২৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১১

"The White House released President Obama's original birth certificate Wednesday."

"The surprise release follows recent and sustained remarks by businessman Donald Trump, among others, that raised doubts as to whether the president was born in the United States."

Trump gets results. So... is there anything surprising on it to suggest why this controversy wasn't nipped in the bud?

ADDED: See it and marvel!!!

AND: So it says "Certificate of Live Birth" at the top. Is this still the "short form" and not the "long form" that the "birthers" say they want?

ALSO: This is — according to the NYT — the "long form."
“Over the last two and a half years, I have watched with bemusement,” [Obama] said in brief remarks. “I’ve been puzzled by the degree to which this thing just kept on going.”

Mr. Obama said there would be a “segment of people for which, no matter what we put out, this issue will not be put to rest.” But he said that he was “speaking to the vast majority of the American people as well as to the press. We do not have time for this kind of silliness.”
Extra points to Obama for correct use of (a form of) the frequently misused word "bemused."

AND: Let me answer my own question. I'd say, the reason Obama did not release the long-form birth certificate before is that he thought it was to his advantage to allow other people to look bad or crazy in one way or another by going on in the birtherist mode. But there was a tipping point, as Trump got traction and polls showed huge numbers of Americans entertaining doubts. So, it was all political strategy. You could criticize Obama for wasting our time by not just releasing the damned thing earlier. But he could have thought it was demeaning to have to do this, so I'm inclined to give him a pass.

৬০৯টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   609 এর 401 – থেকে 600   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Jeremy বলেছেন...

Almost Ali - Yeah, president Obama is terrified of having to run against "The Donald."


chickelit বলেছেন...

@Jeremy: Last week. Does that count? Or did somebody kick both Stuef and Sullivan in the nuts?

garage mahal বলেছেন...

how's about some lofty Democrat steps up and kicks Andrew Sullivan in the nuts

How's about anyone kick NBC in the nuts and get rid of this racist baboon polluting our airwaves?

chickelit বলেছেন...

@garage: You still watch NBC?
That explains a lot, actually.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Because it has served the political agenda of the Republican Party and their scorched earth tactics."

You got that Goddamned right buddy.

We intend to leave nothing of the Democrat Party except a heap of fucking smoking ashes by the time we're done with you people.


Because you are enemies to the United States Constitution and to the United States of America.

We intend to bury you in history.

So quit your fucking whinging, dude.

There's no fucking crying in politics, AlphaLiberal. Didn't Rahm teach you that?

paminwi বলেছেন...

Dear Jeremy: I see by your profile you are "An all around delightful, engaging, educated, personable, fun, funny, romantic, fit, and liberal human being."

I am glad to see you have such a wonderful opinion of yourself.

From the postings you have on this topic I would say you are someone who has NOT used your education in "Communications or Media" to broaden you vocabulary. At some time in your life may you be blessed with the ability to use something other than profanity to try to get your point across! Because this "asshole" thinks you are a "dickhead"!

Kunoichi বলেছেন...

"Yawn. I never really doubted that he was born in Hawaii to an American woman, so he's a natural-born American citizen and eligible to be president. "

Actually, it makes him a "native born" citizen, not a "natural born" citizen, because his father was a Kenyan citizen and British subject. To be "natural born" both parents must be US citizens. Obama's children are "natural born" citizens.

"McCain was born in Panama ... so he was not a "natural born" American citizen. He was a "foreign born" American citizen."

Actually, no. This went through the courts and was quietly published about 2 months after the election before disapearing. Because McCain was born in a US military hospital on a US military base to 2 US citizens, he is officially declared a "natural born" citizen.

As a Canadian, it doesn't really matter to me, but I'm perplexed that the US media hasn't been all over this right from the start.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

@garage: You still watch NBC?
That explains a lot, actually.

Trump is spewing his racist crap on every network.

Almost Ali বলেছেন...

Jeremy said...
Yeah, president Obama is terrified of having to run against "The Donald."

Not only Obama, but the entire mainstream media. It's like watching laughing hyenas being dragged through hell.

Think about it for a moment, trying to "LOL" with your ass on fire.

Lincolntf বলেছেন...

Show you evidence? Go read a fucking book, go to a Presidential library or just generally be aware of current events happening around you. If you need a cite for "Presidential papers being made available to the public" then you probably need one to wipe your ass.
Dealing with people who have no knowledge of, or real interst in, American political history is tedious.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Trump is spewing his racist crap on every network.

So why don't you stand up and shout him down? I thought that's what you people do in Madison.
At least hold a rally or something. Go take over the Capitol again.

hombre বলেছেন...

Whoa! The Kossuckers are out in force on this one with the usual projection and race-baiting slanders.

Btw, how does wondering what reason Oblahblah might have had for withholding the "long form" certificate in favor of spending money defending lawsuits translate into racism?

garage mahal বলেছেন...

So why don't you stand up and shout him down? I thought that's what you people do in Madison.
At least hold a rally or something. Go take over the Capitol again.

Trump isn't worth one breath of air. I thought maybe Republicans would try to distance themselves from this freak show, but guess not. He'll probably get more popular.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Obama has not, by the way, made available a copy of his long-form birth certificate to anybody.

What they've made available is a .pdf file carefully distributed to "friendly" media outlets and on the White House website.

But not the original copy. Just the .pdf file.

The .pdf file being made available by the White House today appears to be be a carefully crafted .pdf forgery.

Here is the video deconstructing how it was carefully created:


Titus বলেছেন...

Sorry not satisfied.

Still birther curious.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Trump isn't worth one breath of air. I thought maybe Republicans would try to distance themselves from this freak show, but guess not. He'll probably get more popular.

Well if it ever leaks out that Trump is secretly funding Walker I'm sure you'll change your tune.

Matt বলেছেন...


Well now we know why your name is 'Ut'. Does the GOP need Neanderthals?

BJM বলেছেন...

Obviously the Obama campaign brain trust didn't count on the birth certificate rope-a-dope actually snaring a dope.

Now they not only look foolish but dishonest.

Matt বলেছেন...


I translated your comment:

"Sorry I'm still a closet racist."
"Still a birther freak."

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Well now we know why your name is 'Ut'. Does the GOP need Neanderthals?"

How about addressing the fact that when you open this alleged copy of a birth certificate using Adobe Illustrator, you find not one layer - as you might expect if this was just a regular old copy of a piece of paper ... but you find 9 layers.

Dates are superimposed over the document on different layers.

Signatures are superimposed over the document on different layers.

Don't take my word for it, go to the whitehouse.gov website and download the document yourself and open it using Adobe Illustrator and expand all the layers.

You'll see for yourself that this document has been faked and it appears to have been done in a really big hurry (probably so they could get ahead of the Corsi book debuting at #1 on Amazon next week).

This .pdf file is a forgery.

Lincolntf বলেছেন...

I am a full blown thesis-er(there must be a better word, neologism opportunity for all you wordsmiths). I really want to read his thesis, which has been characterized this way for a couple years...

"...which dealt with Soviet nuclear disarmament and which has drawn intense interest..."

I don't want one iota of political advantage out of it. Knowing his political bent, can you imagine how freakin' wrong he must have been? I only want it for the laughs.

AllenS বলেছেন...

MarkG said...
My point was that Hawaii is unique.

You're full of shit. Did you look at any other states? No you didn't. I'm not sure of how old you are, but I'm guessing that you were not an adult in the 1960's. You, and most of you younger people have no concept of how racial classifications were done back them. You, child, unawave of life back then. You are also lazy.

Matt বলেছেন...


Yeah, right, they purposely released a fake so they could keep the conspiracy going. I like the idea of keeping the crazies foaming at the mouth but even that conspiracy is a bit stupid.

Look, dude, nothing Obama releases will ever please you. Have you gotten your head around that fact? When you come to that realization maybe you will settle down and deal with real issues that face our world.

Tell you what, go out and buy another six pack of whatever you like to drink, sit back and turn on the Sci-Fi channel and space out for a while because clearly reality is not your strong suit.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

So Obama releases now what he should have done three years ago? A total asshole is what he is. his very arrogance and low level cleveness in playing gotcha proves the schmuck among all of his actions since taking office again proves his unfitness for the job. A jumped up Peter Principle Afirmative Action hire. He embarrased himself as president by dragging this out and by letting letting Donald Trump beat him like a rented mule. Now Trump needs to keep beating him to release his college records to strip him of the lefty illusion that Obama is some sort of brilliant thinker which all people of mere average intelligence have been able to deduce he is merely a dunce judging from his job performance to date.

Matt বলেছেন...


Are you seriously questioning the fact that the certificate says the race of his father was 'African'?

Do you also think we faked the moon landing?

Or are you just being argumentative for the sake of silliness?

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Now Trump needs to keep beating him to release his college records to strip him of the lefty illusion that Obama is some sort of brilliant thinker

If you already know it's an illusion, why do you need to see his records?

Matt বলেছেন...


No, you embarrass yourself by posting such an absurd comment. Politicians are not expected to answer the beck and call of every stupid conspiracy theory that is hurled their way.

The birther bullshit is a conspiracy theory. Get it? If people are stupid enough to believe conspiracy theories it doesn't mean politicians have to react to every one that comes along. Personally I wish that he hadn't released the thing just so the idiots on the right could keep on making shit up.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Cubanbob wrote:

He embarrased himself as president by dragging this out and by letting letting Donald Trump beat him like a rented mule.

I was at Starbucks and a couple of other public places, just now, trying to overhear conversation about the birth certificate. One overheard comment I'll share with you all:

"Obama blinked."

Yep. Thanks, Donald, for proving what a weakling with zero strategy skills he is.


vbspurs বলেছেন...

"Sorry I'm still a closet racist."
"Still a birther freak."

Matt, you're making a fool of yourself. Pause, take a breath and observe the commentariats' quirks before ridiculing yourself.

The Dude বলেছেন...

Obama is awesome. Except for when he is a chickenshit liar. Which means he is never awesome.

All you Obama lovers - please explain why the released .pdf has layers and different data is on different layers. This thing is as phony as the rest of His shit.

WF: vired - vhat the Donalt sez.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Look, dude, nothing Obama releases will ever please you."

Yes, I would be pleased if he'd ask Hawaii officials to release the original long-form birth certificate so we could compare it to this faked .pdf file.

This .pdf file has been altered to superimpose dates and signatures onto it.

Don't take my word for it though ... examine it yourself.

The Rathergate forgeries were done hurriedly and were quickly deconstructed using the same techniques that are being applied to this forgery released by the White House today.

