Look at what's going on in your country and remember your words, because the American people are rising against their own government. It's not Muslims. It's not black people. It's white militia that are angry with their government. And they are well armed. Are you going to tell them: 'Put your arms down, and let's talk it over peacefully'? I hope so, but if not, America will be bathed in blood, not because Farrakhan said so but because dissatisfaction in American has reached the boiling point. Be careful how you manipulate the dissatisfaction in Libya and other parts of the Muslim world."The overwhelmingly white Wisconsin protesters would be amazed to hear that they are the well-armed, white militia. Ha. I guess white people all look alike to Farrakhan. Our Wisconsin liberals and lefties think they're the furthest thing from the righties and tea partiers.
२० मार्च, २०११
Louis Farrakhan to Barack Obama: "Be careful, brother, how you handle this situation, because it is coming to America. It has already started. Look in Wisconsin. Look in Ohio."
Farrakhan is fulminating over the bombing of Libya and the disrespect for "a man that built a country over 42 years." He asks Obama "who the hell do you think you are" to tell Qaddafi to "step down and get out." Farrakhan insists that a lot of people "gonna ask you to step out of the White House 'cause they don't want no black face in the White House." There's already an uprising going on in this country, and he's looking right at our Wisconsin protests. See the quote in the post title. He continues:
१६१ टिप्पण्या:
This cruise missile/predator drone bombing President never served in the military!
When is he going to take his daughters to the local recruiting station to enlist?!!!?
By the way, has Obama gotten approval from Congress for military operations in Libya?
Why is everyone so convinced he needs Congressional approval? Can you people read? Have you ever heard of the War Powers Resolution Act? He has to notify Congress within 48 hours of commencing military operations (he did). He doesn't need Congressional approval as long as this lasts less than 60 days, with an additional 30 days given for withdrawal. Seriously, this isn't rocket science.
I agree with Mr. Farrakahn. The weapons of the well-armed white militia have been lies, distortion and intimidation. Public Servants have been defined as the ONLY middle class, the only working families and the only Taxpayers. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are the beneficaries of confiscatory compulsory taxation and are the oppressors of the working families of Wisconsin.
If you do NOT benefit from cuts in income or property taxes, then you, by definition, are NOT a Taxpayer. Their lies have obfuscated the Truth and their tactics have made it impossible to counter. These Protestors are extremely dangerous agents of change. They are the lumpen protelitariat for Obamas Fascist vision.
Ren said...
Why is everyone so convinced he needs Congressional approval?
You obviously have missed some recent history starting in March 2003...
The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548) was a United States Congress joint resolution providing that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat. The War Powers Resolution requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto.
[bold face added]
Ren, has the US been attacked? Does Libya constitute a threat to us?
No, not really. Obama is authorized under the act to send in the military and engage in military strikes. Iraq has nothing to do with this...Iraq was a prolonged occupation, not a quick operation. Should this somehow extend to over 60 days, then he needs approval. Seriously, read the act. You might learn something.
By the way, reading various other blogs and forums and seeing Obama voters cheering this on because they believe it will get him a 2nd term is just too rich...
"Our Wisconsin liberals and lefties think they're the furthest thing from the righties and tea partiers."
Well finally, something they got right.
If you view the Wisconsin union protesters as part of the establishment (more like the Mubarak camel riders in Egypt, not opponents of the status quo), Farrakhan makes sense -- except that the "uprising going on in this country" has been extraordinarily peaceful and democratic.
Here is what the "Professor of Constitutional Law" who is sitting in the White House had to say on the matter:
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”
— Sen. Barack Obama, Dec. 20, 2007
Are you saying he is dumb, or a liar?
Or Both?
"Ren, has the US been attacked? Does Libya constitute a threat to us?"
Answer the question, please.
Bush did the right thing getting the AUMF. I wish Obama luck with this operation. I want him to succeed, though I think the timing was terribly late.
The law is the law, though, even for dissemblers always looking for some argument to make for their side, no matter the truth.
Libya is not a threat to the USA and is not attacking us. I would urge my congressman to support Obama asking for an AUMF in Libya, but it is critical that Obama stop breaking the law.
Read the act, not Wikipedia...that synopsis is incorrect. The act essentially says that the president can send in troops or authorize military strikes when deemed necessary. If you look at past operations where it's been invoked, we weren't being threatened or under attack.
'Put your arms down, and let's talk it over peacefully'? I hope so, but if not, America will be bathed in blood, not because Farrakhan said so but because dissatisfaction in American has reached the boiling point.
-- Louis Farrakhan
Are you hep to what the Beatles are saying? Dig it, they are telling it like it is. They know what's happening in the city; blackie is getting ready. They put the revolution to music. It's "Helter Skelter." Helter-Skelter is coming down.
-- Charles Manson
"Why is everyone so convinced he needs Congressional approval?"
Ren, don't confuse politic rhetoric with actually being convinced.
We all know that partisans will be exchanging arguments this time around to support or oppose the President. Just like what happened in the Gulf War I, Bosnia, post-9/11, etc. and so on. The neo-Just war theory is a flexible doctrine based on who is in power.
The biggest question I have about Qaddafi is why he's still just a colonel. He's been head of state for 40 years and hasn't promoted himself to general. What's with that?
He should promote himself to general! He's only got about a week left to enjoy it!
I would say that Obama's statement came in a time when this country was strongly anti-war and he was gearing up for an election. I'm not in favor of the strikes at all, but I am fairly sure he's authorized to do so under the act. Whether or not it's constitutional, I don't know--I'm not quite sure it's ever been challenged in court.
