१ मार्च, २०११

"Unlike probably everyone else watching Charlie Sheen these days, we think this 'train wreck' (as some are calling it) is probably the best we've seen him..."

"... and (having mutual friends) we applaud him mightily for it. He looks and sounds more like his father than ever. His nothing-can-take-me-down attitude, in the face of this wimpy, middle class, wet rag nanny state finger-wagging opinion is winning. This is a man, owning his actions and insisting everyone else come clean and take responsibility for theirs as well.... [A]ll too often, we see too many powerful beta males in this country... We've become a cautious, conformist, inoffensive, non-risk taking, arrogant, lying bunch of NewAge pussies who think if any woman... says she or others don't approve, then some form of public contrition and apology is called for. Well, screw that. Neither she, or the public, are Charlie Sheen's mother and even if his parents disapprove, he's a grown-assed man who refuses to be a part of whatever milquetoast existence the rest of you think is good for gaining social approval from a worthless feminized culture-killing clique. He didn't ask for it, doesn't need it, and isn't angling for it. He's a man. He's rich. And he's free."

That's Crack Emcee, taking a macho look at Charlie Sheen.

It's funny, I was just saying to Meade that people don't rant against "conformity" anymore — not like they did in the 50s and 60s. What got me going wasn't Charlie Sheen. It was my Bloggingheads with Timothy Noah, which, for various reasons, made me think about the way liberals, including liberal media folk, talk to each other and feel emotional rewards for saying what they all say back and forth to each other. They become so immersed in this feeling of belonging that they don't even hear the things that are not the things that they've been saying back and forth to each other. And my question is: Why does that feel so good? Why doesn't that immersion feel like drowning? Why don't you want to surface into the air and be free — to think about everything, from any perspective, and to find out for yourself what is true and what is good? You are a human individual: Don't you want that?

३०२ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   302 पैकी 201 – 302
Automatic_Wing म्हणाले...

@ScottM - Just a bit of sarcasm.

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

Society will keep bitching about this long after his employers.

Is there a point to that statement? Sure “society” talks about Britney Spears too, but LEGALLY she’s free to do as she pleases…if you’re trying to tell society to SHUT UP, well they ain’t going to happen, humans being what they are… and Mr Sheen liked the POSITIVE Publicity, so he has to take the NEGATIVE publicity, too.

sakredkow म्हणाले...

Doesn't it depend on the particular woman? And whether its chivalry or machismo or batshit crazy, doesn't it depend on how the particular man pulls it off?

Lucius म्हणाले...

@Joe: I don't quite get your point.

I'm not up-to-the-min. on what Britney is up to: but I imagine drugs have something to do with her routine as well?

As with any well-heeled Hollywood cash cow, the SWAT team is unlikely to come busting down Sheen's doors, regardless of how many illegal narcotics are on the premises.

I no more imagine Britney's excesses are confined to legally immaculate 3-somes than are Sheen's. I daresay they stand in exactly the same dock, so to speak.

Anyway Sheen seems fine with his publicity. Does he have the self-consciousness to distinguish 'good' from 'bad' (in publicity as in morals?).

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


If they are alphas, how is it that the betas are walking away with the rewards?

Laws and the Boomer culture that made them - and there's lots of them. There are so many things against being a regular guy now, it's amazing there are any left.

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

My point was, “So what?” So society will make a big deal of this longer than his employers? Ok and the sun will come up tomorrow…these are all true statements, but not particularly Earth-shattering in their implications. OBVIOUSLY we’ll be talking about Sheen for weeks, and then someone else will occupy the Lohan Seat of Negative Publicity and Sheen will fade from our consciousness. And in a few years he’ll be found dead in his apartment of a drug overdose or erotic asphyxiation and that’ll be that…

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"By what age is your manly force supposed to have dissipated?"

I'm not sure it does dissipate as much as get drained out of you by the betas and feminists with their endless tiny cuts, while always claiming to respect your freedom and be willing to "defend to the death."

Being a man is a lot about defending from the threats of the outsiders. When the attack is from within, men really are at a fundamental disadvantage and will lose if they don't leave. Many have left.


The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Freder Frederson,

Drinking, whoring, druggie, gambler Charlie Sheen (and the character he portrays on Two and a Half Men) must be the archetype American. At least I think that is what Crack, Ann and you are trying to say. . . .

Not me - I'm talking about freedom. A man should be able to live his life without (for instance) CBS deciding to take away his livelihood when there's no connection between the two, except - ha! - the character he plays is Charlie Sheen.

Kind of hypocritical.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Crack, if this self-pleasuring ape is your idea of manhood...I hate to be condescending, but it makes me feel sorry for you, Crack.

Hey - ever heard the phrase "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"? Everybody doesn't want a "normal lifestyle" and, I say, if he ain't hurting anybody, that's on him.

And Charlie Sheen is only a great "idea of manhood" compared to all the other wimps who will let society push them down and around.

Also, in case no one's heard, hanging out with hookers and drugs is FUN!

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

Not me - I'm talking about freedom. A man should be able to live his life without (for instance) CBS deciding to take away his livelihood when there's no connection between the two, except - ha! - the character he plays is Charlie Sheen.

I’m religious, 12 Step experienced and libertarian…and there’s NOTHING wrong with CBS taking away Charlie’s “freedom.” They are Charlie’s employer, and they may impose restrictions upon Mr. Sheen…he’s at liberty to reject them and seek alternative employment if he so desires. It’s akin to the “morals” clause in most professional sports contracts…Mr. Sheen can STILL “live his life” assuming he can afford the coke and the pRon stars still show up when he isn’t making $2 million per show….NOW if the pRon stars and the $2 million are INTIMATELY related, as I suspect, then Charlie has a choice to make…

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

And Charlie Sheen is only a great "idea of manhood" compared to all the other wimps who will let society push them down and around.

That verges on idiocy…sorry. Being a crack-addled whore-monger doesn’t make you anything positive and it ignores the millions of men living their lives for their families and doing the right thing, even if that thing isn’t nearly as “fun” as snorting coke and running about with pRon stars…

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Joe (The Crypto Jew),

AA’s not a “Cult” it’s hardly “New Age”…it’s been around over 80 years…

The length of time this particular cult has been around is nothing in it's favor:

Homeopathy's been around for 200 years.

Lucius म्हणाले...

@Joe: I don't deny that Sheen might deserve (or need) some punitive repercussions in his life. He might be capable of some really dastardly things.

I just think you're giving CBS some kind of moralistic motives that simply aren't there.

And, as I think Crack is implying, Sheen's particular brand of screw-you macho might be a bit more compelling than the eyelash-batting deference of a Lohan or Britney who wants to Please Be Excused whenever she runs into serious legal trouble.

"Two and a half Men" is lowbrow and vulgar, yes. The man did only two great movies, many moons ago.

But there's a tiny kind of (in his own word choice) grandiosity about his defiance.

Anyway, if you're libertarian on drugs, you would admit he *should* be allowed to make those personal choices, yes?

And surely you don't believe CBS (or any comparable employer) gives a damn about his drug consumption?

This is a battle of egos btw. suits at the network, versus a macho-man actor who may be a sad spectacle, morally considered, as a human being-- but he's an apeshit-huge TV star. Everyone has always known he's *always* been like this. It's only made an issue now, because his pissed employers would like to run him into the ground, irrespective of how good or poor a job of doing said running his own sexual/drug/personal excesses are doing.

Scott M म्हणाले...

The man did only two great movies, many moons ago.

You're counting Hot Shots and Hot Shots: Part Deux right?

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

Yeah I got it Crack you don’t like 12 Step work…I figure you’ve got a problem with the “Higher Power” thing..OK. Please don’t confuse, not doing AA with being “free”…
I saw the first question on the site and the next question is, how many of a given cohort of ANY recovery program would get their 1 year medal?