X বলেছেন...

of course Obama is brilliant. he strung all you birthers along until a majority of the country thought he might be born elsewhere just so he could spring his trap and make that majority look like fools.

you fools don't forget to vote Obama in 2012.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"The Rathergate forgeries were done hurriedly and were quickly deconstructed using the same techniques that are being applied to this forgery released by the White House today."

And I would just add that the same naysayers you see in this thread said there was no way Dan Rather would participate in a hoax. They had to eat those words later on when it became obvious that Rather was part of a conspiracy at CBS News to use forged documents to try to get John Kerry elected by smearing George W. Bush.

Rather was fired by CBS once the truth emerged.

Someone in the political wing of the White House has a lot of explaining to do. The elements that are on different layers are specifically related to the dates on the document and the signatures on the document.

There's no way that randomly happened or is a result of OCR. It's too specific.

Alex বলেছেন...

Ut - forgery is a very serious charge. Can you prove it?

vbspurs বলেছেন...

We intend to leave nothing of the Democrat Party except a heap of fucking smoking ashes by the time we're done with you people.

Before you and others embark on this ideological scorched earth policy of yours, Ut, as Yogi Berra once said, "count me out". You may have the blood of Joseph Stalin in your gene pool, but I do not.

I will not be a party to any zero sum game where Democrats get silenced en masse
I have too many intelligent Democrat friends, some of which populate this very blog, to wish to see this kind of destruction of their side.

Democrats, there are many kinds.

My beef is with the Progressive wing, which seeks to upend everything we call "American" and institute some kind of Canada Lite on our society. That -- no. I will fight them to the tooth and hangnail to prevent them from doing that to our country.

I hope to God you're not a real conservative, Ut, because your kind is dangerous.

Toad Trend বলেছেন...


"Don't Tread 2012 - "Oh you are too cool for school aren't you???"

What are you, eighty years old?

Fuck off."

Fuck you very much, Jeremy. You are an overbearing douchebag and everyone knows it, except for you.

Eat shit and die, asswipe.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Here, in this image, you can see how the dates in the.pdf file have been altered:


Use your eyes, people.

This document is a hastily created fake.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Matt said...

No, you embarrass yourself by posting such an absurd comment. Politicians are not expected to answer the beck and call of every stupid conspiracy theory that is hurled their way.

The birther bullshit is a conspiracy theory. Get it? If people are stupid enough to believe conspiracy theories it doesn't mean politicians have to react to every one that comes along. Personally I wish that he hadn't released the thing just so the idiots on the right could keep on making shit up.

4/27/11 4:56 PM

The conspiracy theory was put out by a democrat (just like Willie Horton in 88) back in early 2008. They even filed suits back then to get him to disclose. What is the excuse for not doing it then? As you beclown yourself with the rest of your comment, gee what about the bit about Bush's national guard records? Yes a real lefty concocted fraud. So when a democrat puts out the bs in the first place what why wouldn't any intelligent person suspect fraud? Fraud is SOP for democrats. Why would a person go to such lenghts to avoid disclosing something so basic and elemental before becoming a serious candidate nevermind after assuming office? He is an arrogant ass and you are an ass for supporting this clown (no direspects to legitimate clowns). He has a duty to the public to dispel serious rumors about him. The fact that he took such a long time shows his character, a petty and vindictive man. A Nixon without any of the redeeming features. No doubt you will hold the republican nominee to the same high standards you hold the Bozo-in-Chief.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

All you Obama lovers - please explain why the released .pdf has layers and different data is on different layers. This thing is as phony as the rest of His shit.

Oh, Sixty Grit, not you too. :((

I believe that the Birther ridiculousness didn't really hurt the Right, so long as Obama threw a veil of silence over many aspects of his life, especially his attitude towards the Birth Certificate.

But this new development, of being a post-Birther...a PDF'er, if you will, now THAT does have the power of hurting us.

Stop it, people, please.

He was born in the USA. You may not like it, but it's just deranged now to think otherwise.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I will not be a party to any zero sum game where Democrats get silenced en masse ..."

Nobody is silencing you. Speak all you want. In fact, we encourage you to speak. You have every right to speak. Every word Democrats say leads to their inevitable political destruction.

There is only ONE KIND of Democrat ... someone who is STILL a Democrat in spite of knowing what the party is doing to America.

I used to be a Democrat too until I started attending the meetings and hearing the plans.

chickelit বলেছেন...

vbspurs wrote: I will fight them to the tooth and hangnail to prevent them from doing that to our country.

Victoria, I love how in-grown you've become, both here at Althouse and in your adopted nation. :)

We need more of youse.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Oh, Sixty Grit, not you too. :(("

Address the facts, vbspurs.

Why does this document have 9 layers of cut and pasted dates and signatures in it?

Quit name-calling and explain on the merits why you think this is NOT a forgery.

It's plain for everyone to see that it has nine layers and that the elements on these layers specifically relate to altered dates and signatures ... not random elements but specifically these elements.

Address these concerns and quit name-calling. Name-calling is a way to AVOID a debate on the facts.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Heat maps! Layers! Kerners!

Anything that will remove this black President from office!

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

chickelit "The Trig Birther Issue??"

Get out much?

When was the last time you read anything about it?

Last week. More to come apparently

(I keep telling myself "Don't feed the trolls" but every so often I just can't help myself.)

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Nobody is silencing you.

You don't even have a basic reading comprehension to understand that I am talking of Democrats being silenced, not me.

Ut, you're fired from my existence. Goodbye.

The Dude বলেছেন...

Hey, I really don't like Obama, and I am not buying the crap that he has released. Why now? Why in that form? He may have been born in Hawaii to a knocked up commie chick, with a bigamist African father, but that document is as fake as his much vaunted "intellect". That Marxist POS is as dumb as the day is long.

Vicki, I will always respect you and your lovely wit - you write some of the funniest comments here - "intelligent democrats" is the funniest thing I have read in years.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Comrade X said...
of course Obama is brilliant. he strung all you birthers along until a majority of the country thought he might be born elsewhere just so he could spring his trap and make that majority look like fools.

you fools don't forget to vote Obama in 2012.

4/27/11 5:03 PM

Obama blinked and he is the brilliant one? What color is the sky of your planet? So far everything he's done has been a failure and you call him brilliant? It doesn't take much to impress a fool. By the way, Americans won't be voting for another comrade after this clown for another 50 years. get used to it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"He was born in the USA. You may not like it, but it's just deranged now to think otherwise."

If it's so easy to prove that, then how come the need to produce a doctored-up .pdf file with layered on dates and signatures?

Why not just direct the state of Hawaii to make a copy of this document available to anyone who asks for it? Obama could do that, but he won't.

Why does everything surrounding Barack Obama seem suspicious to reasonable-minded people?

Americans want to know if their president is a crook.

And today ... he looks like a crook.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Chickenlit wrote:

Victoria, I love how in-grown you've become, both here at Althouse and in your adopted nation. :)

Thanks, Chicken. :)

Except for the residual happiness at beating Australia in the Ashes, of missing the scent of fresh-mowed Cotswolds fields in summer, and my daily cuppa Typhoo, I am so very little British these days.

I have become 100% Merkin.

wv: extentfuc (exactly)

vbspurs বলেছেন...

We're cool, Sixty Grit. Glad I made you laugh.

Matt বলেছেন...


Obviously, you are blinded by your hatred of Obama. And note that while the birther craze may have started with a Clinton-supporter it was ONLY started as a way to scare voters NOT as a legit claim. It took idiots like yourself to begin to actually believe it.

And again politicians should not have to respond to every conspiracy theory. And why did Obama not respond to this one three years ago?

Because the short form served as prima facie evidence! Do you know what prima facie evidence is? I'm guessing not. Well, it means every f*&cking court of law in the land accepts it as legit proof.

If every f*&cking court in the land accepts the document then why would have had to release the long form three years ago to please a few conspiracy idiots?

Get real, man. Think for a change.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

garage mahal said...
Heat maps! Layers! Kerners!

Anything that will remove this black President from office!

4/27/11 5:17 PM

So if Col. Alan West gets elected president you of course will do nothing of the sort to keep a black President from ofice?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"You don't even have a basic reading comprehension to understand that I am talking of Democrats being silenced, not me."

Who the hell is silencing anybody?

Democrats are free to speak and as a result of their words to face opposition to their fucking plan to bankrupt and ruin our nation.

They can speak all they want. In fact, the more they speak the better.

We can eviscerate them all we want for what they say and vote them the fuck out of office, fire them from work, and quit fucking them too.

That's America!

Freedom to associate with whoever we want.

And a majority of Americans no longer want nothing to do with your "friends" the Democrats.

Now address the issue: Why did the White House release a doctored .pdf file today with layered on dates and signatures?

The Dude বলেছেন...

You are a kind person, Vix, and your wv: extentfuc (exactly) made me laugh again. I better get back to work. Enough levity for today!

WV: besitis - when Ol' Bes gets inflamed.

damikesc বলেছেন...

President Obama controls the price of gas?

Did Bush do the same?

Progressives loved to claim he jacked up the price for his oil buddies and for Halliburton.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Whenever the discussion rolls around about whether Barack Obama is a Patriotic American I am always willing to agree to stipulate that he is in fact an American.

But I will never see him as a Patriot.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Heat maps! Layers! Kerners!"

Forgery. Obstruction of Justice. Bribery.

Everything to get this man out of office.

He needs to be impeached, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for the felony crimes he has committed in office and the hoax he is perpetrating on Americans today with this doctored up .pdf file.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

He may have been born in Hawaii to a knocked up commie chick, with a bigamist African father, but that document is as fake as his much vaunted "intellect"

That's just your feeble and racist little mind acting up again. You'll wake up tomorrow and Obama will still be a black president. I know it sucks. Maybe start taking more pills, or consider drinking more? Better yet, do both at the same time.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"President Obama controls the price of gas?"

Yes, he does. His drilling moratorium artificially keeps oil prices at their historic highs.

When George W. Bush did away with the artificial moratorium, the price of barrel of oil crashed back to $40.

Barack Hussein Obama is deliberately enriching Muslims by imposing a moratorium on drilling in the United States and by closing ANWR.

He's trying to bankrupt America.

Somebody should stop him.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"That's just your feeble and racist little mind acting up again."

Garage, quit calling people names and tell us why this .pdf file has doctored up layers changing the dates and signatures on this "copy."

You are either able to cogently present a case, or you're unable to do so and are resorting to name-calling in an attempt to deflect the debate on this topic.

