For example, Jennifer Hudson has a smashing dress.
UPDATE: Man, this show sucks so bad.
UPDATE2: I'm IM-ing with my son Chris. I write: "is any celebrity saying anything pro-union or in support of the wisconsin protesters?" And he's all:
haven't heard anythingLOL.
oh gwyneth paltrow mentioned you
in the middle of the song
she stopped and said you know ann althouse
needs to stop criticizing those protestors
११३ टिप्पण्या:
The show's not 10 minutes in, and the first lesbian joke comes out.
No thank you.
1) its boring
2) bunch of pampered elites with little talent
3) they won't be able to resist some ignorant political statement
4) they poison the world with their cultural values. Its one of the few things I agree with Al Queda on.
She's come a long way from that hideous pink thing she wore on AI years ago.
I love JHud, but I'm not watching the Oscars.
Like I said, something worthwhile, like Mildred Pierce is on TCM right now.
Being a screenwriter, I enjoy parts of the Oscars, just not the whole thing.
Maybe I'm just getting old, but 10 minutes into the red carpet stuff I'd had it. One word came to mind: "vapid." Then "banal" chimed in. Before a lexical parade of pejoratives could propose themselves, I tuned out. Some great films this year, but loving film doesn't oblige me to care much about this increasingly lame ceremony.
Being a screenwriter, I enjoy parts of the Oscars, just not the whole thing.
I feel the same way about so many screenplays! (ba-dump!)
I'm being productive at work, but I don't like to miss out on the Oscars. I wonder if someone will mention backwater little Wisconsin!
"The show's not 10 minutes in, and the first lesbian joke comes out."
Who was she?
The mere idea of ten nominees per award gives me a headache. So, this will be my 30th consecutive year of Doing Something Else.
Tell me the winners tomorrow. I might even put them in my netflix.
"The show's not 10 minutes in, and the first lesbian joke comes out."
I stopped to watch it for a minute and that is what was on.
I have better things to do.
And now the first F-bomb.
Seriously, folks, this is better than a train wreck.
Come back, Billy Crystal. All is forgiven.
I wonder if someone will mention backwater little Wisconsin!
Of course they will. They can't help but prostitute their craft. See, they need to get invited to the right parties, to meet the right directors and producers, to be taken to the right casting couch.
Whores all.
As I said elsewhere, it's hard to take the Oscars seriously when Christopher Nolan wasn't even nominated for Best Director.
That said, "The King's Speech" was (IMHO) the best film of 2010, edging out "Inception", so I'll be happy if it wins lot of awards.
Oh, and I was amused when the guy who won 'Best Cinematography' for 'Inception' thanked his union crew. I thought, "Yeah, that's why so many movies and TV shows are made in Canada, right?"
helena bonham carter usually looks like she dresses blindfolded in her closet and then, as a final touch, she takes a blow torch to her hair.
One good thing about the oscars is that you can watch them and sleep at the same time.
@bwebster: You ought to go watch the Roger L. Simon Pajama's TV video on that exact topic:
That's exactly what happened. Yet, too few people get the irony of the shoutout.
Halie Steinfeld did not win best supporting actress. That's too bad. I thought she was just great.
I don't have high hopes for Jeff Bridges as best actor since he won that not too long ago.
Well, there is some justice in the world. Aaron Sorkin just got played off the stage.
That justice is offset by the fact that he actually won an award, but still... he got played off.
You take 'em where you can get 'em.
Haven't watched the Oscars since Duke Wayne won. Mainly because movies haven't been that good.
PS Meade did a great Greer Garson in the last post, but he forgot to mention all the "little people".
Christian Bale? Seriously? Did he use his Batman voice in that movie?
I read some where-that they were abstaining from ostentatious jewelry during the Obama Recovery Summer/Winter in the name of *Shared Sacrifice* for the-
"little people".
Aren't we just so lucky?
Well Ann, I've seen all the best picture nominees and here's my two cents:
Godawful: Black Swan, Inception
Nothing special: The Kid's Are All RIght
Pretty good: The Fighter, The Social Network, True Grit, Toy Story 3
Best of the lot: The King's Speech, 127 Hours, Winter's Bone
Much better movies not nominated: Never Let Me Go, Blue Valentine, Another Year
Best score-whoever knocked up Natalie Portman
Trent Reznor now has an Oscar?? Trent Reznor?? From Nine Inch Nails??
