ok, just finished watching the whole interview, honest er AA's diatribe re: Dem's ie
Libs 100% bad Cons 100% good
Everybody here already knows what AA thinks about the WI union fight.
So moving along ...
She mentioned at the end everything that is interesting ends up on youtube which may have been true 3/4 years ago, nowadays not too sure ~ which begs the question: Is there a lot of AA clips on youtube.
AA is almost beyond whining re: her being totally convinced the main stream media is 100% pro Dem and 100% anti Rep as it's an obsession to hear her talk about the supposed outrageous discrepancy!
oh yea, before I forget, Limbaugh is AA's hero, so to speak.
Shocking that we do agree on one topic ie personal appearance, especially celebrities obsession w/looking perfect. But superficiality is basically part of human nature especially in the real world, where if you're good looking, you may have a better chance of being hired, eh. Again human nature ie personal prejudice, etc.
So let's recap shall we:
Libs 100% bad Cons 100% good
Which begs the final question: why did AA vote for Obama ?!? as I wasn't here in 2008, so I really don't know her why's and wherefore's.
Lesser of (2) evils or maybe she was totally infatuated w/the hope and change meme.
btw, mentioned previously HP was the first to report the Obama "bittergate" story in 2008 because again, it was news. And if there's any bad news re: Dem's foxnews will report it ad nauseam. Maybe AA doesn't consider fixed MSM, but fixed has a much larger audience than cnn/msnbc as they keep telling us.
And yes, this years Academy Awards may have been the worst ever ...
Oh yea, is talk radio considered MSM 'cause conservatives have a total stranglehold in that area of free speech. And re: free speech and the 2010 election Reps had the $$$ advantage so please, no whining about them not being able to get their message out as I keep hearing Reps did quite well lol.
And go figure, after (8) years of cheney/bush, Obama broke records for presidential fund raising ~ shocking!
Again, the yin and yang of one party screwing up and being replaced by the other party, imagined media impartiality notwithstanding.
btw, the billionaire Koch tag team donated much of their inherited fortune to the Rep party and got their tax cuts extended. America, what a country!
I voted for Obama in the MD primaries. Blame me. Its all my fault :(
Oh yea, is talk radio considered MSM?
No. Talk radio was created as a parallel venue for conservatives to express their ideas, because they were pushed out of the MSM monopoly by the Left.
MSM refers to Legacy Media - Wapo, NYTs, LA TImes, ABC/CBS/CNN/NBC/MSNBC, AP and Reuters, NPR, etc.
Then there's FOX, they do a good job of presenting the Right fairly, but they are a fairly recent entry into the media market. And they're mostly fluff. Only good for major events when you need to see what the MSM isn't telling you (see Florida 2000recount).
There's room for a more serious network to compete with FOX, but the usual Lefty players are more interested in indocrination and propaganda than profit.
beclown - Verb. To make a complete idiot of oneself in public. To behave or speak in such a way, or to make a comment or express an opinion that is so profoundly witless, senseless and obtuse, that you have forever after defined yourself as a person of comical value only. Never to be taken seriously again. Of worth only as an object of ridicule and derision.
"btw, the billionaire Koch tag team donated much of their inherited fortune to the Rep party and got their tax cuts extended. America, what a country!"
See beclown, defintion, above. We heard NOTHING about these now much-fabled Koch brothers until Governor Walker's move to remove the death grip of public unions in Wisconsin.
btw, the billionaire Koch tag team donated much of their inherited fortuneto groups that oppose the PATRIOT act, like the ACLU, groups that oppose the War on Drugs, and groups that favor reduced defense spending.
Positions that Obama used to favor, until he got into power.
ActBlue $51,124,846 AT&T Inc $46,292,670 American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees $43,477,361 National Assn of Realtors $38,721,441 Goldman Sachs $33,387,252 American Assn for Justice $33,143,279 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $33,056,216 National Education Assn $32,024,610 Laborers Union $30,292,050 Teamsters Union $29,319,982
Look at all the unions on that list.... And Goldman Sachs is getting what THEY want from Obama, aren't they?
Truant Wisconsin Democratic Senators Received Far Greater Percentage of Campaign Funds from Public Employee Unions than Governor Walker Received from Koch Brothers
That sort of falls under the category of duh...This Koch brothers thing has been pretty entertaining because they just appeared out of thin air and suddenly they are responsible for everything in the world (according to a subset of lefties)! It's hilarious.
Never mind that the public voted just this november and they voted overwhelmingly one way. Nope! Democracy doesn't count for much with these people, does it?
Tim's conduct of his side of the argument is embarassingly weak. Aside from offering an underhandedly snide rebuke to the 'television' wing of the MSM (he's above all that) for being too buddy-buddy with all candidates, regardless of ideological orientation (yes, I'm sure pothead humor from W. or Palin would go completely unreported!), he basically offers nothing, just refuses to engage with Althouse on any substantive point.
It doesn't help that his energy level is just so appallingly low. Do liberals consider it virtuous to talk slowly and driftily, using long, dull silences to sound thoughtful, even scolding? The man practically tries to *scold* AA with his protracted thin groanings.
And then he turns the entire argument on the question of how people somewhere must be fantasizing about martyring the Anointed One, and why are conservatives not dropping their pens and bullhorns to loudly beg all the psychopaths in their midst to Please, Please, never raise their myriad firearms against the President?!
This martyrdom fixation is nuts, even/esp. in the wake of the Tucson massacre, because that palpably had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with flaming narcissistic psychosis.
So never mind the ethics of comparing democratically-elected public servants in a mere state office to a Nazi dictator-- No no no, *why* would we be talking about THAT, when *allegedly* somebody shouted something that might be construable as a violent threat against the President? Never mind what the Secret Service might do about it-- when is Rush Limbaugh going to *address* this?!?
Did anyone notice Noah assumed the concession items (pension and insurance premiums) have been put into law.
On the same plane with assumptions made by Shiloh with respect to Althouse, who, by all appearances, is essentially pragmatic on social and fiscal issues of the day.
It's astonishing that (1) Noah was unaware of the major details of the Wisconsin situation (he thought the money provisions had already been passed and the collective bargaining was the main item left, when it's the other way around) and (2) when the Professor described the "unholy" cycle of unions funding and voting for Democrats who in return pass laws and extract taxes to the benefit of those same unions, Noah looked and talked as though this was the first time he had heard such a characterization.
He seems like a smart guy, and just a little reading on political history, economics, Marxism, etc. would tend to expose one to the form of such arguments. How can a senior writer at Slate be so new to such an important concept in modern conservative thinking?
Did anyone notice Noah assumed the concession items (pension and insurance premiums) have been put into law.
Not only are they not law, but local governments and the Milwaukee Area Technical College, whose board is unelected, have been rushing to confirm union contracts with no cuts or increased contributions in them at all. So much for the labor leaders' assurance that they were fine, fine! with the premium and pension contributions.
