I wrote about her here and here, with video showing how she was abused by the anti-Tea Party protesters. This video shows the whole speech, close-up:
What a tough kid! Impressive to have built up such strength and nerve so young.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
२४६ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 246 पैकी 201 – 246Yes, Shiloh, I respond to some of the comments you direct at me. This is such a great sign that I'm obsessed.
I am pretty sure that when I address someone repeatedly, obviously upset when they don't respond soon enough, this is a sign they are obsessed with me.
Well done, Captain Socrates.
BTW, I don't think you served in the Navy. I've met a couple of fruit loops in the military, but you're much worse than they were. I don't see how you could have handled initial training, let alone 6 months at sea. Let's hope you're not so pathetic as to lie about that, too. I hope I'm wrong, for your sake.
I don't think you served in the Navy.
My previous #1 AA Groupie Fen has already beatin' that dead horse ad nauseam, but as you appear to be a lover of dead horses, deal w/your ever growing compulsion w/me as you must.
And if you think trolls are bad here, you must not be familiar w/internet history the past (15) years. But leading a sheltered life is probably best for someone like you ie less stress.
And the irony of you keep sayin' I hope I'm wrong as you continue to accuse me of lying.
btw, my longest cruise was (8) mos., but we went to Singapore for Christmas. :) The military is fairly easy as you just have to learn how to play the game, much like being a civilian, eh.
Anchors Aweigh!
"the liberal trolls are much more aggressive here than those places."
In my opinion, they're not, not that I've been to 'your places'. But, there are no cogent arguments here, from the left, just merely shit slinging of one sort or another. Any desperate attempt to avoid the real world versus some Utopian enterprise that was read and imprinted when they were young.
Why does 'Utopian' come up capitalized in my spell check? Hasn't it been marginalized at this point.
"The military is fairly easy as you just have to learn how to play the game, much like being a civilian, eh."
It's more that you clearly are a fruitcake, and while it's possible you were in the service, usually people like you would be weeded out.
Hell, you're indicating you're at least in your 40s, and you're acting like this? You're an extreme weirdo.
And the irony of you keep sayin' I hope I'm wrong as you continue to accuse me of lying."
What makes that ironic? I know you're a liar, and I hope you're not lying about military service. You just seem too fruity to have served.
I have no idea who fen is, or why he thinks you're a liar too, but I know he's right... since, after all, you just lied about me. For all I know, you did serve. Maybe you got dementia afterwards, or abused drugs. Anything's possible... all I can see is how you're acting right now, which is pretty terrible by my standards.
Let me guess, now you'll address me directly 40 more times, and when I reply, you'll explain this is proof I'm obsessed. Pathetic democrat! Please get help.
"But, there are no cogent arguments here, from the left, just merely shit slinging of one sort or another. "
For the most part, I have the same impression. I don't read every thread, but when I do, it's just hate, not thought, from most of the lefties here. All big political blogs have liberal trolls if they have any comments, but most of the ones I read have at least a few liberals who can argue a point other than "this is why I hate you".
I do think Althouse's posts are hopeful of instigating debates, but maybe I'm naive. It's just the impression I get.
Actually, that post on the guy who spliced the youtube singing in front of kids, recently sentenced, had a lot of reasonable liberal arguments. Even from the liberals.
There probably are quite a few good liberal arguments here, and I just happen upon the loud trolling because of the kinds of stories I'm inclined to check the comment threads for.
For example: what leads Shiloh to this thread? If I think about the topic, I think it's clear it would attract someone like Shiloh, whom I am totally obsessed with.
"I do think Althouse's posts are hopeful of instigating debates"
Only in the sense that Ann is such a fence sitter.
And truly, I don't understand my current interest in reading comments here. Am I just seeking attention by occasional comment? Perhaps. I'm by no means a pure soul.
But really, I think I'm just looking for some sort of rational dialog. I'm not completely finding it here, but it is close, close enough I guess, to keep me coming back.
JAL, I do apologize. You're right. This was completely my choice to exercise a little fascination ...
Anyway, I do apologize for the thread jack
a little fascination lol
I know you're a liar
TGI, another apology appears to be in order as you continue to embarrass yourself w/your inane adolescent obsession w/me.
And when one has easily been made to look like a complete idiot, one of the last resorts is deflection ie accuse their opposition of lying. Kinda pathetic as maybe someone needs to psychoanalyze TGI, the blank slate he appears to be w/his ad nauseam generalizations of libs and cons.
Indeed, TGI is the wacko winger in need of psychiatric care.
Shiloh, whom I am totally obsessed with.