As far as I was concerned, "Winter's Bone" was the best film of the year. So far tonight it is oh for two.
LOL... on the one hand, there was a second shout-out to the "union" in Hollywood. On the other, he got zero applause, and then got played off.
The Poliwood thing about unions is good because both of the guys, Simon and Chetwood?, are union guys and were involved closely with organizing and negotiating and they're clear about the issues that the unions needed to deal with, as well as what has happened since.
Our film crews here in New Mexico have a union, too. As it was explained to me, before they had a union the crew (as an example) would have to show up bright and early or lose their job but wouldn't get paid until the star got there, whenever that happened to be. I don't know anyone who would think that enforcing basic rules, such as if one is required to be at work then one is also required to be paid, is unreasonable.
The problem, as the Poliwood guys point out, is when the union gets those reforms and goes on to the next thing, and the next thing, until they chase movie business away... to Canada.
1.5 hours before the first African-American sighting. And it was in a taped piece.
1.5 hours before the first African-American sighting. And it was in a taped piece.
The Oscars must be a Tea Party rally in disguise! It's so white!
Ya but I think we finally got the Obama Doctrine:
As Time Goes By.
Morgan Freeman was in the intro, but is he really black?
Ooooh goodie!
A Carl Levin cameo.
I just started watching did I miss anything?
I stand corrected. So: 1.5 hours betwee African American appearances.
Anyone else struck by the fact that Obama named a song in a movie that takes place in occupied North Africa? MESSAGE: I CARE!
I'm rooting for Winters Bone.
Out of all the nominees I've only seen Inception, The Social Network and Winters Bone.
Did Hollywood just do a bed intruder auto tune?
Yeah, that auto tune moment was when the broadcast officially jumped the shark. I mean, there were runs at the ramp before that, but...
Lem, you should check out "True Grit". The Dude isn't up to the Duke's standards but the rest of the film is pretty damn good. Barry Pepper is even better than Robert Duvall, Damon is better than Campbell, and the Steinfeld kid is a wonder to behold.
Highlights in Advance, possibly more interesting than the real thing.
The Dude isn't up to the Duke's standards but the rest of the film is pretty damn good.
I have to disagree, there. Bridges was vastly better in the role than Wayne was. That was a pity Oscar for Wayne -- it was one of his worst roles.
Line I never thought I'd ever utter: Billy Crystal can save the day.
Want to bet that someone drove out and got Billy Crystal to save this show?
Tibore: apparently great minds think alike.
Who is Jenniffer Hudson?
Perhaps I should get off the Internet....
OK, the bit with Bob Hope thanking Billy Crystal and then (at the end) introducing Robert Downey and Jude Law was just plain creepy.
Who is Jenniffer Hudson?
An American Idol graduate..
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Watched "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence" this weekend...
An outstanding film, and one that's a lot darker than most people who haven't seen it might expect. That and "The Searchers" may be the Duke's best Westerns.
The new "True Grit" is pretty good, but its much more darker and much less rousing and comic than the original. But its better directed and has a bigger budget.
As for Jeff Bridges, I knew John Wayne, John Wayne was a favorite of mine, and Mr. Bridges you are no John Wayne.
Bridges is a fine actor who gives a fine performance pretending to be Rooster Cogburn, John Wayne WAS Rooster Cogburn.
Oh gawd I tuned out after Carl Levin-and then I turn it back on....
what do you call what Gwyneth Paltrow is doing?
Paltrow? I was wondering what the hell Dido was doing.
Where is Trooper?
Somebody wake up Trooper.
I found Randy Newman graciously funny.
Are the Oscars still on?
Paltrow? I was wondering what the hell Dido was doing?
You think that if you are married to a musician that musician husband would give you some pointers.. like.. don't!
oh God.. look whos up at the plate..
And for the final insult to the dead: Celine Dion!
I can't remember the last time I watched the Oscars. More than ten years, probably more than 20. Couldn't care less. I only go to the theater 2-3 times a year.
