I'm seeing some assertions about this on blogs and in YouTube videos, and it's wrong if not unfair and deceptive. I don't have my own video, because I mishandled the button on my camera, but I was right behind the Tea Party crowd amid anti-Tea Party protesters who were making a lot of noise trying to drown out whatever was coming from the podium. They were, in fact, succeeding in their purpose so well that they could not hear when the national anthem began.
I started walking forward and it took a while for me to recognize the anthem. My observation was that those who could hear it were not booing. The "rockets red glare" line seemed louder, and there was a noticeable hushing that extended back into the anti-Tea Party areas of the crowd.
Meade and I have observed some of the most raucous rallies at the Capitol over the last 2 months, and the national anthem was sung many times, by the protesters themselves, and we witnessed respect for the anthem. In fact, you could go into the rotunda and start singing the anthem and people would go silent and even sing along with real feeling. They might have resented having to switch to solemnity when they were into raucousness, but they knew very well that they had to at least look like they respected the anthem.
Outdoors, yesterday, the acoustics were distorted, the anthem began unexpectedly, and the noisemakers were into their thing, drowning out the tea partiers. You cannot infer disrespect for the national anthem. But if you want to get back at people who are trying to drown you out, it's a good trick to start singing the anthem, while video-recording.... though maybe that's not properly respectful of the anthem.
३०३ टिप्पण्या:
303 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»... we witnessed respect for the anthem
But none for those with whom they disagree. That's as big a problem.
Perhaps the specific charge is not accurate but for attempting to drown out their political opponents, they show themselves to be modern day brownshirts.
Fighting anti-American scumbags who do their best to steal everyone else's right to freedom of speech (by shouting and making noise so no one else can hear) by singing the National Anthem, and showing up the anti-American scum for what they are?
Sounds great to me.
You have a right to make your case. you do not have the right to shout down those who disagree with you.
Only worthless human debris would even try.
There were protesters around me making noise during the the national anthem. In perhaps not my finest hour, an f-bomb may have burst in midair as I told them to shut up and show respect. Some anti-tea party folks also told these moron's to stop tooting their horns. ("Hey we are on your side, but be quiet.")
They obliged and continue to whine loudly that people were "hiding behind the flag," and that our national anthem "glorified war."
Overall, it took the anti-tea party folks a while to wind down, but once they realized what was happening most of them did show respect.
Some protestors booed the national anthem where I was, even though a few of us turned around, told them that it was the anthem, and asked them to stop their booing.
The same thing happened during the Pledge of Allegiance.
The brownshirts tended to get a bit more physical than booing and yelling.
Let's not exaggerate.
It is so obviously odd that the "anti TEA" tools, who have practically taken over the WI capitol area for a month or two with virtually no push-back are seething with resentment for other citizens expressing themselves at this location for one day. One day! They've been out there braying and blithering away for weeks on end and they seem to have this wrong idea that they own the joint. To the point where they show up in the cold rain to shout down other people. Free speech for me but not for thee. So, yeah, I question the sincerity of their "respect" for the anthem. They are per se Unclear on Key Concepts. : )
Tool renditions of the anthem are for staging purposes only.
It seems that the answer to the "did they boo during the national anthem?" is yes, they did, but [insert excuse here]. That's not exactly a vindication.
There could have one person counter protesting the Tea Party Rally and right would whine and lie endlessly about it. Because thats what they do. Whine and play the victim. Think Breibart, Andrew.
Actually, Erik, the answer is, "Yes, but they didn't know they were doing it. And when they realized, they stopped."
That's not excuse-making, it's simply the facts as Prof. Althouse observed them. Others observed otherwise. I wasn't there, but I suspect both observations were true: some were jerks, some weren't.
And yet, garage, it's all been documented. How is it a lie, if the truth is staring you in the face. Breitbart has video of a group of unionistas abusing a black woman and her children for being Tea Party members. It's right there, in living color! Where's the lie in that?
Regardless, in politics perception is reality, as this blog indicates daily w/it's ad nauseam conservative whining.
A lie can travel half way 'round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. ~ just ask ailes/atwater/turdblossom.
btw, did 'ya know Obama was/is a Muslim born in Kenya!
and so it goes ...
Who cares if they booed or not. They are obviously un-American America haters HEH.
And I would not have been able to not punch the guy talking about someone's mother. Even a fossil like me should stand up to a librul douchnozzle like him.
I'm not sure that "They were too busy drowning out the people who disagreed with them to notice the national anthem being sung" is really a helpful defense of the protesters.
If they disrespect the American idea of the "free marketplace of ideas," then perhaps it could be said that they're disrespecting the national anthem on an even deeper level.
You're boring. Come back when you have a) an original thought not coached to you by your butt buddy Kos, or b) you learn to wipe up the drool hanging from your chin. You've proven continuously that you have the intellectual capacity and political relevancy of a bucket of hog slops.
So James, your argument amounts to "Guilty of X? Might as well be guilty of Y!"
They've been out there braying and blithering away for weeks on end and they seem to have this wrong idea that they own the joint.
AMEN. There was a lot of not-so-nice stuff yesterday. Whether or not booing happened during the national anthem is the least of my personal concerns. (But I do appreciate Ann's post to help clarify truth and reality regarding that topic.)
Most offensive to me were the OUR HOUSE!! sentiments. How DARE the TEA Party rally on "their" turf?? <-- PFFT.
They have shown their true colors. Their occupation of the Capitol was not a flowers-and-rainbows statement on behalf of We the People. It was a political occupation meant only for They (one group of) the People.
I can't imagine that this blog's resident trolls will thank you for your even-handedness.
Indeed, I see that garage and shiloh have already proved my thesis. For people like them, you are either with them all the way -- and despite documented reality! -- or you are their most bitter enemy.
For my part, I'm glad to learn that the anti-tea party protesters at least pretend to honor America. Maybe some day we can find common ground again.
Breitbart has video of....
Can only imagine what that might be. If history holds, it's a horribly chopped up, manipulative hack job hit piece of epic proportions. But it's a hack job on people you hate. So it's all good!
No, it's closer to "Disrespecting X? Then you're kind of disrespecting Y, which is dedicated in part to the value of X."
Did those Breitbart videos show Shirley Sherrod admitting she had acted in a biased manner while working for the govt? Yes or no.
And as moronic as they are, at least J, Jeremy and the rest of the peanut gallery have the virtue of providing original, if somewhat depraved entertainment. You? Not so much. Your air of "detached observation with snark" has been tedious from the get-go, lacking in substance and brimming over with silly leftist claptrap we've come to expect from you.
But mostly, you're boring.
Linked ...
And the freaks had vuvuzelas?!
'Protesters Booed the National Anthem at Sarah Palin Rally in Madison?'
Madison Democrats booed the national anthem just like Governor Palin said "I can see Russia from my house".
There could have one person counter protesting the Tea Party Rally and right would whine and lie endlessly about it. Because thats what they do. Whine and play the victim.
Pot, meet kettle.
Here you go. Judge for yourself. Raw video from Breitbart. Where's the lie?
