CNN went after him with a vengeance. They must be angry over the Palin treatment they are getting. Weiner is their next victim picked to get some self respect back. I imagine Weiner's District will always give the Dems a safe vote no matter what happens to poor Anthony Pants.
While the congressman does list some important issues, I think a lot of people are going to want to talk about why a congressman is twittering photographs of his penis to a 21 year old woman.
Since he's in the minority party in the House, he has absolutely nothing else to do than address this issue. Given how often he tweets, this also shows he has nothing else to do.
First Question: Congressman, since the picture you sent was of your dick covered by your underwear, our viewers want to know, what are you trying to hide?
To me, that statement seems completely misleading. She only answers the wild, speculative questions, she's able to deny.
In addition, YOU are wrong to think that denial means they didn't know each other--they knew each other from Twitter to the point that they were following each other--meaning they could send private messages on the service.
Sorry pbAndj, but you need to improve your reading skills.
Weiner is toast. He may not be forced to resign, he may not get voted out of office, but no one backs a f*cking "punchline". This asshat had big plans...that's all gone now. Mayor of NYC? Fuggetaboutit.
This clip of Weiner is even worse with the sound off.
I've seen this douchebag on many an interview. He's an arrogant prick who tries to be funny. His subdued tone and darting-downward eyes aren't consistent with his usual prick persona.
But, that girl claims that she never had an inappropriate twitter relationship w/ this guy.
Even if it was DM, how dumb must a (somewhat) famous person be such that they start sending crotch shots to young ladies that they aren't married to or even involved w/?
Of course you can read between the lines of that girl's denial. She does allow for twitter-sex or twitter-flirting, if you assume that such activity is appropriate w/ a married person--maybe post-WJC folks define 'inappropriate' more loosely than many of us.
There's a story, about, that when Ronald Reagan visited GE factories ... sometimes a female would expose her breast to him. And, offer him a pen so that he could sign it.
Not everybody has a piece of paper handy, I guess, when they see a celebrity?
And, many, many, men, receive attention from women. In other words, they find a pair of underpants in their jacket pocket; with a phone number scribbled on it.
What's Anthony Weiner supposed to do? Perhaps, prior to shooting himself in his underpants, he received a naked body part Tweet?
Two people went and erased their "tweets" within 4 minutes of "OH, OH."
The "hack?" Yes. Someone was following this gal's tweets for some reason. And, within those 4 minutes of opportunity ... the "screens were catched." And, the information blazed out to thousands of people.
But, that girl claims that she never had an inappropriate twitter relationship w/ this guy.
Several possibilities:
1) It was a perfectly innocent relationship from her side up until that point.
2) She lied. (Yes--shocking as that may be--21-year-old women lie too.)
3) She is using a personal, highly convenient definition of what constitutes an inappropiate relationship.
Even then, your focus is misleading: we already know that a tweet was sent from Rep. Weiner's account to her account. How did that happen? That's what we want to know.
And where is his fucking tie? He looks like he just got out of a night in lock-up. Did Pelosi put him on suicide watch? He's probably wearing loafers and slacks without a belt.
Did Naomi Wolf advise him to do this?
Innocent men wear ties and look people in the eyes. So do guilty men who want to look innocent.
And where is his fucking tie? He looks like he just got out of a night in lock-up. Did Pelosi put him on suicide watch? He's probably wearing loafers and slacks without a belt.
Did Naomi Wolf advise him to do this?
Innocent men wear ties and look people in the eyes. So do guilty men who want to look innocent.
Even if it was DM, how dumb must a (somewhat) famous person be such that they start sending crotch shots to young ladies that they aren't married to or even involved w/?
Did you guys catch the segment O'Reilly just did on "Wienergate?" O'Reilly is calling for an immediate FBI investigation.
Keeps the Medicare drubbing in NY-26 out of the news.
How comes no one wants to know who this creepy "patriotusa76" dude is? He's been stalking Weiner for weeks. And this girl has been harassed ever since.
I know this isn't PC but I find the whole tweeting the weiny by Weiner hot.
If it would of been sent to me I would of tweeted back whip it out, show me the head, touch it, put your hand on the base so I can see the length and diameter.
This bitch was lucky she got a Weiner weiner tweet.
I wonder how Huma is doing? I kind of blame her though, she much not be satisfying him.
Lesson do you gals out there, please you man, otherwise he is going to be doing some hog tweeting.
Sorry bud, Biden is a perfect example. How'd his higher aspiration turn out? These punchlines are all well in good where they are at...they give you the vote you want.
Basically what I am saying is if you are hot you can do anything, wear anything, have any crap job, it doesn't really matter.
You are hot and that is what is most important.
This is largely correct. In addition, good-looking people are perceived as more caring, more competent, better leaders, etc. just on their looks. It is the way of the world.
"You think Weiner is any smarter than Brett Favre when it comes to trying to get laid?"
Not only is it extremely dumb to tweet the Weiner as a DM to a young who you don't really know. But, to slip up and do it publicly. And, how does an NYer do this the same week that the Ds pick-up a seat because an R was caught w/ his own photo fun.
I don't think there's a word for that level of dumb.
I used to work at the DoD. Anything like this that you need to desperately cover up could be construed as a blackmailable thing. At least that used to be the rules about a security clearance.
Now, I don't know if Weiner falls into this kind of strict category, of course. The DoD keeps most things from Congressmen, because they're gits anyway. But there's the principal of the thing.
Do you really think that after he sent that tweet to the young lady, that her statement in the paper was totally true? I don't. I think he must have been DMing her afterward and making some arrangements. Now, she was so on board with him that she might have done it for free.
Also, I know that someone at Twitter or Yfrog knows the truth. Surely any of their Sys Admins could take a look. It seems awfully nasty to say something bad about Twitter and Facebook like Weiner did. But again, those outfits might be in the tank for him, too, and not care. But maybe they ought to.
pbAndj, I'm not going to call it the "everybody does it" defense because it's not a defense, but I'm betting this stuff is common enough that Weiner (and the myriad other politicos who do the same thing) thought he wouldn't get caught like that schmuck upstate. He's smarter, it won't happen to him, etc.
A week ago, Weiner was probably NYC's next mayor. This week, not so much. Can't say as I'm disappointed.
That's not the video to watch ... THIS is the video to watch.
CNN's Dana Bash and her producer just destroy Anthony Wiener ... who breaks down and calls a CNN producer a "jackass" during the video for asking him a question he won't answer.
If only it were true. He's just going to vigorously deny and never give an inch and no one will investigate and in another another politician will provide us with a totally new scandal and that will be the end of Weinergate.
By the way, everyone keeps saying Weiner was sending crotch shots to some hot college chick. I've seen a couple photos of her. Nothing I would ever tweet. But I guess, being a congressman and all, Weiner has different standards.
'How comes no one wants to know who this creepy "patriotusa76" dude is?'
His identity is not only known, he has practically begged the FBI and/or any other investigative agency with jurisdiction to crawl all over his computers. He's acting like someone who's reasonably certain Weiner was the tweeter. But I do agree with your general sentiment that this needs to be investigated. Should be quite simple to figure out exactly what happened.
