages, disappearing posts, and arriving at unintended blogs or error pages. A small subset of Blogger users (we estimate 0.16%) may have encountered additional problems specific to their accounts. Yesterday we returned Blogger to a pre-maintenance state and placed the service in read-only mode while we worked on restoring all content: that’s why you haven’t been able to publish. We rolled back to a version of Blogger as of Wednesday May 11th, so your posts since then were temporarily removed. Those are the posts that we’re in the progress of restoring.
Again, we are very sorry for the impact to our authors and readers. We try hard to ensure Blogger is always available for you to share your thoughts and opinions with the world, and we’ll do our best to prevent this from happening again.
Posted by Eddie Kessler, Tech Lead/Manager, Blogger
MAY 13, 2011 8:00:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
Hey I just heard they buried the Althouse blog at know they didn't want to offend the Muslims or something....I don't know ....does that sound reasonable to you....yeah it must just be a crazy conspiracy theory...yeah...yeah...that's the ticket.
MAY 13, 2011 8:00:00 PM CDT
The Grand Inquisitor said...
"OpenID nevadabob said...
I find it striking that Althouse is censoring and memory-holing comments that are critical of Google's leftist and socialist politics.
Looks like Google's action is having the correct effect.
They've convinced Althouse to strangle her commenters."
Is she really doing so? That would be quite a surprise, and frankly, I don't believe it.
I wouldn't be surprised if the same people who deleted her blog are now deleting comments critical of their behavior, though.
Althouse linked the redstate theory about Google, so why would she be protecting Google from similar theories?
MAY 13, 2011 8:00:00 PM CDT
Seven Machos said...
I'm quite sure Althouse isn't doing whatever the fuck the tool Nevada Bob said.
MAY 13, 2011 8:02:00 PM CDT
blake said...
I hosted a bunch of sites on an old machine for years at a nominal cost. Not as heavily trafficked as Althouse, I'm sure.
Aha. So, GoDaddy gives you 10GB of space and unlimited bandwidth for $3 a month if you buy three years at once. $5 for 150GB, which is a LOT of space for text and pix, and the pix are probably gonna stay on flicker, mostly.
Jeez, for $7 a month, it's all you can eat: However many websites, however much bandwidth, however much space, a thousand email accounts (Althouse could offer accounts to donors!), and some other perks.
Curiously, they don't offer as good a deal if you go for their "blog/podcast" offer.
Anyway, $252 over three years doesn't seem like a lot of money to me.
Plus, the data's all yours.
For this deal, Althouse would probably have to buy (or have donated) services to set up her blog. But, you know, kinda sucks, so she might find newer and better technology.
MAY 13, 2011 8:03:00 PM CDT
edutcher said...
TWM said...
"All right, that's absurd and over-the-top, but our dear, treasured Titus — a gay man. He's been talking like that on this blog for years. The regulars know him. And they know I love him."
Oh crap, does Meade know he signed-on for a threesome?
With Titus, are you sure it would only be three?
Trooper York said...
I do notice that none of the "liberals" or "progressives" who post daily on your site has anything to say in support of you. Where is AlpaLiberal, Jeremy,Robert Cook, Jay Retread and all the rest. They are oddly silent about the destruction of a blog that they write multiple posts on to support their point of view which is displayed without censorship or fear or favor.
I hope you see who you can depend on. Just sayn'
The One Whose Name We Cannot Mention found us, but only because he was trolling elsewhere.
PS Keep it down, we don't want the rest to find out we're having fun without them.
PPS Agree with Shannon.
PPPS BlogHer is taking up Ann's cause with a fetching photo of Herself.
MAY 13, 2011 8:04:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
It does seem kind of fishy that as big a blog as Althouse is taking so long to get back on line. I mean this is a big dealio. Shouldn't they be paying attention to this or what?
MAY 13, 2011 8:07:00 PM CDT
Seven Machos said...
I agree it's all very fishy. I just can't believe it all. The blog gets destroyed with no warning whatsoever and it just happens to be during a time of tumult and outage at Blogger?
Doesn't add up.
