I wrote about her here and here, with video showing how she was abused by the anti-Tea Party protesters. This video shows the whole speech, close-up:
What a tough kid! Impressive to have built up such strength and nerve so young.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
२४६ टिप्पण्या:
246 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I'm sure garbage will vilify her.
True grit!
As to why they felt justified shouting down a 14-year-old:
Ursus: I'll tell you one thing that every good soldier knows. The only thing that counts in the end is power! Naked merciless force!
(10 second streaming sound clip)
She also seems to have mastered something our esteemed president has not; very competently delivering a speech without the benefit of TelePrompters. Clearly executive material.
She works for Agence France Presse?
She fights like a girl.
What a great kid. I knew it was too early to give up on humanity.
Give 'em hell, Tricia!
2yellowdogs wrote:
Clearly executive material.
She's also a born speechmaker -- she knows enough to protect her instrument on a snowy day with a warm ruff around it.
Great girl. Hope she goes far in life.
Of course now the WI MSM must destroy her.
Remember to staple your Tea Party signs to baseball bats so you can hold them high.
That name, Tricia Willoughby, has such a wonderful, old-fashioned All-American ring to it. In an America led by one Barack Hussein Obama II, it's nice to be reminded such people still exist.
" ...howing how she was abused by the anti-Tea Party protesters."
Yes, abuse.
That's precisely what it is.
They're bullying little girls, these Democrat thugs. Abusive. They're nothing more than taxpayer-paid gangsters and it's high time we get in their faces and punch them the fuck back twice as hard.
Just like Barack Hussein Obama told them to do to us.
If you're sick of the Democrats bullying you, your paycheck, and your children, then get involved. Get registered and vote them the fuck out - along with any Republicans who don't have the stomach for the coming fight.
How much are the Koch Brothers paying her?
It's also impressive that her outfit matches the grassroots coloring of AFP's logo.
The rest of the group really clash.
A lot of 14 year olds have been heckeled and bullied at this point in their lives so this probably wasn't something new to her. Other than this time it was coming from 'grownups' that is.
" ... very competently delivering a speech without the benefit of TelePrompters."
Barack Hussein Obama is unable to do this because Barack Obama doesn't write what he says, doesn't believe what he says and doesn't really care what the Teleprompter tells him to say.
Barack Obama is just an avatar.
Wow, a black face. Don't see that much in Wisconsin.
Titus - or rare clumbers either. How is your Indian husband doing dah-ling?
The contrast between this woman and this woman shouting "corporate whore" is the essence of this debate/fight.
I will steal your future for my retirement
If she isn't chanting "Mmmmm, mmmm, mmm, Barak Hussein Obama" then she is a dupe and a prop and should resolutely be shouted down.
Fraudulent. As Sullivan has shown Mrs Willoughby faked her own pregnancy!
@ Titus
Just fyi - Milwaukee is in Wisconsin. I know Scott doesn't believe it, but it is.
I can't watch the video right now, but here's another off-topic comment.
The "I am AFP" signs bother me. I am Americans for Prosperity?
We are? I am a part of?
Dose of Sanity, Titus is FROM Wisconsin. He was milking cows with a hoisted up skirt long before you born.
That's hilarious Miss Victoria.
And I am in Madison right now and I rarely if ever see a face of color.
I haven't been to Milwaukee in years but I want to go before I leave Wisconsin. Is it still a piece of shit city who's glory days have come and gone?
Any recommendations for a really excellent multivitamin?
He's not the only one from Wisconsin, thankyouverymuch.
That's nice of you to say so. Personally, I enjoy our multiple beaches, the nationally recognized art muesem, discovery world, the city muesem and the brand new baseball stadium. You must have more fickle tastes.
And its well over a year old, but this video demonstrates the future for Wisconsin, New York etc. without a change in course.
California is the canary in the mine
Tough kid to have to endure the unmitigated hatred of the human effluent known as the left.
Once again. For the lefties who post here.
The union (I guess they are union but who knows, there are so many people jumping onto the protest Doo Dah Parade) protestors are shouting shame shame shame.
Just exactly what do they mean by that? Just what are we supposed to be feeling shame about?
I bet if you asked them, they would have no coherent reason.
They seem like the bitchy wife who is mad at her husband and refuses to tell him why but expects to get an apology anyway becvause he is supposed to be able to read her mind.
He's not the only one from Wisconsin, thankyouverymuch.
I knew there was a reason I liked you!
Just exactly what do they mean by that? Just what are we supposed to be feeling shame about?
Those of us in the private sector won't work longer hours so that the public employees can retire at 35 with 100% of the salary and free benefits.
We owe it to them.
I was watching a fascinating docu. about Katherine Powers and the 60's.
That was a fucked up time. I am glad I wasn't around.
My parents were young back then but they never were involved in any of that shit.
Brandeis was a hotbed of 60's radical shit. I never knew that.
Mr Tie-tus, trust me, Wisconsin is a damn sight better than being in Slough.
...NO WAY...word verification is ukieing (!!!!).
There have been a handful of gutsy performers during this tantrum by the left—Althouse & Meade, of course, and that guy who stood his ground in the Capitol rotunda in the midst of the occupation. And maybe even Ramona Kitzinger before she was "counseled" by the local democratic establishment.
…and now, a 14-yr-old girl.
Compare and contrast with the eternally (and professionally) aggrieved Jesse Jackson & Michael Moore.
Perhaps the Joan of Arc of the TEA party. We will see.
I will give you the point that the lefties didn't know they were booing the national anthem. Or at worst it is unclear.
But you will notice on this video...that when the girl started speaking, the screams got louder and louder.
Why? Like was said on other threads about Governor Palin, Ms Willoughby is a threat to the left. They can't have Tricia be the face of the center-right. She must be destroyed now.
Well, guess again, looney lefties.
As Sarah Palin said, "We're hear. We're clear. And we're not going to go away."
The "I am AFP" signs bother me. I am Americans for Prosperity?
We are? I am a part of?
You have counter-protestors dressed up in clown suits blowing horns, banging drums, clanging cowbells and you're bothered by grammatical syntax on some Tea Partier's shirt?
He's staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Slough.
He told me there are many Sikhs and Muzzies there.
He told me the Tesco (is that the grocery store) closed at 5:00 on Sunday and the streets were deserted.
But today he is working in the business district in Slough and that it is filled with people.
The weather is nice there though. He said in the 60's.
He also said there is a 24 hour channel dedicated to the wedding.
Milwaukee has its problems (like in leadership), but overall it is an okay place. I enjoy my visits there.
He's staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Slough...how not fab.
You have counter-protestors dressed up in clown suits blowing horns, banging drums, clanging cowbells and you're bothered by grammatical syntax on some Tea Partier's shirt?
Haha, ya. Strange, right? I hate the obnoxious noise too, to be fair. I'm happy to protest (and did) in manner which gets the message across that I want.