Be honest for once, garage. Check it out. Take pride in your fellow unionistas. Own it.
wv: brine: How bitter...
You're boring.
Indeed Chef Mojo, as you (((going out of your way))) to make an inane post all about me indicates lol.
btw, although I peruse kos infrequently at least they're fairly coherent, whereas Althouse is "slightly" more entertaining w/its continuous, laughable winger distortion/discombobulation.
take care
Be honest for once, garage. Check it out. Take pride in your fellow unionistas. Own it.
I wouldn't click on a Breitbart link if my life depended on it.
As Chef Mojo continues to mention me.
Too funny!
I wouldn't click on a Breitbart link if my life depended on it.
And most especially, because it would cause you to face your own lies.
Tool Nation wipes its ass with the flag and wants to do very bad things to "your mama." I think this vid is from a Portland OR protest (I see the Nordstrom in the background). Regardless, Tool Nation is fungible. Tool Nation is bussed in. Because they're Tools.
Who cares if a bunch of Statists act respectful of the national anthem?
Which is more important: respect for the anthem or respect for liberty and the natural rights of man? We already know they have no respect for the latter, so respect for the former seems irrelevant.
I wouldn't click on a Breitbart link if my life depended on it.
Of course not, garage. Of course not. You're a coward, after all, so I can understand. Breitbart is just so scary, isn't he?
I'm laughing at you, garage. Every time you comment, I laugh at you.
wv: bulax: bovine Exlax.
Did shiloh say something meaningful?
Nope. Too much to hope for, I guess.
Does not change the fact that the modern prog left in this nation are disgusting and openly racist.
shiloh = booooring.
Boring. But clever with the b-/b. Really makes the point with those bolded triple parentheses! Damn, shiloh! That's so attention getting.
Again. Boring.
Chief Mojo's link has a link to a video of the unionists when Governor Palin is speaking. Several give her the finger (and very proudly with it up very high....as in they want her to see it) and most chant in unison to the Governor: "Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you"
opps - I see Chef Mojo already posted.
Chef Mojo, medication is available for your total infatuation w/me. It probably won't do you any good, but it is available ...
btw, you have officially been added to my ever growing AA Groupie list.
I really get a kick out of mentioning you. Why not? After all, you have a style that makes garage mahal read like Oscar Wilde in terms of originality, humor and pithiness. Which, when you think about it, is quite a feat in and of itself.
Meaning, you're boring. Unoriginal. A hack.
You're tepid
wv: whanta: I don't whanta be a pinhead no more! shiloh's theme!
btw, you have officially been added to my ever growing AA Groupie list.
Ah. shiloh keeps lists.
How Nixonian of you, shiloh!
Have I told you lately that I find you boring? No?
While I don't think most of the protesters intended to boo the national anthem, maybe there is still a lesson here:
If you are going to be a disruptive jackass, the burden is on YOU to be aware at all times of the things that you are disrupting.
I hate to tell you this, Mr. Mojo, but everytime you mention S. he comes a little.
The din that the counter protestors generate does not allow them to hear what they are protesting. So true. I think the Tea Partiers should take advantage of this weakness. Have a six year old girl, dying of leukemia, go to the platform to exclaim how much she loves her mommy and America. Record them booing her. Maybe even shouting obscenities at her. That would show what democracy looks like and bring the undecided over to their cause.
Let the record show Paco Wové is totally preoccupied w/self-stimulating sex as are many of AA's conservative lemmings.
So next time Palin comes, just blast the National Anthem on continuous replay, and no one will ever say anything..they'll be too busy showing respect.
it's wrong if not unfair and deceptive.
No. Someone dies in a house you burn down, its murder not just arson.
You're an asswipe that wants to shout down a 14 year-old-girl and, while you're booing screaming at her to SUCK KOCH! you miss the national anthem? You just booed the national anthem.
I lived long enough in and around Madison to know that there are some there who would boo the anthem. But they're in the minority for sure.
But there are many many more people there who applaud or approve of this this sort of disrespect.
Michael_Haz wrote: Some protestors booed the national anthem where I was, even though a few of us turned around, told them that it was the anthem, and asked them to stop their booing.
Don't make me choose between believing Althouse or Haz.
Have I told you lately that I find you boring? No?
Yeah, Shilho is much less adept/adroit than the other contrarian characters who have come and gone around here.
Meade and I have observed some of the most raucous rallies at the Capitol over the last 2 months, and the national anthem was sung many times, by the protesters themselves, and we witnessed respect for the anthem.
It was cover, the same way they went on and on about "respecting their right to be heard".
BTW, what was the trash-on-the-ground aftermath? I haven't heard a thing.
AA, your conservative lemmings doth protest too much re: my adroit, veracious posts.
GM: "I wouldn't click on a Breitbart link if my life depended on it."
The modern liberal: Closed-minded and proud of it!
Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them.
Charles Bukowski
Shiloh: AA, your conservative lemmings doth protest too much re: my adroit, veracious posts.
The little libtard finally found his thesaurus.
Still boring?
Men will pay large sums to whores for telling them they are not bores.
W H Auden
Well, if the shoe fits, shiloh...
wv: messin: Ha! Messin with the shiloh!
Yes, some did boo the National Anthem, but you see, they were so busy shouting obscenities at the TEA Party speakers they were unaware the Nations Anthem was playing.
Chef/Fen, you've already made my distinguished ;) AA Groupie list.
just sayin'
/ignore Libtard
Well, at least someone likes you...
I like boring things.
Andy Warhol
Oh! That's right. Andy Warhol's dead!
Never mind...
Chef/Fen, you've already made my distinguished ;) AA Groupie list.
Always with the lists!
Are you Santa Claus?
I don’t know about bores. Maybe you shouldn’t feel too sorry
if you see some swell girl getting married to them. They don’t
hurt anybody most of them, and maybe they’re all terrific
whistlers or something. Who the hell knows? Not me.
J D Salinger
Just sayin'...
I really don't know what satisfaction you all get with the name calling. "brownshirts", "scumbags" ... what's with that?
I assume that you feel the same way about those act like that on your side? You know the ones who yelled and made threats at town hall meetings, stepped on a woman's head because she was a "threat" at one of your rally's, and spew simplistic, vile, derogatory rhetoric across the airwaves hour after hour etc etc etc.
I was there yesterday and I'm as much a patriot as you are. I believe in our country and will stand up for what I believe is right. I just don't buy into these corporate sponsored mouth pieces (walker, fitzgerald, palin, breibart) that do the bidding of wall street and their corporate bosses to the detriment of all of us.
Quite frankly in your frenzied desire to prop each other up I think you missed some very good observations in this blog.
Just another little pertinent observation:
“The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly greater than that of any other animal.
H L Mencken
shiloh! Own the boredom!
Wow, if this post is indicative of the quality of the "New Meade Media," then you really need a beginner course in journalism, Ann.
You claim that assertions are being made to smear anti-Tea Party protesors, but don't you don't quote or link to any evidence of this.
If you're going to be a reporter, then you need to cite sources. This is the internet.
LINK. Or it didn't happen.
