Recorded midday yesterday at the Wisconsin State Capitol. Most of the time, it's Meade following this man — who talks about his job as a public-employee nurse. Aiming the bullhorn at the Capitol, he taunts "Governor Goofy." At one point, he stops to bullhorn insults right into Meade's face. Meade's Bontrager hat proves perplexing.
७७ टिप्पण्या:
Male nurses sexual orientation is often suspect. This comment about tea bagging towards mead was likely a fantasy
This union tool has the balls to call Meade a tool?
"In the cool shade of the banana tree
On the rugged trail toward the balcony
A child of the twentieth century
A dried up Goliath and a weasel named Fee"
For those who don't catch the reference, it's a bullhorn thing.
Remember the guy who was Elaine's boss at the J. Peterman company on Seinfeld? Ann should do a bit (in the same style as Jacopo Peterman) where she comments on consumer products that interest her (boots, cars, hats, whatever).
It would be funny.
Why do these regressives always resort to gay name calling? A normal person wouldn't imagine obscene gay acts everywhere.
"Humanitarian Terror!?" Once again, I found myself laughing, but it's really not funny. These people are so completely misguided to think that they are oppressed in any way. But he's exhausted...he worked 40 hours this week. I mean, NO ONE does that.
I can't wait to see what they do when mandated care does the same only worse to patient loads.
Who's he going to yell at thru a bullhorn then?
While captain bullhorn suggest that Meade's silence speaks volumes, I would counter that his amplified stream of consciousness is actually what is revealing here. That is, if you consider his one-track mind an example of consciousness.
These people are so completely misguided to think that they are oppressed in any way. But he's exhausted...he worked 40 hours this week. I mean, NO ONE does that.
One of the more interesting (that is to say, annoying) chanting points popping up for the last month is this noxious notion that public sector employees are MORE IMPORTANT than you. And therefore DESERVE higher wages, better benefits, and unending pensions. Teachers have been particularly prone to this notion that they're better than you, you vermin, because they do it all for the chillldruunn!
(I meant to add) . . . Whereas you, you evil capitalist, you do it for the money.
Very funny! I love the bullhorn and Meade's silence ... and how this nurse only speaks THROUGH the bullhorn. I'd like a bullhorn. It would make household disagreements more interesting.
What a dick !
Oh, I guess that is a sexual reference, too.
One good reason for never have been a Kaiser doctor is unionized nurses. I have, however, defended them in malpractice cases involving union work rules.
That is the dumbest sight I've ever seen -- a grown man talking to another man holding a bullhorn in front of his face.
"Do you like videotaping the end of my bullhorn?" said with the leering tone a cottager would use in the glory hole next to him, "Do you like sucking my dick?".
Or at least, that's how I imagine glory hole convos go. Please correct me, at leisure.
wv: phermon (all over the place!)
Apparently that bull horn is available at Radio Shack.
In case you need one . . .
Stupid is as stupid does, as they say.
Really adds a touch of class to the anti-Walker crowd.
Isn't the correct name for this a bullshit horn?
As for noble health care workers - some contrast:
Failure to Represent
They ought to arrest him for disorderly conduct. He called Meade a "teabagger wang." He's making it pretty clear that he didn't become a nurse out of a desire to help the suffering.
Bully horn. What a creep. Interesting that he doesn't want his face to be in the video.
wv: nouseat
What! You were asked how you voted? HELLO! Our votes are cast by secret ballot. What part of our Constitution does this "nurse" not get?
Reminds me of those doctors who were handing out "sick out excuses" to "help" the teachers who took the day off from teaching to "appear" at the Rotunda.
Maybe, this guy would his bullhorn ought to chase around and see if he can call up one of those doctors, now?
And, yes. I am sure this guy's wife is THRILLED he has something to do outside the home! He must walk around with this bullhorn, a lot!
How do you teach people that making it louder doesn't make it persuasive?
Meade's like Tom Sawyer. A camera, instead of a fishing pole. But catching these idiots? Meade hasn't missed once.
Ya know, I don't think the side that promotes the idea you can ask citizens how they voted ... is anywhere close to claiming a majority lock on voters.
Meade's not intimidated! Ya think the "nurse" figured that out, yet?
Amazing that the guy thinks that this can help his cause.
They're using a tease at FNC about a video of a teacher teaching kids how to chant union slogans at the capitol. Is Ann going on Fox News?
Will she be punished?
Let's see if any of our resident liberal apologists can make a silk purse out of this sow's ear.
What an annoying jerk. I think Meade was amazingly cool under fire. If that dick asked me who I voted for, I'm afraid I would have told him it's none of his fu**in business a**hole (or words to that effect).
Who wants to be this guy's patient? More government, employing people like this, is the solution.
Shouldn't nurses, as a group, be fairly satisfied re the healthy job & good salary environment? If this nurse works for the govt and is unhappy, I'd say "no problemo just go get another job Pal".
