It's Rush Limbaugh on his show today:
... ladies and gentlemen, our brave young president has added his heroic killing of Bin Laden to his campaign stump speech, which means he's practically dredged up the body of Bin Laden so he can campaign with it. "Obama and Bin Laden Appear in El Paso," is an appropriate headline. It's kind of like, do you remember the movie Weekend with Bernie, did you see that? Well, I'm starting to think that the way Obama is talking, everywhere he goes he's gonna be taking Osama with him, gonna be reminding everybody how heroic he was and how uniquely intelligent he was. How all of these people tried to get Osama but only he, Obama, pulled it off, an event that we have memorialized in our Club Gitmo merchandise line at the EIB Store. (interruption) Whoa, whoa, whoa -- don't tell me that.So... what do you think?
My friends, a staffer just said to me that the way I'm recounting this, comparing this to 'Weekend at Bernie's' and so forth, that this is distasteful. No, look, what I am doing is no more tasteless than what Obama himself is doing on the campaign.
८० टिप्पण्या:
Now that is funny!
I remember a lot of things Obama campaigned on that he pretty much threw under the bus. Since he seems to be the favorite for re-election, evidently his fan club doesn't really care either so he can pretty much say anything he wants and the leftists will eat it up just like usual.
By 2013 we'll probably be in default and bombing some other 3rd world tyrant because France asked him to. Good times ahead.
How is that poetry reading going in the White House tonight?
Obama doesn't seem to understand the difference between the office of the President and the President. He may personally wish to grovel at the feet of foreign heads of state, but the President of the United States should never do that. He disgraces the office he occupies.
Trotting out the death of Osama to score political points is desperate and pathetic. Can he keep that up for the next 18 months and retain any credibility? No, but the MSM will extend it anyway.
He is beneath the office. Rush is right to call him out.
I think Obama will drop the bin Laden meme the instant he transitions from pandering for cash to pandering for votes. Right now he's gloating to leftists and they won't ask questions. They'd swoon if he broke wind. But when he's debating Candidate Ambien on the Republican side (whichever one they choose), and they point out bin Laden only met his demise because of virtually every policy Obama opposed, it's not going to look good for Obama.
He faces his own Romney Conundrum: He made statements and reality has contradicted those statements, and since he won't man-up and say, "I was wrong," he's going to offer a convoluted string of excuses and twisted logic that just makes him look worst the more he keeps talking.
I just finished my version a short time ago.
I heard that Obama now has Osama's beard hanging from his Presidential Seal wherever he goes, and this act has caused 3 middle eastern dictators to shave off their beards already. Obama is awesome.
Everything Obama says is a lie and he doesn't care.
The "I think you're a moron" message may get through this time.
If Obama is this desperate, this far out from election day, he is in big, big trouble.
Spin it denizens of the left, spin it hard.
Everything Obama says is a lie and he doesn't care.
The "I think you're a moron" message may get through this time.
But in Weekend at Bernie's, they actually had a corpse. We dumped binnie's in the drink and we're not allowed to see the pictures. So if bin Laden had an insurance policy, could the beneficiaries claim the loot? I'm sure the Administration will try to milk this for all it's worth.
I'm waiting for the part where he goes water skiing and Osama hits all the buoys.
Actually, you can't blame him; this is the only real accomplishment, at least that helps the US, since he was elected.
I can already see Obama turn to his opponent in the presidential debate, "How many bin Ladens have you killed? That's right, chump. I'm the man."
Obama will be carrying two corpses on the campaign trail: Osama's and the economy's.
The latter will be hard to hide, its stench overwhelming.
Pogo, that was awesome.
Thinking of another classic, how 'bout "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"? Of course he didn't actually hit him (John Wayne did) but started to believe he did and went on to a successful political career because of it.
The catchy tune works well to: "The man who shot Osama Bin Laden, he Shot Osama Bin Laden, he was the greatest of all..."
Why would Bush want to mention 9/11 in his ads? I mean, it was a very deadly attack on US Soil, and it occurred on his watch. Presidents typically do not highlight shortcomings. I don't recall Clinton running on the USS Cole bombing, for example.
Brett, if Obama said that during a debate, I would LOL.
Thinking of another classic, how 'bout "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"? Of course he didn't actually hit him (John Wayne did) but started to believe he did and went on to a successful political career because of it.
The catchy tune works well to: "The man who shot Osama Bin Laden, he Shot Osama Bin Laden, he was the greatest of all..."
Pogo, that was awesome.
I think Obama should have his Nobel Peace Prize in one hand and Bin Laden's scalp in the other.