Your own blog posting is the first Google return on this issue, which suggests that it's all bullshit made up controversy.
Please link us to your source material and start acting like a professional journalist.
Not Dan Rather.
You know what the biggest problem with being boring is?
A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it.
Henry Ford
Man, when you've got Henry fuckin' Ford pegging your ass, you might oughta stop trying to be boring.
Give it a little effort, shy-low! A little variety! A little bit of verve!
Quite frankly in your frenzied desire to prop each other up I think you missed some very good observations in this blog.
Indeed! but AA's conservative blog can't function w/out ad nauseam, liberal bogeymen. And slingin' 24/7 ad hominens/expletives/profanity at their minority opposition.
It's how AA's majority flock rolls ...
Is "Wis-con-sin" Oneida for "land of the Eternal Buttmunch" or what?
Bad people.
Here is actual - LINKED - video of the anti-Tea Party protesters booing and cat-calling and otherwise disrespecting during the National Anthem.
Don't take Ann's word for it ... watch it yourself:
Kind of convenient that Ann didn't get this on her video because she "mishandled" a button.
You "push" the button, Ann, to record.
If you're going to be the "new media" you probably are going to learn how to "push" a button.
If you're going to be the "new media" you probably are going to learn how to "push" a button.
Life is a continual learning process.
The modern liberal: Closed-minded and proud of it!
Breitbart is world class lying Drudge flunkie. No possible reason why I would click on his link.
On the Anthem, it was so loud where I was I didn't know it was on until people quieted down.
gl: I really don't know what satisfaction you all get with name calling. "brownshirts", "scumbags" ... what's with that?
I assume that you feel the same way about those act like that on your side? You know the ones who yelled and made threats at town hall meetings,
They didn't do that. When a congress-critter dodges your questions with bullshit spin, interrupting him to repose the question is not "yelling and making threats at town hall meetings". Quit swallowing the swill they feed you.
stepped on a woman's head because she was a "threat" at one of your rally's
Again, no. A security guy stepped on her shoulder to keep her down because she kept resisting. And yes, she was a threat. She rushed the SUV and hit the guy with her sign.
and spew simplistic, vile, derogatory rhetoric across the airwaves hour after hour etc etc etc.
Take your "civility" meme and stick it up you ass.
I was there yesterday and I'm as much a patriot as you are.
Shouting down the other side. Begging "teabaggers" to let you suck their balls. Screaming at a 14-year-old to SUCK KOCK!. Booing the national anthem.
Yah, don't flatter yourself. You're no patriot.
I believe in our country and will stand up for what I believe is right. I just don't buy into these corporate sponsored mouth pieces (walker, fitzgerald, palin, breibart) that do the bidding of wall street and their corporate bosses to the detriment of all of us.
Socialism is about slavery. And slavers deserve to be shot in the street.
"Yes, but they didn't know they were doing it. And when they realized, they stopped."
No, only some of them stopped when they found out. The videos people have posted are remarkably good at showing the truth here, and I'm not sure why people feel like they need to deny this. I don't get in a twist over it, but I know some will. Best to deal with the truth as it is and set aside partisan, ideological bullshit.
THANK YOU for your honesty Ann Althouse.
Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are billed to death, those who are worried to death and those who are bored to death.
Winston Churchill
And, shy-low? You're. Boring. Me. To. Death.
"Some protestors booed the national anthem where I was, even though a few of us turned around, told them that it was the anthem, and asked them to stop their booing. The same thing happened during the Pledge of Allegiance."
Gee, Ann, it seems like some of your commenters were at the same event you were and witnessed - first hand - booing by anti-Tea Party protestors during the anthem and Pledge of Allegiance.
And they're uploading actual video of it that certainly appears to show liberal Democrats booing and otherwise disrespecting the National Anthem.
How do you square your account with the accounts of your commenters?
Are they liars?
Seems they booed everything that got in their way...including the anthem. But wait she cries...I saw them say it a couple of times...I swear!!!
And they're uploading actual video of it that certainly appears to show liberal Democrats booing and otherwise disrespecting the National Anthem.
To be more precise, the videos show liberal Democrats booing after they become aware of it.
Again, AA likes (((playin'))) both sides of the fence and getting shit on by both sides ...
Shiloh reminds me of Ratmo, a second rate mind with a big mouth, and a penchant for performing filthy sex acts on grandmothers--Ratmo that is. Shi's got a third rate noodle; she's just as boring, though. She might be a Ratmo sock puppet, a poor one, but that would be consistent--boring, stupid, and lame.
Hey, you could teach these women a thing or two!
The only way a woman can ever reform her husband is by boring him so completely that he loses all possible interest in life
Oscar Wilde
Had to save ol' Oscar for later, you boring putz.
C'mon, shy-low. Yer not even tryin'!
Of all the things that don't matter, showing respect for the National Anthem is pretty close to the top.
It's a gimmick for crowd control.
If you like the National Anthem, hum it to yourself.
Say the pledge to yourself occasionally, too. You might want to leave out "under God" because it has no respect for meter.
Both of them serve as a curse on serious people.
If you didn't see the video from the Portland rally, you need to.
Not safe for work, or much of anything else. Don't click if you mind hearing/seeing profanity, and a lot of it. (Captions included.)
This behavior seems more like a feature than a bug to me, but then, I wasn't there.
wv: convinth...I am convinthed thethe people are ath bad ath they theem.
rhhardin: Of all the things that don't matter, showing respect for the National Anthem is pretty close to the top.
So you've moved from "it didn't happen" to "it doesn't matter that it happened".
"Again, AA likes (((playin'))) both sides of the fence and getting shit on by both sides ..."
Let me make something perfectly clear: I am not shitting on anybody.
What I'm doing is offering a critique of the New Meade Media's news-gathering practices.
This post is a perfect example of how NOT to do new media reporting.
Ann claims that some blogs are asserting "unfair and deceptive" allegations. But ... she doesn't link to any blogs making such assertions. She doesn't link to any video of the National Anthem being sung during the protest despite the fact that YouTube is LITTERED with uploaded video of it.
She could have linked to that video and allowed us to make up our own minds. Instead, she made un-sourced allegations of deception and deliberately did NOT link to video she KNEW was on YouTube.
That's bullshit and unprofessional.
If you're going to step out into the public domain and assert that you are the "new media" then you had better damn well do it professionally and correctly.
We don't need more Dan Rather's.
Making blind assertions of "unfair and deceptive" posts without linking to anything is bullshit. It's "old media" gatekeeping.
And it won't go unchallenged.
Hey Ut
This is a frick'n blog, not a "news" source! It's an amatuer video!
I don't need to take anyones word for it. I was there about 20ft from the speakers and I couldn't hear a thing ... maybe they should have turned up the volume and put something up on the jumbo tron (man, where did they get the money for that!).
Maybe it was a conspiracy, a trap to make it look like all the counter tea party rally folks are scum and un-american. then we can post the video and say look at these scumbags ... haha gotcha ... just another simple minded piece of rhetoric that all the like minded thinkers will soak up.
WARNING! Boring HTML bolded triple parentheses alert!
