६ मार्च, २०११

"There are times when we’re were among family, we’re among Democrats where we want to talk about being Democrats," said Obama in Florida.

"But today I want to talk to you a little about being an American, I want to talk about those things that bring us together as opposed to the things that drive us apart."
He went on to say that he had just visited a high school with [former Florida Governor Jeb] Bush. The crowd booed and hissed. 
Booed and hissed? In Obama's face? Just as he's talking about the things that drive us together as opposed to the things that drive us apart?!

Did Obama's own supporters ever take his Tucson speech seriously? And yet his opponents were supposed to moderate their politics at his behest.

७१ टिप्पण्या:

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

I'm going to say it one more time:

They. Don't. Care.

That allows them to violate anything they say, period.

Now don't forget it at election time. Promise?

C'mon, promise.

The Dude म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Automatic_Wing म्हणाले...

Obama's Tuscon speech was always about the other guys. His supporters understood this perfectly well.

Toad Trend म्हणाले...

“Aside from being the former governor of the state, Jeb is best known as the brother of ... ” — and here, Mr. Obama stopped for an elongated pause, before adding, “Marvin Bush.” The president went on, “Apparently the rest of the family also did some work back in Washington — back in the day.”

The Zero can't go a day without some stupid/snarky dig.

It's a wonder he was able to bring himself to be in the same room as Jeb Bush.

AllenS म्हणाले...

The crowd knows he's full of shit.

mesquito म्हणाले...

On the whole, conservatives think liberals are silly, and liberals think conservatives are evil.

Clairvius Narcisse म्हणाले...

don't you see that the left/right paradigm is far too powerful a tool for corporate whores to set aside? this makes it so much easier to fabricate wedge issues to divide (and conquer) middle class america who, at the end of the day, have more in common than they can possibly differ.

The Dude म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
अनामित म्हणाले...

don't you see that the left/right paradigm is far too powerful a tool for corporate whores to set aside?

Ah. Those corporate whores.

Every generation, leftists come up with a new demonic enemy that is responsible for all evil.

The corporation is the current demon.

Fix that, and we'll be in Utopia!

Triangle Man म्हणाले...

Does Obama have a beef with W? It's not like they ever faced off on an election, and if they had it would be unseemly for the winner to carry on that way.

Harry म्हणाले...

Obama is so two-faced that as he talked about bringing people together, and then the crowd booed Bush, I suspect that, inwardly, he was pleased. Because bringing people together is not what Obama is all about.

His victory in 2008 was due to his ability to rev up his own base while reassuring independents that he understood their issues too. I don't know if he can pull that off again.

Triangle Man म्हणाले...


Those "silly" baby-killing sodomite-loving America-hating communists?

Clairvius Narcisse म्हणाले...

national politicians are corporate whores. demopublicans and republicrats are two sides of the same coin. needing tons of cash to pay for advertising and polling they pander to their corporate masters once elected.

Phil 314 म्हणाले...

Does Obama have a beef with W?

He owes his election to W, as in
Barack not Bush Obama.

And to the Dems at that speech who boo'd.
Who else you gonna vote for?
Suck it!

Clairvius Narcisse म्हणाले...

for the sake of clarification, i am neither a leftists nor a new generation. i don't believe in utopia or santa claus.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Then, for God's sake, Clairvius Narcisse, what did you say...

if anything?

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Obama was never about bringing people together. He was about getting stuff from those "typical white people" who insist on "clinging to their guns and religion" and transfer that wealth to those he deems worhty to be "fair."

That is what he has always been about. He told us that in his own words. But you and millions of other well meaning guilt ridden morons didn't take him at his word.

As Gomer Pyle used to say:"SURPRISE, SURPRISE,SURPRISE!"

अनामित म्हणाले...

When an Obama supporter hears "bring us together as Americans," it hears "bring 'us' together," meaning those who hate George W. Bush, his little bro', his father and mother, etc. The "Americans" part is unintelligible.

zbogwan99 म्हणाले...

Obama said:“It’s still possible for us to tackle tough problems in a constructive way. We don’t have to be calling each other names. It doesn’t have to be an ideological battle.”

The Pres is such a phony! He says one thing before an audience and then does the exact opposite in deeds?

