UPDATE: The document, which had been posted at scribd, was deleted soon after I posted, but not before I copied it. Here, then, is the full text:
Because of their extensive, lifelong, union freeloading (Althouse, the breadwinner of their pathetic, sexual-frustration driven “family” is an AAUP freeloader, a public sector secondary education freeloader, a University of Michigan freeloader, a University of Colorado freeloader and, most disgustingly to us, a University of Wisconsin Freeloader), their movement freeloading (they have greatly enhanced their reputation and social currency both within her nauseating Tory brotherhood they represent and across the  Op:countertroll Vs Althouse and Meade 3/18/11 11:41 AM currency both within her nauseating Tory brotherhood they represent and across the http://www.scribd.com/doc/50869881/Op-countertroll-Vs-Althouse-and-Meade Page 2 of 7 internet by wandering around Madison lying about all they see) their repeated lies and general commitment to irresponsible citizen-journalism (how dare they sneak around an ongoing citizen protest movement taking pictures of trash minutes before our volunteers clean it), their false claims to have infiltrated the movement despite the fact that as a decentralized, participatory and democratic movement #wiunion cannot be “infiltrated” and indeed welcomes the attention of hostile outside observers, their attempts to incite Tea Party Falangists to act on their sadistic and violent impulses against fourth grade teachers and their students, and their desecration of the statue of Hans Christian Heg Ann Althouse and Meade are hereby put on notice.
Did you really think this could go on forever? That you could sit on the steps of our house, walk the streets of our city, lie about us to strangers, tell gun-toting rednecks from out of state and the Northwoods how depraved and deserving of punishment we are all while maintaining plausible deniability for any of the consequences that your actions might cause? Did you think you could fuck with HANS and get away with it?
This isn't a one way fight any more. We will take it from the internet right to [DELETED: My actual street address — parenthetical by Ann Althouse]. Do you have any idea where you live? Let us spell it out for you. We understand that you like to eat on the square. You like the Baked Potato at the Old Fashioned, do you? There were five of us in there last Tuesday. You like to eat at Fresco? We're in the Overture eating, serving, cooking, playing, and performing. At least twenty of us have worked for Food Fight. You like to fucking drink at FAIR TRADE do you? At FAIR TRADE? You are citizen-BANNED from Fair Trade. We will Walker you straight out of the place whenever you show up. We are at every coffee shop on State, open to close, all the time. We will hang up wanted posters of you everywhere you like to go. We will picket on public property as close to your house as we can every day. We will harrass the ever loving shit out of you all the time. Campus is OCCUPIED. State street is OCCUPIED. The Square is OCCUPIED. Vilas, Schenk's Corners, Atwood, Willy Street – Occupied, Occupied, Occupied, Occupied. Did you really think it was all about the Capitol? Fuck the Capitol, we are the CITY.
We are hard-drinking, weed-smoking, rude, obnoxious, auto-didactic, uppity fucking TOWNIES. We know you hate us. We know you hate us because we ruin your imaginary, Men's Magazine, UW Admission's Pamphlet, Madison Magazine, Isthmus Arts vision of our City. You think that our town should be on perpetual vigil just in case you needalittlepeaceandquiet. YouthinkweshouldgodownquietwhileWalker economically rapes us because you want to lead a fucking tour group? Sorry babe, not gonna happen. And because you couldn't even show a modicum of fairness, integrity, or neutrality and because you had the iron fucking stones to try to pull this here, on OUR campus, in OUR city, in OUR state in OUR country (and that is about the only reason we have any grudging respect for you), now YOU are a target.
And guess what – we aren't SDS. We aren't fucking TAA. We aren't Timmy “olive branch” Cullen, we aren't yogi, granola-eating types you see at Willy Street or whatever. We are NOT radically nonviolent. We comply with the laws of the City because it is our City and we love it, but OH MY GOD do we hope Meade tries to get all tough with us. WE LOVE IT. LOVE IT. Just last night we saw a Jimmy John's worker who we know beat the ever loving shit out of some idiot drunk asshole who wouldn't be civil and polite in his workplace. We have the numbers and we don't back down from anyone. We all know each other. We know each other from Service Industry Night at the Orpheum, because we're regulars at the same coffee shops, restaurants and bars, we know each other from the co-ops, we know each other because we've had a million jobs each (and we all worked at CapTel at least once), because we live in every shitty townie house in ever-changing groups of 2 – 7 people, because we are young and horny and screw each other incessantly, because we're all on facebook, and because we aren't anti-social, life-denying, world-sterilizing pieces of human garbage like the two of you. WE WILL FUCK YOU UP. We will throw our baseballs in your lawn, you cranky old pieces of shit, and then we will come get them back. What are you gonna do? Shoot us? Get Wausau Tea Patriots to form an ad hoc militia on your front lawn? That would be fucking HILAROUS to us. You could get to know the assholes on your side in real fucking life instead of sponging off the civil society we provide for you every single day you draw breath.
Pay your dues or action will be taken. The action will be legal, peaceful, and nonviolent (on our end anyway – if you want to do it the other way fine with us. Meade is a tough guy on LGM or whatever but he's a chickenshit IRL. We dare you buddy. Double dog dare you.) but it will also be swift, decisive, direct, personal and effective.
Our demands are as follows. Choose a package.
Package 1: Pay your damn dues, you Union Freeloading pieces of shit
You are getting fat on union money. You are getting fat on our tax money. You are getting fat on an undeserved bully pulpit that you got from credibility won from the hard struggles of public sector workers, university professors and unions throughout history, and that increased dramatically in scope due to OUR MOVEMENT. So PAY YOUR DUES. Wedemand:
1) Because you have taken the words from our mouth - A complete recantation of all lies about #wiunion (not lies in leagalese – lies in the commonsense moral Op:countertroll Vs Althouse and Meade 3/18/11 11:41 AM http://www.scribd.com/doc/50869881/Op-countertroll-Vs-Althouse-and-Meade Page 3 of 7 definition of the word. Choose an ethical system that you believe is fair, run it by us, and we will let you know which posts violate it) posted on your personal blog, in all comments sections of all other blogs, on your flickr account and your youtube account, spoken in podcasts or on bloggingheads, or said out loud anywhere in Madison. Take it all back. We don't trust you, so we will draft a statement for you.