OT: I just saw the blog ad pic of the baby elephant. I'm depressed now. :((
Milwaukee has its problems (like in leadership), but overall it is an okay place.
Scott Walker - Leadership of Milwaukee County.
Okay, cheap shot, but that was too easy.
Yes, Titus, Tescos are the biggest grocery chain in the UK. My dear, you haven't lived until you've sampled Tesco's house wine...
Seriously, Slough is rank. If you love your man, you'd fly there and rescue him. Ann can dogsit the rare clumbers.
Dose, did you see who is the new county executive? That is what I am refering to. And their tire slashing US Rep.
Hey...you should also post a link to the wacky guy on you tube giving Ms Willoughy the finger and screaming nasty stuff at her.
I think of Milwaukee like a Cleveland. A city that has lost a considerable population and didn't move forward with the new economy. Like it's glory days have come and gone. It's trying but it hasn't reached the promise land.
When I was like 16 I would drive to Park Avenue Club on Sunday nights. That club was amazing for a young kid. What happened to Park Avenue? Also, I used to go to that mall downtown and thought it was so fab. Grand Avenue?
I don't think a new museum or ball park makes a city. What makes a city is a thriving economy with cool jobs, excellent companies and hot people. Really hot people.
Some cities in America have been able to move forward and thrive while others seem to have stalled.
@ Chuck - see, saw, voted. Just going for the free shot, as it were.
@ Titus - I walk through the Grand Ave every day. It's a lot less grand. The new malls in the city stole its thunder. As for the rest of the city, I like it. You certainly don't have to.
Detroit...now there is probably the most depressing city in the U.S.
I read you can buy a house for like $10,000...but that you would never want to leave home.
OK, is anyone else sort of disappointed that she leads off by touting "the enormity of what the Tea Party Movement has become?" The only reason that won't become a mocking video clip is becase the Tea Party's opponents don't know what "enormity" means either.
wv: nulper
Dose I haven't been there in a long time so I should reserve judgment. I heard the Third Ward is nice?
I don't mean to be hating on Milwaukee. It's Wisconsin's largest city!
Are Racine and Kenosha depressing?
Some cities in America have been able to move forward and thrive while others seem to have stalled.
For once, Tight Ass, you've made an insightful political statement.
Why is this?
The states that are gaining population and business are the southern and southwestern states. Why? Climate is one issue.
Amazingly, these states are almost entirely right to work states, where the cost of doing business is much lower because of less regulatory entanglements.
Wisconsin, do you hear me?
Of course, I live in New York, which is bleeding population because of excessive taxation, greedy public unions and a strangling noose of regulation.
Message to Union clowns:
Even our fourteen year-olds are smarter than you.
Grand Avenue?
It was much nicer when the Marshall Fields was there. But that was at least a decade or more ago. The last time I was there -- 5 years ago? -- it was a pit.
The Third Ward is very nice. I think you'd call it Fabulous.
Lastly one of the most depressing things about Madison is the lack of hotties.
Yes, there are the college coeds but they are way too young and I am not into chicken.
It seems that when Madison people reach middle age they just say fuck it and let it all go to hell. Everything starts to droop, the faces become engorged, tits sag, asses expand, stomachs extend, hair is nasty. It is just sad.
I loved Marshall Fields and Dayton's.
Why didn't she tilt up the microphones at the beginning of her speech?
When I go to chorus concerts at West, there are always singers who seem to think they can sing away from a microphone and still be heard. Doesn't work that way.
I do wonder why she was chosen to speak, other than her age. Anyone could have made that speech.
Ya, Grand Avenue is mostly empty now. 75% vacancy or so? Boston Store is the last major store hanging on. I go to the food court (what I think is sustaining the place) and gamestop, but thats about it.
Grand Avenue was bought and sold twice in the last year. We'll see what happens to it under the new management.
She misused enormity.
Michelle Dulak Thomas wrote:
OK, is anyone else sort of disappointed that she leads off by touting "the enormity of what the Tea Party Movement has become?" T
It should be enormousness, so as not to suggest enormity's other connotation of something foul and heinous? True, true. I'll cut the 14 year-old a break, though, as I'm sure you will too. :)
Thomson! Sorry.
Why does Wisconsin have a job for a "County Executive"?
I have never heard of that job until I came back here. WTF. Are not the mayors or city managers of the counties good enough?
They heckled a 14-year-old girl? Classy.
Titus, you need to stop hanging out with the feminist groups in Madison. Or find some that play softball to stay in shape.
Anyone else see a slight resemblence by Tricia to Nellie Olsen?
I'd dispute the use of the word tough.
Resolute (there's an old fashioned word) would be more like it. She believes in something and she acts on it.
I don't think we've heard the last of this young lady.
vbspurs said...
That name, Tricia Willoughby, has such a wonderful, old-fashioned All-American ring to it. In an America led by one Barack Hussein Obama II, it's nice to be reminded such people still exist.
There was a time a name like Althouse (or Burke or Christie) would have sounded alien.
We've come a long way, baby. Mostly for the good.
PS vb, I asked you a question in last night's cafe. Just curious about your answer.
Edutcher, I answered. :)
(I always do. Check back on the threads, and you will see my responses!)
Third ward is cool.
Each city tries to have something catchy in their airports to sell to the tourists. What does Milwaukee have? First thing you see at the gift stores is a sweatshirt with a narrow pouch in the front center. It says it is to hold your beer bottle. I kind of like it.
It seems that when Madison people reach middle age they just say fuck it and let it all go to hell. Everything starts to droop, the faces become engorged, tits sag, asses expand, stomachs extend, hair is nasty. It is just sad.
The answer: Nordic white people.
That's what happens to them when they age.
Kathleen Falk, who was Dane County Executive built a bridge to nowhere-really it was a bridge to nowhere by Springfield Corners. My dad showed me the bridge which goes over the highway and then just ends. Nothing, you can't drive over it and the goal was for bikers but when they get to the other side of the bridge the bike path just stops. I think my dad said it cost like $75,000.
That's Dane County Shouting.
Nordic White People. Swiss, Norwegian, Dutch, lots of Germans.
They also tend to drink copious amounts of beer.
Yes, I don't understand why the bike path doesn't go all the way to Sauk City. That bridge could be useful then.
Chuck I hang out with no one, other than my family and my dog, in Madison. I am only here for a year. The only person I know is this blogger Althouse and that is just through the computer.
vbspurs said...
Edutcher, I answered. :)
(I always do. Check back on the threads, and you will see my responses!)
Thank you, mum.
I didn't realize. I checked several hours later and hadn't seen anything.
Knocking out a couple of mea culpas as I speak.
I think my dad said it cost like $75,000.
Wasting money seems to come naturally to Falk. I wonder how much she blew on her frivolous lawsuit against the budget repair bill.