I’ve seen at least one study that says AA, individual therapy and group therapy all work…for differing folks, but I’d imagine at a fairly low success rate…being as “Cocaine is a helluva drug” so’s Valu-rite Vodka, according to the Ewoks at AoSHQ

And Lucius
But there's a tiny kind of (in his own word choice) grandiosity about his defiance.
I can find that same grandiosity at any number of bars or Salvation Army parking lots at 4.00 AM, the only difference they aren’t as clean or well-dressed as Sheen nor are they on GMA….

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

All joking aside ScottM I loved Platoon… it’s about the ONLY Oliver Stone movie I can stomach…the firefight where Defoe dies is a marvelous depiction, as far as I can tell, of small unit actions and how confusing they can be…and the “bad guy” was bad, but extremely competent…all-in-all it was a very good film, that happened to have Sheen in it….But yes the Hot Shotswere classics, too.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Don't Tread 2012,


Not one iota, not one bit of humility detectable in this pathetic example of an 'adult' male.

Fuck humility. Humility is demanded by all the losers. They've used that bullshit on me for years, "Why can't you show some humility" as they tried to crawl over me. Then, when I finally fell down, those tender souls wasted no time in kicking me. HARD. I buy none of it.

Not to mention, the biggest purveyors of humility - the Buddhists - when they get the opportunity to really prove it, are no better at living than anyone else.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


These strippers probably had fathers like Sheen. That's how they ended up strippers and prostitutes.

Bullshit. Not in all cases. One of Charlie's favorite girls - and my friend - has a father who was a photographer for TIME Magazine. Damned nice guy, too.

You're living in a world of stereotypes.

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

Not to mention, the biggest purveyors of humility - the Buddhists - when they get the opportunity to really prove it, are no better at living than anyone else.

*WOW* You mean human beings don’t live up to their standards!>! Oh Noes 11111eleleventy111111 Who knew, then don’t have any standards is what I say!
Humility is VITAL, Crack, without one ends up akin to Gov Ventura, or Sheen, a fool pontificating on TV and being seen as the fool…not “false” humility, but humility, a humbleness that we are NOT Yhwh, but have been tasked by Yhwh, nonetheless…

jr565 म्हणाले...

Sheen is in deep denial, and his friends on his show should thank him for costing them their jobs and their money. It's all well and good to bite the hand that feeds and stick your finger in the eye of the nanny staters. But then don't threaten to sue for your job and for money you think is owed to you.
Businesses don't have to accomodate junkies, crazies and flakes and he is all three. And if you bite the hand that feeds don't expect it to feed you anymore, Charlie.
I'm sure he can get a job on the Apprentice with the other has been flakes, and/or appear on a bravo show about his life as a playboy who dabbles with porno stars. He'll make a mint.Circus shows often make as much as real stars.
But I don't see him doing that much in the way of legitimate television anymore.
I will give him credit though. It has been fun to watch in a perverse kind of way and when he burns his bridges he REALLY burns his bridges.
I'm wondering if Jon Cryer would ever even return his calls.

Lucius म्हणाले...

@ScottM: Yeah, that works.

@Joe: Look, I won't deny that, from the Olympian Heights Sheen's antics just look miserable and foul. But then, so does 90% of the behavior that a libertarian-- or hell, even the Classical Liberal-- worldview shrugs at.

And I just can't quite go with the total-equivalence thing between him and the average deadbeat druggie. Not to go all Keith Richards 'drugs don't affect me', but clearly Sheen is presently *functional*, even if he's a spoiled a-hole.

Maybe you think people like him shouldn't be empowered by multimillion-dollar salaries in the first place. Maybe you're right. But they give it to him for some reason. He has something they want.

And vis-a-vis AA (not Althouse, the other), I can respect the help it gives a lot of people, but from what I've known of people in it, there's a lot of New Agey talk that goes well beyond a simple deistic deference to a Higher Power. I've known AAers to talk positivity-talk that would make Ralph Waldo Emerson blush. These were good people, who I respected. And I've been known to traffic in a bit of Emerson myself. But, sociologically speaking, that New Agey thing is there.

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

These strippers probably had fathers like Sheen. That's how they ended up strippers and prostitutes.

Bullshit. Not in all cases. One of Charlie's favorite girls - and my friend - has a father who was a photographer for TIME Magazine. Damned nice guy, too.

You're living in a world of stereotypes.

Bad parenting doesn’t just involve cocaine, it involves lack of love and attention failure to set boundaries, and the like…Being a photographer at Time means NOTHING and says NOTHING about the man’s ability to parent…

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Charlie was very good in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

I've been wondering where these guys get this "biting the hand of the people who made him a millionaire" shit from.

Charlie Sheen was "Charlie Sheen" long before his TV show. As a matter of fact, going to television was originally considered a step down.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Crack Emcee wrote:
A man should be able to live his life without (for instance) CBS deciding to take away his livelihood when there's no connection between the two, except - ha! - the character he plays is Charlie Sheen.

Ok, so suppose an actor is found to have child porn in his house and is arrested for soliciting ten year olds to be his love slave. Are you telling me that a network has to keep him on the payroll? Many companies have moral clauses. But those entering those jobs know that those are the rules.A company isn't obligated to keep someone on who violates the rules and then thumbs his nose at them.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Crack, you once said, in relation to your wife leaving you, that you would have died for her, yet she abandoned you for a charlatan.

You've lost me completely with that one, deb. Care to explain?

Scott M म्हणाले...

Fuck humility. Humility is demanded by all the losers.

Humility is one of the greatest forms of self-defense one can have. Not widely advertising one's capabilities and boasting about one's accomplishments means they have zero idea what you're capable of until you act. Then, when you let the actions speak for themselves, they have zero idea what you're further capable of.

This is the way the men in my family are raised. Braggarts are to be avoided, if possible, but relied on, never.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Joe (11:19), the best I can tell, the one thing that makes Sheen better than his hippie drug-den orgy buddies is the fact that some of those hippies might go on to marry one of the women he ejaculates upon.

Making said hippie a "beta male" and the lowest thing in Crack's universe.

Sheen, on the other hand, degrades, debases, and defiles these evil female creatures, showing them nothing but a few hundred dollars and the back of his pimp-hand. Which is admirable, apparently, in Crack's world.

Crack, I'd love to hear a rebuttal to my characterization of your position.


Who in the world says you've got to "love", or even "fall in love", with the people you "party" with? What planet are you living on? I still get invitations to party with the girls - I don't, but so what? They're my friends. I'm not going to marry them.

Your wanting to portray sex as degradation says more about you than anybody else.

We just came to party.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Crack Emcee wrote:
Charlie Sheen was "Charlie Sheen" long before his TV show. As a matter of fact, going to television was originally considered a step down.

Right, so he's obviously difficult to work with. His bad behavior and fading looks probably knocked him out of most film rolls, because most directors probably heard about his antics and decided they'd rather go with a guy more talented but also less Charlie Sheen. They're probalby thinking, hmmm should I go with the dependable guy or the guy with the three strippers and the coke party who might shut down production beucase he's out being charlie sheen and wound up in a hospital again. I'll go with the dependable guy.
Charlie is not in his twenties. He's a middle aged man acting like a clown. And he'll quickly find that the more he behaves like Charlie Sheen the more doors close to him, becuase most businesses don't want to deal with the Charlie Sheens of the world. At this point, absent some major contrition on his part I'm thinking he can get a reality show like Ozzie that goes into his zany antics with his porn girlfriends and highlight what a flake he is (though lovable) or he can always do porn.

jr565 म्हणाले...

and of course he might realize that his mind is too great for such pedestrian things as film and movies and a career. His mind that no mere mortal can understand. He's just too deep to grok.

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

…and highlight what a flake he is (though lovable) or he can always do p**rn.

The pRon star I read said the “act” wasn’t anything to write home about, with Mr. Sheen…as I understand it that can be a problem with cocaine usage…so no pRon may be out, it has to last a bit longer than 30 seconds….he’s “pulling” pRon stars not because he’s some macho behemoth but because he has lotsa Benjamins! You know womyn who have sex for money …only it’s absent the film crew, but mayhap not absent all the cameras, not because he’s good in bed.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Black men are, on the whole, saner and more realistic in their outlook on women. That's one of the reasons that macho, black men are very attractive to many white women.