MAY 13, 2011 8:09:00 PM CDT
blake said...
With Titus, are you sure it would only be three?
With Titus, could you even be sure it was one?
By the way, I think the Google "conspiracy" thing is far-fetched. The most likely issue is just exactly what it seems: a technical glitch of the sort Google isn't supposed to have.
However, could someone(s) in Google use this as a cover to eff with someone (t)he(y) didn't like? Or minimally put that person at the end of the service line?
Sure. Probably not Sergey or Larry--that seems too far-fetched for words. But some middle manager type getting pissy? Petty bureaucrats are petty bureaucrats wherever.
(Typed on a Google CR-48. Heh.)
MAY 13, 2011 8:11:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
I wonder if they will release some photo's from the situation room at Blogger? Just sayn'
MAY 13, 2011 8:11:00 PM CDT
Tibore said...
It's back! I just checked it. It's completely blank, but the original URL is responding.
Now, the question is, where's all the previous content?
MAY 13, 2011 8:11:00 PM CDT
Lincolntf said...
Yup. The big blog is showing signs of life. Conspiracy theory over (?), Google volunteer hatefest continues.
MAY 13, 2011 8:13:00 PM CDT
Michael said...
Nitecruzer looks like Jeremy's dog, the one on the right.
MAY 13, 2011 8:13:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
I also think that the other big time bloggers are taking this too casually. If they can do this to Althouse they can do it to anyone.
MAY 13, 2011 8:13:00 PM CDT
FlaviusJulius said...
It is back up.
MAY 13, 2011 8:13:00 PM CDT
FlaviusJulius said...
This post has been removed by the author.
MAY 13, 2011 8:13:00 PM CDT
Seven Machos said...
Seconded Tibore.
MAY 13, 2011 8:14:00 PM CDT
EnigmatiCore said...
Your blog is back up (sans any of your previous posts, which I assume will be forthcoming).
A Blogger employee seems to have put a stop to Nitecruzr's nonsense as well, as the Google 'help forum' thread is open for comments once again after the Blogger employee commented.
Hopefully they will take his keys away.
MAY 13, 2011 8:14:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
I told you man. They buried all the old content at sea.
It's the latest thing.
MAY 13, 2011 8:14:00 PM CDT
garage mahal said...
You are just stupid.
Awwww! Thanks Troop.
MAY 13, 2011 8:14:00 PM CDT
Seven Machos said...
Or minimally put that person at the end of the service line?
This I can certainly see.
Move, Althouse. Fuck this shit.
MAY 13, 2011 8:15:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
You know I love you man.
Anybody that loves road kill sandwiches is ok in my book.
MAY 13, 2011 8:15:00 PM CDT
EnigmatiCore said...
It will be interesting to see what happens to Mr. Croll now. I might even have to read his blogs to find out what he eventually says about the whole kerfuffle.
MAY 13, 2011 8:16:00 PM CDT
The Grand Inquisitor said...
I won't out nitecruzr, but apparently he wrote a wikipedia entry about himself, and how famous he is for defending freedom of speech while having such a useful blog.
What a dweeb. He wanted to be famous, and now he'll have his little 26 minutes of fame/lame.
MAY 13, 2011 8:17:00 PM CDT
madawaskan said...
You can find a lot of your stuff in this "feedburner".
I'm not going to hot link it so you can *see* the complete address.
MAY 13, 2011 8:17:00 PM CDT
Tibore said...
Yeah, the old content is gone. But the Google cached versions are intact, at least. Not the best thing, granted, but that should mean that somehow the old posts can be resurrected.
MAY 13, 2011 8:19:00 PM CDT
Lincolntf said...
"I might even have to read his blogs to find out what he eventually says about the whole kerfuffle."
Guerrilla marketing by being an insufferable prick? So dumb it actually worked. Anyway, you should have plenty of material to look at. According to his "bio" he's got at least half a dozen pseudo-eponymous blogs.
MAY 13, 2011 8:19:00 PM CDT
garage mahal said...
