During a 30-minute stump speech focused mostly on foreign affairs, Trump blasted Obama's handling of Libya, Iraq, China and Afghanistan, and in one of his many curse-bombs, he lamented the nation's focus on building schools in war-torn Iraq, while neglecting education in the United States.He knows what he's doing, but do we?
"In the meantime we can't get a f---ing school in Brooklyn," he said.
He also cursed the spike in gas prices: "We have nobody in Washington that sits back and said, you're not going to raise that f---ing price."
Trump even dropped what's considered the most offensive f-bomb when he promised to use swear words while negotiating with China.
"Listen you mother f---ers, we're going to tax you 25 percent," he said.
Trump also sprinkled in a number of insults directed toward the nation's leaders.
"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," he said. "It's just very, very sad."
ADDED: It looks and sounds like this:
The audience loved it.
९३ टिप्पण्या:
I would be hard pressed to be a modern politician, at odds with what may be going on with the administration, and NOT drop a few calculated f-bombs every now and then.
But I think Donald is going overboard here.
I have no problem with Trump, however where I have a problem is that he's "carrying the water" for the other candy-ass Republican candidates.
Who taught this guy to speak Presidential? LBJ?
Trump is merely engaged in a kinetic verbal action.
Nothing more.
At least he's entertaining.
This is far better than Obama and all of his servants screaming:
You're a racist if you don't vote for Obama!
Race hustling is all Obama's got going.
Subliming entertaining.
You'd think the guy hadn't been on television for years. There are no surprises here. This is what he's like, and this is what he's always been like.
Well....I feel the same way Mr. Trump.
I just can't find an audience that wants to hear my profanity.
I can't get paid for saying "You're fired!!".
Of course, eventually you sound like a broken record, and people get tired of hearing your shit.
Do people still understand "broken record"?...and does that explain Obama?
A children's book in this vein.
(Ha ha ha. A friend linked that on Facebook yesterday.)
Compare this to what Obama's political team is offering up today:
A New U.S. Energy Plan: Sell Oil Reserves, Use Profits to Invest in Clean Tech
Just listen to the "director of climate strategy" from the Center for American Progress. Best comment:
Greg 33 minutes ago...
Let's sell the oil and buy some magic beans. We can use the magic beans to make bio-diesel. I suggest we name it the FiFiFoFum project.
Fucking awesome.
Heh. How do the rest of us talk about politicians when within range of only our spouse's ears?
Are cons floating possible VP names?
Presumably Trump will need a religious non-city-slicker. Seems like an Alaska gal would work.
Or, Ted Nugnet. [Although, he'll need to be born again. And, he's got to stop marrying (technically: becoming the guardian for) minors.]
I note that this is screwing up his TV show ratings.
No one wants to hear what TV personalities have to say when they start to take themselves seriously.
Trump is not going to be the nominee. His record of statements is light years apart from the fiscal conservatism that will be required from the next Presidential election's GOP nominee. I'm sure he knows that.
In the meantime, he's fun.
So, you don't like to talk dirty?
I've never understood why we expect politicans to not be normal people. We want them to be bland, blank slates, with personalities that are completely hidden from view.
Then when we get one who has perfected the bland, like Mitt Romney, we bitch about it.
If we get a politician who is refreshingly honest about their personality and personal imperfections like Chris Christy or Sarah Palin, they are crucified in the press.
I'd rather have a politician who is honest and presents himself completely. Fucking warts and all.
When you are on the Titanic and you see the iceberg coming (as Trump does) you don't say: "By Jove, I do believe we are about to have an unfortunate collision".
NO.. you say "Oh my fucking GOD!! Turn this motherfucking ship around or we are all going to DIE!!!!"
Well, he did do us a favor, but he is starting to sound like Tom Harkin.
He's a game show host.
Using the terms "mother f*******" in China is generally a bad idea. That is because they do not take it as just a slur, they really take it to mean you are suggesting they boink their mothers. And I have seen that not only on mainland China, but in Singapore and Hong Kong. You would think those later cities would have gotten used to it.