The dude's lucky that Meade didn't body-slam him.
Get Bruce Vilanch on the line.
This guy needs better material.
I didn't think twelve year olds could become nurses?
Do you know what surprises me? This nurse didn't recognize Ann, either. And, Meade has her in this clip. At about the 3 minute mark.
How can that be?
By now, people at the Rotunda don't know about this blog?
I thought you'd have lost your anonymity.
And, even though for most of the clip all we see of the "nurse" is the "bullshit horn" ... there's a part where Meade is able to walk a bit to the side ... or put his arm out to the side ... And, he gets the nurse's face in profile.
You mean no one will be telling this nurse to go look at his "Governor Goofy" video?
If he had said the "magic words" ... "I DO NOT WANT TO BE VIDEO TAPED" ... as the policeman did to Meade at the Rotunda's War Memorial ... would this site be obligated to remove the video?
30 patients on a night shift! The horror ...
We just visited my father-in-law in the hospital. He was not allowed food or drink due to an esophageal problem.
I understand this, as aspiration was a present danger.
He had no IV.
He was completely dehydrated.
Thanks to our bitching, an IV was hooked up for him ... over 15 hours after his admittance.
How many nurses were hanging out, chatting at the nurses' station, while he begged for water?
This is purely anecdotal, and I am not using this one-off story to apply to all nurses, but I was amazed to see the level of "care" employed at this hospital — which unfortunately in the area in which he lives — is pretty much the only one in town.
If he had said the "magic words" ... "I DO NOT WANT TO BE VIDEO TAPED" ... as the policeman did to Meade at the Rotunda's War Memorial ... would this site be obligated to remove the video?
I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on television, but if you're on public property, you're fair game for being recorded/photographed, aren't you?
wv=rudame...endless possibilities with that one.
Is not bullhorn, is Bolshevik horn, invented by Stalin himself in the 1932s.
He say, "Do you like videotaping the end of my bullhorn?"
Is weak, this one.
The horn is for the shoutings, да.
But more is for the beatings.
May be nurse that is male need the reeducation camp for learningk.
In Soviet Wiskonsyn, bullhorn ends YOU!!
So from now on anytime I speak to a liberal, it will be through my mega-high-volume bullhorn. Eat it.
They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Is the video camera mightier than the bullhorn? Stay tuned to discover the winner among these warring technologies.....I don't think the guy with the bullhorn is especially obnoxious, but he does rate high in the self indulgent category. Who knew that there was a secret fraternity of bikers with their own special hats? It is sad to observe that the passions unleashed by a civil service dispute can subvert even the bonhomie of bikers.
What! You were asked how you voted? HELLO! Our votes are cast by secret ballot.
You see - that's the problem. You wingut teabagger votes should be made public, because AFTER ALL look what horrible civil rights violations you're inflicting on poor union workers!
Ever notice that people with bullhorns never have anything useful to say. I guess that's because if they did, people would be listening and they wouldn't need the bull horn.
Using a bullhorn is announcing the intent to bore everyone against their will. They should come with a t-shirt that says: "I'm an asshole, but you already know that."
Classic. A living pathology of one of the leftist protestors.
A jerk, yes.
And though he claims he will be out there "everyday" I got the distinct impression at the end he was out there "some days".
Who was his fellow nurse cheerleader?
If you ever have a chance, compare a private hospital's nursing care to a public (county) one. About the same number of nurses to patients, but the care is vastly different. My experience is that the more private the hospital the better the care. UCLA Medical is much better than L.A. county Hospital, and private catholic hospitals are best of all. No wasted time, truly caring, respectful and efficient.
I'm still waiting to see what is done better by government. Imagine a government designed and built car.
The "patient ratio" complaint is identical to the public school teacher's "student ration" bitching.
I have a picture of our local Catholic school in 1956, 3th grade, about 50 kids.
They did fine.
The ratio argument never ends, much like the demand for more taxes. If nursing were 1:1 there would still be complaints.
The guy with the bullhorn just HAS to pigeonhole and classify everyone.
Biker hat? Woah. Then you must be a greenie environmentally "friendly". How Meade has been unfriendly to the environment by not talking to him is confusing.
However....not answering his must be a "teabagger".
If you don't agree with him, you must want your grandmother to die and therefore have to be a Republican.
I love the remark that you can't debate or discuss with Meade because he (Meade) doesn't make any sense....when Meade didn't say anything.
Silence really IS golden.
How to confuse a liberal.....don't respond or talk to makes them crazier than they already are.
Thank you for this!
What a fantastic opening frame. An oversized bullhorn where a human head should be. That actually looks like a very good bullhorn. Had I photoshopped that you would say, "bullhorn too big."
What a dilemma: a shiny new bullhorn and nothing useful or injuriously provocative to say.