Odd seeing the comment on the masthead at the original blog. And the blog being gone. Maybe her husband didn't stop reading Althouse afterall
MAY 13, 2011 8:19:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
Yeah we never figured out who that woman was....Michelle.....hello...
MAY 13, 2011 8:21:00 PM CDT
madawaskan said...
It has the photos also.
It looks like because there is so much data associated with your blog that it took them longer.
I know in some management decisions sometimes you make the decision to "sacrifice" the bigger table...
Hard to explain-but that's probably all that happened.
I mean really how big a threat can the only blogger who voted for Obama because McCain scared her because he was too much of an ideologue but at the same time not Conservative enough-really be?
MAY 13, 2011 8:21:00 PM CDT
FlaviusJulius said...
Where is my Profile pic?
MAY 13, 2011 8:23:00 PM CDT
madawaskan said...
This post has been removed by the author.
MAY 13, 2011 8:24:00 PM CDT
madawaskan said...
I think the only person that followed that *logic* married you and came to that conclusion after a 2 1/2 year delay...
And was probably threatened with...
Or no sex-or well-*scary sex *but with not too much idealism.
MAY 13, 2011 8:26:00 PM CDT
blake said...
It's not really back, just responding. At least, =I= wouldn't consider it back if someone said "Hey! You're back--you just lost everything you've done for the past 8 years!"
I presume this means Althouse is at the front of the queue now. That's what I'd do were I in charge of this mess. It's one thing to be politically strident and another to have it seem as though that were impacting your business decisions.
(It does, of course, but they pick on the small fries whom no one cares about.)
MAY 13, 2011 8:26:00 PM CDT
Browndog said...
Not seeing many conservative bloggers rushing to Ann's defense--as I've seen them do with other bloggers with similar issued in the past.
Maybe they're still stuck on the "glitch" meme...waiting to see how this shakes out.
I saw it was removed this morning and was surprised. Now, I'm just shocked. Still.
Kinda shocked at myself for feeling a little bummed not being able to read Althouse.
MAY 13, 2011 8:28:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
It's a really big deal if all the old content was lost.
I mean we lost about 1000 comments of Titus pinching a loaf and Loafing Oaf pinching Sarah Palin's vagina.
MAY 13, 2011 8:28:00 PM CDT
Lincolntf said...
AoS put up a thread on the possible bannage,with links, etc.
MAY 13, 2011 8:29:00 PM CDT
Noah Bawdy™ said...
Your main blog is coming up now, no posts though.
MAY 13, 2011 8:30:00 PM CDT
Coketown said...
I would consider it a great personal tragedy if the Downward Spiral post from last fall was lost.
MAY 13, 2011 8:30:00 PM CDT
Seven Machos said...
Somebody pointed out no word verification right now.
Fuckinay! Anybody want to buy some cheap herbal Viagra? I give very good price.
MAY 13, 2011 8:32:00 PM CDT
Michael said...
Well, I would say that this incident is not a positive advertisement for buying a cloudbook powered by google with all your work and software residing in the google administered "cloud." Good luck with that comrades.
MAY 13, 2011 8:33:00 PM CDT
chickelit said...
Trooper York said:
Garage was one of the few to quickly and unambigously wish them well.
Why that's just fogblather, blogfather! Here, check it out yourself: link.
Garage didn't even post in that thread.
MAY 13, 2011 8:33:00 PM CDT
Henry said...
Shocking Meat Video is back!
MAY 13, 2011 8:35:00 PM CDT
Anga2010 said...
First they came for the CrackMC, but I didn't care because I'm not CrackMC...
MAY 13, 2011 8:35:00 PM CDT
Browndog said...
What the hell is this?
I just checked the old site--
It's there, empty.
But, this is the masthead:
"I'm so glad you posted this. I've been trying to convince my husband
not to read your blog for weeks and this finally did the trick."
MAY 13, 2011 8:37:00 PM CDT
Palladian said...
Notice that the archives list the post counts for each year. The content isn't lost, it just hasn't found its way home yet.
MAY 13, 2011 8:38:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
I don't know if it was that post but I seem to remember Garage wishing her well. I could stand corrected.
