February 7, 2011

From the ex-governor and his federal judge wife, who are separating after 40 years of marriage: "Please do not hesitate to include both of us in social occasions as we will not find it awkward or uncomfortable."

Ed and Majorie Rendell are breaking up, but please don't think you have to exclude one or the other as you plan your parties and other networking opportunities.

Are they Democrats or Republicans? Here's a clue: neither the word Democrat or Republican appears in the linked article. So?

They're Democrats! Duh! Don't you know how to read the news?


Anonymous said...

It was pretty much common knowledge that Rendell is a Democrat.


Bruce Hayden said...

I do think though that it is a bit problematic for a governor, or even former governor, to be married to a federal appellate judge. I think that the general public would consider that the appearance of impropriety, at a minimum.

Maybe it happens every day, but maybe it shouldn't.

Anonymous said...


So, naturally, they're Democrats.

The press wonders where it lost its credibility? Its prestige? Its power? Its readers? And thus its advertisers? And its salaries?

Right here is where they lost it all.

le Douanier said...

"They're Democrats!"

I'm sure that the Philadelphians reading that piece at Philly.com had no idea that they were Ds.

Conspiracy!!!! Lamestream Media!!11!!!!111!!!!!!1!!!

Ann Althouse said...

"It was pretty much common knowledge that Rendell is a Democrat."

Among politcos. Normal people don't keep track of the governors of other states than their own.

steve said...

This is a Philadelphia newspaper reporting on a guy who was mayor of Philadelphia for a long time, then governor of Pennsylvania for a long time. The whole tone of the piece is such that it's clear the writer thinks his audience is completely familar with Ed Rendell. It's not a general, national news article introducing a political figure to readers.

I think you're reaching on this one.

Anonymous said...

"It was pretty much common knowledge that Rendell is a Democrat."

That's not the point, of course.

The point is that when the press finds a vicious pedophile who is a Democrat, they just report that a pedophile was arrested.

If they find a jaywalker who is a Republican, the report that a Republican was arrested.

It's such common practice in the press that it's almost comical when they do it, and as Ann points out in this post, whenever you see a political bad news story that doesn't go to great lengths to point out the the bad guy is a Republican ... well that's how you know the pedophile is a Democrat.

The press is supposed to report the facts absent bias. And they claim to. But that claim is a lie.

Readers caught on once the press lost its grip on the means of distribution.

The internet set us free.

And yet, despite millions of lost readers, thousands of jobs lost, whole newspapers folded up ... and they still don't get it.

It's comical.

Chase said...

Are they Democrats or Republicans

Are we to assume that you are making the point that if they were Republicans it would certainly be mentioned?

Because it certainly would be mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're dating the Gores.

traditionalguy said...

That was a classy way to announce their divorce.

Anonymous said...

"Rendell has long been the subject of speculation involving younger women, typically leggy blonds. Rendell most recently turned heads last May when he arrived at a typical Election Day lunch at the Famous 4th Street Deli with Dr. Kirstin Snow, a state employee ..."

Show me a Republican who can fuck around on his aged wife with leggy blonds, going so far as to bring their fuck-buddies to political luncheons and the media not erect circus tents.

Show me a Republican politician who can fuck a state employee who works for him and not have that fact be splashed on the front pages for weeks.

Rendell has created a hostile work environment for every woman who works for the state of Pennsylvania who isn't fucking him.

It's just comical how deep Ed Rendell and the Democrats have their cocks shoved down the media's willing throats.

Chase said...

I think you're reaching on this one

I have somewhere a letter received from the Managing Editor of the Los Angeles Time form 4 years ago, where he responded to my letter stating that I was sick and tired of the Times always identifying the Heritage Foundation as a "'conservative' think tank" ahile the obviously left leaning Brookings Instituion was never identified in the Times as other than just "'Washington' think tank".

The editor agreed with me that it was unbalanced, and his soultion was that - rather than just say "think tank" for both, they would now identify Broookings as "liberal". He kept his word, at least for the remainder of the year, when I stopped my subscription because I read everything on the web.

