On March 2d, Meade removed a sign — "I fought for the Union/You should too" — that was tied to the foot of this statue. Today, we found the monument desecrated once again, and Meade sprang into action:
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
१३९ टिप्पण्या:
Just wondering- has Meade ever served in the military?
I can no longer hold back. The meadia keeps pushing these images in my face.
Please, I beg you Althouse, buy Meade a jacket that fits. Meade isn't less of a man if his jacket size only says M or L, instead of the XXXXXL he seems to be sporting.
Meade is a standup guy.
Looked kind of risky. He was probably trying to turn you on.
By the way...
Are there NO parking restrictions affecting semi-trailers on Capitol Square?
Just wondering- has Meade ever served in the military?
And this is relevant why?
Apparently if you clear debris from war memorials without having been in the military, you're a chicken hawk or something.
Just wondering- has Mutaman ever served in the military?
The way Meade mounted that statue frontally reminded me of...
...with Althouse in the background, watching.
By 1:45 I was going to buy Meade a pocket knife. How silly of me to doubt him.
Thank you, Sir.
From what I understand Meade has led a few charges on unsuspecting coeds on State Street over the last few weeks.
Did you even serve in the Civil War, Meade? Did you???
Agree with shout.
Very classy of you, sir.
Also agree with Allen and Shaaark.
PS Just curious, but is there a statue of Arthur MacArthur around the Capitol someplace?
Given that he's a bit better known, one might think so, or would that be in Milwaukee?
Althouse (at 1:44): "And if they were here to explain it, they'd say that he fought for the union, and you know was there for the union ..."
Ironically, they'd be right.
Heg fought in the Civil War because he felt the government was in danger.
Wikipedia: "Appealing to all young Norseman he said, "the government of our adopted country is in danger. It is our duty as brave and intelligent citizens to extend our hands in defense of the cause of our Country and of our homes."
Heg fought to defend government. That's precisely what this union of government officials is trying to do.
Protect themselves.
The AFSCME "union" isn't the people. They aren't citizens in the normal sense of that word. Citizens pay taxes to support the government.
The individuals protesting in Wisconsin ARE. GOVERNMENT. OFFICIALS.
Not citizens.
So Heg would probably fit right in among them.
From what I understand Mutaman has led a few charges on unsuspecting protest cows on State Street over the last few weeks
Perhaps Meade needs a knife he can open one handed AND more practice at ripping T-shirts off of statuesque...
Good job. Little scary when you made your way down - I could almost hear the creaking.
Wiki on the Norwegian born Hans Christian Heg
He was a {{haha}}.... Republican.
A member of the recently formed Republican Party, he was an outspoken anti-slavery activist and a leader of Wisconsin's 'Wide Awakes,' an anti-slavecatcher militia.[4][5]
In Seattle, there's a statue of Lenin that people put things on.
These statues are taxpayer funded and belong to ALL the people. SOME of the people do not have a RIGHT to desecrate them. No matter what pbj, AL, Ritmo, garbage feel.
Difference is no Americans paid for that Lenin statue, so feel free to desecrate it!
"Looked kind of risky."
It is. A lot of those statues are not constructed in such a way to be climbed on like that. He's lucky it didn't tumble over.
Then he'd be charged with its destruction.
This should have been removed by an authorized statue conservationist using appropriate tools.
I remember reading recently that meaning well isn't enough. The general rule is: Don't help unless you know what you are doing! The default position should be: Do nothing. First, do no harm. This is an essential conservative principle. It's especially obnoxious to help for the purpose of looking good — and making other people look bad.
Read that somewhere when some moron was bashing the Tea Party plan to pick the scotch tape off the marble in the Capital. Can't remember where I read that though.
Probably not important.
How can anybody desecrate a monument that never was sacred?
Sacred is what new cars are when blessed by a Mexican priest.
speaking about folks taling out of their a$$eS:
P.J. Crowley is abruptly stepping down as State Department spokesman under pressure from White House officials
Well somebody in the WH can be decisive about protecting something, even if the something is only The Won's image
Good for Meade. Well done.
Next time use this: http://amzn.to/ieVBsT
If you buy it through Althouse's portal, some of the revenue goes to her! Which probably doesn't matter if Meade buys it.