2) Because you have taken the bread from our table – a 5,000 dollar donation (each) in your own names and made public to the Industrial Workers of the World general fund, the Bradley Manning Defense Fund, the Recall Alberta Darling effort, a group of our choosing that advocates for the pro-democracy movements in #libya, #algeria, #iran or in Pizza for the Protesters (we prefer Ian's, the Nickel or Roman Candle, but any friendly place will do – if you attempt to order us shitty pizza or pizza from an unfriendly restaurant we will eat it and consider are demands still unmet).
3) Because you have attempted to take our very safety and indeed our lives, because you have incited violence against us and above all because you have proven yourselves inadequate to the grave and solemn responsibilites of Citizen- Journalism – Your silence. You want to make everyone shut the fuck up? Be the change you seek. We demand ZERO more posts about us, ever. We demand the admin pw for all of your shit to be publicly posted on a movement friendly facebook group or 4chan. We demand to be allowed to vet everything you post before you post it and edit it for any and all lies related to #wiunion, #wewarewi, #union, #usuncut #opesr #wikileaks #solidarity and #allthatisgoodandholyonthisearth. We demand that you Delete Fucking Everything.
4) You will never, ever, ever, ever in your motherfucking life come within 20 feet of the statue of Hans Christian Heg. Althouse, you are a job-hopping carpetbagger from New England. Meade, you are an obnoxious right-to-work Zombie from southern Ohio who only lives here because its apparently the only place in the world you can get laid. Heg is OURS. We are WISCONSIN. You don't fucking touch Hans Christian. Ever. And that goes double for the Lady on the other side.
Package 2: Move the Fuck out of Our City
Get out, and stay out. Far out. Meade - You ain't no man for this city. We're out on the streets every day, all day. The 77 square is not for y'all. You say we're from out of state? Bullshit. You're from fucking out of state. We'll show you just how fucking Madison we are. Althouse, we will ruin your goddamn career, your comfort, your pocketbook, your sense of safety and wellbeing, and your life.
And don't try to pull up at another one of our cities either. Don't like your AAUP card? Turn it in. If you want to carry water for Koch and the Chamber, they can foot the fucking bill for it. Get a job on the Tea speaking circuit or with AEI or some other garbage think-tank in DC or Claremont or whatevs. We have friends everywhere. All land-grant University towns are occupied. All major cities are occupied. Everywhere with a critical mass of smart, uppity people is Occupied. If you want to advocate for national internetless, right-to-work rural fortress state hell with no transit in or out, you can live in it. If you want to defend Falangist Michigan, move to Pontiac. If you want to make us all work for Olive Garden you can fucking eat there. Why don't YOU go shop at Wal-Mart. Because the shit you wear looks like it comes from places like Jazzman and Bop and we work there too and we aren't having it any more. No more free rides, baby.
६१७ टिप्पण्या:
617 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»So. . .that "civility" thing is offically dead now?
Althousians, come to order!!!
There's little to fear from a borderline illiterate with delusions of mediocrity. It's the people who know they're worthless you have to worry about.
It's this sort of arrogance that led to the British public supporting Margaret Thatcher. I read somewhere how unionized trash collectors would knock on doors at Christmas and if not tipped by those they were to serve, garbage would be spilled in yards or worse.
It's easy to be polite when you're right, and hard when you're wrong.
Being mugged by reality is a good thing, it happened to me.
Comical and creepy at the same time.
I wonder if the author is the occasional troll who damns Ann Althouse for the "hypocrisy" of taking a salary from a state university.
Wow. Just Wow.
Angry Townie discovers wrath, that delicate pinch of impotent spice with which he oftens flavours his interludes.
Remember to use first person plural.
Althouse, isn't it amazing?
They have no fucking comprehension that 40 years ago you were a hip chick living in the Village, do they?
Same with me.
They have no fucking idea that 40 years ago I was a hipster living in San Francisco, or that I did my time in the Village.
Makes you shake your head in wonder.
Hang in there, Meadehouse.
Curtis got slapped!
I suspect that threats like these keep a lot of people out of the public eye.
@meade, I'm reminded what I wrote almost 2 years ago:
I mean, you would be good for Madison, but would Madison be good for you?
You two are too good for the scum who authored those threats. They don't deserve you. Stand firm.
(The Crypto Jew)
I wouldn’t worry Meade house…as they are weed-smokin’ hard-f#ck’n people, I figure by this afternoon they’ll have something else to do, like bang some skank, score some sensimilla, go hang out and play some X-box….Next week someone will ask them about their boycott of Meadehouse and they’ll all be, “Oh yeah right doood, we WERE gonna do that weren’t we?”
Either that or some bright spark realized, “Hey if I make some Lame-@rsed threat to Meadehouse I can get onto the Web. I’ll be more famous than ‘J’!”-Not that the latter is saying much, mind you.
I am on the U-DUB campus today.
Pro-Walker signs in dorm windows along Observatory Drive--1
Any other sign--none
To GM, FLS, J, et. al., in advance of the dumb ass crap that you won't be able keep yourselves from spewing: Go fuck yourselves.
Package 2: Move the Fuck out of Our City
actually, that's my retirement plan. virtually zero property tax. happy eating!
By the way, I wouldn't make light of these threats.
I'd take them very seriously, as I'm sure Althouse and Meade are doing.
Nothing funny here. Nothing to fuck with either.
What's the biggest threat in that pile-
they're gonna throw their baseball bats in your yard-and then come get them?
Or - picket on public property as close as they can get....
Did it take all two of 'em to write that at once?
(The Crypto Jew)
*WOW* They’re going to throw baseballs onto your yard…That’ll learn you to anger them! Get a baseball pitching machine and when they toss one in, give them three or four from the pitcher in return…
Losers. I hope you can get them arrested.
The coward doesn't even have the guts to sign his name.
Sounds like you should file a police report on this one. Unfortunately I have a feeling that the Police won't care.
Serious d-baggery. Clearly that's a straight up bad person, (not bad as in tough, bad as in scum) but threats like that serve to let you know that you're doing something right in my opinion.
Keep it up! Found this blog a couple weeks ago and haven't left since.
In many states what was written at the site you linked would be considered a "terrorist threat", good for at least a misdemeanor if not felony charge. Perhaps a little wake-up call from the cops would be a good thing (that is, if you can find one that isn't a union lackey).
So...is this what democracy looks like?
Forward it to Professor Leiter for comment.
Reminder to the Lib Cowards who write such tantrum like that posted above-You mess with Althouse and Meade and you will mess with us all.
So you found info on them, well we can find the info on you. Works both ways but my money is on our side to be more effective in our counter reaction if you make a wrong action.
Don't underestimate us AltMeade-ia-Housians.
So, that's social justice?
I had no idea Charlie Sheen had such pro-union views.