Poor Jeb Bush was probably on the verge of heaving up his lunch, listening to the One pontificating so falsely?

The Dude म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
अनामित म्हणाले...

He went on to say that he had just visited a high school with [former Florida Governor Jeb] Bush. The crowd booed and hissed.

Who says they were booing Jeb?

Maybe they were booing and hissing at the current commandant of the gulag on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Jeb Bush hasn't fired any missiles at brown people from drone aircraft, after all.

Jeb Bush didn't re-up the Patriot Act.

Jeb Bush hasn't taken $40 million in campaign bribes from Wall Street fatcats.

I have one question for the left: Where the fuck is Bill Ayers when the country really needs him?

Almost Ali म्हणाले...

It's a wonder he was able to bring himself to be in the same room as Jeb Bush.

I question Jeb Bush's judgment. Obama deserves absolutely no legitimacy, especially from the Bush family.

So, it's really about political fleas lying down with infested dogs.

(which, btw, explains the birth and rebirth of the Tea Party)

Trooper York म्हणाले...

It really is a shame because the President really feels a kinship with Jeb Bush and especailly his wife.

You see she can't find her birth certificate either!

Clairvius Narcisse म्हणाले...

dearest sixty grit,
yes, i see and recognize your quaint attempts to bait me. i'm not interested. with my lack of logic, dislike of caps, and apparent inability to write in a language that you comprehend i still respect you as a person. i'm truly only here killing time, having a bit of sport and trying to get a truthful answer to one question. peace be with you.

Tom Spaulding म्हणाले...

Did Obama's own supporters ever take his Tucson speech seriously?

They had a pep rally with a shaman, for Gaia's sake. How much more serious can you get?

lemondog म्हणाले...

...a little about being an American..

A little late in the day to be talking about being an American. Should have started that 3 years ago.

And I'm sure he spoke as little about being an American as he could possibly manage.

Chase म्हणाले...

The crowd booed and hissed

Because it was a crowd of Assholes. Democrat Assholes.

Don't try to fix them. They are congenital hypocrites - as you so clearly pointed out to anyone with an IQ above 50. It's their nature. They can't help it. They can't help the hatred, the visceral gut bomb hatred that each of them violently wishes upon their political opponents, who is basically whoever their Democrat leaders tell them they supposed to oppose.

Assholes. Democrat Assholes.

Booing the President when he mentions someone Democrats have been ordered to hate is the stuff of children's minds. Pee Pee Doo Doo is the constant wave in their minds.

Assholes. Democrat Assholes.

Comparing an American Governor to Hitler is just one of millions of examples of the violent hatred tendencies that live in the hearts of Assholes, Democrat Assholes. Me-first-before-what's-best-for-my country is the basic intrinsic moral value of Democrats.

Assholes. Do I need to explain it further, Professor? They cannot help themselves, much less begin to think for themselves. Thankfully the Senate will leave Democrat hands in 2012 guaranteed; it's called demographics.

Assholes. Democrat Assholes. Wisconsin wasn't enough display of Democrat leeching from your pocket and mine Democrat Assholes.

Really - they're hopeless. Look to the next generation.


This completes the class Democrats: Why They Are Purposely Hateful, Helplessly Hypocritical.

Unknown म्हणाले...

The sole purpose of the campaign rally in Tucson was to put Conservatives, Libertarians, and tea Partiers at a disadvantage.

Christopher म्हणाले...

Clearly the boos were the result of agitators planted by the Koch brothers to discredit our wonderful President's pleas for civility. I read on HuffPo that they bribed security with a lifetime supply styrofoam cups.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Obama got elected by promising "change" from the policies of Bush & Co, with the subtext that those policies were evil, as were the people pushing for them and implementing them.

Now he has a nice appearance with the brother of Satan and it is surprising that the people react negatively?

Hope. Change. That's what we voted for. Not civility as Americans, which is a canard anyway.

Elections mean something, just like Walker supporters have been saying for weeks now. Obama won the biggest election there is. Haters can suck it up.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"I question Jeb Bush's judgment. Obama deserves absolutely no legitimacy ..."

This is the comment that I've been waiting for.