Difference is no Americans paid for that Lenin statue, so feel free to desecrate it!
Just to be clear, I have absolutely no problem with what was done to that Lenin statue. None whatsoever. I've thought of doing a few things to it myself.
Difference is no Americans paid for that Lenin statue, so feel free to desecrate it!
The Leftists out here dressed it up like a Gitmo prisoner once, too. The local Pravda office was quite thrilled.
If you buy it through Althouse's portal, some of the revenue goes to her! Which probably doesn't matter if Meade buys it.
I might buy it through Glenn Reynolds' Amazon thingy. Oh... wait...
I've thought of doing a few things to it myself.
You and me both :)
From what I understand Mutaman has led a few charges on unsuspecting protest cows on State Street over the last few weeks.
I'm pretty sure he charges them from the rear. Utterly devastating.
I think he majored in Animal Husbandry.
They don't call Mutaman "Cows-witz" for nuttin'.
"I've thought of doing a few things to it myself."
I've eaten in front of it, since that's where Royal Grinders is located.
It's odd how many folks walk by and pause to look at that thing. Many of these folks sort of look like tourists, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, there's much better food in Fremont, so I've only been planted in that location one time. Maybe my fleeting observations were unrepresentative of reality.
For perspective, the shop that says "handmade" is the grinder place.
We ate outside, literally next to the statue.
Out of towners should know that Fremont has fun statues too. For example, a troll eating a VW, as well as folks waiting for a bus (who are often dressed up).
And, they have the naked bike riders!
The new car smell is sacred.
Mutaman doesn't have time to go running around the capital. Unlike some people, he has to work for a living.
And, they have the naked bike riders!
Ummmm yeah. And that is not a good thing, if you've ever actually seen them.
The Fremont Troll is cool, though.
Mutaman doesn't have time to go running around the capital. Unlike some people, he has to work for a living.
Some people don't have to work on Sundays. I'm sorry that you have to.
"P.J. Crowley is abruptly stepping down as State Department spokesman under pressure from White House officials ..."
PJ seems to have forgot who the Torturer in Chief is.
Liberals are having a really hard time coming to grips with the fact that Barack Obama is torturing poor Bradley Manning.
It's not "the Pentagon" who is torturing him ... it's Barack Obama who is torturing him.
Barack Obama is the Commander In Chief of all US military forces. He could order a halt to the torture, but he has not done so and now liberals are having to come to grips with the fact that they are in fact the evildoers. They put this guy in. They voted for this torturer.
How can an honest liberal ever vote for Barack Obama again? When he's a torturer? When he shoots drone missiles at unarmed brown people in Afghanistan just trying to protect their homeland? How can an honest liberal ever vote for the Commandant of the Gulag at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba? The man who has resumed the show trials there?
Nobody in the Obama Administration is allowed to say that anything the federal government does is stupid because what they're saying is that Barack Obama is stupid.
And we can't have that, now can we?
Liberals must now contort their thinking so that Obama's torture of Bradley Manning is in fact what was necessary and good and right all along.
That way, they can vote for him again.
As they contort their minds, there will be a few who can't manage the trick. Winston couldn't and had to be dealt with.
PJ Crowley ... meet Barack O'Brien.
Funny. Being stripped down to one's underwear every night is now "torture". If that is true, I am tortured every night. Sometimes, the torture is even worse than what poor Manning goes through, since sometimes even my underwear is removed.
Seriously, though, just another example of words being redefined and/or being used liberally to make things sound much worse than they are. Argh.
Well the military do months on end overseas, some of them end up handicapped.
The military that is stateside feel guilty about that and frequently pull sixteen hour shifts.
Good for the tax payer that the military does not get paid overtime, ey?
Oh on top of that their families get to move every two to three years and then when they bury them the Westboro Baptist get to have a protest contest with the guys on choppers.
And all the lawyers here at Althouse can feel better about themselves-yeah Free Speech!
Meanwhile we probably have more respect for a statue than the recently dead guy and his invisible family.
Yeah team-
And, they have the naked bike riders!
Yeah, well, in San Francisco, they have guys who will inflate your painted scrotum until it looks like a psychedelic bowling ball. Not sure if there's a charge for that or if they just do it to be nice, but it's gotta trump a naked bike ride on the Leftist Thinks It's Awesome scale.
