Senators who had been members of the so-called Gang of 14 justified the filibuster by pointing at Liu's testimony against the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.
What did Liu write?
"Judge Alito’s record envisions an America where police may shoot and kill an unarmed boy to stop him from running away with a stolen purse … where a black man may be sentenced to death by an all-white jury for killing a white man.... I humbly submit that this is not the America we know. Nor is it the America we aspire to be.”
८८ टिप्पण्या:
"I humbly submit that this is not the America we know."
A humble man, with much to be humble about.
Are all-black juries allowed to sentence a white man to death for killing a black man? It's hard to keep up with all these new rules...
Sucks to be Liu.
Good riddance, little man.
Nice to see McConnell can do something right.
In lieu of Liu, who will they choose instead?
I envision an America where an almost all-white Senate can stop cold the appointment of an arrogant, inexperienced judicial nominee nominated by an arrogant, inexperienced President based not on the color of the nominee or President, but by the content of their character.
He just ripped off an old Ted Kennedey speach. This makes him qualified to be a federal judge?
Not exactly colorblind, is he?
I envision an America where citizens vote for legislators who, in turn, write and approve the laws under which Americans must toil. That makes me an extremist, you see.
Goodwin Liu is a dick.
Henry, nice comment.
Whoa. Althouse's old post has no comments. That sucks.
In lieu of Liu, who will they choose instead?
One just like him, but with some self-control and foresight.
"Whoa. Althouse's old post has no comments. That sucks."
The comments are there, but are not displayed. Blogger has not completely restored my blog yet.
The comments are there, but are not displayed. Blogger has not completely restored my blog yet.
Though the past was erased, the erasure is not yet forgotten, and so the lie has not yet became truth.
It is a happy day on the rare occasion when the smug comments of one of these lefty academics comes back and bites him on the ass.
It has to start somewhere, let the purge begin.
This is what they did to Bush:
They screwed him.
The GOP need to tell Obama to pound sand. Show some balls.
The white Republicans filibustered a yellow judge nominated by a black president.
Want to bet how long it'll take the MSM to say that?
The GOP need to tell Obama to pound sand. Show some balls.
Yes, this is exactly what they should do-stand their ground and then we should elect even stronger House and Senate majorities in 2012
This is what they did to Bush:
And Obama could return the favor and recess appoint Liu.
Liu isn't as appalling as the Democrats.
Excellent comments above all!
The quote you displayed above in the post is just one of many outrageous comments made by this man. His preference for usage of international law and his put down of this country alone should have made the American Bar Association stay far, far away from any satisfactory recommendation of this man. Wait! You don't think the ABA is actually lacking in character and patriotism do you ?
But apart from that, he is supremely unqualified by dent of experience and temperament.
The future will unfold and show Goodwin Liu to have been on an intellectual (low) par with Eric Holder and Sonia Sotomayor, among other far left darlings. Ideologues all. But until then . . .
A great day for America!
And Ann, it is not exactly a "resumption of the judge wars" given the history of this. If anything is more like someone calmly expressing displeasure as your neighbor paws and manhandles your wife in the middle of the neighborhood block party.
Steve Sailer has been on a roll this week.
Remember Omar Thorton, the black guy who murdered 8 white men at a beer distributorship in Connecticut? Well, the press was in a frenzy over whether the 8 white guys had it coming because they were racists.
Finally, the police report is out, and Sailer is proud to announce that Omar Thornton's victims have been exonerated of racism.
So, we know now, that those 8 white guys didn't deserve to be murdered. Makes you feel warm all over, doesn't it?
And Obama could return the favor and recess appoint Liu.
1) Which Bush did with ___________ ?
2) Seriously, it is hard to imagine Obama securing a more exhilarated Center-Right America after his sacrifice of Israel earlier today. But a recess appointment of someone even Democrats couldn't fully support?
Please! PLEASE! DO IT!
1) Which Bush did with ___________ ?
William Pryor and Charles Pickering.
2) Seriously, it is hard to imagine Obama securing a more exhilarated Center-Right America after his sacrifice of Israel earlier today
By telling the Palestinians they must put down their arms and recognize Israel and their right to exist?
