Rush Limbaugh went over the top yesterday imagining what's going on here in Madison, Wisconsin.
[U]nion thugs join together in creating a pigsty -- and we know that they create pigsties, especially compared to Tea Party rallies. You look at any public grounds where these people have been: The trash is littered everywhere, trash cans are overturned, beer cans, bong pipes. Hell, it's all over there. The Tea Party people, you don't find anything. Not even a discarded tissue....
The Democrats and the media want you to think it's just a bunch of average, hardworking out of working, valiant teachers, firefighters and so forth, and it's a bunch of slobs. Maggot-infested, dope-smoking, damn it, hell, longhaired, the whole nine yards. You got longhaired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking FM rock 'n' roller types, exactly who they are. Bong pipes, you name it.
Now, that's just ridiculous. I've lived in Madison, Wisconsin for 25 years — and I've gone over to the protests nearly every day — and I've never seen
a used Kotex anywhere. I put up a post showing trash on one of the first days of protest, but ever since then, I've been impressed that they are picking up trash. They care about the impression they leave and are making a big effort about that. They are putting up signs, taping them up and sticking them in little snowmen outdoors. And there are piles of belongings, such as bedding that are piled up in a way that isn't aesthetically pleasing. But that's not trash. And I haven't seen any beer drinking or beer cans or pot smoking or pot paraphernalia anywhere. The last time I was in the building, I didn't think it smelled, but Meade was there more recently (for the Governor's Budget Address), and he says it smelled. People are living in there, the human body is what it is.
१०४ टिप्पण्या:
the human body is what it is.
The non-human ones, as well.
It's important to criticize what's real and not indulge in criticizing products of one's fantasy.
Rush did no conservatives any favors by indulging in hyperbole in the way he did.
He didn't say how the Kotex was used . . . maybe someone mopped-up a spilt Coke?
Kotex, the quicker picker-upper!
What's one little lie?
People are living in there, the human body is what it is.
Hadn't realized that the Capitol building had been zoned as residential. Good to know.
So the blogger lady and Rush are gonna break up over Kotex?
There are millions of marriages and affairs that break up over the very same thing.
The Professor questions Rush!?!
I am impressed.
Kents' pics, Part II, LOL.
Or should that be 1A?
wv: fulla--yes he is! lol
So the blogger lady and Rush are gonna break up over Kotex?
There are millions of marriages and affairs that break up over the very same thing.
That would make Meade "The Other Man," wouldn't it...? ;)
The native american were a very wise people.
When an Indian maiden got a visit from her friend...she had to stay in a seperate wigwam away from evreryone till it was over.
Plus it was strictly taboo to talk to your mothe-in-law.
Very wise I tell you....very wise.
Ruminations on the exaggerations of the emanations.
My r is sticking.
Does anybody have a Kotex and some
So Rush goes ABLE SUGAR on us once in awhile--not the worst of crimes--more a matter of degree than difference in substance, n'cest-ce pas?
Rush is always over the top.
When an Indian maiden got a visit from her friend...she had to stay in a seperate wigwam away from evreryone till it was over.
I think many women would be totally ok with that, as long as they got paid for those days they weren't at work. And the wigwam had an internet connection.
You know you are a real man when you go into the store and put a big ass box of Kotex on the counter that you have to pick up for your lady.
Either that or you have just given up.
But you might as well just take credit for it anyway.
Maggot-infested? That's just not so common anymore what with the decline in stylites and lepers.
I don't know about Kotex, but Limbaugh's overall point is spot-on, which is these protesters are gross.
This is ridiculous. No hippie's going to leave his bong pipe!
And isn't it a bong or a pipe, not a bong pipe?
This one problem I've always had with Rush. Once Rush gets going on one of his rants he'll occasionally get carried away. It can often be funny and entertaining when that happens but unfortunately it also gives liberals free rhetorical ammunition ("See! He's a delusional nut, just making stuff up!" as if that can invalidate anything else he's ever said).
...Limbaugh's overall point is spot-on...
I was going to mock the fake-but-accurate apologia, but then I reread that line and ... oh never mind.
Now menstration in the workplace is a very dangerous thing. Especially if you work with a lot of women. For some reason they start to get their cycles in syinc and man than you better watch your ass.
Makes those deranged postal workers look like pussies.
..and I've never seen a used Kotex anywhere.
At 60 it's possible you forgot what they look like, maybe.
Marriage hasn't been good for the Rush show.
Henry said...
...Limbaugh's overall point is spot-on...
The spotting is what the Kotex is
for. Just sayn'
It's time for Rush to hand over the key to Mark Steyn.
Just sayin'.
