The band, which looks like this...
... plays "Solidarity Forever" and then "On, Wisconsin!" Meade sings along with "On, Wisconsin!" and, as he explained to me later, he's deliberately singing tunelessly as a critique of the band.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
६१ टिप्पण्या:
Hulsey damage control?
stop the bleeding?
So Hulsey and Meade will be meeting Tuesday at 12:30. I CAN'T WAIT.
"I wanted to meet with you, Laurence."
Sure you did, Mr Hulsey. You want this meeting like a fish wants a bicycle.
The Hulsey Meade talk starts 2:10 into the video.
Man, they should totally create a combination blog...something along the lines of "MeadeHouse" @ Blogspot. Now THAT would be great!
Hulsey is a slick character who is clearly playing to reason and sanity.
The last minute of the video catches the union narrative, not to be missed. I almost felt compelled to salute the flag, if the "collective" claim wasn't so ridiculous.
Trombone, tuba and trumpet. Former UW marching band members that dropped out and now live on the East Side?
Because of your persistence, at last he is treating you as a constituent, Meade. That's progress.
Politicians are Tools in all senses of the word. He was wonderfully amiable here. Hopefully Tuesday will go well. Hopefully he'll be worth voting for again. (We'll see, I guess.)
A man without a woman is like a ship without a sail,
Is like a boat without a rudder, a kite without a tail.
A man without a woman is like a wreck upon the sand,
And if there's one thing worse, in this universe,
It's a woman, I said, a woman, it's a woman without a man!
Now you can roll a silver dollar 'cross the bar-room floor,
And it'll roll, 'cause it's round.
A woman never knows what a good man she's got,
Until she puts him down!
So listen, my honey, listen to me,
I want you to understand,
Just like a silver dollar goes from hand to hand,
A woman goes from man to man.
(Without a doubt).
A woman goes from man to man.
Wv: cheate!
Woohoo! Giant puppet!
Now we're talkin' protest!
"deliberately singing tunelessly as a critique of the band."
I'm fascinated. Does he give lessons on how to do that?
Either you've got it or you don't.
The 7th Cavalry band probably sounded better as it played the regiment into battle at the Washita.
And their instruments froze.
I see Ann is in her infiltration disguise. Very prudent, Madame.
Hagar said...
A man without a woman is like a ship without a sail,
Is like a boat without a rudder, a kite without a tail.
A man without a woman is like a wreck upon the sand,
And if there's one thing worse, in this universe,
It's a woman, I said, a woman, it's a woman without a man!
Now you can roll a silver dollar 'cross the bar-room floor,
And it'll roll, 'cause it's round.
A woman never knows what a good man she's got,
Until she puts him down!
So listen, my honey, listen to me,
I want you to understand,
Just like a silver dollar goes from hand to hand,
A woman goes from man to man.
(Without a doubt).
A woman goes from man to man.
Haven't heard that song in 50 years. Hagar, you just gave me a trip on the Way Bac Machine.
PS Do you know who sang it?
vbspurs wrote:
Sure you did, Mr Hulsey. You want this meeting like a fish wants a bicycle.
You made me recall (and look for) my parable of loaves, fishes and bicycles: link.
It just now struck me how much Meade sounds like Dennis Miller.
Looks like Hulsey caught a clue. Credit where it's due, a lot of politicos never would have.
Do you notice it's a big tactic of the left to pound drums and blast horns to literally silence your very thoughts? These people are tyrants.
An ultra left band..
From Venezuela 'The Students' and 'Its not enoufh to Pray' - Los Guaraguao
I remember this band from when I was a kid..
The drummer is wearing pink shoes. Your argument is invalid.
FL democrats lock reporter in closet. Most open administration. HA!
"When you take away people's rights and freedoms, they get upset." That hasn't happened. Reducing entitlements is a far cry from restricting freedom and rights. Perhaps a dictionary and civics textbook would help move the dialogue forward?
Wow, the big blue puppet is out. Even the "entertainment" feature got better. (The crowd's still looks sparse, though.)
The Internet is the bleach you used to get from sunshine.
Actually, it's thrilling to notice the "change in tone." Mores so, because it is so surprising from the usual racing away. Or racing to his office. Or, the car get-away. And, of course, there is still the lady who gets to "store" her posters overnight.
Since Hulsey says he now looks at this blog, I'm glad someone got to knock some political sense into his head.
This band gives new meaning to the phrase, "A Whiter Shade of Pale"
I like the finger wagging by the unauthorized videotaper Meade as he accuses the public servant of "stirring it", whatever that means. Very dignified way to make that kind of a point.