Bonkers is the only word for Republicans these days. Just nuts.
And Obama could return the favor and recess appoint Liu.
That would be risky; he'd have to nominate a permanent replacement later, when the Senate will probably have more Republican seats.
William Pryor and Charles Pickering.
Both of whom were slandered by Democrats and subjected to religious tests by the religious bigots Charles Shumer and Diane Feinstein.
Not certain why Democrats are so NUTS these days, but again, they always played dirty. Today's comeuppance is a great day for America!
By telling the Palestinians they must put down their arms and recognize Israel and their right to exist?
No, by giving back the territory won in the 1967 war and setting up the Israelis for another attack.
Is there any evil that you do not favor, garbage, by trying to convince yourself that it sounds good?
You are major league stupid.
And of course, Charles Pickering was slandered even more by the Alinsky disciples wholly owned Democrat Party. The Democrats stirre dup opposition to a man who helped bring down the Klan in Mississippi during the Civil Rights era. Go Figure! We all know Democrats are never racist, except when they are.
But that's to be expected when Democrats have been in control of the public schools in America for so long. First casualty in education under Democrats? History! Just can't have people learning the truth of what happened now can they?
He thinks it's ok to oppose an otherwise qualified judge entirely on grounds of personal politics? I take that as an admission that he will rule according to his persponal preferences and not the law or constitution.
He is clearly unfit for a judicial role.
By telling the Palestinians they must put down their arms and recognize Israel and their right to exist?
That's the Status Quo, man. Just because The New York Times makes it a headline doesn't mean it's important.
Ahhh, today is a mixed bag - Obama's turning against the Jewish state of Israel, exposing him for what so many had warned us of for so long. Even I didn't believe he was this spineless.
(Oh, that's right - I forgot he manned up and pulled the trigger on Bin Laden. Go get 'em tiger.)
But a bad lawyer and far worse American was prevented from making more consequential decisions about Americans lives and futures.
And THAT is something to celebrate!
Why shouldn't a black man may be sentenced to death by an all-white jury for killing a white man?
If the black man is guilty, then why shouldn't an all-white jury convict him? And, why shouldn't an all-white jury be able to competently and fairly decide whether a black man is guilty?
I imagine Alito is disappointed. Imagine what his first review of a Liu opinion would read like:
"This is not the America you thought you knew. Nor does America aspire to be like you, Liu."
"Nice to see McConnell can do something right."
What's interesting about this is that the republicans in the Senate now seem willing to employ the exact same tactics that the Democrats have been employing against America all along.
And it's about goddamned time.
No judge appointed by this racist terrorist we have in the White House - who today threw in with the Palestinian terrorists against the innocent Jews - should ever see a black robe.
At Volokh, I'm reading that Republicans didn't actually filibuster the nomination. Senate Democrats nonetheless proposed cloture as though they had. Now that cloture failed Democrats are claiming that Republicans unfairly filibustered Liu.
Friends of Barack Hussein Obama are Jew hating Nazi sympathizers who don't deserve any future career in a government run by conservative Americans.
We have to protect our country from these evil people by removing them from all positions of government office and making sure they are unemployable now or in the future even in the private sector.
"At Volokh, I'm reading that Republicans didn't actually filibuster the nomination."
I'm not getting that from any of Gene's posts. Maybe you could quote the relevant portion.
Only 1 Democrat voted against cloture ... so it was fairly well a party-line vote such that one could say "Republicans" grew some fucking balls and blocked this horrible nomination, saving the country from an avowed racist federal judge.
The roll call (note that former Republican Orrin Hatch didn't even have the balls to cast a vote):
You are major league stupid.
No, no, no. Malicious, pure and simple.
Hatch voted present. What a smart ass. I love it.
@mccullough, absolutely right!
Obama has big ears. But they are politically tone deaf.
While over in GOP land Newt Gingrich just blew himself up.
Perhaps all that happened, today, with Obama is a similar explosion? I think if voters are angry enough, the democraps will learn a counting lesson. Or two. Or not?
The GOP has to assert backbone, now! Trump showed them how. And, politicians respond to what they view as successful messaging. Because it brings in donations.
