Is it in wearing a gray hoodie under a tailored blazer, a little black derby hat, and a smelled-a-fart expression while carrying a pre-printed "SHAME" sign when the guy marching after you is wearing a windbreaker and carrying a handmade "TAX the RICH" sign?
Is it in carrying a 3D representation of the governor's bare ass while being followed by a blanketed-up old woman in a wheelchair against whom is propped a gigantic "SHAME" sign?
Is it in wheeling around an old woman against whom is propped a gigantic "SHAME" sign and sticking mylar pinwheels into her blankets?
Is it in marching — while holding, instead of sign, a take-out coffee — while a woman holds up a "SHAME!" sign and you (apparently) supervise a child who is bearing a handmade "InaPPropriate Boob" sign which depicts (presumably) Scott Walker being directed toward a blazing fire.
Where is the shame? Is it in my photography and my questions? Should I be ashamed to see alternate meanings in the "SHAME" signs the Wisconsin protesters display proudly?
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«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 202 पैकी 201 – 202Are they stupid?
They must be if garage is an example.
From "Supernanny State", today, at American Thinker:
Typically, after years of parental inadequacy, at least one of the children has become so accustomed to having everything their way that the moment that security -- let's call it an entitlement blanket -- is removed, they quickly leap past unreasonable and explode into irrational, sometimes even violent rebellion. They yell, threaten, kick, spit, swear and scream and do everything else they can to try to flex the muscles they thought they had built through years of dominant will. In their immature, dysfunctional little minds, they are perfectly justified in their behavior. After all, no one had said "no" to them before; how dare someone try to take away their "right" to have everything they want when they have worked so hard throwing tantrums enough to earn it!
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