So much for the labor leaders' assurance that they were fine, fine! with the premium and pension contributions.
Yup. That was such a media lie. It was two union leaders without the authority to deliver.
Walker: "the two people that suggested [that] are statewide union leaders. There are 1,000-plus municipalities, there's 400 -- more than 424 school districts, there's 72 counties. I know -- I used to be a county executive for eight years -- I know that collective bargaining has to be done in every jurisdiction. They can't guarantee that. And the actions of those local unions in the past two weeks show that.
...over the past two weeks even after they made those promises we've seen local union after local union rush to their school boards, their city councils, their technical school boards and rush through contracts in the past two weeks that had no contribution to the pension and no contribution to health care.
And in fact one case in Janesville, they actually were pushing through a pay increase. Actions speaks louder than words"
Poor Tim Noah. He had nothing to talk about that effectively engages the enemy Tea Partiers. So he mumbles a lot of nonsense about them. Then he gets put on against an excited Althouse in a truth crusade mood. Well, they say a man learns more from losing than from winning.
That sort of falls under the category of duh...This Koch brothers thing has been pretty entertaining because they just appeared out of thin air and suddenly they are responsible for everything in the world (according to a subset of lefties)!
Yes, according to the left, the fact that no one had ever heard of them before is all the evidence anyone could need of how subversive and sneaky they are.
The unions are willing to forgo a third piece of pie today in exchange for the right to gorge themselves once the economy recovers or a Democrat is elected governor, whichever comes first.
AA is almost beyond whining re: her being totally convinced the main stream media is 100% pro Dem and 100% anti Rep as it's an obsession to hear her talk about the supposed outrageous discrepancy!
oh yea, before I forget, Limbaugh is AA's hero, so to speak.
Gawd, not only are you tiresome but you're an idiot.
O.K., dick for brains, show us an example of the mainstream media being fair to Republicans. I want you to notice I'm putting no limits on it:
Just. Find. One.
Show us a report where they're ripping the Libs a new one for incivility. Show us a report where they're ripping the Libs a new one for racism or anti-Semitism. Show us a report where they're ripping the Libs a new one for running away from their duty as politicians. Show us a report where they're ripping the Libs a new one for not respecting Democracy and the results of the last election and the will of the people.
And then - if you can't fix this "supposed outrageous discrepancy" when all I 'm asking for is ONE EXAMPLE from the mainstream press - then either shut your fucking pie hole or go away.
We don't mind Libs being idiots - that we expect - but you're not even entertaining.
I find it interesting that Noah was so ignorant about the Union (non)compromise and tea party "violence" and "racial tinge", but he still managed to research your salary and your recent links.
And put the phone down, Noah. This is the 21st century.
Poor Tim Noah,...he gets put on against an excited Althouse in a truth crusade,..
She was EXCITED, wasn't she? I thought she'd leap off the screen or smile me to death. I was like, "Damn, Ann - chill", but then I thought about it and said "fuck it" and listened to the rest with my eyes closed.
At 70:50, Noah congratulates himself for having once criticized a book which discussed assassinating Bush, declaring "I am a serious participant in political discussion in the United States, who is capable of calling foul when my own side commits a foul", and alleges that this distinguishes him from Rush (who he repeatedly refers to as Rush "Limbow"), because Rush did not speak out about a shouted threat to Obama at some GOP Rep's public event.
But who is the person on Rush's "own side" that Rush should speak out against? Do we know that the shouter at this event actually had conservative political beliefs, as opposed to being an apolitical "troll" (to borrow Althouse's apt blog analogy), or a moby?
Unions that get above market wages drive their companies out of business, because you can't survive competing with a lower cost company; in fact that's their usual fate.
But that's not true in the public sector, where there is no lower cost company.
So public unions ought not to have been made legal, is the conclusion.
Richard Epstein's observation is that collective bargaining laws are wrong from the start, from the point of view of rule of law, that A and B can combine to get the values of gain from trade, but they shouldn't get rights against C that they don't already have individually; namely they can't prevent C from hiring replacements who are willing to work if A and B they choose not to work.
Otherwise you get all sorts of people telling other people what they have to do.
Here'sa funny, from the Corner of all places (sry guys):
Wisconsin State Employees Should Have Some Koch and Smile By Christian Schneider
"According to the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB), the Wisconsin Retirement System owns $5.5 million in Georgia Pacific corporate bonds. (Georgia Pacific is owned by Koch Industries.) This is the retirement system in which the overwhelming majority of state and local employees participate. These are the pension benefits that public employees are trying so hard to protect.
So here’s the challenge: Explain to a Wisconsin state worker that they are the ones helping fund the Koch brothers. Then sit back and watch the fun."
If you look at the link provided by Gabriel Hanna, you have to go down to #18 to see the contributors tilt Republican. Of the top 100, just 2 are "solidly" R. Compared to 11 of the top 20. The big contributors are more overwhelmingly D than I imagined possible.
And that doesn't even account for the MSM.
WV: Tries: The R's tries and tries, but cant gets no big money.
2) AA also talks about trolls, who by definition are please, please, look at me types so one could say anyone who has there own blog, political or otherwise is a troll trying to put forth whatever political agenda they seem fit ie msnbc, foxnews, cnn, limbaugh, hannity, billo, olbermann, maddow, beck, palin, Obama, drudge, savage, malkin, redstate, talkingpoints, du, freeperville etc. etc.
3) mentioned previously one man's free speech is another man's anarchy
4) Fen is still obsessed w/me ;)
5) The internet/talk radio is the new main stream media as I can't remember the last time I watched "nightly news" and don't watch much cable news minutia anymore.
6) My (2) posts were all about AA and media and not about me.
7) As I'm making this post, above it reads (((You can't just stop by to drop an insult))) hmm, as there are many conservative 100% ad hominem posts at AA re: other posters, Obama and libs. Just like a lot of other political blogs and this is not exclusive as libs/cons are both quite good at insults, eh.
8) Obviously, no social/economic problems are ever gonna be solved at a political blog, so if it's not entertaining, what's the point. Which again is why billo/beck/hannity are the highest rated shows on foxnews and olbermann was the highest rated show on msnbc ie they are/were the most over-the -top shows at their respective networks.
9) most of talk radio and cable news is preaching to the choir as well as political internet blogs.
10) foxnews primetime (2.8) million ... (60) million voted for McCain.
11) You'd probably be amazed at how many msnbc and foxnews viewers don't even vote.
Noah modulated his "Limbow" towards Limbaugh after Ann said it correctly a few times, but still drifted back to Limbow, which is the Limbaugh denigrator society's way; we don't listen to the idiot ourselves and so are indifferent to how it's pronounced.
It's a strange strategy; probably it's a desire for a mark as one of the safe truth-loving left in no danger of picking up a point from the show.