A winning campaign pitch.
Something for everyone.
Let's give President Obungler a break - he finally did something right!
Heck, I bet that guy Rudy stills brags about the one time he made a tackle for the Nore Dame football team.
Obama has no class.
Why would Bush want to mention 9/11 in his ads?
Because the Left wanted to minimize the threat we faced from Al Queda, they wanted to pretend it was 1999.
An interesting piece, via The Anchoress, regarding the idea nailing bin Laden may come back to bite Barry in his scrawny little behind. The former ISI chief says killing bin Laden may turn him into a martyr.
Interesting point to conjure with.
"An interesting piece, via The Anchoress, regarding the idea nailing bin Laden may come back to bite Barry in his scrawny little behind. The former ISI chief says killing bin Laden may turn him into a martyr."
Alive he is a hero.
Dead he is a martyr.
Captured he is martyr.
I pick dead.
Weekend at Binnie's
"An interesting piece, via The Anchoress, regarding the idea nailing bin Laden may come back to bite Barry in his scrawny little behind. The former ISI chief says killing bin Laden may turn him into a martyr."
Alive he is a hero.
Dead he is a martyr.
Captured he is martyr.
I pick dead.
He doesn't have to campaign on it. He got the most wanted man and everyone knows it. If he never mentions it, it will still get covered to death by his professional minions in the press. Have you seen the man's trouser crease? He's awesome and the Bin laden thing is the only clear accomplishment he has. I expect great progress in the Afghanistan war by 2012, whether it actually happens or not.
And to rebut people like Baba Wawa who thinks only Little Zero could have made such a "gutsy call".
Wrong again.
I think Barry is riffing off Jeff Dunham and Achmed The Dead Terrorist.
There are clear advantages to being a radio talk show host: one is not expected to be presidential. Obama, on the other hand ... crap, I can't go there. With the media acting as it is, there's no reason Obama has to act presidential either. And he's not even trying right now. Obama could say the least presidential thing ever uttered in a stump speech and the media will ignore it.
They've become experts at the double standard. They don't even try to hide it anymore. Do they know that they're a laughing stock to most Americans?
Hey Mr President,
There's a talk show host in Scottsdale Arizona you could attack. I think he's on at 4am.
There are clear advantages to being a radio talk show host: one is not expected to be presidential. Obama, on the other hand ... crap, I can't go there. With the media acting as it is, there's no reason Obama has to act presidential either. And he's not even trying right now. Obama could say the least presidential thing ever uttered in a stump speech and the media will ignore it.
They've become experts at the double standard. They don't even try to hide it anymore. Do they know that they're a laughing stock to most Americans?
I don't remember that, actually.
Synova, I don't either. But I have a bad memory sometimes
Obama is in a terrible social bubble, I think.
Just the other day, he made fun of people who are against immigration, saying maybe we should build a moat with alligators instead of a fence.
I am generally for all manner of immigration (coupled with hardcore Americanization of anyone choosing to come), but what a golden opportunity for the anti-immigration crowd.
"A moat with alligators is a great idea, Mr. President. Your first and only good one. Sadly, given the crushing debt you've saddled the country with, we can't afford it."
Bin Laden will be a distant memory next year. The debt, the unemployment figures, the generally awful economy, and the high price of gasoline make Obama a one-termer against any Republican with a pulse (and who is not a kook or a carrier of a ton of baggage).
During that strange perod between the announcement that Obama was going to address the nation and when he finally came on the air, I really, really, really, really, hoped that he would walk up to the podium and say, "We killed Osama Bin Laden today", then lean down and grab the corpse, shaking it to the camera, exclaiming, "and here he is!" Then, throwing down the dead body with disgust, scowls straight at the camera and hisses, "And al-Zawahiri, you're next." Then turns and walks off the set. And then never says another thing about it.
If he had done that. His approval rating would be 90%.
Oh, well. That opportunity will never come back.
LarsPorsena said...
"An interesting piece, via The Anchoress, regarding the idea nailing bin Laden may come back to bite Barry in his scrawny little behind. The former ISI chief says killing bin Laden may turn him into a martyr."
Alive he is a hero.
Dead he is a martyr.
Captured he is martyr.
I pick dead.
Don't think captured = martyr or alive = hero any more than it has with KSM.
Captured is humiliating. the guy would have been expected to sell his life dearly, but, like Der Fuhrer, it appears he didn't (if, in fact, he sleeps with the fishes at all).
Gul's point is that the smartest thing may have been to let him rot in obscurity.
I didn't necessarily endorse it, I point it out as something to consider.