I almost pity the fool. Yeah, he blew the big time shot at mayor, and all that. Yeah, he looks like the putz of all time--but I'm thinking that putz doesn't bother him--he's a proud putz. But my God--Huma. And Hillary. He is so fucked. Dante had limited imagination--cue Twiight zone theme--he's entering the Weiner Ring.
I love the title of the video, that Weiner is ready to move on. Of course, he is ready to move on. John Edwards was ready to move on after his affair was made public. Clinton after Monica's name came up, etc. The perp always wants to move on, and quit discussing his scandal.
But noticeably in this video, he failed to deny much of anything. Whenever he was asked to, his response was that he wanted to move on to what he thought was important, i.e. anything that would distract the public from his scandal.
This may work, but I doubt it. His blood is in the water, and the sharks are circling. If he really is innocent, he should start denying some of these things, start agreeing that an investigation into the crimes alleged should be launched, etc.
I think that if he doesn't directly address and refute the charges made, his time as a spokesperson for the Democrats is effectively over. At least for awhile (after all, eventually, even Ted Kennedy was being listened to by the liberal media).
If he did it, admitting it isn't going to lose him his seat in Congress. And, if he didn't, then why not just deny everything and call for the FBI to investigate?
The guy could have come out of this w/ one thing going his way: it'd be somewhat satisfying if the world knew you're a big Weiner. But, that's not so for this little Weiner.
Watching those two videos one might be led to think Weiner was the Speaker of the House. He's a member of the minority; he doesn't have anything important to do.
@ezradulis (Ezra Dulis): "@patriotusa76 did NOT single out Weiner. Rumor was "big-time Dem Congressman in Northeast." Speculated Weiner, Rangel, & Frank."
patriotusa76 predicted on Twitter a week ago there would be a scandal involving Weiner. Weird
Not that weird. If the guy knew what he was like and thought Weiner was the sort of person to be caught in a sex scandal, that would be consistent with Weiner being the sort of person who tweets boner pics to women.
The Weiner Ring of Hell: Huma, the mother-in-law, the female in-laws--vagina dente; the father in-law, the male in-laws--let's tighten up that circumcision there Congressman; family--what a putz; friends--crickets; constituents--where's my money, putz; America--we are so fucked; Lefties--Breitbart--arghh--heads explode.
Garage, maybe patriotusa76 got wind of a developing story and made a bold prediction that came true.
(Or, if you prefer, had the justification for his creepy cyber-stalking vindicated. Whatever you need to believe to minimize your cognitive dissonance.)
Mickey Kaus set the precedent with the Edwards scandal. Whichever way you want to interpret it.
Weiner can't say no because that's his sausage in the shorts. Deal with it.
patriotusa76 predicted on Twitter a week ago there would be a scandal involving Weiner. Weird.
Don't know whether you are lying, as you often do, but it isn't weird at all. He had been trying to get conservative opinion leaders interested on Weiner's online habits.
So, basically, he understood what Weiner's 'following' of a 21-year-old Seattle coed, a teenage high school student, and a porn star meant. Wise man.
If only it were true. He's just going to vigorously deny and never give an inch and no one will investigate and in another another politician will provide us with a totally new scandal and that will be the end of Weinergate. "
That only part of what I stated. You can look it up.
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Weiner: "You want answers?" Reporter: "I want the truth!" Weiner: "You can't handle the truth! ... Son, we live in a world that has hot babes, and those hot babes need to be sent dick pics by men with boners. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Reporter Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Huma, and you curse horny men. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That dick pics, while embarrassing, probably get hot women excited. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, gets dick pics out there. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want my boner on Twitter, you need my boner on Twitter. We use words like babe, chick, coed. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent chasing skirt. You use them to criticize me. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under a blanket with no hot chicks, and then questions the manner in which I obtain mine. I would rather you just said bravo, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a webcam, and snap a dick pic. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to." Reporter: "Did you tweet the dick pic?" Weiner: "I did the job I..." Reporter: "Did you tweet the dick pic?" Weiner: "You're goddamn right I did!" Drops his trousers, exposing an erect penis clad in gray boxer briefs.
What's happened to this country that a middle-age, married Democratic member of Congress can't send a picture of his cock to a coed without everybody getting all up in arms about "morals"?
A painful-to-watch performance. That is what his laywer advised him to say?
I think his lawyer probably has him on a standard scandal path. He's starting with the bit from the original Clinon denial: ". . .I need to go back to work for the American people." If he doesn't get better at the lying, and assuming it doesn't blow over, we'll maybe find out about him meeting with his Rabbi and his wife. Depending upon how his wife reacts, he may go for "sex addiction" treatment, like Mr. Woods.
No sign of the cocky little fellow normally out there sparring with reporters. Boy, does it suck to be him.
"patriotusa76 predicted on Twitter a week ago there would be a scandal involving Weiner. Weird"
Uh, it's not really that hard to do. Look at the list of Democratic congresmen, narrow it to the men, eliminate the oldest ones, pick the biggest ego maniac of the group.
Anthony Weiner never met a microphone he didn't love. Clearly he's never met a big-titted college girl he didn't want to come onto either.
I was inclined to believe him during the preliminary.. shall we say gestation period of this Weiner circus.. But now his procrastination and failure to elevate himself above reproach have turned me off.
"The rule is that you shouldn't send pictures of your cock to coeds unless you can lick your eyebrows."
And let's face it, having seen the photograph in question, Mr. Weiner can't even lick his upper lip.
Look ... the real scandal here is how he has destroyed the good name of his wife, Huma Abedin, aide de camp to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
She's a hard working Democrat. Probably one of the most respected women in Washington, D.C. And here while she's working so hard, is her husband with apparently waaaaaayyyyyy too much time on his hands sending cock shots to barely legal internet skanks.
Huma Abedin is a powerful Musliim in Washington, D.C. and this episode does nothing except diminish her star and stain her family name. She has to work with people in the Middle East who care about this sort of stuff. She chose this guy. Plucked him out of anonymity and this is how he repays her? He destroys her family name?
She's the star of their show and he's the one fucking it all up for her.
He'll be lucky if he still possesses that cock when she's done with him.
The Weiner affair is the most disgusting political issue of 2011 so far.
It's one thing to attack the Congressman for having a dick photo go out on his Twitter feed. By all means, run with that...
But any shit-slinging attack on Weiner must be tempered with a little bit of concern and sensitivity for potentially innocent bystanders. Breitbart has been strongly implying that the intended recipient of the dick photo, Gennette Cordova, was somehow sexually involved with the Congressman. As a result, she was harassed and her family was harassed. Her name will forever be associated with the infamous dick photo.
Althouse offered no rebuke to Breitbart as he trashed the young woman's life-- and did so without proof! Where's the proof that Cordova was involved in a sordid affair with the Congressman and was not just the innocent recipient of an unwanted dick photo as she claims to be?
Althouse and Breitbart demand that Weiner provide proof of, or at least more details regarding, the alleged "hacking" of his Twitter account. At the same time, they both make, or at least strongly imply, allegations about Cordova's involvement without offering a shred of proof of it. Ain't that a double standard?
Anyway, I think it's reprehensible that Team Breitbart, with an assist from Althouse, has dumped this pile of shit on Cordova and forced her to deal with it. She doesn't deserve it. She is not a public figure. She should have been left alone.