Words are going to end up just being bullshit. What puts the dregs onto benches is politcal POWER. That is in short supply. Fuses? Nope. They are not.
That's good, Blue. At #9.
I'm not getting that from any of Gene's posts. Maybe you could quote the relevant portion.
I didn't say I got it from "Gene's" posts.
See this thread.
This nomination would have gotten through before November 2010 but then the election came and, well, kiss it, Goodwin.
Despite what Barbara Boxer thinks, the winds of change changed and one would be hard pressed to
bet on your re-nomination in the future.
But the so called "Judge Wars" were started and continued by the Ted Kennedys, Pat Leahys and Joe Bidens of this world a long, long time and many bodies ago !!
Nevadabob sure sounds important. He's on a first name basis with some bigwigs.
Democrats successfully filibustered the Bush nomination of Miguel Estrada.. a man with a stutter.
If the shoe fits let Liu wear it.
But the so called "Judge Wars" were started and continued by the Ted Kennedys, Pat Leahys and Joe Bidens of this world a long, long time and many bodies ago !!
Blocking a nominee for blatantly partisan political reasons, it all started with Bork in 1987.
"Obama has big ears. But they are politically tone deaf."
Seeing as how he just threw in with Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel I'd say that Barack Obama is the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.
I mean, with a middle name of Hussein, how do you side with Palestinian terrorists and think that you're going to get re-elected in the United States of America?
Not to mention he just pissed off every American Jew worth being Jewish; and if the Democrat Party skinheads are to be believed, the Jews have all the money and all the power and control all the media.
Tell me again how Barack Obama is the smartest guy in the room.
Why does Althouse frame the debate as "tit for tat"...rather than on the merits...
merits....and law.
Guess who was in my parents hometown of Waunakee Wisconsin today, population 12, 187?
Nancy Pelosi, was at the Waunakee Senior Center, and my dad got to meet her.
He was on the "board" that created the Senior Center which is used for "Seniors".
He does have a kind of fab name though.
The syntax mirrors Teddy Kennedy's famous remarks about Robert Bork. There must be some kind of fill in the blank worksheet that liberals have to use when describing Republican judicial nominees.
McCullough- "almost lily-white Senate".
Almost? I can't think of any non-white members in the current Senate?
Sure, the race hysteria is a little annoying, but what really bugs me is that he's a ridiculous liar.
How dare he say these things about a long standing non racist judge?
What a nasty thing to do.
"Resumption of judge wars" LOL! No comparison but a favorite liberal tactic...false equivalence. Just like "Bush ran a deficit too!" Childish, shallow,...liberal.
"Judge Alito’s record envisions an America where police may shoot and kill an unarmed boy to stop him from running away with a stolen purse … where a black man may be sentenced to death by an all-white jury for killing a white man.... I humbly submit that this is not the America we know. Nor is it the America we aspire to be.”
Good for the Republicans.
The man seems to lack a certain judicial temperament.
He is also almost certainly an asshole, for writing shit like that.
By the way, the resumption of the Judge Wars came with the nomination of this jerk, not the rejection of his nomination.
The comments are there, but are not displayed. Blogger has not completely restored my blog yet.
If a commenter posted a comment does it exist if it isn't displayed?
You are major league stupid.
No, no, no. Malicious, pure and simple.
If I had a blog, I would put these testimonials on it.
If I had a blog, I would put these testimonials on it.
It's good to know your blog wouldn't be completely full of shit.
It's good to know your blog wouldn't be completely full of shit.
DUDE. That's all the right wing is these days, complete effing bullshit.
I was really wondering, it's been about 30 yrs since the right could legitimately claim they were actually good at something. What is these days? Filibustering? Suppressing voters? No one in the party can really even endorse their best thinker's plan for America. Paul Ryan. Seriously, what the fuck. /Help-
Garages' argumentation tonight is like a drowning man grasping at straws thinking they are floating red-wood logs..
@garbage, what we're really good at is standing up and fighting back. You've spent most of your life getting everything your own way. Now it's time for you to pay the piper.
Damn, Garage really hates Republicans.