As near as I can tell, it was some SEALS who killed bin Laden. Obama was sitting in a warm room watching a video feed (or not watching a video feed, depending upon the source) in a comfy windbreaker.
As I've said before, Obama isn't worthy to lick the Pakistani dirt off the bottom of any of those SEALS boots. But given that he's got one accomplishment in 2.3 years, he's gotta steal what limelight he can, when he can, from whomever he can.
I remember when the MSM when kee-razy when Bush released a photo of him on AF1 the day of 9/11. I think he released it to donors.
9/11 belongs to everyone! It transcended politics!
Bush did eventually use a photo of himself hugging the daughter of a survivor at a later event, and even that drew much criticism.
I expect Bin Laden will shortly become the one person Obama talks about almost as much as himself, if he hasn't already.
there's been a lot of talk about what this means to the upcoming Bin Laden movies...not sure , but they don't have to worry about making one about the killing of the Bearded's already been made...The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, 1962..although the MSM wants us to believe it was Barack Stoddard who took down the bad guy Liberty reality it was Tom Bush who gets him from the alley , right after catching a rifle tossed to him by Pompei least that's the way I'm going to remember it.
He lost the office when he gave the microphone to Billy Jeff at Christmas. He had a party to attend, and Billy Jeff could answer the questions from the press.
there's been a lot of talk about what this means to the upcoming Bin Laden movies...not sure , but they don't have to worry about making one about the killing of the Bearded's already been made...The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, 1962..although the MSM wants us to believe it was Barack Stoddard who took down the bad guy Liberty reality it was Tom Bush who gets him from the alley , right after catching a rifle tossed to him by Pompei least that's the way I'm going to remember it.
And a hat tip to Leon Panetta. I don't care that you are one of Clinton gang. Not only did you organize the op, mislead the president into action, and give the actaul "go" order. You did all this with the constant awareness that, not only would Obama take the credit if the mission was a success, but you would be scape-goated if it failed. THAT is a gutsy call.
"At the conclusion of the mission, after it had been repeatedly confirmed a success, President Obama was once again briefed behind closed doors. The only ones who went in that room besides the president were Bill Daley, John Brennan, and a third individual whose identity remains unknown to me. When leaving this briefing, the president came out of it “…much more confident. Much more certain of himself.” He was also carrying papers in his hand that quite possibly was the address to the nation given later that evening on the Bin Laden mission. The president did not have those papers with him prior to that briefing. The president then returned to the war room, where by this time, Leon Panetta had personally arrived and was receiving congratulations from all who were present."
Obama, unconfident until he was briefed, handed his talking points, and told he could take as many victory laps as he needed for the 2012 election.
I think what appeals to me most in this narrative is that there are actually patriotic adults in the White House that yanked his leash on this one.
/repost, i'm getting some kind of blogger error
And a hat tip to Leon Panetta. I don't care that you are one of Clinton gang. Not only did you organize the op, mislead the president into action, and give the actaul "go" order. You did all this with the constant awareness that, not only would Obama take the credit if the mission was a success, but you would be scape-goated if it failed. THAT is a gutsy call.
"At the conclusion of the mission, after it had been repeatedly confirmed a success, President Obama was once again briefed behind closed doors. The only ones who went in that room besides the president were Bill Daley, John Brennan, and a third individual whose identity remains unknown to me. When leaving this briefing, the president came out of it “…much more confident. Much more certain of himself.” He was also carrying papers in his hand that quite possibly was the address to the nation given later that evening on the Bin Laden mission. The president did not have those papers with him prior to that briefing. The president then returned to the war room, where by this time, Leon Panetta had personally arrived and was receiving congratulations from all who were present."
Obama, unconfident until he was briefed, handed his talking points, and told he could take as many victory laps as he needed for the 2012 election.
I think what appeals to me most in this narrative is that there are actually patriotic adults in the White House that yanked his leash on this one.
I think a picture of Bush and his advisors in the Situation Room on 9/11 would have been roundly criticized.
pumping-irony said...
I expect Bin Laden will shortly become the one person Obama talks about almost as much as himself, if he hasn't already.
Oh, no. It's all about The Won. No matter how much he talks about bin Laden, every sentence, every participial phrase, every mixed metaphor will begin with, "I..."
I seem to recall one on Air Force One[?] that got the left all upset.
Do I remember when the media "warned" Bush they would "go after him if he even dared to mention 9/11 in his campaign speeches or ads?"
