I think it would be fun to have 2 or 3 dangerous-looking black guys testify next week in support of concealed carry. The more gang-banger the better. Let the committee know EXACTLY who they'll be letting carry guns.
१० मे, २०११
How does it feel to be called a racist?
Here, in Madison, in the midst of a concealed carry debate, a local liberal (Stu Levitan) comes out with a statement that would be a career-ender if it came from a conservative, and a local conservative (Dave Blaska) refrains from "going 'all-Madison'" on him. What Levitan wrote:
David Blaska,
racial politics,
Stu Levitan
१२८ टिप्पण्या:
Liberals can't be racist.
I'm sure if you asked Levitan he'd say, "Some of my best friends are black." So he's cool on the whole racist thing.
That has to be one of the more ignorant comments I've heard in a while.
I think we can close the thread after Original Mike's 1st post analysis. Not going to do better.
Jessie Jackson will be in Madison tomorrow with a demonstration...so nobody tell Jessie that this was a Red racist's comment. That would get Jessie's head spinning.
Those sorts of statements are generally reverse racism (not really, but I don't know what else to call it).
The speaker assumes that his opponents are racist, so he paints a picture sure to alarm them.
Years ago when I was living in California a push to legalize homeschool was met with adds paid for by teachers unions asking about scary wiccan home schools.
It's amazing to me, really, that people are willing to make prejudiced, racist statements to gain their political ends and it never seems to occur to them what actually just came out of their mouth.
Wow... thing is here in Texas there are plenty of blacks with CHL (Concealed Handgun Licenses.)
It's really stupid to think all gangbangers are blacks. There are white gangs, asian gangs, Mex-American gangs, etc.... And there are good people in all races to.
Ever notice conservatives WANT to include everyone but it seems the liberals don't?
Keep in mind it was Dixie DEMOCRATS that wanted blacks to be at the back of the bus. It was DEMOCRATS who were against the civil rights acts.
People forget this. And if you forget history, you are doomed to repeat it.
Wow, where is Janeane Garofalo when she's really needed. She could say that Progressives aren't outright racist, just stating the facts as per directed by the DNC.
OTOH: Garofalo isn't needed to show that her pronouncement in the recent past was totally misdirected. Still, it's better that the statement Althouse quotes comes from a Socialist Progressive.
Wow, but then the MSM really does believe their strategy of distorting facts and actions is working.
Actually, this ploy would be great. It would underscore the importance of concealed carry in every demographic kind of community, not just suburban and rural areas. Gang activity is likely to be much more circumspect if gang members lack confidence in the vulnerability of the population they move in. Arming the general population likely has more of an effect on gang behavior than permitting the already-armed gang members would have on the general population. If performing a lefty political stunt can highlight yet another demographic that would benefit from concealed carry, then lets get out of their way!
Is it even the least bit surprising that the liberals are the real racists? Every liberal initiative of the last 40 years is based on the belief that minorities, especially blacks, are inferior to white people in every way.
It's amazing to me, really, that people are willing to make prejudiced, racist statements to gain their political ends and it never seems to occur to them what actually just came out of their mouth.
See also John Kerry's (and John Edwards') 2004 debate comments about Dick Cheney's scary lesbian daughter.
Put this statement out there anonymously.Then when we hear the cries of racism and the outrage, post who said it and then we'll see the usual back peddling.
Seriously. The logic is simple.
Bitter-clingers are racist teabaggers.
The bitter-clingers will be thrown into a quandry by the combination of black persons and guns. Which way to go? They will be confused. It will be FUN.
What would really happen (and should really happen) is that the concealed carry lobby *should* find some black people to testify about full citizenship and the right to bear arms... it would be FUN to rub Levitan's nose in it.
The speaker assumes that his opponents are racist, so he paints a picture sure to alarm them.
Do we call these folks "concern racists?"
How does it feeeel to be called a racist?
Jeez, is this another Bob Dylan post?
What are the typical middle-class suburban white person's chances of being murdered by a ghetto gangbanger? My reasoned guess is that being struck by a meteor is a much more likely cause of death.
Where are they going to find two black guys in Madison? You guys are the only city to make my old home town (Boise, ID) look like western Baltimore.
Unless Mr. Levitan wants to go hardcore right-wing, skip the formalities, and just don blackface.
Oh, where's J (or any of the other trolls who love to snicker at the Althouse Hillbillies) to tell us what racists these hard core Lefties are?