Being stripped down to one's underwear every night is now "torture".
Which brings us full circle.
There seems to be a theme emerging.
Yeah, well, in San Francisco, they have guys who will inflate your painted scrotum until it looks like a psychedelic bowling ball. Not sure if there's a charge for that or if they just do it to be nice, but it's gotta trump a naked bike ride on the Leftist Thinks It's Awesome scale.
ROTFLMAO... I almost forgot about Inflato-Scrote.
"Seriously, though, just another example of words being redefined and/or being used liberally to make things sound much worse than they are."
Barack Obama is torturing Bradley Manning (who, it should be noted, has not received a trial of any kind). Amnesty International also notes that his treatment violates several treaties on the treatment of prisoners, including Article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which the USA ratified in 1992 and which states that “all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person."
Bradley Manning's torture at the hands of the barbaric Barack O'Brien include:
1) He has been confined by himself for an extended and thus far indefinite period of time.
2) He has been stripped.
3) He has been housed in an extremely small space (72 square feet) for 23 hours per day.
4) He is not allowed to see the outside world.
5) There is no chair or table where he can eat.
6) He is shackled during visits
7) He has been subjected to sleep deprivation.
Barack Obama is inhuman. He is torturing this boy who has not even received a trial. Barack Obama should be arrested for war crimes by The Hague, tried and then punished.
He is an evil, evil man ... and I just don't see how any honest Democrat could vote for a torturer in chief like Barack Obama.
How is he even welcome at their parties with that sort of blood on his hands?
Susan Sarandon enters the fray...
Althouse will undoubtedly want to comment on her visible attire, and the love of students:
Students: keepers of the Grail; rising above the nonsensical nonsense of their ill-enlightened parents.
Smells like Al Gore
Smells like Team Spirit
Smells like pizza
Took my aspiring guitar player teenage son to the Pink Floyd Experience concert last night at the Madison Civic Center. The band played in front of a large video screen.
During the first set they showed many images of the iconic Pink Floyd 'pig' and the two middle-aged women behind us would cackle loudly every time "It's Scott Walker!!" and blab on and on about their day at the prosest. I finally had to turn around and remind them the rest of us paid to hear the concert not listen to their non-stop political dialogue.
In the second set during Dark Side of the Moon they showed a video of various despots including Hitler, Stalin, etc. And some idiot kept standing up and yelling "And Scott Walker" much to the crowd's delight. They also loved the brave piano player showing off his Anti-Walker t-shirt.
This life-long resident grows increasily weary of Madison and its smug, condescending and conformist people.
I'm glad to see Meade is a manly guy who carries a pocket knife.
I didn't notice Meade cleaning his shoe soles from grit and debris before stepping on the base of the statue. Nor was it clear how he kept his stick or knife blades from contacting the statue, or how he kept his ungloved hand from impressing sweat and acid on the statue's patina.
But if Meade's zeal did result in damage to the statue of Wisconsin's beloved war martyr, this documentary lets the state know who to blame. In fact, next time Meade drops by for a chat with the police, perhaps he could give them his palmprint.
He needs a pocket knife with a gutting hook. Like this one. Lot easier to cut through those shirts when you can pull DOWN with the cutting edge, gravity on your side.
"But if Meade's zeal did result in damage to the statue of Wisconsin's beloved war martyr, this documentary lets the state know who to blame."
Do you see the risk you are taking Meade?
These fucking scumbags like FLS are just waiting for you to make a mistake ... for some unforeseen event to occur. Some inadvertent damage to occur that they can blame on you.
Then they have you.
You will be arrested and Bradley Manning'd for your own good. You know, to protect you from harming yourself. 23 hour a day torture for you, kid.
Don't think for a moment they aren't waiting and watching and planning.
They are.
Now there's some 'community activism' that I can support!
"He needs a pocket knife with a gutting hook. Like this one. Lot easier to cut through those shirts ..."
And scumbags. Gutting hooks are good on scumbags, too.
Every man should have a knife on him at all times . . . for reasons like this and others . . .
Does anyone else want to whine about having to work-
7:30 to 3:30 or weekends?