Did I ever mention the little pink plastic bullhorn dropped by the Code Pink agitprop during the Democratic Convention here in Denver? She was a pretty little bird too, for once, if you can believe it. She was shoved directly in front of me which caused her to lose her hold on her little girl toy bullhorn. It cracked open and spilled its AA batteries onto the street revealing cheap construction. She was bleeding a little and she had lost her voice! My impulse was to help her gather her things, to comfort her, and to express concern, but honestly, I was too self-involved laughing my ass right off. Good times, good times. It's as a painting permanently nailed in my brain: broken pink plastic bullhorn against stony black road, spilt tiny batteries that go in a toy. I am cheered again just remembering that fine sunny day. Everybody was so fierce and interesting.
Meh. I still get a "I'm silently taping you just to annoy you" vibe.
Why not answer the guy's questions?
Again, I appreciate the trouble taken to head to the capitol every day. But I would be more interested in seeing how these people respond to discourse, rather than just holding a camera and practically whispering "I'm not touching you. What? Do I annoy you?"
Why not answer the guy's questions?
Why should you?
Bullhorn guy looks like he's having fun. And Meade also.
My husband saw this and started laughing -- enjoyed the performance art from everyone.
The bullhorn has a greater cognitive capacity than the nurse using it.
Why not answer the guy's questions?
Why should you?
Because he asked. And, as a reader, getting to know his thought process is a lot more enlightening than just watching him walk about muttering slogans. We've seen about 50 such videos. We get the point.
So, why should he not answer?
So, why should he not answer?
I, you, Meade or anyone else is not obligated to answer questions from anyone. Many things can be asked. They don't need to be answered.
If the guy with the bullhorn was interested in a conversation, then he shouldn't need a bullhorn.
I think we have a pretty good idea of the bullhorn guy's thought processes through his stream of concious diharrea of the mouth.
If bullhorn dude didn't want to be video taped....then he should have stayed home.
If you make a spectacle of yourself in a public place, people have the right to observe and record you without having to engage or interact with you.
I, you, Meade or anyone else is not obligated to answer questions from anyone.
Of course not. But that doesn't answer the question: Why not answer?
Of course not. But that doesn't answer the question: Why not answer?
Speaking for myself.
1. Because I don't fucking want to and you can't make me.
2. I don't engage with idiots who have no real interest in dialogue.
3. Most people like Mr. Bullhorn have nothing to offer to a conversation but mindless talking points and not a smidgeon of critical thinking.
4. The minute you engage someone like Mr. Bullhorn, you are not going to be exchanging ideas but rather engaging in an argument consisting of pre programmed talking points that he/she has picked up from somewhere and regurgitates all over the place.
5. I have better things to do than to argue with an idiot. It is a complete waste of time.
6. and most importantly.....more fun to just watch him have a melt down when you don't respond like he thinks you should.
"Why not answer?"
I suspect that a man shouting questions at you through a bullhorn just inches from your face is not interested in a dialogue.
But maybe that's just me.
I would answer his question if he would let me borrow his bullhorn for the purpose.
Because he DIDN'T WANT TO. Which part of that didn't you understand?
and most importantly.....more fun to just watch him have a melt down when you don't respond like he thinks you should.
That's the part I'm challenging. It was fun 49 videos ago. Now it's....something else.
I suspect that a man shouting questions at you through a bullhorn just inches from your face is not interested in a dialogue.
Which would make it more entertaining and useful to watch him try to defend his indefensible position. Maybe I just have more confidence in Walker's position than others. This is a slam dunk.
Because he DIDN'T WANT TO. Which part of that didn't you understand?
Probably the "why" part. What's the fear? We are so obviously right. They are so obviously wrong.
"Why not answer?"
I suspect that a man shouting questions at you through a bullhorn just inches from your face is not interested in a dialogue.
But maybe that's just me.
Flashback to the earlier Meade-vid where the earnest protestor-children were upset that the woman with the pro-Walker sign refused to enter into dialogue with them and found it somehow morally lacking that she'd carry a sign without explaining herself.
I wouldn't have said anything to them either. They weren't interested in dialogue. They just wanted to throw chanting-points at her.
I've learned that "dialogue" for the left means they talk, you must listen.
That's the part I'm challenging. It was fun 49 videos ago. Now it's....something else.
So..... the answer is don't cover the idiots with bullhorns! Let them go unchallenged!
I've learned that "dialogue" for the left means they talk, you must listen.
DING DING DING! That represent 99.999% of the liberal commetariat!
Probably the "why" part. What's the fear? We are so obviously right. They are so obviously wrong
Who said anything about fear, Moby?
It is more like boredom, tedium, annoyance and a complete waste of time.
CJ -engaging in conversation could not possibly reveal more about thought process that the silent interview did. Just worked out that way.