There are some similar slurs in the middle east that get a reaction sometimes more explosive than mocking Mohammed.
But what this shows is Trump is NOT really running for president. Trump is self promoting. Which is fine. Eventually we will get bored with this.
Speaking of professionals at manipulation...
Well, he's not the APPRENTICE, guy. He's the boardroom guy who does the firing!
If you think the republicans have a competitor to this, you're fooling yourselves.
Let alone that Karl Rove wants to push Jeb Bush in. It's as if the republican party, itself, and not just Ronald Reagan, who came down with Alzheimer's.
Obama is still on track to win.
He's even out there campaigning.
And, MOST Americans want no more wars where we "halp" da' arabs. And, a majority of Americans didn't want Kosovo, either.
It's one of the reasons (ISOLATIONISM WRIT LARGE), that people aren't complaining of what Obama inherited. And, why it can't be solved.
So, the clown Rove wants to send up Jeb Bush. Go ahead. "Nominate" who you want. Pick a religious zealot while you're at it.
Read Scott Adams about the Trump candidacy.
Of course it was not a big fucking deal in Joe Biden's case. Then again, he was already elected.
Trump is a funny motherfucker.
This is a big fucking deal.
Trump has been a Republican for a long time. Weeks, probably.
I love the way Trump is stirring up turmoil with the lefties. He doesn't care what they think of him, never has. He's rich and powerful, doesn't need their bootlicking.
It's hilarious to watch them waste time trying to discredit him. He doesn't care what they say. They're spitting in the wind.
Trump is having the conversation the so called adults in DC refuse to have. But, he will not be a serious candidate because he cannot win.
The president, who has done nothing for two years, except campaign for reelection, golf, vacation, and entertain us on talk shows, while ignoring crisis after crisis, is unfortunately the front runner in Chief.
Unless things get worse and he involves himself, which will guarantee a monumental disaster, he may just win again. His hands off policy and ignoring crises is working to his advantage.
Why not Trump??? He's doesn't mince words, he knows what the problems are, he says what he's gonna do in no uncertain terms...
...and, most importantly, he's the opposite of all those awful big-government social conservatives who think the federal government is the appropriate tool for advancing their moral ideas.
In the first sentence of the linked piece:
...a speech that likely won't help him win the family-values vote should he decide to run for president.
Yup! And those family-values voters need to be marginalized, because they're holding back the Republican party from solving our problems. They'd rather have an America whose morals they can rail against than an America that is secure and doing well.
He's got my vote!
I have to roll my eyes at the "you're not raising that price" schtick.
You might as well shake your fist at a cloud and say "you're not f---ing raining on MY picnic".
What a great choice for an unbound Secretary of State.
Donald Trump is the Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger candidate.
He doesn't give a shit.
I wonder if he called the Chinese "motherfuckers" when he went into business with them. It makes sense, I guess. I've always looked at the Trump ties in stores and thought, "No way any self-respecting American is making those, let alone wearing them."
Trump's solution are just as fucking stupid as Obama's. Wanna get oil prices down? Open up oil leases and stop holding up the ones ready to go. (No, the supply won't have an immediate effect, the knowing that there will be more supply will.)
...and, most importantly, he's the opposite of all those awful big-government social conservatives who think the federal government is the appropriate tool for advancing their moral ideas.
You mean Donald "eminent domain" Trump? Surely he opposes Big Government.
To use the word of the day:
Give me a f__king break!
Double face palm.
Who got deleted by the "blog administrator" and why?
I think it's pretty cool that Fred goes around the world cursing out folks.
He's got enough of a self-compiled sample that he can draw societal conclusions.
As you travel the world, how does it go over when you call folks 'cock suckers'?
Does the response change when you call them 'voluntary cock suckers'?
Johann Hari: Trump is the Republican id.