Ya-that's what I thought.
For the military guys I know and love may I humbly say-
Stow it.
Mutaman, Meade is a member by federal law of the unorganized milita and that gives him the right to arm bears, bears arms and carry a pocket knife.
I have refrained from directly engaging Althouse's readers, however, what:
former law student said...
requires I respond.
Unlike Meade, you appear to have no principles, standards, or logic.
One wonders, did the possibility that those that desecrated that monument wipe their feet, wear gloves, and take great care not to disrespect the monument ever cross your mind?
Who gives a shit as long a I can spew petty bullshit demeaning Meade--surrogate for all conservatives, right?
Facts, meanings, principles, change instantly according to the whims of a leftist-
Your indictment of Meade fails. Yet, in your world, you win.
Arguing with liberals is like playing checkers with chess pieces using backgammon rules.
If some dufus protester managed to get the T-shirt on the statue without causing the thing to collapse; I am sure that handy Meade can get it off with no damage.
"I didn't notice Meade cleaning his shoe soles from grit and debris before stepping on the base of the statue."
I did.
If Meade did serve, I thank him. His actions are rather more noble if he didn't though. If a vet protects a war memorial, it is fine--if a bit self-serving. If a lifetime civilian protects a war memorial, it is pure patriotism.
Every man should have a knife on him at all times . . . for reasons like this and others . . .
At one time, it was expected for a man or boy to carry a knife. It was a big deal when I got my Cub Scout pocket knife, and an even bigger deal getting a Boy Scout pocket knife. To this day, I'm never without a knife in my pocket or on my belt.
Did the t-shirt have the union label, or was it made in China with child or prison labor?
Chef Mojo: The pocket knife is dead for us frequent flyers. The tsa believes that a two inch Case is as deadly as a pistol, a tiny Swiss Army with a half inch blade as dangerous as a Jihadi with a shaved chest. Once you can't take them everywhere you quit taking them anywhere.
Thank you Meade.
Now that we beat the teachers' union, we need to take on the police unions. The size of their benefits are obscene.
"Now that we beat the teachers' union, we need to take on the police unions. The size of their benefits are obscene."
I don't think the police union is going to roll over as easily as the teachers did.
They can always shoot you in the back and claim they thought they had grabbed their taser.
And frankly, the teachers make chump change compared to the cops. In Boston, they're pulling down $200,000 a year some of 'em and retiring with 7-figure pensions.
You think you're just going to take that from a bunch of armed union thugs with a license to kill?
Good luck lady.
Damn good point. But I rarely fly, and the times I have, I've left the knife at home and purchased something at my destination. A year ago, I flew out to San Antonio. An hour off the plane, I had a CRKT M-16 clipped in my back jeans pocket. Before going back a week later, I UPSed it back home. Then I gave it to a nephew. He was completely thrilled. Knives make great gifts!
wv: bewive
If a vet protects a war memorial, it is fine--if a bit self-serving.
I've seen your comments here long enough to know your not whacked but I think you might want to contemplate two seeming contradictions you got going
vet and self serving.
Speaking of which and I know none of you do want to talk about it but the active duty get to spend their time off because it's not "legal" to do it while at work co-ordinating efforts with vets and families and skirting the "law" which btw military guys have a hard time doing that to get around these Westboro lawyer family Baptist freaks.
How would you like to have to call up a grieving family while on your rare time off from the ops tempo to bother them with strategy and contingency plans to get away from pigs?
btw it's active duty and vets it ain't any or too many damn civilians helping us.
No civilians helped in the case I specifically know about but I do know an Air Force officer and Army officer at CENTCOM who were driven nearly....
Anyways-ya "self-serving".
Why don't you take some thought and time and try re-wording that.
Or would that be too much *effort* for a civilian?
madawaskan, I served in the USMC.
You know all these photo essays and films about Meade and stuff is getting very "Factory" and Andy Warhol-ish.
Watch out dude.
It is very dangerous to be someone's "Muse."
Look what happened to Edie.
I went to see the Blue Angels at their winter home in El Centro yesterday. It was a great show, enjoyed by young and old.
What I found dismaying was the trash left behind afterwards.
Photos at 11.