"So far from being in liberal lockstep, we are such independent thinkers that Limbaugh can't affect us."
Again re: limbaugh, beck, hannity, billo, olbermann, maddow, drudge, malkin, coulter, huffington, stewart, maher, etc. etc.
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. ~ Oscar Wilde
as we need more wannabe celebrity pundits as they talk past each other w/their ad nauseam opinions, rather than just reporting factual news ie foxnews reported Gabrielle Giffords was dead and switched to msnbc and they said she was in critical condition.
The Pew Research Center’s topline stats show Wisconsinites favoring the public employee unions over Governor Walker by 42-31. But dig deeper. Among the 18-29 set, a vanishing small number of which belong to unions, the number expands to 46-13. Among nonwhites, it expands to 51-19. Among those who make less than $75,000 a year, it’s roughly 48-25 (I had to add a couple numbers together there). The future of the country is strongly on the side of workers in this struggle, forming the backbone of a new progressive alliance, a youth-labor alliance of color.
The New York Times/CBS national poll is even more pronounced. Collective bargaining rights are favored 60-33. 56% oppose cutting worker pay or benefits to fix budget deficits. By a nearly 2-1 margin, people would rather increase taxes than cut public worker pay. These majorities held even in households with no union members. They don’t provide the breakdown among the young or the nonwhite, but I suspect it would be the same.
If these polls are correct - then HOW THE FUCK did Walker get elected? OMG - the country is totally socialist!
Fen - I keep asking myself about the 2009-2010 Republican wave and what does it mean. Because when these Republican governors actually try to tackle the serious spending issues(Christie, Walker) the people suddenly hate them. It's like why THE FUCK did you vote for them?
Fen - even independents favor the unions 39-34. That's the most depressing stat. It means that the swing voters who got Walker into office did NOT mean for him to bust unions.
the people suddenly hate them. It's like why THE FUCK did you vote for them?
I think its human nature, a form of NIMBYism. Unfortunately, I don't think people will wake up to whats at stake until something goes catastrophic, like Cali. And then it will be too late.
Witness the recent GOP budget cuts. Addresses less than 1% of the problem. And if you think its bad now, wait till SS and Medicare are on the block.
Here's an interesting chart that shows you the storm thats coming:
Opinion poll results depend on the wording of the question so much that they're pretty worthless for public policy debates like this.
If the people of Wisconsin really want to pay more taxes rather than cut public employee benefits, they know what to do. Just elect Democrats next time and they can undo all of Walker's changes.
Those polls are 1. worded in such a way as to make people think that it's about union busting in general, not benefit negotiations with public sector unions and 2. frankly, the argument hasn't been made adequately that collective bargaining for benefits, not pay, for public sector unions is really hostage negotiations wherein the taxpayer is the hostage but doesn't even know it.
People don't want to get rid of unions - hell, I don't either! - but being able to negotiate pay is one thing and being able to hide benefits to be paid later is another thing. I mean, what is essentially going on is that politicians are really paying public employees hundreds of thousands each year, but only part of it is in cash, and the rest is in early retirement benefits and Cadillac health insurance plans. That way the politicians can say that the salaries are low enough (well, even that is debatable) and they hide the major portion of public employees compensation.
People don't understand this yet, which is why those polls aren't accurate.
The MSM has successfully manufactured the meme that evil Republican governor wants to destroy the unions. While I do wish for it, that's not what Scott Walker is doing. How dare they lie?
I will post a comment here re conformity because I am a non-conforming commenter. The MSM is the biggest bunch of conformists of all. It is comprised of many many ex-lefty doofi [like Noah] who once hated govt but now they adore govt but only when a Dem is in the White House.
shiloh you should know that your posts are not being deleted by our hostess who I affectionally refer to as the evil blogger lady.
She stands firm in defense of free speech but the Blogger platform that she uses often deletes posts for no reason based on their spam program. I have the same problem on my blog and have to go into the spam file to repost them when Blogger eats them. Amusingly enough those posts often come from Meade himself.
You should not delude yourself into thinking that Meade tells the blogger lady what to do. They have an obviously loving relationship and the more conservative "tinge" that she might be showing these days is merely through the effect of Meade's persoanl example as kind, loving, upright conservative.
And of course in upright we are refering to his penis. Just sayn'
And shiloh I know you like to think of yourself as special and unique but in the long history of the Althouse blog there are many liberals who have taken the same pose and copped the same attitudes.
There have been such luminaries as the erudite and elegant Cyrus Pinkerton, the sputtering incoherence of hdhouse, the agenda driven thread high jacking of AlphaLiberal, the gynecological obsessions of Loafing Oaf and the homophobic repetitive abuse of Luckyoldson/Michael/Jeremy. Not to mention Maxine Weiss who was a whole head full of snakes all on her own.
So your act is not new. Sometimes it is marginally amusing. But most times it is a lot of sound and fury signifying very little that is fun and interesting. Garage Mahal makes most of the same points in pithy little punches so he can have time to work on his collection of vintage BMW’s and look for tasty road kill
I know you think you are all that but you might want to elevate your game a little. Because you’re all that don’t add up to all that much.
Have mentioned previously my disappointment w/Obama re: financial reform and yes Virginia, Wall St./Big Business give $$$ to both parties as they hedge their bets.
Again, the buying and selling of "we the people" by lobbyists, special interests, PACS and yes unions also.
shiloh you should know that your posts are not being deleted by our hostess
Re: my 11:33 PM post in the previous thread, it appeared and then immediately disappeared and Meade made a post at 11:36, so my first thought was he deleted it because of my AA donation snark. If I'm wrong he can correct me. Don't know when it was put back, but yes, it was probably AA's doing rather than Meade.
And no, no one is special at a political blog, certainly not a liberal at a blog which leans right. Having posted at political forums/blogs since 2003 the only real ROI is the entertainment value and the friendship you may form w/other posters who think the same as you do or even those who don't.
But if being called a lot of names at Althouse makes you special, I certainly qualify in that category lol. The previous political blog I frequented, which leaned hard left, someone made an attack post all about me, go figure ;) and he used the 'F' bomb 25/26 times and it was not deleted. That made me feel sort of special, eh. He also was totally obsessed w/me like Fen and had threatened kill Nate Silver at his old 538 blog and several other posters and also left for good about 5/6 times only to return each time.
You could say he was/is wound a tad too tight, bi-polar maybe ;)
I tend to lose interest quickly, so I could be gone tomorrow if AA is lucky ...
And no act as I enjoy being disagreeable, just ask the nuns at St. Patrick's. ok, ok, St. Pat's doesn't have nuns anymore. btw, a parochial education "can" be a lot more entertaining than public school. My grade school, you only had to pay for books. Now the tuition is over $2,000. My freshman year at a Jesuit hs was $300 and my senior year $660. Now they can squeeze you in for $12,000.