Now, if you were doing bolded triple brackets, it might be a slight show of originality.
Not likely.
The disruptive unionistas that stood next to our group booed during the anthem. I turned to a guy and asked "You're booing America?" He looked down sheepishly.
One union guy had milk jugs with rocks in them which he continually shook throughout. His sole goal was to prevent those around him from hearing the speakers.
I'm kinda feeling like the guy at the end of Chinatown: "C'mon Jake, its only Madison."
To be fair, Palin did get periodic cheers from #wiunion. When the jumbotron momentarily blacked out about 5 times.
"I don't need to take anyones word for it. I was there about 20ft from the speakers and I couldn't hear a thing"
Then post a link to your video.
You see, it's simply too easy to make unsourced and undocumentable blind assertions.
If you have video of liberal Democrats singing the National Anthem at this rally respectfully, then post a link to it.
YouTube is littered with video demonstrating for anyone who cares to view it that liberal anti-Tea Party protesters booed, cat-called, yelled and were generally disrespectful during the singing of the National Anthem at this event, video which belies the entire premise of this reporting that Ann has done.
This post is a perfect example of "old media" practices. It's shoddy work.
gl: This is a frick'n blog, not a "news" source! It's an amatuer video!
Ha. No, its actually been *the* news source, along with GatewayPundit, to get daily reporting and video of that the MSM doesn't want to show you.
Which helps explain why your comments are so ignorant.
Maybe it was a conspiracy, a trap to make it look like all the counter tea party rally folks are scum and un-american. then we can post the video and say look at these scumbags ... haha gotcha ... just another simple minded piece of rhetoric that all the like minded thinkers will soak up
Yes, that must be it. Hundreds of video uploaded revealing the Brownshirt Union Thugs. Conspiracy.
If you keep sticking your fingers in your ears like that, your head will not explode.
And here's some tinfoil for ya.
You know where few moments when a couple of speakers said things that both sides agree on (NOT breibert, NOT McKenna, NOT Palin lol) and there was no way the momentum, and emotion, could change on a dime to acknowledge it.
Maybe another day when the crazy ones aren't put up to speak for the normal folks. Or maybe when the normal folks don't buy into the crazy's.
Gosh Fen,
I didn't realize I offended you so ... my apologies. Now maybe you can sit back and take a deep breath ... wouldn't want you to get all worked up
This is really a metaphor for everything that's gone wrong with the Democrat party. Everyone is busy shouting down the other side and booing and raising a ruckus that no one is bothering to listen to what exactly they're booing. They know its bad. How? The other people booing assure them it is. That's all they need to know.
Oh, and by the way ... I don't recall seeing a single person wearing a brown shirt yesterday. A little to cold to go out without a jacket. So maybe you mean brown jacket?
gl, here is a thought that perhaps [hopefully] you can wrap your brain around:
if the anti-TEA Party protesters didn't want to be thought of as rude, foul mouthed neaderthals, perhaps they should have stayed at home. I don't recall the Wisconsin TEA Party supporters should them down when they were getting Marxists like Michael Moore-on, Richard Trumka and Susan Saradon to speak at their rallies. If you want to be thought of in a positive light, it requires polite behavior.
That was missing from your CPUSA funded crowd of anti-TEA Party protesters. All they did was prove that they are nothing but a bunch of useful idiots.
Garage: Man, you have to be proud of your side showing up and making it impossible to listen. That is what Democracy sounds like I suppose. In the meantime every time your side does that it pisses off the normal, quiet people who let other people finish before they talk. Your side will win in the end, of course, because it has no moral compass other than its own appetites that that absence is coupled with a disdain for any kind of rule or tradition. After the rich are gone you can go get a job from a poor person. You have probably never been to Russia or to China before they became Capitalists, but that is the world you seem to be hoping for. PS. You will not get to own a BMW in that brave new world because even then, sadly, you won't rank.
"Wow, Althouse gets lambasted by her own people because she has the guts to be honest."
Nobody is asking her to be "honest."
We're asking her to LINK us to her source material so that we don't have to take her word for it. We're adults. We can make up our own minds.
Dan Rather told us he was being "honest" with us too. But that was bullshit also.
Actual video of the event clearly shows anti-Tea Party activists booing, yelling and generally being disrespectful during the singing of the National Anthem (for whatever reason ... perhaps because they didn't hear it being sung.)
If Ann has evidence that shows something different, she has an OBLIGATION to link us to that evidence and not try to force her readers to take her word for it.
That's OLD MEDIA gatekeeping.
And we're done with that.
No, its actually been *the* news source, along with GatewayPundit,
Hehe. The same Gateway Pundit that photoshopped a bullseye on a DKos diary and tried passing it off as real? Honest question: Do you guys really believe this kind of crap, like for real?
gl: Gosh Fen, I didn't realize I offended you so
Oh I see, you're were just pretending to be an honest observer while you play the "don't have a another meltdown" tactic.
Typcial Union Scum. I hope you watch your family starve to death. You parasites cant' die off fast enough.
Hey Retire
Yeah, I can understand what your saying but I don't think the "tea party" is as lilly white as you would like to present. But that's a discussion for another day.
I also think it would be best to minimize the induendo's regarding peoples brains and name calling such as "idiot". Might be a good place to start.
Garage: The same Gateway Pundit that photoshopped a bullseye on a DKos diary and tried passing it off as real? Honest question: Do you guys really believe this kind of crap, like for real?
I know that I don't believe you. Link it.
Or will this be like your "Palm trees in Wisconsin FRAUD!" that actually had Wisconsin captioned when it was about Wisconsin, and Unopn Protests captioned when it was not about Wisconsin...
You have anger management issues, seriously ...
Sounds to me like Anne is making excuses for the anti-tea party people. Maybe if she did not see it/hear it for herself she won't believe it. What does that say about her respect for the people on this site who post frequently and have made the comments that they saw it for themselves? Or are the folks who post here just good for her own personal gain, i.e. gaining noteriety in the blogging world?
My own personal expereince is that when the national anthem started, and I had anti-peoeple behind me with cowbells, a bleach container filled with beans or something to make a shaker, and their big mouths going like crazy, they DID NOT STOP what they were doing. Do I have video - no- so believe what you will. (I was located to the left of the big screen and you could CLEARLY hear that the anthem was being sung.
"Ut, why do you read Althouse if you do not trust her reporting?"
I don't need gatekeepers who require me to "trust" their reporting (especially when that reporting seems to be 180-degrees at odds with actual video of an event).
The point of my criticism is that the old media operated on the principle of "trust."
The new media cannot.
The new media operates on the principle of the LINK. On the principle of providing people SOURCE MATERIAL.
If Ann was merely expressing an opinion critical of some aspect of the Tea Party then I have no real problem with her expressing herself. And debating her.
However, in this post, she claimed that "bloggers" were being "deceptive" when offering their criticisms of Democrats booing during the National Anthem (video of which actually shows booing during the National Anthem).
That goes beyond mere criticism of Tea Party platforms or policy. In this post, Ann made allegations of deliberate deception and if she's going to make such allegations then she hase an obligation to LINK us to her source material.