'Destroy Institutions' Nader and Jesse Jackson Call for College Students to Rise Up in Revolution
Awesome. Just a tip, hippies - Kotex won't stop a 127 grain hollow point moving at around 1250 fps. Just a heads up.
That's the meme. They're disrespectful, thoughtless, stupid, dirty.
Over at Media Matter..
Rush lunches hateful diatribe against Maggots. ;)
Rush lunches hateful diatribe against Maggots. ;)
Good call. Maggots are at least somewhat useful on occasion.
That's the meme. They're disrespectful, thoughtless, stupid, dirty.
Three out of four ain't bad!
I heard Scott Walker had ordered the GOP to give all the women Kotex and belts.
Is now the time to point to other foul behavior of the protesters to defend Rush?
My education in leftism continues....
Yes, he was over the top. But to be fair to Rush, he wasn't commenting on the Madison protests specifically, but "any public grounds where these people have been"... He's comparing liberal protesters to Tea Partiers. So it's possible that the artifacts he describes have been found after other protests.
Hey stop attacking the maggots.
The're here!
The're Smeared!
GET USED TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Instapundit, in linking to this thread:
"As always, it’s valuable to have a known and trusted source on the scene of important events. That used to be big-media reporters. Now it’s bloggers."
He's got a point. So few people trust the regular professional media to deliver the news accurately or with proper perspective anymore.
Do I smell a Kotex planted by the EIB Network. Talk about dirty tricks.
Well, it was hyperbole and reasonable people I think understood it was hyperbole. I say let the liberal pigs squeal.
Que un mentiroso gordo grande (y sus pantalones son en llamas)
Major John Reisman: Any questions?
Maggot: Suh? Do we have to eat with unionized teachers?
[Jesse Jackson jumps Maggot]
Sergeant Clyde Bowren: [as Reisman exits the room] : What's going on, sir?
Major John Reisman: Oh, the gentleman from the South had a question about the dining arrangements. He and his comrades are discussing place settings now.
(The Dirty Dozen, 1967)
Sorry. I was busy gathering up puppies to drop onto protesters from the Capitol building. Did I miss anything?
No Kotex, just 22 cal. ammo.
Pretty sure the Capitol will be cleared now...
Ahah! The Professor and her Doctor Watson (Meade) catch the MahaRushee in blatant hyperbole.
There goes Rush's reliability index into the trash can along with the Kotex.
You don't think it was a "plant" and removed before Professors Sherlock and Watson took the definitive CSI clue inventory?
Tee Hee. This should make the NYTimes tomorrow. For shame!
Hey Ann, I believe on video from last week (about 4:23) you called stuff the War Memorial protestors put around the memorial as "scrappy stuff and trash" before you changed it to their supplies. Am I wrong?
Well, it was hyperbole and reasonable people I think understood it was hyperbole.
I agree. Hyperbole is something those who seek public attention engage in. Like when former Presidential candidate Senator Kerry said our troops in Afghanistan were kicking in doors and terrorizing women and childrens.
Oh, Rush Limbaugh lied about something??? My heavens!
Rush lies about nearly everything. When it's not a lie it's a distortion, smear, or otherwise far from the truth. He's a propagandist.
I really think he just misunderstood something Amanda Marcotte wrote.
Rush may have heard or seen that somewhere else but I hope he'll see your post. Maybe he could have you on the show. Heck, he had "The Donald" on this week. Why not "Althouse"?
Rush lies about nearly everything. When it's not a lie it's a distortion, smear, or otherwise far from the truth. He's a propagandist.
Listen to him a lot, do ya?
A post about Rush Limbaugh. This is just Althouse throwing out some tofu to her leftwing audience.
Hoosier Daddy those are certifiable facts, NOT hyperbole. Didn't John "I served in Vietnam" Kerry say so?
Kilgore: Smell that? You smell that?
Lance: What?
Kilgore: Kotex, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that.
Kilgore: I love the smell of Kotex in the morning. You know, one time we had a demonstation, for 12 days. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' legislative body. The smell, you know that fishy smell, the whole hill. Smelled like
[sniffing, pondering]
Kilgore: victory. Someday this protest's gonna end...
[suddenly walks off]
(Apocalypse Now, 1979)
Calypso, yes, I agree. About time.
Things that make you go Hmmm....
It's fake but accurate?
They are metaphorical used Kotex(Tm)?
It's hyperbole and no one really would take it seriously?
Forget the Kotex. Protesters have done
$7.5 million in damages to marble at the Capitol.
That's only the cost if the work is done by union labor.
Forget the Kotex. Protesters have done
$7.5 million in damages to marble at the Capitol.
From blue painter tape? LOL. Get real. They be getting desperate now. Maybe it's all the polls out there.