What the fuck is Jeb Bush doing on any stage giving Barack Obama legitimacy?

If Jeb Bush ever wants my future vote, he'd better stop fucking holding hands with the sworn enemies of the United States of America.

deborah म्हणाले...

"national politicians are corporate whores. demopublicans and republicrats are two sides of the same coin. needing tons of cash to pay for advertising and polling they pander to their corporate masters once elected."

This is correct, and it ain't rocket science.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Clearly Narcissistic said:

"i'm not interested. with my lack of logic, dislike of caps, and apparent inability to write in a language that you comprehend i still respect you as a person. i'm truly only here killing time, having a bit of sport and trying to get a truthful answer to one question. peace be with you."

You're not interested or interesting, and you said "killing"! fOR SHAME! Nice war on time there peace be with you sports bit.

अनामित म्हणाले...

One thing many of us in middle-class America have in common is that we think people who throw around phrases like "corporate whores" are nitwits.

Toad Trend म्हणाले...

@Ali 3:12pm

The very same thought crossed my mind in terms of what was going through Jeb Bush's mind (or perhaps what was mailed to him) when he agreed to appear with Zero.

Seems a bit odd, I would think an appearance with 'him' would be considered kryptonite. Too many examples of The Won and his penchant for verbal trots. Zero did not disappoint.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Obama got elected by flying under the radar by voting "Present' for most of his tenure in the Senate. He combined his natural base and was elected by virtue of the guilt ridden votes of millions of Americans who thought if they voted for Obama maybe the racial divisions that have plauged us forever would begin to heal.

How has that worked out for us?

How has the President worked to heal these divisions?

How has his justice department decided to enforce the law?

How has he chosen to frame his rethoric and position his moral authority?

How does it feel to be a sucker?

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Many Americans thought they were getting Brooker T. Washington and instead they got Nene Leakes.

If you don't know what that means watch Celebrity Apprentice tonight.

You will get the idea.

Rick Caird म्हणाले...

I would love to see a florida election between Jeb Bush and Obama. I would predict it to be about 70-30 Bush. No wonder the Obama supporters "booed and hissed". That is what snakes do.

shiloh म्हणाले...

As AA continues to preach to her smallish WI choir :::zzzz:::

Self-gratification! ;)

अनामित म्हणाले...

" ... what was going through Jeb Bush's mind (or perhaps what was mailed to him) when he agreed to appear with Zero."

No Child Left Behind is a full-employment act for overpaid Democrats who are using that money to bribe politicians with campaign donations. It was Ted Kennedy's baby for Christ sakes (the same amoral Ted Kennedy we learned recently rented an entire Chilean whorehouse in 1961, according to CBSNews).

I'm sorry, but this talk about "investing in Education" is horseshit. It's code for donations to Democrat political candidates.

Teacher pay has to be cut because it's being used to fund the Democrat Party. Jeb Bush either knows that and doesn't care, or he doesn't know that and is thus too naive to be a Republican leader.

george म्हणाले...

At least he admits that the interests of the Democrats are not those of Americans. He comes right out and says this stuff all of the time but no one seems to notice or care. Republicans for all of their faults do not see their party as being at odds with being an American citizen.

If Obama wasn't such an unsophisticated dullard he would be even more of a threat but as it is he can't keep his mouth shut about his true intentions. The only thing saving him is a co-opted and intellectually incurious media.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Jeb wants to appear reasonable and fair-minded. And inclusive. And able to reach across the aisle to all the friends he'll have in the Democrat Party when he's elected President.

Those are good WASP virtues and were universally observed - a hundred years ago before Woody Wilson and FDR and Uncle Saul.

He doesn't seem to understand that operating that way is what undid his father's and brother's Administrations.

You can't be nice with those people.

PS If the Althouse audience is so small, why does he even bother commenting?

Alex म्हणाले...

Elections mean something, just like Walker supporters have been saying for weeks now. Obama won the biggest election there is. Haters can suck it up.

Biggest election? Did we elect him to dictator or am I ignorant about the Constitutional role of POTUS?

Clairvius Narcisse म्हणाले...

thank you for sharing your superior knowledge of nitwits.
i would be interested to read the data about your claim. link please.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Obama can't speak as an American without people right away thinking about whether he's an American, not as a matter of birth but of orientation.