The overblown chivalry of most white men is really dreary stuff, and it displays a most unrealistic and silly attitude about the sexuality of women and the nature of their desires.

This is one of the reasons that the dominant white culture is seen by so many other cultures as virtually sexless. In particular, the egghead, professional white culture is seen, in my experience, by Asians and blacks as an almost entirely neutered culture.

The wimpy chivalry of white men is a horrible thing... and one of the main reasons that feminism was able to gain a foothold.

Preach it, Brother. And, if anyone thinks he's wrong about that, then explain this - if you can understand it, that is.

They're seducing your daughters, turning them out, and you lames can't even grasp how. here, I'll give you this much:

P-i, m-p, ology, but logically

We learnin these hoes biology, and obviously well...

madAsHell म्हणाले...

By what age is your manly force supposed to have dissipated?

Manly force?! No, it's more like a monkey on your back. I gotta get some, or I'm gonna explode. It's difficult to study physics when genitals are screaming for relief.

Dissipated? I probably dissipated in my late 20's. When I was 17, I could re-hydrate, and re-load in less than 20 minutes....and I did!!

Thinking back....I don't think the women enjoyed it as much as I did....and I apologize. Professor, I'm sure you suffered through this kind of abuse as well.

Now in my mid-50's, twice a week is a record, but I hope for once a week. I've got internet access for a back-up.

Now...back to Mr. Sheen. Why is he behaving like a 17 year old??

He has to be getting some hormone cocktail to make him mad for girlie-action again!

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

The wimpy chivalry of white men is a horrible thing... and one of the main reasons that feminism was able to gain a foothold.
Considering that “Chivalry” is a vestige of a WARRIOR CULTURE, I find your claim, “interesting” to say the least…..

Lucius म्हणाले...

--Is that girl getting out of the pool or going in?

--Oh, that answers it.

--No wait, do we really know?

Oliver Stone rolled his eyes at the idea of working with Charlie again a long time ago. I guess that says something . . . .

word verification: "nonsub", the way a woman should be.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Joe (The Crypto Jew),

Yeah I got it Crack you don’t like 12 Step work…I figure you’ve got a problem with the “Higher Power” thing..

Your first problem is you lead your every argument from your own assumptions - which have nothing to do with whatever the person you're claiming to be listening to says - which is rude.

I don't like cults. AA is secretive, controlling, and based on nothing but what it's leader - good ol' Bill W. - said. There is nothing to claim they're successful but the word of their followers because they don't release that information and don't speak on those who quit. The whole thing is a lie.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Charley Sheen has made a lot of money for a lot of people, and even now when not working continues to do so. He has likely bought a number of people their kids college educations, down payments on new homes. etc. and he hasn't hurt anyone to do it.

I think it's unfortunate that our culture pays so much for the kind of work he does, but it's honest work and succeeds in a free market.

It's strange to me that all that buys him nothing in our society but scorn for choosing to live differently than most of us. It really is all about him conforming. He does his job exceedingly well, apparently, and isn't asking for anything other than to be left alone to play with consenting adults.

If he was not so arrogant about it, I suspect there wouldn't be so much hatred, but his self opinion should not be so important to us to override all else.

I think he's a little goofy and a terrible guy to get married to and stupid about some things, but mostly I just find his portrayal of Charley Sheen entertaining and interesting. The writing is a little derivative, but is new enough to keep me watching.

WV: "sycluti" "Goddesses"

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Sheen is in deep denial, and his friends on his show should thank him for costing them their jobs and their money.

I love how you guys keep blaming him for CBS' decision - which he vehemently disagrees with.

Talk about denial.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Joe (The Crypto jew),

Bad parenting doesn’t just involve cocaine, it involves lack of love and attention failure to set boundaries, and the like…

So now her father doesn't love her - another assumption - when I'm telling you I met the man and he loves her dearly.

Wake the fuck up, man, you're tripping.

Lucius म्हणाले...

In all seriousness, his "Goddesses", just from what we're seeing (but then, I don't follow porn) seem perfectly well-spoken, for Hollywood 'bimbos'.

I mean, Sheen's domestic scene could be a lot worse, right?

Pastafarian म्हणाले...

Crack said: "...and, I say, if he ain't hurting anybody, that's on him."

No, he's not hurting anyone.

Other than the 19-year-olds that serve as a receptacle for his dirty-old-man-goo.

And the babies that he pays to have ripped from these girls' wombs.

And the sane people subjected to this numbskull's smug blather about tiger blood and fire melting steel.

And his own children, who not only grow up essentially without a father, but get to enjoy a public humiliation beyond anyone's wildest imagination -- to be labeled for the rest of their life as the spawn of this amoral idiot.

Good for him. Snort and fuck away, Charles.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Sociologically speaking, that New Agey thing is there.

Yeah, I've noticed how few people clicked the links in my post, which tells me they probably aren't looking at the one I put up about AA either.

it's just total denial - and, even worse, it's conscience and willed - just like all of NewAge is.

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

The I don't like cults. I don't like cults. AA is secretive, controlling, and based on nothing but what it's leader - good ol' Bill W. - said. There is nothing to claim they're successful but the word of their followers because they don't release that information and don't speak on those who quit. The whole thing is a lie.
And the fact it requires a Higher power of Your Understanding would have NO effect on an militant atheist such as yourself, I see…will you next be selling me a bridge in Brooklyn?

AA is secretive, No it isn’t you can go to the AA website, pick up the Big Book of AA, read the 12 Steps, read the Problem, read anything you like about AA….what you CAN’T do, and that is only because we don’t is TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS OR WHO IS AT AN AA MEETING…Gee go figure on an “Anonymous” organization asking it’s members keep their anonymity!?!? Unheard of….

controlling, No it isn’t…I know literally DOZENS of folks who came, and found it wasn’t for them and left….no dead cats, no dead fish, no nothing…we don’t tell you where to live, what to eat, or who to vote for….

and based on nothing but what it's leader - good ol' Bill W. - said. Unlike CrackEmcee’ism..oh wait all we have for CrackEmcee IS his words…well now I’m confused….

There is nothing to claim they're successful but the word of their followers Who don’t drink or snort cocaine or over-eat, but beyond THAT what have the Romans done for us?

because they don't release that information We don’t release because we don’t compile it…nothing prevents YOU from compiling it though Crack….

and don't speak on those who quit. The whole thing is a lie. Incomprehensible Sheen-berish…I don’t speak on those who quit because they quit…what would I say of them?

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

So now her father doesn't love her - another assumption - when I'm telling you I met the man and he loves her dearly.

Wake the fuck up, man, you're tripping.

Now the person suffering from New Agism is YOU, Crack…you can love your kids all you want, but unless you express it adequately and set boundaries, make yourself present in your child’s life you aren’t PARENTING them…it’s the sort of New Age bullsh!te of “Quality Time”…Quality Time ISN’T Disney World, it’s showing up for their Little League Games…”Loving” your daughter isn’t being on assignment for Time and absent from her life the bulk of her life, no matter what you TELL her, what he showed her is what she learned….Geeeeez, “Love”; my abusive parents LOVED me Crack, they just did a bad job of rearing me…yo’re heading off into your own form of New Age silliness, you know.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Ok, so suppose an actor is found to have child porn in his house and is arrested for soliciting ten year olds to be his love slave. Are you telling me that a network has to keep him on the payroll?

Charlie Sheen ain't doing that - nor is he doing anything they didn't know about since the beginning of the show.

Many companies have moral clauses.

Not this one, if they hired Charlie fucking Sheen.

A company isn't obligated to keep someone on who violates the rules and then thumbs his nose at them.

I agree. But the scenario you're describing never existed - it's pure fantasy. That's the crime here. A more accurate portrayal is of a company that violated the rules and thumbed it's nose at the actor.

Just as a few of you, based on your sense of some higher morality, seem to think is O.K.

It's not O.K. - you're wrong - and your flight into Fantasyland to make your case proves it.

Paddy O म्हणाले...