The truth shall set you free!
Hopefully ...
"Indeed, TGI is the wacko winger in need of psychiatric care."
Let's just assume, for the sake of argument, that I do need help. Let's say I have a problem where I obsess over being a jerk on the internet, and generally am unable to have a normal conservation. I'm so far gone I get into heated battles with people I demonize. I am addicted to trolling online.
Wouldn't someone like that need a little help, Shiloh? What if a person like this doesn't have anyone to ask for help? In that case, perhaps such a person should start attending a church, to make friends who want to help? America is a special place. there are a lot of people who want to help you... er, I mean me.
btw, I guess saying "cheers" really really really pissed you off for some reason.
Maybe the reason is that you're freaking nuts. Just a thought.
Cheers! (that is to say, best wishes and no hard feelings, even though you're more than a bit of a jerk, because why in the world should it bother me that there's yet another idiot being rude on the internet?)
Let's just assume, for the sake of argument, that I do need help.
You'd be correct and quite truthful w/yourself.
See, you've completed the final stage to recovery ~ Congrats!
* Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
* Anger (why is this happening to me?)
* Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
* Depression (I don't care anymore)
* Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)
lol as TGI is now psychoanalyzing "Cheers!"
Too funny!
"lol as TGI is now psychoanalyzing "Cheers!""
Yes, I am really interested in why that one set you off so much.
It wasn't even rude. I mean, here I am, explaining why you are a liar and a desperate crank, and you're freaking out about 'cheers'? You even noted I was trying to be more polite.
You don't want people to be nice to you, do you? That explains a lot, but it leaves more questions as to why you're so interested in being hated on the internet.
There is an underlying reason you're like this.
freaking out
Please refresh your memory by looking up "freaking out" in the dictionary.
TGI, you wouldn't be resorting to passive/aggressive baiting now would you.
Perish the thought! :-P
Always thinking of new and exciting ways to attack me. Again, I am truly honored by your extreme obsession ...
And re: being nice you did go (2) posts in a row w/out calling me a liar.
Baby steps. :D
Well, you are a liar, Shiloh. You accused me of something I did not do, and when asked to even lay out the accusation specifically, you shrieked that you don't have to answer such a request. You don't have to answer a request to explain what you accused someone of doing?
Why not? Because you hate conservatives a lot? Because this ugliness is the only power you have?
Am I so obsessed with you, Shiloh, or am I replying to comments directed at me? What does it say about you that you find it condemnable that someone takes you seriously?
hmm, I struck another nerve as TGI is now throwin' a tantrum!
Am I so obsessed with you, Shiloh
Yes, and thanx for asking.
btw, "we're" still waiting for that apology.
"TGI is now throwin' a tantrum!"
I answered your comment about my calling you a liar.
You see, when people say things they know aren't true, they lose credibility. Generally, people who do it have a self esteem problem. One other red flag you show is that you show a lot of projection. It's clear you particularly hate the things you do.
Sure, you can strike a pose as a great troll, but I honestly do not care about whether or not you 'win' at trolling. I'll play with you, and try to learn more about why you're behaving like this, because it suits me, and frankly, it appears that I kinda own you. I'm pretty good at getting liberal trolls to do whatever I want.
"btw, "we're" still waiting for that apology."
Oh, you're upset? No kidding... that's kinda obvious, what with the crying and freaking out. You're not a very good troll if you act more upset than anyone else.
Just curious: Is this exchange between Shiloh and The Grand Inquisitor the largest and longest (both in terms of the number of directly addressed comments and in terms of the number of hours over which they have taken place AND also in terms of the intersection of both metrics) EVER--and **evah**--in the history of the Althouse blog?
Speaking as one who's been here from almost the very start, I'm thinking: Yes.
Anyone want to lay odds and/or bet with me?
TGI, when you falsely called me of lying, not once but twice, normally I would bury my opponent and move on. But you seem totally emotionally disturbed, so out of empathy I decided to continue to play w/one of AA's children.
This may have been a mistake, but my intentions were honorable.
Seriously, please try to control your passive/aggressive compulsions as they will surely be your undoing!
No, a couple wks ago the inanity in a thread went over (600) posts.
I remember it 'cause my first post in the thread was after it reached 600.
You mean that in that thread there were actually two specific people who directed more comments specifically at each other over more hours in a single thread than in this one? I don't know. I'm asking.
(The 600-comment reference doesn't in itself clarify this. It would be possible, for example, to have a 2,000--pick your own number, whatever number; whatever--comment thread in which there's no example of "two specific people who directed more comments specifically at each other over more hours in a single thread than in this one.")
