২৫ মে, ২০১১

I find toast-botch too painful to mock.

What if you gave a toast and nobody raised their glass with you, because they were in the middle of a solemn ritual that you had thought was the solemn ritual that is your toast but was their national anthem and the elderly queen was queenly enough to say gently to you "that's very kind"? You would carefully place your glass on the table and stand stiffly like everyone else and hope that the wide frown on your face expressed not your nightmare experience but some simulacrum of the "national anthem face" you should have had there all along, when you were blabbing that Shakespeare — Shakespeare! — to try to butter them up about what a great country they think they have. Oh! The rigidity of this horror!

২৫৮টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   258 এর 201 – থেকে 258
george বলেছেন...

I told you. Not a day goes by without this dunce doing something embarrassing. He is only up to Chauncey Gardner standards on a good day.

My secret goal in life is to hack into the TOTUS and program it to say --- "And then the corpseman said in his native Austrian, 'There has been a Teutonic shift in the force Lord Vader." My bet is that Obama would read it verbatim and not know the difference.

Anyone want to bet against me?

Conserve Liberty বলেছেন...

@Kimisch -- Set it Down.

I stand corrected. He is a buffoon. I'm just some dumb schmuck from the midwest, but my grandmother taught me basic manners and protocol. I could have done it right on a single read-through.

WV: potion - what kind of potion was in that glass?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

O'bama did it on purpose. He's Irish, you know.

Michael বলেছেন...

Shiloh. You are quite right about the 7 minutes w gwb. But what about bho and the overnight think on obl?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"I haven't watched the video or listened to the audio specifically because of the pain. I read the text description of it and decided it was intolerable."

Must be why Chris Matthes isn't mentioning it, either. To spare his viewer.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I watched it. O'bama is awesome.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

2 1/2 years into his presidency and he still doesn't grasp the need for a good protocol chief -- and the need to pay attention.

He would have been a decent Chicago alderman. That was always about his limit.

shiloh বলেছেন...

But what about bho and the overnight think on obl?

America wasn't directly under attack at the time.

And to be fair, many rational conservatives also agreed Bush "appeared" to be not ready for prime time as our country was under direct attact.

The irony of the MSM giving Bush credit when he picked veterans Cheney as v-p and Rummy as Sec of Defense and these were the fools that ended up destroying his presidency.


btw Original Mike, Tweety showed Obama's protocol faux pas on his show today as I just watched the 7 pm rerun of his show.

It's news, which is why Huffington Compost broke the "Obama Bittergate" story ~ It was news!

The truth is out there, but don't tell Fox News ...

shiloh বলেছেন...

btw, so many Mikes, so little time.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

@DBQ: Sadly, I have never been pheasant hunting, and I welcome your instruction in such matters. We can only hope that the inconsiderate bastard who stood uprange and ruined Cheney's shot had the grace and tact to apologize for his error before bleeding out. I amend my statement.

Actually he did. He admitted his error and took the blame for being in the wrong place.

Upland game hunting, when there are more than a few people, you arrange yourself in somewhat of a wedge, kind of like geese. The leader in the front can shoot either direction, front, right or left. The others shoot towards the left or the right (depending on which side of the wedge they are on).Or they can shoot straight ahead. You never ever shoot behind your sweep area or to the left if you are on the right and vice versa.

This is how I was trained, anyway.

The guy who got shot had positioned himself too far ahead in the wedge formation and was within the area of sweep and Cheney accidentally shot him, because he was not where he was supposed to be.

VanderDouchen বলেছেন...

'Tis hisself, Lad Bareth O'bama, performin' with the Royals, for true.


WV: cingst:

We need to get the protocols in cingst.

Michael বলেছেন...

Shiloh. The pet goat theory to which you adhere is one held by dufusses and turds of which you are voth.

BillyTalley বলেছেন...

He talked over their national anthem like it was so much background music to his soaring oratory!

Ralph L বলেছেন...

I believe the toastee isn't supposed to drink, merely bask in the adoration.

shiloh বলেছেন...

Michael, pet goat theory was not mentioned, but your childish name calling is duly noted ...

take care

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

Ralph L said...
I believe the toastee isn't supposed to drink, merely bask in the adoration.

doesn't take a sip, correct.

But does acknowledge the honor by raising their glass to the assembled masses, making eye contact, etc.

duh...Like the Queen did...

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

To answer the question "Where was God between 1937 and 1945" ... He was on our side. At great cost.

Germany took a hit. France took one, too. And, so did Poland.

As to Hitler's benefits to the german's, well they got his salute down pat. But Eisenhower didn't want to lose a single soldier in Berlin. Which is the reason Hitler went down into his bunker. He was told THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!