"If they are alphas, how is it that the betas are walking away with the rewards?"


The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Crack Emcee wrote:
Charlie Sheen was "Charlie Sheen" long before his TV show. As a matter of fact, going to television was originally considered a step down.

Right, so he's obviously difficult to work with.

Gawd, you guys just make this shit up! Find proof of that. You've got the man's whole career to comb over and Google. Do your worst.

I say you're a fantasist and a liar.

This is also a perfect example of why I consider beta's dangerous. You'll do anything.

Pastafarian म्हणाले...

Crack said: "Your wanting to portray sex as degradation says more about you than anybody else."

Not all sex, Crack. Just the kind that takes place between a 45 year old drug addict with no teeth, too much money, and an intense hatred of everything other than himself; and a 19-year-old stripper.

Do you consider this a beautiful thing, an elevating experience for the girl, as she's wiping the Sheen-splooge off of her face and picking up the wadded bills he threw at her afterward?

I'm no prude. I'm a father of daughters. I'll go out on a limb and wager you're not.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Joe (The Crypto Jew),

The wimpy chivalry of white men is a horrible thing... and one of the main reasons that feminism was able to gain a foothold.
Considering that “Chivalry” is a vestige of a WARRIOR CULTURE, I find your claim, “interesting” to say the least…..

He said the "wimpy" chivalry of white men,...funny how you missed that, isn't it?

More denial at work.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Joe (The Crypto Jew),

I don't like cults,...And the fact it requires a Higher power of Your Understanding would have NO effect on an militant atheist such as yourself, I see…will you next be selling me a bridge in Brooklyn?

How many times - really, how many times? - do I have to repeat you can't confuse me with Richard Dawkins? Your assumptions, again, are bullshit - and it's getting tiring. As a matter of fact, after looking at the rest of this post - which has you starting to sounding like a raving cultist - I'll pass.

Toad Trend म्हणाले...


"Fuck humility. Humility is demanded by all the losers. They've used that bullshit on me for years, "Why can't you show some humility" as they tried to crawl over me. Then, when I finally fell down, those tender souls wasted no time in kicking me. HARD. I buy none of it.

Not to mention, the biggest purveyors of humility - the Buddhists - when they get the opportunity to really prove it, are no better at living than anyone else."

I love that response, definitely the 'macho response'.

Fuck humility indeed.

But, my point about humility was about Charlie Sheen, not you, Crack.


Pastafarian म्हणाले...

I hate to do the dictionary copy-and-paste, but -- chivalry, noun: The sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.

Pussy knights, with their foppish swords and armor. Snorting coke and paying women to blow you -- that's machismo.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Joe (The Crypto Jew)

Now the person suffering from New Agism is YOU, Crack…you can love your kids all you want, but unless you express it adequately and set boundaries, make yourself present in your child’s life you aren’t PARENTING them…

I'm going to stop this now because none of you critics are dealing in reality - you're just making things up out of thin air - talking about people I know personally as though you have some special insight and, of course, saying "You're wrong" won't make you leave your imaginations.

I'm sorry, guys, but I prefer reality to fighting the phantoms in your heads.

Amartel म्हणाले...

Charlie Sheen is a truther and comes from a family of "New Agers." He is the walking babbling apotheosis of Entitled New Age Crazy. But, hey, never mind the petty unimportant details. He's "MACHO."

(The hell, you say. This is an overgrown spoiled manchild who has only ever gotten his way. All that's ending now that CBS canned him. He's desperate and has adopted a "manly" persona which plays well. He's not stupid; fooled you, anyway.)

Pastafarian म्हणाले...

As I think about it, there's a line from a Carlos Estevez movie that demonstrates just how macho doing drugs is -- paraphrasing, from memory:

"You smoke this shit to escape reality? I don't need this shit. Me -- I am reality."

Who's the macho guy there? The one saying that, or the one sucking on the end of a shotgun full of pot-smoke like it's a dick?

I just don't see it, Crack. I see nothing even remotely masculine about this slightly-built toothless 5 foot 9 thespian. At least not as I define masculinity.

I see weakness. I see insecurity that drives him to pay for sex (or to pay for them to not make fun of his little blistered wiener). I see selfishness, not selflessness. I see the opposite of courage, the opposite of all the virtues with which I associate true masculinity.

HT म्हणाले...

Right on! Let Charlie Sheen be Charlie Sheen. For goodness sakes, he is a sitcom actor! Now we can't even let THEM be?

Of course this gibes with my take that we are forever medicalizing things nowadays. Ugh.

Crack said: "His nothing-can-take-me-down attitude, in the face of this wimpy, middle class, wet rag nanny state finger-wagging opinion is winning."

I agree, except I think the battle against Charlie Sheen is also about dollars, and what's making dollars these days, I guess, is the 'milquetoastness' that Crack refers to. But it's been, is and will be about dollars.

Ann said: "They become so immersed in this feeling of belonging that they don't even hear the things that are not the things that they've been saying back and forth to each other."

Agreed! 100%


jr565 म्हणाले...

Crack Emcee wrote:

Gawd, you guys just make this shit up! Find proof of that. You've got the man's whole career to comb over and Google. Do your worst.

I say you're a fantasist and a liar.

This is also a perfect example of why I consider beta's dangerous. You'll do anything.

His LATEST rehab was for three months which would derail production of the show during the time he was doing his stint, because he can't control his habits. When they paid Charlie Sheen millions an episode they kind of exepected him to be able to come to work, and not be going to the hospital for drug usages the day before doing a shoot.

Here's the porn star describing how he is smoking coke all night after drinking wine like water then asking her to baby sit his kids.


Relying on the Charlie Sheen's and the anna nicole Smiths of hte world is not a safe bet. All the power to him to be the drug addict he always wanted to be and have a party for a year straight. But I would never hire his ass, unless I was making a reality show about a guy who was this close to killing himself, and seeing if he would do it.
He's not fit for anything but reality tv and/or porn at this point.
And here's Charlie Sheen back in 2010 getting in trouble because of his drug use, which he described as "Just One bad night.


Apparently he has a lot of those. Plus, he has at least two wives claiming he was violent with them, has repeated drug episodes. And on top of everything else he's a truther. I would cut him zero slack just for that alone.

If anyone deserves money it's Jon Cryer for putting up with Sheen's theatrics. Why don't you see Cryer in rehab every week? Because he's responsible and not a moron?

Sheen is like the two Corey's - Corey Feldman and Corey Haim. So cute as kid actors, became unhirable drug addicts who's only interest for most viewers was a prurient one, and a curiosity about how long it would take to find them face down in their own vomit. And have you seen any Corey's acting in any movies lately? No, because noone wants to hire drug addicts adn put up with their theatrics.
All the power to them for living free. Just don't expect paid work if you're in and out of rehab every other week. Charlie is basically the next Corey. Why don't they hire Emilio Estevez to replace Charlie, at least he'll be dependable. Let Charlie bask in the glory that is "Charlie Sheen" and live out his glory days in booze and women, while actual professionals do things like work.

Caroline म्हणाले...

Charlie Sheen is a self-destructive, whoring, alcoholic drug-addict. How does that make him a non-conformist by Hollywood standards?

As for him losing his job, I'd say he is losing it not because of his whoring ways, but in spite of his whoring ways. He got that "role" to essentially play himself. He had a sweet easy gig millions of Hollywood hopefuls would sell their souls for. But like every narcissist he thought he was beyond reproach and could tell his bosses to fuck off. He's losing his job simply because he pissed off his bosses.

He will now be free to run through his earnings on whores and drugs and die alone in obscurity like so many other Hollywood has-beens. In other words, who cares?

HT म्हणाले...

Blogger Drew said...

It's funny, I was just saying to Meade that people don't rant against "conformity" anymore — not like they did in the 50s and 60s.

(This is particularly true of "Greenism," where if you dare suggest that we're not in danger of global catastrophe due to anthopogenic climate change, you become persona non grata. A "denier.")