Inflation as I digress. Hope the teachers got a lot better between then and now ...
btw, it's hard to feel special when many call you a troll and say to avoid you at all costs lol. But it can be difficult to avoid trolls as they are persistent. My impression, which may be wrong, anyone who disagrees w/AA most of the time is considered a troll.
Well shiloh you are just wrong on several counts. There several very liberal commenter’s here who no one considers trolls. People like Beth, Madison Man and somefellar are not considered trolls by anyone who posts here. They present the liberal viewpoint in a consistently genial and entertaining matter.
Plus having someone call you a troll does not make you one unless you revel in it and attempt to be more trollish just to piss off the people you disagree with. Which I know Ritmo likes to do because it just amuses him to make some people crazy. I maintain what I hope is a great relationship with Ritmo, Garage and hdhouse even though we never agree on anything at all most of the time. We bust each other’s chops unmercifully but can laugh about it in the end. I don't think anyone....especially me can determine who is a troll. Everyone can speak to their own understanding and preference but often times commenter’s will be called out by other commenter’s and they will post warnings that someone is not worth wasting your time with. That is fair and you can certainly do the same with people you might abhor such as Cedarford and Fen or me since many people think I am a major league knucklehead. And that is fine and you shouldn’t take it personally.
Sometimes the people on you side (by which I mean my side of the issuses) can be humorless and angry which is a consistent problem on the internet’s. You seem to be a genuinely genial and funny guy and I hope to hear a lot more from you here at Althouse. I for one enjoy your comments and want to see more.
But maybe you can stop attacking Meade and busting his chops. That’s my job. All the best, Your pal Trooper York
Will freely admit I skim over many posts 'cause who has time, especially when AA starts a thread every 3/4 minutes ;)
Yea, I've been pretty happy since Obama's election and my boy, Jeff Gordon, finally won a frickin' race!
Life's good lol
Some of my posts "can" be quite personal, especially when I see flaming hypocrisy.
Like my other fav, Keith Olbermann, I don't take myself too seriously. Keith is a prima donna, but he's the first to admit it.
A man's got to know his limitations.
At HP I like when they start an Olbermann thread and conservatives pipe in sayin' nobody cares about Keith and 5,000/6,000 posts later Reps are done caring about him.
And vice/versa w/palin and liberals.
Indeed, nobody cares lol
One good thing about Olbermann's current sabatical it frees up Mon/Tues for House and NCIS and I don't have to dvr them.
Well I just wanted you to know that I for one would not let it stand if you got deleted for your views. And I know that the evil blogger lady and Porfy would be right there with me. They just don't do that.
Hey I glad to see that you are a NASCAR fan. Does that mean you don't have any teeth? Man you are a lucky SOB. I had root canal yesterday and that was a pain in the ass.
Lucius at 7.10 a.m. you nailed it. The guy was kind of aggravating, and a poor representative or counterpoint rather to AA. Agreed 100% with that lazy cool guy way of talking. Ugh to the max. And the way he kept saying "Hm?" to AA whenever he didn't like a point and yet when there was a question to answer, (like how was the oscar show), his hearing certainly did not fail him then, now did it. AA won this one just b/c the dude lost it.
Sometimes I think that these fellows at online places like Slate (and other more "moderate" places) are living on borrowed time. What do they DO?
Oh, and why in the world did they drag it out over 70 minutes? Was Meade letting her know this one was in the bag, so drag it out and really show em?
Jon said...
At 70:50, Noah congratulates himself for having once criticized a book which discussed assassinating Bush, declaring "I am a serious participant in political discussion in the United States, who is capable of calling foul when my own side commits a foul", and alleges that this distinguishes him from Rush (who he repeatedly refers to as Rush "Limbow"),
As someone who is annoyed that it was Rush Limbaugh who started the whole misnaming of the Democratic Party, I only hope it's Noah's form of revenge, which I endorse only until Limbaugh corrects himself.
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७८ टिप्पण्या:
ok, just finished watching the whole interview, honest er AA's diatribe re: Dem's ie
Libs 100% bad
Cons 100% good
Everybody here already knows what AA thinks about the WI union fight.
So moving along ...
She mentioned at the end everything that is interesting ends up on youtube which may have been true 3/4 years ago, nowadays not too sure ~ which begs the question: Is there a lot of AA clips on youtube.
AA is almost beyond whining re: her being totally convinced the main stream media is 100% pro Dem and 100% anti Rep as it's an obsession to hear her talk about the supposed outrageous discrepancy!
oh yea, before I forget, Limbaugh is AA's hero, so to speak.
Shocking that we do agree on one topic ie personal appearance, especially celebrities obsession w/looking perfect. But superficiality is basically part of human nature especially in the real world, where if you're good looking, you may have a better chance of being hired, eh. Again human nature ie personal prejudice, etc.
So let's recap shall we:
Libs 100% bad
Cons 100% good
Which begs the final question: why did AA vote for Obama ?!? as I wasn't here in 2008, so I really don't know her why's and wherefore's.
Lesser of (2) evils or maybe she was totally infatuated w/the hope and change meme.
btw, mentioned previously HP was the first to report the Obama "bittergate" story in 2008 because again, it was news. And if there's any bad news re: Dem's foxnews will report it ad nauseam. Maybe AA doesn't consider fixed MSM, but fixed has a much larger audience than cnn/msnbc as they keep telling us.
And yes, this years Academy Awards may have been the worst ever ...
that is all
Oh yea, is talk radio considered MSM 'cause conservatives have a total stranglehold in that area of free speech. And re: free speech and the 2010 election Reps had the $$$ advantage so please, no whining about them not being able to get their message out as I keep hearing Reps did quite well lol.
And go figure, after (8) years of cheney/bush, Obama broke records for presidential fund raising ~ shocking!
Again, the yin and yang of one party screwing up and being replaced by the other party, imagined media impartiality notwithstanding.
btw, the billionaire Koch tag team donated much of their inherited fortune to the Rep party and got their tax cuts extended. America, what a country!
Which begs the final question: why did AA vote for Obama ?!?
Hell, I was briefly tempted to vote for Obama, and if the man ran up to me on fire I couldn't be bothered to piss on him to put out the flames.
John McCain was a terrible, terrible choice of nominee. People like to whine endlessly about Palin, but I'd rather have her as President any day.
Oh yea, is talk radio considered MSM
If you read an article that began with the sentence "it was reported on talk radio that...", would you take it seriously?
Same answer, eh?
I voted for Obama in the MD primaries. Blame me. Its all my fault :(
Oh yea, is talk radio considered MSM?
No. Talk radio was created as a parallel venue for conservatives to express their ideas, because they were pushed out of the MSM monopoly by the Left.
MSM refers to Legacy Media - Wapo, NYTs, LA TImes, ABC/CBS/CNN/NBC/MSNBC, AP and Reuters, NPR, etc.