Immediate associations ("Is he merely incompetent or on the other side?") do him in, which he would know if he weren't clueless.

He should avoid those rhetorical hooks and talk some other way, say by getting to the point.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Everyone in the world--even the media, who simply lie about it--know that Obama preaches non-partisanship with a wink, wink. They don't believe him. Why, this palaver is just for the rubes!

He doesn't believe in anything but himself and his groovy leftist policies.

mtrobertsattorney म्हणाले...

Booker T. Washington? Who is he? What did he ever do? Hardly anybody has ever heard of him. But that's not surprising, he has pretty much been banished from American history.

If Black leaders had only listened to him and followed his advice, 90% of problems facing the Black community today would not exist.

David म्हणाले...

What Tucson speech?

Did he make a speech in Tucson?

ricpic म्हणाले...

Booker T. Washington invented the peanut. Everyone knows that.

ricpic म्हणाले...

Seriesly, Booker T. was the exact opposite of Jesse J. He wasn't a shakedown artist. He wanted to teach as many blacks as possible the skills that would make them valued employees in the industrial era. Which is why he's denigrated by the race hustlers as an Uncle Tom.

Palladian म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Palladian म्हणाले...

"He should avoid those rhetorical hooks and talk some other way, say by getting to the point."

The reason he never gets to the point is that there isn't one.

It's a boring trip on a monotonous highway without a destination. Let me be clear, followed by dense fog.

Paco Wové म्हणाले...

"Did Obama's own supporters ever take his Tucson speech seriously?"

I know you're just being rhetorical here, A., but we all know that nobody took all that "civility bullshit" seriously. It was an attempt by the liberals to blindside their opponents yet again, and everybody recognized it as such, whether they played along or not.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

It's the new civility!!!!!!

coketown म्हणाले...

I've seen plenty of crowds boo but never witnessed one hiss. If the person next to me in a crowd started hissing with displeasure I would be uncomfortable.

अनामित म्हणाले...

After watching the video (several times) it is my conclusion that these are not the "better than thou" teabaggers, nor the "professionals", but "cover our asses" DNC types, that have no idea what they are doing.

I think "Hippy-fest" will live in infamy, for generations to come.

Governor Walker scarred our marble for all to see...sayeth the yet-to-be-born....if they are properly "educated" by the up and coming "educators".

Fen म्हणाले...

Obama: “It’s still possible for us to tackle tough problems in a constructive way. We don’t have to be calling each other names. It doesn’t have to be an ideological battle.”

Fuck you, Barak.

10ksnooker म्हणाले...

Phew ... I was afraid he was going talk about bringing back the Democrats terror wing the KKK to terrorize the 57 States.

Synova म्हणाले...

You know, it's worth giving Clinton some creds for not taking the attacks on himself personally. Pres. Bush, as well. Whatever their other vices and virtues, both men seemed to enjoy their jobs and it's relatively easy to seem them in the politician mode of being at each other's throats at work and then when the bell rings go out for a beer or ask after the wife and kids.

So now Bush and Clinton (and I'm sure the other Bush as well) are in this sort of "club" where they've got more in common simply because of their experience and no hard feelings that can't be set aside on a normal day. (Note I didn't include Carter.)

And maybe Obama is *trying* to do that now, but I'm not sure he's ever going to be able to. Does anyone think he enjoys his job? Does anyone think he lets the hard stuff roll off his back like water on a duck? Can anyone imagine him being good friends with the opposition leadership when they're behind doors?

But if he can and if he's *trying*, the fact that he's relied from the very first on agitating his "base" in ways that don't lend themselves to live-and-let-live and bygones is a bed he's made himself. For one thing, people don't *forgive* racists, nor do they *forget* being accused of racism.

Obama fomented that. Obama started with the implications and suggestions. He even accused the Clintons of being racist against him when Hillary was his primary opponent.

How can he expect any of his followers to simply view it all as the normal rough and tumble, vigorous political theater that can be set aside?

Synova म्हणाले...

(And I certainly wouldn't view Hillary's acceptance of the Sec. of State post as an indication that she's cozy behind doors or even "likable enough" toward Obama.)

jr565 म्हणाले...