If a vet protects a war memorial, it is fine--if a bit self-serving. If a lifetime civilian protects a war memorial, it is pure patriotism.
Think of this sentence as a logic problem.
If the civilian equals "pure patriotism" -you've set it up in the equation as the vet is something less.
Buddy you've got that all ass backwards.
(If your dyslexic or you wish to re-word I'll cut you some slack.)
Damn it I was going to give that to you as a third option...
Sorry if you take this a wrong way but-
YOUR more of a hero any day of the week than that old fart Meade.
Sorry Meadster-I'm just sayin'.
The most useful tool on my swiss army knife is pliers which has saved me countless minutes and steps back to the truck or tool box over the years.
I cleaned the mud off my shoes before I climbed up on the monument. I pretty sure I didn't but if I damaged the monument in any way, I will gladly pay for the repair/restoration.
I never served in the military. My father and uncle did and so did my mother-in-law and also my father-in-law.
Leah, N J Forde, you're very welcome.
Wow talk about toucheeed or something like that.
Gawd I just got my ass handed to me.
The most useful tool...
is Jeremy.
I spy on your twitter.
OK now that I've completely embarrassed myself-I'm out!
I don't know why I am bothering, but here is one last try: If a vet protects a memorial devoted to those who served, then he is partly protecting a monument that honors himself. This is the very meaning of self-serving.
I still think it is a fine and good thing to do. However, the motives of a lifetime civilian are more pure in that none of the honor being protected is devoted to the civilian.
In addition to being a former Marine, I am also a philosophy graduate, so have some familiarity with logic.
madawaskan, I know your heart is in the right place.
I spy on your twitter.
Hey, I didn't post the trash photo yet!
I might have just the sign for you though!
I have one for garage. I'm going to email it to Trooper.
Oh just great to top it all of I ALL CAPPED my grammatical ignorance.
I'm off to go raid the liquor cabinet.
Chevas here I come!
"In addition to being a former Marine, I am also a philosophy graduate, so have some familiarity with logic."
Hence, mathematicians and their theorems...
You found a good man, Ann. Amazing how they co-opt the term 'union.' If for some god-forsaken reason you're ever at Minot State, drinks are on me.
Meade, thank you for your quick, decisive action to right a wrong.
Daughter of WWII Navy officer
Great-granddaughter of Civil War Union soldier
Mother of soon-to-be Marine
Mutaman: Just wondering- has Meade ever served in the military?
Have you, Libtard? If not, then shut the fuck up. If the veterans here think its relevant, then we'll bring it up ourselves.
If you didn't serve, its not your place to badger someone else about it.
Y0u should have taken it put it on eBay and pledged the proceeds to the Walker reelection campaign.
One wonders, did the possibility that those that desecrated that monument wipe their feet, wear gloves, and take great care not to disrespect the monument ever cross your mind?
Isn't that all part and parcel or desecration? Meade is the anti-desecrator.
To me, prudence would have dictated renting a scissors lift instead of clambering over that which you profess to respect, and using plastic tongs while wearing latex gloves, to eliminate the possibility of scratching or etching the statue.
Meade's era was Vietnam. He resisted the draft and would have gone to prison -- he had a draft number of 3 -- but the draft ended before they came for him.
Well now Meade is a foot soldier of the war of the sexes.
Now he has to go cleaning up the monuments to the hero's of the war of the sexes.
Next week he will be cleaning out the legionairres disease from the grotto in the Playboy mansion.
"To me, prudence would have dictated renting a scissors lift instead of clambering over that which you profess to respect, and using plastic tongs while wearing latex gloves, to eliminate the possibility of scratching or etching the statue."
Assuming you're serious, I believe this indicates you are suffering from cranial-rectal inversion.
Then he is going to pour a gallon of Valtrex into the hot tub at the Jersey Shore house.
"Meade's era was Vietnam. He resisted the draft and would have gone to prison -- he had a draft number of 3 -- but the draft ended before they came for him."
Yeah him and Dick Cheney. Hey Ann, if you believe that story I've got a little bridge I'd like to sell you.
So now Meade feels so guilty about his failure to serve his country that he spends all his time going around cleaning up Civil War monuments (while his wife films him.) Meade, thank you for your service.