Althouse, Meade, you stand accused of having asked reasonable questions and posting unedited video that shows people to have acted in uncivilized and selfish ways. How do you plead?
You know, I'm sorry, I don't want to minimize or diminish this. But any threat that contains the phrase "If you have not acceded to our demands within a week, it is ON LIKE DONKEY KONG" simply cannot be taken seriously.
Oh, the idiots who wrote it may think they mean it. But honestly, "ON LIKE DONKEY KONG"?? I'm sorry, I'm reduced to gales of laughter at that.
This is either a troll by someone who's actually not serious (i.e. trying to get a reaction; a classic "trolling", in other words), or just a lame college kid or two who's blowing off steam but would wilt like a flower if face to face with anyone. I wouldn't blow it off entirely, but at the same time I wouldn't consider this to be any more threatening than a howling mad chihuahua. It's a screed. And quite likely a deliberate trolling. That's likely all it is.
How long before we get a video of Meade at the Heg statue? I estimate by 6pm CDT.
I would also like to see a video of our intrepid heros walking into each of those hippy coffee shops, daring those pinkos to say anything to the camera. Stay strong althouse/Meade!
Also, I hope this person realizes that she's protesting on behalf of people who make far more money than she does and live far cushier lives.
I wonder how it feels to be a loser dedicated to advancing the cause of the six figure proletariat.
"At some point these acts of brazen viciousness are going to lead to a renewed philosophical interest in the question of when acts of political violence are morally justified..."
Who the hell ARE these people?
They seem to have watched *TOO* many pseudo-reality shows. And also to have read [and been taught?] too much fiction.
Online threats such as this should be addressed by the FBI.
I have friends that specialize in online safety, they would tell you to not take this lightly.
It is of course a potentially serious thing. They don't have much more room to escalate before they get to some really nasty stuff. The simple civil disobedience barrier was crossed long ago and nobody in WI seems willing to draw a new line. They're not going to stop on their own.
I'm sorry, but this sounds like a false-flag op to me. Is it Libtard? Or is it Memor.. er... Parody?
Unfortunately, you have to take this seriously. That really sucks.
Tibore said...
This is either a troll by someone who's actually not serious (i.e. trying to get a reaction; a classic "trolling", in other words), or just a lame college kid or two who's blowing off steam but would wilt like a flower if face to face with anyone.
I suspect it's someone who formerly drove a salt truck, and now finds himself with unexpected time on his hands.
This renders me nearly speechless. What can one say? Or, more to the point, what could one possibly add to this that would make it any clearer which side in this argument holds the high ground? Hint: not Jim Shankman.
P.S. Meade-- if I were you I would change my handle to "Meade" and wear the quotation marks as badges of honor.
All of the thugs I've run into have been bosses.
That's always been fun because it fits the vast literature of organizational dysfunction so well.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
(The Crypto Jew)
Someone has watched “Pulp Fiction” once too often…..next post they’ll talk about “Going all Medieval on your @rse.”
I'm sure FOX, FreeRepublic, GatewayPundit and Malkin will be interested in this.
Emails Away!
The Bradley Manning Defense Fund? Industrial Workers of the World? This screed lacks the eloquence of the Communist Manifesto, but still I'm sure it will one day be in the Smithsonian under glass, right next to Dorothy Parker's hangover.
No wonder Obama has seemed missing. He's been typing
I don't think there's any question, if you read carefully, that this writer is a smelly hippie from Madison -- most likely a sixth or seventh-year "student" from a middle class family in a suburb.
Sick the FBI on him. I want to see how they respond in blog time.
I think the most appealing thing about the unions is that these are just, you know, good people—real salt-of-the-earth wouldn't-hurt-a-fly types. Their calm maturity and patient responses to criticism certainly engenders a strong instinct to work with them in like manner, and not at all to turn the fire hoses on them.
Still, while I appreciate the care that has gone into his satire of an anonymous threatening letter, I'm saddened that Prof. Leiter would resort to gutter idiom like "double dog dare" and "it is ON LIKE DONKEY KONG."
(The Crypto Jew)
Meadehouse, head on out and grab a “Royal with Cheese” Or a Burger at Jack Rabbit Slims…
Wait...do you have to follow the link to get to the "it's on like Donkey Kong " part?
Tibore.... damn it!
What are you gonna do? Shoot us?
Well, that would be a good start....just get in range.
They have no fucking idea that 40 years ago I was a hipster living in San Francisco, or that I did my time in the Village.
Ditto for me in San Francisco over 40 yrs ago.
These idiots are what happens when you have no sense of history and are so completly self absorbed that you think that only YOU are important and only YOUR ideas are valid.
Tip for Meade-----> Mossberg 500Persuader.
Althouse------> a nice Lady Smith .38
I can't decide whether it's an attempt at a serious threat or sheer comedy...
I love their accusation that you're "getting fat on our tax dollars"...a strange thing for a public-employee union defender to say.
And then they demand you buy them pizza. And if it's not an approved vendor they will eat it anyway, but then demand more.
Sounds like a public-employee union to me.
I read it in bed, on my iPad using Scribd, after having seen Meade post's in the lake photo thread. I don't know what I expected but...
...my jaw dropped to the blanket.
Alexander the Great allegedly told his meddling mother, Madam, it's a high rent you charge for nine months in the womb.
It's the same thing with unions.
On paper, they are worthy, noble, and manifestly helpful organisations. In practise, they are spiteful and charge too high a price for protection.
DONKEY KONG is a wonderful amusement. Madisen is a den of loons and has been for 50 years. Just what would you really expect? Civility from the Left? Manners from unions? How's that tooth fairy thing going?
I read the whole thing, and it could be half-real/half-self-conscious-overstatement/half-fake or any combination thereof. They did not, to the best of my knowledge, demand that we "assimilate", so that's a plus.
wv: priers
"We demand ZERO more posts about us, ever."
Package #3: Continue being insolent and a SCAB and an ENEMY of the workers.
They are goin to protest you, and you and Meade are going to go interview the protesters and blog about it, and then someone is going to protest you for that coverage and you will cover this protests and...
Was the threat written by a woman? Doesn't sound like the language an angry man would use.
Good grieve, that's the new "civility?" Wow! So, now it's down to following Obama's example of civility, which is what they'll practice on you. It's not fair to respond in kind as they'll shout "Shame on You" as they trash everything in sight.
My strongest suggestion is to prepare for an aggressive attack from these clowns except that the local cops will not be available to assist you. Well, that might be a bit strong since they'll come afterward to see if there are survivors.