Tom Doniphan was definitely one of Duke's best roles, but "The Searchers" is a far more important film, and Duke really sells the western hero as borderline psychopath.
ahh....Aren't all these awards bought, and paid for, BEFORE the actual event. I mean....good movies are overlooked while marginal movies will be rewarded with lavish awards.
It's like an auction, they want to create a frenzy, and draw in a few more dollars for their product.
oh yeah, and maybe sell a few designer dresses to 18 year old prom queens.
w/v: codula - the academy awards!...they play it again, and see if anybody will sing along!
Brittany Murphy and Corey Haim get shafted in the "dead actors" montage. Yep.
A save.. I see Lena Horne died last year..
Wait a minute.. there is a nomination called Black Swan..
Whats all this there are no blacks nominated this year?
The Brits.. allways stealing the show.. bastards ;)
Anne Hathaway definitely deserves much credit as an actress. She completely sold that "my co-host is doing a great job" line as if she believed it.
Oh wait, I did see that lesbian movie.. The Kids are Alright. I totally forgot.
It just was not that good.
Mmmm. Marisa Tomei.
And not only did Annette Benning lose to another young actress, but the first reaction close-up was on her. That had to hurt.
And Rush said there were no blacks nominated..
Rush's percentage on being right just went down big time.
Yea Javier looks like a real man..
Not your baby Leonardo D Caprio baby face.
Speaking of baby face .. the guy that played Zuckerberg.
The Brit actors by the time they make it to Hollywood they have been prepared, they have been thru the ringer in the English theater.
They are good.
They can sing, play an instrument and they can act.
.. for the most part..
Once in a while a Hugh Grant comes along making us pause.
I predict the kings speech
I was right
OK, "The King's Speech" got best picture, best director, best actor. There is some sanity in Hollywood.
Damn, was this tonight? Shit. 49th year in a row I've missed it. Crap.
I've raised it before and I'll raise it again - why hasn't some enterprising reporter asked Obama about "The King's Speech"? If it was Bush in the same situation, there would have been MoDo column about it every week analyzing the anger that it was causing Bush and the hatred he had for the British.
The movie is about someone that Obama detests - the man who imprisoned his radical Muslim grandfather. Did he see it? Does he plan to?
Errr... I mean 40th.
On a per capita basis there are more academy awards given to dramas involving royal family tribulations than to Holocaust survivor stories......I understand that James Franco will be starring in a movie about Prince William and his struggles with male pattern baldness.
Yeah, that's why so many movies and TV shows are made in Canada, right
Wrong. Have be a union member in Canada as well. Movies are made in Canada because until recently the US $ v the Canadian $, amongst other things. Another being, it's just easier to block of sections of town and cities for whatever reason. The small municipality I live has at least one movie being filmed at any one time. The community loves the business the movie industry brings to the town.
Ha ha ha, son Chris is funny.
Lem said..."A save.. I see Lena Horne died last year.."
You're happy Lena Horne died?
Very strange.
I see The Queen's suck-ups aren't exactly movie fans.
I'm shocked.
You're happy Lena Horne died?
A head fuck for Jeremy..
It doesn't count.. it was too easy.
I watched the Towering Inferno tonight. It holds up well despite the seventies decor.
God it reminds me of 9/11.
If the professor is looking for a non-Wisconsin story, here's the latest news from Lake Zurich, IL:
All four candidates for the Lake Zurich Unit District 95 school board believe creationism should be taught alongside evolution in science classes.
One, Chris Wallace, went so far as to say creationism is fact and evolution is just a theory.
Read more:
I watched the Towering Inferno tonight.
A fireman stole the woman I loved.. I decided from that time forward that I hated them all... including the 9/11 "heroes".
If the professor is looking for a non-Wisconsin story, here's the latest news from Lake Zurich, IL:
Maybe the Wisconsin Democrats can do something about it while they are over there.
Oh, and I was amused when the guy who won 'Best Cinematography' for 'Inception' thanked his union crew. I thought, "Yeah, that's why so many movies and TV shows are made in Canada, right?"
Hello? There are filmworker unions in Canada -- probably stronger than in the US. Try sitting through the credits some time.
I'm just kidding.. I hate all fireman ;)
A fireman stole the woman I loved
He did you a favor, Lem. A woman who truly loved you wouldn't even look at another man, much less violate your trust. She would have broken your heart sooner or later.
that's nice of you to say fls..