It's making Obama look guilty what you're doing.

Stop it.

master cylinder বলেছেন...

Ut, you a such a blast to hang out with! Truly it's special people like you that keep me coming back here every day. Keep it up. Meanwhile we Dems have an election to face. Thanks for all your help.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

The birth certificate and college grade thingy's are just a sideshow and a reason to ridicule Barry.

Much like the Donald's hair.

I mean we know they are almost certainly fake but who really cares at this point?

The real issue is how this President is making his absolute best effort to destroy the American way of life.

I fear that he is a truly evil man.

Tibore বলেছেন...

"If it's so easy to prove that, then how come the need to produce a doctored-up .pdf file with layered on dates and signatures?"

You stupid idiot. Your problem is that you're using Illustrator instead of Acrobat and not understanding how it works. Don't you realize that when Illustrator opens a .pdf and does not recognize a font, it must do an OCR operation and character trace, and that the additional layers come from *that*? Google PDF Illustrator font outlines and see for yourself.

I thought you were a Moby, but you're displaying signs of being a genuine conspiracy idiot. You're as bad as the truthers who tried to claim that the jet impact videos were faked. If anything, the layering of the document proves that it's a genuine scanned document because the fonts aren't already recognized as one of the included ones in Windows or Mac.

Think, man. Think.

chickelit বলেছেন...

@garage: Why the fixation on racism today?

I don't recall you bringing racism up for a long long time.

Did you get a memo or something?

The Dude বলেছেন...

Yeah, because Marxism is race specific. Garbage, you are a sad little one trick pony in a whites-only state and you really can't handle anyone disagreeing with your beloved jug earred Jesus on policy grounds. You trot out the race card and expect us to tremble. It's overplayed, tired, worn out and not even accurate. But as a liberal, it's all you have.

And, at most, Obama is only half black. I'll leave it to you to discern which half.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

I vote for his heart.

Matt বলেছেন...


You are a parody of yourself. Stop before we all laugh ourselves silly. Wait, keep going. We need a laugh. You alone will save the US from the "socialist, marxist, black, forgery" president!

UtUtUtUtUt! GoGoGoGoGo!

X বলেছেন...

cubanbob, it takes a machiavellian intellect to do what obama did to the birthers.

and it takes a special intellect to let it run so long and affect people whose votes you'll need to be reelected. I guess you can't always control a prairie fire.

Tibore বলেছেন...

"vbspurs said...

Before you and others embark on this ideological scorched earth policy of yours, Ut, as Yogi Berra once said, "count me out". You may have the blood of Joseph Stalin in your gene pool, but I do not.

I will not be a party to any zero sum game where Democrats get silenced en masse
I have too many intelligent Democrat friends, some of which populate this very blog, to wish to see this kind of destruction of their side.

Democrats, there are many kinds.

My beef is with the Progressive wing, which seeks to upend everything we call "American" and institute some kind of Canada Lite on our society. That -- no. I will fight them to the tooth and hangnail to prevent them from doing that to our country.

I hope to God you're not a real conservative, Ut, because your kind is dangerous."

Amen, Victoria. At risk of tripping over the No True Scotsman fallacy, I simply cannot view him as being a genuine conservative either. At best, he's a reactionary who's choosing to slobber venom, and being on the right side of the political divide is a distinction of convenience allowing him the latitude to peddle drivel. Not an active choice built on positive principles and understanding of actual conservative mindsets.

He's a totalitarian and rabble rouser. In 1920's Germany, he'd be a Brownshirt. He's not an original thinker. His posts here showing his willingness to uncritically swallow conspiracy drivel proves this.

I'm done here. I think I'll take a walk and re-evaluate my participation in this thread. The point has already been made: Birthers are idiots. The rest of the comments thread is simply a demonstration of this.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

paminwi - Fuck off.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Trooper wins the thread.

Shut this puppy down, and let's all go get a pint of a frothy Irish beverage.

wv: Puratio (Cockblower)

chickelit বলেছেন...

vbspurs wrote: I am so very little British these days.

Well that's a shame. I was looking forward to your coverage of the wedding this weekend. :(

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Tibore, right behind you. And I love haggis!

vbspurs বলেছেন...

I'll be posting about the wedding here and on Twitter, fear not, Chicken!

garage mahal বলেছেন...

You trot out the race card and expect us to tremble. It's overplayed, tired, worn out and not even accurate. But as a liberal, it's all you have.

Yea, it's definitely accurate. And it is embarrassing sharing the same country with you fools.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Lincolntf - You continue to spew bullshit without a shred of actual evidence.

I read plenty of books and I've never read a word about G.W. Bush voluntarily submitting his transcripts to the media or anybody for that matter.

Show me where past presidents have done so.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Almost ALi thinks Donald Trump is the key to the GOP regaining the White House.


Titus বলেছেন...

I am outraged!

Jeremy বলেছেন...

hombre - There was and still is no reason for president Obama to produce anything more than he did.

Anyone born in Hawaii and other states can use the short form to get a passport so it's ridiculous to demand anything more.

His release today is an effort to quiet the loud mouth teabaggers and others who pollute the waters with insane insinuation and lies.

People like you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"You are a parody of yourself. Stop before we all laugh ourselves silly. "

What's funny is there are no Democrats here who want to explain why this doctored up .pdf file contains layers that just change the dates and signatures on the document.

That's just a little too convenient to be the cause of some iffy OCR routine.

AlphaLiberal was here earlier, but once it came out that the .pdf file was doctored up, he disappeared again. That's odd, isn't it?

This .pdf has been altered to change some very specific things that cast a reasonable doubt on its authenticity.

I'd just like to hear an explanation about why this might be.

And so far all I'm getting from the other side is the "racist" smear they pull out when they have nothing left to say and need to stall for time to come up with a talking point.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"And it is embarrassing sharing the same country with you fools."

Please, do us all a favor and end your embarrassment by getting the fuck out of our country.

Just. Fucking. Leave.

Doctor yourself up a .pdf file, get you a passport and get the fuck out.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

cubanbob - "So Obama releases now what he should have done three years ago?"


To quell the bullshit lies and innuendos of the far right?

I wish he'd waited until about a week before the 2012 election...just to fuck with you idiots.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Sixty Grit - Get back to your teabagger meeting.

You sound like a ten-year old.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Comrade Dolt - "and it takes a special intellect to let it run so long and affect people whose votes you'll need to be reelected."

Yeah, he was always counting on the votes of the idiots who never believed he was born in Hawaii.


Jeremy বলেছেন...

Sixty - "And, at most, Obama is only half black. I'll leave it to you to discern which half."

Well, it's the half you and the other racists here are obviously so afraid of.

Sanddog বলেছেন...

Why would it be demeaning for Obama to release his birth certificate? If you want to sit in the big chair, you'd better remove all expectations for "privacy" regarding your birth, schooling, travel, etc...

When you can take the country to war, send servicemen to their death and when your policies can destroy the lives of citizens of the country you want to govern, you lose your "right" to keep your past private.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Trooper Dolt - "I mean we know they are almost certainly fake but who really cares at this point?"

So you still believe the birth cerficate is "fake?"

Duh...really Trooper...?

"The real issue is how this President is making his absolute best effort to destroy the American way of life. I fear that he is a truly evil man."

That "evil" black man really scares you, huh? You think he's "making his absolute best effort to destroy the American way of life," huh?

That makes me think you're a fucking moron.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Sanddog - "Why would it be demeaning for Obama to release his birth certificate?"

Here's a better question: Why would so many require him to do any such thing?

Ever hear about it happening to a president before?

Maybe that has something to do with that "demeaning" thingie...ya think?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"That "evil" black man really scares you, huh?"

Where'd you get the idea Barack Obama is black?

He's only black to Democrats.

Nobody else even see's a color.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"That "evil" black man really scares you, huh?"

If you look at Barack Obama and you see a "black" man, then you're a racist.

We don't see people's color or ethnicity on our side. We just judge people by the content of their character.

It's you guys are always seeing the scary black guy.

retire05 বলেছেন...

UT, you're wrong. Perhaps you should read Professor Tribe's opinion on John McCain's birth. For one, Tribe claims McCain was a "natural" born citizen due to having TWO American citizen parents.

Also, McCain's eligibility was such a hot button with the Democrats (you know, those people who accept everything Obama says as gospel) that the Senate passed a resolution deeming McCain a natural born citizen AFTER McCain provided the Senate with tons of documentation.

I guess it would be fair to say that any Congressman who objected to McCain and demanded to see his birth certificate (as they did) if they belonged to the Congressional Black Caucus they were all racists against a white guy.

master cylinder বলেছেন...

Ut, I am thanking you. You are lighting the way for many Americans, you alone can spot the "doctored UP"
situation. I am hanging on your every word.
As a Dem, here is my explanation:
Quantum physics. ITS ALL CONNECTED!
Im checking Balloon Juice, and Ill be back.
Again, Thank YOU!

retire05 বলেছেন...

Jeremy, yeah, Chester A Arthur, for one. George W. Bush for another. If you knew anything about history, you would know that George W. Bush's opponent in his very first political race obtained a copy of GW's birth certificate and waved it around claiming Bush lied because he never said he was not born in Texas (which everyone already knew).

I am constantly amazed how dumb liberal are.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Ut: "This document shows that Barack Obama's birth certificate wasn't filled out when he was born, but that it was created much later. That much is patently obvious even to the casual observer."

The next thing you'll be claiming is that it is a forgery because the handwritten dates in boxes 18b and 19b look too much alike.

Look, August 4, 1961, was a Friday, and Obama was born in the early evening at 7:24 pm. August 7, when Obama's mother signed the form, was the next Monday. August 8, when the doctor signed, was the following Tuesday. If the delivering physician, Dr. Sinclair, worked late on the 4th, perhaps he didn't do rounds on the weekend and therefore didn't sign off until the following Tuesday, after Obama's mother had herself signed the form on Monday the 7th. There is nothing amiss here. Maybe the doctor was just busy that week.

AND ps Ut: You can tell by the tiny extra dots of ink on the base of each uppercase I that Obama's entire name was typed in Courier by the same typewriter. These are not different typefaces.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Again, Thank YOU!"

My pleasure. Glad to be of service to my country.

Thank me in 2013 when Barack Obama is sent by the next Repbulican President to play golf with Kim Jong Il while we undo his presidency.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Tribe claims McCain was a "natural" born citizen due to having TWO American citizen parents."

That's just one man's opinion. Lawrence Tribe is a liberal Democrat who would see the benefit in claiming McCain was "natural born" instead of "foreign born" to Barack Obama.