Then there's FOX, they do a good job of presenting the Right fairly, but they are a fairly recent entry into the media market. And they're mostly fluff. Only good for major events when you need to see what the MSM isn't telling you (see Florida 2000recount).
There's room for a more serious network to compete with FOX, but the usual Lefty players are more interested in indocrination and propaganda than profit.
Not seeing the video.
Maybe it's my browser - Windows port of Safari.
So much disinformation, so little time...
"...imagined media impartiality notwithstanding."
beclown - Verb. To make a complete idiot of oneself in public. To behave or speak in such a way, or to make a comment or express an opinion that is so profoundly witless, senseless and obtuse, that you have forever after defined yourself as a person of comical value only. Never to be taken seriously again. Of worth only as an object of ridicule and derision.
"btw, the billionaire Koch tag team donated much of their inherited fortune to the Rep party and got their tax cuts extended. America, what a country!"
See beclown, defintion, above. We heard NOTHING about these now much-fabled Koch brothers until Governor Walker's move to remove the death grip of public unions in Wisconsin.
You are hysterical, shiloh. Take a breath.
shiloh: is talk radio considered MSM 'cause conservatives have a total stranglehold in that area of free speech.
I'm still laughing at this one.
The only reason talk radio even exists is because the Left created a media monopoly and pushed conservatives out.
You made us.
totally convinced the main stream media is 100% pro Dem
btw, the billionaire Koch tag team donated much of their inherited fortune to groups that oppose the PATRIOT act, like the ACLU, groups that oppose the War on Drugs, and groups that favor reduced defense spending.
Positions that Obama used to favor, until he got into power.
@shiloh: Top 10 contributors
ActBlue $51,124,846
AT&T Inc $46,292,670
American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees $43,477,361
National Assn of Realtors $38,721,441
Goldman Sachs $33,387,252
American Assn for Justice $33,143,279
Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $33,056,216
National Education Assn $32,024,610
Laborers Union $30,292,050
Teamsters Union $29,319,982
Look at all the unions on that list.... And Goldman Sachs is getting what THEY want from Obama, aren't they?
Damn, Gab is reading my mind. I was just about to post that.
The answer is that you are an idiot.
You belong to the camp that reasons thus:
If a person disagrees with the far left on any one of a thousand issues, that person is a right wing nut.
Althouse is an independent. She's a pretty common variety older person in that she's liberal on cultural issues and conservative on financial issues.
She isn't wed to either party, which is why she voted for Obama.
Now, can you stop with your idiot posts? Every one is the same.
If a person disagrees with the far left on any one of a thousand issues, that person is a right wing nut.
That's all you've got to say. You've said it a millions times.
Now, go away.
Jeez Shiloh--you really dont know very much--pretty sad. But do continue to opine.
@ shoutingthomas:
'common variety older person'.
Truant Wisconsin Democratic Senators Received Far Greater Percentage of Campaign Funds from Public Employee Unions than Governor Walker Received from Koch Brothers
Desperate leftard "OMG TEH KOCHTOPUS!!11!!!" meme = catastrophic clown shoes FAIL.
Truant Wisconsin Democratic Senators Received Far Greater Percentage of Campaign Funds from Public Employee Unions than Governor Walker Received from Koch Brothers
That sort of falls under the category of duh...This Koch brothers thing has been pretty entertaining because they just appeared out of thin air and suddenly they are responsible for everything in the world (according to a subset of lefties)! It's hilarious.
Never mind that the public voted just this november and they voted overwhelmingly one way. Nope! Democracy doesn't count for much with these people, does it?
Tim's conduct of his side of the argument is embarassingly weak. Aside from offering an underhandedly snide rebuke to the 'television' wing of the MSM (he's above all that) for being too buddy-buddy with all candidates, regardless of ideological orientation (yes, I'm sure pothead humor from W. or Palin would go completely unreported!), he basically offers nothing, just refuses to engage with Althouse on any substantive point.
It doesn't help that his energy level is just so appallingly low. Do liberals consider it virtuous to talk slowly and driftily, using long, dull silences to sound thoughtful, even scolding? The man practically tries to *scold* AA with his protracted thin groanings.
And then he turns the entire argument on the question of how people somewhere must be fantasizing about martyring the Anointed One, and why are conservatives not dropping their pens and bullhorns to loudly beg all the psychopaths in their midst to Please, Please, never raise their myriad firearms against the President?!
This martyrdom fixation is nuts, even/esp. in the wake of the Tucson massacre, because that palpably had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with flaming narcissistic psychosis.
So never mind the ethics of comparing democratically-elected public servants in a mere state office to a Nazi dictator-- No no no, *why* would we be talking about THAT, when *allegedly* somebody shouted something that might be construable as a violent threat against the President? Never mind what the Secret Service might do about it-- when is Rush Limbaugh going to *address* this?!?
Did anyone notice Noah assumed the concession items (pension and insurance premiums) have been put into law.
On the same plane with assumptions made by Shiloh with respect to Althouse, who, by all appearances, is essentially pragmatic on social and fiscal issues of the day.
It's astonishing that (1) Noah was unaware of the major details of the Wisconsin situation (he thought the money provisions had already been passed and the collective bargaining was the main item left, when it's the other way around) and (2) when the Professor described the "unholy" cycle of unions funding and voting for Democrats who in return pass laws and extract taxes to the benefit of those same unions, Noah looked and talked as though this was the first time he had heard such a characterization.
He seems like a smart guy, and just a little reading on political history, economics, Marxism, etc. would tend to expose one to the form of such arguments. How can a senior writer at Slate be so new to such an important concept in modern conservative thinking?
And Noah is the prototypical MSM garden variety liberal media buttboy. So with him, WYSIWYG with all the MSM fawning dweebs.
Did anyone notice Noah assumed the concession items (pension and insurance premiums) have been put into law.
Not only are they not law, but local governments and the Milwaukee Area Technical College, whose board is unelected, have been rushing to confirm union contracts with no cuts or increased contributions in them at all. So much for the labor leaders' assurance that they were fine, fine! with the premium and pension contributions.
Jeez Shiloh--you really dont know very much--pretty sad.
Don't forget, he claims to be ~60 years old with a Navy background. I hope he's lying, because being that ignorant at 60 would be pathetic.
So much for the labor leaders' assurance that they were fine, fine! with the premium and pension contributions.
Yup. That was such a media lie. It was two union leaders without the authority to deliver.
Walker: "the two people that suggested [that] are statewide union leaders. There are 1,000-plus municipalities, there's 400 -- more than 424 school districts, there's 72 counties. I know -- I used to be a county executive for eight years -- I know that collective bargaining has to be done in every jurisdiction. They can't guarantee that. And the actions of those local unions in the past two weeks show that.