Go ahead, Ren, provide everyone with a link. Then we can look at what it says.
I'm sorry that your Google skills aren't up to par with normal people.
who the hell do you think you are?
The President of The United States?
Thanks, Ren, here's what I got from your link:
SEC. 3. The President in every possible instance shall consult with Congress before introducing United States Armed Forces into hostilities or into situation where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and after every such introduction shall consult regularly with the Congress until United States Armed Forces are no longer engaged in hostilities or have been removed from such situations.
[bond face added]
I would say that Obama's statement came in a time when this country was strongly anti-war and he was gearing up for an election
Ah, so the War Powers Resolution only applies when the country is strongly anti-war, Obama is gearing up for an election and there is a Republican in the White House.
I understand perfectly now.
Farrakhan doesn't even have enough cards for a pinochle deck. We would be better off if he were summarily ignored by all.
Wikipedia's article on Qaddaffi has this juicy tidbit as to why Farrakhan is on Colonel Q's side:
"In 1984 Gaddafi started plotting terrorist acts inside the U.S. One of the leading groups receiving Gaddafi's money was the Nation of Islam.[29] Al-Rakr, another Libyan-financed gang in Chicago, declared in 1984 that it was preparing for a "race war" to "settle scores with whites". Members of the gang were arrested in 1986 for preparations to bomb government buildings and bring down American planes.[29] In 1986 Libyan state television announced that Libya was training suicide squads to attack American and European interests"
My favorite part of the article said that Colonel Q's personal bodyguard consists of 40 hand-picked virgins.
Again, you have to wonder. Why does he settle for Colonel, instead of general? And why only 40 virgins, instead of the standard 72? This guy must have self-esteem problems.
EDH - You need to check the dictionary definition of Democracy. It happened, and now the public servants are angry and want to overturn it. The voice of Democracy in Wisconsin includes the working men and women Not including public servants), the unemployed, the homeless and Seniors on fixed incomes. Tax increases, at this time are devestating. Shouting down Democracy does not change the truth.
I'm guessing he did consult with them. Even if they said "no", that doesn't really mean anything. There's a pretty big gap between authorization and consultation. Also, still waiting on your confirmation of the whole "under attack or threat of attack" thing.
Do you regularly only take parts of a sentence out of context so it fits your argument?
I don't know if it's Constitutional; it doesn't appear to have been challenged. It's hypocritical that he made the statement and is now authorizing the use of force, but, like I said before--I'm guessing the statement was one used to win votes. Politicians do that a lot...not sure if you've ever seen it before.
Would that Louie were onto something.
Maybe he is. Food prices are rising the way they did in Egypt.
I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the morning.
"Be careful how you manipulate the dissatisfaction in Libya and other parts of the Muslim world."
You tell 'im, Louie.
Ren said...
Why is everyone so convinced he needs Congressional approval? Can you people read? Have you ever heard of the War Powers Resolution Act? He has to notify Congress within 48 hours of commencing military operations (he did). He doesn't need Congressional approval as long as this lasts less than 60 days, with an additional 30 days given for withdrawal. Seriously, this isn't rocket science.
He doesn't, unless he's a Republican. Then he has to.
PS According to the Pentagon briefer, this is a US-led op. According to the SOS (and ain't that the truth), we're in a supporting role.
Now I know how Kevin Bacon felt in "Animal House".
PPS Charlie Rangel still wants a return to the draft because all the minorities are being made to fight.
Actually, all the minorities go for the specialized stuff and the white guys join to fight.
Farrakhan has predicted this all before - uprisings and death - and he has never been correct yet.
A prophet that fails in his predictions is not really a prophet after all.
Ren said...
I would say that Obama's statement came in a time when this country was strongly anti-war and he was gearing up for an election
Oh, so he doesn't mean what he says?
Thanks for clarifying.
Ren said...
I'm guessing he did consult with them
Well, Ren, you keep guessing then.
The sergeant of Siriname remained sergeants after the coup. One of them became chairman of the military council but remained sergeant.
Chávez has made the most sycophants of the army generals in chief but while he use a Raul Castro styled uniform , he remain lieutenant colonel.
Im guess they dont want to offend the military. In these countries soldiers are a little thin skinned with their losers traditions. Armies that has never won a war , some tomes never battled one. Chavez hide himself during the coup d etat that catapulted him into the Presidency. And sobbed , while being hugged by a priest when he begged for his life after the revolution and the copu detat against the democrat that made him resign. Still they decorated themselves like if they were Alexander, Mac Arthur, Patton or Rommel. Trujillo was called chpita ( bottle tap) for his decorations
40 instead of 72?
Well the Ukrainian nurse it s not virgin and Kaddafi is a feminist
A politician not meaning what they say? *GASP!*
Whenever you're ready, show me where it talks about being under attack or a threat of one. You've conveniently skirted around the question. Oh, and again on the consultation--it's a consultation, not an authorization. He could just tell Congress he's going to use military force and that would be enough
Does anyone listen to Louis Farrakhan anymore?
The bigger question, exemplified in Madison this weekend, how will BO consolidate his base as he moves forward to 2012? Does he hope Libya quickly fades away as a discussion point so as not to demotivate the anti-war left? Will he need to become more vocal regarding union collective bargaining so as to energize the labor left (not to mention, get their $$$)? And how does he reconcile these two?
As we've seen in Madison these Democratic factions seem to have a natural affinity for each other. Just as Koch Brothers! and working families are easy rallying points for this crowd, I can see some saying
money for education, not war
(And i guess we won't have Michael Moore sitting in a prominent place during the 2012 Democratic convention.)
