"It’s the sort of behavior that you’d think a civility institute would thrive on. Yet we haven’t heard a peep from the two ex-presidents and their Arizona initiative."
What "civility institute"? The National Institute for Civil Discourse, headed by ex-presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush.
And remember when President Obama said: "At a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized, at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do, it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds."
Yeah, we paused for a moment. Back in January. But then February came and the Republicans made a show of wanting to use the power they'd won in the last election.
११३ टिप्पण्या:
Civility only matters when it is perceived conservatives are being uncivil to progressives. The reciprocal is just...well progress.
The word verification for that last post was "bedistan". I like that word.
The French Revolution still haunts the left: the notion that they can just guillotine those with money and privilege, and take their stuff. They refer to Robber Barons without naming any specific ones. Gates, Soros?
They use the People to legitimate their concerns. But the People voted.
Civility, like bipartisanship, is a one-way street for the Demos.
Comes from the old Soviet definition of world peace - everybody lets us do whatever we want, doesn't object, doesn't get in the way, and smiles like they're happy about it.
Possibly because 41 rounds of loose ammunition is a little hard to interpret?
I've got 41 rounds of live .22 ammunition rolling around in my sock drawer. When will the ex-presidents address THAT issue. And am I the only one that reads that as the Super ex-presidents?
The old Dems wanting it both ways. Same stuff, different day.
"Live" ammunition as opposed to what? Empty shell casings? Snap caps? Have they fired the cartridges to verify whether they were live or not? Or is "live" just surplus verbiage?
So long as the Dem's chants don't morph over into "Alu Akbar", we can ignore the 22 LRs. I liked their chant, "This is what a police state looks like". What a poor group of deluded fools they were to instill that falsehood into one another.
former law student said...
"Live" ammunition as opposed to what? Empty shell casings? Snap caps? Have they fired the cartridges to verify whether they were live or not? Or is "live" just surplus verbiage?
It's the same editorial practice that, when someone has three rifles and 200 rounds of ammunition in his garage, the headlines scream,"Arsenal found in suspect's home."
A civility institute?
Any chance to enshrine "justice" and "equality" within institutions that serve the "greater good" is music to many a NY Times columnists' ears these days.
As for the reasonable people who disagree with them on principle, the politicians who claim to represent their ideals but only end up as cronies gaining political power as a result, and of course the inevitable systemic corruption and lack of equality and freedoms...
Just get over it you bitter clinger.
P.S. Tickets are on sale now at the ballot box for the carbon neutral, high-speed light rail train to nowhere...
And college kids calling multi-billionaires names is beyond the pale. These poor souls will be scarred for life!
I really think the whole "civility" argument has gone far enough, and that right-wingers (among whom I number myself) are taking the wrong tack. I'm for incivility. The fault here is not that there is too much mean language, it's that everybody has become too thin-skinned. Mean language never killed anybody. We used to be able to vent, then clear the air and shake hands. Now it's just a contest to see who can take the most umbrage.
These poor souls will be scarred for life!
They will when they find out how much the Union Brats are making off them.
The irony is that several will become teachers in the next few years, be forced to join the Union, be forced to donate $1000 to a corrupt Democrat kickback scheme, and then be laid off because they don't have seniority.
garage mahal said...
And college kids calling multi-billionaires names is beyond the pale. These poor souls will be scarred for life
Especially since many of those multibillionaires underwrite the scholarships that allow the college kids to blow 4 years of their lives partying and "protesting".
Tyrone Slothrop said...
I really think the whole "civility" argument has gone far enough, and that right-wingers (among whom I number myself) are taking the wrong tack. I'm for incivility. The fault here is not that there is too much mean language, it's that everybody has become too thin-skinned. Mean language never killed anybody. We used to be able to vent, then clear the air and shake hands.
You're thinking of the old English rules. We're now playing under Slobovian rules, created by Saul D Alinsky
Who benefits when this bullshit "civility" idea is forced down the throats of the people?
The Establishment does!
The two established, mainstream political parties-- Democrats and Republicans-- do!
Another way of phrasing the "civility" position is that anything outside mainstream opinion should not be said, especially if colorful and possibly violent rhetoric is used. The non-mainstream positions need that sort of rhetoric to make their points; the established positions can do just fine without it.
The Hitler pic is yours.
Use it to counter-sue the NYT someday when you need it.
Or cross-license something.
I have been following this blog because I have been interested in what is happening in Wisconsin. But the lack of reporting on the man who made a threat towards a business where Governor Walker recently spoke, was arrested then released without charges (of course, the WI police are "investigating"), the lack of reporting on how the unions are sending out emails telling their members to encourage (new word for "intimidate") businesses in WI to put the blue fist of the AFL-CIO in their windows so that any business who doesn't have it can be boycotted by union members, had caused me to wonder whose side the owner of this blog is on; the squatters in the Capitol, the union members demanding the ability to "bargain" even more largess from the taxpayers of Wisconsin, or the 14 elected officials who have refused to do the job they were elected to do.