Haven't checked in a while, but I was surprised at the editor's integrity.

coketown said...

At least in my state, it's common practice for newspapers to include the little R, D, or I (retard, dumbass, idiot?) after a politician's name, regardless of how well-known they are. I don't think Ann's stretching on this one.

Pointing out instances of Democrats not being identified as such in unflattering stories is a fun parlor game among conservatives that shouldn't be taken too seriously (sorry Steve). Another fun game is, "If this had happened to a Republican..." where instances of scandal, idiocy, or law-breaking are glossed over because the offender is a Democrat.

ken in tx said...

Booker T. Washington had the same problem 100 years ago. He said, words to the effect, that when a black man steals a chicken, it's in the headlines. When a black man goes to college, it is ignored.

Republicans are the new blacks.

Matt Brown said...

"... Rendell has long been the subject of speculation involving younger women, typically leggy blonds." Exactly how "leggy" does a woman have to be before she is called "leggy?"

le Douanier said...

"Show me a Republican who can fuck around"

What about "America's Mayor"?

Side note: Was the wife he was cheating on while he was mayor his second cousin, or was that an earlier wife? So confusing.

Anonymous said...

The big news on Philly.com isn't Rendell.

It's the new television show with Jennifer Beals, which is the lead story on Philly.com.

Rendell fucking around on his wife was the second story.

Second story.

Behind some third-rate cop show premiere.

What's amazing is that Rendell wasn't even intelligent enough to break this news yesterday at about 5pm during the Super Bowl.

What a maroon.

garage mahal said...

Conspiracy!!!! Lamestream Media!!11!!!!111!!!!!!1!!!

So much for conservatives being the rugged independent tough guy types eh. Non-stop back seat whining, 24/7.

ricpic said...

Rendell was interviewed on Parker/Spitzer and his sign off line to Elliot Spitzer was "Have fun with that younger woman."

Just good fun from one preyer to another.

Anonymous said...

"What about "America's Mayor"?

I said show me one who can fuck around without the media erecting circus tents.

Giuliani's affair was plastered all over the NY media for months.

The issue isn't politicians fucking around on their aged wives. Happens all the time.

The issue is how the media treats Democrats when they're caught doing it versus how they treat similarly situated Republicans.

The media is biased and cannot be trusted.

And this is the best indication of it. It's why they've lost their core of critical readers and are left with the coupon cutters. It's why they've lost advertisers, and jobs.

And it couldn't have happened to a better bunch of fucking scumbags.

ricpic said...

On the leggy question I'd say at least 5' 7".

Anonymous said...

"Exactly how "leggy" does a woman have to be before she is called "leggy?"

Depends on which Democrat she's banging.

Dennis Kucinich's wife takes the "leggy" prize.

le Douanier said...

"I said show me one who can fuck around without the media erecting circus tents."

How about Gingrich and Livingston?

pavlova8 said...

Why is that your major point of interest?

Humperdink said...

@Matt Brown..."... Rendell has long been the subject of speculation involving younger women, typically leggy blonds." Exactly how "leggy" does a woman have to be before she is called "leggy?"

The only one that comes to mind is my favorite lib antagonist Ann Coulter.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That was a good catch professor.

Rush first introduced me to this subtle form of media bias.

Trooper York said...

With leggy blondes we should use Peggy Lipton as our benchmark.

Anonymous said...

"How about Gingrich and Livingston?"

You know, Rendell could have at least had the common courtesy to wait until his wife was dead of cancer before he started banging state-paid whores.

At least John Edwards you know, waited until Elizabeth was going to die anyway before putting his cock all up in the campaign worker groupie sluts.

Have you no shame, Ed? Can't you wait until your wife contracts breast cancer before you start banging the roadies?

Trooper York said...

Or perhaps Angie.

Christy said...

So, I wonder if the Gov and the Judge ever cut dead any former spouse of a friend? I mean, who thinks about that unless it is rampant among their circle?

prairie wind said...