All that talk of tolerance was simply a means to get republicans to not criticize Obama's policies and get them to shut up. By any means necessary.

They (the democrats and libs) have been nothing but contemptuous and demagogic towards republicans for my entire lifetime. They wouldn't know how to act with tolerance towards THEIR ENEMIES if you paid them money.

ken in tx म्हणाले...

Just so you will know, George Washington Carver developed a margarine made with peanut oil. Some reporters called it 'peanut butter'. The peanut butter we buy in the grocery store was developed by one of the Kellogg brothers in Michigan.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

Obama has never budged an inch from his own hard left ideological positions. Yet he never fails to do his "common ground spiel".

Yeah yeah some librul commenter will respond yes but he did not close Gitmo, wiretaps, etc. Well, that does not prove he is pragmatic. It proves he is a dumbass who was wrong about Gitmo, wiretaps, etc in the first place.

Almost Ali म्हणाले...

Certainly one of the main reasons Obama has such thin skin is that his wife keeps rubbing it raw. Day in and night out, it's like sandpaper; racist this, racist that - whitey this, whitey that!

I could almost give Obama a pass because of his demon-nag of a wife, a woman with so much blatant, boiling, venom - the man is totally and irreparably poisoned.

Now there's nothing he wouldn't do to destroy Whitey World - even though it means destroying his own progeny. And himself.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"I could almost give Obama a pass because of his demon-nag of a wife."

If I was him, I'd be fucking Vera Baker too with that fucking Klingon waiting for me at home.

Synova म्हणाले...

Oh, come on now. Do we really have any idea how she treats him?

Almost Ali म्हणाले...

Do we really have any idea how she treats him?

Yes. When Michelle calls, Barry runs. Just ask Bill Clinton.

Meanwhile, what's your impression of Michelle? For starters, did you happen to read her Princeton thesis?

Synova म्हणाले...

My impression of Michelle:

I think she's probably something of a professional oppressee, seeing as how I can't see any way whatsoever that her life or desires have been limited from the day she was born to the present. Princeton? Seriously?

I think that she probably had more to do with going to Rev. Wright's church than Barry did.

I think that she well may be the, um, alpha in the relationship but I doubt she's a bully and I doubt that he minds her being the boss.

I think that it probably does make it extremely difficult for her to adjust to the role of First Lady, and it seems that whenever she tries she gets the tone wrong. The role of co-president or running things behind the scenes is out, and not acceptable to a liberated woman anyway... "his" career isn't supposed to be "her" career, if you know what I mean. But she's not allowed to have a career, quite, and doesn't know how to have one quietly and just do her own thing.

So I have some sympathy for the dilemma. (Even if I believe that, oh, Todd Palin, (or even Bill Clinton) would slide into the role of First Dude without a similar existential crisis.)

And I think that it has just got to suck, in a way that make all other sucking pale, to be six feet tall and not at all delicate and have people *looking* at you all the time.

I don't think that suddenly becomes deserved just because I don't like her.

Almost Ali म्हणाले...

Synova said...
I think that she probably had more to do with going to Rev. Wright's church than Barry did.

My thought exactly, although not entirely inconsistent with his own mindset.

Still, Michelle knows the [black] mindset of Chicago, the same mindset she brought to Princeton, and subsequently to the White House: Whitey's out to get her.

Heavy or light, I believe she's the camel who broke Barry's racial back. And turned the grandma who raised him into Chicago's stereotypical, no-account white woman.

One way or another, this is what Barry hears and experiences everyday - the constant barrage of slavery, colonialists, and lynchings, i.e., the rationale for destroying this society, no matter the cost.

I appreciated your impression, Synova, but given the incredible stakes, I don't think we can afford to entertain areas of gray. Right or wrong, I prefer the black or white, something solid to stand on. Lest she get away with it.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Synova, gotta disagree on Clinton. The man could demagogue opponent like few others. Obama's Tucson BS was inspired by Clinton blaming Rush for the OKC bombing.

Synova म्हणाले...

What I was claiming about Clinton was that, although the rhetoric was sometimes vicious, he doesn't seem to be the type to hold a grudge, and hasn't, at least to all appearances.