But now, I guess I know.
"But then February came and the Republicans made a show of wanting to use the power they'd won in the last election."
Well, Ann, the President said "elections have consequences" and it seems that the Democrats had no problem with that theory until this past January. Late night voting, voting on Christmas Eve, closed door meetings barring Republicans over the health care bill, shoving legislation down the throats of Americans that did not want it, were all tactics of the left. Yet, now you complain because the tables are turned and Republicans are in control of the Wisconsin legislation.
Why would that be? Could it be because most Wisconsin citizens, you know, those non-union types footing the tax bills, had enough of left wing tax and spend policies that has driven your state to the brink of bankruptcy? Seems to me the Republicans are trying to do what they were elected to do, without a history of abandoning their posts when the tables were turned in favor of the Democrats.
So fine; drive your state into bankruptcy. Just don't expect us in other states to be quiet and roll over when you demand the federal government tax the rest of us to bail you out.
I also wonder if my entry will stand, or does Ann Althouse believe in free speech only when coming from the side she supports?
So, did you have a point?
Some of the reports specify the .22 caliber ammunition as long rifle, and hollow point. Although, I can't find a "direct quote" from Chief Susan Riseling, and not all reports include the dreaded hollow point designation.
I did not know there was a .22 hollow point. I can't believe the muzzle velocity of a .22 is adequate to allow the bullet to fragment (yeah....I may not have the correct terminology).
Why would someone buy .22 hollow points?...or what is the target?
Can they be of any benefit beyond 100 feet?
Police found the ammunition, but it's purely a conceit of the left-wing nattering class that the source of the ammunition was a member of the Tea Party or otherwise right of center.
From a purely statistical perspective the source of the ammunition is more likely to be a pro-union demonstrator, there having been vastly more of them around the capitol building over the past several days.
wv= lying
Apparently the captcha has a bullshit detector.
"Live ammunition" - the same as they always write "high-powered rifle."
"High-powered" in this context means anything more powerful than a .22LR.
(.22 Mag. They are uncertain as to what that is, so they just ignore it.)
retire05 said...
I have been following this blog because I have been interested in what is happening in Wisconsin
If you had been around a little longer, you would realize that Althouse is mainly interested in an exposition of facts. The statement about Republicans wishing to exercise power is not pejorative, it is a truism. Exercising power is what political majorities do. The implied criticism is toward those who are shocked--shocked! to find a political majority exercising power.
You are so far off the mark that your comment reads as satire.
From a purely statistical perspective the source of the ammunition is more likely to be a pro-union demonstrator, there having been vastly more of them around the capitol building over the past several days.
So a pro-union member sprinkled ammo in several places around the Capitol......to accomplish what? What was accomplished is metal detectors and pat downs if you want to enter. Hmmmmm.
.22LR "hollow point" does indeed exist and are used against rabbits, ground squirrels, and other such.
I still have a couple of old 50-packs of Winchester "Super-X" in flimsy cardboard boxes that will disintegrate and spill the cartridges when left in a jacket pocket and carried around much, which most likely is what happened here.
Kirby Olson said...
"The French Revolution still haunts the left: the notion that they can just guillotine those with money and privilege, and take their stuff."
I would add-
Making them the ones with money and privileged, and subject to the guillotine.
Which is why socialistic revolutions always evolve into ruthless dictatorial regimes, and eventually fail.
Sometimes incivility is needed when bureaucrats institute non-legal barriers that prevent citizens from getting what is needed.
Then they complain about incivility and how society needs such to keep order.
But they create the disorder to begin with, causing more chaos in multiple directions, and sometimes even inflict suffering on others.
That's probably why this clip from Glory came to mind (language warning).
spreading around 41 rounds of live ammunition = clever street art
Why would someone buy .22 hollow points?...or what is the target?
I have a partial box of 500 22cal hollow points. It happened to be all Walmart had in stock that day. As Hager points out, they're good for shooting small game and varmints.
22's are also very cheap, about 3 cents a piece. The most other ammo is much more expensive. Someone who simply wanted to cause a scare could have bought a small box of 50 for scattering purposes.
Should add that any .22 still are not toys. Every kind of game in North America - including grizzly's, American bison, and bighorn sheep, have been taken with .22LR, even plain old LRN's.
"So fine; drive your state into bankruptcy. Just don't expect us in other states to be quiet and roll over when you demand the federal government tax the rest of us to bail you out.
I also wonder if my entry will stand, or does Ann Althouse believe in free speech only when coming from the side she supports?"
Seems unlikely she would delete remarks refuting positions she never took. Weird post.