I'd also suggest that you and Meade either prepare to knock down any of those bullies with your best efforts or leave for a more welcoming environment. Because if it's coming down to what you're experiencing since those fools should realize, they'll suffer much more in the end.
It'll take a while for our side to ramp up but once that happens, those union thugs are history. However, that's not really what they want!
God Bless. Remember that God helps those who help themselves.
The pizza gambit is from an episode of "Monk". Perhaps not coincidentally that episode featured a chair made/used (?) by Thomas Jefferson.
Ruy -- Agreed completely that it's a woman here. No man of this day and age would use such concrete threats in language.
Are you sure this isn't some sort of satirical piece?
Sounds like a public-employee union to me.
if it is, they should lose their job. if done on a government computer or government time, they can lose their pension too under The Hatch Act if we're going to get all Donkey Kongish.
This person acts like they invented all that stuff.. smokin weed.. lots of sex.. living in a crappy house.. etc.. Really dude?
I concur with the other commenters that this should be taken seriously.
You wouldn't take something like this to the cops, this is for the feds.
Fen said-
Unfortunately, you have to take this seriously. That really sucks.
Yep, take it from me-didn't report something later the cops were all-you didn't take it seriously."
Oh and when you do report it the cops will say- "you can't be serious."
Maybe in Madison it's different.
I talked a teenager out of her violent house and out of suicide and kept an eye on her the whole time.
Because I waited six hours to call authorities I had to hand her right back over to her parents.
No one would take the kid's word for it, and I didn't call the cops immediately.
Probably stupid of me but whatever.
Fen is right.
They're going to have you in that double bind-if *you* didn't take it seriously why should they?
Apparently someone has never read Professor Reynolds: threats against bloggers always rebound against the thugs.
@Dust Bunny
I guess that would work at home, but unfortunately Wisconsin does not allow concealed carry of guns. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_the_United_States_(by_state)#Wisconsin
That's why I love living in the state I am in, where one can protect themselves without worry from the gun grabbers.
Sure, the bulk of the screed was aimed towards Ann; the fashionable boutiques she frequents to buy her clothes was an especially chilling mention, as much as the Jimmy John's reference raised a wry smile. Hey, I eat there too! Albeit 2,000 miles away.
But it was to Meade that their unadulterated anger was truly aimed. They LOATHE Meade. They would harm him in a second, so Meade, FBI. Seriously. Not quakingly in fear, but out of an abundance of precaution.
But, can I ask you guys a question?
Where do these unions thugs, who are quite different from innocent rank-and-file union workers, get their anger from?
Because they are cauldrons of hate.
I don't have even 1,000th of their hate inside me, not because I am so good, but because I am not wired that way.
Jesus Mary and Joseph, may this be only blarney and blather. Keep Ann and Meade safe all their days.
wv: contemptpee!!!!!!!
Because you have to take a whizz after reading their screed.
Jason said...
"The coward doesn't even have the guts to sign his name.
Well, it is in his scribd channel, and given the context—its harmony with his persona and other posted documents—that counts as a presumptive claim to authorship, no? Jim Shankman, of Madison, WI. This winner is on facebook, and if the remedy for bad speech is no longer more speech, at least one court has held that process can be served on facebook.
By the way....
Let me also urge the Professor and the Meade to take this seriously. It only takes a deranged mind. Only one.
We are hard-drinking, weed-smoking, rude, obnoxious, auto-didactic, uppity fucking TOWNIES.
Nobody in Madison talks like that.
But, on a positive note, this will get you a ton of links, and maybe get you another appearance on Fox. Maybe even another wink and a nod from Scott Walker!
Agreed its both oddly funny and frightening at the same time. Gerald Loughner wrote in a similar manner.
Professor, I would hope you have contacted the local law enforcement.
I used to get silly letters/notes like this from students before I retired from university teaching. I averaged one of these a year. I never knew who sent them but they do give you pause. You quickly realize these blokes see the world in a totally different and freaky way than you. I could never understand why whoever sent the thing could get so worked up over having to repeat a course they clearly probably failed or got a lower mark than they thought they deserved. I had a foreign student stalker one year who tried to get me to change his grade. I'd come home to find him waiting outside my home. Nice guy I think but seriously warped to some extent.
So how are you feeling about progressives now? Seriously, how have your thoughts and feelings changed now that you have been to a tea party and seen what you have seen? I would be eager to hear your reactions Althouse.
Ummm...wow. My first reaction was, "Did you call the cops?" But, yeah...
Gee, it took 75 comments for garage to try to dismiss the issue and change the subject. You're slipping, garage!
There's that catchphrase about "democracy" that comes to mind…how does that go, again?
There are definitely elements of satire here, and it's clearly meant to be funny. But the overall tone strikes me as threatening and angry, not light.
This is a young woman who is very pro-union.
Comical and creepy at the same time.
Apt description. Ann has been rather mild in her criticism but quite visible. I wonder what they would say to many of us commenters if they knew who they were.
Just bought a Smith & Wesson M&P9c last weekend. Nice little gun to compliment my shotgun and rifles. I think I made a good decision.
Garage Mahal wrote:
Nobody in Madison talks like that.
You know what that reminds me of? The weird note left after JonBenet Ramsay went missing, which was suspiciously found by her much suspected mother, Patsy.
"Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction."
Who in the hell refers to themselves this way?
Same as the weed-smoking, non-Men's Magazine subscribing hipsters.
"They have no fucking idea that 40 years ago I was a hipster living in San Francisco, or that I did my time in the Village. Makes you shake your head in wonder."
shoutingthomas (and Dust Bunny Queen): My guess is that 40 years ago, when you were both "doing your time" in the village (or San Francisco), you were equally oblivious to the fact that some of the people you were scornful of had "done their time" 40 years earlier, perhaps on the Left Bank in Paris. Am I wrong?
Nobody in Madison talks like that.
No true Scotsman does, either. So we can rule out a Madisonian or Scotsman, right?
Rumpletweezer said...
Althouse, Meade, you stand accused of having asked reasonable questions and posting unedited video that shows people to have acted in uncivilized and selfish ways. How do you plead?
Never plead. Assert.
Seven Machos wrote:
This is a young woman who is very pro-union.
Oh, snap, you think it was written (primarily) by a woman? That's interesting. It seemed like a group effort to me, if you can count two bleary-eyed Starbucks baristas as a group.
Gun laws in Wisconsin
Gladosiana wrote:
Ummm...wow. My first reaction was, "Did you call the cops?" But, yeah...