We know he felt that the bullhorn gave him power and right to accusingly demand to know how a person voted.
We know if you are not overtly for his cause then you are against him, hate old people, have no compassion, don't care if everyone in the hospital dies, are part of the tea party, etc. He proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he generalizes about people, and seeks reasons to hate and discount the humanity of anyone not in lockstep with himself.
It was far more revealing than a discussion would have been. Not always the case, but for this guy it was.
Hilarious video. He sounded just like Daffy Duck when he said "despicable".
Don't forget "Governor Goofy."
I bet this guy bought the bullhorn when he realized nobody would stop him.
Heck, even being interviewed by Meade, he didn't lower the bullhorn!
You can't make this stuff up!
And, it's not like there's a crowd, now, outside the Rotunda. Yesterday, it was the guy who wanted to "kill them all." And, steal the marble.
Today, it's the guy with the bullhorn.
Where's the woodwork that this stuff pours out of? Too funny.
"Because he asked. And, as a reader, getting to know his thought process is a lot more enlightening than just watching him walk about muttering slogans. We've seen about 50 such videos. We get the point."
But did you see how he walked away from me when I tried to interview him? (I hadn't been with Meade, so he didn't see us as working together.) He wasn't interested in talking. And if he really wanted to talk to Meade, why didn't he put the bullhorn down and talk to him?
And I don't see how you can say it was rude to film him. His whole thing was to make a big spectacle of himself. He was obviously attention seeking. Why then did he turn on Meade?
But would his "thought processes" really be so interesting? I have a lot of video of Meade or myself talking to people one-on-one. I have looked for ways to edit it, and it's actually pretty boring.
But you should know that we do have long conversations, and had already had several that day. This video stood out to me as interesting and worth editing like this because it was weird and funny.
His whole thing was to make a big spectacle of himself. He was obviously attention seeking. Why then did he turn on Meade?
Because he's not interested in debate. He's a typical leftie tyrannical type.
It was clever of Meade to use silence as a technique in response to a guy who was all about making noise. Interesting to see how powerful silence is, and how ridiculous noise is.
So, why should he not answer?
Cause he is using a bullhorn inches from the guy he is talking too. At least drunks in bars who yell at the person next to them have an excuse. Their drunk. However, we all know that being a douche in the fight for more of the public's money is not only allowed, but required. Cause if public employees are unable to negotiate for killer retirement and health plans, your grandmother will be killed. Or something.
Ann wrote:
t was clever of Meade to use silence as a technique in response to a guy who was all about making noise. Interesting to see how powerful silence is, and how ridiculous noise is.
It was very clever, especially given that it exposed the bullhorn guy's immediate lumping of all those who don't join him in his crusade, as wingnuts.
'Cause if you're silent, you're an enemy.
I recall Marsha McCluhan famously coined the phrase; "The medium is the message" which Meade and Althouse proved. This guy changes bed pans and Depends for a living, which is a worthwhile pursuit if actually performed on the graveyard shift when he worked. With his attitude I wouldn't be surprised if the day shift that follows his work have some complaints about his enthusiasm for performing his basic tasks.
There are some real horror stories out their at assisted living facilities where "not my job" is used to avoid unpleasant tasks for which one is hired. It is called elder abuse. This guy is pimping his patients for personal gain. I would find it most interesting to make a surprise visit to his workplace about 3 in the morning and check his level of care.
When Mister Bullhorn reaches senility let us see how he fares in government issue Depends. He is setting his Karma and they don't allow bull horns in the ward.
And I don't see how you can say it was rude to film him.
I know this is old, but a for the record....
I don't think I said taping him was rude, because I don't believe that. Perhaps a prick with a bullhorn is not the best case on which to make a "hey, why don't you talk to these people?" argument. Some of the other protesters, though...
If you say the discourse you attempted just wasn't interesting enough to post, I accept that.
I guess my experience as a blog commenter comes into play. I can wade into a blog teeming with liberal opinion, challenge them, and watch them undermine their own arguments with their ill-informed responses. Maybe it doesn't work in person. Or with bullhorns.
And I don't see how you can say it was rude to film him.
I know this is old, but just to clarify...
I don't think I said it was rude to tape him, because I don't think that. Further, maybe I should not use a prick with a bullhorn to make a "Hey, why don't you talk to these people?" point. Some other protesters, though....
Finally, if you say that the discourse just hasn't made for interesting footage, I buy that.
I was using my experience as a blog commenter. I can wade into a site teeming with liberal opinion, challenge them, and then step back and watch them undermine their stance with ill-informed comebacks. It's a great tactic. I guess it doesn't work in person. Or with bullhorns.
"The greatest events--are not our noisiest, but our stillest hours.
Not around the inventors of new noise, but around the inventors of new values, doth the world revolve; INAUDIBLY it revolveth." - Nietzsche
Mean nurses suck @#$%
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