I also like the insinuation that the public official is unduly influencing and perhaps even controlling his constituents, rather than the other way around.
Do you mean to be this insulting to your fellow constituents, Mr. Meade? Or is that just your greenness in the way of reporting and civic engagement that is showing?
I also like the insinuation that the public official is unduly influencing and perhaps even controlling his constituents, rather than the other way around.
Yah, hey?
This is very good and I'm glad.
How appropriate that snake-charming music was playing in the background as Hulsey tried to slither out of the fact that he has been directly inciting intimidation, property damage and incivility.
I knew before even watching the video that he would take credit for supposedly rescuing Glenn Grothman, which Hulsey probably did primarily for political reasons, knowing the cameras were rolling.
Meade had better get his videotaping license before Ritmo has him arrested.
Hulsey acquitted himself well.
I hate to think that he's beholden to the unions, but that seems to be the case - which explains why a man with his apparent good sense nonetheless supports the coercive collective in collective bargaining.
Of course, I may be missing something, some nuance or extenuating circumstance that justifies such an obvious contradiction. Hopefully, we'll gain a deeper understanding after Tuesday.
Chickelit wrote:
You made me recall (and look for) my parable of loaves, fishes and bicycles: link.
He blessed, and brake, and gave tacos to the bicycles...????? LOL! Do you have more "The Gospel according to Obama"?
...any Althousian up at this hour watching the Australian F-1 race? I'm watching it on the BBC, because I'm a Lewis Hamilton fan. :)
Rag-tag is right. We have as protesters:
- Far left, Hispanic-looking man wearing royal blue parka and purple spandex covering his mouth. Brrrr, Madison is way colder than Nicaragua.
- Drummer man who was possibly in Vietnam, since the drugs he ingested there made him lose orientation skills. This is why he is wearing a red kerchief bandana on his knee.
- Next to him is Red booties drummer; footwear matching his politics.
- Santy Claus?
- Tuba guy behind confirms the stereotype that only fat geeks go into the school band.
- Then comes a chap who is easily 6'8 and wearing a fake green beard covering his bright red normal beard. Or is that the other way around?
- Finally, behind him and next to the lovely bronze lady kindly pointing the way to the Port-a-Potties, is a trio of lovelies who look like they have absolutely nothing else to do in life -- especially the one wearing Elton John sunglasses, circa 1976.
Harmless loons, one and all. Nice folks in Wisconsin.
Just looking at the ensemble makes me laugh out loud--or LOL now that it's in the OED.
Four drums, trumpet, tuba, accordion... Is that a washing basin next to the tuba?
Hahaha! I just listened to it! It sounds like an army of wind-up monkeys banging on snare drums. The terror. Simply beastly.
I would say this video is a bit of a shining moment number two for Mr. Hulsey. What a difference a change in approach makes. A little polite back and forth transforms him from the scurrying weasel to decent fellow on the other side. Good for him.
I also think it's fair of Hulsey to try to get a handle on Meade's role as either a petitioning citizen or agressive press. From what I've seen in this and earlier videos, Meade wants to blur the distinction. When Meade is seeking access, he will adopt either a role as reporter or as constituent depending on which is more likely to give him access. Maybe that's the new reality of New Meadia, but it sure puts the pols at a disadvantage. Maybe that's a good thing.
I like the finger wagging by the unauthorized videotaper Meade as he accuses the public servant of "stirring it", whatever that means.
and the mask of the tyrant finally comes off. Since when does the 1st Amendment mention "authorized"?
Victoria said...- Drummer man who was possibly in Vietnam, since the drugs he ingested there made him lose orientation skills.
hey, what did Vietnam Vets do to deserve that?
I was in Vietnam And at UC Berkeley, Haight, The Fillmore, Avalon, Winterland, People's Park, etal.
I can vouch that the men who went, used less drugs than the guys who didn't go.
And 40 years later, they have better jobs and less unemployment.
That Druggie violent Vet thing was a meme of the left, used both against the Vets and the Military.
They keep trying to work it now with PTS victims.
Street carnival performed by the common folks is always resented by those who prefer authority to lead, but at least Meade goes along with this by pretending to sing off-tune. Progress.
It is a Salvation Army Band out of Guys and Dolls. The atheist left has come back as a New Church, and Hulsey is its apologist complete with denial that man leads this flock that is clearly lead directly by the Spirit of Joseph Goebbels. Crack is 100% right about the cult angle. I also watched your clip of Kloppenberg doing an impression of a spaced out spiritualist with glazed over eyes channeling the words of whatever.