Off to see the Farmer Tractorcade around the Capitol at noon. Tractors motoring around square should be quite the sight.
Tyron Slothrop, sorry, but an educated woman like Ann Althouse doesn't need you to explain what she means. I am sure she is quite capable of doing that for herself.
And what facts am I missing? The fact that the beautiful (and historic) capitol of Wisconsin has been taken over by those who have no respect for their own historic buildings? Or maybe the fact that opposing viewpoints are not welcome in their political arena? Perhaps the fact that Althouse has not reported on the unions planned intimidation against WI businesses who don't cave to their demands to show "solidarity" with the unions? Or maybe the fact that the Wayward 14 are refusing to do their jobs because they didn't like the outcome of the last electin that put them in the minority? Is running away the way that adults act when they don't get their way?
Well, let me give you some "facts": the Democrats in Texas did the same thing in 2003. They held a majority of the Texas seats, 88 out of 151. They ran off to states with sympathetic Democrat governors, Oklahoma and New Mexico. That was just a short 7 1.2 years ago.
Now those Texas Democrats number 49 and the Republicans have a filibuster proof majority. One Texas Congressman recently said that Democrats in Texas are rapidly becoming an endangered species. Why? Because the people of Texas decided that running away did not serve the needs of the taxpayers in Texas and so the Wayward Dems have been replace with Republicans.
And here is another "fact". If you think the dustup in Wisconsin is about "the children", you are sadly mistake. The president of the CWA said it quite clearly; it's about power and supporting DEMOCRATS, who in turn support the public sector unions. The union big wigs don't want to give up their tony salaries (Gerald McEntee of the AFL-CIO makes $479,328/yr plus benefits), and they need the rank and file to continue to donate to THEIR cause, which is big salarys for union big wigs (NEA president, Reg Weaver makes $417,858/yr). Seems being "for the working man" doesn't rule out taking a big salary funded by the "working man".
Elections have consequences. If the citizens of Wisconsin don't like what Walker, and the Republican legislature, do they can vote them out next election. Not squat in a beautiful historic building, putting stupid signs all over it, not running off to some othger state and refusing to do the job you were elected to do, not sit in 60's hippy styled circles beating on drums. So far, all I have seem coming out of Wisconsin is a bunch of petulant children acting out because they are not getting their way.
Now, you can present me with other "facts" if you want, but I view Wisconsin with the eyes of someone from another state and basically it is time for those people protesting to grow up.
Didn't Ann vote for that shambling tower of civility bullshit?
What side do you think Althouse is on?
Hagar said...
Should add that any .22 still are not toys
Especially since the 556mm round is a .22.
Garage: I hope the farmers go on strike in sympathy and solidarity with the teachers. And the children. The farmers can call in sick or take a paid holiday. They can drive their tractors round and round and round and round until the multibillionaires as you now call them quit ruining the lives of the working people who only make a hundred grand for nine months hard labor under the brutal thumb of the government they work for. Let's hope the tractors are American made.
So, did you have a point?
Rhetorical question? ;) as AA has been knee deep in minutiae lately ...
edutcher wrote "Especially since the 556mm round is a .22."
The two types of ammo do send a bullet down a barrel of the same diameter, but they aren't all that similar. Google for "556 mm ammunition photo" and "22 cal ammunition photo" if you're completely unfamiliar with the difference. It should be obvious at a glance that the 5.56mm was designed for a much larger powder charge. Googling for keywords like "ballistics" and "joule" I didn't find a clean standalone comparison, but it looks like 5.56mm rounds typically have more than 8 times the energy of .22LR (around 1700J vs. less than 200J).
To retire05,
Perhaps you misread the sentence about Republicans wanting to make a show of the power they won in November. It can be read as a plain statement, but it can also be read as irony, a rhetorical tool that is not entirely unknown to our blogmistress.
or more concisely, a 5.56 is a .223, and no kind of a .22!
"grizzly's, American bison, and bighorn sheep,"
I dunno....I don't hunt, but I think you might just piss'em off.
Hanseatic, it is clear I did not misread the statement as I quoted it verbatim. And unlike Democrats, who go on to make excuses for their liberal pandering friends, I don't resort to the "what he meant to say was..........." mantra.
As this blog has, in some ways, become the go-to spot for all things Wisconsin, I think it is more than fair to remark on snarkey remarks about Republicans and the lack of any detrimental news (i.e. the threat against Governor Walker, the trashing of the Capitol, the pressure unions are trying to bring on to WI businesses with their signs that look like the Nationalist Socialist Party's logo).
If one is going to present the happenings in Wisconsin, they should present ALL the happenings, not just the ones that make the protesters look like anything but petulant children.
"(i.e. the threat against Governor Walker, the trashing of the Capitol, the pressure unions are trying to bring on to WI businesses with their signs that look like the Nationalist Socialist Party's logo)"
Retire05, scroll down. Hit "previous posts". Repeat for a while until you get to the beginning.