What a tough kid! Impressive to have built up such strength and nerve so young.
So no hand wringing over political indoctrination of our youth, as you did over kids in the Capitol? Remember when we all fainted over that a month ago?
Granted I'm on a crappy laptop, but can anyone tell me when all this booing begins? I'm starting to get a Kenneth Gladney vibe.
"It seems that when Madison people reach middle age they just say fuck it and let it all go to hell."
Well, there's always Grey Ponytail Bingo for the rest of us to play.
To me, the most egregious thing that happened in Wisconsin this weekend was the break-in in Green Bay.
"Burglars" stole recall petitions for one of your dem fleebaggers.
"This is what democracy looks like" in Wisconsin...
I'd link it, but there's not much out there to link.
Thank God the Founders gave the Press Constitutional protections...
not like they'd ever become propagandists-
Wasn't one of the main contributing factors of the Great Recession our blind consumerism fed by a the voracious use of credit and buying expensive things we really couldn't afford and when the bill came due, millions found themselves unable to pay? That's what I remembered anyway.
Isn't the Tea Party's biggest complaint the runway Federal debt and deficit that's being financed to the tune of $.40 for every dollar and yet they're protested because of......
So no hand wringing over political indoctrination of our youth, as you did over kids in the Capitol? Remember when we all fainted over that a month ago?
Well I have to agree that her parents should have never let her on stage to spout her political tripe. Subjecting a 14 year old girl to a bunch of loud foul-mouthed leftists who could never be expected to set an example of class and decorum to our nation's youth is just a hair shy of child abuse in my eyes.
But then again, those kids at the Capitol building weren't exposed to loud foul mouthed Tea Partiers either.
Like I said, realy classy group you hitched that wagon to. You must swell with pride.
Having a teenager speak about freedom and liberty is the kind of indoctrination I can live with.
Like I said, realy classy group you hitched that wagon to. You must swell with pride.
Can you tell me where the booing and heckling begins and ends?
So no hand wringing over political indoctrination of our youth, as you did over kids in the Capitol? Remember when we all fainted over that a month ago?
OK, your point is well taken.
I don't remember anybody telling those kids in the capitol to fuck off, giving them the middle finger, or trying to boo them into silence when they spoke.
Browndog.....anything new on the Green Bay breakin?
Is it even being investigated?
The answer: Nordic white people.
That's what happens to them when they age.
Sometimes I wish I were Chinese so I would never age.
Garbage, you're trying to defend the indefensible... shouting down public speakers.
How low can you sink? Keep going.
Remember the old maxim about digging holes? Sometimes, it's a good idea to stop digging.
Is there any kind of vile, stupid behavior you don't endorse?
I don't remember anybody telling those kids in the capitol to fuck off, giving them the middle finger, or trying to boo them into silence when they spoke.
Give me the timestamps where that happens here.
Sometimes I wish I were Chinese so I would never age.
I don't know whether or not that is sarcasm, but...
It's true that most Asians maintain a youthful appearance far longer than whites.
Why? I couldn't tell you.
The only reason that won't become a mocking video clip is becase the Tea Party's opponents don't know what "enormity" means either.
Either? That implies she misused the word. She didn't. She could have chosen a word without a negative alternate meaning, but she clearly meant "immensity," which is a perfectly acceptable definition of "enormity" as well.
Shorter me: I think you're the one that doesn't know what "enormity" means.
Let's start with my question, garbage.
You're defending shouting down public speakers.
This is vile, indefensible behavior.
Do you draw the line at anything. Assault? Murder? Vote fraud?
So, let's hear an affirmative statement from you. Do you support shouting down public speakers?
Garage, here is a video of a guy giving Ms Willoughby the finger.
Well, as Althouse pointed out - and most of us agreed - when the anti-Walker protesters had children demonstrating with them I'm not sure a 14-year old understands the significance of what she's advocating.
On either or all sides of this or other political matters.
Let's let kids be kids and not use them as props for our causes.
Can you tell me where the booing and heckling begins and ends?
Does it matter? I mean it seems like all your side can do is make a tremendous amount of annoying noise as opposed to offer something approaching a logical counter argument. So when I say our current levels of spending are unsustainable your response is "Needs more cowbell!"
If you're simply trying to say you were being loud, boorish obnoxious people before and after the 14 year old kid got on stage then I'll accept that.
@shouting @chuck
Garbage, why....? What...? When...?
I'm not sure a 14-year old understands the significance of what she's advocating.
Well when a lot of 24-34-44-54 year olds say no draconian budget cuts!! Lets have more Federal spending!!! I don't think they understand the significance of what they're advocating either.
Does it matter?
Ah, yea! Since you compared this to child abuse.
As far as the age goes...I started reading newspapers when I was about 12 years old. In a frendly manner, debating my teachers starting about age 15, mostly about the unsustainability of the welfare state.
So with the more free flow of information now, I can see a 14 year old being able to discuss political and current events issues.
So let's recap, shall we:
hmm, a 14 y.o. has stolen palin's thunder :-P at least at Althouse lol
Too bad she's not old enough to run for president given the recent retreads/rejects/buffoons cons currently have to pick from.
Surely she's more intelligent than mama grizzly albeit that's a very low bar indeed ...
take care
Ah, yea! Since you compared this to child abuse.
I'm pretty confident that you are the only person who actually failed to see through the snark in that paragraph.
Actually, Shiloh, once again you miss the point (surprise!):
Our 14 y.o. junior leaguers are smarter, more articulate, and less reliant on production than your party's leader.
Like it or not, but real feminist conservatives inspire young women to become real feminists themselves.
This is an impressive young lady. She could be an engineer or a teacher or even a politician (hope not... lousy life). One thing is for sure: millions of young women are inspired by the Palins and the Bachmanns almost as much as they are by the screamers who would rather silence their message than consider it.
This country is undergoing a cultural change. The old guard that thinks they won a culture war for keeps is constantly blindsided by this major event. This liberal democrat union thuggery will become part of Wisconsin history. It will probably be mentioned occasionally for decades. We want something more democratic than democrats want.
Why? I couldn't tell you.
They avoid the Sun.
Well when a lot of 24-34-44-54 year olds say no draconian budget cuts!! Lets have more Federal spending!!! I don't think they understand the significance of what they're advocating either
Ya got me there.
Still, I think a good rule is if they aren't old enough to vote they really aren't old enough to give a speech at such a rally.
In school? Fine. With adults (loosely defined)? No.
We all get "one summer" in our lives. Let's let them enjoy it for all it's worth.
hmm, a 14 y.o. has stolen palin's thunder :-P at least at Althouse lol
That's pathetic. She was answering Palin's call to fight like a girl! Of course grass roots builds up, instead of around one special sanctified leader. We're here to champion IDEAS, not Palin. This isn't the 2008 obama tour. We have something more important to say than you do.