Cops are union, right? As I said, FBI. Just to be safe.
Nothing that can't be fixed with a good can of bear spray.
Looks like this may make the top 10 in comments at Althouse. So far 90 comments in 50 minutes.
I'd offer sanctuary, but Wisconsin is a hell of a commute from North Carolina.
Just in case anyone has any doubts about union violence: check out some of this "history" of the union movement.
Cops are union, right? As I said, FBI. Just to be safe.
Yes, the cops are unionized here. Still, this needs to be reported asap. All it takes is one deranged person...
There's too much wit there for an angry male, and too many words and too much violence for an actually angry male.
Maybe a couple catty woman. That's possible. I never write by committee so it's hard for me to even fathom, let alone think in terms of gender.
It's an East-Sider that wrote it.
Listen. Please explain to them that you really believe in the First Amendment.
And Meade really believes in the Second.
No problem.
I agree with those urging you both to take it seriously. As sad as that is. A lot of people have lost the plot over this. Clearly.
Crap I messed up it was the "authorities" child protective services-who said the -
" you didn't take it seriously"...
I typed that up too fast. I shouldn't pin that on the cops here.
I just imagine that will be the attitude.
Tertium Quid wrote:
I read somewhere how unionized trash collectors would knock on doors at Christmas and if not tipped by those they were to serve, garbage would be spilled in yards or worse.
Well cited. You don't want to know the stranglehold unions had on the North, and beyond.
Unions are like any machine -- basically protection rackets. So long as you do what they tell you to do (support in the form of money), they won't harm you.
Whether it's a political Machine, who put their people in polling stations to make sure you voted THEIR way (Democrat Bostonians did it in the 1800s, amongst others), or the Vikings charging Britons Danegeld not to invade their shores, or Mafiosi who come calling for their cut of the pizza proceeds, it's all the same.
Then unions wonder why they are in decline all over the world. If they left it at trying to work for the working man, even I would support them.
But people cannot stand the tactics they use, or the hate that motivates them.
You must make a police report so you have a paper trail when Meade has to pound someone.
Trust me I know.
It helps in the civil suit.
It's an East-Sider that wrote it.
All this rage will dissipate when they see the next shiny object.
You guys are welcome in real Wisconsin any old time. Leave Madison to the nutbags. Without people like you there to care they will have it completely trashed in no time...just look how long it took them to trash the most beautiful capitol building in the country.
I agree with the earlier poster though that after a couple jays a wonder roast chicken and a tender moment with rosie and her 5 sisters, they won't even remember writing this.
Oh, and I find it interesting that they specifically mention the Heg statue. Today I was down at the Capitol and someone had written all over the base of it with chalk--things like "Save me" and "FREEDOM!". They just won't leave that statue alone.
Well of course this is over the line, but I do think it is very clear by your actions these past several weeks which side you butter your bread, so I can understand why you'd become the target of their ire. I'd love to hear a response to the the freeloader observations.
you were equally oblivious to the fact that some of the people you were scornful of had "done their time" 40 years earlier, perhaps on the Left Bank in Paris. Am I wrong?
Actually, you are wrong, at least in my case. My parents and their friends were very "bohemian" and participated in the underground culture of the late 40's early 60's, with all that it entailed. (use your imagination) There was no rebellion on my part in the 60's from my parents since they were still a part of 'the culture' and there was no big generation/gap/divide to rebel against.
I wasn't scornful of the older generation in the least. Personally I was annoyed by and scornful of the Hippies, even though I was immersed in the 'scene' at the time, because most of them were just a bunch of pretentious fake poseurs. Fakes and wannabes. Fake sincerity. Putting on a show for their friends and just to spite their parents.
Just like the scum today who think that protesting is fun and cool with no understanding of what it all really means.
Based on personal experience, your best bet is the 32 ounce Louieville slugger. I prefer the Reggie Jackson model but I bet Meade has a Vada Pinson one in with his stuff.
Remember to use the meaty part of the head in your swing. Oh and go for the knees. A good shot in the kneecap gets them down and you can casually stomp their fingers by "accident" so they won't be typing anytime soon. Stay away from head shots because they are hard to modulate and anything in the chest area is problematic because you can stop the heart by accident that way.
Elbows and kneecaps are the way to go.
They hate the cans!
This guy sounds like a conservative moby. But Ann and Larry should be careful and not eat in Madison restaurants and coffee shops least they get the workers spitting and putting shit in their food.
This is what deranged leftism looks like. Oh what a bitter pill it is indeed to be a leftard. Unhinged, batshit crazy, nut-house maniacs who throw temper tantrums at what they hate.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. These are Democrats, so they can't be all that tough. Reading this, I'm reminded of a famous scene of Democrats fighting each other. That's about as bad as it gets with D's.
There's too much wit there for an angry male, and too many words and too much violence for an actually angry male.
To this I can deduce you don't own a television set and therefore have never heard of one Carlos Estevez.
Lincoln -- I got that one! One of my favorite scenes of all time. And, yeah, this person does sound like that guy.
Elbows and kneecaps are the way to go.
Such "articulate" advice blogfather...bravo!
Unless of course you opt for aluminum which is a whole different thing.
But I bet Meade is like me and likes to go "Old School."
Now that's a threat.
I can't say, after seeing you on FOX News, it was unexpected. As a matter of fact, it was one of my first thoughts. I told you what can happen when it's suspected you've spun on them.
Watch your back, you two.
But, Victoria, the exception proves the rule, no?
That's the first thing I thought of, Jay Retread. Forget the Hans Christian stuff, and the boutiques Ann frequents.
It's the restaurants you have to worry about. Not for poison, for for saliva.
Some shameless self promotion:
I meant what I wrote: if I can get Shankman's personal contact information, I would have no problems publishing it.
Bring. It. On.
vbspurs wrote...
To this I can deduce you don't own a television set and therefore have never heard of one Carlos Estevez.
Yes but Charlie's special. The upcoming rants from NFL players will surely be more typical.
Will Tiger Blood and porn stars be involved? Just curious.
I mean, a West Sider would've mentioned Hilldale, or Whole Foods, or Sundance, or Shorewood Hills.
The only people who care about Schenk's Corners live between Willy Street and Lake Monona. Probably within 200 yards of Spaight and Ingersoll.
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=651447561 - here's the douchebag's facebook apge
Dust Bunny Queen: Thanks for the response. Sounds like you were in the minority, though, among your compatriots.
His status updates - http://status.idolbin.com/details.php?id=651447561
Seven, I have met groups of people who were political activists during my Oxford days. Anarchists, Trotskyites, Louis Althusser acolytes, the lot.