I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
You have to be nice to stupid people. Just sayn!
MAY 13, 2011 8:40:00 PM CDT
Prosecutorial Indiscretion said...
This post has been removed by the author.
MAY 13, 2011 8:43:00 PM CDT
edutcher said...
Trooper York said...
It does seem kind of fishy that as big a blog as Althouse is taking so long to get back on line. I mean this is a big dealio. Shouldn't they be paying attention to this or what?
I think Insta and Jacobson are. And I mentioned BlogHer, but, yes, if the Google Thought Police are pulling something cute because Ann doesn't censor - and because she took a stand in the recent troubles in Madison - then the Conservative and Libertarian blogospheres ought to be a lot more wound up about this.
MAY 13, 2011 8:44:00 PM CDT
garage mahal said...
I'm almost positive you are correct. One of those threads anyway.
MAY 13, 2011 8:45:00 PM CDT
chickelit said...
I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
You have to be nice to stupid people. Just sayn!
I like garage too. He's one of the few people I've ever spoken to IRL from this blog.
MAY 13, 2011 8:46:00 PM CDT
Roger von Oech said...
Good luck fighting your way through this current crap. I know you'll prevail!
For what's worth: I remember your saying a few years ago that you liked Blogger because it was free (as opposed to Typepad), and you didn't have to worry about having to pay to have access to your old posts. I assume you've changed your opinion.
MAY 13, 2011 8:47:00 PM CDT
Trooper York said...
That's how I remember it Garage. You were conspicious by being one of the few who did have something nice to say.
MAY 13, 2011 8:47:00 PM CDT
Seven Machos said...
Althouse ought to leave blogger. No matter what Google did to cause this, it's unacceptably bad.
Technical glitch. Bad.
Political censorship. Bad.
Chicanery because of glitch. Bad.
MAY 13, 2011 8:48:00 PM CDT
chickelit said...
garage mahal said: Trooper
I'm almost positive you are correct. One of those threads anyway.
Well maybe. It wasn't the engagement thread though. Check for yourself above.
Oh, and I think reader was the first to congratulate them after their wedding.
MAY 13, 2011 8:48:00 PM CDT
Chip S. said...
My first thought in seeing that the blog was a desaparecido was the same as garage's, and that the woman in question had mad hacking skills.
MAY 13, 2011 8:48:00 PM CDT
DADvocate said...
reflecting an assumption that law schools make choices based on diversity factors.
My assumption is that nearly all departments/schools/colleges in a university make choices based on diversity factors. My father was a psychology professor at a large state university. During the late 1970s/early 1980s, his department needed to hire a new department head. They tried for 2-3 years to hire a minority/female, preferably a female minority.
They failed because the supply was limited, the demand high and their salary too low. Instead they settled for the president of the APA who was merely a white male.
MAY 13, 2011 8:48:00 PM CDT
chickelit said...
@Palladian (if he's around):
Do you happen to know what happened to They no longer seem to host back comments from Althouse.
MAY 13, 2011 8:49:00 PM CDT
Matt said...
Your blog is back. Sadly, with no posts.
MAY 13, 2011 8:51:00 PM CDT
blake said...
Notice that the archives list the post counts for each year. The content isn't lost, it just hasn't found its way home yet.
Well, not to get too geeky 'cause I'm sure you're right BUT I would imagine the post counts are updated when posts are made, and not recalculated on every page load.
In other words, the counts being there just mean the counts are there, not the posts.
MAY 13, 2011 8:53:00 PM CDT
Chip S. said...
Uh oh. I just realized that I've contributed to the cesspool of homophobia by presuming that someone with a husband was a woman.
MAY 13, 2011 8:53:00 PM CDT
Michael said...
Why has your blog been on useless, clueless Blogspot since 2005 anyway?
I don't mean to blame the victim, but really, you could at least pay for your own server and use Blogger to publish it, or better yet WordPress.
This is like asking Ford why your Pinto blew up. That's what Pintos DO.
MAY 13, 2011 8:56:00 PM CDT
Quayle said...