Old media required us to "trust" them. And we did. And look how that turned out.
New Meade Media cannot operate in that paradigm.
Do Tea Partiers eat their own,
in a feeding frenzy of anger at hearing someones truth if it doesn't match their own?
They knew very well that they had to at least look like they respected the anthem.
Jesus, Ann, can't you see how lame that is. I'm sorry but patriotism isn't an act, or an image you project only to get your way.
Stop apologizing for these losers and let them bury themselves as they so desperately want.
@applecake, not really. The right-leaning regulars fall into two camps, the larger of which thinks that if the anti-tea party faction isn't going to at least wait to hear what's going on before they start in with their boos and chants and slogans, then they properly deserve blame for booing the national anthem. A few of us think that the Professor deserves credit for her even-handedness.
The left-wing trolls are, as usual, doing the electronic equivalent of throwing fecal matter.
Does that clarify matters?
Fen said...
I know that I don't believe you. Link it.
The article included an image of Rep. Giffords and a bull’s eye, along with a list of politicians.
The only problem is that the original post did not include a photo of Giffords or the bull’s eye.
So did Hoft "accidentally" photoshop a bullseye on his post? LOL
My wife's family emigrated here (to the colony, then) in 1629, but they still honor their ancient Scottish heritage, their Cameron Clan.
Their battle cry was “Sons of dogs, come here and eat flesh.”
A fitting curse, I think, for trolls embedded on this blog, but likely well beyond their intellectual capacities to appreciate (HINT: The Scotch/Irish middle Americans are the volunteer army and backbone of the Tea Party).
As my wife says, they were the most badass clan.
"My own personal expereince is that when the national anthem started, and I had anti-peoeple behind me with cowbells, a bleach container filled with beans or something to make a shaker, and their big mouths going like crazy, they DID NOT STOP what they were doing. Do I have video - no- so believe what you will. (I was located to the left of the big screen and you could CLEARLY hear that the anthem was being sung."
Again, here we have Madison commenters who say they attended the rally confirming two things:
1) Video cameras are cheap, cheap, cheap. You can get a Flip on Amazon for under a hundred bucks. If you can press a freaking button with any precision at all, then you can operate a video camera.
2) Many people in the crowd took sad note of the disrespect shown by anti-Tea Party bussed in Democrat Party protesters booing, yelling and generally being disruptive and disrespectful during the singing of the National Anthem - in direct contradiction to the premise of this reporting Ann has done.
We don't have to take anybody's word for it because plenty of video demonstrates that it did occur.
And being critical of it occurring neither "deceptive" nor "unfair."
Showing an attitude of respect is the glue that holds a society together. The Leftards are trained not to show respect so that society is destroyed. They then have 2 options: 1)charge a high ransom for respect and offer to save society while they rob society, or 2) Let it all be smashed forever. The Leftards are OK with either option. Obama's gang is presenting those same 2 choices about the USA defaulting on its debt as we speak. Some one has to call their bluff without fear of the consequences. Any takers???
"Do Tea Partiers eat their own,
in a feeding frenzy of anger at hearing someones truth if it doesn't match their own?"
No, we keep our own honest.
We're not into cocooning. We're not into Democrat Party groupthink.
We don't care about "someone's truth." That's a bunch of Democrat Party New Age horseshit and we're fed up with it and everything that paradigm represents.
We won't let YOU fuckers get away with it and we damn sure aren't going to let OUR side get away with it either.
We're going to get it right this time.
So glad that for some of you having an extra $100for a video camera seems not to be such a big expense.
Your world is not everyone's world.
Big Mike, is there a real possibility that Ann's observations were honestly reported and perhaps some Tea Partiers just DO NOT allow anyone from veering off the party line? As I said before you folks are you own worst enemies. Should she have LIED to keep her right wing readers satisfied that all anti tea party folks are disrespectful when the National Anthem is played? She has observed times when the Anthem was sung in the Rotunda, and the Lefties were respectful. Is it so hard to understand that it was LOUD out here and there was a REAL
possibility that many did not realize the Anthem was being sung? Patroitism isn't exclusive to the right wing.
The brownshirts tended to get a bit more physical than booing and yelling.
Let's not exaggerate.
She's not. The Brownshirts didn't start by getting physical. The Holocaust didn't start with putting people in ovens. It all started the way I've been telling you:
A bunch of crazy, cultish NewAge beliefs that no one could talk the Leftards out of, or convince anyone else were a danger.
No surprise, but those are the same crazy, cultish NewAge beliefs the Leftards hold in America today.
So, Robin's not exaggerating, you're simply not paying attention. The danger is the same, but you're only thinking about the end result, and not how they got there.
I wouldn't click on a Breitbart link if my life depended on it.
Translation: I don't want to know what I don't want to know.
"So glad that for some of you having an extra $100for a video camera seems not to be such a big expense."
Fair criticism.
Here's one for half that price.
Video cameras have become cheap and ubiquitous. If you're going to a controversial event you really should take one.
But you do have to "press" the button to actually record video. Some people haven't yet mastered this crucial technique, but really once you do it's quite simple.
" ...is there a real possibility that Ann's observations were honestly reported and perhaps some Tea Partiers just DO NOT allow anyone from veering off the party line?"
The "new media" doesn't work on the theory of "trust." If Ann has evidence of bloggers being "deceptive" and "unfair" she has an obligation to LINK US TO those bloggers she is smearing with her allegations.
Nobody said her allegations aren't true.
What we've tried to point out is that the LINK is the coin of this realm.
We don't have to TRUST media gatekeepers any longer and anyone who attempts to set themselves up as "the truth-giver" will be eviscerated.
You know the ones who yelled and made threats at town hall meetings, ...
For the last time:
That's what townhall meetings are for - for politicians to hear their constituents.
To equate townhall meetings with this is completely wrong.
These are the people who vote for Congresscreeps like the Dick from Illinois, Teddy Kennedy, and Murtha.
PS Mojo, the troll hasn't changed his lines in more than a year so he only is as bright as his writers.
And take a look at his avatar. "Yes, We Can" over a picture of an astronaut walking on the moon.
Poor little maroon doesn't even know Little Zero has ordered and end to manned space exploration.
PPS He is a Moslem since his father was one. whether he's apostate is another matter.
Let me make something perfectly clear: I am not shitting on anybody.
What I'm doing is offering a critique of the New Meade Media's news-gathering practices.
This post is a perfect example of how NOT to do new media reporting.
Oh, sit down and shut up. This is two people with a camera telling you what they saw - not CNN - and none of the rest of us expect that. We think we know them, understand their biases, but trust them to tell the truth. (They have that in common with FOX News, actually.) We also know they're a big boy and girl who can stand to hear the truth, whether they'll agree with it immediately or not.
Your critiques aren't right or fair:
They are not what you seek.
Ut: thank you
Translation: I don't want to know what I don't want to know.
I wouldn't click on your website either. But for different reasons.
Triple brackets! [[[ ]]]
Yeah! That's the ticket!
Wow, Althouse gets lambasted by her own people because she has the guts to be honest. You Tea Partiers are your own worst enemies.