Coulter is not leggy. She's bony.

Harry said...

It's very similar to the way the media won't mention the race of the perpetrator of a heinous interracial crime if he's black, but would if he's white. That is, in black-on-white crime racism is never an issue; in white-on-black crime racism is always the primary issue.

This has gotten so obvious that when you read crime reports and race is not mentioned, you assume that the perpetrator is black; even my liberal friends have noticed this. By its studied avoidance of certain facts, the media forces people to draw their own inferences, and those inferences may not always be accurate.

Trooper York said...

Or Uma.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Or Elizabeth.

KCFleming said...

"Please do not hesitate to include both of us in social occasions..."

I for one find it wonderful that one's petty betrayals no longer cause social opprobrium.

Though it would have been even more impressive, modern, inclusive, and climate-diverse to have included each of the pretty young things he's slept with over the past 10 years in that invitation.

Certainly, in this nonpartisan media, they too would not find it awkward or uncomfortable.

Trooper York said...

Personally I prefer a leggy brunette like Diana.

Trooper York said...

Wait a minute......what are we talking about anyway?

coketown said...

@t-man: That's nothing. One time, I was in line behind my state's governor when his Macy's card was declined.

What a scoop. I should write for the Daily Beast.

Arcturus said...

Everyone in Philly who has any familiarity with Rendell knows he, shall we say, has always had an eye for the ladies. He even hit on me back in the day.

le Douanier said...

"t's very similar to the way the media won't mention the race of the perpetrator of a heinous interracial crime if he's black"

Hardly. In fact they even mention black perpetrators when there aren't black perpetrators, e.g. the R who carved a 'B' in her face, or Susan Smith.

BTW, I used google to remember Smith's name. It looks like blaming imaginary black men may be a reoccurring theme in our country.

Trooper York said...

Oh yeah. Crappy governors. Well that's nothing compared to the story that Laura Bush has to tell.

Unknown said...

Rendell has always been Mr Let's-Make-A-Deal going back to his days as a DA (plea bargaining was his best skill), so his desire to be included in even his wife's party invites "and other networking opportunities" comes as no surprise.

Rumor has it he's been going the Spitzer route and perhaps the Mrs finally had enough. I have a feeling Dr Snow is more for cover - he has, after all, been talked about as a VPOTUS possibility.

As to the nature of the article, never forget that the Inquirer was the breeding ground for the likes of Joe McGiniss, late stalker of former Gov Palin.

PS As always PB&J tries to present disinformation as truth. Any Republican politician even suspected of running around on his wife gets the 24/7 Alinskyizing. Suspicion Fast Eddie may be dating women who get paid for it is never mentioned, but that's the Inky for you.

Anonymous said...

Yorkie! Fix that UMA link.

It's dead.

And I wanna see that Uma.

(PS: Keep the leggy coming.)

Anonymous said...

It's very similar to the way the media won't mention the race of the perpetrator of a heinous interracial crime if he's black, but would if he's white.

"Police say the suspect is armed and dangerous, and urge anyone who sees him to call 911 immediately. He is in his early to middle 20's, about 5'10" tall, 175 to 185 pounds, with a close-cropped goatee, and wearing a brown leather jacket, blue jeans, and black sneakers."

Is something missing?


tim maguire said...

I'm missing something. They broke up very amicably; how does this reflect badly on them or Democrats?

Anonymous said...

"Is something missing?"


We have no idea what color socks this perp is wearing.

How are we supposed to single this guy out without knowing what color his socks are?

Could be anybody.

former law student said...

Is the professor's point that Republican divorces are all bitter and acrimonious? But doesn't she get along with her ex? If Meade, Althouse, and Mr. Ex were all invited to the same party, wouldn't they all go and all enjoy themselves? My feeling is that once you have loved someone you can never really hate that person, even if you can no longer live with them.

Chip Ahoy said...