Lots of other prominent law professors disagree with Tribe and have said so.

As to your other comment: The Senate passed a "non-binding" resolution about McCain's citizenship. That was meaningless and did not confer - cannot confer - natural born status on McCain. It was purely symbolic ... his friends gathering around him to try to get him out of another jam.

McCain is a citizen. He's just not a "natural born" one. He's "foreign born." As such, he can't be President.

He was born in Panama while his parents were living there. He is not eligible to be President any more than Barack Obama.

Roadkill বলেছেন...

The President calls all this heretofore concern silly?

For the President only now, after letting the issue simmer for years, finally to produce "conclusive" documentation is really what is registers on the silly scale.

That is, if all of this could have been conclusively put to rest long ago, why was is not done so in 2008?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Look, August 4, 1961, was a Friday, and Obama was born in the early evening at 7:24 pm. August 7 ...:

Look, dude: The White House claims they've released Barack Obama's birth certificate.

But if you think about it for a moment you'll realize that is not in fact what they've done.

What they have released is a layered .pdf file which eerily shows dates and signatures appearing on layers separate from the remainder of the document. Maybe there's some explanation for it they can come up with, but this ain't the birth certificate. It's a carefully crafted .pdf file.

That's what we know so far.

What I'd like to see is a critical press given access to the original long-form birth certificate so that they can examine it. Nothing prevents this except Obama's stonewalling and intransigence and the illegal withholding of this public record by Hawaiian officials. (Yes, it's now a public record, since Obama released an "alleged" copy of it he relinquished any expectation of privacy concerning this document.)

This .pdf file proves nothing except that it is possible to change dates and signatures on documents using Adobe Illustrator CS4.

A critical press would report these facts. Instead, they're cheerleading for Obama.

Doesn't that bother you at all?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"That is, if all of this could have been conclusively put to rest long ago, why was is not done so in 2008?"

Took 'em two years to get all the layers right.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Jeremy said...

Trooper Dolt - "I mean we know they are almost certainly fake but who really cares at this point?"

So you still believe the birth cerficate is "fake?"

Duh...really Trooper...?

At least he knows African is not a race, and it wasn't especially in 1961.

Dad's race would properly be Negro, so something is still weird.

But, what the hey, The Donald still got Little Zero to blink and showed he can be had.

Can't wait to see what those academic transcripts look like.

X বলেছেন...

OK, Obama was born a poor black child in Hawaii. He's still a jerk.

Sanddog বলেছেন...

Blogger Jeremy said...

Here's a better question: Why would so many require him to do any such thing?

Ever hear about it happening to a president before?

Maybe that has something to do with that "demeaning" thingie...ya think?

Have we ever had a candidate before with a foreign father...who had dual citizenship because of his father's nationality and who spent part of his childhood living in Indonesia with his stepfather and mother?

Uh... no.

Geez, you'd think the guy would be honored enough to be considered for the Presidency to cough up that information.

Matt বলেছেন...

You missed this post by Tibore at 5:34. He is not a liberal.

>You stupid idiot. Your problem is that you're using Illustrator instead of Acrobat and not understanding how it works. Don't you realize that when Illustrator opens a .pdf and does not recognize a font, it must do an OCR operation and character trace, and that the additional layers come from *that*? Google PDF Illustrator font outlines and see for yourself.

I thought you were a Moby, but you're displaying signs of being a genuine conspiracy idiot. You're as bad as the truthers who tried to claim that the jet impact videos were faked. If anything, the layering of the document proves that it's a genuine scanned document because the fonts aren't already recognized as one of the included ones in Windows or Mac.

Think, man. Think. <

Get it? No one buys your conspiracies anymore. If you don't like Obama that is fine. But cut the conspiracy silliness.

Michael বলেছেন...

Jeremy: How do you talk with all our balls in your mouth? You do know which end of the bagger you are don't you?

10ksnooker বলেছেন...

So what about the Constitution and Art 2 Sect 1 that requires the people to be a natural born citizen?

Ann any thoughts ...

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"Jeremy said...
Sixty - "And, at most, Obama is only half black. I'll leave it to you to discern which half."

Well, it's the half you and the other racists here are obviously so afraid of."

LOL. Oh, the projection!

NEWSFLASH: Most white people DO NOT, repeat DO NOT fear black people. Not when you go to school and work and worship alongside them.

Of course, in your own Jewish circles, perhaps you do, eh Jer? See, this is the problem with projecting your guilty conscience onto others, and not truly being raised in a race-neutral environment.

You think WE fear, because you do. Just like the Madison liberals PREFER helping black children, because naturally they are so much more deserving and discriminated against than white children. See, if you live in a TRULY integrated area, you learn early to get over superficial differences. No skin tone has a corner on integrity, and everybody's farts in a closed classroom smells up the joint.

Too bad you've apparently been raised so segregated you've neglected to learn that, and still see yourself as a "protector" of black people everywhere...

Just don't make me and mine pay further for your "sins", the apparently extended racial privileges you feel so guilty about as a well-meaning white man.

My hands are clean. Are yours? If so, why the white-skin guilt?

(Try to answer without resorting to vulgarities?)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Don't you realize that when Illustrator opens a .pdf and does not recognize a font, it must do an OCR operation and character trace,"

That's not what occurred here, but don't take my word for it, open the document yourself with either Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Illustrator.

See for yourself which parts of the document have been altered and which haven't. It's not random or based on character recognition (or lack thereof). It's specific dates and specific signatures.

Sections of the dates have been deliberately placed on separate layers and overlaid on the original document and the signatures have been added later.

It's a blatant, poorly thought out forgery of the kind that got Dan Rather fired when he tried to pull this exact same stunt.

I think most people don't trust Barack Obama. And with good reason since he's lied so many times to so many different groups - even his own supporters.

For them to release this doctored up .pdf file with dates and signatures on layers that don't even match the original document is just incredible.

The state of Hawaii has no further compelling privacy claim on this document. It should allow a special prosecutor to examine the original so that an impartial investigation can compare it to this layered-up .pdf to see if the .pdf has been altered.

Maybe it hasn't been altered. We won't know unless a proper investigation is done by a disinterested special prosecutor.

Alex বলেছেন...


Maybe it hasn't been altered. We won't know unless a proper investigation is done by a disinterested special prosecutor.

Right-wing wank fodder. Get a grip on reality.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Right-wing wank fodder. Get a grip on reality."

Again, with the discredited tactic of name-calling.

Please - address the specific issues and do so in an adult way. Stop wishing this will go away if you merely call someone a racist or right-winger. That's tired old-speak.

The .pdf computer file released by the White House today appears to even a casual investigation be a forgery of the exact same kind that got Dan Rather and his co-conspirators at CBSNews fired from their jobs.

An independent investigation needs to occur concerning this topic. After all, because Obama waited so long to produce this layered .pdf file (which is not the actual birth certificate) a Gallup/USA Today poll released yesterday shows that by now only 38% of Americans believe that their president was definitely born in the United States.

That's alarming and shows the depths which Americans are skeptical about the legitimacy of their president. It's a surprising and frightening number.

Only a disinterested special prosecutor can restore the confidence Americans must have that their president is legitimate.

People want to know if their president is a crook. And today, Barack Obama looks like a crook.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Doctor Mary - "LOL. Oh, the projection!"

Oh, the projectile bullshit you throw out, denying president Obama's race has anything whatsoever to do with the insane lies, innuendos and insinuations spewed into the public domain via you and the rest of the teabaggers who just can't stand to know we have a president of color.

Show when any previous president that has been accused of not being a citizen, or being a Muslim or a Kenyan or of not really being a "good" Christian.

Making light of my opinions doesn't make your denigration of our own president any less disgusting.

Where were you and many of the others here during the eight years we saw Bush running the country...right into the ground?

Here you have a president who you bash every day of the week for not turning the economy around fast enough, or being some kind of BFF of Wall Street, while at the same time most of you voted for a man (twice no less) who started two wars, was asleep at the switch as the economy collapsed and with his final act, signed a 700 billion dollar bailout of the banks.

Racist hypocrites.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Mary - "Of course, in your own Jewish circles, perhaps you do, eh Jer?"

I have no idea what that is supposed to imply.

That Jews are afraid of blacks? Are racist? Are you also a religious bigot?

*Oh, and by the way, dimwit...just because I said my mother was Jewish (although never actually practicing the religion, and being a Catholic), that doesn't mean I myself am a practicing Jew.

And, of course, I realize that, at least according to the Jews, having a mother who is, makes me one, but as in all religions, they have many just as crazy ideas of what is what:

*For instance, the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, but even if she does...her children will still be Jewish. Oh, and just to make things a little nuttier, a Jewish man is forbidden from marrying a gentile woman, and if he does...and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (huh?)

As for my actual religious beliefs:

Even with a Jewish mother, I was baptized Catholic, confirmed Lutheran...and now, after studying many organized religions over the years, and coming to the conclusion that they're all nothing but a crock...I've been an atheist for quite some time.

Simon বলেছেন...

Ut said...
"[Matt complained that nothing Obama releases will ever please me.] Yes, I would be pleased if he'd ask Hawaii officials to release the original long-form birth certificate so we could compare it to this faked .pdf file."

No, I think Matt's right. You and the other birthers will never be pleased by anything he releases. For one thing, you weren't satisfied with this PDF even before the alleged problem with the layers turned up. Now the birthers have created this fantastic story about deconstructing the structure of the PDF file--snazzy stuff!

For another, define "release." How do you think it could be released other than in an electronic format? Do you mean that it should be available for any citizen to go and physically hold and examine? I think that you could hold the original in your hands and you still wouldn't be satisfied, because your desire for it to be fake is so strong. And here's why: If they can fake an electronic copy, they can fake a physical copy.

It's time to drop the stick and back away from the horse carcass.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"Oh, the projectile bullshit you throw out, denying president Obama's race has anything whatsoever to do with the insane lies, innuendos and insinuations spewed into the public domain via you and the rest of the teabaggers who just can't stand to know we have a president of color."

Wrong again.

I'm disappointed with having what's proving to be an INCOMPETENT president of whatever color. Didn't like GWB; don't like this one either, he's really much the same (pro-corporations and whoever's ponying up the most to lobby him).

any traction you (or me!) may have gained in real life against the true minority racists who still hate him for that is being lost by your lumping all "snow white" (your term, remember?) into the racist category.

if he wasn't black, he's never have been elected president in 2008 in the first place. If you disagree, I call bullshit on you.

clearly you're eager to ... keep the issue alive, because you think you're successfully pinning all President Obama's critics as racists. Except, we're not.