Shiloh once again trolls in a way that exposes her fear.
junior leaguers
Well, the Hitler youth started at a very young age also :-P
Damn, a Hitler reference so I lose the argument lol
ok, my main argument was she's more intelligent than mama grizzly, which is undeniable!
My buddy TGI has shown up ~ praise the lord ...
carry on
Damn, a Hitler reference so I lose the argument lol
Yeah you did, but ZZZZ anyways to your postings.
Let the record show one of my AA Groupies, Alex, cared enough to reply!
Still, I think a good rule is if they aren't old enough to vote they really aren't old enough to give a speech at such a rally.
Point taken. Maybe she's just one of those rate teen agers who possesses the maturity to realize we're on a path to national insolvency and it will be her generation that the burden falls the hardest on.
"Let the record show one of my AA Groupies, Alex, cared enough to reply!"
Translation: I am a troll, and this is the best I can do in this argument despite spending hour upon hour trying to promote the democrat POV.
you responded to Shiloh's comment, therefore shiloh got a little attention. That's a win.
Shiloh: you sound fat.
Point taken.
Because we know over the coming months as the budget and cuts are being debated that Democrats will be having children testifying before Congress or in ads talking about how awful the Republicans are.
It's going to be nasty.
Sure, a 14 year old is not credible, in and of herself. She's a kid.
But she is the person being tasked with paying for Obama's agenda. He won't propose tax hikes on his own voters, but his spending leaves that debt.
If the 14 year old isn't old enough to be credible, then she isn't old enough to be saddled with this debt. She doesn't consent to it. We should pass a balanced budget amendment solely so we hold ourselves accountable for our own government. Yes, that means tax hikes.
Does any one of you that are saying she shouldn't be there even wondering whether it was her choice? Seems to me that her parents raised a child that can think for herself. I certainly didn't see anyone pushing her onto the stage.
Don't cha know it's the tolerance of the left that demands they scream obscenities at a 14 year old. It's the tolerance they are sooo well known for that requires they shout disgusting filth & carry vulgar signs at rallies. Yep, they are filled with warm, tingly feelings of tolerance for all people.
Tolerance...badge of honor for the left.
'ok, my main argument was she's more intelligent than mama grizzly, which is undeniable!'
Undeniable? Palin just plain scares you sh!tless, doesn't she? (I doubt that's hard, but still).
It's true that most Asians maintain a youthful appearance far longer than whites
The more pigment you have in your skin, the less the sun photo-ages you. It's natural SPF.
Does any one of you that are saying she shouldn't be there even wondering whether it was her choice?
Yes, but she's 14.
It's probably her "choice" to stay home during the school week and listen to Justin Bieber all daylong.
Adding (2) more to my ever growing AA Groupies list:
TGI and B ~ welcome aboard! :)
"So no hand wringing over political indoctrination of our youth, as you did over kids in the Capitol?"
We teach ours to think for themselves and express themselves. You teach children to sing the praises of Dear Leader and chant party slogans.
So no ... there's no hand-wringing on our side, dude.
We pity your brain-dead automaton children, but are thankful that we'll at least have someone to supply us warm fries with our order.
It's probably her "choice" to stay home during the school week and listen to Justin Bieber all daylong."
BS. She's old enough to make decisions, and she's a lot smarter than you're giving her credit for being.
Sure, her parents get to veto her choices, but any 14 year old that isn't capable of interacting on this level with the public is a loser. the public schools may want you to be a brainless child at 14, but in reality, you're capable of quite a lot by that age. It's basically a matter of wanting to.
When I was 14 I was rebuilding tractor engines and caring for a huge number of livestock. The average democrat voter was probably not. They were watching PBS and learning about sharing, as though they were 2. Not that I have a problem with some of that stuff, but at some point, people say 'enough' and stand up on their own two feet and do something.
And of course, those that are inferior will mock this girl.
MadMan: I do wonder why she was chosen to speak, other than her age. Anyone could have made that speech.
I feel safe guessing she wasn't chosen by her public school teacher.
Just read about this blog in the NYTimes "Big Blog on Campus," linked from Volokh Conspiracy.
Thanks for the videos featuring this remarkable young lady. I wonder if she is home-schooled. Wouldn't surprise me.
The little boy with his noise-maker (in your first video --the link) is learning manners, isn't he? --and the values of respect for others, diversity and the right of free speech.
"Adding (2) more to my ever growing AA Groupies list:
TGI and B ~ welcome aboard! :)"
By all means. It doesn't bother me that you pretend to derive pleasure from your trolling. It's also clear, from the consistent undercurrent of unfairness and venom in your comments, that you're not actually pleased. You're miserable that this is the best you can do... just cheer when someone beats you with an argument because they actually responded to you at all.
Once you've stacked the deck that far, any reply to you is an automatic victory. That's why losers eventually become trolls. They get pushed there by losing argument after argument.
I've seen you try to argue more intelligently, and it's not pretty. You just aren't that smart. You pretend you are, but you obviously realize you're just not on the same level as the average Althouse commenter. I guess there are a handful of you guys. you wound up here because you'd get banned at 99% of other blogs.
Hell, you were gloating that you won the 2008 election yesterday. It's just so pathetic. Anyway, don't let me stop you from congratulating yourself for the great importance and relevance of your trolling. You have 'fans'.
Congrats AA! as you're Big Blog on Campus :)
The sky's the limit ...
TGI, your "rather long" parochial psychoanalysis all about me is truly humbling as I have just moved you to the top of my AA Groupie list.
take care
shiloh, not that I care, but this blog appears to be in the top 100 of all blogs. And it's just a blogger account, so it's there on sheer content.
Feel free to bite that ankle though. That doesn't look defensive at all, no siree. You seem totally awesome in comparison.
"I have just moved you to the top of my AA Groupie list."
That's no surprise. I spent minutes instead of seconds dismissing you. That probably made your day, you freakin' loser.
I already explained that I don't mind if you want to be delighted that someone responded to you. That you're licking the screen over where anyone even noticed your trolling is not significant to normal people.
Maybe you should build a monument to me, since I've replied to you several times now. This is a big day for you!
TGI, although AA surely appreciates the praise, she does not need you to soothe her ego any further as it's quite enormous already ...
Damn TGI your continual ad hominems all about me is fascinating as I must have struck a deep nerve!
Please seek help at an anger management class.
BS. She's old enough to make decisions, and she's a lot smarter than you're giving her credit for being.
Sorry, old enough to make decisions? Are you serious?
She's not old enough to vote. Or drive a car. Or drink. Or stay home from school. Or make medical decisions on her own. Or buy cigarettes. Or a thousand-and-one other things.
We all get "one summer." Let's let them have it and not use them like stage moms for our causes.