Oh, and Allen? He spoke to a delegation of 18 lawmakers. Leaders of the House and Senate (both sides) included. Like I said before--they didn't have to approve of the plan, they only had to give their input. Apparently, Richard Luger was the only one who expressed outright disapproval.
I know I was beating this drum a lot last night/early this AM (Eastern Time) but again, WTH are we doing in the Libyan Civil War- we don't know who the "Rebels" are and though we know Daffy is a murderous s.o.b, the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.
But I was comforted to know that we were "protecting" civilians by throwing missiles and dropping bombs on targets in Libya. Then I read this this morning:
Yep, the Arab League no longer supports us in OUR version of a No Fly Zone.
The War Powers act, it seems to me, to have enogh holes to sail an aircraft carrier thru--as for the Supreme Court becoming involved, again IMO, not likely--This is a pissing contest between two co-equal branches of government.
"Our Wisconsin liberals and lefties think they're the furthest thing from the righties and tea partiers."
Well, they are white, and race and religion is the only way that bigot Farrakhan views people.
Anyone that pals with him loses any sense of justice or perspective they might have with thinking people.
So Obama was lying to us back in 2007 but that's not a problem because he is certainly telling us the truth now.
Alrighty then.
Maguro--when are you going to get it?
Republicans are liars
Democrats are nuanced
"The biggest question I have about Qaddafi is why he's still just a colonel. He's been head of state for 40 years and hasn't promoted himself to general. What's with that?"
I dunno'. I wondering about the same thing in regard to Colonel Sanders.
Well then, let the bombing begin!
"Our Wisconsin liberals and lefties think they're the furthest thing from the righties and tea partiers."
In the practice of their first amendment rights, perhaps not so different.
The clownish self-regard seems unique.
So the Madison teachers lay down with dogs like Jesse Jackson and Michael Moore, and now they're getting up with fleas like Louis Farrakhan. Perfect.
Ren said...
A politician not meaning what they say? *GASP!*
Again, this is just too rich.
All the talk of Obama's intelligence, temperament, post-partisanship and "sort of a God, above it all" were all just lies.
Turns out he's just your average politician.
Who knew??!
Iraq was a prolonged occupation, not a quick operation.
That is incorrect. It was a very quick operation followed by a long occupation. Less than 3 weeks from start of operations to US forces taking Baghdad. That's pretty quick.
I took your challenge and read the act. It completely contradicts what you are saying and affirms what AllenS and others are saying.
(c) The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
This is clear and specific. The multitude of times this has been violated in the past is a separate issue, but at this juncture Obama is clearly in violation of this law, unlike Bush, who received authorization from a Congress that was then too cowardly to stand by their vote.
Qaddafi has been paying Farrakhan over the years to develop suicide bombers here. Wonder if Farrakhan's warning applies to that?
Using the Rumsfeld matrix of knowns/unknows, this operation looks to me to be an unknown unknown--what can possibly go wrong?
In addition to aiding Mr Os prospects for reelection it might revive the careers of code pink and cindy sheehan.
No one has cared a whit for anything that Louis Farrakhan has said for at least the past two decades. He's long since become nothing more than the answer to a trivia question. No doubt his statement about Obama will be soon forgotten.
Legislatures are only important as functioning bodies that represent Democracy in opposing Republican leaders.
Democratic leaders, constitutionally and by numerous statutes that I can tell you to Google, do not require such a function, so legislatures can be duly ignored.
You hate working families if you oppose this state of things.
Allen, still waiting...
Maguro, if you want to classify it as a lie, that's fine. I'd say it's more incorrect and hypocritical, mainly because a lie usually is made to intentionally deceive. Although, in this case, you could probably argue that he deceived the voters...
I'm kind of curious about what Louie is referring to when he speaks of white militias "armed to the teeth." Is he referring to the Tea Party? Actual militias have had a pretty low profile the last few years.
50 U.S.C. 1541–1548
§ 1541. Purpose and policy
(c) Presidential executive power as Commander-in-Chief; limitation
The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to
(1) a declaration of war,
(2) specific statutory authorization, or
(3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
§ 1542. Consultation; initial and regular consultations
The President in every possible instance shall consult with Congress before introducing United States Armed Forces into hostilities or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and after every such introduction shall consult regularly with the Congress until United States Armed Forces are no longer engaged in hostilities or have been removed from such situations.
Ren, what are you waiting for?
The reason Khadaffy is a Colonel is that, while he's crazy, he's modest about it.
PS realwest is on the money.
According to the statutes, cruise missiles are not actually military action.
One can ignore Congress and even remain a pacifist while firing cruise missiles at targets. That's what makes them the choice of today's leading peace prize recipients.
Let the mash up begin:
A hard-core group of liberal House Democrats is questioning the constitutionality of U.S. missile strikes against Libya, with one lawmaker raising the prospect of impeachment during a Democratic Caucus conference call on Saturday.
Reps. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Donna Edwards (Md.), Mike Capuano (Mass.), Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Maxine Waters (Calif.), Rob Andrews (N.J.), Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas), Barbara Lee (Calif.) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.) “all strongly raised objections to the constitutionality of the president’s actions” during that call, said two Democratic lawmakers who took part.
And liberals fumed that Congress hadn’t been formally consulted before the attack and expressed concern that it would lead to a third U.S. war in the Muslim world.
I look forward to the Michael Moore documentary on this revealing how Obama did it to enrich his buddies at GE...
"According to the statutes, cruise missiles are not actually military action.