And clearly based on what you've written here today, you are. You're uncomfortable in your own whitish skin (as evidenced in the, "Who's black in here?" comment earlier upthread). As though skin tone is some great indicator of racism. It's not.

You call names, and swear when your arguments are routinely taken apart, and you presume to know more about us as individuals than we do. (Hint: I didn't vote for GWB once, much less twice.)

Instead of peering into OUR "snow white" souls, why don't you 'fess us? What exactly did you or your family do earlier in history to mistreat black people, so much so that you have to overcompensate today, and presume White=Guilty, Black=Better?

Did you profit personally off of block busting and white flight? Did you check an alternative racial identity box yourself, to qualify for some preference meant for underserved minority populations?

I really don't understand why you continue to INSIST that everyone here who disagrees with you is racist, without even listening to facts or responding rationally. Unless ... you are a paid political operative, who benefits from stirring up non-controversies and proving, a vote for a qualified white candidate is a vote for racism.

It's not going to work that way again. Remember Harold Washington? Remember the long run of black candidates that came after him? (Hint: only Eugene Sawyer stepped into that role). Then, it was a return to Daley, and now we have Rahm ready to do his damndest to the city.

Maybe though, that's exactly what you're after? Open the doors to unqualified black candidates, and after them, only a Jewish man (black, white, what am I and why do I have this unending guilt??) can come in and save the day.

Much like you're trying to position yourself here as the defender of all things dark, the only white friend a black man can have these days amongst all these snow-white racists.

Mindsets like that might work in the short run. But we all know what happens in the long run; we've seen the territories staked out, and long since abandoned. Must be that ingrained fear of the black man in ya, huh?

By the way? I've never "denigrated" our president. And while you refer to him in the lowercase when using his proper name, he's always been President Obama to me. So who's the hypocrite now?

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Sanddog - "Geez, you'd think the guy would be honored enough to be considered for the Presidency to cough up that information."

Yeah, why would someone like president Obama not be "honored" to go out of his way after decades of living in America, attending and graduating from Harwvard, serving in the State Senate, then winning the election to be president...not want to take the time to suddenly prove to idiots like you and the rest of the teabagger crowd that he is indeed a citizen.

Name another president who has done so.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"Even with a Jewish mother, I was baptized Catholic, confirmed Lutheran...and now, after studying many organized religions over the years, and coming to the conclusion that they're all nothing but a crock...I've been an atheist for quite some time."

Who. Cares.

(You have issues, son. I'm not a qualified professional, but I do suspect your upbringing has much, much, much to do with your collective guilt and dumping on others. Seek. Help. Before your ugly hatred ruins the country further -- divided we fall and all that.)

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Michael - Why are you always so concerned with my balls?

Is there something we need to know?

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

Re. "Of course, in your own Jewish circles, perhaps you do, eh Jer?"

I have no idea what that is supposed to imply."

It means,
upthread when you were calling out everyone to identify their race, you voluntarily confessed your mother is Jewish. Why exactly did you feel the need to share that, do you suppose? And why then, exactly?

I do suspect your own identity problems are contributing to your incessant need to falsely cry, "Racist!" at all the snow-white (again, your words) people you seek to offend here.

I'll pray for you, brother. But you gotta wanna change yourself for it to take; no fair this paying off your own personal debts by asking others to share in the social costs of your own making.

Again, my hands are clean. No collective guilt here. And before you ask, yes -- I do sleep well at night.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Mary - "Who. Cares."

Evidently YOU care.

Why else would you post this bigoted horse shit?

"Of course, in your own Jewish circles, perhaps you do, eh Jer? See, this is the problem with projecting your guilty conscience onto others, and not truly being raised in a race-neutral environment."

In my "Jewish circles?" What is that supposed to mean, fool? Other than being a back-handed slap at Jews?

And what would you possibly know about how or where I was raised?

Calling calling you and others here out for being racist, has nothing to do with "my" conscience. I have absolutely no probplem with president Obama being black, nor with the job he's doing.

It's YOU and others here who bash him on a daily basis, calling him "jug earred" or worse.

I realize it's embarrassing to be a racist (and evidently a religious bigot to boot), but that's your problem, not mine.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Show when any previous president that has been accused of not being a citizen, or being a Muslim ... "

No other president has required that we call him by a Muslim name.


He requires that we call him that.

So if there is some dispute as to Barack Obama's preferred religion, maybe it has something to do with his own demands and nothign to do with his race.

Maybe we're judging him by the demands he puts on us and not on his skin color ... which nobody seems to notice except racist Democrats.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"Oh, and by the way, dimwit...just because I said my mother was Jewish (although never actually practicing the religion, and being a Catholic), that doesn't mean I myself am a practicing Jew."

Last time I checked with those BirthRight people, you clearly qualify as a Jew, and might even have a free trip to the Promised Land coming to ya!

(Hey, I don't make these religious/racial classifications; don't blame me. I'm the one who wants to get past the superficial categorizing, remember? You're the one arguing the other side, and asking all the blacks in the room to please raise their hands and stand up to be counted...)

Simon বলেছেন...

Jeremy said...
"Michael - Why are you always so concerned with my balls?"

Because you keep talking about teabagging. You know what that is, right? You get why your folks made that the derogatory nickname for tea partiers, right? Or do we have to have the gay birds and gay bees talk?

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"*For instance, the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, but even if she does...her children will still be Jewish. Oh, and just to make things a little nuttier, a Jewish man is forbidden from marrying a gentile woman, and if he does...and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (huh?)

As for my actual religious beliefs:"

Did someone ask about the Torah? Sorry, not interested. Please, don't go on about your own "actual religious beliefs".

Don't. Care. Not. About. You. Get. It. Yet.

(You really ought to have joined some type of group, the military even, where you could lose your own fragile identity and trade up for membership in the group as a while. Too late for that now -- your mindset appears severely ingrained.)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"For one thing, you weren't satisfied with this PDF even before the alleged problem with the layers turned up."

That's because we never asked for a .pdf layered or not.

We asked for a copy of his original long-form birth certificiate and that's not what the White House proffered today.

They proffered a layered-up .pdf that has dates and signatures manipulated in a highly curious way.

So of course, since it pays to be skeptical of anything Barack Obama says or does as he is so often misleading and dishonest, we're skeptical and would like to see the original long-form birth certificate. We think that is a reasonable request. I was required to show mine when I got my job ... a .pdf file was NOT ALLOWED. I had to provide an actual state-supplied copy of my long-form birth certificate - with a state seal on it.

Not some doctored up .pdf file released by political hacks trying to save a failed presidency.

Barack Obama needs to release his birth certificate.

This .pdf ain't it.

Simon বলেছেন...

Ut said...
"That's because we never asked for a .pdf layered or not. We asked for a copy of his original long-form birth certificiate and that's not what the White House proffered today."

Right, you asked him to "release" it. And what does that mean? In what format did you suppose that it would be released other than some electronic format? Tell me what he could do that would satisfy you. Don't say "release it"--he has already done so and you aren't satisfied. So you obviously have new stipulations on how it's released. What are they?

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"Evidently YOU care. Why else would you post this bigoted horse shit?"

Lol. OMG -- he calls all white people (with our "snow white" skins racist hypocrites) and then when called on it, he stumbles back and brings up all this unrelated "my mother's Jewish" business.

He goes on in great detail, even offering up Torah identity lessons (yeah, we know that Mom/Dad distinction out here in goyland too), and then, he wonders why everyone cares that he's Jewish and has to dump his collective guilt on everyone in the thread who agrees that President Obama is qualified as a U.S. citizen, but fell well short of the qualifications needed to perform at a top 21stCentury presidential level.

Call me a Nazi now, and just get it over with? Then you can go beat off at how you bested a "snow white" uppity white woman, who just didn't know/keep to her place.

Lord, you are an entertainment bundle in there, and not afraid to play the race card even when you have to swipe it from somebody else's hand! (Let's see what you can read into that one with your over-active imagination, eh?)

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Mary You asked: "upthread when you were calling out everyone to identify their race, you voluntarily confessed your mother is Jewish. Why exactly did you feel the need to share that, do you suppose? And why then, exactly?

Well, maybe cause you also asked this right before my response: "ps. Do you count the Jews as blacks or whites? Just curious."

So I responded with this: Mary - My mother is Jewish, but since Jews don't share one common ancestry I never thought it related to race.

Does that answer your stupid question?


Simon বলেছেন...

And by the by, what job do you have that required you to present a birth certificate? I've never heard of such a requirement.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

Have you tried Buddhaism. Or maybe Zooastrian-ism?

I'm sure somewhere out there, there's an identity for you, if you just keep pushing hard enough.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Mary - "he calls all white people (with our "snow white" skins racist hypocrites)"

That's a bald-faced lie.

I never said that "all" white people were racist hypocrites.

Try to stick with the facts.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Mary, believe whatever you want.

I told you what I believe.

You sound more and more like a religious bigot with every comment.

Quit before you look even more ridiculous.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"I have absolutely no probplem with president Obama being black, nor with the job he's doing."

Then please, humor me and capitalize the "P" in his title, when your formally refer to the man and his office.

(Did you write president Bush, president Reagan, and president Lincoln, or do you save the lowercase only for the black men to infer their inferiority via your punctuation preferences? The proper title is President Obama, uppercase, whether you like it or not. Now that you've been corrected, let's see if you can make that change, small but respectful as it is...)

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Simon - It was right wing that came up with the teabagger moniker...and now they're stuck with it:

Jay Nordlinger at National Review admits, the term "teabagger" was introduced to the political lexicon by Tea Party movement leaders:

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.”

Tommy Christopher at Mediaite has it about right:

The Tea Partiers not only invented the term, they did so in order to inflict a similar double entendre onto the President, the Democrats, and liberals in general.

Now, they’re trying to re-cast the term as a slur, on a par with the “n-word,” hurtful to all the Tea Party members who are just ordinary moms, dads, sons, and daughters.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"You sound more and more like a religious bigot with every comment. Quit before you look even more ridiculous."

Cmon now, get to the Nazi label sooner rather than later.

I'm blonde (naturally), with blue eyes too, to go along with this "snow white" skin.

Surely that makes "my people" in some way guilty of the Holocaust or not doing enough to shelter people, or something. You know you wanna go there... Just get it over with already, no need to tiptoe around this "religious bigot" nonsense that you assume to be working so well on your behalf, apparently.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Right, you asked him to "release" it. And what does that mean? In "... what format did you suppose that it would be released other than some electronic format?"