Here's Breitbart at it again today. He not only again insinuates that Cordova was having an affair with the Congreeman, but that other "girls that are quite young" were too. According to Breitbart, if Weiner follows a woman on Twitter, that means he's fucking her. But that's not proof; it's just nonsense.
Oops, Julius. I actually watched the Breitbart vid at your link. I take it that you didn't expect anyone to do that?
Breitbart points out that he didn't give Cordova's name; that was Gawker. He also drives at the point that the story is about Weiner, the women are irrelevant. H
Plus, he defends himself well against the Sherrod stuff.
"Breitbart has been strongly implying that the intended recipient of the dick photo, Gennette Cordova, was somehow sexually involved with the Congressman."
"He not only again insinuates that Cordova was having an affair with the Congreeman (sic)... "
Dead Julius, Breitbart never alleged any "affair" in the article you linked. Breitbart wrote that Mr. Weiner is having a "relationship" with many young women online. And thus far, this allegation has been borne out by facts admitted to by Mr. Weiner. Rep. Weiner does not deny that he has a relationship with this woman and others online.
You said "affair." You brought up the word "affair."
Are you alleging there is more to the relationship ... that it's a full on "affair?" That Mr. Weiner is cheating on his wife Huma Abedin, the aide de camp to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?
You need to answer for your allegations. Do you know more than we know?
Weiner is a dead meat piece of shit. He won't answer the question because if he says no, that wasn't his junk and it is he's fucked. If he admits that it was his junk, he's fucked. This is what a filthy leftard looks like. It's you Tony Weiner, you walking ass. Oh, sorry, dick.
Did you guys catch the segment O'Reilly just did on "Wienergate?" O'Reilly is calling for an immediate FBI investigation.
Keeps the Medicare drubbing in NY-26 out of the news
Sure, jackoff, hang your bitch tits on one district no one gives two fucks about and call it a tidal wave of anti-medicare sentiment. Your kind are the dumbest people on earth.
"It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of a Weiner.. shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional..(inaudible) or as a propaganda tool," said the Congressman ;)
Did some dastardly person or persons, in an attempt to overturn the health care law, go into Judge Thomas' house and renumber it? Now that's I story I want investigated! Why did it cost over eight hundred thousand dollars? Was the renumbering process due to movement of the household to a different street address? I don't just want answers, I want the truth!
Just wanted Seven to think twice next time--rude and vile remarks should not be left to stand unopposed.
I loath censorship, so it's incumbent on commenters to self-censor.
Nothing is is normal if there is no norm....
What did you want him to think about? How Little Miss Sullivan in her own words questioned the authenticity of which vagina Sarah Palin's son came from? Not seeing your connection to ask Macho to not hide behind his veiled words.
Freeman, I lol'ed. Just to disclaim, there was no pleasure derived from it so as to not confuse how gloriously awesome that post was. Little yay!!! And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...
Gee, Fen, Monica started it! Her dad was desperate. The kid wasn't working anywhere. So he used connections to get her an internship in the White House. (I don't think she was even paid a salary.)
And, the first thing Monica did, on her first day at the White House ... when she entered the Oval Office ... Where Bill Clinton was meeting hundreds of people a day ... She flashed him.
Monica turned around, and lifted her thong above her waistband ... where her butt was facing "Mr. You Know Who." And, right away Bill understood the invitation.
Heck, Monica even brought pizza! Out of her own pocket money. Which her dad provided.
It can get very lonely in the White House, when you're married to Hillary.
My guess is that Huma ain't a great wife! Anthony Weiner got cheated! He's only married 5 months!
That honeymoon ended pretty fast, didn't it?
I wonder if Hillary has thrown a fit, yet. And, if any table lamps went flying.
Oh, sure. IF this subject doesn't just disappear ... then, ahead. I agree with the person who said the rabbi is called in. The wife shows up. And, Anthony Weiner goes off to some addiction center. Where, first, they bandage his fingers together.
It didn't really look all that hard either ... that's what's really surprising. If you're trying to impress, wouldn't you like ... play with it a little and get it good and angry?
It looked like an Underoos catalog photo you'd get in the Sunday paper without the pedo zing.
My wife wanted to look at paint colors on the Internet tonight. I had this window up on the computer and she saw it (Wienergate) and asked about it. I had to explain it all. Sort of weird because when you explain it, it sounds ridiculous. Or, perhaps I should say, recockulous.
Freeman was very funny, especially when juxtaposed with Jon Stewart's weak bit on Weiner. Stewart claims that this should be right in his wheelhouse and, then, goes on to explain why it isn't. Stewart isn't exactly exculpatory but most of his mockery is aimed at CNN and bloggers.... That's why maybe Weiner will get away with it. The heavy hitters of ridicule will give him a light dusting rather than an acid bath, and, in a while, we will all pay greater attention to bigger, better scandals. Maybe Palin will mispronounce a word.....I think Weiner's relationship with the coed was, at this point, innocent, but an experienced air traffic controller knows how to keep the planes in a holding pattern until cleared for landing. This is not the tactic of someone seeking a platonic relationship.
It didn't really look all that hard either ... that's what's really surprising. If you're trying to impress, wouldn't you like ... play with it a little and get it good and angry?
It looked like an Underoos catalog photo you'd get in the Sunday paper without the pedo zing.
Erections as a come on are so passe. Flaccidity is where it's at.
He then noted that, in his time around Weiner, he had evidence that the photo could not possibly be him, if only based on size These are straight guys, right? Comparing boners? His friend might not thank him for that joke.
"Weiner: Why would I even mail a picture of my penis to a girl? I'm gay!"
Wasn't this guy @sshole extraordinaire Jon Stewart's roommate just out of college? Was Jon in the closet back then, is he now?
This guy is thrashing, a drowning man suffocated by his own lies. A borderline personality-disorder on full display. An animatronic skinny-Gorebot talking about a "lockbox" and/or "no higher legal authority" whose program is wearing out.
Hope he shows up on CNN & doesn't get asked an embarassing question---which would confirm every suspicion about the Communist News Network.
gateway pundit has a whole list, with descriptions and pics, of a number of the other people weiner 'follows' on twitter..all young, busty, brunette women/girls. apparently, those are the folks most interested in his... politics and hockey tweets.
Can someone 'splain to me why the (semi) tumescent member's tweet list includes young ladies? Weiner, like most men, think with the small rather than the big head--Weiner, demonstrably, has neither.
Today should be a good day. Weiner can't juast keep tantrumming his way out of questions. More importantly, all his supporters now know for sure that they've been defending a guilty (and remarkably dishonest/sleazy) politician at the expense of their own credibility. Will they continue to lick their Master's balls even though he's shown such contempt for them? Here's hoping for solid entertainment followed by a hurried "time to get my personal life in order" speech.
The honry, corrupt, racist, elitist, lying welfare state democrat must get back to work bashing Clarence Thomas. All while ignoring the real conflict of interest - Elena Kagan.
Weiner was planning on riding to the job of mayor on Schumer's back. Schumer is his maven, his godfather. The two deserve each other. They are both unmitigated POS politicians. Both should be kicked out of office the next election.
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१७५ टिप्पण्या:
He is falling apart. That is a horrible performance.