3/1/11 9:21 AM


This is not true unfortunately. We continue to destroy the environment, liberal governments often leading the way. Liberals are HUGE hypocrites when it comes to the environment. HUGE. The percentage of them that puts their money where their mouths are is WELL less than 25%.

jr565 म्हणाले...

and actually his studio was very supportive of him while he was voluntarily checking himself into rehab.
"Due to Charlie Sheen’s decision to enter a rehabilitation center, CBS, Warner Bros. Television and executive producer Chuck Lorre are placing Two and a Half Men on production hiatus," a statement released today said. "We are profoundly concerned for his health and well-being, and support his decision"

Even though his problems would necesarily hold up production while he sorted out his problems. THen of course Charlie has to spout off at the mouth about his producers and the terrible show and how he's miles above all other actors, and if it weren't for him the show would be shit, and he can cure his addiction with his mind (that really worked so well for him in the past) and how dare they judge me.
They wouldn't have halted production but for him behaving like a drug addict. Once he used his scorched earth justifcation for why they should accomodate his drug use, they then ended production for a year. And it's all Charlie's fault. All the people in Two and a Half men should send him a note saying "Thanks Charlie for being such a dick that we had to close shop because you can't handle drugs and are such a man child. While we do enjoy watching your latest exploits on the Talk shows, we'd prefer to be working and earning money. thanks for bad mouthing us and our show and minimizing all our collaborative work with your tirade. F*ck you Charlie".

deborah म्हणाले...

lol thanks Paddy. I'm going to put the words from your youtube clip here so it won't be missed. Clever Mother Nature:

"Fortunately for the smaller males, the cuttlefish mating game isn't completely dominated by brash displays of power and aquatic wrestling matches. They are, after all, intelligent creatures with a talent for disguise. In order to get to the closely guarded females, some males engage in a little cephalopod cross-dressing. They scrunch up their tentacles, change their colors and suddenly they don't look like rivals at all.

"In amongst all this fighting, this tiny little male comes along disguised as a female and sort of sneaks in the back way," Lucas said. "I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there going, 'Oh, I know that feeling.'"

The large male, thinking he's merely lined up an additional female, doesn't show any concern over the smaller male's presence. The sneaky lothario surreptitiously mates with the female and then makes his escape. The female cuttlefish doesn't play favorites, however. She fertilizes her eggs with the sperm of both males.

"You basically have a two-tiered system of males," Lucas said. "You get big dominant males who control everything, but you also get these little males who can sneak around. The female is covering both bases, so her offspring are going to have the best chance in life. You're going to have some big ones; you're going to have small ones. So it works for everybody.""

Now here's an interesting one for you that my daughter came home from Biology class talking about:


As the narrator describes it, the male flatworm that stabs the other male with his penis, impregnates him.

RuyDiaz म्हणाले...

"[A]ll too often, we see too many powerful beta males in this country..."

Charlie Sheen is not a Beta male. He's not an Alpha male either. He's an Omega male--insane, angry and defiant. There is nothing to celebrate in the man.

Ritmo Re-Animated म्हणाले...

Ok. So obviously "Crack Emcee" is taking enough cocaine to be able to relate to Charlie Sheen.

HT म्हणाले...

kathleen said...

I wouldn't say white men are "overly chivalrous". When I was very pregnant and taking metro in DC, the only men who offered me their seat had brown skin. The white guys wouldn't even look at me -- hardly chivalrous.

3/1/11 1:31 PM


How awful. Either you live(d) in DC and know there are no true white men there, or you were rudely awakened to that fact.

It's the "culture" of Harvard. And that old canard of JFK's ain't a canard afterall. He's right. CHARMLESS.

Joe म्हणाले...

(The Crypto Jew)

I see that Crack is using the “No True Scotsman” argument…Only WIMPY white men, now I see…so anyone who doesn’t conform is a WIMPY White Man, and those who do will meet the definition, pretty funny Crack.

As to the rest I’d say the problem is I’m just a little too close to the truth…Your atheism has NOTHING to do with your problem with 12 Step Recovery, no though I’ve seen this very antipathy, an UNREASONING antipathy from just the same sort of on-line atheist as Step “debunkers”…and of course the girl had a PERFECTLY normal childhood, that’s why she sells herself for sex.

deborah म्हणाले...

Crack, long story short, I side with Pasta, and I think you are buying into a mindset that has gotten the Black family in the boat it's in today. And it's not just a Black thing I'm talking about here, but your belief, which is a CULT of its own, that alpha males (and how you would quantify that, I don't know) are being oppressed.

It's a question of a happy medium. No, it's not manly for Sheen to run around like dick AND ignore his children and cheat on his wives. (You cherished your wife, but give Sheen a pass.) No, it's not okay for selfish women to divorce their husbands and take them to the cleaners when the husbands have done their best.

You know, there are happy couples out there (many of them here), who get it right.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Re: conformist/collectivism I became a Marxist at an early age ...

I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member. ~ Groucho Marx

ok, ok, did join the military in a moment of weakness ;) but hey, Reagan was once, president of a liberal union, Democrat.

When the teacher would ask how many are in favor of such and such and how many don't care. You guessed it as I didn't care.

Sheen marches to the beat of his own drummer, but his drummer could stop drummin' at any time, eh.

Narcissism can be entertaining, just ask Limbaugh ...

orbicularioculi म्हणाले...

I've never been a Charlie Sheen fan, but I really don't care what he says or does. He's obviously delusional. I just wish one of the "interviewers" would tell him, "Charlie, you are just so full of shit and a complete asshole". No one cares.

Second question regarding "liberals" - don't ever look to a liberal for an opinion on anything that doesn't fit the current liberal meme. Liberals don't think, they don't know how.

Don M म्हणाले...

I just want to note that big ego, selfcenteredness, sexual immorality, and use of drugs is about as conformal as you get in Hollywood

jamboree म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Don M म्हणाले...

Reagan had an eye for talent. Among others he discovered or promoted, James Dean, Maryln Monroe (Norma Jean when he met her at the defense plant where she worked)

Reagan delivered the "Do you feel lucky, punk? line to James Dean years before Clint Eastwood turned it around.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Lucius wrote:
It's only made an issue now, because his pissed employers would like to run him into the ground, irrespective of how good or poor a job of doing said running his own sexual/drug/personal excesses are doing.

No. Actually the studio was supportive and halted production because that's how long the rehab was supposed to take, the rehab that Charlie Sheen VOLUNTARILY entered into after being rushed to the hospital after consuming copious amounts of illegal coke, partying with hookers and drinking like a fish. it would be like if he had a heart attack and they halted production until he was able to get back on his feet or it was detemined that he couldn't do the job anymore. His performance is immaterial. They don't want someone who is going to be arrested with large amounts of coke or who turns up on the news dead because he od'd on his drug of choice. they probably cut him too much slack, considering he's done this to them before on multiple occasions. What made them pissed was his arrogance and his calling out of his bosses, and his trashing of the show, because they dared to push him into rehab and saying he had a problem. If he had simply gone to rehab there wounldn't be a story here, except for the "CHarlie Sheen is back in rehab AGAIN" story. Charlie though, rather than accepting he had a problem, wanted instead to bite the hand that feeds him and be such a c*nt, that it would permanently sever all relations with his producer. Well good for him. Mission accomplished. Now he can cure his drug problem with his mind while he's snorting eightballs of his hooker friends tits.
Not only that, he actually finagled his way to having rehab done at his house. talk about the privilidged class. I bet his rehab consists of him staying at home while his "analyst" scores coke for him while he gets a blow job.

Meanwhile, all the people on his production are left holding the bag because he YET AGAIN proves to be an asshole.

Ritmo Re-Animated म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Ritmo Re-Animated म्हणाले...

After initially assuming the guy lost his mind, I watched the long TMZ interview and will admit to the guilty pleasure of getting a kick out of it. Sheen is just intelligent enough to make his delusions sounds sensible.

That being said, there are limits to living and seeing life in that extreme a manner. His ex-wife was a crazy bitch, and even loonier than Sheen himself, so I give him a pass on a good number of whatever child-rearing misdeeds you suppose he's committed.