I expected the exact same thing you or I would get if we asked for a copy of our Hawaii birth certificate ... a negative image of the birth certificate signed and sealed, like the one seen accompanying this story from a person born the day AFTER Barack Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii:


What we got was a poorly doctored .pdf file that has layers specifically designed to alter the dates and signatures on it.

What we did not get was a copy of his original long-form birth certificate. Because if we had gotten that, it would be a negative image.

Do you see my point now?

Obama has done nothing to satisfy a skeptical, open mind.

Alex বলেছেন...

A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.”

Fuck you Jeremy. So because one douchebag meant it in the way of a homosexual slur, that means you are allowed to use the slur against anyone?

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"It's YOU and others here who bash him on a daily basis, calling him "jug earred" or worse."

You should try writing fiction, brother. I hear there's a big market for this kinda stuff in some circles.

ps. I kinda like his ears myself. Could stand to put on a few pounds though... but I'd say that if he were white too.

Alex বলেছেন...

Obama is into "stuff white people like". F.e., arugula and putting bleu cheese on his burger.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"Well, maybe cause you also asked this right before my response: "ps. Do you count the Jews as blacks or whites? Just curious."

Um, my question was asked immediately after you asked everyone to self identify as black or white. I asked a neutral question, thus, regarding your racial classification system.

You're the one who brought your mother, and your own alleged Jewishness, into the mix. Not me. Let's keep the record straight.

Again: I don't care a whit about your skin tone, nor your religious identity. Is that clear enough for you, or do your prefer to be victimized based on your own self identifications and self insults?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"And by the by, what job do you have that required you to present a birth certificate? I've never heard of such a requirement."

Well, Simon, then you don't work in the United States, are self-employed, or work for a very small company.

In the United States, every employee of every large company must legally file an IRS form called the I-9 form, which proves, under penalty of fine and imprisonment for falsification, that you are a U.S. citizen and not an illegal alien.

Every employer who employs more then 9 people must have this form filled out for each employee.

We must present our papers.

We cannot provide a layered up .pdf file and claim that's our birth certificate. That is not an acceptable form of documentation for purposes of legal employment in the United States.

We can't get away with that.

Why should we let Obama get away with that?

Titus বলেছেন...

Simon, the I-9 form, which almost all employers use require either: 1)A Passpport or 2) the combination of 2 of the following a social security, birth certificate or drivers license. We will need that within 5 days of your date of hire as well.

Thanks for calling Human Resources, have a super day and make every second count.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Mary - "Surely that makes "my people" in some way guilty of the Holocaust or not doing enough to shelter people, or something."

There you go again with the back-handed slaps at Jews...as if they somehow blame ALL white pepoe for the Holocaust? Can you reference anything that reflects that point of view?

I doubt it.

You're one disgusting piece of work.

Fuck off.

Alex বলেছেন...

There you go again with the back-handed slaps at Jews...

Hey Jeremy, I'm a Jew and I'd rather have Mary's support. Jews like you are Israel's worst enemy.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Mary - "Um, my question was asked immediately after you asked everyone to self identify as black or white."

That's another bald-faced lie.

I did not ask how many people were black or white.

Based on all of the illuminating information relating to the black "race," pouring forth via the local teabaggers, I simply asked how many here were "black.

If you can't respond in an honest manner, just don't waste your time.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Tomas wrote: They had to get a special exception from the State of Hawaii to release it.

Well, that's bullshit. Barack Hussein Obama is full entitle to ask and receive an official copy of his certificate of live birth for any reason whatsoever. Just as you, Tomas, may request and receive at any time an official copy of your BC for any purpose you choose.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

1) A Passpport or 2) the combination of 2 of the following a social security, birth certificate or drivers license."

You get a cookie Titus.

Also, it shoudl be noted, that you cannot obtain a passport without a certified copy of your birth certificate. You cannot present a layered-up .pdf file and claim that is your birth certificate. They'd fucking laugh you right out of the Federal Building.

Additionally, you cannot obtain a driver's license without either a passport or a certified copy of your birth certificiate.

If you show up to the DMV and try to foist off on them a layered-up .pdf file as your "birth certificate" you'll probably be arrested on the spot by Homeland Security agents.

The bottom line is that you cannot be legally employed in the United States by a company larger than 9 employees without, in one way or another, providing a certified copy of your birth certificate to prove your citizenship.

A .pdf file is NOT ACCEPTABLE to any of these legal authorities and it is laughable that some political hack in the White House tried to pass this off as legitimate.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Jeremy said...

Simon - It was right wing that came up with the teabagger moniker...and now they're stuck with it:

Liar. It was Anderson Cooper. You know it.

We've had this conversation before.

You keep indulging your obsession with The Love Whose Name Dare Not Be Spoken and someone will always call you on it.

Let it go.

And seek professional help.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Have I said lately that the Green Bay Packers are THE WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!!?

Titus বলেছেন...

I am a jew too Alex, hugs.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Alex "Hey Jeremy, I'm a Jew and I'd rather have Mary's support. Jews like you are Israel's worst enemy."

Alex - It's nice that you're a Jew, and I think that's wonderful...but I'm an atheist...and how my response to Mary, who implied that I might feel that Jews may be "afraid" of blacks...somehow makes me "Israel's worst enemy"...well, that one is so far out there, I can't think of a proper response.

And as for having your "support," why would I possibly want or need another of the local teabaggers in my corner?

I can handle myself...even with racist and bigots like Mary.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Tomas wrote: They had to get a special exception from the State of Hawaii to release it."

Yes, Tomas is full of shite.

Barack Obama need only ask - just like any American could.

He allegedly did, but we know that the .pdf file is not what the State of Hawaii provided to him when he allegedly asked, because Hawaii would have given him a negative image of his birth certificate (for example one like this):


The .pdf file is very curious and revealing and deserves a lot of critical scrutiny.

What it is not is a copy of his original long-form birth certificate.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Liar. It was Anderson Cooper.

Yes, it was Anderson Cooper who smeared Tea Party patriots with the moniker "teabagger."

And he knows about the gay sexual practice of teabagging because he's secretly gay himself. Unfortunately, he was outed against his will recently by Rachel Maddow of MSNBC - herself a gay man who I'm quite sure has partaken of many a bag.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

And you know why the Green Bay Packers won? It's because I made my maiden voyage to the Best Football Field on the planet, Lambeau Field, and watched the Packers dismantle (in retro uniforms, no less) the 49ers.

I think they saw me in the stands and realized they had to win it all for me.

(It was a cold day)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'm not going to be satisfied until this comment thread is 600 comments long.

Come on you librul pukes.

Show me whatchu got!

So far, nobody has bested my oratory.

Simon বলেছেন...

Ut said...
"I expected the exact same thing you or I would get if we asked for a copy of our Hawaii birth certificate ... a negative image of the birth certificate signed and sealed"

And what good would that do you? How would he "release" that information to you? For example, you claim that your gold standard is the one that WND has---but that doesn't meet the criterion you just specified! Your only access to it, the means in which it was "released" to you, is a jpg file on a website. So we're back to what I said before: There is nothing he could do that would satisfy you.

"Well, Simon, then you don't work in the United States, are self-employed, or work for a very small company."

None of the above, and I've never heard of it. I work for a reasonably-sized firm, and have since I moved here. And it's interesting that Titus--who does seem to have heard of it--says you're wrong.

I also think it's interesting that you assume that an employer-employee relationship is apt. You aren't Obama's boss. His relationship to the country is as a fiduciary, not an at will employee.

Moose বলেছেন...

I find the Rathergate references to be apt - fake but accurate. Why give the press an Illustrator image?
I dunno...

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

So far, nobody has bested my oratory

I think you could use more self-awareness. Or a friend to stop you.

If you're serious, that is.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Gas is $395.9 here in Madison now. Time to fill 'er up -- which in my case means almost 8 gallons. We got 340 miles on the last tank.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"So we're back to what I said before: There is nothing he could do that would satisfy you."

Yes there is dude, he could stop fucking around and present his fucking birth certificate to the national media.

This layered up, doctored .pdf file is bullshit. No federal agency would accept this as proof of citizenship.

It's not a even a .pdf file of his birth certificate or it would be a negative image. What about that is hard to understand?

The fact that it's a positive image is prima facia evidence that it cannot be a legitimate copy of his original long-form birth certificate. That the .pdf file is layered and the layers contain alterations to specific dates and signatures on this "document" is just the icing on the proverbial cake.

Whatever this is it is NOT a copy of his original, long-form birth certificate.

But we should investigate what this is, because people want to know if their president is a crook.

This idea that nobody will accept actual evidence is complete horseshit. We aren't getting real evidence and it's transparent that we're not.

We'd accept actual evidence. But there isn't going to be any forthcoming.

Keith Carbone বলেছেন...

This is so stupid.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Why give the press an Illustrator image I dunno..."

Because these types of images can be easily manipulated by the White House. That's why.

The original long-form birth certificate cannot be so easily altered or forged.

Much of the press is working WITH the White House. Not working WITH the American people. They're actively protecting Obama instead of doing their jobs being skeptical of him.

Certain members of the press have a vested financial interest in seeing Barack Obama succeed (like the folks at GE/MSNBC ... where CEO Jeff Immelt is actually a member of the Obama Administration).

So, it's not too hard to understand the WHY of what they're doing. It's the oldest reason known to man:

Follow the money.

Simon বলেছেন...

Ut said...
"Yes there is dude, he could stop fucking around and present his fucking birth certificate to the national media."

You mean the national media that, as you well know, carries water for Obama and has no credibility on the subject? That national media?

"This layered up, doctored .pdf file is bullshit. No federal agency would accept this as proof of citizenship."

The comparison fails. A federal agency can reasonably request that you file an original copy that will be inspected by a designated agent who is authorized to deem it real. But Obama can't let every birther in the country physically inspect his birth certificate, with free-reign tactile contact, and even if he did, you would claim that was faked too. You've claimed that everything else is insufficient and created fraudulently; how can you possibly expect to be taken seriously when you insist that you would accept something that's just one more dune away?

"What about that is hard to understand?"

Yes, what is hard to understand? He was born in Hawaii; he's done everything any reasonable person could ask to prove it; some crazies continue to demand more. What's hard to understand?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"A federal agency can reasonably request that you file an original copy that will be inspected by a designated agent who is authorized to deem it real."

But Barack Obama has not produced an original copy for any federal agency to deem it real.

Ordinary Americans have to do this every day, in order to get jobs in America, or passports, or drivers' licenses.