One can ignore Congress and even remain a pacifist while firing cruise missiles at targets. That's what makes them the choice of today's leading peace prize recipients."
LOL!! Thanks, Paddy
Some more to chew on from Section 1543, Ren:
(a) Written report; time of submission; circumstances necessitating submission; information reported
In the absence of a declaration of war, in any case in which United States Armed Forces are introduced—
(1) into hostilities or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances;
(2) into the territory, airspace or waters of a foreign nation, while equipped for combat, except for deployments which relate solely to supply, replacement, repair, or training of such forces; or
(3) in numbers which substantially enlarge United States Armed Forces equipped for combat already located in a foreign nation;
the President shall submit within 48 hours to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President pro tempore of the Senate a report, in writing, setting forth—
(A) the circumstances necessitating the introduction of United States Armed Forces;
(B) the constitutional and legislative authority under which such introduction took place; and
(C) the estimated scope and duration of the hostilities or involvement.
Seriously, this isn't rocket science.
The launching of the cruise missiles isn't rocket science?
I would say that Obama's statement came in a time when this country was strongly anti-war and he was gearing up for an election.
Whereas his current actions come in a time when...?
"In 1984 Gaddafi started plotting terrorist acts inside the U.S. One of the leading groups receiving Gaddafi's money was the Nation of Islam.[29] Al-Rakr, another Libyan-financed gang in Chicago, declared in 1984 that it was preparing for a "race war" to "settle scores with whites"."
In the late 80's. I was working down at the White House (actually the New Executive Office Building), and noticed two Nation of Islam guys handing out literature right in front of the building, something that no other protest group had ever done.
I reported them to the Secret Service, who quicly told them to hit the road, which they did, peaceably.
Now that I read your posting, I realize that what I thought at the time was my borderline paranoid reaction may have been correct: they may have been casing a possible future terror-attack target.
in this case, you could probably argue that he deceived the voters...
The stupid ones, anyway.
Whereas his current actions come in a time when...?
It's a deversion from you noticing his baskbetball picks aren't going according to plan.
Paddy O said...
According to the statutes, cruise missiles are not actually military action.
Interesting point. You might be right, but the War Powers Act is all about "the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities." It seems to me cruise missiles are armed forces, and firing them introduces them into hostiities.
Apparently, when Obama was informed that the U.S. was raining down cruise missiles on Libya, he was reading Minha Cabrito to a class of kindergartners in Rio.
There are no American Tomahawk missiles in Tripoli!!!
Ren, are you still waiting?
Ren said...
Read the act, not Wikipedia...that synopsis is incorrect. The act essentially says that the president can
I like how you put that "essentially" part in there.
And I think we all know the reason why you did that...
It's a quagmire!
US out of Libya!
What ...too soon?
Ren said...
Why is everyone so convinced he needs Congressional approval? Can you people read?
Quoting transcript in the link:
"I warn my brother do you let these wicked demons move you in a direction that will absolutely ruin your future with your people in Africa and throughout the world...
I hope Althousians realise that in this one salvo, Farrakhan (a) called white people "wicked demons" and (b) called Muslims "your people".
What a nice steaming pile of crap to wake up to on a Sunday.
No one has cared a whit for anything that Louis Farrakhan has said for at least the past two decades.
Obama's dear Rev Wright said Farrakhan "epitomizes greatness"
Farrakhan received "Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Lifetime Achievement Trumpeteer" award at the church magazine's gala in 2007.
Farrakhan was on the cover of Obama's church magazine in 2007. Obama's personal friend Fr Michael Pfleger praised Farrakhan in the accompanying article.
So, someone thought he was pretty great just a few years ago.
Looks like Ren can't. Read, that is.
"wicked demons"
Well, Farrakhan might have Hillary! pegged.
Pogo wrote:
It's a quagmire!
US out of Libya!
What ...too soon?
It's not a quagmire until Blackwater and Halliburton get sent in.
Put me down for being for this war, if we eventually end up stealing their oil.
I'm with AllenS--we dont need to steal their oil, though, since we stole all of Iraq's--oh, wait.
Farrakhan lives for a bloodbath. Obama wouldn't mind a bloodbath but is settling for the bloodless ongoing punishment of whitey. By the way, Afghanistan and now Lybia are mere annoyances to Obama, distractions from the main objective: the systematic destruction of "The Man" and his country, America.
Good morning to you Victoria, and nicely put. LOL
Hey, Victoria, how'd I do with the portuguese upthread?
Morning, Rube! ;)
I'm for this "war" because I believe in the value of righteous revenge. Gadhafi should've been killed 25 years ago, then we'd be that much ahead of where we'll be whenever he does go down. If our involvement doesn't result in Gadhafi's death, whether directly at our hands or because we lent the rebels time and strength enough to do it themselves, then I'll consider it a failure. Until then, I say light 'em up.
I don't think that it would be incorrect to call these people from Libya as brown skinned. After all, they must have great tans from hanging around the desert. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that a lot of them are about as dark as me. So, let's bomb the fuck out of them.
Pogo, well attempted, boyo! Technically, "Meu Bode de Estimação" would be My Pet Goat, but I think your version is wittier. ;)
AllenS wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that a lot of them are about as dark as me. So, let's bomb the fuck out of them.
Coincidentally, this was similar to my logic for bombing Belgrade.
"Pasty ass mothas, bomb them to Armagaddeon!".
Also, according to Acts 1996, No. 96-468, p. 581, §1 (Google it! But don't trust what comes up in the results, let me tell you what it essentially says), military songs actually have controlling legal authority during the Lenten season.