Okay, I am getting so sick and tired of this crap. I have been an avid reader for a long time now and this used to be an interesting blog but now all I ever see is typical con this typical con that. It's all the regurgitated crap I see all over the place all over again on any given post on any given con site. I've had it up to here. * slices forehead * This blog has deteriorated so badly from something that used to be interesting to pure crap so now I must now say goodbye. I loose IQ points whenever I visit here. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.


Trooper York said...

It's not about them tim. It is about the media who don't tell us the true facts like that Obama is a Muslim and that Hillary had a baby with BatBoy.

Sharpen up.

Anonymous said...

"I'm missing something. They broke up very amicably; how does this reflect badly on them or Democrats?"

Let's see:

* The Governor of the state of Pennsylvania has been fucking around on his wife.

* The media have been covering it up for him.

* She graciously agreed to let him keep what little dignity he still possesses by not making it ugly for him.

But the fact remains that he's the leader of the Democrat Party in Pennsylvania and as a previous commenter noted a VPTOTUS wannabe.

And yet, he doesn't even have the decency to let his wife die of cancer before he starts putting his cock into the help?

He's fucking a state employee in his employ. Do you not see where that would be wrong?

Can you say "conflict of interest?" Can you say "hostile work environment?" Can you say "sexual harassment?"

How can this NOT reflect badly on Democrats?

Oh yea, it's because most Democrats are fucking scumbags like this fucking douche-nozzle Ed Rendell.

He fits right in with the Vera Baker crowd.

Toad Trend said...


Dark Eden said...

This is so blatant its even been turned into a game called "Name That Party" where you identify the party affiliation of a politician in a bad news story or scandal based solely on where in the story they identify the politician's party.

If its identified in the first line, the title, or before the name of politician, then you know its a Republican.

If its either not mentioned or mentioned 'below the fold' then you know its a Democrat.

Google "Name That Party" and you'll find thousands of examples of this.

former law student said...

Chip needs something to animate. Why not a picture of the Rendells separating?

Harry said...

1jpb said...In fact they even mention black perpetrators when there aren't black perpetrators, e.g. the R who carved a 'B' in her face, or Susan Smith.

In the cases you're talking about, it was the people reporting the fake crime who claimed the perpetrators were black. However, in recent years when a mob of black teens beats up a white person on a bus, or attacks white tourists in Baltimore, or goes wild in the Mayfair Mall, it is the practice of the media not to mention the racial aspect of the crime. Either you somehow haven't noticed or you're in denial.

former law student said...

Bruce -- assuming they met when they were both ADAs, at what career stage should they get divorced?

Anonymous said...

"Name that Party"

A variation on that game is "Name That Religion!"

Here ... let's play! Let's pick a random news site: CNN. Current front page!

The headline is: Jury finds New York TV executive guilty of murder for wife's beheading


Let's play: Name That Religion!

Nowhere in the story is it mentioned that the murderer is a Muslim!

No, he's a TV executive! Says he founded a Muslim TV program (but anybody could do that!)

Never says he's a Muslim. Or that the victim was a Muslim.

Actual be-heading's are occurring inside offices in the United States and the media refuse to print the salient fact:


le Douanier said...

"In the cases you're talking about, it was the people reporting the fake crime who claimed the perpetrators were black."

But, the media very clearly, and prominently, mentioned that the [imaginary] perps were black. You're claiming that the media hides this information.

And, how would you know about the black perps in your examples if it was never reported to the public?

And, along this line, how can cons say that the media always reports on cheating Rs? There could be all sorts of cheating Rs that we don't know about because the media isn't reporting on them. See, the problem here?

Anonymous said...

" ...assuming they met when they were both ADAs, at what career stage should they get divorced?"

Um ... the career stage when Democrat Ed Rendell started fucking state employees (creating a huge sexual harassment liability for the taxpayers of Pennsylvania).

Would that be an appropriate career stage to divorce this douchebag?

Anonymous said...

" ... how can cons say that the media always reports ..."

What are cons?

What do you mean "cons."

That's a buzzword ... a code-word.

Waht does it mean?

Is it short for "neo-cons."