Wow, you guys really don't understand where you are or what happens here, do you? Oh - wait, you're Libtards, I forgot - well, welcome:
This is called free speech.
Big Mike, is there a real possibility that Ann's observations were honestly reported and perhaps some Tea Partiers just DO NOT allow anyone from veering off the party line?
Wow. That's pretty insulting to those whose experience differed from Ann's.
I think Althouse is honestly reporting what she saw and heard. I also think others who saw something different are doing the same.
Don't assume people who saw objectionable behavior are liars, just because Ann didn't see what they saw. Upthread, I posted a link to the video of the Portland Tea Party. If you think it's just impossible that people on the left would be disrespectful to American traditions like the national anthem and the flag, you should watch it.
I'd like to hear your impression. I've been trying all day to get someone on the left to condemn the behavior - maybe you could be the first to take me up on it.
Oh, and Apfelkuchen, as much as we like/love Althouse, no one here is "her own people". We're also not Rush Limbaugh's people, or anyone else's.
I know - you're a Libtard:
These are difficult concepts for you to grasp.
"it's a good trick to start singing the anthem, while video-recording.... though maybe that's not properly respectful of the anthem."
Are you trying to insinuate that it was a spontaneous thing, singing the anthem, to try to make the anit-tea party protesters look bad?
It was planned for that time in the program. If the antis hadn't been so intent on trying to disrupt others constitutional right to free speech they could have heard it. Of course, it's my belief that they did, and some just chose to disrepect it.
You should only report what you saw. With that large a crowd, you couldn't possibly know all that happened yesterday.
"If you think it's just impossible that people on the left would be disrespectful to American traditions like the national anthem and the flag, you should watch it."
Is there anyone remaining with the delusion that it is impossible for the left to be disrespectful of American anthems and traditions.
They utterly despise them all and have no problem telling you precisely why they hate America.
I wouldn't click on your website either.
And you've been so missed,...incredible.
"You should only report what you saw. With that large a crowd, you couldn't possibly know all that happened yesterday."
Hear ye, hear ye, Stephanie!
And along the way, Ann, do not disparage others who had different experiences.
Crack: "Oh, sit down and shut up."
Shut up, he explained.
You sound just like a liberal Democrat.
Go fuck yourself.
I won't sit down. And I won't shut up. Just because you don't like to hear what I'm saying.
Lombardi Chick, anyone who is disrespectful when the Anthem is being played DOES deserve to be criticized,what most of you want to hear though is that NO liberal at the rally yesterday perhaps REALLY did
not near th anthem. IF there were Lefties that did hear the anthem and did continue to make noise, shame on them. IF there are Tea Partiers here who REFUSE to hear anything other than hateful rhetoric towards those on the left, shame on them too for being ignorant and closed minded. I find it very interesting to see all the infighting amongst the tea parties, you people are going to implode one day because of your unrealistic "purity" tests. BUT you all just go right ahead, we will be waiting and watching with interest.
Hagar, you haven't been paying attention have you?
hasn't changed his lines in more than a year
Have only been here as a semi-regular for 2/3 mos. but my AA Groupie, edutcher, is soooo damn obsessed w/me he thinks I've been here more than a year ...
Yea, I'm your worst nightmare little buddy. :-P
So many AA Groupies, so little time.
"Do Tea Partiers eat their own ..."
By the way ... Ann Althouse is a Democrat who voted for Barack Obama. She is not a member of the Tea Party.
"I find it very interesting to see all the infighting amongst the tea parties, you people are going to implode one day because of your unrealistic "purity" tests. BUT you all just go right ahead, we will be waiting and watching with interest."
It's a shame that never happens within any other group, right?
Well, I tried to approach this objectively.
I watched 3 videos. Clearly the anti's heard it, and most didn't give a shit.
I'm with Ut on this one.
Alhouse should have realized her blog post was going sideways when she used "anti-tea party protesters" and "respect" in the same sentence.
The two don't even belong on the same planet.
That part of the Left is truly clueless, isn't it?
"I find it very interesting to see all the infighting amongst the tea parties, you people are going to implode one day because of your unrealistic "purity" tests."
Ann Althouse is not a member of the Tea Party. She is a lifelong Democrat who voted for Barack Obama.
It's hardly infighting or "purity testing" to criticize her when she engages in shoddy "new media" reporting of the kind evinced in this post.
Ut, so why do all you Tea types read her blog so faithfully? If that is true, no wonder I like her so much. No wonder you Tea types distrust her. Why does Vicki McKenna portray Ann as some sort of compatriot? This is all quite interesting. You folks are all so confused, at least we libs know WHO we are and what we stand for. I know my last sentence will be an opening for a barrage of insults, you all are so predictable, except maybe Ann.
Where did Fen go? Maybe he had to mow the lawn
" ... why do all you Tea types read her blog so faithfully? If that is true, no wonder I like her so much. No wonder you Tea types distrust her."
There's that word again ... trust.
It's not about "trust." Haven't you been paying attention. Gatekeepers depend on trust.
If Althouse believes that she can slip into the gatekeeper mode, and begin to post allegations without linking to her source material, then she's making a mistake a LOT of people in the past have made.
The "New Meade Media" does not operate in the realm of trust. The coin of this realm is the LINK.
Ann alleged that some unnamed bloggers were posting "deceptive" posts and videos alleging that Democrat community organizers were being disrespectful to the National Anthem.
Lo and behold, she didn't link to any of these unnamed bloggers. And lo and behold, she "mishandled" her camera during the crucial moment so there was no video to link to.
And yet ... many of her commenters were also at the event and witnessed widespread booing and disrespect on the part of angry Democrats. Lo and behold, OTHER videographers who weren't fumbling with their equipment at the crucial moment were easily able to capture evidence of Wisconsin liberals disrespecting the singing of the National Anthem.
The "new media" is not about trust. It's about linking and showing and proving.
We don't need another Dan Rather who voted for Obama telling us about the memos. Requiring that we trust him that they're real.
I read this blog because it's interesting, informative, widely linked to and thus is influential. It's powerful. And it has commenters who aren't toadies to the author.
I intend to keep it honest by being critical of it when it makes stupid mistakes.
UT, I don't see Ann's right wing readers demand a link when they agree with her. I don't advocate TRUSTING anybodies word only IF they agree with one's own premise.
What exactly is a "tea type"?
This issue is so tiresome and inconsequential, I can't believe you people have been yammering back-and-forth about it all day. Who cares who shows sufficient respect during the singing of "To Anacreon In Heaven"... I mean "The Star Spangled Banner"? The more important, and indisputable, fact is that a large portion of the mob of pro-public-union protesters had no qualms about deliberately trying to disrupt and drown out others who were exercising their right to peaceably assemble and speak. That alone is a singularly grave indictment against them and evidence of their intellectual and moral bankruptcy. It's the tactic of children who do not have the faculty of reason at their command. At its worst it's the tactic of fascists. That's the real offense against America committed by these people, the same people who have been allowed to speak, shriek, sing and do whatever else they desired, virtually unobstructed and unconstrained, for almost two months now.