Is that what you meant?
It had to do w/AA's supposed stalker. Someone who had indirectly threatened violence. If memory serves he typed someone should get a gun and shoot her in the head.
It was re: the ad nauseam union protest threads which continue at Althouse.
and now you know the rest of the story. ;)
There was one thread where Jeremy and someone else, not Jay, each had @60/70 posts in a thread which was over (200) posts.
At Nate Silver's old blog a friendly conservative troll named Charles had over (50) posts in a thread which hadn't reached 100.
He was somewhat entertaining as he never used profanity like many of AA's conservatives do here.
Eh, you're ducking the question. I was pretty darn specific in asking it (not once, but twice); your ducking it--as it will be likewise if TGI responds in the same way--by providing an answer to a different question, one you might prefer, doesn't change what my actual, very specific question was.
I think the answer to my actual, specific question is, "No, there hasn't been." I'm open, however, to changing my mind and, more important, standing corrected--assuming I get an answer to my actual, specific question, taking into account the precise ways in which it was phrased.
wv: densi
Please don't be one of the "densi."
Wow! Jeremy was actually focused enough on just one other person, and that one other person was actually focused on just Jeremy, such that they "were actually two specific people who directed more comments specifically at each other over more hours in a single thread than in this [current thread at Althouse, referring to you, Shiloh, and TGI] one?"!?! [Emphasis added.]
That puts me in a total state of awe, partly in a whole other way, but mostly just overall. I didn't know, for example, that Jeremy had that in him, and, frankly, I'm having a hard time thinking of another Althouse commenter who does either.
You link me to that thread, meeting the specific parameters I've now laid out multiple times (but the best was the original), and you'll get from me a total bow, not to mention a total retraction of my hypothesis that what you and TGI achieved tonight was a record.
Can't get fairer than that, right?
reader, I'm not sure what I'm ducking. If you want to add up "our" posts and if they reach 60/70 then I may have broken the record, whatever the record may be. I've been a semi-regular here only a couple mos.
Soon the be a former semi-regular ~ AA's flock cheers lol.
Again, political blogs one redeeming quality is entertainment, minus that element, what's the point as minds will never be changed.
Yea, don't remember who Jeremy was "chatting" with, but the other guy had a couple more posts.
Blogging on the net is basically pointless which is why another (2) week vacation is a good thing.
Jeremy/E.M. Davis
My memory was fuzzy ...
Jeremy = 46 in 179 posts
E.M. Davis = 50 in 188 posts
Quick count ~ counting this post (48) in a span of ?
carry on
JAL wrote:
She was my intro to the wacky and disturbed world of the unhappy lib troll. I don't even remember where --- maybe one of the lib lists she got thrown off of?
I'm guessing you read her at Protein Wisdom.
Wow, this thread went to hell in a blogbasket...how sad, peeps.
That name, Tricia Willoughby, has such a wonderful, old-fashioned All-American ring to it. In an America led by one Barack Hussein Obama II, it's nice to be reminded such people still exist.
Hey Victoria, your hood is showing! In your own quiet way, you are as vicious a racist as Cedarford.
rhhardin. I've read your comments for years, here and there. In the past few weeks you have upended my every conception of you. What happened?
A couple of destructive memes came up - low expectations, and automatic praise, for women, and for children.
Don't go along with it.
Instead, try to explain it.
That the memes have commercial value is part of it. They're playing into something bad though.
They're debate short-circuits.
I think TGI is interested (nay, fascinated) in someone -- as a specimen.
The specimen, as you say, made the professor throw a tantrum!
Back to the drawing board ...
'Deb Frisch?
You know who she is?'
Wasn't she the one who a few years back imploded on a conservative site after the commenters started dismissing her content free screeds and started in on the site owners kid? I think restraining orders were actually issued in that case.
Anyway, TGI, I do not find it hard to believe that shiloh is middle aged. Deb Frisch was/is, and is just as incapable of appreciating that the immediate impression of her is as a loon (charitably) and/or as an inveterate liar.
The claim to be Navy, not so much. Maybe for 2-4 at no better than an E3 rating (more likely E2). Then the Navy would have dumped him.
The claim to be Navy, not so much.
Let the record show one of my AA Groupies, B, at least admits that I served in the navy.
Again, baby steps.
Of course, by definition, B is sayin' TGI is foolish calling me a liar.
But sayin' TGI is foolish would be redundant.
"Let the record show one of my AA Groupies, B, at least admits that I served in the navy."