Think of all-night benders where they bounce ideas off of each other, yelling "Oh eff yeah, put that in, that's a good one!", making sure it sounds menacing with a veneer of sophistication to differentiate them from the hordes of illiterate rabble they purport to want to help. Most of them became journalists, afterwards.
I will stake my life that whomever wrote this, or helped to write this, is exactly this kind of person.
I expect that Mr. Shankman is projecting when he cricizes Meade as being supported by Althouse. According to his Facebook page, it seems he has no job, but volunteers alot for unions, while he is "in a relationship" with a woman named Anna Ogden-Nussbaum whose LinkedIn profile lists "Libraries and Research" in Madison, WI as her career field.
Do you suppose she is a University employee?
Althouse....hell, everybody had to know this was coming.
Meanwhile, across the big lake...
"Hundreds of UAW members at Ford's Michigan Assembly Plant booed Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder as he entered a celebration at a Ford plant today in Wayne.
The workers were wearing red shirts in solidarity with members of public unions in Wisconsin and across the Midwest who perceive that their collective bargaining rights are under attack by Republican governors."
Becareful you two. What are Wisconsin conceal carry laws like?
scribd Terms of Use (emphasis added):
8. Prohibited Conduct.
8.1 use the Scribd Platform for any purposes other than to disseminate or receive original or appropriately licensed content and/or to access the Scribd Platform as such services are offered by Scribd;
8.2 rent, lease, loan, sell, resell, sublicense, distribute or otherwise transfer the licenses granted herein or any Materials (as defined in section 12, below);
8.3 post, upload, or distribute any defamatory, libelous, or inaccurate User Content or other content;
8.4 post, upload, or distribute any User Content or other content that is unlawful or that a reasonable person could deem to be objectionable, offensive, indecent, pornographic, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, distressing, vulgar, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or otherwise inappropriate;
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That last clause means if this isn't Jim Shanklin's post (or posted with his permission), then someone has violated the terms by pretending to be him.
Chickelit wrote:
Yes but Charlie's special. The upcoming rants from NFL players will surely be more typical.
Heh heh.
As that other Wisconsin legend, Vince Lombardi, said:
Of course the guy's angry. He's in a relationship with a hyphenated woman!
Dearest whoever wrote this,
I wouldn't so much as violate Missouri air space if I were you.
Oh My Lord. We have a name. Be careful, guys. But yes, that looks to be the prime suspect.
Meade, to the batcave. Cop telling time, indeed.
There is nothing more fearsome than Internet Tough Guys. Time to point a camera out your window and call the police on this pussy.
Although this 'letter' or screed sounds really unhinged and could be serious... (Not joking about the guns)....probably the more serious threat to Althouse and Meade will be from her colleagues at the University and from the Administration who will try to do everything they can to ruin her career and reputation and drive her from her position.
From Mr. Shankman's google profile:
jim shankman • Mar 16, 2011 • tweetdeck.com
Operation:countertroll: Actions against althouse/meade 4 #wiunion lies - http://tinyurl.com/opctrtrl #generalstrike #tellthetruth
Other stuff from his Google profile:
I'm in the business of giving tax dodgers, political gangsters, and union-busting thugs the business
Bragging rights
Occupied the Capitol when you could still sleep on the Fourth Floor.
I defend the City of Madison, the State of Wisconsin, the United States of America, the Constitutions and legitimate laws thereof, and the inalienable right of labor to bargain collectively
You gotta love this part
Jim Shankman
Operation:Countertroll declares nonviolent war against Ann Althouse and Meade.
1 day ago
1 person likes this
Is it possible to *like* yourself?
"What are Wisconsin conceal carry laws like?"
WI is one of two states which currently do not allow for concealed carry. I live in the other (Peoples' Republic of IL).
If it really is a law-enforcement worthy situation, I'm gonna lay off the topic. No need to bait the nuts and confuse the issue. I'm still hoping it's an ill-considered fake-out.
(The Crypto Jew)
Is it possible to *like* yourself?
I find it difficult at times, but it’s one of the reasons I sought out help in 12 Step Work….
I can hardly wait to “hear” what this wanker has to say for himself, by tonight. I’m sure the whining will be EPIC.
Garage snarked:
"Nobody in Madison talks like that.
But, on a positive note, this will get you a ton of links, and maybe get you another appearance on Fox. Maybe even another wink and a nod from Scott Walker!"
Because, you know, he does not give a shit what happens to people who oppose the will of the "workers." Nice.
From Jim Shankman's status update, linked to by Mike. The mention of Tea Party Falangists made me smile.
And here is what he wrote one day ago:
"Jim Shankman
Imagine the Tea Party diehards/minutemen/white supremacist groups but aesthetically literate and with cool uniforms. - 1 day ago
'Falange Española de las J.O.N.S. (better known as Falange or Phalange; full name Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista) is the name assigned to several political movements and parties dating from the 1930s, most particularly the original fascist movement in Spain. The word [...]'"
Is it possible to *like* yourself?
Only on Gawker.
I guess that was supposed to strike fear into Ann and Meade? Well, always better to take insane rants seriously. And people wonder why gun and personal protection instructors like me are around?
@sane_voter, Concealed carry will be in effect in WI soon. Meanwhile I'm just fine with open carry. The problem is more with the restrictions of where one can take that gun.
Oh my. You just got yourself in trouble now, Jim Shankman.
Oh my, they'll throw baseballs in your lawn. Sounds like a bat would be helpful.
Shankman dates a hyphenated nut tree?
No wucking funder
What are Wisconsin conceal carry laws like?
That was my next thought. The rest of you are a trip:
When it was nothing, you were all serious. Now they get a real threat and many of you are joking - I don't get it. Listen to me:
This person is obviously not that smart - that's an indicator they might act on what they're saying.
They know where Ann and Meade frequent - that's creepy enough for me to say, Ann, you were on FOX yesterday - call the FBI.
I haven't gone to read the whole thing but anybody saying they "WILL FUCK YOU UP" is not a phrase to be pooh-poohed.
My message to this person/people is the same as Issob Morocco's:
Reminder to the Lib Cowards who write such tantrum like that posted above-You mess with Althouse and Meade and you will mess with us all.
So you found info on them, well we can find the info on you. Works both ways but my money is on our side to be more effective in our counter reaction if you make a wrong action.
Don't underestimate us AltMeade-ia-Housians.
You're damned skippy - don't make me come over there:
You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
@vbspurs: What is scribd? You mentioned it earlier. I'm such a late adapter.