Yawn, Shiloh. If I want to respond to a weird comment, I will. It goes without saying that sometimes the weirdo who left the comment will suffer hurt feelings and attempt to ramp up the trolling. So what? No one cares what you have to say unless you can be a lot more thoughtful than you seem the be.
you can't have it both ways. You can't ramble about how bad ad homs are while you spit out so many of them.
If you're taking my amused dismissal of your trolling as angry, I think that's even more pathetic. I guess what's really happening here is that you're trolling while afraid of a real reaction. You only pretend to crave 'fans' (any response), and when you get one, you freak out.
Anyway, go back to telling us how horrible Althouse is with this horrible ego, while also telling us how many fans you have on the internet, and how bad ad homs are. You don't look like an idiot at all, no siree.
TGI replies w/blah blah blah.
Sorry, old enough to make decisions? Are you serious?
She's not old enough to vote. Or drive a car. Or drink"
OK, so you're going to list out all the laws that say she's not old enough to do something, as though the thing that gives someone the ability to make a decision is congress.
The thing that gives someone the ability to make a decision is free will. She seems pretty intelligent to me. I know 40 year olds who aren't as smart as she is. In fact, I'd say she's smarter than the average person out there.
14 year olds actually do drive cars legally in some jurisdictions. Historically, that age is capable of a lot of responsibility. I think it's for the best that they be guided by an adult, but if you weren't capable of a rational, responsible decision at 14, you were a total loser. Only a completely infantilized 14 year old can't make a decision.
I agree that it's lame to see young children used as stage props, but this is a 14 year old, not a 5 year old chanting some Obama chorus. I think political activism can be encouraged. In fact, you say we get this 'one summer', as though you have the right to tell 14 year olds they can't try to impact the course of politics with their summer.
It's up to her, not you. She appears to want to be up there, and I think it's great. If it's the case that she wants to do something else and is a mere prop, that is terrible... but let's not be paranoid.
Too funny as my #1 Groupie says Yawn and then replies w/4 paragraphs ...
'nuf said!
"Blogger shiloh said...
TGI replies w/blah blah blah."
No, I replied with a thoughtful explanation that you can't overcome despite trying very hard to.
You're embarrassing yourself, and you know it, which is pretty amazing given how low your reputation already was. Now you just want to outlast the scrutiny.
If only you realized that it's not my comments that are shaming you, but your desperate reaction. Your personal misery really seeps out. It's so awful it's almost art.
We'll continue seeing this 'I just made a mess when you tried to be thoughtful' crap from the left for a long time. We see it with screamers saying they will knock down cameras. We see it from Obama calling Ryan unamerican. We see it from trolls congratulating themselves for getting a response (which they make a big show out of ignoring, since they think ugliness is awesome).
I'm getting used to it, and I'm not worried about making you stop or delighting you with attention. If I want to respond to some weirdo, I will.
Hadn't used the word in a while so was unsure myself if I was clear on the meaning. Merriam-Webster's offers that there is debate on proper usage of 'enormity', but then puts forth compelling examples that Tricia's usage was certainly correct. Given the context an all.
"Enormity, some people insist, is improperly used to denote large size. They insist on enormousness for this meaning, and would limit enormity to the meaning “great wickedness.” Those who urge such a limitation may not recognize the subtlety with which enormity is actually used. It regularly denotes a considerable departure from the expected or normal... they awakened; they sat up; and then the enormity of their situation burst upon them. “How did the fire start?” — John Steinbeck. When used to denote large size, either literal or figurative, it usually suggests something so large as to seem overwhelming... no intermediate zone of study. Either the enormity of the desert or the sight of a tiny flower — Paul Theroux... the enormity of the task of teachers in slum schools — J. B. Conant... and may even be used to suggest both great size and deviation from morality... the enormity of existing stockpiles of atomic weapons — New Republic. It can also emphasize the momentousness of what has happened... the sombre enormity of the Russian Revolution — George Steiner, or of its consequences... perceived as no one in the family could the enormity of the misfortune — E. L. Doctorow".
TGI, less is more ...
"Too funny as my #1 Groupie says Yawn and then replies w/4 paragraphs ...
'nuf said!"
And your point is? Your attempt to insult me is boring (and I ignored that), but more generally, your nastiness is a condition I want to talk about.
you've now left several comments in a row with only one thought behind them: Shiloh is a troll who only wanted to get a reaction. I'm just agreeing with you.
We have laws against 14-year olds voting, or driving cars, or drinking, or making medical decisions because 14-year olds aren't mature enough to make those decisions.
If you wish to listen to public policy speeches by a 14-year old you're free to do so. And she's free to give them.
But she's a child.
'Adding (2) more to my ever growing AA Groupies list:'
Oh? I doubt I've posted to Althouse 15 times total. You exceed that in most recent threads. If there's a groupie, it's you.
'Congrats AA! as you're Big Blog on Campus :)'
And your blogs...? Is anyone interested in anything you say?
TGI, deflections aside, all your posts say the same thing ie you're totally obsessed w/me.
take care, blessings
Is anyone interested in anything you say?
B, obviously you are.
"TGI, deflections aside, all your posts say the same thing ie you're totally obsessed w/me."
They do?
Wow. congratulations. You are important! Someone replied to your trolling a few times!
But why aren't you trying to make an argument? You did that a few times and that went even worse than this "I am a troll! And you replied! You are my fan now because I said so! This is really obnoxious and no one cares!"
I guess what this really means is that you realized your more earnest arguments were *that bad*. Hell, that's great, because maybe you have some self awareness. Maybe you'll realize that if you're wrong, you should change your mind instead of living in this contradiction.
As your fan, I tried to read your blog, and now I realize you're probably mentally ill. sincerely, my intention wasn't to agitate you. If you have a loved one, perhaps share your blog with them and ask for their reaction. It's possible they can help you feel better about things. I know, I know, you think I'm being a jerk now... I'm not. Nobody's perfect... maybe you need a little help.
As TGI continues to truly embarrass himself! w/his obsession ...
If you place a child into the political arena - even if they wish to go - they will have to endure hoots and name-calling and the ugliness of that endeavor.
I wish it wasn't so; and we can lament it.
But so it goes.
Let them have their childhoods.
Let the record show TGI cared enough about me to read my blog.
Making you my #1 Groupie was not a mistake.
TGI is now feverishly reading everything in my blog(s) confirming my #1 AA Groupie status.
"Let the record show TGI cared enough about me to read my blog."
Yeah, I clicked over out of curiosity.
I guess you know what I saw... rambling paranoid anger. Your posts aren't coherent. Many of them lack a main idea at all. I find a lot of disturbed trolls on the internet, and yes, I find them interesting.
And every single time, they claim this is some kind of validation. I don't recall anyone repeating that same point as often as Shiloh does.
Just compare this, from an adult, unable to even pretend to have a point, against the 14 year old girl overcoming union thug hecklers to make a speech about the great issue of our time.