No, B didn't say what you're claiming. This is the best you can do? You lied about your military service, didn't you? Why would you trump up B's comment as evidence if you really served? why did you mention service at all? It wasn't relevant, chubbie, aged, unemployed internet troll. Take a second and honestly consider just how on the mark I am.
You have a mental illness. It's something you can fix, but that probably requires you to quit using the internet, cold turkey, and getting a life. Plenty of 45 year old fatties turn their life around. You've got decades left... why not enjoy them? This nonsense you're spitting out is not enjoyment. Basically my mere taking you at face value has frenzied you into something that would embarrass anyone who had a reputation.
No, shiloh, TGI is the one who understands my comment. Not you. I had/have no trouble believing that you are a middle aged loser prone to hissy fits and projection when you aren't taken seriously like Frisch. The hissy fits and projection are evident here. You yourself claim to be middle age.
My comment about the Navy related to my saying it was not hard to believe that you are middle aged. The comment was that my level of belief that you served was 'not so much', only mentioning that my experience is that dunderheads like you can indeed last a couple of years as low ratings in the Navy and that it is extremely hard to hid what they are and out they go after 2-4. I do not believe you served in the Navy. TGI understood that I was not conceding any belief that you served. You, not so much.
See the problem is, and I pointed this out earlier, is that you are a proven liar by your own posts here and so you bear the liar's burden. Everything you say, in any venue, has to be filtered through the knowledge that you have a history of lying. Nothing can be taken at face value. That's not actually personal, it's just the defensive position the rest of the world has to take when dealing with a liar.
If you don't like it, find a new forum to troll in and do the best you can not to establish a liar's rep. No way can you overcome it here at this point.
TGI & B, even as a pack mentality tag team, they are woefully lacking, as their one-trick-pony ad nauseam meme is embarrassing.
My pet Groupies get quite incoherent, as per usual, when I easily strike their childish, raw nerves.
But on the bright side, they fit in nicely w/the rest of AA's dedicated flock.
AA's conservative lemmings = strength in numbers.
Again my obsessed pets, less is more, especially when you keep repeating yourselves ...
"The specimen, as you say, made the professor throw a tantrum!
Back to the drawing board ..."
I'm sorry Shiloh -- was that for me?
"Again my obsessed pets, less is more, especially when you keep repeating yourselves ..."
Yeah, OK. So sorry for replying to someone who is talking about me, and repeating an offhand 'cheers' with derangement.
I'm particularly amused that you're ignoring how repetitive you are. It's just one empty ramble after another, with the same pathetic 2-3 trolls repeated one after another. Yeah, you claimed we are your fans. Yeah, you claimed we are bullying you. Yeah, now you're crying a little more.
It's almost as though you read over your own comments, are embarrassed about them, and then project their most embarrassing aspects in hopes of somehow muddying the waters a little.
Obviously I have hurt your feelings. I sincerely hope not too badly. When I note you have a mental problem of some kind, that surely comes across as an effort to insult you, especially since you have this whiny inferiority complex. It's true, I don't think very much of you, and neither does anyone else here. I've never seen everyone here agree on anything before, but they all agree about you, don't they?
Anyway, just because we know what you are, and it isn't pretty, doesn't mean we hate you. Most of the people here, myself included, want you to be happy. I promise: I'm not kidding at all. I know you're suffering. I know you're bashing me because you've got a problem, and I don't hold that against you.
Just turn that computer off, and do something else. Start a garden, get a dog, go to church. Do all three! Make some friends, and compartmentalize your deranged POVs for your own sake.
2012 is not going to be pretty, politically, especially for liberals, if that's what you are (you barely expressed any views at all, so I actually don't know for sure). Don't bother with it, if you want to be happy. Accept that you have a problem.
Again my #1 pet, the prosecution rests!
"Blogger shiloh said...
Again my #1 pet, the prosecution rests!"
How many times are you going to say that? It kinda doesn't make sense to announce you're done thirty times in a row, you crazy little nutcase.
Do you really think you're going to outlast me? I'm no less fascinated by you now. I probably am your biggest fan! No one else even seems interested, but at least I think you're remarkable, if in a macabre sense. Honestly, I'd love to see what sections of your brain are darked out on an MRI.
I've seen MRIs of a cocaine user's brain, and of a few obese (compulsive) people. Those two types go in different directions. My guess is you're a very interesting combination. I wonder if would even be possible for you to have a job. But in the long run, it probably is if you start eating right, getting exercise, making friends.
The human body is resilient. Honestly, if you have given up hope, that's a mistake. Trolling the internet is a waste of your life.
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