I think you might have missed what was covered and what was not.
You're interpreting this post through a lens of what you expect, not what Althouse has actually presented over the last few weeks. If you look over the gathered posts on this topic, I'd be curious about your perspective then.
As this blog has, in some ways, become the go-to spot for all things Wisconsin
As long as y'all stay in WI ...
"If one is going to present the happenings in Wisconsin, they should present ALL the happenings..."
So, not only must Althouse give you free ice cream, but she must give you every possible flavor of free ice cream?
Paco, I understand. Really I do. I understand that you have been programmed to accept only one side of a coin. Don't ask for information that might provide balance.
I am sure you only read those left wing sites that tell you what to think by providing you just one side. As for me, I want to know all there is to know so I can form a rational, well informed opinion.
Please, feel free to change your moniker to Paco Sheeple.
"As for me, I want to know all there is to know so I can form a rational, well informed opinion."
retire05, your posts thus far don't show any evidence of this. You don't even know what Althouse has posted the last few weeks, but jump straight into making judgments about this site.
My advice to you is to shut up for a while and listen. If you were less interested in the sound of your own squawking, you would have noticed that Althouse is anything but a liberal apologist. In any case, this is a true free speech zone. Althouse doesn't censor even heedless numskulls like you. Save your gall for HuffPo and Kos. Oh, yeah, they will censor you.
I did not say it was a good idea; just that it has been done.
And yeah, if you don't hit them just right, piss them off is indeed what you will do, and then you might want to have a 30-06 or larger for backup.
retire05, since there are a huge amount of posts on the topic around here, I suggest this post from Althouse on Feb 21 is a good place to start, then move either direction from there to get a better view.
"I am sure you only read those left wing sites that tell you what to think..."
Thank you. Your comically errant certainty provided me a much-needed light moment on this otherwise gloomy Saturday.
Indeed, read AA's site daily for her idea of fair and balanced!, eh.
a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest ...
lie la lie
Hagar said...
“or more concisely, a 5.56 is a .223, and no kind of a .22!”
Actually, it is. A .22 Long Rifle bullet has a diameter of .223 inch while a 5.56 mm round bullet is .224 inch. .22 LR bullets are easily and frequently fired through barrels on a 5.56mm firearm through the use of an adapter to feed and chamber the smaller .22 LR cartridge.
The significant difference in power between the two rounds is partially due to the typically heavier weight of a 5.56 round and primarily due to the substantially faster velocity of the 5.56 round. .22 LR round typically weigh 40 grains, or less for most hollow points. The heaviest .22 LR round I’ve seen and used is a 60 grain subsonic round made by Aguila. .22 LR rounds have a muzzle velocity of around 1100 feet per second, up to 1400+ ft/sec for some “hyper velocity” rounds. On the other hand, bullets for a 5.56 cartridge are in the 55-77 grain range and leave the muzzle at over 3000 feet per second.
Yes, .22LR hollow points are common and the "point" of a hollow point isn't to fragment, but to cause expansion of the round upon impact. Some very fast .22 LR rounds will expand. Generally one wants a round to retain most of it's original weight and to expand to a larger diameter upon hitting flesh and bone.
Loose ammo on the ground isn't particularly dangerous, but it is bad manners. An unconfined cartridge will not generate much velocity if fired because it does not have a chamber and barrel to create the required pressure. Typically the cartridge case, being lighter than the bullet, will move faster than the bullet itself. But being less aerodynamically shaped, it won't go far.
It should be noted that there is nothing illegal about having ammo on the Capitol grounds, or for that matter inside the Capitol or City-County building. State statute regulates firearms inside government buildings but does have similar restrictions on ammunition.
The evil blogger lady never really claimed to be fair and balanced. She has her opinions which any fair minded person would have to agree are very, very liberal indeed.
She is very pro abortion, an extremist regarding the gay agenda, a big spender in education spending and a feminist of the first water with all of the idiotic ideas that that title includes. It is her tiny little steps away from liberal orthodoxy that enrage people like Retread and AlphaLiberal and their ilk.
It is true that most of her fanboys are conservative but that is mainly because she maintains a free speech zone where everyone is welcome no matter how big a douchnozzle they might be. Her admiration for Rush Limbaugh drives the liberals of Madison crazy. Now you don’t have to like every opinion someone has to admire them. For instance I am a big fan of Susan Sarandon’s breasts but when she talks politics I change the channel. So don’t try to put the evil blogger lady down because of her commenters. I assure you she really doesn’t like us all that much, she is just using us to get famous.
Think of her more like a comic book character. You know like the She-Hulk or something. Then you won’t get your balls in an uproar buddy.
Typo on previous post: I meant to say state statutes do NOT have similar restriction regarding ammo inside government buildings.