...over the past two weeks even after they made those promises we've seen local union after local union rush to their school boards, their city councils, their technical school boards and rush through contracts in the past two weeks that had no contribution to the pension and no contribution to health care.
And in fact one case in Janesville, they actually were pushing through a pay increase. Actions speaks louder than words"
Poor Tim Noah. He had nothing to talk about that effectively engages the enemy Tea Partiers. So he mumbles a lot of nonsense about them. Then he gets put on against an excited Althouse in a truth crusade mood. Well, they say a man learns more from losing than from winning.
I watched this last night, before bed, and to be 100% honest with you:
"I'm Not Interested In What People Believe"
That sort of falls under the category of duh...This Koch brothers thing has been pretty entertaining because they just appeared out of thin air and suddenly they are responsible for everything in the world (according to a subset of lefties)!
Yes, according to the left, the fact that no one had ever heard of them before is all the evidence anyone could need of how subversive and sneaky they are.
Blogginheads seems to be gone.
The unions are willing to forgo a third piece of pie today in exchange for the right to gorge themselves once the economy recovers or a Democrat is elected governor, whichever comes first.
AA is almost beyond whining re: her being totally convinced the main stream media is 100% pro Dem and 100% anti Rep as it's an obsession to hear her talk about the supposed outrageous discrepancy!
oh yea, before I forget, Limbaugh is AA's hero, so to speak.
Gawd, not only are you tiresome but you're an idiot.
O.K., dick for brains, show us an example of the mainstream media being fair to Republicans. I want you to notice I'm putting no limits on it:
Just. Find. One.
Show us a report where they're ripping the Libs a new one for incivility. Show us a report where they're ripping the Libs a new one for racism or anti-Semitism. Show us a report where they're ripping the Libs a new one for running away from their duty as politicians. Show us a report where they're ripping the Libs a new one for not respecting Democracy and the results of the last election and the will of the people.
And then - if you can't fix this "supposed outrageous discrepancy" when all I 'm asking for is ONE EXAMPLE from the mainstream press - then either shut your fucking pie hole or go away.
We don't mind Libs being idiots - that we expect - but you're not even entertaining.
After this week, I wish Walker added police and firefighters unions to this bill. Screw em all.
I find it interesting that Noah was so ignorant about the Union (non)compromise and tea party "violence" and "racial tinge", but he still managed to research your salary and your recent links.
And put the phone down, Noah. This is the 21st century.
After this week, I wish Walker added police and firefighters unions to this bill. Screw em all.
Oh, as if the Fitzgerald brothers will support removing bargaining power from their Dad.
Poor Tim Noah,...he gets put on against an excited Althouse in a truth crusade,..
She was EXCITED, wasn't she? I thought she'd leap off the screen or smile me to death. I was like, "Damn, Ann - chill", but then I thought about it and said "fuck it" and listened to the rest with my eyes closed.
They ain't no Charlie Sheen, that's for sure.
BTW, using "racial tinge" as euphemism for actual racism is dishonest.
I'm certain Noah would consider a "Diversity Hire" sign to be evidence "racism"
Quit fussing with your hair. It looked fine.
ADDED: Meade makes an accidental appearance a little after 41:00, and I cover him up with a sheet of paper.
Alright, I'm an idiot. I was looking for something - my press credentials or something. Can I at least get some credit for having pants on?
You're saying that the indocrination required for your Press Pass dumbed you down?
You guys look very energetic. Must be having tons of fun with this.
*commence Vortex in 3 2 1... *
At 70:50, Noah congratulates himself for having once criticized a book which discussed assassinating Bush, declaring "I am a serious participant in political discussion in the United States, who is capable of calling foul when my own side commits a foul", and alleges that this distinguishes him from Rush (who he repeatedly refers to as Rush "Limbow"), because Rush did not speak out about a shouted threat to Obama at some GOP Rep's public event.
But who is the person on Rush's "own side" that Rush should speak out against? Do we know that the shouter at this event actually had conservative political beliefs, as opposed to being an apolitical "troll" (to borrow Althouse's apt blog analogy), or a moby?
Noah has mastered the drone.
Zuckerberg (whoever he is) ought to say it's not accurate but he'll try to be more like the movie.
Unions that get above market wages drive their companies out of business, because you can't survive competing with a lower cost company; in fact that's their usual fate.
But that's not true in the public sector, where there is no lower cost company.
So public unions ought not to have been made legal, is the conclusion.
Richard Epstein's observation is that collective bargaining laws are wrong from the start, from the point of view of rule of law, that A and B can combine to get the values of gain from trade, but they shouldn't get rights against C that they don't already have individually; namely they can't prevent C from hiring replacements who are willing to work if A and B they choose not to work.
Otherwise you get all sorts of people telling other people what they have to do.
I'm sorry you had to spend that long talking to Timothy Noah.
Tim Noah is a union thug that's too pussy to actually be a union thug. A beta union thug.
You must've needed a scalding hot shower after talking to that creepy, doughy 40 year old virgin.
Here'sa funny, from the Corner of all places (sry guys):
Wisconsin State Employees Should Have Some Koch and Smile
By Christian Schneider
"According to the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB), the Wisconsin Retirement System owns $5.5 million in Georgia Pacific corporate bonds. (Georgia Pacific is owned by Koch Industries.) This is the retirement system in which the overwhelming majority of state and local employees participate. These are the pension benefits that public employees are trying so hard to protect.
So here’s the challenge: Explain to a Wisconsin state worker that they are the ones helping fund the Koch brothers. Then sit back and watch the fun."
If you look at the link provided by Gabriel Hanna, you have to go down to #18 to see the contributors tilt Republican. Of the top 100, just 2 are "solidly" R. Compared to 11 of the top 20. The big contributors are more overwhelmingly D than I imagined possible.
And that doesn't even account for the MSM.
WV: Tries: The R's tries and tries, but cant gets no big money.
Just a few bullet points, if you will.
1) Surprised my posts weren't deleted.
2) AA also talks about trolls, who by definition are please, please, look at me types so one could say anyone who has there own blog, political or otherwise is a troll trying to put forth whatever political agenda they seem fit ie msnbc, foxnews, cnn, limbaugh, hannity, billo, olbermann, maddow, beck, palin, Obama, drudge, savage, malkin, redstate, talkingpoints, du, freeperville etc. etc.
3) mentioned previously one man's free speech is another man's anarchy
4) Fen is still obsessed w/me ;)
5) The internet/talk radio is the new main stream media as I can't remember the last time I watched "nightly news" and don't watch much cable news minutia anymore.
6) My (2) posts were all about AA and media and not about me.
7) As I'm making this post, above it reads (((You can't just stop by to drop an insult))) hmm, as there are many conservative 100% ad hominem posts at AA re: other posters, Obama and libs. Just like a lot of other political blogs and this is not exclusive as libs/cons are both quite good at insults, eh.