Shiloh: a child can handle this better than you do. I repeat my suggestion that you just forward this blog of yours to someone you trust, to ask them if they think you need a little help. If this 14 year old had a mental problem, she'd be brave enough to face it and deal with it. Are you? This isn't some insult masquerading as concern. I really hope you get better.
"If you place a child into the political arena - even if they wish to go - they will have to endure hoots and name-calling and the ugliness of that endeavor.
Yes, I concede this is a very good point.
This girl is facing a lot of kooks and anger. I doubt it's going to harm her directly, but it could have a major impact on her life. It could be that she becomes a conceited political animal, or that her teachers are jerks, etc.
Hopefully she has good people around to her to keep her well grounded, but you have a good point either way.
I just think we should recognize that 14 year olds are (sometimes) capable of making decisions. We should try to let them make decisions, while correcting them when they screw up (Which, of course, they will sometimes do). The last thing we want is to remove the decision making until they turn 18, IMO.
As TGI is now stealing my lines having already suggested he seek help at an anger management class.
SMG Yes, but she's 14.
It's probably her "choice" to stay home during the school week and listen to Justin Bieber all daylong.
I dunno.
I do not get a Justin Bieber vibe from this girl. Why would you say that?
More like Hannah Giles.
And somehow I think she might be homeschooled. Those kids tend to more likely exposed to forensics (as in the debate kind) and public speaking, believe it or not. They also often (although she is probably too young) dual enroll in college while they are finishing high school.
She probably has a better grasp of the Constitution and how government is suppose to work than the typical Dem demonstrator all these many weeks (guys -- you've become a boring joke. Give it up --) in Madison.
The home schooled kids I know can pretty much wipe the floor with the average hip high school Beiber swooner. And they are quite happily teenagers too, as you seem to be quite worried about her, SMG.
She says she was at the tea party rally in 2009 ... so she has a history here.
And, SMG, If you place a child into the political arena - even if they wish to go - they will have to endure hoots and name-calling and the ugliness of that endeavor.
Apparently these days only if the audience includes a mob of tolerant union lefties who vote Democrat.
Maybe those in the back knew only that a female was on stage and assumed it was Palin.
It seems that when Madison people reach middle age they just say fuck it and let it all go to hell.
Lots of big butts 'round here.
Again, for the record, I find the self-righteous certitude of everything AA's flock states as fact somewhat amusing.
And of course their deed hatred of Obama is a given w/their daily disingenuous sarcasm.
'Is anyone interested in anything you say?
B, obviously you are.'
See, right there you reveal just how desperate you are for attention. If it weren't for being mocked, who'd notice you even exist? But you should understand that mocking you for braying like a jacka$$ is not the same as being interested in your braying.
Again, the prosecution rests!
lol TGI deleted his post as he must also be anal retentive! :-P
"I find the self-righteous certitude of everything AA's flock states as fact somewhat amusing."
Here's an idea: identify one of these facts, quote it, and then dispute it.
apparently you don't think that's as important as repeatedly noting that someone noticed you being a jerk. I get it... you're pretty lonely. I don't really think there's any shame in that. Perhaps you should turn over a new leaf and interact with us with more respect. I bet you'll come to enjoy it much more than this attempt to defend being a jerk.
"lol TGI deleted his post as he must also be anal retentive! :-P"
Too many typos. My apologies.
Too many typos. My apologies.
BS, your other post was quite a bit longer, w/more personal attacks, as per usual.
"BS, your other post was quite a bit longer, w/more personal attacks, as per usual."
It was the same basic comment I left later. I cleaned it up, and removed a bit of repetition. It wasn't any more full of personal attacks than my other comments. It's not like I'm trying to hide my appraisal of you, though I thought a typo I made was bad enough to make my comment difficult to understand.
You really have the thinnest skin for someone who acts the way you do. What personal attack did I make, exactly?
It's too bad she can't run for President next year. She'd be a better voter than most of us adults.
It wasn't any more full of personal attacks than my other comments.
Well that's reassuring lol
When you're in a hole stop digging!
"It's too bad she can't run for President next year. She'd be a better voter than most of us adults."
Sad, but in many ways, this promising young lady has more at stake than many of the people who will be voting themselves a share of this woman's livelihood. People born today didn't ask to be burdened with Shiloh'd anti psychotics and her mom's power scooter. They didn't ask to be burdened with things like GM's bailout. Frankly, I think it's unfair to make them pay for our war efforts, even though I think a war on terror is a necessity, since that war came to us.
We need some kind of balanced budget amendment. Perhaps, in times of emergency, we can go into deficit, but we must pay that off within ten years at most. I'm tired of constantly realizing how much worse a future we're leaving this kids.
Maybe she wouldn't have to take the podium against shrieking greedy gold plated union thugs if we weren't screwing her out of future wealth.
"Well that's reassuring lol
When you're in a hole stop digging!
You said there was a personal attack. What was it? Why did you lie about me? You don't even know me. I wouldn't lie about you.
What makes you like this? Sincere question.
You said there was a personal attack. What was it?
Do you understand your own words ?!?
It wasn't any more full of personal attacks than my other comments.
Hence, ergo, therefore confirming there was more personal attacks in said post. Which you quickly deleted.
Is English your second language.
But it is interesting your tone has gotten softer, the more I make you look like a fool!
The left's collective behavior at the Madison rally was so despicable and disgusting - the democrat party should lose for decades over it.
Give me the timestamps where that happens here.
I hate to admit it but I think I prefer Titus's threadjacks over Shiloh's
I hate to admit it but I think I prefer Titus's threadjacks over Shiloh's
No biggie ;) just tell my AA Groupies to totally ignore me = no threadjack.
Problem solved! :)
btw, have no idea who Titus is as he is not on my radar, but having started the month on a (2) week vacation, ending it on a (2) week vacation looks enticing.
Although I worry about my AA Groupies going thru withdrawal symptoms ...
And w/out threadjacks Althouse is just a 24/7 conservative jerk w/wingers agreeing w/each other ad nauseam.
circle jerk
carry on
Shorter me: I think you're the one that doesn't know what "enormity" means.
It will carry the meaning atrocious whatever other subsidiary meanings it also has, if anything in the context offers to bring it out.
It's a resource for an insult that you might want to pretend that the target will not be clever enough to spot, the joke being between you and the reader.
The mistake is one a non-English speaker might make, not knowing what tricks the word plays, if the dictionary does not warn him. As dictionaries do in this case.
Or a mistake a 14yo might make, thinking it's a de-adjectival nominal and nothing more.
garage mahal said...
What a tough kid! Impressive to have built up such strength and nerve so young.
So no hand wringing over political indoctrination of our youth, as you did over kids in the Capitol? Remember when we all fainted over that a month ago?
Granted I'm on a crappy laptop, but can anyone tell me when all this booing begins? I'm starting to get a Kenneth Gladney vibe.