One guy had Pink Shoes, Noted two others with Pink Handkerchiefs on. Some sort of symbol for their cause, or members of Code Pink?
Props for standing up for academic freedoms, but, yes, points deducted finger wagging.
Meade leads by example and shows the hard core left how you can have open debate without rancor.
Ann and Meade:
I get the "Army of Davids" thing, but why are you filming Hulsey's jacket? Then, as Meade and Hulsey are in the middle of an exchange, you have a sudden whip pan to the random dancer in the crowd. Please try to make your videos more watchable.
Two suggestions:
Please try to frame your interview subjects better
Consider bringing a monopod to steady the camera
Street carnival performed by the common folks is always resented by those who prefer authority to lead, but at least Meade goes along with this by pretending to sing off-tune. Progress.
These are not "common folks."
They are indolent, privileged members of the leisure class created by welfare and public employment.
Their very manner of dressing and expressing themselves is hated by the "common folk" you don't even know.
The "common folk" work at hard jobs, comport themselves with dignity and quiet, and would never dreamed of making asses out of themselves in this manner.
You are a bellwether for idiocy. Everything you say is completely, utterly, stupidly wrong. How long has it been since you took a trip out of the spoiled brat enclave?
The protesters are no just a parody of their former selves.
And Hulsey, well he's just hulsey... If he keeps it up his name will become a verb.
"unauthorized videotaper"
I've heard he emits carbon as well.
When you go the meeting Meade(which you have been told you are not authorized to videotape), don't let them force you to stay in a closet!
BTW, you must have miles and miles of that tape stored in great big spools somewhere.
Here's Mark Steyn commneting on what he saw in London today.
"Judging from the many marchers partial to robotic, pseudo-ethnic West African drumming, the British left’s plan is presumably for the entire country to relaunch itself as the world’s least rhythmic percussion ensemble."
This mass idiocy apparently circles the globe. It's probably a direct consequence of Blair's Law. IS the Doo Dah Parade come to Wisconsin!!!
"unauthorized videotaper"
You can be rude to your public servants. You have that right. You also have the right to be subjected to the golden rule of "Do unto others", that you regressives are so oblivious to.
Meade and Althouse can't really demand to be treated in any more polite a fashion than they are treating their assemblyman, can they? For crying out loud, they obviously represent an antagonistic/fringe view among his constituents and their own fellow constituents. Hulsey has no obligation to politely cater to an antagonistic, fringe duo among his constituents; he is generally expected to represent the views of the majority among them.
You guys really have no idea of what civic engagement is all about, do you? How spoiled you are!
They were too late with "On Wisconsin." The Badgers had already been sent home from the NCAA tournament thanks to little Butler.
Big Mike: On, Wisconsin is our state song. In the state of Wisconsin, it's never inappropriate play or sing the song.
ripayne: In AA's post (above): "The encounter begins about 2 minutes in, and you see uncut footage of the whole conversation." Normally, we try to edit out those things you objected to. We decided this encounter with Brett Hulsey warranted showing unedited video.
My hand gestures, characterized by some as "finger wagging" occur very close to the camera which I typically hold not more than 12" from my chest. I'll try to minimize my hand gestures in the future so there will be less opportunity for some to find fault where there is none.
@Meade, I stand corrected. I was under the impression that it was merely the university's fight song.
ST have you interviewed these folks to find out what they do for a living, or you just throw out BS to make your life easy? Firemen are hard working, as are teachers, ask your daughter, and common folks do engage in carnival like activities to let the elites know just what they think of them-- have been doing so for hundreds of years. My enclave includes hundreds of students from all over Wisconsin, as well as near relatives who are truck drives, firemen and carpenters etc, a much wider net than you cast, I suspect.
I too would like to wag my finger at Meade for wagging his finger...or something like that there.
I have no doubt you have the common touch there roachy.
In fact that would be the one you use to finger the coeds. So to speak.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Trooper you can be assured that when I wag my finger I don't sound like a whinny old man scolding folks for protesting in a manner that I do not approve.
Oh I know roachy.
I bet when you wag you are just like Lance Rentzel.
A band, huh? Proof positive to me that this is all about street theater.
Meade is starting to sound more and more like the old coot who shakes his fist and yells at kids "get off my lawn!"
he explained to me later, he's deliberately singing tunelessly as a critique of the band.
Oh sure. o_O
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