He obviously knows enough to keep his coke use just regulated enough to be compatible with life, so far at least, and that's only in a physical sense. And after realizing the influence that cocaine obviously still has on his still detoxifying brain, his extremism is interesting - once you listen to his creative and unusual witticisms for long enough. But for anyone to think that his model for living and the philosophy that comes with it are compatible with life, let alone the life he says he wants to provide as a good father, well, you'd have to be smoking crack to think that.

I'm pretty sure Crack didn't come from the best home life and upbringing, so his misapprehensions are understandable. But it gets weird after a while. I await the day when he declares jet engines and modernity itself to be a product of that blasted "new age" thinking. Whatever.

अनामित म्हणाले...

On the other hand, who cares? The only reason this is even an issue is because of our stupid pointless celebrity-worshipping culture. The average person doesn't know how their "representatives" in congress are ripping them off but they know who Charlie Sheen screwed last weekend. I think of Sheen and every other celebrity the same way I think about that annoying fool who lives around the corner; I don't give a damn what any of 'em are doing as long as they're not doing it on my property. I don't approve of CS, I don't disapprove; I just don't give a flying fornication.

Seerak म्हणाले...

It's funny, I was just saying to Meade that people don't rant against "conformity" anymore — not like they did in the 50s and 60s.

The ones who were saying that were the hippies. They stopped saying it after it became obvious that merely wearing different clothes from their parents (if not each other) is the safest, most innocuous kind of "non-conformity" there is... if it could be called that.

You are a human individual: Don't you want that?

They are collectivists ... so no, they don't. They fear it, flee it, and attempt to squelch it at every opportunity.

Revenant म्हणाले...


The point is, it was the show owners' decision to halt production. It wasn't Sheen's. They could have continued without him, or they could have continued with him.

They opted to say that they would only continue with him under certain circumstances, and he said "no". Blaming him for the owners' decision denies that the owners had freedom to choose.

Sheen's a self-involved jackass, true. But they knew he was an actor when the show started. :)

Methadras म्हणाले...

I have zero problem with what Sheen is saying or doing. I don't really care about him, but I do find it refreshingly funny to see this guy sort of lift the veil of hypocrisy that men can be put under. Hey, if he wants to do drugs in the privacy of his own home, fine. Have fun. If he wants porn stars and hookers in the privacy of his own home, fine. Go get them. Let home boy live the dream while the rest of American men live vicariously through him because he's completely lost his filter.

jr565 म्हणाले...

something tells me that Charlie Sheen is going to bhe the next Rick James in comedy sketches. I'm Rick James Bitch!
Charlie, smoking the rock, abusing his wives, winding up in hospitals, shooting his gf, going to jail. I'm Charlie Sheen, bitch!
And by the way, Rick James was a talented mofo. Charlie, not so much. Both were serial womanizers and drug addicts, but at least Rick James could make funky music. Charlie Sheen is only funny with a laugh track.

Revenant म्हणाले...

He will now be free to run through his earnings on whores and drugs and die alone in obscurity like so many other Hollywood has-beens.

He reportedly spent $500,000 on hookers and drugs in the last six months. If he doesn't slow down he'll be flat broke by the time he's 130 years old.

Willys म्हणाले...

Didn't listen to the TMZ interview but did listen to the CNN Pier's thing today while multi-tasking. And don't really care what Sheen has to say or what any interviewer has to ask. But... leave the guy alone. He can walk a straight line, his hair is combed, he's clean shaven and coherent.

Actually, for what I have heard, he sounds a bit like the Noam Chomsky of Hollywood.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Revenant wrote:
The point is, it was the show owners' decision to halt production. It wasn't Sheen's. They could have continued without him, or they could have continued with him.

If they had continued production it would be as like continuing production after someone was in a car accident or a pitcher tears his rotator cuff. Their main star was just rushed to a hospital after smoking inhuman amounts of coke. When someone goes through something like that the natural inclination is to make sure they're ok before they go back to work. But the rehabe is as much for them as it is for Charlie. It shows them that if he comes back he's not going to wind up in the hospital again a week later for the same crap, or wind up in the morgue. And he was the one who checked himself into rehab, they merely agreed with the decision. And it was the right one.
Sheen should have gone in to rehab willingly (not that it would do any good) without so much as a word, except for apoligies to his crew for wrecking their show because of his screwed up personal life. He should have apologized to his producers for paying him so much money and then so screwing with their show. Instead he calls his producer a hateful jew, practically. That's all she wrote Charlie.

Revenant म्हणाले...

"You smoke this shit to escape reality? I don't need this shit. Me -- I am reality."

Who's the macho guy there? The one saying that, or the one sucking on the end of a shotgun full of pot-smoke like it's a dick?

I think you missed a few things in that scene. Like the fact that the guy punctuates that statement with a shot of whiskey. Or the fact that he and the other boozehounds are portrayed as backstabbing racists, while the brave and loyal soldiers -- let by Sergeant Gandhi T. McJesus (or whatever the hell the guy's name was) -- are all potheads.

Oliver Stone, master of the understated message.

Lawyer Mom म्हणाले...

Hey, Joe Scarborough! Are you listening?

Caroline म्हणाले...

RE: why "people don't rant against "conformity" anymore — not like they did in the 50s and 60s."

My take: those people ranting in the 50s and 60s were the baby boomers- and those who wanted to market to the vast baby boomer market- and they were rebelling, as kids do, against "the Establishment". They are "the Establishment" now, so conformity is ok. Most adults are too busy to continually rage against the machine.

As to why don't today's young people rant against conformity, just a hunch: I suspect they maybe baffled as to what exactly today's "Establishment" stands for. We have an anything goes culture, that is sharply divided politically. I think today's teens and young adults have such a vast choice of lifestyles to choose from they are somewhat overwhelmed.

At some point they will be in charge and have to decide what "the Establishment" will look like. Until then they have facebook to occupy their time.

Revenant म्हणाले...


The fact that the show would suck without Sheen is beside the point. They could have continued it.

Saying "our whole show falls apart without you but we'll only let you on it if you follow our rules" is silly. The producers weren't doing Sheen a favor -- they were trying to make money! Either they think they can't make money off Sheen this way (doubtful, he's been like this the whole time the show's been on the air) or they tried bluffing with a weak hand and failed.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Reminds me of the end of Alan Sherman's the rebel.
"soon everyone was saying 'heck'
they said it everywhere
and the rebel said to Rhonda,
"this is terribly unfair,
being hip is getting middle class,
let's you and I be square"
and they did they squared it up.

Rhonda got a haircut,
and the rebel shaved his beard
they were married and children,
which they subsequently reared
they moved out to the suburbs,
and they really disappeared
Wow did they conform.

The Dude म्हणाले...

Charlie, what happened to all your money?

I spent most of it on cocaine and hookers. Guess I wasted the rest.

I'll drink to that!

jr565 म्हणाले...

Revenant wrote:
Saying "our whole show falls apart without you but we'll only let you on it if you follow our rules" is silly. The producers weren't doing Sheen a favor -- they were trying to make money!

Imagine if they didn't halt production and a week later he was back to his old ways and Od'd. Wouldn't it be on them and wouldn't people be asking them why they didn't halt production and let Charlie get some rehab? And how are they making money by halting production?
And if Charlie voluntarily enters rehab, how are they forcing him to follow their rules?
More importantly though, why shouldn't they as his employer get to make the rules? You want to work for the yankees organization, you cut your hair, you want to work on wall street you wear a suit you work on Two & A Half Men and you go the hospital after a cocain binge you go the hospital and get treated and they halt production until their star is fit to report for duty. What's wrong with that? I just gotta me doesn't always work when your'e working for someone else.
And they've given Charlie a lot of leeway, despite multiple arrests, multiple rehabs, allegations of spousal abuse, and what have you and still earns the big bucks.
At the end of the day though, they shut down production to help Charlie. They basically said he needs to get well and that's more important then the show, which will resume production once he's been cleared. But that's not good enough for Charlie. For him, that means the producer is a jew bag, the show sucks, all around him are weaklings. Why, after listening to that tirade would anyone ever work with him again?
Seriously. They already expect the rehabs and the bad behavior. Only when you go to rehab at least make the pretense that you're seriously going to get better. Don't spit in peoples eye. And if you do, don't expect to work with them again.
Charlie Sheen just took a hammer and smashed his golden goose and is now crying like a little bitch about it becuase it's not producing the golden eggs he needs to buy his coke.
What an idiot.