Come they did. If he didn't shoot himself, the russians would have dragged him out. He'd have been stripped. And, hung upside on a pole.

How long did it take the russians to do a job meant to be done in 3 days? Well, with 6 generals competing for stalin's attention; it took most of the month of May 1945.

God takes his time.

He doesn't use a watch or a clock. The thing to notice is that Israel was re-born. And, try as the anti-semites might ... they haven't defeated Israel in wars.

Plus, the presidents of the USA who were not so good ... And, behind their closed doors, didn't support Israel. Where are their reputations, now?

Eisenhower. JFK. LBJ. Nixon. Carter. And, both Bush's.

Where's Condi Rice's reputation?

Just because Karl Rove can hang his hat in GOP headquarters ... doesn't mean that God's Plan isn't man's plan.

And, Obama seems to have gone off into a sea of troubles following his hard line tactic with Netanyahu.

Oh, yeah. The Queen of England isn't a fan of Israel, either.

(The Mossad was not involved in Obama's trip. Nor do I believe there's any part of Obama that is Irish Catholic. But, then, you can't fool me.)

And, ANY of those 171 quests to the dinner, aren't talking about what they ate. Or what people wore. They're talking about the narcissist standing there; knowing he blew his lines.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Obama is like Frank Drebin around the queen.
He can't help but make a fool of himself.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

You know Franklin Pierce made many faux pas while he was President.

Right now we are talking about the jug eared Jesus.

Let's talk about what's happening now.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Althouse, I've been waiting for you to lecture us on how much worse John McCain would have been.

I think I'm going to have a bumper sticker made up:


shiloh বলেছেন...

Let the record show murgatroyd666 says AA is a FUCKING IDIOT.

MathMom বলেছেন...

Crikey. The man blathered from 3x5 cards for three minutes, then said he proposed a toast for Her Majesty, the Queen. Well, with those words, the orchestra knows to start playing. I thought he was finished, too.

But our Barky was only getting warmed up! Yessirree, he of the "pregnant pauses" paused himself right into the Gaffe of the Century (fortunately, the century is still young).

He just thinks he knows too much about everything, wants to suck up to the English by quoting Shakespeare, has too deep-seated a belief that everyone else is to learn from him, and is too freaking vain or stupid to take the time and effort to learn how it's done. And he loves the sound of his own voice so much that he couldn't just shut the frak up.

The Clampetts are our First Couple.

Roux বলেছেন...

When will everyone realize he is a complete idiot?

Unknown বলেছেন...

It could have been worse. He could have done what Jimmy Caerer did and kissed her on the lips.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Let the record show murgatroyd666 says AA is a FUCKING IDIOT.

The record shows no such thing. Shiloh, your grasp of elementary logic has failed you yet again.

In 2012 Althouse will have the opportunity to demonstrate whether she is an idiot or or not. My suspicion is that she isn't, and that she won't vote for Obama in 2012.

You, on the other hand, most likely will ... and definitely are.

How's the wireless reception up there in that attic? Does the cardboard shelter interfere?

Lyle বলেছেন...

We all embarrass ourselves publically at some point.

If you haven't, you haven't lived.

For example, just yesterday I farted trying to get of a pose in yoga. Totally involuntary. Oops.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

george wrote:

My secret goal in life is to hack into the TOTUS ...

"We have a Level 4 Mop Situation, West Wing!"

wv: soggia (How does it know?)

Ralph L বলেছেন...

He could have done what Jimmy Carter did and kissed her on the lips
You're not thinking of Leonid Breshnev, are you? The Queen has smaller eyebrows.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I'm confused. Does Her Majesty say, "So kind" or "Set it down"? There's a world of difference between the two. In any event, the President looks grim. I feel for the man!

AllenS বলেছেন...

There will always be problems when you send a boy to do a man's job.

Paul বলেছেন...

It is all because Obama is on crack again like he was in college Ann!!! He is so full of himself to boot!

Yes we have a drug addict for a President now. Get used to it!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

He thought the band was playing moving music to accompany his moving oration. Because it's all about him.

ken in tx বলেছেন...

Garage, you forgot to mention that not only does Obama wear momjeans, he throws like a girl.

ken in tx বলেছেন...

I'll bet Michelle does not throw like a girl. I'll bet she throws like a fast-pitch softball pitcher.

DCS বলেছেন...

CBC Evening News, presented with the opportunity to cover the gaffe, chose to mention the Prez attended and moved on to what the audience really wanted: more tornado devastation/homeless survivor weeping and of course, the finale of Orpah!

RebeccaH বলেছেন...

Presidents are supposed to have advisers to brief them on protocol when they visit other heads of states. Unfortunately, Obama brought all his from Chicago.