Does Rush provide any examples of this bullying of Bush by the media? As I recall, the media largely treated Bush as whores treat their pimp, (not an inapt analogy for many reasons), and the only prominent American media figure who gave Bush what he had coming to him--to his face--was Stephen Colbert.
Now, perhaps because I do not care for Mr. Obama, and consider him, as was Bush, a war criminal and mass murderer and usurper of power that is not his under the Constitution, I do not follow his day to day remarks...but in the scant week and a half since we killed the figure we have spent the last decade inflating into the greatest villain who ever lived, I am not aware of Obama going on and on, tourette's-like, about his vanquishing of the devil. Given that it has only been a week and a half since this assassination was accomplished, one must expect that the President of the United States will mention the deed here and there.
If Bush had accomplished this killing, you same folk would be high-fiving each other and braying about his being a "warrior president" and shit and ranking the accomplishment as equal to the nuking of Japan! Because the socialist (sic) did the deed, it amounts to nothing and does not bear mentioning.
Robert Cook! Holy fucking shit!
Is this the night you tell us under what law anyone is going to prosecute any American policy maker for a war crime?
What was the official US government reaction to the deaths of Che Guevara or Mussolini? All this bragging boasting and strutting is just unseemly. Obama just should have made a simple announcement answered the basic questions from the press and then STFU and let the accomplishment speak for it self.
I'm confused, Althouse. Are you still glad you voted for The Messiah or not? Sometimes you seem a little...incoherent.
I think Cook's finally coming unstuck.
I can very clearly remember the Lefties going all "How dare he!!!" at the very idea of Dubya bringing up 9/11 - they also acted the same way toward Giuliani, among others.
Cook can't believe that somebody with a platinum subscription to the Daily Worker could do that and it's driving him up the wall.
As for high fives, etc., Dubya, Darth, Rummy, Condi, and Wolfie would have given the credit where it was due - the strikers and the intel people. They wouldn't have a race hustling AGOTUS investigating the guys who made it possible.
It's the schaudenfreude of watching the Lefties go all Rambo, trying to tell everybody how this makes Little Zero invulnerable to charges he's a flop at national security, while having to credit all those policies that, if Zero had gotten his way, would have ensured it never happened, that makes Conservatives smile.
Maybe Obama will attach strings and sticks to a manikin likeness of Osama and dance around with it now until the 2012 election? Maybe the One will dredge up Paul Wellstone and Teddy Kennedy and use them for his reelection campaign too?
Two more things that are going to be thrown under the bus: VP Biden, soon. Free elections, very soon!
Robert Cook,
The difference is that if Bush had gotten him it would be because Bush stepped up and made the decision to go after him, would announce that we got him and that would be the end of it and Bush would go onto the next issue. There would not be a whole bunch of victory laps taken on the back of someone else making a decision for you.
Has PETA ever weighed in on that aligator moat idea?
As Tec, the gang leader, says in the 2003 movie "Malibu's Most Wanted" ...
Tec: [high-pitched scream] STOP IT! You say one more line and I'mma have to smoke myself!
Obama has made himself into a "one trick pony" that has run it's course.
Speaking of Benito El Duce', I've often felt that Milan should have kept that fence for likely future use and historical reference! It was in fact a work of delightful art in so many ways.
wv: viligesa is sometimes wrong if not done in the proper spirit of lawfulness.
Like Synova, I'm having trouble recalling the media warning Bush not to mention 9/11 in his campaign speeches or ads.
I suppose it would be easy for someone who does remember this to provide some links.
Nobody warned W. not to mention Bin Laden had Bush, in fact, successfully carried out Bin Laden's assassination. Moreover, the Mission Accomplished fiasco, no matter how wrongly interpreted it was ("mission" did not mean "entire war") was certainly more over the top than anything Obama's done.
All that said, it doesn't matter. The proper conservative response to the assassination of Bin Laden is: Obama deserves tremendous credit. You have to admit, though, that it was a no-brainer of a decision and, meanwhile, we have crushing debt and horrific economic problems. Further, the longer Obama goes on about Bin Laden, it will begin to be slightly unseemly.
Ultimately, none of this will matter in some 18 months. Any savvy politician knows that.
Heh, yeah, f spiking the football when you can slam the corpse. It is hard to convey what douche Obama turned out to be.
Y'all have to pardon me because I'm not as smart as all you law school types but what, exactly, would the American public have done if Obama had not okayed the mission?
What else could Obama have done? If Obama had failed to greenlight the mission, it would have leaked, probably within about twenty minutes. Then what?
Gutsy call? My ass.
If Obama had failed to greenlight the mission, it would have leaked, probably within about twenty minutes.