The evil blogger lady never really claimed to be fair and balanced. She has her opinions which any fair minded person would have to agree are very, very liberal indeed.
She is very pro abortion, an extremist regarding the gay agenda, a big spender in education spending and a feminist of the first water with all of the idiotic ideas that that title includes. It is her tiny little steps away from liberal orthodoxy that enrage people like Retread and AlphaLiberal and their ilk.
It is true that most of her fanboys are conservative but that is mainly because she maintains a free speech zone where everyone is welcome no matter how big a douchnozzle they might be. Her admiration for Rush Limbaugh drives the liberals of Madison crazy. Now you don’t have to like every opinion someone has to admire them. For instance I am a big fan of Susan Sarandon’s breasts but when she talks politics I change the channel. So don’t try to put the evil blogger lady down because of her commenters. I assure you she really doesn’t like us all that much, she is just using us to get famous.
Think of her more like a comic book character. You know like the She-Hulk or something. Then you won’t get your balls in an uproar buddy.
Hey blogger ate my comment about Susan Sarandon's breasts three times straight on this thread.
What gives?
The evil blogger lady never really claimed to be fair and balanced. She has her opinions which any fair minded person would have to agree are very, very liberal indeed.
She is very pro abortion, an extremist regarding the gay agenda, a big spender in education spending and a feminist of the first water with all of the idiotic ideas that that title includes. It is her tiny little steps away from liberal orthodoxy that enrage people like Retread and AlphaLiberal and their ilk.
It is true that most of her fanboys are conservative but that is mainly because she maintains a free speech zone where everyone is welcome no matter how big a douchnozzle they might be. Her admiration for Rush Limbaugh drives the liberals of Madison crazy. Now you don’t have to like every opinion someone has to admire them. For instance I am a big fan of Susan Sarandon’s breasts but when she talks politics I change the channel. So don’t try to put the evil blogger lady down because of her commenters. I assure you she really doesn’t like us all that much, she is just using us to get famous.
Think of her more like a comic book character. You know like the She-Hulk or something. Then you won’t get your balls in an uproar buddy.
The union big wigs don't want to give up their tony salaries (Gerald McEntee of the AFL-CIO makes $479,328/yr plus benefits), and they need the rank and file to continue to donate to THEIR cause, which is big salarys for union big wigs (NEA president, Reg Weaver makes $417,858/yr). Seems being "for the working man" doesn't rule out taking a big salary funded by the "working man".
What's even worse: Kathy Cloninger, "Chief Executive Officer" of the Girl Scouts of America, makes a whopping $435,352 a year. And Robert J. Mazzuca, "Chief Scout Executive" of the Boy Scouts of America, earns an astonishing $1,016,135 a year. Seems that working "for the children" doesn't rule out taking a big salary funded by "the children."
Especially since many of those multibillionaires underwrite the scholarships that allow the college kids to blow 4 years of their lives partying and "protesting".
Is there a Koch Bros. scholarship? Do you know where to get an application?
Off to see the Farmer Tractorcade around the Capitol at noon. Tractors motoring around square should be quite the sight.
Should be. A kid at my son's high school organized a "Drive Your Tractor to School Day" a couple of years ago. It was pretty cool seeing all the tractors in the school parking lot. Just another benefit of living in a rural community.
.22LR "hollow point" does indeed exist and are used against rabbits, ground squirrels, and other such.
Ditto what Hagar says. I have several boxes of similar ammo for those very purposes. Nasty ground squirrels. (Speer TNT Varmint Bullets 22 Hornet 33 Grain)
While not good long range ammo, they are lethal at a closer range.
The evil blogger lady never really claimed to be fair and balanced. She has her opinions which any fair minded person would have to agree are very, very liberal indeed.
She is very pro abortion, an extremist regarding the gay agenda, a big spender in education spending and a feminist of the first water with all of the idiotic ideas that that title includes. It is her tiny little steps away from liberal orthodoxy that enrage people like Retread and AlphaLiberal and their ilk.
It is true that most of her fanboys are conservative but that is mainly because she maintains a free speech zone where everyone is welcome no matter how big a douchnozzle they might be. Her admiration for Rush Limbaugh drives the liberals of Madison crazy. Now you don’t have to like every opinion someone has to admire them. For instance I am a big fan of Susan Sarandon’s breasts but when she talks politics I change the channel. So don’t try to put the evil blogger lady down because of her commenters. I assure you she really doesn’t like us all that much, she is just using us to get famous.
Think of her more like a comic book character. You know like the She-Hulk or something. Then you won’t get your balls in an uproar buddy.
Make that five times.
I think the blogger lady put a block on Susan Sarandon's breasts.
The evil blogger lady never really claimed to be fair and balanced. She has her opinions which any fair minded person would have to agree are very, very liberal indeed.