Your pathetic life must have been and is now one giant moral justification. You must have been the whiniest bitch in your household next to that pathetic monster that birthed you because clearly your father or whatever representation that sperm donor endowed to you was to fucking weak to plow some actual values into you.
Clearly this young girl at 14 gets it as opposed to the fucking fairy tales your ideological ilk instill into our children. You don't do it for the children, your kind do it to the children. Why don't you ask that 14 year old for one of her balls, I'm sure she could spare to give you one to supplant what you already lack and she'd still have 3 left larger than yours, you fucking buffoon.
"Is English your second language.
But it is interesting your tone has gotten softer, the more I make you look like a fool!
In the English I learned, you use a question mark at the end of questions.
The more you persist the clearer it is that you have a serious problem, which is why I feel sympathy for you. If someone thinks I'm foolish, it's merely for bothering to interact with a nut. Perhaps this futile attempt to hold the mirror up will accomplish nothing, but I'm willing to try, Shiloh.
"Granted I'm on a crappy laptop, but can anyone tell me when all this booing begins? "
You need to watch the evidence yourself before you insinuate that this is a manufactured controversy. Also, let's see an explanation for your assertion that Gladney's controversy was somehow illegitimate. That seems like a desperate effort to lie. That man was beaten by SEIU thugs not much unlike the thugs on display in WI. The left's more nutty rabble comes unglued when they see a black man who disagrees with democrat policies. It's just a fact of life at this point. A matter of historical record. Democrats don't like conservatives, but they absolutely hate black conservatives.
The way democrats have interacted with blacks throughout history is a fascinating topic.
Again, having easily made TGI out to be a frickin' fool, no need to be redundant.
Checking post for punctuation lol as anal retentive TGI is all out of relevant ammo.
but they absolutely hate black conservatives.
As the inane generalizations continue at Althouse.
"Checking post for punctuation lol as anal retentive TGI is all out of relevant ammo."
I could care less about people making mistakes, Shiloh. You were making fun of me, saying my usage is so bad that apparently English is a second language for me, and I noted that in mocking me, you didn't punctuate the sentence correctly.
You see, a theme in my mockery of your comments is that you employ projection.
I'm not sure what 'ammo' I need here. Do you think this is a fight?
I asked you a direct question. You accused me of attacking you, then deleting the attack: why did you make that up? If you're still claiming you didn't, what attack was this? That's why you criticized my English proficiency, right? To deflect from the twentieth time my argument beat your argument?
I live in one of those jurisdictions in which 14-year-olds can start learning to drive. Now, with my own child, I might not permit that. I've seen some do well and some not so much. It depends more on the individual than the age.
Likewise, I think it depends on the individual rather than the age as to whether it's appropriate for a 14-year-old to speak. The age 14 is just that, an age, not a measure of intelligence or literacy, or even of knowledge (the same could be said, for that matter, about 18 or 20 and so forth). I could see my own kid comfortable with wanting to speak out or give a speech at 14, and (unlike the learning-to-drive-thing), I really have little doubt that he could handle it if it's something he chose to do.
We are not talking about an elementary student here, for crying out loud, nor her being on a tour and being co-opted as a group to be used as a prop. How likely do you think she was **forced** to speak? How likely do you think it would be easy to force a 14-year-old to make a speech at a rally like that? She looked pretty willing to me.
Historically speaking, it's a relatively recent event to treat 14-year-olds as complete children, to be utterly protected. It wasn't all that long ago that farm kids, for one example, could and often were expected to put in an adult's day of work at junior high age. It wasn't all that long ago that people in their late teens married (and not just because they "had to") and started raising and supporting families.
Going further back, do some research on what some of the great historical figures had done and accomplished by the time they hit 18. (Heck, look back on what some not-so-famous people routinely did.) Even today, in some countries, teens who are not going on to higher ed leave school at 16 and start working. But--what?!?--it's somehow child abuse for someone just two years younger to make a public speech at a rally?
Puh-leeze. Give me a break. I don't buy that for New York minute or even a Wisconsin second, so long as as the individual 14-year-old was not forced.
Protecting "kids" is one thing. Infantilizing them is another.
A speech. As child abuse. When it seems clear this is something the (NOT a child) teen-ager wants to do and, clearly, is capable of doing well.
Again, I say: PUH-LEEZE!
And to accuse her parents of child abuse, or even imply that they're guilty of that even "borderline," is outrageous and borderline moronic.
IM[not so,this time]HO.
This one-size-fits-all attitude toward the maturity of a 14-year-old and the individual abilities of a 14-year-old strikes me rather too damn similar to the much of the "zero tolerance" crap in, for example, public zeros, where platitudes and certitude and homogenization take the place of having to make individual judgments about individual people and situations.
This is partly why this is getting my dander up. We need LESS of that approach, not MORE.
iam, you're right.
This is merely talking to people about her opinions. It's great, but it's hardly the kind of responsibility I'd consider even challenging for a young teenager.
I dear family member, who recently died, was orphaned when she was 3 in the 1910s. she dropped out of school at 13 so she could help support the rest of her family. She never got an education, because of her sense of sacrifice, but all of her children became successful, and she died old and happy with an amazing life story.
Now there's a level of responsibility I don't think is fair to put on a kid. Making a speech? Give me a break. The only reason this is a bit scary is that the left is quite violent today. The racist and sexism and threats we see from the crazies is enough to make me wonder if Tricia will be safe in the coming years. Will her teachers give her a fair shake? I don't care... she can handle them, and it's important to stand up to bullies.
So my point is that the worries this is risky is actually quite a serious criticism of what's become of the political left. The reason you see so few thugs on the right is that we police our own.
I could care less about people making mistakes, Shiloh.
In the English I learned, you use a question mark at the end of questions.
Again, when you're in a hole stop digging.
I easily made fun of you 'cause you contradicted yourself in the span of (8) minutes 5:02/5:08 ie
You said there was a personal attack. What was it?
It wasn't any more full of personal attacks than my other comments.
Hence, ergo, therefore confirming there was more personal attacks in said post. Which you quickly deleted.
And oh the irony sayin' I'm thin skinned as I have thoroughly enjoyed mankin' you look like an utter fool.
Hell, it's almost been too easy as you keep repeating your tired personal attack meme in every post.
btw, you don't dictate the discussion here as I choose to ignore all of your inane deflecting questions. And of course your deflections became more prominent the more I made you out to be a fool.
A Jungian calls it a partial archetype.
The child under all circumstances is completely innocent.
As a grammatical reflex, complete evil must be responsible for everything that happens to a child.
This turns up all over.
The reason it turns up all over is that people make money off it.
It pulls in eyeballs. They're sold to advertisers.
Also, Iam, it occurs to me that we will need more and better leaders for a long period of time.
It took 16 years from the Boston Tea Party until the first state ratified the Bill of Rights. That's a long time, and it's not like the controversies about government intrusion began or ended at either of those points.