To me, prudence would have dictated renting a scissors lift instead of clambering over that which you profess to respect, and using plastic tongs while wearing latex gloves, to eliminate the possibility of scratching or etching the statue.
That's pretty thin gruel. Meade had gloves on when he was on the statue and touching it, except when he had the knife in his right hand and I did not see him acting clumsily with the knife.
Those statues are more at risk from Rock Pigeons and other bird species' droppings (high in ammonia content) than they are from Meade's shoes or the actions he took removing that scarf.
Mutaman: I am not sure of your vintage but unless you served in Vietnam yourself I would lay off of people who lived through that time whether they were drafted, avoided the draft, blew off a finger, went to Canada or volunteered for a third tour.
"Yeah him and Dick Cheney."
Showing your prejudices while trying to seem reasonable is not a recipe for success.
But, if your intent was to injure, I suppose I can't quibble with your approach.
Tell us, how is what Meade did in removing the fabric from the statue less legitimate than the poor Shakespeare on display at the capitol these last 3 weeks?
100th comment: lots of defacing public property which will cost lots of money to repair. The defacing of the statue could also be a littering issue. Madison (James) would not have approved, nor, I'm sure, would Heg. Mead stood in for those guys, in order to "Do the right thing" (unlike the figures in the movie by that name who clearly didn't know right from wrong). Thank you, Meade.
It's never too late to serve your country.
Meade, thanks.
Who knew there were so many authenticity requirements just remove a bit of trash from a statue?
If I'm walking by a statue of MLK and see some garbage on it, should I just keep on walking because I'm not black?
Oh my goodness. Get down off your cross, someone else needs the wood.
The red shirt looked rather dashing.
i really like meade.
doris, are you talking to me?
If you are, I don't see where there is any attempt at martyrdom in anything I've done.
I do think your sarcasm could be aptly directed toward the tens of thousands of protesters - bathing in self righteousness and victimhood.
Yep, same statement could be made of the protestors. That's exactly my point.
Okay but I don't see myself as a victim or righteous or even very good.
So how do you figure it applies to me?
Well it's just my impression of this video in the context of the rest of your protest coverage I've been viewing. (which BTW has some really good footage and photography - props). The panning of the camera and the slightly wistful/dramatic recitation of the words on the statue of this hero, followed by your struggle to mount the statue and remove the "desecration" of the -- SHIRT -- followed by all these comments patting you on the back along with MORE (always MORE) rips on the protestors.
Well thanks for sharing your impression - the impression of a labor lawyer (?) who is sympathetic to the anti-Walker demonstrators. Right?
My "struggle to mount the [base of the] statue," such as it was, had nothing to do sacrificing myself for justice or some higher cause. I'm simply an old man who is a bit less nimble than the - I imagine - much younger protester who climbed up and hung the shirt over Heg's head.
Thanks, Meade
He resisted the draft and would have gone to prison -- he had a draft number of 3 -- but the draft ended before they came for him.
Do you realize that no one under the age of 50 knows what you're talking about? "Draft No of 3"? Whats that?
And why was Meade "resisting" the draft - tell us more.
Even though I'm a Daughter of the Confederacy, I'm still impressed with Meade for standing for those who stood for us.
Thank you.
I am a management side labor and employment lawyer (which just for the record is not a religion) and I understand why these people protested this bill. Even though I may not agree with all of their ideas, I thought the vast majority of them honorable.
"Yep, same statement could be made of the protestors. That's exactly my point."
Its good Meade made your point for you - because you certainly didn't.
I could tell you were a Lawyer by your careful wording.
But thats just my "impression" from reading your words and the "context" I was given.
"...these people protested this bill... I thought the vast majority of them honorable."
So, I'm sure, did they think of themselves.
But where is the honor in attempting to use illegal occupation, dereliction of duty, and mob action to block a legitimate democratically elected government from governing?
Can you excuse such behavior.
@rcocean, by "draft number of 3" she meant lottery number.
I was 15 in 1969 when I came to believe our war in Vietnam was illegal and immoral. Intentionally breaking Selective Service law was my overly idealistic approach to doing what I thought then was the morally right thing to do.
I was wrong. So now you know.