In this specific case, we find the relevant phrase in the Marine hymn, I'll quote the first verse:
From the Halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and
And to keep our honor clean:
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine.
It is clear that since it is the right for the US Marines to be the first to fight in the noted theater of operations that this present action is not in fact an act of war or even one of military violence.
Cruise missiles launched from Navy ships are not within the purview of the Marines' defining "Shores of Tripoli" administration.
Thus, what we have here is simply a UN exercise, which by definition does not require, and indeed explicitly, excludes congressional oversight.
Farrakhan doesn't care about the prophecy, but he is worried about the proficy.
Drudge had the link, too.
And, the first thing I noticed is that Farrakhan, like our president, is only partially black. And, the smiling radio announcer? Nearly white.
The hate, however, seems to be a part of the "skin color." The animosity running first to the people who had the sex together, so these creeps could be born.
I don't think Obama will be frightened by this rant, either. Though it did remind me of Rev. Wright.
Two people who haven't been invited into the white house to be "black important people."
Seeing free speech is such a pleasure. And, here, a hoot.
According to NOI theology, white people are wicked demons, e.g. (from wikipedia)
""The Blackman is the original man. From him came all brown, yellow, red, and white people. By using a special method of birth control law, the Blackman was able to produce the white race. This method of birth control was developed by a Black scientist known as Yakub, who envisioned making and teaching a nation of people who would be diametrically opposed to the Original People. A Race of people who would one day rule the original people and the earth for a period of 6,000 years. Yakub promised his followers that he would graft a nation from his own people, and he would teach them how to rule his people, through a system of tricks and lies whereby they use deceit to divide and conquer, and break the unity of the darker people, put one brother against another, and then act as mediators and rule both sides." -Elijah Muhammad[17]"
And NOI theology just gets weirder from there.
Why do you think the World Islamic Council has declared that the Nation is NOT part of the Umma?
Even by the standards of world religious weirdness, this is some heavy-ass weird shit.
"Be careful how you manipulate the dissatisfaction in Libya and other parts of the Muslim world."
This is nothing less than a terrorist threat against the President of the United States by a Muslim in America.
Gee, I wonder if the Justice Department will investigate this act of Muslim intimidation.
Wait ... I forgot ... the Justice Department doesn't investigate blacks when they arm themselves and threaten violence against voters or their representatives.
Damn shame.
Gee, I hope the first black president named Hussein isn't murdered by the head of the Nation of Islam for firing cruise missiles at brown Muslims in a nation we have not even declared war against.
Wouldn't that be ironic, though?
Where are the war protesters. Where are the slogans not on our watch? how about how many Libyans did we kill today? Where is Code Pink?
Where are the effigies of Obama being paraded through the streets?
Where is that good old time anti-war outrage? Massive mobilization? How come Kerry, is not leading the charge to end this new war now?
Or when this President goes to war it is OK?
No doubt Farrahkan's comments stirred by the preponderance of pork used in sausages made in Wisco and consumed by its caucasian citizenry.
As for the battle of Allan versus Ren. In my view Allan wins, especially since the One could have consulted, hmmm, 30 days ago to discuss and plan, rather than this hurriedly thrown together, bomb from afar, and no boots on the ground waste of effort.
How are we going stop the tanks and troops marching onto Cyrenaica?
According to Fox News, B2 bombers have been bombing targets in Libya. That's "the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities."
Ann, there are some days when your hypocrisy becomes just a bit hard to swallow:
Why Does ANYONE Listen To Louis Farrakhan?
Peter, Kerry supports THIS war.
Farrakhan is a joke.
YoungHegelian quoted:
A Race of people who would one day rule the original people and the earth for a period of 6,000 years.
What the heck, why only 6,000 years? I'm guessing, then, that 2007 was year 5,999. Then Barack Obama was elected and Yakub's desendants rejoiced.
Even by the standards of world religious weirdness, this is some heavy-ass weird shit.
That is some weirdness right there, but I have to tell you one day of speaking to a racist South African Boer dude who tried to explain to me that black people are the descendants of Ham, Noah's son, whose sons were as pitch black as their souls. Riiiiight.
If it were the women who urged Obama to attack Libya, as Ann Althouse and now as Lindsey Graham have said, will that preclude any "tail wagging the dog" japes?
Of course, Farrakhan and Wright bonded over their respect for Gadhaffi. So this has to be a teeny bit awkward for Obama, no?
When you start bombing the friend of a friend, it's easier to hide out in Rio than face their ire.
"Farrakhan is a joke."
No, he is the nation's leading Muslim. He leads a 50,000-strong army of black militant Muslims in the United States bent on creating an all-black state.
He also just threatened the President of the United States ... sending him a warning to "be careful" about which Muslims Obama chooses to kill with his cruise missiles because "it" is "coming to America (it being Muslim domination).
That's no joke.
That's a terrorist threat by a Muslim with the means to carry it out.
Tyrone Slothrop wrote:
That's "the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities."
"Hello, hostilities. I'm a Cancer and like long walks in the beach. You?"
How much has Qaddaffi given to the Nation of Islam over the years?
I wonder if anybody has tracked that down.
Hm? Is it a war if it last under a week? And, is run by the UN?
Will Obama run as winning his "war" ... if this thing comes in under a week. And, use the long entanglements we still have in Irak and Afghanistan as "Bush's Wars?"
With the Mideast unraveling. And, these outbursts occurring like dropping dominoes,sending despotic leaders flying. Wouldn't it be something if Ghaddafi doesn't budge?
As wars go, the saud's are crapping in their pants. Oh, and the 5th Fleet moved out of its headquarters in Bahrain. ALL the ships of ours have left port.