One word came to mind: "vapid." Then "banal" chimed in.
Exactly, the ditzy fashion coverage on E! has become more entertaining than the Oscars.
I bailed when they gave Sorkin an Oscar for being a partisan asshole.
Ford's final shot gets me no matter how many times I've seen The Searchers.
sure it's an industry patting itself on the back, but the fact is that there was some mighty fine acting talent on display in several movies this year. i had some favorites who weren't awarded, but i can't really gripe about any of the winners.
there were a few sweet and touching moments, some glaring gaffes, and james and anne were fresh and fun as the hosts..what else can one ask from an award show ?
Just read the following on eonline by Joal Ryan:
"One point if you guessed Pfister was making a statement by thanking his "union" crew on the telecast. "I think what's going on in Wisconsin right now is madness," he says.
Read more:
Gwyneth Paltrow beclowns herself every time she opens her trap.
You and Meade do what you do. No shame. Well done.
The new True Grit was darker because it was more true to the book. The Wayne version played to Wayne's style. I disagree that Wayne didn't deserve his Oscar - he played Rooster wonderfully. But so did Bridges, in another way.
Christopher Nolan wasn't even nominated for Best Director.
Didn't he direct "Inception," which we turned off after 25 dreary, stupid, pretentious, physics-challenged* minutes?
* Really? The chair alone couldn't hold the weight of Leo rappelling down the wall but the chair plus a 110-lb actress could?
"The chair alone couldn't hold the weight of Leo rappelling down the wall but the chair plus a 110-lb actress could?"
You take exception to this but not to how that scene ended in a flood of inexplicable water?
I hope you take my point. ;-)
I pre-ordered 'Inside Job' dvd from Amazon after listening to an interview with Investment banker Daniel Alpert who is featured in the film.
Interview dated 2/26/2011 at FinancialSense
Didn't watch the Oscars...but wanted to thank Sixty Grit for bringing The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance into the discussion. Watched it just a couple of weeks ago with the family. My son loves it like I do, so I'm doing the mother job pretty damn well.
Jeff Bridges had a tough job--playing Rooster without looking as if he was playing John Wayne, and yet he couldn't stray too far, or we wouldn't have recognized Rooster. Because John Wayne was Rooster, as someone else said. Bridges deserved an Oscar more for True Grit than for Crazy Heart, though.
I'll try to watch The Searchers next weekend.
TWM said...
The new True Grit was darker because it was more true to the book. The Wayne version played to Wayne's style. I disagree that Wayne didn't deserve his Oscar - he played Rooster wonderfully. But so did Bridges, in another way.
Have seen Wayne's version and only trailer on Bridge version. Like your observation on actors providing differing interpretations. Also different period. Wayne's True Grit was 1969. At the time a darker version may not have been considered salable.
When Crystal came out and spoke for a few minutes you could tell that his type of banter was what was missing and the crowd seemed to notice it as well.
Franco had one or two funny lines but otherwise stuck very close to script and seemed a little uneasy. And Ann seemed nice and energetic. But almost came across like a chearleader.No personality to speak of at all.
The two hosts couldn't do the job of one Billy Crystal.
The only time I even chuckled was when Franco came out in drag and said that Charlie Sheen had beeped him. BUt that was it.
Really boring show. I can't believe I even watched it.
Hi, Ann.
Love your Bloggingheads spots.
1. It is a conflict to have government employees in the same retirement (pension) system as elected government officials. That should end.
2. Perhaps the answer to collective bargaining would be to just always go to binding arbitration with a neutral, independent 3rd party, streamed online on the internet. This would force the union and the government to put forth its best proposal right at the start and then the arbitrator will chose which one is more realistic and fair. It would cut down on a lot of posturing and the people would learn something.
3. You don't think that the use public employee union dues to the Democratic party is sustainable or correct. Yet what about commercial interests who are given tax breaks and monetary incentives for setting up businesses in the state. That's tax monies too, (or the burden is on the taxpayer). Oftentimes, these schemes do not produce the number of jobs predicted, and when the tax breaks expire, the businesses leave as well. Buffett is famous for this, as well as companies like Wal-Mart and Bass. Don't you think that corporate interests have lived off the taxpayer gravy train as well?
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