CNN went after him with a vengeance. They must be angry over the Palin treatment they are getting. Weiner is their next victim picked to get some self respect back. I imagine Weiner's District will always give the Dems a safe vote no matter what happens to poor Anthony Pants.
Quit distracting him. He needs to concentrate to find a better lie.
While the congressman does list some important issues, I think a lot of people are going to want to talk about why a congressman is twittering photographs of his penis to a 21 year old woman.
Since he's in the minority party in the House, he has absolutely nothing else to do than address this issue. Given how often he tweets, this also shows he has nothing else to do.
To me, this statement seems completely truthful.
And, it seems more likely than not that Weiner (or someone w/ access to his account) did send that link to the pic.
Weiner would need to be extremely stooopid to purposefully send that pic to some girl he doesn't know.
Weiner stiffs the press.
First Question: Congressman, since the picture you sent was of your dick covered by your underwear, our viewers want to know, what are you trying to hide?
If he registers even a "2" on your 1-10 credibility scale, you are either deluded or a fool. Recognize the liar for what he is, cowards.
Country music needs a false allegations and go back to work for the American people song.
He hit the wrong button. Instead of sending a DM tweet, he sent it to all his followers. Similar to the Reply All for Reply mistake on e-mail.
Tell me this didn't occur to you.
Another one of those situations where the admission, "OK, I was a jerk", would have ended it.
Now the FBI is in it and he may really be in the kind of trouble even Eric Holder can't get him out of.
Did you guys catch the segment O'Reilly just did on "Wienergate?" O'Reilly is calling for an immediate FBI investigation.
Admittedly, like Rush he doesn't appear to understand the technology so Kimberley Guilfoyle had to give him a primer.
To me, this statement seems completely truthful.
To me, that statement seems completely misleading. She only answers the wild, speculative questions, she's able to deny.
In addition, YOU are wrong to think that denial means they didn't know each other--they knew each other from Twitter to the point that they were following each other--meaning they could send private messages on the service.
Sorry pbAndj, but you need to improve your reading skills.
Weiner is toast. He may not be forced to resign, he may not get voted out of office, but no one backs a f*cking "punchline". This asshat had big plans...that's all gone now. Mayor of NYC? Fuggetaboutit.
Hmm? So CNN wants the schmuck to resign?
You think there isn't another reason for the pressure?
Okay, perhaps the female asking those tough questions, has gotten tweets of her own?
Yes, Fred4Pres, Weiner looks like he's falling apart.
On the other hand, he had no trouble using his face time on TV, to take a shot at Clarence Thomas.
This clip of Weiner is even worse with the sound off.
I've seen this douchebag on many an interview. He's an arrogant prick who tries to be funny. His subdued tone and darting-downward eyes aren't consistent with his usual prick persona.
Verdict: GUILTY
"Tell me this didn't occur to you."
But, that girl claims that she never had an inappropriate twitter relationship w/ this guy.
Even if it was DM, how dumb must a (somewhat) famous person be such that they start sending crotch shots to young ladies that they aren't married to or even involved w/?
Of course you can read between the lines of that girl's denial. She does allow for twitter-sex or twitter-flirting, if you assume that such activity is appropriate w/ a married person--maybe post-WJC folks define 'inappropriate' more loosely than many of us.
Hey guys, hands off the Weiner.
Seriously; leave the Weiner alone.
If you keep messing with the Weiner, you'll go blind.
"Even if it was DM, how dumb must a (somewhat) famous person be such that..."
As dumb as his wiener.
There's a story, about, that when Ronald Reagan visited GE factories ... sometimes a female would expose her breast to him. And, offer him a pen so that he could sign it.
Not everybody has a piece of paper handy, I guess, when they see a celebrity?
And, many, many, men, receive attention from women. In other words, they find a pair of underpants in their jacket pocket; with a phone number scribbled on it.
What's Anthony Weiner supposed to do? Perhaps, prior to shooting himself in his underpants, he received a naked body part Tweet?
Two people went and erased their "tweets" within 4 minutes of "OH, OH."
The "hack?" Yes. Someone was following this gal's tweets for some reason. And, within those 4 minutes of opportunity ... the "screens were catched." And, the information blazed out to thousands of people.
In the chaos that followed the story went wild.
Curious George,
...but no one backs a f*cking "punchline".
Two words: Joe Biden.
But, that girl claims that she never had an inappropriate twitter relationship w/ this guy.
Several possibilities:
1) It was a perfectly innocent relationship from her side up until that point.
2) She lied. (Yes--shocking as that may be--21-year-old women lie too.)
3) She is using a personal, highly convenient definition of what constitutes an inappropiate relationship.
Even then, your focus is misleading: we already know that a tweet was sent from Rep. Weiner's account to her account. How did that happen? That's what we want to know.
And where is his fucking tie? He looks like he just got out of a night in lock-up. Did Pelosi put him on suicide watch? He's probably wearing loafers and slacks without a belt.
Did Naomi Wolf advise him to do this?
Innocent men wear ties and look people in the eyes. So do guilty men who want to look innocent.
If I were in New York, I'd show up wherever he's speaking with a poster of his pregnant Jockeys, below which the text:
And where is his fucking tie? He looks like he just got out of a night in lock-up. Did Pelosi put him on suicide watch? He's probably wearing loafers and slacks without a belt.
Did Naomi Wolf advise him to do this?
Innocent men wear ties and look people in the eyes. So do guilty men who want to look innocent.
I think a lot of people are going to want to talk about why a congressman is twittering photographs of his penis to a 21 year old woman.
I want to know why he is 'twittering' at all. Doesn't he have something better to do with his time? Like his JOB!!
Even if it was DM, how dumb must a (somewhat) famous person be such that they start sending crotch shots to young ladies that they aren't married to or even involved w/?
Are you this naive?
Did you guys catch the segment O'Reilly just did on "Wienergate?" O'Reilly is calling for an immediate FBI investigation.
Keeps the Medicare drubbing in NY-26 out of the news.
How comes no one wants to know who this creepy "patriotusa76" dude is? He's been stalking Weiner for weeks. And this girl has been harassed ever since.
I know this isn't PC but I find the whole tweeting the weiny by Weiner hot.
If it would of been sent to me I would of tweeted back whip it out, show me the head, touch it, put your hand on the base so I can see the length and diameter.
This bitch was lucky she got a Weiner weiner tweet.
I wonder how Huma is doing? I kind of blame her though, she much not be satisfying him.
Lesson do you gals out there, please you man, otherwise he is going to be doing some hog tweeting.
You think Weiner is any smarter than Brett Favre when it comes to trying to get laid?
Hell, at least Favre sent a picture by text to only one woman and had the balls to show his dick.
Sorry bud, Biden is a perfect example. How'd his higher aspiration turn out? These punchlines are all well in good where they are at...they give you the vote you want.
If it was a fat crusty old guy I would not of found it hot but Weiner is definitely hot.
I thought the Craigslist guy pic from upstate NY was hot too.
If you got it, show it.
I mean what's the big fucking deal anyway?
Cue the "republican whining again" from the Dem playbook, commenter unnamed.
Sounds like a good episode for Law and Order.
I believe deep down some women would be flattered by getting a weiner tweeter.
It shows men care.
But only if the guy is hot. If he is not hot then it is definitely not hot and gross and icky.