Probably the more serious threat to Althouse and Meade will be from her colleagues at the University and from the Administration who will try to do everything they can to ruin her career and reputation and drive her from her position.
Ann thinks I was bullshitting and could be ignored, but, I swear, I tried to tell her,...
I am sure that you are comforted by the fact that their issues are too important to require adhesion to things like basic civility and the law.
WV: combo: the Meadehouse combo has the Madison left in a tizzy.
DBQ wrote (hugs!):
Although this 'letter' or screed sounds really unhinged and could be serious... (Not joking about the guns)....probably the more serious threat to Althouse and Meade will be from her colleagues at the University and from the Administration who will try to do everything they can to ruin her career and reputation and drive her from her position.
Because having voted for Dubya didn't do it for 'em?
You know what -- Althouse will get a gig at Fox and say goodbye to Madison. You watch.
Madison, an East-sider? Is that where the bratty sort of lesbians hang out?
What kind of sissified nut threatens to throw baseballs in your lawn? Seriously, what kind of threat is that?
Screw Godwin's Law, the events of the past few weeks are getting more and more scary. We want to party like it's 1773. They want to party like it's 1938. Jonah Goldberg is a prophet. (Although, it really didn't take that much of a look into the future to see where the left was headed.)
Please do report this and go beyond the local police. We could have a criminal civil rights case here.
Wisconsin Stalking & Harassment Laws
What is stalking?
A person stalks a victim in Wisconsin when s/he engages in a “course of conduct” that causes the victim to experience serious emotional distress or to fear bodily injury or death of her/himself, to a family member, or to a member of his/her household. If the stalker knew or should have known that at least one of the stalking acts
would cause the victim to experience this distress or fear, the stalker may be charged. In most instances, a course of conduct means two or more acts carried out over any period of time. However, if a person had previously been convicted of a domestic abuse offense or a sexual assault offense against the same victim, the person may be charged with stalking after only one stalking act against the victim.
In Wisconsin, stalking acts include but are not limited to:
• Maintaining a visual or physical proximity to the victim.
• Approaching or confronting the victim.
• Appearing at the victim’s workplace or contacting coworkers or employers of the victim.
• Appearing at the victim’s home or contacting the victim’s neighbors.
• Entering property owned, leased, or occupied by the victim.
• Contacting the victim by telephone repeatedly or continuously causing the victim’s (or another’s) telephone to ring, whether or not a conversation ensues.
• Photographing, videotaping, audiotaping, or, by other electronic means, monitoring/recording the
victim’s activities, regardless of where the monitoring takes place.
• Sending material by any means to the victim or to the victim’s family, member of the victim’s household, employer, coworker, or friend in order to obtain information about, disseminate information about, or communicate with the victim.
• Placing an object on or delivering an object to property owned, leased, or occupied by the victim.
• Delivering objects to certain others with the intent of delivery to the victim or placing objects on property owned, leased, or occupied by certain others with intent that it be delivered to the victim.
• Causing a person to engage in any of the acts described in subds. 1. to 9.
Criminal Harassment, Wis. Stat. sec. 947.013, is different than stalking but may be charged in some stalking situations. The crime of harassment is also different from the harassment restraining order, which is a civil protective remedy for victims of harassment.
The crime of harassment occurs when a person engages in a course of conduct or certain acts against a victim.
Harassment occurs whenever a person, with the intent to “harass or intimidate” the victim, either:
• “Strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects the person to physical contact or attempts or threatens to do the same,” or
• “Engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which harass or intimidate the person and which serve no legitimate pupose.”
Love the fact that on his Facebook profile his #1 like is NPR.
Now that the mask of civility has dropped, one of the weird things is how many leftists are willing to threaten people on social media, where it is generally trivially easy to figure out their real identities.
Chickelit, Scribd is a site which stores documents that users upload, usually in written format. I have the iPad app for it.
Many of it tends to be non-copywritten eBooks, poems, and the like, but I'm sure the bulk includes docs you write that you want the world to have access to.
I've read many a chill-inducing rant on Scribd, so it came as no surprise that Mr Shankman chose it.
Similar sites (with all-important search) are:
The latter sites have loads of COPYWRITTEN eBooks.
Can I be part of the militia that guards your house?
I have now added screen caps and downloaded the PDF in case Scribd pulls the document down and sends it down the rabbit hole.
In the words of Phil Collins from Something Happened On The Way to Heaven: "You can run, but you can't hide."
Ann thinks I was bullshitting and could be ignored, but, I swear, I tried to tell her,...
I know.
When you have lived most of your life in a cosy sheltered environment where nothing bad happens to YOU, it is hard for some people to take things (threats like these) seriously and easy to doubt the evil that people can do and the evil that some people just are. You think that all those bad things are just on the television or you read about them in the papers and happen to other people....but ....they are real.
Tra la la...tripping lightly and unconsiously through the minefield.
Be careful.
Meade, standing high up the White Oak tree ... will freak out anyone who comes into your neighborhood carrying signs.
Heck, he'll offer "free wood."
Yes, the threat is sad. But like everything the left seems to be doing, this, too, will buoy your reputation up higher.
By the way, even if you can walk around the Rotunda without being recognized (which does suprise me) ... "Wanted Posters" in your neighborhood? Your neighbors know you, already.
I just don't take these lunatics seriously. How, exactly, was this threat supposed to work?
By the way. When Meade's in the tree, I get terrified. That's one tall tree!
It's because of jerkoffs like this that I proudly display my Walker sign in my dorm window and don't hide the fact that I'm a Republican intern when I walk through the capitol. I'm not scared of the Teamster trucks, I've deliberately walked down the middle of the drum lines to split them in half, in my time at the capitol I've had angry union members come into the office ready to scream and I've stood them down, I've had some of my former teachers look at me with a look of disbelief while I give them a smile and a wink as I walk into my office, the last thing that scares me is a man with obvious anger problems and delusions of power (I don't remember electing him to speak for the city) hiding behind a keyboard while his hyphenated partner cooks a tofu based dish.
Smaller-case mike wrote:
What kind of sissified nut threatens to throw baseballs in your lawn? Seriously, what kind of threat is that?
Who throws a shoe?! Honestly.
I hesitate to call this thuggery until actual actions against Althouse and Meade are taken.
Until then, I merely call it trolling.
Though at risk of being called a troll myself. This behavior is starting to look very "brown-shirt-ish" to me. This is what FACISM looks like.