What Tricia is is a sign that the Tea Party will probably be even greater in twenty years than it is today. We have all these people who are impressed with the concept, and aware of the crime Obama and his party is committing against them. Tricia is on the hook, and won't forget that.
How many more like her are there? My experience at Tea Parties is that there are quite a few. The left is losing a fundamental culture war, and their argument is to project their worst sins while trying to trample the right with stupid thug tactics. It's stupid mainly because it is backfiring.
The internet had already changed politics as far as Obama's funding or organizing astroturf, but this is the first organic example. I'm not pretending the hecklers had this in mind. They're just mad.
"Hell, it's almost been too easy as you keep repeating your tired personal attack meme in every post."
I think I asked you twice to clarify what you were claiming when you made an accusation that I deleted a comment for reasons other than correcting a typo.
Now this, in your head, is a meme, and tired, and all this drama, but I just posed a simple question to you.
You do sound like an extremely nasty person. My image is of one of those unemployed fat people, cackling about their internet fights. Obviously fighting me is important to you, but what I find interesting is there's nothing behind your hostility. You're not even trying to make a point.
I have to wonder about people like you. You clearly need a little help, but you're not capable of asking for any.
BTW, the projection in this case is that you complain about being repetitive while you repeat for the umpteenth time that I'm a "fool". It's just an assertion... it's not even clear what you found foolish, if anything.
You sound fat. I'm always right about this.
Yes TGI, it's already been confirmed ie you are totally obsessed w/me, no need for additional proof.
But as freedom of speech is your right, do as you must. No one can prevent you from further embarrassing yourself.
And no, although I weigh about 10 lbs. more than my navy days in 1988, I'm not fat. So at least you can stop harping on that tired, immature meme.
Or not.
Again, re-checking post for punctuation, spelling , grammar.
Reader_iam. Thank you for the articulateness that I lack. I agree with you.
rhhardin. I've read your comments for years, here and there. In the past few weeks you have upended my every conception of you. What happened?
Shiloh, as someone here said, you besmirch your nick. I imagine it gives you further proof, though, of your invicibiltiy. But isn't it odd that everyone figures you for a female, when you're not.
"But isn't it odd that everyone figures you for a female, when you're not."
I didn't realize. Apparently the name is very rarely used for boys. Obviously it's primarily a girl's name. Shiloh never corrected me, and I tried to be gender neutral, but yeah, the picture I have of 'him' is Deb Frisch, basically. Just a very angry, lonely, desperate liberal.
"So at least you can stop harping on that tired, immature meme."
What, based on your word? But you lied about me in this thread, so I know you're not honest.
Hey, I freely admit noting that you're probably fat is not a mature comment, or particularly insightful. I just assume you're trolling because that's the best thing you can find to do with your time. If it was possible to gamble over this, I'd bet Shiloh has a BMI over 30, no job, and is estranged from his or her parents.
"Again, re-checking post for punctuation, spelling , grammar."
You're the one who took on the role of grammar nazi, not me. You were projecting, remember? That's all you do.
I guess the ultimate projection here is that you're obsessed with Althouse, while projecting that obsession onto me for responding to your comments as thoughtfully as I can (which isn't much, given the nature of your angry little comments).
But isn't it odd that everyone figures you for a female, when you're not.
No, there's a few trying to bait me. But as I've been called nearly every ad hominem, expletive, obscenity etc. at this blog, not a problem.
My psychoanalyzing pet AA Groupie is back, shocking! As he continues his silliness further embarrassing himself w/more personal attack deflections, as per usual.
Indeed, I struck a major nerve w/the so called inquisitor ...
Again, all I ask for is consistency.
"Deb Frisch"
I wasn't thinking of her. But sure, it's the mindset.
Deb Frisch?
You know who she is?
She was my intro to the wacky and disturbed world of the unhappy lib troll. I don't even remember where --- maybe one of the lib lists she got thrown off of?
Why are we sullying (why did I sully?) a cool thread about an accomplished young woman named Tricia Willloughby -- with an ancient troll.
Sorry Tricia.
Great job, BTW!
wv deify
Weird wv
You are a pathetic and pitiful individual, Shiloh.
It will be votes that count, in the end. Your screeds attract whom? Fellow syncopates, but no one else. You write as as an ill begotten loser, attempting to make yourself relevant.
According to Paul L. Witt, PhD, assistant professor of communication studies at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth.
"The idea of making a presentation in public is the No. 1 fear reported by people in the U.S."
Helps put it in perspective. Then consider her audience. Some friendly (the happy cheering ones), some extremely hostile (the booing, hooting, yelling, one finger salute ones.)
JAL, I do apologize. You're right. This was completely my choice to exercise a little fascination with a crazy person. I am not familiar with Shiloh's history here, or anywhere else, and didn't know that s/he is a long standing troll (though that's pretty obvious). I do honestly want to know more about these people. The idea of putting so much effort into communicating absolutely nothing but ugliness and fighting is so strange. Shiloh and those like that know they'd be happier if they just had a normal discussion. I guess they are more interested in 'getting them' than in being happy.
Tricia Willoughby is much more interesting, and of course she deserves a lot of praise and respect. I think there are a lot of people like her growing up right now, and the Tea Party of today is probably going to be around for at least a few decades.
Anyway, I do apologize for the thread jack, which I did try to convey in an on topic manner to some extent... sometimes.
Why are we sullying
Because at Althouse her flock is trained w/the pack mentality to attack the minority opposition, however frivolous her lemmings end up looking.
As Luther just confirmed my analysis.
JAL, TGI is obsessed w/me ie he can't help himself.
"You know who she is?"
Yes, JAL, I do.
Meaning I also know the depravity that leftist's will go to in order to slick their way to power. My big problem with Ann, I guess, is that she lends any credence whatsoever to the leftist bullshit, in a admiral effort to be neutral, I guess. Though that's a very short pier.
Luther, try to muddle thru somehow at this totally conservative meme blog.
And try to avoid liberals at all costs, although, dare I say, they are all around you in every day life.
Even in Idaho and Wyoming.
be afraid, be very afraid!
"My big problem with Ann, I guess, is that she lends any credence whatsoever to the leftist bullshit,"
I'm no expert... hell, I don't even read this blog every week, but sometimes I get the impression Althouse is providing a stimulus for a discussion rather than trying to argue for a conclusion. The best way to ruin what is called liberals these days is to take it seriously, step by step. It's a disaster of a philosophy, and it thrives on politics and BS. Don't take it seriously, and some are convinced there might be something to it.
The worst presenter of liberalism is an honest liberal, IMO. Not that I know what Althouse's politics are (I have read she voted for Obama, of course).
My point is that there are better places to go for a discussion that starts off at a point that most liberal ideas are wrong. For some reason, the liberal trolls are much more aggressive here than those places.
As TGI can't stop talking about trolls ~ yada yada yada
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