8) Obviously, no social/economic problems are ever gonna be solved at a political blog, so if it's not entertaining, what's the point. Which again is why billo/beck/hannity are the highest rated shows on foxnews and olbermann was the highest rated show on msnbc ie they are/were the most over-the -top shows at their respective networks.
9) most of talk radio and cable news is preaching to the choir as well as political internet blogs.
10) foxnews primetime (2.8) million ... (60) million voted for McCain.
11) You'd probably be amazed at how many msnbc and foxnews viewers don't even vote.
*hands Shiloh a new shovel*
Hye, keep digging, maybe you'll find your DD214 down there...
12) If my post in the previous thread wasn't deleted would have ignored this thread ...
Re: Fen the prosecution rests ;)
Noah modulated his "Limbow" towards Limbaugh after Ann said it correctly a few times, but still drifted back to Limbow, which is the Limbaugh denigrator society's way; we don't listen to the idiot ourselves and so are indifferent to how it's pronounced.
It's a strange strategy; probably it's a desire for a mark as one of the safe truth-loving left in no danger of picking up a point from the show.
"So far from being in liberal lockstep, we are such independent thinkers that Limbaugh can't affect us."
Again re: limbaugh, beck, hannity, billo, olbermann, maddow, drudge, malkin, coulter, huffington, stewart, maher, etc. etc.
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. ~ Oscar Wilde
as we need more wannabe celebrity pundits as they talk past each other w/their ad nauseam opinions, rather than just reporting factual news ie foxnews reported Gabrielle Giffords was dead and switched to msnbc and they said she was in critical condition.
and so it goes ...
shit for brains comes in here blasting away then complains when people turn the guns on him. well shit for brains is that.
Youth-labor coalition super strong
The Pew Research Center’s topline stats show Wisconsinites favoring the public employee unions over Governor Walker by 42-31. But dig deeper. Among the 18-29 set, a vanishing small number of which belong to unions, the number expands to 46-13. Among nonwhites, it expands to 51-19. Among those who make less than $75,000 a year, it’s roughly 48-25 (I had to add a couple numbers together there). The future of the country is strongly on the side of workers in this struggle, forming the backbone of a new progressive alliance, a youth-labor alliance of color.
The New York Times/CBS national poll is even more pronounced. Collective bargaining rights are favored 60-33. 56% oppose cutting worker pay or benefits to fix budget deficits. By a nearly 2-1 margin, people would rather increase taxes than cut public worker pay. These majorities held even in households with no union members. They don’t provide the breakdown among the young or the nonwhite, but I suspect it would be the same.
If these polls are correct - then HOW THE FUCK did Walker get elected? OMG - the country is totally socialist!
Alex, the NYTs poll was severely weighted in favor of Dems and Union households.
I saw several fiskings of the sampling data they released. They should be easy to find.
Bottom line: the poll is bunk.
Fen - I keep asking myself about the 2009-2010 Republican wave and what does it mean. Because when these Republican governors actually try to tackle the serious spending issues(Christie, Walker) the people suddenly hate them. It's like why THE FUCK did you vote for them?
re NYTs/CBS bogus poll, here ya go:
Fen - even independents favor the unions 39-34. That's the most depressing stat. It means that the swing voters who got Walker into office did NOT mean for him to bust unions.
well shit for brains is that.
Re: Alex the prosecution also rests.
Not complaining, just observing and btw, isn't that what folk do at political blogs ie complain!
Also, my deleted post in the previous thread has amazingly reappeared so let's hear it for free speech! :)
the people suddenly hate them. It's like why THE FUCK did you vote for them?
I think its human nature, a form of NIMBYism. Unfortunately, I don't think people will wake up to whats at stake until something goes catastrophic, like Cali. And then it will be too late.
Witness the recent GOP budget cuts. Addresses less than 1% of the problem. And if you think its bad now, wait till SS and Medicare are on the block.
Here's an interesting chart that shows you the storm thats coming:
F2010 entitlement expenses are 60% and growing. You know Stein's Law: if something can't go on forever, it will stop.
shiloh: Also, my deleted post in the previous thread has amazingly reappeared so let's hear it for free speech! :)
Fricken martyr. No one deleted your post. Please learn how to use the internets before you whine.
Opinion poll results depend on the wording of the question so much that they're pretty worthless for public policy debates like this.
If the people of Wisconsin really want to pay more taxes rather than cut public employee benefits, they know what to do. Just elect Democrats next time and they can undo all of Walker's changes.
No one deleted your post.
Meade would disagree ...
take care
Those polls are 1. worded in such a way as to make people think that it's about union busting in general, not benefit negotiations with public sector unions and 2. frankly, the argument hasn't been made adequately that collective bargaining for benefits, not pay, for public sector unions is really hostage negotiations wherein the taxpayer is the hostage but doesn't even know it.
People don't want to get rid of unions - hell, I don't either! - but being able to negotiate pay is one thing and being able to hide benefits to be paid later is another thing. I mean, what is essentially going on is that politicians are really paying public employees hundreds of thousands each year, but only part of it is in cash, and the rest is in early retirement benefits and Cadillac health insurance plans. That way the politicians can say that the salaries are low enough (well, even that is debatable) and they hide the major portion of public employees compensation.
People don't understand this yet, which is why those polls aren't accurate.
The MSM has successfully manufactured the meme that evil Republican governor wants to destroy the unions. While I do wish for it, that's not what Scott Walker is doing. How dare they lie?
I will post a comment here re conformity because I am a non-conforming commenter. The MSM is the biggest bunch of conformists of all. It is comprised of many many ex-lefty doofi [like Noah] who once hated govt but now they adore govt but only when a Dem is in the White House.
Nary a word about the big union and Goldman Sachs money, coward. Think we wouldn't notice?
ActBlue $51,124,846
AT&T Inc $46,292,670
American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees $43,477,361
National Assn of Realtors $38,721,441
Goldman Sachs $33,387,252
American Assn for Justice $33,143,279
Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $33,056,216
National Education Assn $32,024,610
Laborers Union $30,292,050
Teamsters Union $29,319,982
shiloh you should know that your posts are not being deleted by our hostess who I affectionally refer to as the evil blogger lady.
She stands firm in defense of free speech but the Blogger platform that she uses often deletes posts for no reason based on their spam program. I have the same problem on my blog and have to go into the spam file to repost them when Blogger eats them. Amusingly enough those posts often come from Meade himself.
You should not delude yourself into thinking that Meade tells the blogger lady what to do. They have an obviously loving relationship and the more conservative "tinge" that she might be showing these days is merely through the effect of Meade's persoanl example as kind, loving, upright conservative.
And of course in upright we are refering to his penis. Just sayn'
And shiloh I know you like to think of yourself as special and unique but in the long history of the Althouse blog there are many liberals who have taken the same pose and copped the same attitudes.