DANEgerus বলেছেন...

At least Valerie Jarret didn't act like one of the Royals was a waiter... again.

Jim Treacher বলেছেন...

Next up, pjAndj will regale us with some Dan Quayle "potatoe" jokes.

Mike বলেছেন...

Where is President Obama's support staff on this? The State Department? It goes far beyond Obama to an absence of familiarity.

Pro Obama or no, this is an absolute embarrassment on the world stage.

Whitney বলেছেন...

Not an Obama fan but I feel bad for him in this situation. Ugh. His staff needs to pay. (Isn't this what your damn staff is for? And at least he didn't barf on her.)

Whitney বলেছেন...

PS What Mike said. Staff should pay.

MikeB123 বলেছেন...

"And then when someone tells you "America is under attack!" you look like a deer caught in the headlights!'

Another BDS victim, it would seem. When someone tells you America is under attack and it will take a few minutes to change your departure plans for security reasons, you'd be wise to continue what you're doing with the school children so as not to alarm them.

No doubt Obama, in the same position, would have instantly donned his superman suit and zoomed off to personally thwart the attack.

MikeB123 বলেছেন...

"And then when someone tells you "America is under attack!" you look like a deer caught in the headlights!'

Another BDS victim, it would seem. When someone tells you America is under attack and it will take a few minutes to change your departure plans for security reasons, you'd be wise to continue what you're doing with the school children so as not to alarm them.

No doubt Obama, in the same position, would have instantly donned his superman suit and zoomed off to personally thwart the attack.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

It appears our brilliant president can only remember two words at a time...about the length of time it takes for him to move his head from teleprompter to teleprompter in his usual center-court-at-a-tennis-match style.

This time he had to look down at his notes -- over and over and over and over. That was almost as uncomfortable as his world-class gaff.

For being touted as the Brilliant Orator Of Our Time, he sucks.

Barza বলেছেন...

"His protocol people are probably self-important twenty-somethings who think following protocol is something only Republicans do. They probably write at Daily Kos on the side."

Here's a theory:

He listens to no one because he knows it all and surrounds himself with self-important yes-men who don't know squat anyway.

Suzanne বলেছেন...

Obama's arrogance rules out giving any credence to Protocol. I believe Rogers was still working at the WH when O insulted PM Gordon Brown and Michelle insulted Mrs. Brown with those tawdry gifts for her sons. Apparently Rogers couldn't get through to O about Protocol or just didn't care, or possibly, didn't know squat either.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater বলেছেন...

Gazpacho Soup!

Peano বলেছেন...

Enough with the barf analogy. It doesn't work. Barfing is an involuntary reaction of the gut. GHW Bush is blameless for that.

But Little Zero is not blameless in this colossal gaff. He is guilty of negligence, at the very least. Added to his many other gaffs and probably deliberate insults (the Dalai Lama, Netanyahu, the Churchill bust, etc.), he deserves every bit of the heat he's getting on this one.

siroblio বলেছেন...

Look, he clearly thought the music was an underscore for his great toast, don't yah think?

maddermusic বলেছেন...

I'm eager to vote against Obama, but this is ridiculous. So he committed a dumb social faux pas. Big whoop. Could have happened to anybody. If this were his only failing, I'd be a happy man. Can't you guys give it a rest?

Willys বলেছেন...

To quote a man more worthy....

@BarackObama sorry to interrupt the European pub crawl, but what was your Medicare plan?

...Tim Pawlenty

MarkD বলেছেন...

It could be worse. I could have voted for this clown.

Mutnodjmet বলেছেন...

Ann -- I agree. This is so bad, I can't even bring myself to experience even a little schadefreude. The only upside? At least he didn't puke on her.

Peano বলেছেন...

maddermusic said... I'm eager to vote against Obama, but this is ridiculous. So he committed a dumb social faux pas. Big whoop. Could have happened to anybody. If this were his only failing, I'd be a happy man. Can't you guys give it a rest?

There you have it. A call for Zero tolerance.

shiloh বলেছেন...

Another BDS victim

Another Bush apologist.



Can't you guys give it a rest?

AA and her flock lives for this minutia ... it keeps their blood circulating! :-P

Jum বলেছেন...

Dammit! The WH staff told the Queen's people to have a Tel-e-Prompter up if O was going to have to do anything but a photo op!

Damn racist Brits.

Fiftyville বলেছেন...

The last time I saw a guy in a tuxedo do something this funny was in a Marx Brothers movie.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Not as bad as the lecture he gave to their Parliament where he actually quoted Winston Churchill. After sending back the bust of Sir Winston from the whitehouse. The BALLS on this man!!

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   258 এর 201 – থেকে 258   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»