@ Hoosier
Mmm. Tofu.
@ Trooper
Excellent post on both your movie references.
@ Bushman
LoL, such a bullshit number. I hope everyone sees that.
Yeah, I thought "hmmm" too, MM.
The same ammo at 3 entrances sounds to me like either true premeditation of something nasty OR a ploy to try to ensure it was found. It'll be interesting to see if any more info comes out around this.
That's only the cost if the work is done by union labor.
Haha, well played.
Mmmm, tofu. That sounds kinda good, actually.
I've been thinking about tostadas with fried homemade corn tortillas.
It's time for Rush to hand over the key to Mark Steyn.
Mark Steyn is the best. I flip over to the Rush channel when i'm out getting lunch hoping to find Mark Steyn visiting. That other sub he gets sucks.
The same ammo at 3 entrances sounds to me like either true premeditation of something nasty OR a ploy to try to ensure it was found. It'll be interesting to see if any more info comes out around this.
Either way, and speaking as someone who wholeheartedly supports these protests, there is no reason to take a chance here. Let's clear the area and make sure everyone is safe. I think the protesters themselves wouldn't object to metal detectors.
Ann, while I understand your reason for wanting to defend your fellow Wisconsinians, I have to tell you that some of the photos that have been published showing the protesters inside the capital, you have little reason to be proud of them.
Most look like stinky, dirty college students and out of work people who are in dire need of a bath. You can tout how "brave" they are for standing their ground, but frankly, to most of the nation, they look and act like a bunch of petulant children.
They have made their point. It is time for them to go home and bathe. And it is time for you, and other Wisconsinians to demand that your elected officials return home and do their jobs. You (by "you" I mean your fellow Wisconsinian) are not doing your state any favors by not speaking out against the Fleebagger 14 or the people who are violating the "visitor" rules in your beautiful State Capitol.
And I would suggest that you hope that your state, or city, ever has to deal with the police unions as it is quite obvious that your police officer place union loyality before their oath to "protect and serve".
After 9-11, the nation started to hold police, and firefighters, in high esteem. It is a shame that the police officers of Wisconsin see fit to destroy that respect by not doing their duty.
The first mistake is taking Rush literally. Because he's only roughly right some of the time, and "almost" right all of the time.
Protesters have done
$7.5 million in damages to marble at the Capitol.
Compare that to the cost of the refurbishing that was done in the '90s. (Scroll to bottom).
I am skeptical of the estimate.
Hey, to help out my State and show what a generous guy I am, I'll clean the marble for $2 million.
Gonna need a bunch of acetone.
Didn't John "I served in Vietnam" Kerry say so?
He served in Cambodia too don't forget.
AA thanx for sharin' ...
Rush has become the Boogey Man in use since no one reacts to the Koch Brothers and the Journolisters have finally gotten their act together on their No One Mentions Sarah Palin Anymore rule. So Rush should watch his words and give his enemies no fresh material. After they have started in on Palin's announced Candidacy again, then Rush can resume his old style.
Your post reminds me of old video of "Kids Say the Darndest Things" where some sprite is discussing how she would take all the dirty hippies and give them baths and haircuts.
Dude I thought you were bitchin' about tax season and being swamped-in your ode to the old lady lover-yet here you are!
Althouse knows how to bait the gerbils back into her wheel house-I tell ya.
After 9-11, the nation started to hold police, and firefighters, in high esteem.
I always have held them and teachers in high esteem. I also respect our senior citizenry. I also recognize that the types of benefits that we are committing ourselves to is unsustainable.
That means we are running out of the money to fund those things which means something has got to give. Either a major restructring of these benefits has to take place or we have to institute confiscatory tax rates in order to make good on them.
If there is a third option I'm all ears.
Hey I can comment in between running tax returns. That's easy. It takes time to write up my brilliant posts though so I have to hold off on that.
Plus how can you avoid pulling on a Kotex to speak.
Issob Morocco said..."Hey Ann, I believe on video from last week (about 4:23) you called stuff the War Memorial protestors put around the memorial as "scrappy stuff and trash" before you changed it to their supplies. Am I wrong?"
I think you are right, and my casual speech is using the word "trash" in the sense of "junk" as opposed to stuff that is thrown away, like the "littering" that Rush refers to. It's some ugly and cluttered stuff, but they are using it, not abandoning it. Rush says "he trash is littered everywhere, trash cans are overturned" and that is completely not true. There isn't any vandalism or wanton destructiveness. There is an occupation -- squatting -- with a lot of belongings that look similar to the things a homeless person would have.
He served in Cambodia too don't forget.
Isn't that where Buddhists celebrate Christmas?