She is very pro abortion, an extremist regarding the gay agenda, a big spender in education spending and a feminist of the first water with all of the idiotic ideas that that title includes. It is her tiny little steps away from liberal orthodoxy that enrage people like Retread and AlphaLiberal and their ilk.
It is true that most of her fanboys are conservative but that is mainly because she maintains a free speech zone where everyone is welcome no matter how big a douchnozzle they might be. Her admiration for Rush Limbaugh drives the liberals of Madison crazy. Now you don’t have to like every opinion someone has to admire them. For instance I am a big fan of Susan Sarandon’s breasts but when she talks politics I change the channel. So don’t try to put the evil blogger lady down because of her commenters. I assure you she really doesn’t like us all that much, she is just using us to get famous.
Think of her more like a comic book character. You know like the She-Hulk or something. Then you won’t get your balls in an uproar buddy.
See now it posted but it left out the link to the photo of Susan Sarandon's breasts.
I mean what's the dealio. The blogger lady doesn't have to be afraid of Susan's massive melons.
I would watch for mousy Lori Berenson types with a good line of bullshit because somebody seems to have a soft spot for them. Just sayn'
"grizzly's, American bison, and bighorn sheep,"
I dunno....I don't hunt, but I think you might just piss'em off.
Amen. The only .22 I would use for those purposes would be an Uzi with a very large clip.
Actually the 22 target pistol is a favorite of hit men in New York City. You have to go right up to the mark and put the guy against his skull and the 22 round will bounce all around his coconut and even if he doesn't croak he will be stunad for the rest of his life.
She is very pro abortion, an extremist regarding the gay agenda, a big spender in education spending and a feminist
She's a moderate er die hard conservative who believes in equal protection under the law.
The question is how much credit should she get for her equal protection meme as Rachel pointed out last night even heavily Rep/conservative Wyoming rejected a bill that would not recognize gay marriage/civil union folk from another state who entered, decided to live in Wyoming.
Equal protection rights of the minority should never be denied by a majority vote of citizens ie CA and gay marriage.
Again a Civil War was fought re: state's rights er the South denying equal protection under the law to African/Americans ...
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Unfortunately the U.S. Constitution, much like the Bible can be interpreted every which way to Sunday depending on one's nefarious political agenda ...
DADvocate said...
" "grizzly's, American bison, and bighorn sheep,"
I dunno....I don't hunt, but I think you might just piss'em off.
Amen. The only .22 I would use for those purposes would be an Uzi with a very large clip."
Uzi's don't use a clip.
And nobody in their right mind would try to hunt any of those animals with a .22LR-- or even a 5.56. I know it's been claimed that a .22 has taken everything that walks the earth, but one doesn't see much corroborating evidence to support that claim. Nor do they say how many rounds of .22 ammo it took to kill these animals. But I do know of confirmed cases where human beings have been shot literally dozens of times with .38 special and 9mm rounds and did not drop. There are no guarantees when it comes to terminal ballistics, only higher and lower probabilities.
shiloh said....
Unfortunately the U.S. Constitution, much like the Bible can be interpreted every which way to Sunday depending on one's nefarious political agenda"
I suppose that is true. But what is also true is that the evil blogger lady is a contrarian who likes to bust people’s balls so in ultra-ultra liberal Madison one or two conservative positions will make you out to be an outcast. That's why it is laughable when you call her a conservative. She is at best an extremely left leaning moderate but not a true conservative by any stretch of the imagination. When you try to term her a right wing conservative wing nut you just beclown yourself.
My conservative brother Shouting Thomas often points this out and he is a wing-nutty as you can be.
(Except for me of course).
Actually the 22 target pistol is a favorite of hit men in New York City.
From my reading, yes and no:
1. NYC hit man did not succeed with .22 on Frank Serpico
2. Chicago hit man did succeed with .22 on Sam Giancana.
Well fls you should be aware of Frank Demaio of the "Murder Machine" in Bensonhurst who used a 22 a lot.
Now supposdedly they had stolen a case of Colt Huntsman and they used them because they were cheap but who knows, ya know?
"The Hitler pic is yours."
I know. I'm given credit. And I was asked permission. Actually, technically, Meade took the pictue. Also, I know the author, Tobin Harshaw. He's from Madison.
As I'll probably never take the time trying to figure out how much of a devil's advocate AA is we'll just have to disagree re: degree of her political leanings.
One thing which was immediately noticeable was her sarcastic disdain/despise of Obama, her tepid vote for him notwithstanding. AA's self-righteous air of supposed superiority does not serve her well.
Again her continual whining about how MSM is totally in the tank for Dems ie her embarrassing Tim Noah interview and her total devotion to Limbaugh, Hannity et al pretty much tells one everything you need to know about her.
She's a very quick study, no grey area, much like her blog.
Uzi's don't use a clip.