Oh..., right.
Those ...2 or 3 dangerous-looking black guys... are already carrying guns.
They don't care about the law.
We don't need no stinking badges... remember?
Sure, it's racist, but not racist racist, you know...
Where are they going to get these scary black men anyway? From the coverage of the union protests this winter/spring it seems that there aren't any black people in Wisconsin. I guess they'll import some from Michigan for the meeting.
Leftards are shameless scum. Next up, Al Sharpton will make a visit and demand an apology on his XM/Sirius satellite radio show.
Stu Leviathan is a giant among liberals in Madison. His repute is untouchable.
When I clicked the link, I get an "Error 404 Page Not Found" message. Am I the only one?
I don't think the statement was racist. Colorist? Yes.
"Every liberal initiative of the last 40 years is based on the belief that minorities, especially blacks, are inferior to white people in every way."
Yep, affirmative action is special olympics. With the spcial olympics, there really is an exception, a handicap, an extraordinary challenge. But faux racism has become a drug to keep black's addicted to OPM. Not all thank God, but way too many.
And racial set asides and quotas and such are based on the prinicple that minorities are unable to compete. Which is bigotry of the most pernicious kind.
Or what Conrad Waldorf said.
Yep, it all makes sense. Because only scary black guys are gang-bangers, and they don't carry guns now('cause it's illegal, y'know), but they will if the law passes! And nobody else will, except 'bangers and such.
And don't the gang-bangers already have guns? Concealed-carry is for the law abiding citizens, black, white and everything else.
Hidden in every anti-gun crusader is a raging racist. If you can get them agitated in a debate, they almost always "let it out" because, you see, their heart is prue.
Link gives a 404 not found. They take it down?
"Do we call these folks "concern racists?""
Oh, yes.
That's an excellent term. Descriptive.
Concern racists.
If he loses his job over this he can always hire himself out to the nearest IMAX in need of a projector.
Actually, carrying the koran is a bigger threat to most Americans. Including, by the way, Black Americans who live in ghettos. And, who now have muslem landlords.
Guns aren't enough.
Link is working now. Can anyone who saw the piece early on tell if what you get now is the same as it was when first linked here?
Conceal carry and Voter ID being fast-tracked before Dems take control of the Senate. There must be some dreadful internal polling they/re looking at.
Let's say that what he said is a straight-up representation of what and how he thinks.
1. "Dangerous-looking" people pose a threat, whereas unremarkable-looking people don't -- this in a college town where art students may "look dangerous" but actual rapists hiding in a parking structure, or muggers off the main drag, will likely strive to be unobtrusive.
2. "Black guys" are uniquely scary. Note that he didn't picture midwestern white trash thugs, as depicted on The Simpsons.
3. Gang-bangers are law-abiding and therefore don't carry guns because they don't have permits. Dangerous gang-bangers somehow have the squeaky-clean criminal records generally required to obtain a CC permit.
Apart from the racism, this guy just sounds completely stupid.
Actually as someone who has spent time in Minneapolis and St Paul, which has C-C, I can tell you that the gang bangers don't have carry permits. Black, white, hispanic, or Hmong. It's kind of technicality that they don't care about.
The daily drip of far left idiocy is being seen and heard by the other 75% of Americans across the land.
Far left sanctimony prevents them from seeing the damage they are doing to themselves.
This is a very good thing.
ironrailsironweights said...
What are the typical middle-class suburban white person's chances of being murdered by a ghetto gangbanger? My reasoned guess is that being struck by a meteor is a much more likely cause of death.
Then you would be ignorant and wrong. Almost half the murders of "typical middle class white (Asian, immigrant,, etc) are by black thugs.
Not to mention "decent people" amongst the illegal immigrant communities.
Or a predominace of slain foreign tourists ignorant of the truly dangerous times and parts of a city.
If you are white or Asian or an illegal and victim of an armed robbery, odds are it is a black thug.
Rape? Same.
See "The Color of Crime"
Paul, the KKK was one of the biggest gun control advocates ever. They did not want African-Americans to legally own firearms.
And how are these "scary, black guys" going to pass the background check if they are criminals?
Oh, wait.
Are you saying they're not criminals, but we should assume that all blacks are criminals or could be . . . or something?
I don't see how that statement of his makes any sense except to the "I pee myself in fear anytime I see or hear of a gun" crowd.