Basically what I am saying is if you are hot you can do anything, wear anything, have any crap job, it doesn't really matter.
You are hot and that is what is most important.
Real Audio clip of Wiener on his name, first appearance on Imus Dec 14, 2009, here.
Basically what I am saying is if you are hot you can do anything, wear anything, have any crap job, it doesn't really matter.
You are hot and that is what is most important.
This is largely correct. In addition, good-looking people are perceived as more caring, more competent, better leaders, etc. just on their looks. It is the way of the world.
"You think Weiner is any smarter than Brett Favre when it comes to trying to get laid?"
Not only is it extremely dumb to tweet the Weiner as a DM to a young who you don't really know. But, to slip up and do it publicly. And, how does an NYer do this the same week that the Ds pick-up a seat because an R was caught w/ his own photo fun.
I don't think there's a word for that level of dumb.
On a side note he looks like he goes to a tanning bed.
That's hot too.
It means he is pretentious and narcissistic. That's hot.
Having sex with pretentious guys is really hot.
They call it "thinking with your dick" for a reason.
This the better of the CNN Q&A. Weiner is imploding.
I used to work at the DoD. Anything like this that you need to desperately cover up could be construed as a blackmailable thing. At least that used to be the rules about a security clearance.
Now, I don't know if Weiner falls into this kind of strict category, of course. The DoD keeps most things from Congressmen, because they're gits anyway. But there's the principal of the thing.
Do you really think that after he sent that tweet to the young lady, that her statement in the paper was totally true? I don't. I think he must have been DMing her afterward and making some arrangements. Now, she was so on board with him that she might have done it for free.
Also, I know that someone at Twitter or Yfrog knows the truth. Surely any of their Sys Admins could take a look. It seems awfully nasty to say something bad about Twitter and Facebook like Weiner did. But again, those outfits might be in the tank for him, too, and not care. But maybe they ought to.
"Another one of those situations where the admission, "OK, I was a jerk", would have ended it."
You mean he should say "Okay, I was a dick."
He's not exactly being run out of town a la Mark Foley, is he?
I have Skype Sex with my husband and tap my hog against the camera while his mouth is all over it on his camera.
Would women be willing to have Skype Sex with their men? If not, I feel bad for men.
Women can be such killjoys in the sex area.
The entire thing has got me really horny.
@exhelodrvr1: doink doink
In the interview, Weiner stays cocky.
Weiner increasingly reminds me of Derek Smalls, caught with a zucchini in his pants at the airport.
Weiner = WINNING!
What a putz.
pbAndj, I'm not going to call it the "everybody does it" defense because it's not a defense, but I'm betting this stuff is common enough that Weiner (and the myriad other politicos who do the same thing) thought he wouldn't get caught like that schmuck upstate. He's smarter, it won't happen to him, etc.
A week ago, Weiner was probably NYC's next mayor. This week, not so much. Can't say as I'm disappointed.
Wally Kalbacken said...
"Another one of those situations where the admission, "OK, I was a jerk", would have ended it."
You mean he should say "Okay, I was a dick."
He's not exactly being run out of town a la Mark Foley, is he?
What do you think he is, a Republican?
He seems to be trying everything he can to distract US.
Weeeeeener had better shut up before he ends up with his dick in the dirt-
"Quit distracting Anthony Weiner."
That's nothing.
That's not the video to watch ... THIS is the video to watch.
CNN's Dana Bash and her producer just destroy Anthony Wiener ... who breaks down and calls a CNN producer a "jackass" during the video for asking him a question he won't answer.
The movie "Bridesmaids" had a rather remarkable segment where the maid of honor pantomimes a penis.
If Weiner just did that for the cameras, this thing would be so over.
"I mean what's the big fucking deal anyway?"
That's the point, though Titus. It's not big. Five inches is puny. Hardly worth any girl's (or GarageMahal's) effort.
If you've got it flaunt it, but if you're packing a Vienna Sausage, well you know what they say ... better left to the imagination.
Keeps the Medicare drubbing in NY-26 out of the news.
Kinda knew someone (suprised who?) would step in it-
Guy send pics with shirt off--resign immediately
Guy sends pic to groupie of boner...
-It was a prank
-I'm too busy to be bothered with it
-I'm retaining a lawyer
-all you fuckers are part of the right-wing conspiracy.
-My word is as good as gold, check the tapes.
If he can't flatly say "No" to the question "Is that you in the picture" then the answer is yes, it is him.
The only real question is how badly he crash-lands this fiasco.
?Curious George: Weiner is toast.
If only it were true. He's just going to vigorously deny and never give an inch and no one will investigate and in another another politician will provide us with a totally new scandal and that will be the end of Weinergate.
By the way, everyone keeps saying Weiner was sending crotch shots to some hot college chick. I've seen a couple photos of her. Nothing I would ever tweet. But I guess, being a congressman and all, Weiner has different standards.
'How comes no one wants to know who this creepy "patriotusa76" dude is?'
His identity is not only known, he has practically begged the FBI and/or any other investigative agency with jurisdiction to crawl all over his computers. He's acting like someone who's reasonably certain Weiner was the tweeter. But I do agree with your general sentiment that this needs to be investigated. Should be quite simple to figure out exactly what happened.
I almost pity the fool. Yeah, he blew the big time shot at mayor, and all that. Yeah, he looks like the putz of all time--but I'm thinking that putz doesn't bother him--he's a proud putz. But my God--Huma. And Hillary. He is so fucked. Dante had limited imagination--cue Twiight zone theme--he's entering the Weiner Ring.
I love the title of the video, that Weiner is ready to move on. Of course, he is ready to move on. John Edwards was ready to move on after his affair was made public. Clinton after Monica's name came up, etc. The perp always wants to move on, and quit discussing his scandal.
But noticeably in this video, he failed to deny much of anything. Whenever he was asked to, his response was that he wanted to move on to what he thought was important, i.e. anything that would distract the public from his scandal.
This may work, but I doubt it. His blood is in the water, and the sharks are circling. If he really is innocent, he should start denying some of these things, start agreeing that an investigation into the crimes alleged should be launched, etc.
I think that if he doesn't directly address and refute the charges made, his time as a spokesperson for the Democrats is effectively over. At least for awhile (after all, eventually, even Ted Kennedy was being listened to by the liberal media).
Old Dad has it right. The media is the least of Weiner's problems.
I think the guy is being stupid.
If he did it, admitting it isn't going to lose him his seat in Congress. And, if he didn't, then why not just deny everything and call for the FBI to investigate?
Old Dad,
The guy could have come out of this w/ one thing going his way: it'd be somewhat satisfying if the world knew you're a big Weiner. But, that's not so for this little Weiner.
Ugh. What a disgrace of a human being. Not a shred of dignity.
I think Weiner was shocked & dismayed that these reporters did not just accept his evasions!
The guy is a wiener but I am still not convinced that this is Weiner's wiener.
How can his colleagues in the House resist seeing Weiner and saying, Hey, Tony, what's up?
I love how all-of-a-sudden, the Congressman has "important work to focus on".
In between tweeting pics of his cock.
Watching those two videos one might be led to think Weiner was the Speaker of the House. He's a member of the minority; he doesn't have anything important to do.
It was less than a year ago when WJC officiated the Weiner wedding.