Well there goes the Focus On The Family endorsement. Who does he think he is, George Patton. Trump will have to be fired...right after the economic World War battles have been fought and won by Trump's leadership.
he's the opposite of all those awful big-government social conservatives
Yeah, he's a big-government social liberal instead.
Aren't those just called "Democrats"?
He's working hard for my vote now - I like it:
And it's about time.
Trump is a gonif and he knows an opportunity when he sees one. He smells the blood in the water and thinks he can make a profit off of it.
Anyway you slice it this does not bode well for the Jug Eared Jesus.
So far as I can remember, the only public service act Trump has performed in his long life is the renovation of a skating rink in Central Park. OK, there's something honest about someone who is so patently crass, venal, and selfish, but one would hope that a President would appeal to some higher aspiration than the wish for cheap gas and supermodels....I do, however, like the idea that he has planted in the minds of the Arab leaders that at a certain point we might just go over there and take their fucking oil. Genghis Khan had no difficulty in conquering Afghanistan or Baghdad
He's not a genuine candidate in my opinion, he is a priceless loose cannon.
We need just such a boor whom the media cannot walk away from to drop bombs on all sorts of matters.
F-ing A!
His time is running out. Thankfully.
Trump is a wild man. He is a white man who not afraid of Obama's race card. He is a capitalist who is not afraid of China's clout. He is a protestant who is not afraid of the church ladies. He is a New Yorker who is not afraid of the New Yorker's disdain for the GOP. He is a man who is not afraid of a beautiful woman. And on top of that he tries to get along with everyone he meets. Trump "is a difficult boy". Karl Rove may have to consider suicide.
Franklin Graham liked him and found him very interesting.
As a social conservative myself I find some of the language a little too rough.
Oh fuck it anyone but Urkel.
How to become president
1. Vow to make the US an energy "exporting" country during your first term. This will drive down the prices, screw the Saudis and others and help pay our bills.
2. Promise to fix the government we've got instead of expanding it. Put "managers" instead of "zealots" in all cabinent level positions. Make their first order of business review of every box on the org chart. There are tens (hundreds?) of thousands of people doing stuff that we do not truly need. Ax them.
3. Eliminate all grant funding for non science-related university projects.
4. Eliminate funding of international organizations and NGOs that act against our national interests.
South Park's got nothing on Trump. He's the new Terrance and Phillip WARNING: NSFW!!.
I think the Donald has a talent for making things look good: himself, whatever he's selling, even the people around him.
I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin. But to me, right now, Trump+Palin seems like a dream Presidential ticket. Run that ticket and I imagine the Washington Establishment would be scared shitless.
"We have nobody in Washington that sits back and said, you're not going to raise that f---ing price."
That he believes that's both viable and proper is an indictment beyond anything else he's said.
When a candidate thinks that the office he's running for is that of Central Economic Planner or Sun King, that's a sign that he's deeply unqualified in a way that mere inexperience in Government service can't remotely match.
Government can raise prices by increasing taxes (via Congress).
The Executive can influence prices slightly by talking up future plans or creating uncertainty or the like.
What the Executive can't actually do, it turns out, is order people to set their prices a certain way.
(Well, yet. Give the Commerce Clause a few more years of growth...)
It's really up to the girls. Wanna go down the tubes reciting the vagina monologues, ladies, or would you rather save the country?
Trump is the ONLY man who can break the corrupt political cycle. The only man not beholden to anyone. The only man who will send the elitists packing. And take back the country.
He is a protestant who is not afraid of the church ladies.
Actually Trump is a Catholic. But he is probably not afraid of the pope (or for that matter God). Trump is really a member of the Church of Trump.
You've got it wrong. Trump was referring to OPEC's setting of oil prices, not the setting of prices by any American or American company.
I am still laughing about Chris Rock's comment that he can't vote for Trump because he is afraid Trump will leave us for a younger prettier country.
I've never understood why we expect politicans to not be normal people.
Especially when you have no normal people to pick from!