But, it's still racist. Even if all he's doing is trying to stoke the imagined racist fears of others.
Comments on the original blogpost by Levitan show pushback. (I'm not linking to the blogpost because Althouse didn't, and I'm assuming that's for a reason. You can see it by following the link from the article Althouse did post here.)
Oh, I forgot one...
4. Society has something to fear from people who look scary, but are so law-abiding that, even though they're gang-bangers, they won't carry a pistol without having the proper permit.
Liberals actually believe that their gun control laws keep criminals from getting guns.
Free speech means that Levitan can say any racist thing he wants and that I can say that he appears to be a racist based on what he chose to say.
Garage said: Conceal carry and Voter ID being fast-tracked before Dems take control of the Senate. There must be some dreadful internal polling they/re looking at.
Sounds like you've nothing to worry about then Garage. Your precious recall will reassert the true Will Of The People as will Kloppenburg's delegitimizing of Prosser's win.
No need to cheerlead--you should just sit down and shut up let let nature take its course.
So now the veil has lifted and we see the real liberal motivation behind gun laws...keep guns out of the hands of scary black men.
@reader_iam: Levitan has been on my radar since about 1979 or so. This is typical for him.
"Paul, the KKK was one of the biggest gun control advocates ever. They did not want African-Americans to legally own firearms."
The oppressed are disarmed. Look at History, over and over and over. Being allowed a weapon is for the upper class only, for the rulers, for the owners. In more egalitarian societies it signified the fact of citizenship and even a poor citizen could go armed, but a slave could not. (Yes, I just paired "egalitarian" with "slavery." History is like that.)
The 2nd Ammendment is about freedom and liberty. REALLY. I know that a whole lot of people don't see that. They think it's about something else and no one should mind at all being disarmed for the greater good.
Sometimes principles mean having to make yourself uncomfortable. You just have to do it anyway, grit your teeth and do it. Of course we don't *trust* all of our fellow citizens, but the fact that we don't isn't a good enough reason to decide that we've a right to disarm them, not without a darn good cause. Being uncomfortable is not a darn good cause.
The same is true with speech. Too many people want to control speech because they don't like what other people have to say.
Too bad.
What Synova said at 12:26 p.m.
I clicked on the link and got nothing. (I.e., error message 404 file not found). @ 13:27 today.
KenK: I had that issue initially too but when I tried again later I reached the linked page. Oddly, it seems as if this problem is sporadic. Maybe there are traffic issues and that's how that site responds to such. Seems odd to me, but I can't think what else it could be.
In any case, try again.
Regarding Garbage's ravings, is it just me [I don't live in WI] or weren't the past two concealed carry laws that were passed by the WI Legislature and vetoed by a Dem governor passed with Dem votes, too? Weren't the Dems in the majority in both houses?
One of us must be hallucinating.
Sounds like you've nothing to worry about then Garage. Your precious recall will reassert the true Will Of The People as will Kloppenburg's delegitimizing of Prosser's win
There is plenty to worry about as long as Governor Douchenozzle is still the governor. Obviously this voter ID nonsense is being passed just in time for the recalls. Another law costing millions that supposedly we have no money for.
@chickelit : I'm not surprised. This is not the first time, by a long shot, I've run across stuff like this--including as far back as my own college days/college-town living days. The double standard and amount of projection, alas, should not amaze, though I must confess it still does from time to time. Like now.
I'm a 6'7", 270 lb. black man and I live in Racine. No doubt that qualifies me to drive up to Madison next week to testify at the hearing. I'll have to work on the "dangerous looking" "gangbanger" part unless that's of course the default assumption of Madison liberals.
Garage Mahal:
I know what you think about Voter ID. What I want to know is:
What do you think of what Levitan wrote?
As was noted above, criminals don't care about the law. Gangbangers of any hue will be carrying concealed regardless of any law. That's why so many people have been shot and killed or injured in Chicago where guns of any kind were banned.
But remember Jesse Jackson's statement regarding "youths":
Jesse Jackson is traveling the country with a tough anti-crime message that he is delivering to inner-city youngsters. In Chicago he said, "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery -- then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
wv: powarc
Every body knows gang bang dressing blacks don't deserve constitutional rights.
Yes, if a conservative had said that he'd be in the unemployment line already. Racist fear mongering.
On my way in every morning I pass a van plastered with bumper stickers insulting conservatives. In a prominent location is the sticker "Hate is a family value". You just have to shake your head in wonderment at the lack of self awareness.