He's positively freaking out about it.
I'll tell you one thing the GOP is good at: spending a tenth as much as democrats, for the same quality of government (not sayin' much).
Now, it's not like the GOP's goal is to lead us to utopia. The idea is to get out of the way, and we get there on our own, unimpeded by the burdens of an unsustainable government meant mainly to create dependency.
Another thing Republicans are good as is running cities. Compare to Democrat run cities.
There are plenty of poor Republicans out there, I admit, but I think Garage needs to relax.
If I had a blog, I would put these testimonials on it.
If you weren't malicious, your comments would be more even tempered and rational. You're only apparent goal is to cause harm. That's malicious.
So Republican Senators now think filibustering judicial nominees is Constitutional again? Good to know.
Snark aside, they were wrong (and politically myopic) in 2006, I said as much, and while they remain politically myopic—this move reflects cynical opportunism rather than any genuine realization of error—it's good to have them back on the right side of this question.
garage mahal said...
"If I had a blog, I would put these testimonials on it."
Garage, if you had a blog, it would wither and die for lack of readership.
Your blog life is entirely parasitical, Garage. Without Althouse you die.
"The comments are there, but are not displayed."
Trees falling in forests . . . .
And while we're at the remembering game here tonight, let's not forget all the "progressive" cultural snark and/or slyly insinuated--insinuated? hell, outright boldface pronouncements--racist-tinged remarks about the major crime of the fact of the 'whitebread" dress and demeanor of Chief Justice Robert's wife and children when his appointment was first publicly announced
Garage, if you had a blog, it would wither and die for lack of readership.
Shit, if anything, I add readership to this blog.
"if anything"
THAT made me laugh- thanks
Shit, if anything, I add readership to this blog.
Don't flatter yourself, chumpie. I really come here for Titus.
chickenlittle @607, that made me laugh. But it was redundant. Still, it made me laugh.
How dare he say these things about a long standing non racist judge?
What a nasty thing to do.
Because that's what liberals do. They have nasty built into their DNA.
Soooo....from this point Lord Zero a lame duck?
More faux racism from a yellow man no less. Ching chong wing wong. There I said it.
The comments are there, but are not displayed,
The Hostess with the Mostess can read invisible pixels.
Payback's a bitch.
I can't think of any non-white members in the current Senate?
Aside from Illinois, it's been pasty white since Bob Dole left.
Now the Senate needs to torture Liu until he grabs a knife and stabs himself. After a few minutes singing mournfully about him, it's on to romance and love with strangers!
AJ Lynch: Almost? I can't think of any non-white members in the current Senate?
Let me think... there's Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka of Hawaii, Marco Rubio of Florida, and Bob Menendez of New Jersey, that I know of.
Good riddance Goodwin!
suppressing voters by making them prove they actually have the right to vote and the EVIL filibuster!!
ohnoes not the ordinary Democratic Process that, when used by democrats, is praised as neccessary to protect the minority from the majority! LMFAO!
garage, thou art such a drama queen.
Do you have any rational arguements or are they all predicated on your fragile emotional state and rich fantasy life as Protector of the Weak against hidden regressive forces?
And why on earth are you defending a leftwing racist?
Dude, Harry Reid can't even get Obama's monsters on the bench.
Yet Trent Lott was able to get Clinton's on the bench when Republicans controlled the Senate.
And of course, Charles Pickering was slandered even more by the Alinsky disciples wholly owned Democrat Party.
Some important local LA Dems lawyers, IIRC, weren't too happy that Pickering got the treatment.
They felt it was very unfair. And some of them are AA.
I was really wondering, it's been about 30 yrs since the right could legitimately claim they were actually good at something. What is these days? Filibustering? Suppressing voters? No one in the party can really even endorse their best thinker's plan for America. Paul Ryan. Seriously, what the fuck. /Help-
You can't think of anything good the right has done?
Well, duh, why should that surprise you?
You can barely think at all to begin with.
If you'd bother to step back for a second, you'd realize you're a hacktastic tribal partisan with delusions that you're principled. Seriously, your arguments are shallow and paper-thin and thinking rarely enters the picture.
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