Fred4Pres...Trump's mother was a Scottish born Macleod. Donald is a traditional Presbyterian. I can smell Presbyterians a mile off. They are comfortable in a highly educated covenant group that accepts every member's opinion but votes to make all decisions. As a result Presbyterians feel confident at all times and stubbornly refuse to be governed by others. He is a difficult boy.
He is a difficult boy.
That also explains why neither party wants him. He won't play ball. He won't go along to get along.
Trump sounds like Kevin The Lost Bunny of the Apocalypse. Maybe the last Trump!
Trump will make omelets. I remember a time when he made solemn promises to preserve the facade of a building in NY revered for its gargoyles. The very next day the building was gone. Trump matter of factly blamed it on a stupid contractor, made some insincere apologies and went about his business. I believe the hideous Trump Tower on 5th now occupies that hallowed ground. Say what you will he gets things done. He has a very real sense of humor. He is not letting up on this Obama guy and good for him. His policy ideas are, of course, nonsense.
He was in Vegas.. or as he might like to call them.. his base.
Sounds like Trump never got the "new civility" memo..
I love it.
"He also cursed the spike in gas prices: "We have nobody in Washington that sits back and said, you're not going to raise that f---ing price.""
He thinks the President can just dictate prices? What does he think a gas station is, a medical clinic?
I love it too, but I'm not going to vote for him for President.
Trump is a pitchman and a salesman and what he is selling is that the Jug Eared Jesus is a horrible President.
It's selling very well.
@Trooper: Some things just sell themselves.
Trooper - You're a racist dick.
So The DOnald is going to just tell the countries who sell us oil, to lower their prices...and of course, they'll do so.
And when he tells China he'll tax everything they sell us at 25% they'll say, "hey, no problem."
This is the idiot many here would vote for.
The Crack Emcee said..."He's working hard for my vote now - I like it..."
Yeah, I'm sure The Donald would just love to meet you, get to really know you.
Maybe even become BFF.
What a hoot: A black American who thinks the racist idiot who said this...is the right guy for them.
The Donald: "I have a great relationship with the blacks. I've always had a great relationship with the blacks."
Or this: “laziness is a trait in blacks.”
And of course, he also had those little problems about not renting to blacks.
Maybe they just weren't any of "the blacks" he has such a good relation with.
My vote is for effing stupid. The Donald is either down there with the dumbest of the pols who don't know about YouTube, or he just doesn't care.
In either case this won't help him come primary time. Most of the people who appreciate that language are Dems.
Could be he's looking for an excuse to get out. He really isn't stupid despite recent appearances. Perhaps now that he got BHO to produce a birth cert he's looking for a way out besides just quitting.
You've got it wrong. Trump was referring to OPEC's setting of oil prices, not the setting of prices by any American or American company.
That doesn't make his statement any less moronic. How, *exactly*, does one go about ordering OPEC nations to produce more oil?
Yeah, I'm sure The Donald would just love to meet you, get to really know you.
Maybe even become BFF.
What a hoot: A black American who thinks the racist idiot who said this...is the right guy for them.
Considering the fucked-up attitude of a lot of blacks, yeah, I think The Donald and I would get along smashingly - for starters, we're both advocates of The Macho Response.
Second, you can throw that racist shit around all you want, but you know I don't play that game. So Donald's non-PC - works for me.
It's liberals like you I can't stand,...
Trooper - You're a racist dick.
Jeremy - you're a fucking idiot.
How, *exactly*, does one go about ordering OPEC nations to produce more oil?
Make 'em an offer they can't refuse.
I don't have a racist dick Jeremy.
I love black chicks. And Chinese chicks. And white chicks.
They are all pink on the inside. Just sayn'
I must admit that nothing is better than making the trolls loose their fucking minds.
Unless they have a stroke.
Now that would be better.
What Trump is doing is saying something. It's very rare in Presidential candidates, and it's not even hard. The challenge is always to say nothing without people noticing.