Who cares how they behaved during a song? It's how they behaved otherwise that's the problem.
"I don't see Ann's right wing readers demand a link when they agree with her."
That's because she doesn't HAVE any "right-wing" readers.
"What exactly is a "tea type"?"
A "tea type" is, I assume, the same as a "tea bagger" and a "tea tard": THEM, as opposed to US. It has less to do with actual ideological disagreement than it has to do with tribalism, that ever-vexing remnant of our savage past that continues to cause otherwise rational people to slur, hurt and murder each other even after all those eons of civilization.
Palladian, does it bother you that Michigan and soon Wisconsin will have financial Martial Law and that your voice as a voter will be nullified? THAT scares me worse than a bunch of shouting liberals.
"Who cares how they behaved during a song? It's how they behaved otherwise that's the problem."
Yes, it is the problem. But by reveling in their disrespect of the flag, and the anthem and the pledge, a picture emerges which places their other actions into a larger context.
They hate America and everything about it.
They don't believe in free speech ... as evidenced by their attempts to shut down speech.
They don't believe in honor, or family, or country ... as evidenced by their disrespect of the National Anthem and Pledge of Alliegance.
It's important to show their disrespect of our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our Anthem and our Pledge in the largest context possible.
So that there cannot be any disagreement about the depravity of the foe we face.
Of the enemy we have within.
They don't believe in free speech ... as evidenced by their attempts to shut down speech.
They didn't shut it down. They were just louder. What a bunch of babies.
What's "financial Martial Law"? And how will my voice as a voter be "nullified"? The only time I feel my voice as a voter is nullified is when people continually try to use mob tactics to overturn the results of several elections.
"What exactly is a "tea type"?"
A "teabagger" is a person who pays income taxes.
A "leach" is the person who gets those tax dollars for free in the form of obscenely high salaries, pensions and benefits, also known as a "government employee" or "public employee union member."
Ut, what a bunch of hogwash. Liberals are every bit as patriotic as any American. My daughter is a liberal and a Democrat and she serves in the Navy as Hospital Corpsman,AND she will be going to Afghanistan with he Marine Unit she is attached to this year. THAT is why the right wing is in trouble, such an inability to see beyond their own biases.
"They didn't shut it down. They were just louder. What a bunch of babies."
So it's all about who is "louder"?
You're talking about a bunch of people attempting to drown out and disrupt a speech by hooting and banging cowbells. A bunch of babies, indeed.
"THAT is why the right wing is in trouble, such an inability to see beyond their own biases."
This coming from the contingent who are unable to hear anything beyond their own cowbells.
"They didn't shut it down. They were just louder."
That all you got, Garage?
Come on dude, you're a member of the Fourth Reich. Get comfortable with it. Some people fought in the resistance and some people went along.
You're going along.
If you win, the high-speed trains will run on time. So there's that.
Good luck, dude.
Ut, showing your true colors now. Union workers and those who are sympathetic to them are also tax payers. YOU know this , why fall back on stupid talking points. So predictable.
"Liberals are every bit as patriotic as any American. My daughter is a liberal and a Democrat and she serves in the Navy as Hospital Corpsman,AND she will be going to Afghanistan with he Marine Unit she is attached to this year."
I thank you and her for her service to her country.
I hope she does not die in vain so that liberal Democrats like those in Wisconsin can drown out free speech in this country.
That would be the saddest outcome of all, wouldn't it?
what a bunch of hogwash. Liberals are every bit as patriotic as any American.
Apf get w/the program ie AA's daily meme of inane generalizations that liberals are unAmerican and the cause of every thing bad happening in society.
No deviations allowed lol as at least Ut is onboard:
They hate America
They don't believe in free speech
They don't believe in honor, or family, or country
yada yada yada
Talk about tiresome ...
but AA has most of her flock very well trained w/the Limbaugh daily talkin' pts.
Hey, all I ask for is consistency! :D
"Union workers and those who are sympathetic to them are also tax payers."
I said nothing about "union workers." And you know it.
I said "public employee union members."
"Public employee union members" are not net tax payers. They are net tax RECEIVERS. They are the people who GET our tax money that we labor for. They're a bunch of overpaid, over benefited, entitled assholes.
They are OUT. OF. CONTROL.
And we are going to end their reign of terror in this country.
So it's all about who is "louder"?
Protesters have as much right to free speech on that piece of real estate as Sarah Palin does. Or do you have rules how far they must stay away from the speaker, or how loud they can be? I don't recall you crying last year when the Tea Party Townhells were in full force. Yesterday the TP was hugely outnumbered. Deal with it.
YES, Ut, that would be heartbreaking to me and her siblings and other loved ones. She would disagree with you though that the right wing hasn't had their turn to speak loudly and clearly and be heard. How much Sararh Palin do you have to hear anyway, she said the same thing over and over again at $100,000 a crack. Good thing Daddy Warbucks Koch has lots of money.
Ut, I stand corrected, PUBLIC UNION workers ALSO pay taxes for pity sake.
"Protesters have as much right to free speech on that piece of real estate as Sarah Palin does. Or do you have rules how far they must stay away from the speaker, or how loud they can be?"
This is how the left operates. If they can't win the debate, there won't be a debate.
If they can't dominate, they'll bomb us ala Bill Ayers and Barack Obama.
There's only one way to deal with a bully and that's to punch them back twice as hard - just like Obama taught us.
It's probably time to get to the fucking punching part.
It's the only thing they respect.
LOL. Ok Ut. You keep punching w/ your keyboard.
"I stand corrected, PUBLIC UNION workers ALSO pay taxes for pity sake."
Then let me correct you again, because you seem to be unable to grasp the concept.
"Public employee union members" are NOT net tax payers. They are net tax receivers.
They are the ones who GET the taxes that ordinary Americans are forced to pay.
That these public employees pay a small portion of OUR money back in taxes that THEY then receive in the form of higher benefits and pensions is irrelevant, really.
On net ... these leaches GET the money WE pay.
They are the leaches.
We are the slaves.
"You keep punching w/ your keyboard."
Yea, and it's not working.
Maybe I should join a militia.
Ut, I hope you aren't talking about physical violence, because if you are, try punching my daughter and she will make sure your family jewels will be embedded where they will never again be seen. The left knows how to fight back, don't forget it.
What's "financial Martial Law"?
Michigan has a new law wherein the Gov can appoint to a city an Emergency Financial Manager of his (her?) choosing, and that EFM can do just about anything they want to do.
Something like that.
apfelkuchen: Here's to your daughters safe passage. She will return to you safe and sound, grown up and a liberal no more.
And when you wrote "Palladian, does it bother you that Michigan and soon Wisconsin will have financial Martial Law and that your voice as a voter will be nullified?" You do realize that the liberal and union protesters in Madison have been trying and will continue to nullify the votes of last fall? Financial martial law is what you have when liberals decide to confiscate the corpus of your 401K because it is bigger than you need or deserve. It is coming with a boost from you.
I don't think the anti-Tea Party protestors would try to drown the National Anthem in a sea of boos. Why would they? They didn't come there to disrespect their country. They don't hate their country.