Levitan apologizes . . . Wonder if he gives others the same grace on the right? (rhetorical)
"From Stu Levitan on 05/09/11 at 11:12 pm
I've thought about it some more, and I know now that the problem is with the third sentence of my original post. I am very against concealed carry, and I meant to play on the racial fears that I believe others have in supporting it; but I expressed myself so poorly that some mistakenly attribute those racial fears to me. I now understand how someone could find the sentence itself racist, and I'm very sorry about that. I still think it's unfair and inaccurate to call me a racist, and I cite my body of work over the past 40 years in my defense. But I do acknowledge that the third sentence of my post could be considered racist, and I apologize for it."
BTW, I recommend that everyone read Clayton E. Cramer's "The Racist Roots of Gun Control."
He still plays the race card against those in favor of it in his apology. Weak.
Progressive Jews like Stu Levitan are always fond of employing the spectre of dangerous blacks they "control" as a threat of violent black tool consequences unless new welfare is not granted, New Orleans is not done over as "the 6th Quarter demands", gun laws not continually passed.
The progressive Jews and their "dangerous black allies" was a concept created in the early 1900s by communists. Jews would be the minds and leaders of the Revolution, blacks the mindless animalistic muscle, a construct thought to leverage their power and minimize their own personal danger of violent revolution by allying with and controlling the dumb Negro. The Negro would then benefit from being on the frontlines busting heads or threatening to, for better wages and conditions - and the Jews awarded power to help control the violent Negroes, would in turn uplift the Negro in the bargain. And if the Negro went too far and got too violent in pushing the Progressive Revolution, only Negro heads would be busted in reprisal.
(Worked fine until Negroes in the late 60s began pushing Jews out of position of dominant power over the Negro in the civil rights fronts Jews created and from the "top tier jobs" in government and retail and professions in black communities.)
Stu Levitan will get away with it because it is a long established progressive narrative - do what we progressives want or face the physical peril of angry blacks - of unlimited moral authority born of class and race oppression.
A couple years black Sandra Bernhard played the same "better watch your step Palin you white bitch because I will round up a posse of the meanest dumbest homies you never saw in you lily-white state". To roaring cheers at the DC Jewish Center, more specifically: "You set foot in Manhattan and I will put my black brothers that I round up, to gang-raping your ass".
Bernhard got away with it. It would have ended the career of a non-Jew talking about rounding up Muslims for raping Hillary's big ass. But Avi Roth of the Jewish Center said it was all good, including an equally vile anti-Christian diatribe.
Whoa. Somebody get Stu a microphone.
@Brian Hancock: Where was that apology published?
wv = "twilion"
lol. Twitter is about more than just getting a twillion followers.
The Left is going to find out just how hollow the racist charge has become in November 2012 when Barry gets his ass whupped. I said find out and not learn because they will never learn that race is not front and center in others minds. And that's a good thing in that they will continue screaming racist long after the charge has lost its impact. For all but the beautiful people the racist charge simply means a liberal is losing an argument.
No, Stu, see, here's your problem.
"I am very against concealed carry, and I meant to play on the racial fears that I believe others have in supporting it;"
You need to think about it some more.
@chickelit in Ann's link in the comments section.
What a dunce. Gangbangers don't need permits to carry guns.
Can I assume Levitan is an attorney?
I meant to play on the racial fears that I believe others have in supporting it;
As Brian says, he continues to be racist while saying he's not. He admits his argument is built upon racism and he hopes to exploit racism to win his argument. He also clearly shows his bigotry agasint those who disagree with his postion. They must be racists to support the 2nd ammendment.
Out in the country where I live, the odds of seeing a black person on my road are slim and none. But, there are plenty of questionable white folks. Adding that to a few dangerous wild animals is why I completed the Ohio CCW class a couple of weeks ago.
I thought Levitan was the medicine you had to buy when you had herpes?
I don't know because I never had herpes. Jeremy?
By the way, it is really scary when they give black men a blog!
About the only pushback against Sandra Bernhard came from some blacks who highly resented the casting of them in her "anti-Palin" comedy as mindless sexually lusting animals who would heed a sort of white womans demand to band together as "natural gang rapists"..playing to the worst stereotypes of blacks as oversexed monsters and brain dead children easily made catspaws of "wiser peoples".