So, who's surprised that this ended badly. WJC wasn't meant to marry a Weiner.
Stick to what you know.
He needs to get back to those important hockey tweets.
But I do agree with your general sentiment that this needs to be investigated. Should be quite simple to figure out exactly what happened.
patriotusa76 predicted on Twitter a week ago there would be a scandal involving Weiner. Weird.
Why do some men send pictures of their penises to women? Does that ever work?
Weiner wants to get back to work.. after long layoff.
Late night showman and producers are looking up at the sky and muttering 'somebody up there like me'.
@ezradulis (Ezra Dulis):
"@patriotusa76 did NOT single out Weiner. Rumor was "big-time Dem Congressman in Northeast." Speculated Weiner, Rangel, & Frank."
patriotusa76 predicted on Twitter a week ago there would be a scandal involving Weiner. Weird
Not that weird. If the guy knew what he was like and thought Weiner was the sort of person to be caught in a sex scandal, that would be consistent with Weiner being the sort of person who tweets boner pics to women.
Why do some men send pictures of their penises to women? Does that ever work?
Yes, it does. To the right (or wrong) woman, under the right circumstances, it does work.
Dante's Inferno: Or Weiner Roasting
The Weiner Ring of Hell: Huma, the mother-in-law, the female in-laws--vagina dente; the father in-law, the male in-laws--let's tighten up that circumcision there Congressman; family--what a putz; friends--crickets; constituents--where's my money, putz; America--we are so fucked; Lefties--Breitbart--arghh--heads explode.
Garage, maybe patriotusa76 got wind of a developing story and made a bold prediction that came true.
(Or, if you prefer, had the justification for his creepy cyber-stalking vindicated. Whatever you need to believe to minimize your cognitive dissonance.)
Mickey Kaus set the precedent with the Edwards scandal. Whichever way you want to interpret it.
Weiner can't say no because that's his sausage in the shorts. Deal with it.
patriotusa76 predicted on Twitter a week ago there would be a scandal involving Weiner. Weird.
Don't know whether you are lying, as you often do, but it isn't weird at all. He had been trying to get conservative opinion leaders interested on Weiner's online habits.
So, basically, he understood what Weiner's 'following' of a 21-year-old Seattle coed, a teenage high school student, and a porn star meant. Wise man.
Gene said...
?Curious George: Weiner is toast.
If only it were true. He's just going to vigorously deny and never give an inch and no one will investigate and in another another politician will provide us with a totally new scandal and that will be the end of Weinergate. "
That only part of what I stated. You can look it up.
What Fred4Pres said.
I have never seen an interview such as this one. It's like a bad TV movie. AW: Guilty as charged.
"and a porn star"
Alright, now I'm in favor of a thorough investigation.
From a customer review of Coney Island Famous Weiners
This Place is My favorite place in all of Cumberland.
It's a Tradition in Cumberland, and everyone goes there.
The Hotdogs are topped with a bean-less chili, mustard & onions, the buns are soft & hot. They are served with a side of crinkle cut fries, but the hail in comparison to the wieners.
the place has a "old town charm" Wooden tables, built in Benches, Coat Hooks & Old Pictures up on the wall.
Just make sure you know how to order the dogs.
Shameless plug ;)
Country Weiner:
"Baby, lock them doors
And turn them false allegations down..."
Don't know whether you are lying, as you often do
I never lie.
That said, I just read patriotusa76 timelines, and for some reason I believe him.
Weiner research is hard.
Weiner: "You want answers?"
Reporter: "I want the truth!"
Weiner: "You can't handle the truth! ... Son, we live in a world that has hot babes, and those hot babes need to be sent dick pics by men with boners. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Reporter Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Huma, and you curse horny men. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That dick pics, while embarrassing, probably get hot women excited. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, gets dick pics out there. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want my boner on Twitter, you need my boner on Twitter. We use words like babe, chick, coed. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent chasing skirt. You use them to criticize me. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under a blanket with no hot chicks, and then questions the manner in which I obtain mine. I would rather you just said bravo, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a webcam, and snap a dick pic. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to."
Reporter: "Did you tweet the dick pic?"
Weiner: "I did the job I..."
Reporter: "Did you tweet the dick pic?"
Weiner: "You're goddamn right I did!" Drops his trousers, exposing an erect penis clad in gray boxer briefs.
You are hot and that is what is most important
Well... crap.
What's happened to this country that a middle-age, married Democratic member of Congress can't send a picture of his cock to a coed without everybody getting all up in arms about "morals"?
This isn't the America I know.
Freeman, that is fantastic.
A painful-to-watch performance. That is what his laywer advised him to say?
I think his lawyer probably has him on a standard scandal path. He's starting with the bit from the original Clinon denial: ". . .I need to go back to work for the American people." If he doesn't get better at the lying, and assuming it doesn't blow over, we'll maybe find out about him meeting with his Rabbi and his wife. Depending upon how his wife reacts, he may go for "sex addiction" treatment, like Mr. Woods.
No sign of the cocky little fellow normally out there sparring with reporters. Boy, does it suck to be him.
"patriotusa76 predicted on Twitter a week ago there would be a scandal involving Weiner. Weird"
Uh, it's not really that hard to do. Look at the list of Democratic congresmen, narrow it to the men, eliminate the oldest ones, pick the biggest ego maniac of the group.
Anthony Weiner never met a microphone he didn't love. Clearly he's never met a big-titted college girl he didn't want to come onto either.
Clearly he's never met a big-titted college girl he didn't want to come onto either
You don't have to be so vulgar.
Why do some men send pictures of their penises to women? Does that ever work?
I suspect you know the answer.
Men are from Mars, and if they confuse it with Venus, you'll need money, lawyers, and ever so often, political guns.
The rule is that you shouldn't send pictures of your cock to coeds unless you can lick your eyebrows.
For those that don't know, this creep was on the short list for NYC mayor next time around.
I was inclined to believe him during the preliminary.. shall we say gestation period of this Weiner circus.. But now his procrastination and failure to elevate himself above reproach have turned me off.
omg Freeman lol!
"The rule is that you shouldn't send pictures of your cock to coeds unless you can lick your eyebrows."
And let's face it, having seen the photograph in question, Mr. Weiner can't even lick his upper lip.
Look ... the real scandal here is how he has destroyed the good name of his wife, Huma Abedin, aide de camp to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
She's a hard working Democrat. Probably one of the most respected women in Washington, D.C. And here while she's working so hard, is her husband with apparently waaaaaayyyyyy too much time on his hands sending cock shots to barely legal internet skanks.
Huma Abedin is a powerful Musliim in Washington, D.C. and this episode does nothing except diminish her star and stain her family name. She has to work with people in the Middle East who care about this sort of stuff. She chose this guy. Plucked him out of anonymity and this is how he repays her? He destroys her family name?
She's the star of their show and he's the one fucking it all up for her.
He'll be lucky if he still possesses that cock when she's done with him.
He'll be lucky to escape a stoning.
doubleplusgood, Freems.
omg Freeman lol!
That deserves another quote on the main page. Call the hostess.
I was going to give Freeman a hand for her post but then I thought better of it.. dont want to get a su.peanus ;)
Freeman ....You win not only this thread but a Commenter Lifetime Achievement award for that Weiner speech. I can't quit laughing.