Did you come here directly from Demorat Underground?

And why do you seem to have such an interest in defending what any reasonable person would call a despicable media practice?

Ypu seem to want us to think that it's OK that they deliberately mis-inform their readership for partisan political purposes.

That's not OK. It's immoral and unprofessional and every time the media do it we should call them out on it.

You should too.

Anonymous said...

"Chip needs something to animate. Why not a picture of the Rendells separating?"

Why not one of Democrat Ed Rendell cornholing that state tart he's been fucking on the taxpayer's dime?

Palladian said...

"Exactly how "leggy" does a woman have to be before she is called "leggy?""

Leggy, leggy, leggy, leggy, blondie, blondie, blondie, blondie.

MadisonMan said...

Who gets custody of the beautiful dogs?

MadisonMan said...

Normal people don't keep track of the governors of other states than their own.

For good reason. It's not interesting.

James said...

I'm always amused at the pretentiousness of PhDs insisting on being addressed as "Dr." Sorta like Dr. Jill Biden.


Meet Dr. Kirsten Snow, Part-time Professor

By Kendra Baker, student reporter

Dr. Kirstin Snow is new to Central Penn, but not new to teaching. This is her 14th year of teaching college courses. She has previously taught at Messiah College, Lebanon Valley College, Shippensburg University, and Duquesne University. Kirstin uses real world situations and also experiential learning to make the material taught in class relevant. When asked what she likes about teaching at Central Penn, Kirstin said, “I enjoy the flexibility of it and the small class sizes. It is easier to expose students to different situations and relate what I do for a living to the class I am teaching. I also enjoy the students a lot.”

While not teaching at Central Penn, she is the Director of Commonwealth Media Services (CMS). She manages 26 media professionals including photo journalists, videographers, designers, and producers. She is in charge of managing a $2.5 million-dollar budget and overseeing approximately 3,000 projects a year. CMS provides services to 30 clients throughout the Commonwealth including the Governor’s office. Kirstin likes the fact that her job is never boring and it is fast paced most of the time. The requirements for her job vary and she enjoys knowing that she influences political history in the making.

Kirstin and her husband of six years, Tim, have a son named Zane who will be five in a month. The family of three resides in Camp Hill. In Kirstin’s limited spare time she enjoys fishing, boating, racing cars with her father, traveling, and eating. She also plays violin in the West Shore Symphony. She was Miss Pennsylvania in 1994, which gave her the opportunity of a lifetime to compete in the Miss America Pageant. She has won a total of $30,000, which paid for her graduate education. She now volunteers for the Miss Pennsylvania organization.

As a previous student of Kirstin’s, I must say that she is one of a kind. I had her for a course called Media and Politics during the Spring 2008 term and it was one of the best classes I have had here. We had the chance to meet so many influential people like Secretary of State, Pedro Cortes, and Governor Ed Rendell. We also had the chance to see the media coverage on a historic Pennsylvania primary night and the No-Smoking Ban signed into law. She was generous, helpful, kind, and a fun person to be around.

Anonymous said...

Some years ago news reports of rioting in a British industrial town described the rioters as "Asian." I found it difficult to envision gangs of Chinese and Korean youths burning cars and looting stores. Only later did I find out that "Asian" means "Pakistani."


Mary Beth said...

They may not feel uncomfortable about socializing with each other but will their friends feel weird being somewhere with both of them?

MadisonMan said...

I don't think it's pretention to say you're a PhD when you're talking to a college newspaper reporter -- unless the PhD has nothing to do with the topic you're teaching, not clear if that's the case here. Having a PhD on a college campus connotes something. Not very much, sometimes, but it's hardly pretense to bring it up if you're teaching.

MadisonMan (PhD)

Palladian said...

I insist on being addressed as Palladian, MFA.

James said...

So outside of the university context you're generally introduced as Dr. MadisonMan?

le Douanier said...

"I'm always amused at the pretentiousness of PhDs insisting on being addressed as "Dr.""