Luther म्हणाले...

"Also, in case no one's heard, hanging out with hookers and drugs is FUN!"

"We just came to party."

I'm short about thirty comments of reading this entire thread.

And the one word I find most strikingly missing is hedonist. Somewhat encapsulated in the above comments.

As that's how I view Sheen, whom I've never, and will never, give a fuck less about. Just like he could give a fuck less about those who pander, for money, to his bullshit.

Crack, I find yours, and Rossies, and all others who spout Alpha bullshit to be just that. Bullshit.

Challenge my Beta, see where it gets you.

You and Charlie, same cult. Cult of cum. What a worldview.

No wonder this country is going to hell.

The Ghost म्हणाले...

I'm not sure the backlash over Sheen has much to do with a "feminized society" and more to do with "female news sources": that is, the craptacular gossip web sites and tabloids that most straight males wish would be the target of a string of assassinations, or Hollywood the target of a nuclear bomb.

Basically, he's "freaking out" because there's no other narrative that fits, and there has to be one. He's behaving erratically, (visibly) illegally, and defying the media, therefore the shit-flingers *have* to talk about him, and since they have to continue to update their readers on every incident, there has to be a narrative. And since "are we talking about this guy too much? Should we just shut the hell up about him?" is never an acceptable narrative in the real media, much less the tabloids, it has to be that he's running "out of control," whatever that means, and "needs help."

Humorously enough, in the self-fulfilling way of many media narratives, he is in fact "self-destructing," because he's behaving standoffishly toward people who will damage his career.

I don't like the man and won't watch his stuff on account of his being a wife-beating OJ redux, but the media here is clashing with reality just as futilely as Sheen. Unfortunately, you know the people who buy ink by the barrel must win this fight.

Luther म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Luther म्हणाले...

"Also, in case no one's heard, hanging out with hookers and drugs is FUN!"

"We just came to party."

I'm short about thirty comments of reading this entire thread.

And the one word I find most strikingly missing is hedonist. Somewhat encapsulated in the above comments.

As that's how I view Sheen, whom I've never, and will never, give a fuck less about. Just like he could give a fuck less about those who pander, for money, to his bullshit. Including his whores and producers... is there a difference?

Crack, I find yours, and Rossies, and all others who spout Alpha bullshit to be just that. Bullshit.

Challenge my Beta, see what it gets you.

You and Charlie, same cult. Cult of cum. What a worldview.

Damn I'm disappointed.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Ghost wrote:
Basically, he's "freaking out" because there's no other narrative that fits, and there has to be one. He's behaving erratically, (visibly) illegally, and defying the media, therefore the shit-flingers *have* to talk about him, and since they have to continue to update their readers on every incident, there has to be a narrative.

But isn't he in fact feeding this media frenzy by going on all the shows and talking about his miraculous mind power and how his bosses are all scum? Simply shut up and go to rehab like you said you would, don't do interviews and let the story die down (like it did with the countless other rehabs Charlie went through). At this point a Charlie Sheen rehab story is as common as a Lindsay lohan did something stupid story. Now, if Charlie Sheen is going to be Charlie Sheen (ie a big drunken, wasted womanizing idiot) then he has to expect that, being a guy who earns two million bucks an episode for a stupid sitcom, that it should be expected that people will report his antics. So, if you are offended by the coverage and you're charlie Sheen, how about don't do stuff that will cause negative coverage? He seems to want the privacy but also wants to be "CHARLIE SHEEN". You don't get both.
But if he simply shut up, put his head down and went to rehab, he'd be back at work in a few monhts. Instead, he's probably (and hopefully) out of a job.
It's all him.
He's like Sadaam Hussein. If you don't want America to invade you, then comply with everything they ask for, and don't pretend that you have weapons to make yourself powerful because your enemies just might believe you. If you go along, you get along. But Charlie can't help but be "CHARLIE SHEEN" almost always to his detriment. And he's simply closing more and more doors to ever getting a good paying job again. Some idiot might hire him thinking they'll get some good ratings, but then he'll pull a "CHARLIE SHEEN" and wind up with an unconscious hooker and a bag of blow in a car that he's stolen while threatening his wife with a chainsaw. And then he'll say he's just being "CHARLIE SHEEN". And that will be the last time the director works with him, because he doens't want to deal with hookers, coke and wackos.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Crack, long story short, I side with Pasta, and I think you are buying into a mindset that has gotten the Black family in the boat it's in today. And it's not just a Black thing I'm talking about here, but your belief, which is a CULT of its own, that alpha males (and how you would quantify that, I don't know) are being oppressed.

I think I know *a little bit more* about the pathologies at work on the black family than you or Pasta, and what's gotten it in trouble isn't the black male but, as Shouting Thomas pointed out, the changes in white society that allowed for the foundation of the entire nation to pretty much unravel - you just don't notice it because, well, it benefitted you.

Unlike those "wimpy" men ST talked about, no, black men weren't going to hang around to be walked on and I don't blame them. It's a bullshit, and self-serving, narrative (for women and pussy men) that black fathers walked away from their families when the truth is it was made impossible for them to stay. I discovered how this works, first hand, when I tried to save my marriage and learned that I was the only one with any interest in it.

I find it illuminating how the rest of you talk as though this isn't the case, spooling out pretty lies for your own consumption, because you so desperately want to believe. You're in denial. You lie. And - with all due respect - you're quite insane.

It's a question of a happy medium.

There is no "happy medium" with feminism for a man - it's self-destructive. No man in his right mind would hand over power to hold himself down. If he does, then he's a fool because feminists are dissatisfied - always.

Those women that aren't don't agree with feminism, period.

The men who do are betas. And their day is coming.

No, it's not manly for Sheen to run around like dick AND ignore his children and cheat on his wives. (You cherished your wife, but give Sheen a pass.)

I do no such thing - you're focusing on one thing, for the sake of argument - while I'm defending another. I said CBS has no right to punish a man for what he does on his own time and dime, and I applaud him for saying "Fuck you!" to the anti-drug moralists (like those here) who have decided the rules can be changed because they get squeamish. Fuck them. They're ALWAYS changing the rules. Look at how, all of a sudden, "humility" is such a great thing - ever heard it preached to Madonna? Lady GaGa? Britney? Whitney? Any woman? No, for them it's "I am woman hear me roar!" and the betas stand and cheer, hoping to get a piece of the leftover action. Because they ain't got enough mack to get a girl the old fashioned way:

By actually winning her over. (Notice the phrasing, there, people.)

Shit, the only girlfriend I've had since my divorce was humping my leg before I even knew she existed - that's how it's done, guys.

Y'all don't fool me for a second.


The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

It's not okay for selfish women to divorce their husbands and take them to the cleaners when the husbands have done their best.

Bullshit. It is O.K.. IT'S THE LAW OF THE LAND, DEB. It's not only O.K., but perfectly legal, and happening every day, as we speak, by the thousands. Stop lying to yourself, and definitely stop trying to lie to me, because I'm not buying a word of it. Say you don't like it - that, at least, will have the ring of truth to it. But to say it's not O.K. is to make a mockery of the reality we live in.

You know, there are happy couples out there (many of them here), who get it right.

Of course I do - I know many - but at least, of the ones I know, they, too, reject the feminist bullshit and wouldn't think to go for it if their lives depended on it. They're good people who, when I'm talking to them, search my face and words for any sign that I'm no longer one of them, and don't relax until assured I haven't left their ideological side. And, since my divorce, I've learned to do the exact same thing with those I meet along the way. None of you are to be trusted.