The Weiner affair is the most disgusting political issue of 2011 so far.
It's one thing to attack the Congressman for having a dick photo go out on his Twitter feed. By all means, run with that...
But any shit-slinging attack on Weiner must be tempered with a little bit of concern and sensitivity for potentially innocent bystanders. Breitbart has been strongly implying that the intended recipient of the dick photo, Gennette Cordova, was somehow sexually involved with the Congressman. As a result, she was harassed and her family was harassed. Her name will forever be associated with the infamous dick photo.
Althouse offered no rebuke to Breitbart as he trashed the young woman's life-- and did so without proof! Where's the proof that Cordova was involved in a sordid affair with the Congressman and was not just the innocent recipient of an unwanted dick photo as she claims to be?
Althouse and Breitbart demand that Weiner provide proof of, or at least more details regarding, the alleged "hacking" of his Twitter account. At the same time, they both make, or at least strongly imply, allegations about Cordova's involvement without offering a shred of proof of it. Ain't that a double standard?
Anyway, I think it's reprehensible that Team Breitbart, with an assist from Althouse, has dumped this pile of shit on Cordova and forced her to deal with it. She doesn't deserve it. She is not a public figure. She should have been left alone.
Here's Breitbart at it again today. He not only again insinuates that Cordova was having an affair with the Congreeman, but that other "girls that are quite young" were too. According to Breitbart, if Weiner follows a woman on Twitter, that means he's fucking her. But that's not proof; it's just nonsense.
Seven said....
You don't have to be so vulgar.
Kinda like that asshat that likes to open threads with disgusting references to Sarah Palin's pussy.
Kinda turns the whole discussion sour, and makes one wonder why they bother to read Althouse.
Kinda makes you want to head west across the big lake and grab this dweeb by the neck and shove your fist down his throat-
But, I guess that's just us.
Put Freeman in the winner circle..
(go ahead and spike the ball)
wv - cringly
Freeman Hunt: Wins the thread! You're Goddamn right she does!
"I would not spend two hours responding to that pie."
Democrat Politician Quote of the Year: Anthony Weiner: "I would not spend two hours responding to that pie."
Oops, Julius. I actually watched the Breitbart vid at your link. I take it that you didn't expect anyone to do that?
Breitbart points out that he didn't give Cordova's name; that was Gawker. He also drives at the point that the story is about Weiner, the women are irrelevant. H
Plus, he defends himself well against the Sherrod stuff.
And at no point does he insinuate that Cordova is having an affair with Weiner.
"Breitbart has been strongly implying that the intended recipient of the dick photo, Gennette Cordova, was somehow sexually involved with the Congressman."
Julius, what did he say? I don't read him.
"He not only again insinuates that Cordova was having an affair with the Congreeman (sic)... "
Dead Julius, Breitbart never alleged any "affair" in the article you linked. Breitbart wrote that Mr. Weiner is having a "relationship" with many young women online. And thus far, this allegation has been borne out by facts admitted to by Mr. Weiner. Rep. Weiner does not deny that he has a relationship with this woman and others online.
You said "affair." You brought up the word "affair."
Are you alleging there is more to the relationship ... that it's a full on "affair?" That Mr. Weiner is cheating on his wife Huma Abedin, the aide de camp to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?
You need to answer for your allegations. Do you know more than we know?
Why are YOU bringing up the word "affair?"
Is "implying" a part of the new truthiness?
When people don't actually say the damning things you wish they would, just assert that they implied them. Somehow. Maybe with their eyes.
The propaganda arm of the Dem Party implied Mark Foley was buggering 16 y.o. boys. A mild turnabout must pinch.
He's becoming his own Quagmire. Diggity.
On the other hand, maybe, there's a lesson here on how to "tweet" a message in the fewest words possible?
What if the 21-year old gal, tweeted first? With a picture of her tit? Or her tampon string?
And, what Anthony Weiner did was "answer." He thought he'd demonstrate something better than just "WOW." His answer was gonna "stand out."
You can't fool me. People twitter each other with disgusting shots of personal stuff all of the time.
Dog -- I'm sorry you don't get the joke about Andrew Sullivan and Sarah Palin's vagina. Perhaps someone will explain it to you.
Anthony Weiner is an ambitious man. (Like Eliot Spitzer.)
Anthony Weiner thought he'd leave the House, and move into Gracie Mansion, in NYC. By becoming NYC's next mayor.
I wonder if Eliot Spitzer will invite him on, though, for an "interview." "Client #9 Meets the Putz."
"Quit distracting Anthony Weiner."
Wait a minute. Who distracted whom first?
Weiner is a dead meat piece of shit. He won't answer the question because if he says no, that wasn't his junk and it is he's fucked. If he admits that it was his junk, he's fucked. This is what a filthy leftard looks like. It's you Tony Weiner, you walking ass. Oh, sorry, dick.
The flag flying from the pole is false.
"Anthony Weiner is an ambitious man."
You know, I don't really think this is the case.
Ambitious men don't waste their time showing their little wieners to tweenage internet groupies. They're too busy doing things. Accomplishing things.
Other than marrying up, what has Anthony Weiner done except to show his pitifully small penis to young students on the internet?
Teddy Roosevelt is turning over in his grave.
Is this what America sees as ambition today?
And this guy thinks he can be the mayor of New York? That he can take down a Supreme Court Justice?
What a pitiful, pitiful little man.
garage mahal said...
Did you guys catch the segment O'Reilly just did on "Wienergate?" O'Reilly is calling for an immediate FBI investigation.
Keeps the Medicare drubbing in NY-26 out of the news
Sure, jackoff, hang your bitch tits on one district no one gives two fucks about and call it a tidal wave of anti-medicare sentiment. Your kind are the dumbest people on earth.
I got it.
Cloaking your comments behind Sully's insanity may work on most--apparently it has, since no one called you out-
I am.
In a cesspool of free speech, I consider it my duty.
Certainly, you'd agree.
pbAndj, if Weiner is telling the truth, file a police report. Find out who hacked you.
Not filing a report? That means you can't allege a crime (because that is a felony).
It is really that simple.
Weiner: 'I won't release the Weiner death photos'
"It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of a Weiner.. shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional..(inaudible) or as a propaganda tool," said the Congressman ;)
Freeman, your post is made of awesome. And Weiner-wiener. But mostly awesome.
You do know that Andi has a PhD in "Trigomometry"?
How do people who "tweet" learn to express themselves in 140 characters?
Wouldn't a picture be worth a thousand words?
What did Anthony Weiner SEE that gave him a woody?
Too bad the guy doesn't have a dog, that was licking its balls. He could'a take a quick-pic of that, instead. And, he'd have stayed out of trouble.
TWEETING needs to come with a dictionary.
How do we know Weiner is lying?
May it please the court.
Did some dastardly person or persons, in an attempt to overturn the health care law, go into Judge Thomas' house and renumber it? Now that's I story I want investigated! Why did it cost over eight hundred thousand dollars? Was the renumbering process due to movement of the household to a different street address?
I don't just want answers, I want the truth!
Lem/ Brown/ Rat:
How's that fisting thing working out?
I'm done with it-
Just wanted Seven to think twice next time--rude and vile remarks should not be left to stand unopposed.