And unless you're shooting black powder, no one ever puts a bullet in a gun.
But ever since I saw the "Grips and Clips" booth at the gun show had magazines, not just Garand clips, I realize that all that stuff about autoloaders not using "clips" is just pedantry.
Wow, this has been one of the most (unintentionally) comical threads I've ever read on this site! I only started reading it when somebody posted a link to one of the videos, and the impressions people have drawn, and the basis for those impressions are really strange! The only thing I'd like to point out is that this issue is so complex and so far-reaching there really ISN'T any go-to site for EVERY aspect of the issue. I had not read about the AFL-CIO signs anywhere yet, but I'm going to look right now. There are PLENTY of things that have happened that haven't been documented here. It's a blog, not a fricken encyclopedia.
There are PLENTY of things that have happened that haven't been documented here. It's a blog, not a fricken encyclopedia.
Shiloh my brother why are you putting me in the position of having to defend the evil blogger lady.
She is no fan of Hannity as he is never mentioned here that I recall. That is you seeing something that just isn't there.
You know like Obama's qualifications to be president. Other than getting the most votes.
And there is a lot of grey area's on this blog. I mean just AlphaLiberal's underwear alone is a totally grey area.
Now if you said there wasn't very much grey matter in evidence here....well I would be forced to agree with you dude.
There are many liberal commenters who post here all the time like Ritmo, Beth, Madisonman, somefeller and the great Garage Mahal. They bring the lib with gusto and can really defend their views.
You have to realize that there is something happening here, but a cursory glance just doens't make it clear.
Mostly it's just people saying hurray for my side.
Now if you said there wasn't very much grey matter in evidence here....well I would be forced to agree with you dude.
ok, we finally agree and AA is so cozy w/Limbaugh she calls him Rush and the Sean she refers to must not be Hannity, although I'm pretty sure it is.
Oh shit I just had an attack of hippie music.
Quick. I need me some real music!
That's why it is laughable when you call her a conservative. She is at best an extremely left leaning moderate but not a true conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
The way she delights in the Rush Limbaugh show, I don't know if I buy this. I don't see many PETA members getting their entertainment from watching people chow down at a steakhouse.
While it is true that it takes a number of 22lr rounds to stop someone they will still die from a single well placed hit. It will just take time and they can still kill you. If you want to make sure someone goes down with one shot use a 45.
As has been already noted, 22lr is used for rabbit and squirrel hunting but it is also the best coon round around. When you hunt coon with dogs they end up in a tree 30' from you. You don't want to use any larger caliber because you are going to get a through-and-through with very little drop off in velocity.
It is Sean Penn. I know she has a crush on him.
That's why she hooked up with Meade.
He is a dead ringer for Scipoli.
Once again FLS, just because I love early Jane Fonda movies doesn't make me a communist. Just sayn'
just because I love early Jane Fonda movies
ok, we have a few things in common ...
and actually, Hanoi Jane turned out to be quite the capitalist lol marrying Ted Turner notwithstanding.
I don't think the professor's listening to Rush because he has a nice body.
Hey I need that photo for Camel Toe Corner!
She's listening to him for blog fodder and to quote him to make liberal Madison douchenozzles lose their shit.
It's why the French say they love Jerry Lewis. It is just to make up tight Americans lose their shit.
She likes to go against the grain to cause a ruckus. She doesn't like to be on trend. I mean just look at her clothes. (Gratuitous insult).
I wonder, were the 41 rounds found with the "peaceful" protesters or the HitlerWalker oppressors? Does the NYT not want to say?
Does the NYT not want to say?
found on the ground. The professor covered it the other day.
Tyron Slothrop, so I see your form of debate is to hurl insults at those that disagree with you. Fine, I will then treat you as the child you are. And unlike you, what I post here is not squawking. I type with my fingers, not my vocal cords.
This is a "free speech" zone? And can you name me a "not free speech" zone on the internet? Oh, yes, you mentioned PuffingtonPost and DailyKos. Odd they were the first to come to your mind. But since I don't post on those sites, I guess I really have no worry about them being "not free speech" sites, although that doesn't surprise me since liberal only believe in THEIR free speech, not the free speech of others.
So I leave you to stew in your own sauce since you think I insulted the Goddess of Althouse.
But I will point out the reason you visit a blog: opinion AND information. And any blogger who presents only one side of a political event is nothing more than a political hack.
Now, go wipe the drool off your chin.
"I realize that all that stuff about autoloaders not using "clips" is just pedantry."
No, "all that stuff about autoloaders not using clips" would be false. Some do, some don't. The Garand and "Broomhandle Mauser" are examples of autoloaders that use clips, while an AR-15 or a Glock are autoloaders that use magazines.
I believe .22's are also popular as an assassination tool of the Mossad-- they're small and relatively quiet.