The idea that any of you think a man's freedom - even to do drugs - is something that can be debated, or punished, is enough for me to feel justified in that view.

Oh, and by the way, I no longer even smoke pot.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Crack Emcee wrote:
The idea that any of you think a man's freedom - even to do drugs - is something that can be debated, or punished, is enough for me to feel justified in that view.

Except some drugs are simply illegal. And I'm not debating that Charlie doesn't have the right to do drugs, He does them all the time. But a business is not obligated to put up with drunks and drug addicts who act erratically or bring harm on the company simply because that guy has a right to do drugs. Other people have a right to say he's behaving like a boor, not to do business with him, close shop till he gets his act together or any other number of things.
And this also goes for the Anna Nicole Smith's, the Lindsay Lohans and their ilks. Wacked out semi celebrities with a ton of money to burn hooked on getting their name in the paper and ingesting as many drugs as possible are equally annoying, and have only themselves to blame when people stop hiring them.
Would you hire Lindsay Lohan to be in your movie if you were a director, and knew she was about to go to jail for yet more drug abuse, and shoplifting. Whatever she might bring to the table is overshadowed by what she brings to the table in terms of her flaws. Would you hire an Anna Nicole Smith? There are plenty of big titted movie stars who can show their breasts on cue and aren't also coked out all the time. So why not go with the non coked version? If you wouldn't hire either of thos two bimbos, why would you hire a Charlie Sheen. he seems worse than both combined. In addition to being an even worse drug addict he's also threatened more than one of his wives (allegedly) and been to jail countless number of times. It's not a question of chivalry and feminism. Boorish behavior is boorish behavior whether you're a woman or a man.

Martin म्हणाले...

To tru and answer your question, Ann, I offer that whenever liberals try and deal with external reality they run into terrible cognitive dissonance---their beliefs and values are highly dysfunctional and unrealistic in every sense of the word. So, of course it is much more satisfactory to just exchange views with like-minded people who don't make them feel that way.

Almost Ali म्हणाले...

This thread needs a permanent link. Great reading, great writing, thanks especially to Crack Emcee.

One thing:
"he's a fool because feminists are dissatisfied - always."

Make that; women are congenitally dissatisfied, if not now, soon. If not yesterday, today. If not you, him. If not him, the baker, the lawyer, the candlestick maker.

mythusmage म्हणाले...

Charlie is headed for a crash, and it's going to be a hard one. I've seen bipolar personalities in manic phase crash hard and it's never pretty. Add is marcissistic personality and you've got a serious problem. Expect to see Charlie in the gutter scarfing done booze by the bucket in the next few years, and unless he gets damn lucky, the man is going to wind up a rotting corpse on some dark road.

jr565 म्हणाले...

And today the courts took his kids away.And isn't that his own fault?
He's in a nasty custody battle with an ex spouse, and his kids custody is at stake. Courts don't generally look kindly on people out whoring and drugging and asking porn stars to baby sit their kids while they go on cocaine binges. Even if Charlie Sheen were a great dad, and the wife was a castrating bitch, he's simply giving her ammunition to use against him to deprive him of seeing his kids. "See your honor, he's such a bad dad that he's asking strangers to baby sit his kids while he goes out partying and whoring taking illegal drugs then is winding up in the hospital because he's using so many drugs. Clearly the kids shouldn't be in his care because he's simply irresponsible and a bad influence" . And then he loses his kids.
What's he going to say to the judge? Yes I'm having all night coke parties with hookers and porn stars and yes I'm winding up in hospitals and/or rehab, but give me the kids because I'm a great dad. What judge is going to grant him custody?
If he's going to be a drug addict, at least do it outside of public viewing and wait till you get custody before you wind up in the hospital.Again, what an idiot!
Now he torpedoed his career, and most likely hurt his abilitty to gain custody. And it's simply because he values coke and hookers over career and famliy. So that's the bed he has to lie in.
IIt may be freedom, but it's going to cost him plenty.
And there isn't too much noble about it, unless losing your kids becuase you're a jackass is noble.

deborah म्हणाले...

Unlike those "wimpy" men ST talked about, no, black men weren't going to hang around to be walked on and I don't blame them. It's a bullshit, and self-serving, narrative (for women and pussy men) that black fathers walked away from their families when the truth is it was made impossible for them to stay. I discovered how this works, first hand, when I tried to save my marriage and learned that I was the only one with any interest in it.

I find it illuminating how the rest of you talk as though this isn't the case, spooling out pretty lies for your own consumption, because you so desperately want to believe. You're in denial. You lie. And - with all due respect - you're quite insane.

I am aware that the current situation with the Black family is in large part due to things like ADC only being made available to women without husbands, etc. I also believe that one reason the hip-hop, gangsta, mysogynistic culture thrives is because it is thought of as 'cool' by the larger white society that enjoys it vicariously, but of course doesn't have to live there and participate in its sadness.

There is no "happy medium" with feminism for a man - it's self-destructive. No man in his right mind would hand over power to hold himself down. If he does, then he's a fool because feminists are dissatisfied - always.

Those women that aren't don't agree with feminism, period.

The men who do are betas. And their day is coming.

Too simplistic. I'm not talking about feminazis, etc., but the kind of feminism that ensures women get equal pay for equal work, etc. I love men and cherish the differnces. I understand that it is men who do the heavy lifting and build interstates though mountains, okay?

I do no such thing - you're focusing on one thing, for the sake of argument - while I'm defending another. I said CBS has no right to punish a man for what he does on his own time and dime, and I applaud him for saying "Fuck you!" to the anti-drug moralists (like those here) who have decided the rules can be changed because they get squeamish. Fuck them. They're ALWAYS changing the rules. Look at how, all of a sudden, "humility" is such a great thing - ever heard it preached to Madonna? Lady GaGa? Britney? Whitney? Any woman? No, for them it's "I am woman hear me roar!"I have no patience with you not getting that Sheen is shirking his resposibilities, and I don't get someone like you celebrating it. He does drugs, great, but don't romanticize that he's doing it 'his way.' I can't believe I have to point out to you that this is not macho or manly. It's being said by someone (Sheen) completely out of control. Real men are in control of themselves, and are not controlled by a substance.

As far as Gaga, etc., that's the flip side of men being taken advantage of. This society cherishes youth and sex, and these young women are victims as much as anyone.

and the betas stand and cheer, hoping to get a piece of the leftover action. Because they ain't got enough mack to get a girl the old fashioned way:

By actually winning her over. (Notice the phrasing, there, people.)

Shit, the only girlfriend I've had since my divorce was humping my leg before o

Drop the ghetto crap, please. Yes it's great in a relationship if you've rung a woman's chimes...she's more likey to be hooked on you. What's new? It's not just macho mack daddies that can accomplish this, ya know?


deborah म्हणाले...

Bullshit. It is O.K.. IT'S THE LAW OF THE LAND, DEB. It's not only O.K., but perfectly legal, and happening every day, as we speak, by the thousands. Stop lying to yourself, and definitely stop trying to lie to me, because I'm not buying a word of it. Say you don't like it - that, at least, will have the ring of truth to it. But to say it's not O.K. is to make a mockery of the reality we live in.

I don't care for word games. By 'not okay' I meant it's not 'right.' Yes, it's a terrible situation based on a converging societal developments...industrialization, advancement of women's rights (voting, fair hiring/pay practices), the pendulum swinging too far in favor of mothers in divorce settlements, ease of divorce, television, free sex, etc. What are you gonna do? It's the way it is. I caution my son not to get a girl pregnant, lest he be financially committed to her for the next 18 years. And now we have young men putting off marriage till their thirties, etc. It all adjusts, one trend against another.

The idea that any of you think a man's freedom - even to do drugs - is something that can be debated, or punished, is enough for me to feel justified in that view.

Oh, and by the way, I no longer even smoke pot.

No one is questioning Sheen's right to throw his life away, and I don't 'judge' him. Who knows what sort of childhood he had? But don't glorify him.

If pot was a problem for you, I'm glad you're off of it. Between the ages of 18 and 28 I was terribly addicted to it.

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