I loath censorship, so it's incumbent on commenters to self-censor.
Nothing is is normal if there is no norm....
Lem said...
How do we know Weiner is lying?
May it please the court.
Well on a side note, no one has asked to see the long form. Buh-dump-bump, PISH!!! Thank you, thank you very much.
Browndog said...
I'm done with it-
Just wanted Seven to think twice next time--rude and vile remarks should not be left to stand unopposed.
I loath censorship, so it's incumbent on commenters to self-censor.
Nothing is is normal if there is no norm....
What did you want him to think about? How Little Miss Sullivan in her own words questioned the authenticity of which vagina Sarah Palin's son came from? Not seeing your connection to ask Macho to not hide behind his veiled words.
Freeman, your post is made of awesome. And Weiner-wiener. But mostly awesome.
That post was a whiner Weiner wiener winner. If you will.
But any shit-slinging attack on Weiner must be tempered with a little bit of concern and sensitivity for potentially innocent bystanders.
Fuck you. We all heard this exact same line about Monica... before you guys started sliming her as a "deranged stalker".
You guys on the Left don't give a rat's ass about Gennette Cordova. So try another set of lies.
Oh ya, Weiner is also "following" a 16-year-old teenager....
Low blow Methadras ;)
"What did Anthony Weiner SEE that gave him a woody?"
Freeman, I lol'ed. Just to disclaim, there was no pleasure derived from it so as to not confuse how gloriously awesome that post was. Little yay!!! And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...
Hillary and Huma are having a drink right now.
His dick really did look small in that pic.
That is what is so disappointing.
Who the fuck ever got a boner over Arnold Horshak? Vinnie Barbarino, maybe ... but Horshack?
Not even Horshack got a boner over Horshak.
Gee, Fen, Monica started it! Her dad was desperate. The kid wasn't working anywhere. So he used connections to get her an internship in the White House. (I don't think she was even paid a salary.)
And, the first thing Monica did, on her first day at the White House ... when she entered the Oval Office ... Where Bill Clinton was meeting hundreds of people a day ... She flashed him.
Monica turned around, and lifted her thong above her waistband ... where her butt was facing "Mr. You Know Who." And, right away Bill understood the invitation.
Heck, Monica even brought pizza! Out of her own pocket money. Which her dad provided.
It can get very lonely in the White House, when you're married to Hillary.
My guess is that Huma ain't a great wife! Anthony Weiner got cheated! He's only married 5 months!
That honeymoon ended pretty fast, didn't it?
I wonder if Hillary has thrown a fit, yet. And, if any table lamps went flying.
Oh, sure. IF this subject doesn't just disappear ... then, ahead. I agree with the person who said the rabbi is called in. The wife shows up. And, Anthony Weiner goes off to some addiction center. Where, first, they bandage his fingers together.
"His dick really did look small in that pic."
It didn't really look all that hard either ... that's what's really surprising. If you're trying to impress, wouldn't you like ... play with it a little and get it good and angry?
It looked like an Underoos catalog photo you'd get in the Sunday paper without the pedo zing.
Any chance Weiner would volunteer for a dick line-up?
Yeah, now everybody wants the blog feature where one's own comment is changed to what Freeman said.
Jon Stewart Goes To Bat For Rep. Anthony Weiner: ‘His D*ck Is Just Not That Big’
My wife wanted to look at paint colors on the Internet tonight. I had this window up on the computer and she saw it (Wienergate) and asked about it. I had to explain it all. Sort of weird because when you explain it, it sounds ridiculous. Or, perhaps I should say, recockulous.
Freeman was very funny, especially when juxtaposed with Jon Stewart's weak bit on Weiner. Stewart claims that this should be right in his wheelhouse and, then, goes on to explain why it isn't. Stewart isn't exactly exculpatory but most of his mockery is aimed at CNN and bloggers.... That's why maybe Weiner will get away with it. The heavy hitters of ridicule will give him a light dusting rather than an acid bath, and, in a while, we will all pay greater attention to bigger, better scandals. Maybe Palin will mispronounce a word.....I think Weiner's relationship with the coed was, at this point, innocent, but an experienced air traffic controller knows how to keep the planes in a holding pattern until cleared for landing. This is not the tactic of someone seeking a platonic relationship.
Weiner hasn't really committed any crime yet, so I predict he fesses up tomorrow. I'm not so sure about resignation...
nevadabob said...
"His dick really did look small in that pic."
It didn't really look all that hard either ... that's what's really surprising. If you're trying to impress, wouldn't you like ... play with it a little and get it good and angry?
It looked like an Underoos catalog photo you'd get in the Sunday paper without the pedo zing.
Erections as a come on are so passe. Flaccidity is where it's at.
He then noted that, in his time around Weiner, he had evidence that the photo could not possibly be him, if only based on size
These are straight guys, right? Comparing boners? His friend might not thank him for that joke.
"Weiner: Why would I even mail a picture of my penis to a girl? I'm gay!"
Wasn't this guy @sshole extraordinaire Jon Stewart's roommate just out of college? Was Jon in the closet back then, is he now?
This guy is thrashing, a drowning man suffocated by his own lies. A borderline personality-disorder on full display. An animatronic skinny-Gorebot talking about a "lockbox" and/or "no higher legal authority" whose program is wearing out.
Hope he shows up on CNN & doesn't get asked an embarassing question---which would confirm every suspicion about the Communist News Network.
gateway pundit has a whole list, with descriptions and pics, of a number of the other people weiner 'follows' on twitter..all young, busty, brunette women/girls. apparently, those are the folks most interested in his... politics and hockey tweets.
garage mahal wrote: I never lie.
That would smoke a logic circuit.
Weiner would need to be extremely stooopid to purposefully send that pic to some girl he doesn't know...."
I've not seen evidence that he's very smart.
Putz of putzes.
"Why do some men send pictures of their penises to women? Does that ever work?"
I imagine it working depends on the man. And the woman. And the penis.
Can someone 'splain to me why the (semi) tumescent member's tweet list includes young ladies? Weiner, like most men, think with the small rather than the big head--Weiner, demonstrably, has neither.
Today should be a good day. Weiner can't juast keep tantrumming his way out of questions. More importantly, all his supporters now know for sure that they've been defending a guilty (and remarkably dishonest/sleazy) politician at the expense of their own credibility. Will they continue to lick their Master's balls even though he's shown such contempt for them? Here's hoping for solid entertainment followed by a hurried "time to get my personal life in order" speech.
I watched the video and realized I was hearing Woody Allen.
EGAD. Nasal, whiny, New Yawkish, geeky, annoying Woody Allen.
I wonder if "a Woody Allen " has become another metaphor?
Old Adage:
"Open mouth, insert foot."
New Adage:
"Open twitter, insert wiener."
My question now is what does the Democrat House Whip and other higher ups going to recommend be done with the Weiner..
He hehe..
The honry, corrupt, racist, elitist, lying welfare state democrat must get back to work bashing Clarence Thomas. All while ignoring the real conflict of interest - Elena Kagan.
G Joubert,
Weiner was planning on riding to the job of mayor on Schumer's back. Schumer is his maven, his godfather. The two deserve each other. They are both unmitigated POS politicians. Both should be kicked out of office the next election.
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