If you were teaching a class - say at Northwestern - and you lauded big tits on a woman, you'd be a smash hit with the professoriate.
But you're commentators on a blog? You're unworthy of your title and position.
MAY 13, 2011 8:57:00 PM CDT
Chip S. said...
But you're commentators on a blog? You're unworthy of your title and position.
Unworthy of the exalted title of blog commenter?
MAY 13, 2011 9:02:00 PM CDT
Quayle said...
Unworthy of the exalted title of blog commenter?
Unworthy of the title professor and as a member of the academy.
MAY 13, 2011 9:05:00 PM CDT
RuyDiaz said...
I'm sorry but, it was Titus who offered the only (remotely, if at all) mysogynistic comment? That's pretty much all Titus does!
Between the snarky law professor, and Blogger Trouble, it has been farce all around.
MAY 13, 2011 9:06:00 PM CDT
RuyDiaz said...
Uh oh. I just realized that I've contributed to the cesspool of homophobia by presuming that someone with a husband was a woman.
Oh, shoot.
When I was a 14-year-old boy, back in 1990, I remember wondering just how big Benazhir Bhutto's breast were. It was hard to estimate, with her dressing in that unflattering Islamic dress and all.
That's mysogynistic and Islamophobic: take that!
MAY 13, 2011 9:12:00 PM CDT
Ralph L said...
Is it misogyny to admire someone's tits, or just to talk about them? I doubt he's interested in her "gyn" parts.
Leiter's blog could be a hotbed of Cfud-caliber anti-semitism. He's got a post called "Hung from Temple to Colorado."
MAY 13, 2011 9:13:00 PM CDT
blake said...
Unworthy of the title professor and as a member of the academy.
Probably the nicest thing anyone's said about Althouse all day!
MAY 13, 2011 9:14:00 PM CDT
Chip S. said...
@Quayle, Oh, OK. I reread your comment and now I get it. One of those times when "you're" vs. "your" wasn't clear from context.
Did you see that Northwestern recently dropped that sex class? Too high a ratio of hardware to soft porn.
MAY 13, 2011 9:19:00 PM CDT
starboardhelm said...
Ann, I would love to host your blog on my own server at (as or any domain name you want) for a very reasonable rate. I will even migrate your database if you can get a copy out Blogger. If you're interested, please contact me at
MAY 13, 2011 9:19:00 PM CDT
३१ टिप्पण्या:
Where ya been? (Althouse, not Titus. I have some idea where Titus has been.)
Prof. Althouse and others: Where have you been?
Regardless, it's good to have you back and a pox on Blogger for having removed you at all and especially a double pox on those haters of free speech and other such tyrants. So, now we can say that academia hates free speech since it is disdained by those who claim to speak for academia.
Cheers and love.
wow.. that disappearing act really shook me...didn't realize i was in so fragile a state..and so addicted to this blog. damn you, internets!
Althouse, et al: Yes, I know, I know! It was just fun to say: "Where have you been?"
Common is an apt name for a crapper rapper like him.
I think I made a mistake with Paypal.. I meant to put in $25.00 and I put in 2,500 instead.
I hope they dont come after me for that.
BillO has a strong response to that Stewart clip. A clip of this response is also on HuffPo (but I'm to lazy to look for it, and I'm too lazy to see if it has any holes in it).
I'm having a bit of fun reporting nitecruzr as a bug. Maybe they'll fix him. Who knows?
Ah ha: The solution might be to join the PJTV bunch and hang out with that crew of peoples!
They seem kind of like a decent bunch!
misogyny? at the althouse?
I think most are here to banter with the Professor. Banter....hell, flirt!
...but it ain't goin' anywhere, and everyone is safe.
"Ah ha: The solution might be to join the PJTV bunch and hang out with that crew of peoples!"
I'm not really enough like them. It would be like going on DoubleX or something. I don't belong with that frame around me. It wouldn't make sense. Plus, they can't pay me enough.
A - R - K
Althouse - Reynolds - Kaus
Three ex-Democrats on a mission to bring common sense to the world and defy orthodox bullshit.