I do not think this situation called for illegal occupation. (Although I do think that some situations would justify illegal occupation if its nonviolent - such as in the civil rights struggle). Breaking in and death threats are never tolerable.
Agree that the 14 should have stayed and let the republicans pass their bill. (The national attention was to the protestors, who would have protested anyway - and the 14 would have been spared the righteous indignation of the republicans).
The vast majority of these protestors were simply rallying and demonstrating. They were families and working people. And they were honorable. I will only ridicule the guy with the dead badger hat and the guy with the wheelbarrow of poo.
"I was wrong. So now you know."
So once you decided you were wrong, why did't you enlist at that point? Or, if you honestly opposed the war, why didn't you serve your country in alternative ways- Peace Corps, VISTA, conscientious objector.
Sounds to me like you've taken the easy way out all your life, and like most who do , you're now an old reactionary bitching about the wellfare state.
"I will only ridicule the guy with the dead badger hat and the guy with the wheelbarrow of poo."
Heh. Suit yourself but if you change your mind and decide to dish a little ridicule on all the thousands of union demonstrators from Chicago, Detroit, Chicago,Kansas, Chicago, Iowa, Chicago, California, and Chicago, I'll be happy to give you a little extra credit.
"Sounds to me like you've taken the easy way out all your life, and like most who do , you're now an old reactionary bitching about the wellfare state."
And now, Mutaman (as if your name really was Mutaman) you, I'm afraid, are wrong.
"I was 15 in 1969 when I came to believe our war in Vietnam was illegal and immoral."
Thanks for the response.
Yep 1969 was the year for it. I think thats when a lot of Democratic Politicians *also* concluded the war was immoral and illegal. Don't know why.
"I was wrong. So now you know."
I Dunno. How stupid does a war have to be before you resist?
I hear you...but a lot of those folks looked like my neighbors right here in Milwaukee (many of whom went to Madison every weekend). It would be interesting to know the numbers.
It will be interesting to see what happens with some of these recalls. As for where things look from my neck of the woods, the north shore folks are pretty hacked at 'Ol Bertie D. And there are so many other goodies people haven't even discovered about this budget bill....
I was in the second lottery, which was the first one for 19-year-olds only. I was 1-A but had too high a number for the Illinois quota.
After that [1971] the draft fell off as the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam. I tried to join the army in 1977, when I was 26, but as I was a college dropout and not a previous vet, they weren't taking my kind over age 25. The army was demobilizing.
Great going, Meade! The union demonstators were despicable a**holes.
Mutaman, shut your hole. You don't rate to question anyone about their military service. You're just another little parasite living off the sacrifices of others.
Thank you again Meade, for standing up for proper respect and decorum for War Memorials.
Like Col. Heg before you, you are also a citizen who is standing up for what is right. Without such men and women making such stands at any given time of trouble in our country, we would have ceased to exist many years ago.
Don't let the damn fools criticizing you for your actions get you upset. Take pride in that doing what is right you are forcing them to confront their own inadequacies and sedentary commentary.
"Self-serving" is generally used in negative and degrogatory terms. Unless that is your intent, you might reconsider its use.
self-serv·ing (slfsûrvng)
1. Serving one's own interests, especially without concern for the needs or interests of others.
2. Exhibiting concern solely for one's own interests: a speech full of self-serving comments.
self–serv·ing adj \-ˈsər-viŋ\
Definition of SELF-SERVING
: serving one's own interests often in disregard of the tru0th or the interests of others
Good that you have a knife, but you definitely need a better one. I can make recommendations.
In addition to my Swiss Army knife, here's what I carry:
"Mutaman, shut your hole. You don't rate to question anyone about their military service. You're just another little parasite living off the sacrifices of others.
3/14/11 4:32 AM"
Fen's sacrifice consists of rolling out of bed and posting ad hominem attacks on the internet at 4:30 in the morning.
I'm going to delurk long enough to ask about your service, or are you too young to serve, like your comments suggest?
Two wonderful years in the Army. This is my rifle, this is my gun.
Two better years in VISTA. Is 4 years enough?
sarge here like any enemy of tyranny hegg woulda stuck the business end of a bayonet right up needie meedie's alementery track
Update which are more helpful.. thanks for updates keep posting more.. we are Scissor Lift Rental .
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