But if you believe so dearly that anti-Tea Party people are un-American and out to destroy the country that they hate... well, then you could promote this story and it would fall right in line with your preconceptions. Evidence? Schmevidence!
Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with booing the National Anthem. Booing a person like Sarah Palin who is trying to speak in an effort to make sure she can't be heard... that's certainly wrong. But the National Anthem is not a person. It is not trying to speak. It's just an icon that could use a good dose o'clasm.
LOL,Michael, my daughter is 39 years old and has been in the Navy for many years. She is an intelligent and strong liberal like her mother, me.
[i]Michigan has a new law wherein the Gov can appoint to a city an Emergency Financial Manager of his (her?) choosing, and that EFM can do just about anything they want to do.
Something like that.[/i]
So it would be a little like the EPA for Republicans, but less powerful and intrusive?
garage mahal said...
Protesters have as much right to free speech on that piece of real estate as Sarah Palin does. Or do you have rules how far they must stay away from the speaker, or how loud they can be?
Actually, the Tea Party had permits for their gathering on that particular piece of property. The union jerkoff's permit was for a different piece of property. So, yeah there are actually rules. Too bad the police officers who are also union members don't value the oath they took, or they would have done their job and kept them seperate.
That's why there shouldn't be PEU's.
By Ut's standards all military personnel are also net tax receivers, except the ones who have been KIA etc.
So basically Ut is at war w/the military also if his meme is to remain consistent!
btw, as mentioned previously, when I joined the USN I was an independent liberal and when I was discharged likewise. Although when you join the military you do become very nationalistic. And Reagan was my C-in-C from 1980 to 1988. No biggie as left went on as per usual.
Anchors Aweigh !!!
Apfelkuchen said...
How much Sararh Palin do you have to hear anyway, she said the same thing over and over again at $100,000 a crack. Good thing Daddy Warbucks Koch has lots of money.
And, another lie. Palin was not paid one thin dime for her appearance.
Gee... I guess they weren't disrepectful after all... since yelling coke sucker and other expletives is just fine with Ann and she probably thinks the union goons were really respectful to coke. I saw the pictures of the rallies... there were hardly any over on the union goon side since they came over to harass the Tea Party people. What a bunch of useless excuses for human beings... what is really funny is that in all of the videos of Breitbart and Sarah Palin speaking, you could barely hear some booing from the union idiots... so, they actually were yelling at themselves.... ha ha ha.
They didn't shut it down. They were just louder. What a bunch of babies.
So if Obama comes campaigning to one of these towns, and we're able to gather enough people to pound drums, rattle bleach bottles, blow horns, and scream profanity so that he cannot be heard, you'll be perfectly all right with that.
shiloh said...
By Ut's standards all military personnel are also net tax receivers, except the ones who have been KIA etc.
So basically Ut is at war w/the military also if his meme is to remain consistent!
The military is an actual constitutional function of the federal government. EPUs really aren't.
C-in-C from 1981 to 1988 ~ as life went on as per usual.
Under Carter in 1980 E-5 and E-6's got a 14% pay raise. The largest pay raise under Reagan was 4%, but he did try to increase the fleet to (600) ships falling short by about (20). Reagan was a weapons friendly president ~ military personnel, not so much.
So if Obama comes campaigning to one of these towns, and we're able to gather enough people to pound drums, rattle bleach bottles, blow horns, and scream profanity so that he cannot be heard, you'll be perfectly all right with that.
Sure, why not?
If you can't even respect the national anthem or even the pledge of allegiance, why should you be afforded any deference of respect and not be called anti-american. You deserve it and I don't are who you are.
The military is an actual constitutional function of the federal government. EPUs really aren't.
True, interesting in Iraq/Afghanistan under cheney/bush much of the security/construction etc. was subcontracted to Halliburton, Blackwater/Xe etc. as these industries did quite well under Bush43's hierarchy.
Lot of grey area in the U.S. Constitution ...
"Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with booing the National Anthem."
See. They'll boo and also tell you why they don't think there is anything wrong with it.
Why not?
Because it's hard to hear when someone is pounding drums.
This post was written in response to this comment in the previous post, which has a url to a YouTube video titled "leftists booing star spangled banner." I'm not linking to that video because it doesn't deserve a link.
I find it very interesting to see all the infighting amongst the tea parties, you people are going to implode one day because of your unrealistic "purity" tests. BUT you all just go right ahead, we will be waiting and watching with interest.
No offense intended, but I think you're imagining this entirely.
Oh, and in case you didn't accept my invitation to watch that video: In it, people on the left declared that they "wipe" their "ass" with the American flag every morning, made obscene gestures and graphic comments to the person recording the video, and said, in apparent response to "God bless America,", "God sh** on America."
I don't doubt your word that you know some patriotic liberals, but there's a breathtakingly ugly left wing out there, and it's easy to find. You have to be willing to look though.
True, interesting in Iraq/Afghanistan under cheney/bush much of the security/construction etc. was subcontracted to Halliburton, Blackwater/Xe etc. as these industries did quite well under Bush43's hierarchy.
Oh noes, the evil Boosh was outsoucing security and construction functions overseas? How horrible!
But now that the great Obama's in charge, all that stuff is being insourced back into the government, right?
Oh, it's not?
Uh, er, nevermind, then.
"By Ut's standards all military personnel are also net tax receivers, except the ones who have been KIA etc. So basically Ut is at war w/the military also if his meme is to remain consistent!"
Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
But I'll engage your point anyway by informing you that members of the military are not union members and are legally prohibited from becoming members of a union.
Public employees (members of the AFSCME, for example), are not tax payers (they're taxpayers in a broad sense, but not tax payers). They are net tax receivers.
They GET what WE pay.
And that'swhy THEY'RE trying to drown out free speech. They want us to CONTINUE to pay because they're a bunch of fucking leaches.
We should punch them the fuck back twice as hard.
shiloh said...
The military is an actual constitutional function of the federal government. EPUs really aren't.
True, interesting in Iraq/Afghanistan under cheney/bush much of the security/construction etc. was subcontracted to Halliburton, Blackwater/Xe etc. as these industries did quite well under Bush43's hierarchy.
Lot of grey area in the U.S. Constitution ...
Sooo, there are no civil servants that are employed by the military other than the eeeevil Halliburton & Blackwater? And, sorry, but I didn't know Halliburton & Blackwater were PEUs.
"I'm not linking to that video because it doesn't deserve a link."
You're not linking to that video because it totally belies your entire post and you don't want people to see that video of leftists booing our national anthem.
This is the "new media?"
I'm embarrassed for you.
We're big boys and girls. You don't need to hide videos from us. Link us to them and we'll make up our own minds.
Don't try to be a gatekeeper.
Won't work at any rate.
Actually Maguro, I agree Obama is a hypocrite re: Gitmo, Habeas corpus, keeping/increasing troops in Afghanistan, not bringing all the troops home in cheney/bush's exercise in futiliy which was Iraq, etc. etc.
Yes many liberals are totally pissed by his many non-logical flip/flops.
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