The logo is a little boat.
On edit: ex-Democrats should be recovering Democrats or real Democrats.
I thought the thread yesterday on Dean candidates was very entertaining.
UW and especially the UW Law School set themselves up for this satire by being bastions of political correctness to go along with checkbox hiring and admissions policies over the last 25-years.
"I'm not really enough like them."
If Balloon Juice is still w/ them, I'm sure you'd fit.
But, maybe Althouse should create, and then sell her own tube empire. Like Malkin did.
Wow, last time I made the cut. This time, I missed the boat. Prissy is an apt word for the poster. Likely a bottom.
Trey - who hopes that one will get him a look
Glad your blogging, again, at your own site. And, have "shed" the problem. At Glenn Reynolds' site I learned that Google owns Blogger! Gee, ya could'a fooled me.
Yes. I saw the Miss America contestants, down to 3, for the post of dean at your law school. I guess Ken Starr, now that he's at Pepperdine, didn't apply?
No. I cannot imagine how Google, and Blogger, confused you with "spam." The left's big enough to sit a dunce in the dean's chair. But that's about as far as it goes.
How's Kloppenhoppen's vote counting coming along?
Damn, I missed the "festival of misogyny and homophobia."
Stupid, lousy job that keeps me from reading blogs and feebly commenting thereon.
The Althouse blog. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy! We must be cautious.
I thought it was odd that the anonymous lady with the vapors thought it was beyond the pale to refer to one of the three finalists' mammary glands, yet she saw nothing wrong with the law school releasing the names of the candidates so hoi polloi such as the commenters here could speculate on their qualifications. Why was it such a Good Thing for the law school to release those names? What do you thnk that will do to the self esteem of the two losing candidates?
Oh, and by the way ...
*** Tits! ***
Also: knockers, hooters, boobs, bazongas, jugs, ta-tas, ladybumps, funbags, headlights, and ... uh ... breasts.
(Jessica Valenti could not be reached for comment.)
Had Althouse only pissed in a bottle and put a Jesus figure inside, she could be the darling of cunts like Leiter.
Instead, she did not censor comments about tits. So cunts like Leiter have the vapors.
Fine line, people. Fine line.
Yeah, that whole "Google is really competent" meme took a bit of a beating. Not only do they not care about your privacy, they aren't even all that great at keeping their core services fully operational.
I blogged for a couple years, and ya know, when you talk about state and local people they get really, really uptight. They're fine with you taking on the *Big Picture* national and international issues - because it's all so impersonal at that level - but out. They think they're immune.
Made it kinda fun actually.
The days of épater les bourgeois are over and done. The only really transgressive game in town today is épater les clercs.
Guess what? If Althouse did not have tenure, these Lieter-esque mongrels would have run her out of Wisconsin long ago. Long before she started the blog.
Hunker down, Althouse. These people don't give up. They are on an Althouse-hunt and they desire pounds of flesh to feed their appetite.
which is bigger than his
Mmmmf. Excellent.
Althouse was not the only blog frozen on Wednesday but it was the only one I found that returned a "taken down" message when accessed. NoQuarter and MOTUS were both affected but the blogs did not disappear...just Thursday's posts and comments. Note, please, that there have been no complaints by left-wing blogs.
On the althouse2 thread, one of the commenters noted that Nitecruzr (briefly) had a Wikipedia entry on himself. I took a look at it (Wikipedia admins can see most deleted articles), and it's pretty weak. It's no wonder that it was tagged for speedy deletion within two hours of creation, and deleted within 16 hours. I do not know for sure if Nitecruzr created it himself, but creating that article is the only edit for the account.
"She has the free speech right to run whatever cesspool she wants, but is she prioritizing her desire for a widely read blog over her obligation to be a responsible member of academia?"
Oddly enuf, there are quite a few Americans who think colleges are charging a king's ransom running cesspools under the guise of :free speech."
glass house, stones.....
Google cache can also see the Wikipedia article on nitecruzr. It's weak even for a self-promotional article. I've written hoax articles that were better than his.
Glad my blog is on Wordpress.
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