A few conservative black ministers were doubly offended by Bernhard when she slammed Christians as a stupid people who had no business taking and perverting the Jewish bible. That if a white or black minister or comedian said the same about Jews or Muslims they would be universally condemned.
They never got much traction as the progressive media closed ranks around a Tribal member and said she was just doing genius comedy.
Hey even gang bangers have a right to self defense. Just sayin'.
Wow, where is Janeane Garofalo when she's really needed.
She was cute on the "Larry Sanders Show" circa early 90s. In a geeky way.
Can the truth be racist? Isn't racism a lie, by definition?
Not anymore, and that's what's changed about the word and the charge. It now only has to be any statement involving a minority and any unfortunate accompanying info, unless said statement is part of a request for money going to said minority.
Levitan forgets that those same people already carry guns without any law in place approving such actions.
LOL: "I'm not a racist, I only meant to play on racial fears!" What a dope.
Their motives are so pure, so the racism is just a means to an end.
And if you want to see a modern day lynching, just watch liberals dealing with a black conservative.
Conceal carry and Voter ID being fast-tracked before Dems take control of the Senate. There must be some dreadful internal polling they/re looking at.
The left is suddenly so married to the religious BELIEF that Nov 2010 was an aberration and the voters are all filled with HORRIFIC remorse about voting in all those conservative Republicans. That's the meme right? Well Rush dispelled that yesterday during a monologue. He told us to simply not worry about it. If the elections were all held again today, the GOP would win.
Yes, members of neighborhood associations such as gangs should be able to own and carry guns also.
They will be under the same restrictions as everyone else.
Sofa King (1:03pm) sums it up well.
hey garage - you want to bet your life savings that the recalls are going to go your way?
Keep in mind it was Dixie DEMOCRATS that wanted blacks to be at the back of the bus. It was DEMOCRATS who were against the civil rights acts.
Never forget that the Democratic Party was founded by slave owners, supported slavery, north and south, until the end of the Civil War, provided most of the Klan members over time, imposed Jim Crow laws, provided most of the votes against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, etc.
So, why is anyone surprised that a political party that was founded on racism and had racism as a central tenet throughout most of its 200 years, is trying to stay in power through racism?
I think we should restrict concealed carry based on court records, not skin color, clothing or accessories. Does this make me racist?
Because everyone knows that those gang-bangers in places where there's shall-issue carry all have permits.
Wait? You tell me that none of them do, since they typically all have felony records and/or simply don't care about the law, being gangbangers?
I am shocked to hear that!
(And what Synova and the rest said - his statement tells us at least as much about what he thinks of The Average Madisonian thinks about black people who Look A Little Rough a it tells us about his personal beliefs.
And neither's real flattering on the race front - but then again, I don't like people who look like thugs, regardless of their skin color. Where I live they're a lot more likely to be white...)
What do you think of what Levitan wrote?
I think it was really a dumb thing to say. He should probably apologize (if he hasn't already)
Actually, his apology doubles down.
Yeah, you wouldn't want scary black guys in 3 piece suits! Someone might confuse them with hard working bankers or politians and miss the point.
Garage said "I think it was dumb".
So you automatically assume there is no malicious or racist leanings when a librul brotha of yours says stuff like that huh?
Nothing new here. Long history of white democrats wanting to keep black Americans unarmed so KKK could bully them.
@synova (11:57 AM) - I highly recommend this guy. Kenn is the "Black Man with a Gun".
Better scary looking black guys than lawyers.
Sorry, Anne.
To Synova's early point:
Shirley Sherrod would be a great person to talk about right to bear arms - don't you all remember in her unedited Breitbart video where she talked about how her brothers came out with guns when a white mob was threatening her family?
Any black folks appearing before the council should carry (and quote from) copies of this.
Five points to Blaska for use of the word bêtise.
typical progressive mindset.
I would add to the list the number of terrorist on the watch list who have already been able to buy automatic weapons, now what does that make me, a realist or a racist?
now what does that make me, a realist or a racist?
A realist would admit that no amount of gun control laws will keep criminals from acquiring and using guns to commit crime. That same realist would have to admit only law-abiding citizens are impacted. An intellectually honest realist might even admit that crime drops in areas where the criminals know the citizens are armed in large numbers.
Just maybe...
it was the left that first brought out willy horton ... it is the left that raises the specter of black gang bangers to try to scare people into giving up their rights
"now what does that make me, a realist or a racist?"