Reagan and Robert Kennedy were shot with a .22's.
I knew an old sourdough in Alaska. He had been born in Wyoming in 1900 and had a very colorful life. His father was the first cattle marshal in Wyoming. The sourdough told the story of the punk who was gunning for his father with a .22 pistol. His father tracked the kid down, collared him (literally) and told him, "Son, if I ever find out you shot me with that thing, I'll have to run you out of town!"
Look, bud, I'm just trying to save you some embarrassment. You can stick around here forever entertaining the rest of us as far as I'm concerned, but if you do stick around (you won't) you'll find you've misread the terrain.
Keep this in mind when you skulk back here with a different username in a week or so.
Trooper, 22 auto are favored because they are light, easily concealed. cycle very fast and are easy to silence. the 22lr has a very high lethality as it tends to bounce around inside the skull.
Hagar the rimfire 22s (l lr and short) are not in the same class as the 22 centerfires - 223, 224, 22hornet, 22 chetah, 22-250 etc) The later rank very much higher that the former in term of power and range.
Fls, you are mistaken about Giannconna. He was taken out in his garage by two close range 12ga blasts. Also believed to have been a silenced weapon (yes it is possibleto silence a shotgun).
I see there's been some discussion up thread about the lethality of .22 caliber rounds. Close range head shots from .22s are usually fatal because the bullet does not have enough power to exit the skull and therefore ricochets around inside the brain case.
Or so I've been told.
That's what happened to Robert Kennedy -- close range head shot. Ronald Reagan was fortunate that Hinckley's gun was not of heavier caliber -- he missed with all six shots, but one ricocheted off Reagan's armored limousine back into his torso and stopped just short of his heart. Had the pistol been of heavier caliber the bullet would have kept going.
Someone upthread seemed to be confusing hollowpoint (which expand quickly) with frangible (which disintigrate on contact withg a hard surface and thus do not ricochet).
Althouse has become "Guns R Us" ??
Prof. Althouse - what do you mean when you say "But then February came and the Republicans made a show of wanting to use the power they'd won in the last election." ?
The Republicans in Wisconsin or in the U.S. in general?
And what sort of show was it? Did they throw a power tantrum and send the Wisconsin Democratic State Senators out of Wisconsin? Or did they, finally having a majority of votes in the U.S. House of Representatives, vote on issues the same way they told the electorate they would vote when they ran for election in November?
What and when did the Republicans make a show of wanting to use the power they'd won in the last election?
"AA's self-righteous air of supposed superiority does not serve her well."
Thank God we never see that on the left.
"AA's self-righteous air of supposed superiority does not serve her well."
Thank God we never see that on the left.
Let the record show GR did not disagree w/my keen grasp of the obvious!
I think that the ammunition thing is so weird as to be meaningless (as Charlie said, it's hard to interpret), but even if it weren't, how does it have to do anything with civility?
Never heard the shotgun/garage story. Sources agree he was shot with a .22 pistol while frying up sausage and peppers in his basement. More detailed accounts say it was a Hi-Standard 10 round .22 with a silencer.
realwest said...
Prof. Althouse - what do you mean when you say "But then February came and the Republicans made a show of wanting to use the power they'd won in the last election." ?
And what sort of show was it?
Or did they, finally having a majority of votes in the U.S. House of Representatives, vote on issues the same way they told the electorate they would vote when they ran for election in November?
This. You're very close. She meant this, but you need the full paragraph to get her point:
Yeah, we paused for a moment. Back in January. But then February came and the Republicans made a show of wanting to use the power they'd won in the last election.
She's saying, "Everyone on the left claimed to want civility, until the Republicans tried to exercise their power. Then they abandoned civility because it was no longer useful."
What retire05 missed -- and perhaps you missed, too, I'm not sure -- is that this post is tagged "civility bullshit". That's because Professor Althouse has said all along that the calls for civility are bullshit, an attempt by liberals to shut conservatives up. She called it "civility bullshit" because the liberals never really wanted civility, and also because liberals never condemned other liberals for the same sort of language or far worse.
Do yourself a favor: click that "civility bullshit" link. Read what the Professor wrote there, especially the earliest posts. She was uniformly scornful of the calls for civility, because she knew then that those were merely tools to try to silence conservative voices.
And this post is in the exact same vein. Early, she explained that calls for civility were a tool, and would be abandoned when they were no longer useful (i.e., when the left was caught being incivil); here, she shows that in fact the calls for civility have been abandoned.
Martin L. Shoemaker - Thank you for that comment. I didn't think Prof. Althouse meant what you say she meant, but am willing to let it go as I'm a daily reader of her blog but have only recently begun commenting and I clearly could have misread what she actually said.
I do appreciate your time and effort to educate me on this matter though, thank you for that.
Althouse has become "Guns R Us"
To quote Flounder: "Oh boy is this great!"
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