AA, as long as you are religiously/devotedly payin' attention to all of Limbaugh's daily talkin' pts, eh.
Firefighters are one thing, the police quite another.
Tom Keough: Now I ain't sayin' who. They just said ya'... ya' couldn't be trusted, you know?
Frank Serpico: 'Cause I don't take money, right?
Tom Keough: Frank, let's face it. Who can trust a cop who don't take money? You need to be on the Pad like everybody else.
Frank Serpico: What Kotex?
(Serpico, 1973)
*insert joke about the Da Vinci Kotex here*
I just think you did this because the new I-pad just came out today and you want everyone to use your Amazon portal.
Product placement once removed that's what it is.
Sir Leigh Teabing: And this is from the gospel of Mary Magdalene herself.
Sophie Neveu: She wrote a gospel?
Robert Langdon: She may have.
Sir Leigh Teabing: Robert, will you fight fair?
Robert Langdon: She *may* have.
Sir Leigh Teabing: Well it is really not about her writing. It is about an artifact she has left us.
Sophie Neveu: What artifact? I've never heard about any of this.
Robert Langdon: Yes, you have. Almost everyone on Earth has. You just know it as the Davinci Kotex.
We believe it might have been used to mop up the splooge of Jesus Christ.
(The Da Vinci Kotex, 2010)
If PaddyO was awake he would say that is blasphemy or something.
Who new that little O.L.L. was a Westboro Baptist?
Gawd can I borrow a "k"....
Rush likes to aggravate the left from time to time just for fun by using hyperbole.
It usually works well because the left is so predictable.
I thought the Democrat pointing at the Republican Congresswoman after a vote and threatening her said a lot about the Democrat mindset.
Was this "civil"? Can you imagine what would have been on the front page of every newspaper had it been the other way around?
Sounds like union thug behaviour.
Your point is well taken about constituents being ultimately responsible for making their views known to the Democratic state senators who have fled the state. Unfortunately, those of us who live in Madison and other true-blue areas of the state can contact them on a daily basis and even pursue recall in some cases, but our exhortations to return and do their jobs will accomplish nothing. Fred Risser has been in the state senate for longer than I've been alive, and the vast majority of people around here admire him for his stance. So my contrary (minority) opinion counts for nothing.
Maybe they were maxipads used as bike helmet pads.
My garage has a few on the floor.
Maggot-infested might have been an indication that it was an imagined list, literarily speaking.
No Kotex thread would be complete without this.
Did anyone see pull-ups?
Juice boxes? Cheese puffs?
Is a bong a pipe, or not? Or is it just a bong? Nobody smoking dope? What kind of protest is this anyways?
Althouse once again proves why we trust her.
And conservatism will do just fine with the truth.
Thanks for the reply Ann, I caught your comment when I first watched the video and took it in the vein you state. Kind of like one person's trash can be another person's treasure, and you were more discussing the appearance than the physical matter itself.
As I state you caught yourself and changed it almost immediately so as not offend them as to what they consider important, but made your point of respect to the monument and that for which it stands.
I think Rush was doing the same thing you did initially, calling it as trash, but in his hyperbolic manner went beyond just describing a view of what was actually there to a point of making his commentary to fit his belief of the actual protestors themselves versus media descriptions of the Tea Partiers.
That is why, I believe, he went on and on and deeper into description, than anything anyone has actually seen whether in person or on your videos, to make a counterpoint to MSM depictions of the Tea Party versus these protestors.
I agree, the number does sound high. But tell me, is it common for materials to be taped to the interior marble of the Capitol? Is it reasonable to expect that the refurbishing performed in the 90's would have involved removing a comparable amount of adhesive residue? Or did it just involve removing everyday dirt and grime? I'm just asking, I honestly don't know.
Garage: From blue painter tape? LOL. Get real.
You're ignorant. There was a good post down page this week explaining how even the blue tape can damage the marble.
But what do you care? To you, a war memorial is just another chunk of rock and the Capitol is just another building.
--There is an occupation -- squatting -- with a lot of belongings that look similar to the things a homeless person would have. --
Has anybody noticed how few homeless people are out on the streets in Madison lately?
Before the "rush" to judge Rush and call him a liar about the Kotex comment, I believe what he was saying was that leftist protesters in general have been known to leave behind even used Kotex at protest sites - that's the kind of thing they do - littering and pigstyism is just par for the course for them - and the Wisconsin lefty protesters are no different.
Here's one of those dirty leftist protesters:
"Didn't John "I served in Vietnam" Kerry say so?
He served in Cambodia too don't forget. "
So did Rush. Or wait, maybe I'm thinking of somebody else.
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