This whole thing will be called "The Libyan War?" One thing that is making the fighting hard, now, is that Libya is SPARSELY populated. All those Tomahawks. Hitting what? Lots of sand dunes?
I think Obama feels it's never too early to start campaigning.
Why are we in attack mode? Ghaddafi put the oil fields at risk. Back in 1991, Saddam did the same thing at Basra.
Why is the United States taking part in the attack on Qaddafi or Gaddafi or Quackdaffi as part of "The International Community?" Because the bitch Hillary got the go ahead from the Arab League. I kid you not. Don't believe me? Do your own research, those of you who do research as opposed to the likes of garbage, Jeremy, FSL and AL who simply KNOW the truth by satanic right (or rite).
The President can do anything he wants.
Congress can impeach and remove if they don't like it.
The voters can then un-reelect either branch, giving them the last say.
The MSM meanwhile will cover whatever aspect gives the largest soap opera audience.
Tomahawk is a little insensitive to Native Americans.
Operation Flaming Arrow is next.
Rbue @ 12:25pm:
"Peter, Kerry supports THIS war."
I gather he will support this war until he decides not to support this war and then he will say he never supported this war and the press will fail to remind the American people that he's a lying liar incapable of telling the truth amidst all his lies.
Or something like that.
"Farrakhan is a joke."
As in:
Louis Farrakhan walks into a bar, and the bartender sez:
"Say, we don't get a lot of brothers from the Nation in here."
"And, at these prices, you ain't gonna get any more, you blue-eyed, motherfuckin', honkey-ass white devil, you!
That kind of joke?
Just as Al-Jazeera is the only true source of news the Arab League is the only true authority for Hillary. Her own fetid words.
That is some weirdness right there, but I have to tell you one day of speaking to a racist South African Boer dude who tried to explain to me that black people are the descendants of Ham, Noah's son, whose sons were as pitch black as their souls. Riiiiight.
Nothing uniquely South African about that. The so-called Curse of Ham justification was sometimes used by proponents of slavery before the Civil War and segregation afterward.
In any case, Louis Farrakhan is a wretched joke at best to anyone outside his organization. Focusing on anything he has to say is a waste of time.
don't know--I'm not quite sure it's ever been challenged in court.
First Circuit Court of Appeals.
Doe v. Bush
It's been awhile since I read it.
There are differences entre then and now.
Farrakhan is head of a lunatic fringe - I'm sure the FBI have their eyes on him as well as other nut jobs scattered around the country.
This being the most immediate one:
In October 2002, Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 ( the "October Resolution"), Pub L. No. 107-243, 116 Stat. 1498. Plaintiffs argue that the October Resolution is constitutionally inadequate to authorize the military offensive that defendants are now planning against Iraq.
Doe v. Bush
That is some weirdness right there, but I have to tell you one day of speaking to a racist South African Boer dude who tried to explain to me that black people are the descendants of Ham, Noah's son, whose sons were as pitch black as their souls. Riiiiight.
I've seen my soul, and I think he might have a point.
Ren said...
I would say that Obama's statement came in a time when this country was strongly anti-war and he was gearing up for an election. I'm not in favor of the strikes at all, but I am fairly sure he's authorized to do so under the act. Whether or not it's constitutional, I don't know--I'm not quite sure it's ever been challenged in court.
Wow-that might be some of the most disingenuous stuff I've read here in a while and that's really saying something.
Crack, then Jeffrey Dahmer should've been as black as you, and he wasn't. Capiche?
wv: dawgbahn (Where hep cats take the train in Germany)
Ren said...
I would say that Obama's statement came in a time when this country was strongly anti-war and he was gearing up for an election. I'm not in favor of the strikes at all, but I am fairly sure he's authorized to do so under the act. Whether or not it's constitutional, I don't know--I'm not quite sure it's ever been challenged in court.
Wow-that might be some of the most disingenuous stuff I've read here in a while and that's really saying something.
So the country is *less* anti-war now?
This is going to be interesting. Not the Farrakhan part so much, as the military action in Libya.
Obama seems to be following Clinton in the later's use of the military in Serbia, etc. Too squeamish to put boots on the ground, and likely too willing to bow to international pressure to really do much good.
The one thing that might change this is that France has taken a lead here. France, at least for much of the last century, seems to be happier trying to make a name for itself by sniping from the side lines. But my understanding is that this is part of the world where they have a proprietary interest, and so are willing to get involved, and to take the lead.
Nevertheless, Obama screwed the pooch here. If he was going to intervene, he should have done so quickly, instead of dithering until the good colonel was well on his way to getting his act together.
And, so, I don't think that this is going to be just a quick in-and-out, but may take some time, and the longer it takes, the smaller Obama looks, esp. in comparison to the evil George W. Bush.
I don't think that this is going to help Obama get reelected. He has repeatedly dithered when it was important to act decisively, or not act at all. And, he has reminded us why it is dangerous to elect Democrats to the Presidency (at least since LBJ, and maybe even including JFK). They just don't do war very well. Which means that they also don't do much better in foreign relations.
It is a dangerous world out there, and Obama has shown why it is dangerous to elect a naive Democrat with no experience in this area to be Commander in Chief.
Oh, and that famed character that made him so attractive over McCain? He wasn't being thoughtful - he was dithering.
And, looking back to McCain, how many here believe that he would have screwed up our responses to the happenings in the Middle East like Obama has? We are talking a retired Navy Captain, who had been trained to exercise command authority and had graduated from war college.