Why doesn't Barack Obama have to produce his papers?

Why does he get to produce layered up .pdf files with transparently altered dates and signatures?

It's a question of basic fairness. Barack Obama believes that he is above the law.

But he's not.

And he needs to learn that and acknowledge that. He's created a situation where only 38% of Americans believe he was born here. They don't trust their president. They think they've been tricked.

We need an independent third party to investigate this issue and report back to the American people.

The American people want to know if their president is a crook ... and today, Barack Obama looks like a crook.

hombre বলেছেন...

Jeremy driveled: Hombre- His release today is an effort to quiet the loud mouth teabaggers and others who pollute the waters with insane insinuation and lies.

People like you.

My post: ...how does wondering what reason Oblahblah might have had for withholding the "long form" certificate in favor of spending money defending lawsuits translate into racism?

Nice try, Sleazebucket. Evidently, my question goes unanswered. There's a surprise.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

He was born in Hawaii; he's done everything any reasonable person could ask to prove it;

You're talking to people that are either a.) fucked in the head, or b.) racists. There are no other explanations anymore, not that there ever was to begin with.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"There you go again with the back-handed slaps at Jews...as if they somehow blame ALL white pepoe for the Holocaust? "

Just the blonde, blue-eyed ones, no? ;-)

And not to split hairs, but yes you did ask (I paraphrase) exactly how many black people, other than Crack, were participating on the thread, implying that all the rest of us were just "snow white" skinned people who don't know diddly about racism, like you and your mother, whom you then voluntarily identified as Jewish, even though no one asked and the thread hadn't taken a turn in that direction until YOU brought it up.

Let's try this:
I'm sorry for your world of hurt, whatever caused it, and the pain you're obviously carrying around inside that somehow makes you think it's cool to call vulgar names and imply racial hypocrisy to all of us who don't have a darker skin tone. Plus the need for those nasty racial classification that you seem to need to box others in with.

You've got issues yourself, that you're projecting onto others. It's not about President Obama, or us snow-white people at all, really. We're criticizing a performance, and hoping that the mistake that led people to think they were doing something truly noble (... Obama!!!!) by voting for the first man with black skin color to have a credible shot at the office, is over by now.

Vote for the best qualified person, based on proven leadership skills, preferably demonstrated over time in lesser political offices. He's really learning on the job here, with minimal legislative experience, and it clearly shows. In Libya, in the economy, in our befuddled foreign policy.

Personally, I like the guy. Love to have the Obamas as neighbors. Just a shame to let the American government go downhill like this, all because he doesn't really know what he's doing, or is badly misreading the American people on what they think needs to be done on behalf of the country.

It's not about race at all, you see. Except when over-zealous defenders like yourself tip your hands and play the race card against all those whose skin tones are lighter than his. Then, we push back, naturally.

ps. You forgot to call me a Nazi, and accuse my people of profiting off of your people's deaths, earlier in the centuries, thereby necessiting special laws to protect you from "discrimination". Cmon now, boy, you're slipping!

I can handle myself...even with racist and bigots like Mary.

ps. If you didn't write this out of "fear", why exactly did you bring it up then? You introduced the "fear the black man" meme to the thread, not me:

"Jeremy said...
Sixty - "And, at most, Obama is only half black. I'll leave it to you to discern which half." Well, it's the half you and the other racists here are obviously so afraid of."

That's why they call it "projecting", even if it's done unconsciously. Maybe ask one of your black friends to explain? Seems you might understand better if it's coming from someone with a more respectable (to you) skin tone, and a shared history of grievances. (?)

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

"And as for having your "support," why would I possibly want or need another of the local teabaggers in my corner? I can handle myself...even with racist and bigots like Mary."

Wait a minute... did you just THREATEN me?? Try that again, and I'll have security all over you like a wet blanket!! How dare you threaten me like that? The nerve!!!

(That's my best "victim" roleplay at work here. Sorry, it just doesn't fit me naturally. Can't get into it, don't want the "rewards" offered up for acting that way. You keep those strategies to yourself, just remember: I've got my eyes on you. One more threatening insult like that, and I'll have you removed from blogger.com, to the best of my ability.... (Nope, just can't pull it off. Takes years and years of practice, I suppose, and I'm not even going to imply that some people have victimhood in their blood, while others of us simply ... don't.)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"You're talking to people that are either a.) fucked in the head, or b.) racists. There are no other explanations anymore"

Or they're just skeptical that Barack Obama seems to be above having to produce that which ordinary Americans have to produce every day as we go through our normal lives.

We can't give the government layered-up .pdf files and have that be passed off as legitimate copies of our birth certificates.

Why should Barack Obama get to do that?

What makes him so special?

Like I said ... ordinary Americans see this as a matter of basic fairness. They don't trust Barack Obama and each day, they're presented with new reasons not to trust him.

Like this dolled up .pdf. Thing was discredited within moments of its release.

People want to know, Garage, whether their president is a crook. And they're making up their minds that he is a crook.

One percent at a time.

(PS: We're at 38%, if you're keeping score at home).

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

I just downloaded and opened a wholly different PDF file in Illustrator. It does in fact, create image and clipping path layers for all sorts of things that are not necessarily present in a native PDF opened in Acrobat.

Now, I've just opened a W4 form in Illustrator, and it too, has a host of seemingly random layers.

I would argue it is the function of Illustrator to 'decode' the PDF into recognizable piece of information and then house that information in groups on layers and sublayers, so it can be editable within the program itself.

Opening these documents in Preview (Mac) or Acrobat produce no such thing.

So, Ut, you're a little off base here.

Tibore বলেছেন...

"Moose said...
Why give the press an Illustrator image?
I dunno..."

It was not an Adobe Illustrator image. PDF is Portable Document Format; that's meant to be composed and read by Adobe Acrobat, not Illustrator. If it were Illustrator, the extension would be .ai, not .pdf. Illustrator just happens to be able to import PDFs as an image.

What happened is obvious: It was scanned in and then saved as .pdf instead of as a jpg or other image file. And what's being seen is an artifact of attempting to use Illustrator to interpret a PDF file.

Tibore বলেছেন...

Ok, more explanation: Why do governments push PDFs instead of images or other docs. Well, they decided some time ago that this was to be their MO:

"Under legal authority of Title 44, Chapters 17, 19, and 41 of the United States Code, GPO’s Office of Information Dissemination (Superintendent of Documents) administers various dissemination programs with the mission of providing permanent public access to official Federal Government information. These include the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), GPO Sales Program, and GPO Access public Web site. The FDLP distributes electronic and tangible publications to a network of Federal Depository libraries across the country. Electronic versions of many, but not all, publications are delivered to the public via GPO Access in PDF, ASCII text, and HTML file formats. These formats are manually converted from the files supplied to GPO for printing."


So anyway, what are we seeing? Like I said above: That is an artifact of having Illustrator interpret PDF. From the beginning: When you scan a document into a computer, you usually have multiple options: You can do a direct OCR scan into a word processor, but that's inadvisable with a document with any handwriting on it. So, you can save it as an image, or as a .pdf if you happen to have the full Acrobat package installed and think it'll be printed out at some point.

Because government offices tend to think in terms of transferring "documents" rather than "images", the mindset is to push .pdf files when copies of forms, documents, contracts, whatever that's text based is requested. Anyone who's dealt with government e-forms knows this; hell, just do your taxes online and see for yourself, like your 1098 normally being available as a .pdf file. So when someone scans a requested doc in, they most likely scan it in on a computer with Acrobat installed and therefore they get the option to save to Acrobat format. That's PDF.

Now, what does Illustrator have to do with this? I already explained it: When Illustrator encounters a file with unrecognizable fonts, it either outright substitutes a default for them, or treats the font as an image. In the latter case, it then attempts to do an "outline" trace in order to preserve formatting. It's Illustrator; its job is not to replace text if it can help it, it's to maintain image fidelity for eventual printout. So it'll do the outlines and create layers for them by default in order to not distort the image any more than it has to. This is by design in order to preserve the fidelity of the outlined elements, to allow the presumed designer to manipulate said elements, and if desired to do clean exports to other Adobe products with the manipulable elements still intact and manipulable.

What some are thinking are forgery layers is in reality Illustrator doing it's best to interpret what the .pdf format is telling it the various values are for background parts of the image and foreground elements that may either be text or objects to manipulate.

That's the explanation right there. Note that the second layer is specifically the handwritten one. Duh. That's what's expected.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I would argue it is the function of Illustrator to 'decode' the PDF into recognizable piece of information and then house that information in groups on layers and sublayers, so it can be editable within the program itself."

Look closer.

In fact, none of this document is "editable." PDF files are designed to not be editable. That's the entire purpose of Adobe's "Protected Document Format."

But it is possible to "build" .pdf files using Adobe Acrobat.

The key and critical parts of the Obama birth certificate revolve around the date of his birth and the circumstances related to the authentication of his birth certificate.

Let me step back and belabor this point for a moment: It was not at all unusual for loose women of the day who had promiscuous sex with random people to have a child in one place, but then bring that child into the US to "make" that child born elsewhere a citizen of the United States. We had much better welfare than most other countries at that time.

In fact, many people even today plan illegal trips INTO the United States for the express purpose of bearing their children in the US to create "anchor" situations and "make" their children be automatic citizens of the United States.

And so now with within this context, look again at the document. Take note of those areas where Illustrator detects images buried inside the document and notes that those images are on a secondary or tertiary layer (or other layer not on the original document layer).

The dates that the birth certificate was certified, and the signatures of the certifier, and the sequence number of the document are the ONLY major areas of alteration. Those are the only areas where the document has been changed.

Now I ask you: Is that the weirdest fucking coincidence you've ever seen? Just the right information in the document is on the different layers as would be if you were trying to forge the document to say something it didn't originally say in a way that accrues to the benefit of only one person: Barack Obama.

No other areas are affected. Only the dates of certification, and the signature of the person certifying the document and its sequence number.

This .pdf file is forged.

No two ways about it.

Tibore বলেছেন...

So why do I understand that the Birther coming up with this "open the form in Illustrator to see the layers" argument doesn't know what he's talking about? Because
1. He's opening an Acrobat file in Illustrator to begin with. He doesn't appear to know one document extention from another.
2. He's obviously never opened a scanned PDF - note: A SCANNED one, not an originally electronic one - in Illustrator because layer creation for different outlined elements is what it's supposed to do by default.