There have been such luminaries as the erudite and elegant Cyrus Pinkerton, the sputtering incoherence of hdhouse, the agenda driven thread high jacking of AlphaLiberal, the gynecological obsessions of Loafing Oaf and the homophobic repetitive abuse of Luckyoldson/Michael/Jeremy. Not to mention Maxine Weiss who was a whole head full of snakes all on her own.
So your act is not new. Sometimes it is marginally amusing. But most times it is a lot of sound and fury signifying very little that is fun and interesting. Garage Mahal makes most of the same points in pithy little punches so he can have time to work on his collection of vintage BMW’s and look for tasty road kill
I know you think you are all that but you might want to elevate your game a little. Because you’re all that don’t add up to all that much.
Just a friendly word to the wise.
Your Pal
Trooper York
Just a friendly word to the wise.
I prefer the classic formulation, "verb. sap." In shiloh's case, "sap" is le mot juste.
Nary a word
Have mentioned previously my disappointment w/Obama re: financial reform and yes Virginia, Wall St./Big Business give $$$ to both parties as they hedge their bets.
Again, the buying and selling of "we the people" by lobbyists, special interests, PACS and yes unions also.
shiloh you should know that your posts are not being deleted by our hostess
Re: my 11:33 PM post in the previous thread, it appeared and then immediately disappeared and Meade made a post at 11:36, so my first thought was he deleted it because of my AA donation snark. If I'm wrong he can correct me. Don't know when it was put back, but yes, it was probably AA's doing rather than Meade.
And no, no one is special at a political blog, certainly not a liberal at a blog which leans right. Having posted at political forums/blogs since 2003 the only real ROI is the entertainment value and the friendship you may form w/other posters who think the same as you do or even those who don't.
But if being called a lot of names at Althouse makes you special, I certainly qualify in that category lol. The previous political blog I frequented, which leaned hard left, someone made an attack post all about me, go figure ;) and he used the 'F' bomb 25/26 times and it was not deleted. That made me feel sort of special, eh. He also was totally obsessed w/me like Fen and had threatened kill Nate Silver at his old 538 blog and several other posters and also left for good about 5/6 times only to return each time.
You could say he was/is wound a tad too tight, bi-polar maybe ;)
I tend to lose interest quickly, so I could be gone tomorrow if AA is lucky ...
And no act as I enjoy being disagreeable, just ask the nuns at St. Patrick's. ok, ok, St. Pat's doesn't have nuns anymore. btw, a parochial education "can" be a lot more entertaining than public school. My grade school, you only had to pay for books. Now the tuition is over $2,000. My freshman year at a Jesuit hs was $300 and my senior year $660. Now they can squeeze you in for $12,000.
Inflation as I digress. Hope the teachers got a lot better between then and now ...
btw, it's hard to feel special when many call you a troll and say to avoid you at all costs lol. But it can be difficult to avoid trolls as they are persistent. My impression, which may be wrong, anyone who disagrees w/AA most of the time is considered a troll.
The gospel according to AA.
Well shiloh you are just wrong on several counts. There several very liberal commenter’s here who no one considers trolls. People like Beth, Madison Man and somefellar are not considered trolls by anyone who posts here. They present the liberal viewpoint in a consistently genial and entertaining matter.
Plus having someone call you a troll does not make you one unless you revel in it and attempt to be more trollish just to piss off the people you disagree with. Which I know Ritmo likes to do because it just amuses him to make some people crazy. I maintain what I hope is a great relationship with Ritmo, Garage and hdhouse even though we never agree on anything at all most of the time. We bust each other’s chops unmercifully but can laugh about it in the end.
I don't think anyone....especially me can determine who is a troll. Everyone can speak to their own understanding and preference but often times commenter’s will be called out by other commenter’s and they will post warnings that someone is not worth wasting your time with. That is fair and you can certainly do the same with people you might abhor such as Cedarford and Fen or me since many people think I am a major league knucklehead. And that is fine and you shouldn’t take it personally.
Sometimes the people on you side (by which I mean my side of the issuses) can be humorless and angry which is a consistent problem on the internet’s. You seem to be a genuinely genial and funny guy and I hope to hear a lot more from you here at Althouse. I for one enjoy your comments and want to see more.
But maybe you can stop attacking Meade and busting his chops.
That’s my job.
All the best,
Your pal
Trooper York
Thanx for the info Trooper :)
Will freely admit I skim over many posts 'cause who has time, especially when AA starts a thread every 3/4 minutes ;)
Yea, I've been pretty happy since Obama's election and my boy, Jeff Gordon, finally won a frickin' race!
Life's good lol
Some of my posts "can" be quite personal, especially when I see flaming hypocrisy.
Like my other fav, Keith Olbermann, I don't take myself too seriously. Keith is a prima donna, but he's the first to admit it.
A man's got to know his limitations.
At HP I like when they start an Olbermann thread and conservatives pipe in sayin' nobody cares about Keith and 5,000/6,000 posts later Reps are done caring about him.
And vice/versa w/palin and liberals.
Indeed, nobody cares lol
One good thing about Olbermann's current sabatical it frees up Mon/Tues for House and NCIS and I don't have to dvr them.
Cheers, shiloh
Well I just wanted you to know that I for one would not let it stand if you got deleted for your views. And I know that the evil blogger lady and Porfy would be right there with me. They just don't do that.
Hey I glad to see that you are a NASCAR fan. Does that mean you don't have any teeth? Man you are a lucky SOB. I had root canal yesterday and that was a pain in the ass.
Oh and Keith Olberman post here under the monicker of "Jeremy."
Used to be a die hard NASCAR fan as Brian France has ruined much of his dad and granddad's legend.
Get rid of the chase, the lucky dog and the wave around and crown a true champion over (36) races ~ what a concept!
Lucius at 7.10 a.m. you nailed it. The guy was kind of aggravating, and a poor representative or counterpoint rather to AA. Agreed 100% with that lazy cool guy way of talking. Ugh to the max. And the way he kept saying "Hm?" to AA whenever he didn't like a point and yet when there was a question to answer, (like how was the oscar show), his hearing certainly did not fail him then, now did it. AA won this one just b/c the dude lost it.
Sometimes I think that these fellows at online places like Slate (and other more "moderate" places) are living on borrowed time. What do they DO?
Oh, and why in the world did they drag it out over 70 minutes? Was Meade letting her know this one was in the bag, so drag it out and really show em?
Jon said...
At 70:50, Noah congratulates himself for having once criticized a book which discussed assassinating Bush, declaring "I am a serious participant in political discussion in the United States, who is capable of calling foul when my own side commits a foul", and alleges that this distinguishes him from Rush (who he repeatedly refers to as Rush "Limbow"),
As someone who is annoyed that it was Rush Limbaugh who started the whole misnaming of the Democratic Party, I only hope it's Noah's form of revenge, which I endorse only until Limbaugh corrects himself.
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