Ah, I think you're (purposefully) missing the point.
I would add to the list the number of terrorist on the watch list
You mean terrorists like Ted Kennedy?
Blacks with guns? Wisconsin really is another planet, I guess. :)
Why didn't we think of this before? Just legally require a license to carry terrorist bombs. Then there will never be an Al Qaeda bombing again.
Just legally require a license to carry terrorist bombs. Then there will never be an Al Qaeda bombing again.
Does that make you a realist or a racist? It's just that simple, I suppose.
He was pointing out racist stereotypes. Mentioning something does not necessarily imply support for it.
He was pointing out racist stereotypes. Mentioning something does not necessarily imply support for it.
Tell it to Trent Lott, Jim, he's dead.
I'm pretty sure either (a) the number is zero, or (b) you have no idea what "automatic weapon" means.
Your call.
The progressive Jews and their "dangerous black allies" was a concept created in the early 1900s by communists. Jews would be the minds and leaders of the Revolution, blacks the mindless animalistic muscle...
Cedarford, I've been wondering about you for a long time but now I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!
I feel so much better now. Especially when I think of how you died. But at least you were in the company of a loved one...
roesch-voltaire said...
"I would add to the list the number of terrorist on the watch list who have already been able to buy automatic weapons, now what does that make me, a realist or a racist?"
You can get on the watch list without committing any crime. Are you fine with some faceless bureaucrat being able to deny a citizen his rights without any kind of judicial proceeding? I think that would strike many as rather authoritarian.
Garage: But Levitan is a racist, right? You are quick, very quick, with the racist slur but here you suggest an apology will do. Is that how it works? A racist is fine by you as long as the racist apologizes?
And this lefty turd, Levitan, is clearly a racist, absolutely and without a doubt a racist. An apology won't work. A racist is a racist and a lefty racist is still a racist.
Liberals keep calling conservatives racist. We always knew it was just projection.
He was pointing out racist stereotypes. Mentioning something does not necessarily imply support for it.
Ah, no. As he himself admitted, he was trying to play on racial fears, thereby perpetuating them.
Doesn't "liberal bigot" cover it?
Page is "not found". You either swamped 'em or they pulled it. Typical, show your cards and them deny those were the cards you held.
Liberals need to keep blacks down on the plantation (to steal a term from Hillary). Once enough blacks realize that freedom has much more to offer them than dependency on the government, the Democrats are sunk.
Short Version:
Stu Levitan pulls a "Willie Horton". Then insists some of his best friends are black.
At least his racism is masking his stupidity - gangbangers already do just fine without concealed carry permits.
I hope someone isn't paying this Libtard a salary. I'd double-check his credentials. I bet they are forged.
...Oh, here we go:
Stu Levitan
Bachelor of Science in Communication
The Sally Struthers School
He was pointing out racist stereotypes. Mentioning something does not necessarily imply support for it.
I think you can put the shovel down now. That hole is plenty deep enough.
The racism that Levitan carried was concealed until today.
It's all over but the forgiveness, because that's something he can't seem to do for others.
Just so Levitan's "2 or 3 dangerous-looking black guys ... The more gang-banger the better" understand that I might be carrying, too.
Try this:
Blaska on Levitan.
Well I guess I should be the one offended. Being white and all.
I am very against concealed carry, and I meant to play on the racial fears that I believe others have in supporting it
I can honestly say -- and let me add that I live in the South, where there are a few more black citizens than in Madison -- that when I took the class and applied for and got my CCW permit, it never even showed on the horizon of my unconscious to do it because of 2 or 3 dangerous-looking black guys
And if the "2 or 3 dangerous looking black guys" take the course and get the background check why wouldn't they be allowed to carry?
Why aren't the liberals ashamed to have this guy represent them?
"And if the "2 or 3 dangerous looking black guys" take the course and get the background check why wouldn't they be allowed to carry?
Why aren't the liberals ashamed to have this guy represent them?"
Really, because liberals project so well...you just have to listen to understand how they really see things themselves.
Because liberals know that whites everywhere are afraid of blacks ('typical' whites, like Zero's grandmother) and that is why they are motivated to get CCW permits.
Its the same as a liberal accusing conservatives of voter fraud - they make the statement because they engage in the very behavior.
Projection. Exposing liberals for over 100 years.
He apologizes for being a racist and that is the end of it? He keeps whatever job he might have? He is not vilified?
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