Make 'em an offer they can't refuse.
Yeah, good luck with that. :)
Yeah, good luck with that. :)
Picture Donald Trump with the U.S. military standing behind him. Knowing what we do about Trump, the scenario suggests many, many offers certain countries and global entities won't refuse.
More, I liken him to the brash, quintessentially "ugly American." The bull in the China shop. A street fighter who gives no quarter and takes no prisoners. So much so the Left is now sending out their big guns, pit bulls like Lannie Davis.
They're in a fight for their lives, and they know it.
(* spelling correction *)
As Freeman Hunt noted to a previous Althouse Trump post:
> Trump is not calling for protectionism.
> He's calling for threatening it
> to get China to end theirs.
In WW2, we summoned up the masculine role model of Humphrey Bogart in order to project the type of manhood necessary to survive and prevail in the trials at hand. He was a good man who didn't always do good things, but did the right thing when it counted. He was capable of doing the ugly tasks that war and reality bring to bear in life. He knew that in life, there are trade-offs, and all good things come with the pain of producing their outcome, even to the point of risking one's own life to bring it about.
Trump might not be presidential material, ultimately, but even so, are we now conjuring this role model again, with a character like Trump?
Picture Donald Trump with the U.S. military standing behind him. Knowing what we do about Trump, the scenario suggests many, many offers certain countries and global entities won't refuse.
That's the most retarded idea I've ever heard. Good work. Offhand I can't think of a faster way to collapse the US economy and raise gas prices to eighty bucks a gallon.
Revenant, I think you've been living in PC World for so long you honestly have no idea what this country is capable of. When not pussyfooting around, this is the most awesome power on the planet, and yeah - if we wanted absolutely anything we could take it - no questions asked.
China's no real threat to us - we just pretend it is. Because we're playing by stupid post-60s let's-all-be-friends rules. The problem is - and any idiot can see it - we're the only ones doing it. If we'd stop it, the jig would be up and the world would be set to right again.
Look at Libya. France and England, combined, can't dislodge Quaddafi. Shit, we could send in the Marines - not the Navy or the Air Force or the Army - just the Marines - and, if we'd tell the press and the rest of the pussies to stop whining and get out the way, the Marines, alone, would have that place shut down, and Quaddafi dead or in chains tomorrow. We just lack the balls to do it, because people like you can't conceive of American power and how to use it.
But that shit ain't lasting. Mark my words:
A new day's coming.
Gas at eighty bucks a gallon.
Nuke fucking Mecca and let's see what the price is then. Or how bold AQ talks.
You're nuts.
Our military is dependent on (a) oil and (b) staging areas.
If we decide to use our big military dick to seize other nations' oil supplies, two things will happen.
Item One: Worldwide oil boycott on the United States by petroleum exporting states. At this point we have 40 days (the duration of the strategic petroleum reserves) before our prized military becomes a trillion-dollar collection of lawn ornaments.
Item Two: The nations of the world deny us permissions to use their territory for military purposes. While our military is powerful as a collective whole, there are only a handful of nations in which our military power exceeds that of the host nation.
While China and Russia are rather pathetic militarily compared to us, they will have two advantages: they're located close to most of the oil-producing states, and they have nukes. And they WILL use nukes if its a choice between that and letting the USA seize the world's petroleum supplies.
Nuke fucking Mecca and let's see what the price is then.
Pretty far north of $80 a gallon, since you'll have created the worst oil shortage in world history by taking out Saudi Arabia.
You morons need to learn that you can't achieve economic success with an army. That's the same dipshit tactic every two-bit dictator from Hitler to Hussein has tried, and they've all failed miserably.
Worldwide oil boycott on the United States...
Open your eyes, that's essentially what's going on now. OPEC has us on our knees. I suspect Trump will bomb them back to Mohammad just on principle. And he has my blessing.
And forget your version of "success," it's time to get even. In terms which leave no uncertainty, no gray area, nothing but sand in the desert.
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