(*whistle* Godwin's law violation, 10 yard penalty, and loss of down)
Can't do that Shawn.
The NFL is on strike.
"Probably the more serious threat to Althouse and Meade will be from her colleagues at the University and from the Administration who will try to do everything they can to ruin her career and reputation and drive her from her position."
If anything in this area were to start happening, it would boost my reputation (the reputation I have now). There would be all sorts of people who would support me, vigorously, such as CFAR, here on campus. I would be a cause celebre. I do not feel vulnerable there. Even if all my colleagues at the Law School turned on me, the worst that could happen is that I would retire, with a nice pension.
Yes! Theundergroundconservative did something which I and I am sure others forgot to do -- have independent screencaps and downloads of that doc.
wv: scrompa (a good old-fashioned Union scaring)
Kim's the dean over at Benedictine college, we could always let her know what her son is up to.
The MeadeHouse is welcome in NJ anytime.
We demand the admin pw for all of your shit to be publicly posted on a movement friendly facebook group or 4chan.
This is like Dostoevsky's "Demons" reenacted by furious children.
this post gifford civility thing does not appear to be turning out very well.
To all those advising Meade and Professor Althouse... I share your good wishes, but I suspect they're waaaaaay ahead of you. They're no dummies. I suspect most of your suggestions were implemented before this post was ever written.
I kinda expect that they shored up their defenses first, and this post is their return volley. Again, you can't threaten bloggers (popular bloggers, especially) because your threats immediately give them new material, and will only make you look bad.
Althouse - do a poll on pussyboy Shankman's fighting weight. My guess is 140 lbs.
Did this arrive by email? With all the underlining? Written in blue ink for emphasis? What about the ISP number? (Don't people know every email has a unique identifier?)
And, this is sent to a law professor, no less. Who, if the need be, can have this crap TRACED. (No. Not by the police. But by the "host.") Jiminy Cricket.
Oh, and if it arrived by mail? HELLO. The Post Office INVESTIGATES.
What's weird to me is that he seems to have no privacy options used for his Facebook page. You can read posts on just about everything and find out a lot about him. And he posts about writing this letter.
Which is sad really. A young guy in search of an identity, but finding only an ideology.
"Who of the saints would not shudder to be merry with such persons or to enjoy a meal with them? They do not know, the wretches, that what they offer their friends and sons as food is deadly poison, just as Eve did not understand that it was death she gave to her husband. So are all that do evil: they work death as their eternal punishment."
~ St. Patrick, Letter to Coroticus
If anything in this area were to start happening, it would boost my reputation (the reputation I have now). There would be all sorts of people who would support me, vigorously, such as CFAR, here on campus. I would be a cause celebre. I do not feel vulnerable there. Even if all my colleagues at the Law School turned on me, the worst that could happen is that I would retire, with a nice pension.
Well, glad to hear that you feel that way and have a good attitude about it.
I have a friend whose son was a PHD at Berkeley (History I believe) and who is a conservative and independant thinker. He has had nothing but a bad time from the Administration and blackballing from his colleagues.
Still. Be careful. There are crazy people out there and you have become a 'known' target.
STOP THE PRESSES. When I was screencapping the Scribd screed, I look to the right, and see "Jim Shankman" as originator of this vile document.
And I had thought the original poster had worked it out using IP sniffers, and the like!
What the hell, Jim Shankman. I had you down as an Oxbridge pseudo-intellectual with ties to the Sorbonne anarchists.
Early on I was going to comment that like Tucson we can't jump to conclusion that an isolated nut is representative of anything.
I'm in the business of giving tax dodgers, political gangsters, and union-busting thugs the business
Bragging rights
Occupied the Capitol when you could still sleep on the Fourth Floor.
I defend the City of Madison, the State of Wisconsin, the United States of America, the Constitutions and legitimate laws thereof, and the inalienable right of labor to bargain collectively
certainly ends that suggestion.
Now waiting for someone on "the other side" to publicly disavow such tactics
I am wondering if Ann and Meade wrote this screed. It smells a little Tawana Brawley to me.
Kim's the dean over at Benedictine college, we could always let her know what her son is up to.
OHHHHHHHHHH. This is rich. So rich, it makes Carlos Slim nervous.
Note the deafening silence from the usual gang of left-wing twerps regarding criticism of this threat.
No enemies to the left, comrades!
Jay Retread wrote:
I am wondering if Ann and Meade wrote this screed. It smells a little Tawana Brawley to me.
You mean Tawana Brawley is really Ellie Light?
Millions of Blog Posts in Defense, not a comment for tribute!
Did this arrive by email? With all the underlining? Written in blue ink for emphasis? What about the ISP number? (Don't people know every email has a unique identifier?)
And, this is sent to a law professor, no less. Who, if the need be, can have this crap TRACED. (No. Not by the police. But by the "host.") Jiminy Cricket.
Oh, and if it arrived by mail? HELLO. The Post Office INVESTIGATES.
Gee, Ann, I'd tell you to report this to Noble Wray and the Madison Police Dept. but it sounds as if it's something Wray himself could have written.
Victoria! Fancy screeding with you here!
wf:obarro Where The Latino Prez lives?
Ann & Meade,
I don't live in WI, but this really ticks me off. If you need help with these "Peaceful" Progressives, we will be there for you. I can't believe the outright hatred of the Left, which is why they get away with it all the time. Let us know, we'll be there.
Just Bob
It is long past time for any reasonable liberals and Democrats to take a stand against the thugs in their midst. This is despicable. Unless and until the leftys begin condemning these attempts at intimidation, it is clear that they are in the any-means-necessary camp, and are content to let these goons do their dirty work.
Even if all my colleagues at the Law School turned on me, the worst that could happen is that I would retire, with a nice pension.
Don't be naive - these people can hurt you - and in ways you can't imagine. Don't be a fool:
Watch your back.
From now on carry a very small cam-corder and if possible have someone else shadow you with such a recorder.
And if these nutjobs get violent, make sure that shadow knows how to take care of themselves.
P.S. I'm a Texican... and I DO know how to take care of myself
The Crack Emcee said...
Watch your back.
I have to agree. Like I said earlier, all it takes is one delusional person. Just one.
I propose that we apply the Rule of Dipwad Parsimony:
Whenever Garage Mahal, J/Jeremy/Jay Retread, Former Law Student, Ritmo, or any of the other usual left-wing clowns posts something contemptible, we all address our replies to "Jim Shankman."
It's an insult to the human race to automatically assume that these are all separate individuals. Let's hope that only one person here is so messed up as to want to be a troll.
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