No, I don't think any of this is going to help President Obama get reelected.
"In the spring of the year, when kings go out to war..." Comes from II Samuel and I Chronicles. It's no accident that March is named after the god of war, Mars.
Also, Lugar put out his statement as the ranking member of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
"Farrakhan is a joke."
No, he is the nation's leading Muslim. He leads a 50,000-strong army of black militant Muslims in the United States bent on creating an all-black state.
Oh, bullshit. The joke is how you guys treat such idiotic people when they're proven to be idiots. I showed, in a link above, Farrakhan told us Obama was the messiah - now he wants to know who the hell he is? His messiah comments should be thrown in his face but, instead, you guys want to go on with this act that he's some kind of serious thinker and not the damned cult leader he is.
I see the same thing on the Russ Feingold thread after this one:
Feingold is being invited to speak before an astrology outfit and what are the rubes talking about? What role Feingold has played in the protests - when the only important issue is why we have an astrology outfit, big enough to have a convention, in our politics. Where are we, India?
You all look insane to this so-called "crazy man".
Vic, it was a joke. Come on, girl!
I'm lickin' yo face!
Sarkozy is different.
Sarkozy is not Mitterand, is not Jacques Chirac.
Sarkozy actually increased troops to Afghanistan when Obama asked for that when no other NATO country followed suite IIRC.
Sarkozy has taken plenty of actions in Northern Africa before this and freed Betancourt and negotiated the release of hostages in Niger.
When I went to France shortly before the London bombing plenty of French people ran up to me and informed me specifically to not believe their press and their current leadership about their feelings towards America and Bush. I was frankly astounded.
Shortly after that Sarkozy won-Sarkozy is a different...well I'm back to the premise of this comment.
I was reading this article: 'Unique capabilities' mean virtually all-American war in Libya, and was not surprised to discover that the U.S. is leading the military efforts because we have the assets to project force over long distances that no one else has.
But, given the discussion here, I thought this was amusing from Vice Admiral Bill Gortney yesterday:
"In these early days, the operation will be under the operational command of General Carter Ham, commander of U.S. Africa Command..."
The Arab League already changed it mind:
what is Calypo Louie position on tha all white WI strike?
If he was going to intervene, he should have done so quickly...
Two points.
Point #1) It does take time to co-ordinate a no fly zone-especially between forces not use to working together.
During the Iraq NFZ if you may remember part of the reason we had the friendly fire incident the shoot down of two helicopters was becasue the army was not co-ordinating well with our own forces now imagine...
Point #2) We did not have the manning Obama's procastinating perhaps forced the French and British and others to put up more forces.
( Yes! I feel a power vacuum because the usual Obama defenders have not gotten their talking points yet. Their reflexive hatred of the US military probably has their heads still exploding.)
Merci beaucoup. Je va cherche.
CNN is just now reporting differently...oy.
Crack wrote:
Vic, it was a joke. Come on, girl!
I'm lickin' yo face!
Ooh! Enjoy the taste of LA Prairie on your tongue. ;)
Bruce Hayden wrote:
I was reading this article: 'Unique capabilities' mean virtually all-American war in Libya, and was not surprised to discover that the U.S. is leading the military efforts because we have the assets to project force over long distances that no one else has.
And that's probably why France were jean-on-the-spot bringing down the enemy first: nearby Corsica is a quick refuelling base.
Your link goes to a story about Germany aka Allemagne.
The Germans are interesting-they've tossed in with China and Russia.
Then Obama goes to visit the other no vote at the Security Council-Brazil.
In fact he might have kept the visit because it was planned before all of this and given his political beliefs he doesn't want to give the impression of punishing Brazil by canceling his trip.
That's how I would spin it.
The Young Hegelian post aboiut the Farrakhan folks casing the White House -- it was thirty years ago -- but how long do sleeper cells last?
This is the first thing this president has done that I actually think is good. I'm not surprised that far out weirdos like Farrakhn don't approve.
Does Farrakhn owe loyalty to Colonel Q for all the money he's garnered?
Will Reverend Wright get a say on the outcome of what Farrkhan actually does?
Well speaking of "unique capabilities" you have to love Christine Amanpour's own ego rescuing her from getting a good interview out of Admiral Mullen.
Admiral Mullen: America will bring unique capabilities such as: jamming, *insert inane Christine Amanpour question here*...uh..
Christiane Amanpour: When will the No Fly Zone end? Twelve years from now like in Iraq?
Christiane Amanpour interrupting the facts in favor of the hypothetical..
<it is over, commander in chief in Lybia order cease fire
One of the guys I consulted with was going to open a bar in a really tough part of Brooklyn. The area was gentrifing but it was still as bad as it gets these days.
Now the people who were going to hang out and spend money were involved in drugs in one way or another. Either selling or using or selling themselves so they could use or whatever. The problem was that the different crews were ready to shoot it out at the drop of a hat so that didn't lend itself to a situation where you could make money. There was only one solution that would work.
I suggested he hire the Muslims as bouncers. They had handled that at the WWF restaurant and bar in Midtown and did a great job. And the gangs were not going to fuck with them.You see they are one of the toughest gangs of all. Nobody fucks with them.
I don't know if he did or not because I dropped him as a client since it wasn't worth the trouble. But the Muslims remain a pretty tough gang.
I wonder if Barry is a member.
Madawaskan wrote:
The Germans are interesting-they've tossed in with China and Russia.
That's a new one on the world stage, isn't it? The French all warlike, spoiling for a fight, and Germany prudishly crossing their legs.
Well that's exactly it-who else would confuse the 'anit-war" Left long enough to take the lead?