I mean, take a look for yourself at the doc. Note how random the placement of elements are on it. It's not just that there's a layer for the handwriting and a layer for the form. It's actually mostly handwriting and some "background" elements on one layer and mostly background plus some random foreground items on the other. If it's a forgery, then look at one of the handwritten words: Note that part of a writing stroke in the middle of a word is on a separate layer from the rest of that word.

That's evidence of forgery? Bull. That's evidence of intensity values being interpreted and some elements falling to one side of the layer divide and others falling to the second.

If someone thinks some author inserted fake elements, then why is it that the one layer of elements include random typed letters (like the "R" in "Barack") and some of the original text on the forms? And yet leave out other elements for the other layer, such as what I just mentioned? That's not explainable by forgery. But it's eminently explainable via scanning and interpretive artifacts.

This is just like dealing with truthers: When you look at original "evidence" for their claims, you'll see that things are incompetently interpreted. People making hay of this can't explain why elements are scattered like they are. This is quite obviously Illustrator interpreting PDF. You have to be ignorant of how Illustrator works to not realize that.



And with that, I'm out. This thread's stupidity level has gotten too high. Jeremy is ignoring the fact that it was roesch-voltaire who first dragged race into this, and typical of him, he rose to the race-bait. UT is just dumb, not to mention overly credulous. If I wanted to see eminent stupidity, I'll go over to truther forums and listen to them ineffectively pitch "free fall" and "molten steel" for the billionth time. There's no need to indulge in it any further here in this thread.

Tibore বলেছেন...

Ok, one last thing:

"In fact, none of this document is "editable." PDF files are designed to not be editable. That's the entire purpose of Adobe's "Protected Document Format."

Don't make things up. I support products like Acrobat for a living, and you're pulling that out of your ass. The entire purpose of Portable Document Format is to be an open one which maintains the visual fidelity of a document even on computers without the software installed to create it. Whether it's to remain editable or not depends on whether you lock it or not. And when it's a scanned image exported to PDF, that goes out the door.

Repeat: Do not make things up. All it takes is a simple check about Acrobat's locking features to expose that lie.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"If I wanted to see eminent stupidity, I'll go over to truther forums and listen to them ineffectively pitch "free fall" and "molten steel" for the billionth time. There's no need to indulge in it any further here in this thread."

Yes, go bury your head in the sand name-caller. Retreat into the dark corner. You are outmatched here.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"The entire purpose of Portable Document Format is to be an open one which maintains the visual fidelity of a document ..."

And yet we see here how this software was used to manipulate the "visual fidelity" of Barack Obama's birth certificiate by placing certain crucial information on separate layers where that information could be changed.

The state of Hawaii does not issue copies of birth certificates that are positive.

They issue them as negatives.

This .pdf file has been forged.

No two ways about it.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

What Tibore said.

Ut needs to stop talking about shit he knows nothing about.

I've spent 18 years in the graphics industry and I know how this stuff works.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I've spent 18 years in the graphics industry and I know how this stuff works."

I have 26 years in the graphics industry and I know better than you how this stuff can be manipulated.

But you go ahead. You tell us how it works and why Barack Obama didn't just release the negative image of his original long-form birth certificate.

Why is the image positive and why do the layers ONLY contain information related to the date his certificate was certified, the signature of that person certifying it, and the altered sequence number.

Go ahead pro, 'splain it for us.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I've spent 18 years in the graphics industry and I know how this stuff works."

That is an appeal to authority and a well-known logical fallacy.

That you have stooped to it is dispositive and revealing.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Ut needs to stop talking about shit he knows nothing about."

I would encourage you also to watch the upcoming Oprah special Monday with Barack and Michelle Obama and pay particular attention Michelle Obama's body language during the highly scripted 1-hour interview.

We know it's highly scripted, because Obama said the exact same lines he said during his "press conference" to Oprah during her "live interview."

Exact. Same. Lines. As if read off of a teleprompter.

Not a word of difference.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

A couple things:

Some of the separation in layers appears to be random (NON on one layer, E with other set text on another.)

The "R" in Barack on one layer, and the rest of the name on the other.

The overall poor quality of the text in general is striking. The underlying text layer where most of the information is housed is blurry and white/gray.

However, I've done other tests with scanned PDFs I've found online, and while they are broken into groups and layers, there's usually a pattern -- image on one sublayer preceeded by a 'clipping path' layer, packaged into a group.

In the Obama instance, there are images on multiple layers.

Here are two:



If you download these files and open them in Illustrator, you will see the basic pattern (for lack of a better term) that I outlined above.

What you will not see is the sort of elaborate layer separation found in the Obama certificate pdf.

From this non-exhaustive look at historical scanned pdf files, I'm willing to say the anomalies found in the Obama pdf are strange. I'm a bit surprised at how the other PDFs were handled by Illustrator in comparison.

It's possible Ut is correct, and this is forged. Or, another possibility is that the file was scanned using less-than-ideal OCR software.

As to the negative/positive issue — I would be hard pressed to remember when any documentation released for public consumption was released in a negative format. Perhaps I'm wrong.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Here are those links again if anyone wants to play around with the files in Illustrator:

Department of Justice Memo, 1961

1961 Barbering Text - Shaving

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

My previous post explaining that there are indeed anomalies that look odd in comparison to other similar scanned PDF texts from the same era got eaten.

So, Ut, you do have a point that something seems off when comparing the Obama PDF to others of similar nature.

Obama's PDF has multiple images broken into multiple layers while those above have a singular image on one layer.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I could care less about all this, but just out of curiosity, I right clicked on the image, control c and then pasted it into a publisher document. The green copies perfectly, but the text is part white and part black. Some of the signatures copy perfectly, some not at all. Just a bit strange, that's all.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

EM Davis wrote:

So, Ut, you do have a point that something seems off when comparing the Obama PDF to others of similar nature.

Obama's PDF has multiple images broken into multiple layers while those above have a singular image on one layer.

Oh God...please, let the CEO of Adobe sort this out soon. This PDFerism is going to kill us.

(Not directed towards you, EM. Thanks for noting this inconsistency, in the sense of accuracy)

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

One last test ...

Acrobat Pro allows one to "Optimize Scanned PDF" prior to saving.

Using the default settings, I ran this option on the Dept. of Justice memo.

What results is Acrobat deciding that differing color values deserve different layers.

Therefore, the newly-optimized PDF opened in Illustrator does produce varying images on unique layers.

I have a feeling that someone who did not understand the intricacies of the Acrobat software process, did not optimize the optimizer so to speak, for the Obama PDF.

Almost Ali বলেছেন...

The MSM is livid, their brains are exploding. They realize they got their heads handed to them on national TV along with Obama. They realize that Obama should have never tried to outwit Trump, because Obama is so far out of his league he's a gupie in the shark tank. And got swallowed alive. On national TV.

Also a great lesson for all those less than engaged Republican hopefuls - to punch back twice as hard.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

When liberals argue with Ut, do they know that they're arguing with a liberal pretending to be a conservative? Or do they not know and find it particularly exciting because Ut is their fantasy of what a conservative is like reflected back at them?

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

I used to scan stuff with OCR on all the time when I worked. That's what makes the layers.

Not the Super Secret Islamofacist Manchurian Candidate Conspiracy.

Jennifer বলেছেন...

Ok, I really can't read 585 comments. BUT, my daughter was born in Hawaii and we have never received anything other than the "Certificate of Live Birth" for her. In fact, I laugh every time I see a blog post pointing out all the specific areas that prove Obama's is fake and compare it to my daughter's very real birth certificate to find it identical in every way.

Methadras বলেছেন...

garage mahal said...

Anything that will remove this black President from office!

He's half-black, you human elephant trunk. What is this? What you see is what you get? Oh yeah, with sack-massagers like you, the book is your cover. Empty and fake just like you, you fucking jack-hole.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt wrote:

Or do they not know and find it particularly exciting because Ut is their fantasy of what a conservative is like reflected back at them?


vbspurs বলেছেন...

Jennifer wrote:

In fact, I laugh every time I see a blog post pointing out all the specific areas that prove Obama's is fake and compare it to my daughter's very real birth certificate to find it identical in every way.

Not only that, but if I have understood it from the very beginning in 2008, the State of Hawaii doesn't provide copies of the ORIGINAL birth certificates any more. The Certificate of Live Birth which he produced fully complies with every legal nicety, just fine.

So, put yourself in President Obama's shoes for a second: what would you do if you were he, and there was a pack of braying conspiracists arguing you are not producing the real Birth Certificate? How frustrating it must be to be he, in this situation.

Now, I have never understood WHY it is that the State of Hawaii has sealed all the original birth certificates, for everyone in born there. Could someone who knows, explain that?

A lot of this controversy has to do with that singularly odd law.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

wv: vacuous (Indeed!!)

dick বলেছেন...

In what way would it be demeaning. The question is raised, he can field it in one little statement and one turning over the document and he chooses to spend millions not to do just that. What he is doing is demeaning the public's right to know that the man elected president is legitimately entitled to hold that office. That is what is being demeaned and it is being demeaned by Zero.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I think the length of this thread shows the issue is not dead. It could be with a simple act by a powerful man. As he has a unique talent for doing, he has made a small issue into a big one. It's really a rare talent. He's a divider. Of course, only his Black half is, his white half is cool with this cracker. That half-a-dude is tight.

dick বলেছেন...


If we never knew the transcript of the previous presidential candidates then how did we know that Bush got better grades than Kerry and Algore and that Algore flunked out of Divinity School? Of course we have had the transcripts of previous candidtes - including Clinton and McCain. Remember how the Demmies made such a big deal out of McCain ranking so low in his graduating class? Your claim is just plain laughable.

Sixty Bricks বলেছেন...

Good to see that some of the regulars here have finally allowed this horse to RIP.

The Dude বলেছেন...

I just read that Jesse Jackson claims that anyone who disagrees with the president or questions his integrity is a racist.

Now we know where the lefties get their talking points - from the preeminent race hustler and baby daddy, Action Jackson.

As you were.

Toad Trend বলেছেন...

@Sixty Grit

"I just read that Jesse Jackson claims that anyone who disagrees with the president or questions his integrity is a racist.

Now we know where the lefties get their talking points - from the preeminent race hustler and baby daddy, Action Jackson."

Super-atheist douchebag Jeremy - how does it feel to be the equivalent of a 4th grader that responds to the question with the same answer every time?

Racist racist racist.

Yeah you and Jesse the 'poverty pimp' Jackson...oh, and I only disagree with his white side. His black side talks out of his asshole because his mouth knows better.

Michael বলেছেন...

Garage: You are a racist.

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