This is highly unlikely. And if it did, no one would believe it.
Likely, you are confusing top secret information with really, seriously top secret information. There is a chasm of difference.
So, the American public would not know. Otherwise, I agree completely. This was the biggest no-brainer in presidential decision-making history.
"Do you remember those admonitions? Do you hear any similar admonitions against President Obama as he runs around and practically campaigns with the corpse?"
Actually I don't remember any such admonitions. Could you provide some examples. I do remember that a lot of people made fun of Rudy Giuliani's campaign because his platform consisted of "noun, verb, 9/11", but criticizing a candidate for running a weak campaign is hardly an admonition not to mention an event.
As usual, Rush is full of shit.
I am sure the man who shot liberty valance (played be lee marvin IIRC) will fade in the face of 5 dollar a gallon gasoline next fall--as Carville said, its the economy stupid.
Obama is a trash talking fool--unfortunately however, the republicans dont seem to have any challengers out there. again, my preferred outcome is a veto proof republican congress with the jug eared jive talker as president.(I would have said shucker and jiver but I got some personal emails condemning me for that phrase)
And assuming the washington insider's narrative that Fen has quoted is correct, assuming mind you, then Leon Panetta, and HRC and Bob Gates are the only patriots in this woebegone administration.
"...if Bush had gotten him...There would not be a whole bunch of victory laps taken...."
Yeah, it was really distasteful when Obama flew out to that aircraft carrier sitting a couple of miles off shore decked out in a flight suit with his crotch prominently on display simply to announce that, as regards the elimination of Osama bin Laden, "mission accomplished."
So much in contrast to the more circumspect way Bush would have handled such an announcement.
(*) Who cares?
Theme of campaign Obama for President 2012: I Shot The Sherif.
Sort of reminds me of "Rampsey Dampsey, Rumpsey Dumpsey, Colonel Johnson killed Tecumseh," if I remember Jr High history, which I probably don't. It sorta worked for Johnson, VP under Van Buren.
And it was Jimmy Stewart who played "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence," although he didn't,really. But "when the legend becomes the fact, print the legend."
"...decked out in a flight suit with his crotch prominently on display.."
How are you displaying your crotch these days, Cookie?
Oy, what a fuckwit.
Do I remember when the media "warned" Bush they would "go after him if he even dared to mention 9/11 in his campaign speeches or ads?"
2002 campaign. It actually could have also been leading democrats?
Press/Democrats - same thing at this point.
Rush, like anyone, has on days and off days. I thought that this was one of his better riffs.
The difference between what he does and what, for example, a Jon Stewart does, is that a lot of Rush's work is somewhat spontaneous. He is pretty good at improvising. Which is why he also has failures.
Not all of it, of course, is spontaneous. You can tell that he often picks callers so he can play off of what they told the call screener they wanted to say. But, then, he will go free association some times, and that is when he really rocks. Or crashes.
Here's an example:
"Wait, is using Katrina pictures to promote its political agenda? But I remember this, from the 2004 campaign season:
Liberal online political activist group is using testimony from former White House counterterrorism head Richard Clarke in a new political ad to promote their anti-Bush agenda.
In the ad, accuses President George W. Bush of politicizing September 11 by using images from the World Trade Center Towers in a recent campaign commercial.
"George Bush shamelessly exploited 9/11 in his campaign commercials," the announcer states at the beginning of the ad."
From Wikipedia's page on 2004 Bush campaign:
"Bush's campaign launched its first major set of television commercials on March 3, 2004. Although these four spots (three in English and one in Spanish) contained no reference to Senator Kerry, two (one in English and the one in Spanish, both titled, "Safer, Stronger") generated controversy for their inclusion of four seconds of images drawn from the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, including the wreckage of the World Trade Center site, images of New York firefighters (the New York firefighters' union supported Kerry), and the image of a flag-draped coffin being carried out of the attack site.
Some families of 9/11 victims accused the Bush campaign of being insensitive to the memory of those who died and of exploiting the tragedy for his personal political gain. Bush campaign advisor Karen Hughes defended the ads as "very tasteful" and noted that 9/11 was a defining event for Bush's presidency."
So does Rush agree that using 9-11 images in Bush's campaign ads was "very tasteful" and if so can he explain why it's not at least as tasteful for Obama's campaign to use "defining event" like the killing of OBL in their ads?
If he doesn't agree that it was tasteful is there a record of him saying anything about it in 2004?
Rush Windbaugh, with his daily belch of hot meaningless gas.
someone should hook up like a mini-wind- turbine in front of his big mouth to pay for some of the electricity his show requires
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