I propose France suelement.
Gawd I went to Le Monde dyslexia shall be flaring in 4, 3 ,1 , 2...
Belkys linked:
And the headline is "Libya announces cease fire". My word, that was quick! French generals didn't even have a chance to get all hors de combat or nothing.
Carol_Herman said...
Hm? Is it a war if it last under a week?
Only if the Israelis are doing it with a woman as PM.
somefeller said...
That is some weirdness right there, but I have to tell you one day of speaking to a racist South African Boer dude who tried to explain to me that black people are the descendants of Ham, Noah's son, whose sons were as pitch black as their souls. Riiiiight.
Nothing uniquely South African about that. The so-called Curse of Ham justification was sometimes used by proponents of slavery before the Civil War and segregation afterward.
Not only slavery, but probably a key belief among whites generally in the 19th Century. It was a cornerstone of Mormonism, as an example, from its founding to about 1980 when they realized it was costing them Federal money as a violation of the Civil Rights Acts.
I remember as an undergrad in Soc class some Mormon missionaries trying to explain why blacks could not be Mormons using that rationale.
From Le Monde:
* L'armée libyenne a annoncé, dans un communiqué, un cessez-le-feu unilatéral à partir de 20 h heure de Paris. Le colonel Kadhafi n'était pas cité dans cette annonce, contrairement à la première annonce d'un cessez-le-feu qui n'avait pas été respecté.
Qaddaffi (spell it any way you like!) announces a Libyan Army unilateral cease fire at 8 PM, Paris time. There had been a previous cease-fire announcement, that had not been respected.
Seems that Moammar is playing head games, to try to get the allies to stop combat activities, and then double-crossing them by carrying on attacking by the Libyan forces.
That would be the second cease fire in less than 24 hors, er heures.
Hey! send Kadafi 24 whores!
That would leave him with +3 than the 21 virgins to say nothing of experience.
Hey, brothers Louie and Barack. When Clarence Thomas walks in the room, you're the white guys.
That could be the negotiations right now..
21 virgins or 24 Ukrainians your pick Kadafi!
wv:tortarti (- the lawyers est toujours les whores.)
Didn't his busty, platinum blond Ukrainian nurse leave him? Yeah, he could do with some whores right now, Madawaskan.
But back to our own daffy Qaddaffi, Louis Farrakhan. Is it true he was a talented violinist before turning into the race-baiting creature we see before us?
LOL! Bagoh wins the thread.
It looks to me like Kudaphee is heading down the same path as Ceausescu and Saddam. I predict a very unusual end for him. He is just too strange to go out in the routine way.
vbspurs said...
Didn't his busty, platinum blond Ukrainian nurse leave him?
She's no Eva Braun.
But I do get a feeling if Khadaffy survives all this, she'll do an Ahnold.
So let's say the rebels win and start slaughtering the civilians and/or military that supported Kadafi.
Then what?
The rebels could rapidly kill more pro-Kadafi than pro-Kadafi killed anti-Kadafi...
I guess we'll cross that damn when we get to it.
There's a point to being polite. People who pretend that they are getting along, frequently end up getting along. Can anyone name an incident where a black politician or spokesman said something bigoted against whites and that bigotry cost him votes or support among his constituents?....Not so long ago white politicians in the south were militant in their hostility towards blacks and got elected because of it. However, among the larger white community they were shunned and ridiculed. Over time their behavior changed. You can say that some of this is hypocritical, but hypocrites get along better than assholes.....I don't think the larger black community shares Louis' sentiments, but there will be no open disagreement with him. His belief in spaceships hovering above the earth will not be ridiculed. And Jon Stewart will spend more time mocking a grammatical error by Palin than on mocking any absurd or extreme statement by Farrakhan or Wright. It wears you out.
Zut Alors! J'ai trouve.
I think I found the link you meant:
La Ligue arabe, la Russie et la Chine critiquent l'intervention
L'intervention des armées américaines, britanniques et françaises a suscité de vives critiques de la Ligue arabe, ce dimanche. Le secrétaire général de la Ligue, Amr Moussa, a estimé que "ce qui se passe en Libye diffère de l'objectif d'imposition d'une zone d'exclusion aérienne, et ce que nous voulons est la protection des civils et non le bombardement de davantage de civils". Une réunion de la extraordinaire de la Ligue devrait avoir lieu dans les prochains jours.
Le Monde
Farrakhan is the 1995 winner of the Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights.
the people arn't "rising against thier own government" They are the government, they are public sector employees.....they want more government not less, the media seems clueless about this.
William wrote:
There's a point to being polite. People who pretend that they are getting along, frequently end up getting along. Can anyone name an incident where a black politician or spokesman said something bigoted against whites and that bigotry cost him votes or support among his constituents?....Not so long ago white politicians in the south were militant in their hostility towards blacks and got elected because of it. However, among the larger white community they were shunned and ridiculed. Over time their behavior changed. You can say that some of this is hypocritical, but hypocrites get along better than assholes.....
As usual, William nails it. How I'd love to be able to pick his brain one day.
Vicoria: Thank you for a kind compliment. I sometimes feel that I spend too much of my time on the internet watching Japanese girls having sex with tentacled sea monsters. Especially after the tsunami I feel this is kinky and wrong and wish to turn my attention to the more substantial matters such as are presented on the Althouse blog. It's kind words such as yours that give me the strength to carry on. Each day is a new beginning.
Now you can see why the Israel Firsters fear Minister Farrakhan.
Covering up the truth about 9/11 is considered a key security issue for the State of Israel.
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