I'm sure there's an exception for Dr. Laura. She thinks folks shouldn't get so worked up over particular identifiers, e.g. the N word.

But, she must be known as Dr. Laura.

I know who to call next time I have a physiology question.

le Douanier said...

Palladian,MfA [i.e. not Mr. Palladian] worked hard for that title.

Paco Wové said...

Paco Wové, Ph. D., here. All bow!!

cassandra lite said...

In California, 9th Circuit COA Judge Stephen Reinhardt is married to the exec director of the Southern California ACLU, Ramona Ripston. I don't believe Reinhardt has ever recused himself from adjudicating an issue in which the plaintiff or defendant was repped by the ACLU...and I can imagine plenty of opportunities for the good judge to let the missus in on some excellent legal dish. The possible pillowtalk improprieties are endless.

Anonymous said...

Tim Blair has long been reporting on the phenomenon of Men of no appearance

Men 2

Dustin said...

It's hilarious when we play 'name that party' that democrats (some of them) will pretend it was common knowledge.

It's a basic piece of data that should be included in the story. This is just obvious crap, even if you already knew it. When a story mentions Hubble, it should be mentioned it's a space telescope operated by NASA. When a someone talks about a the Texas Governor's mansion burning down, it should be mentioned it's in Austin.

That Rendell is a democrat is relevant to the story, since he is a major politician. If he were a Republican, it would be mentioned.

And you all get this. It's not outrageous to me, just pathetic, that the MSM tries so hard to spin. Sure, it helps a little, but it also ruins their credibility and makes them look petty.

le Douanier said...


Here's more info than you probably wanted:

In fact, it is impossible to know how many times I have actually recused myself from such cases because the Clerk’s office automatically assigns cases covered by my policy to panels of which I am not a member rather than to a panel I am on, as a result of this directive. Later, if there is an en banc call, I advise the Clerk to record the fact that I am recused and to notify the court.

Anonymous said...

Here's Tim Blair's take on a similar issue:

Men of no appearance

(I think the link filter ate my previous effort)

Unknown said...

1jpb said...

And, along this line, how can cons say that the media always reports on cheating Rs? There could be all sorts of cheating Rs that we don't know about because the media isn't reporting on them. See, the problem here?

By PB&J's reasoning, we should assume all Demos are on the take, rape every woman they encounter, and are functionally incompetent.

Anonymous said...

I must be crazy to want to go on this road trip. It would be wildly impractical in so many ways, with massive amounts of driving in a remote area where the few people I'd encounter probably don't speak English. I'd have to buy camping gear and rent a satellite phone. As I work on commission the several days this would require would mean no money earned.

Nonetheless, I have a strange desire to make the trip.


Calypso Facto said...

garage says: "Quit your bitchin' in the back of the bus!"

I'm Full of Soup said...

Palladian, MFA ?? Mofo Asshole? Heh. I am kidding.

john said...

Maybe the reporter botched describing this part, but the said "Dr." Snow obtained her PhD from Southwest University. However, this is an online college that their website indicates does not offer or award doctorates.

Maybe she actually fudged her credentials to get that state job, or her teaching position. Someone should look into that (ie, this story should have legs).

le Douanier said...

"we should assume all Demos are on the take, rape every woman they encounter, and are functionally incompetent."

At times it seems like some here are already assuming the third point. And, it does seem that some cons do assume the first point, from time to time.

So, I guess y'all could also finger your middle point when you compile your boilerplate list of assumptions re Ds.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I hate the Philly Inquirer but give them a pass on this. Everyone hereabouts knows Fat Eddie and his wife are far left librul tax & spend Dems.

The bigger issue is the Inquirer kept his philandering from its readers for years yet eagerly spread around the NYT story with the unsubstianted rumors about McCain & the lobbyist.

Fred4Pres said...

I bet they have hit on others while both of them have been at the same party in the past. They are progressive that way.

Fred4Pres said...

They were obviously rooting for Pittsburgh. What do you expect?

le Douanier said...

" yet eagerly spread around the NYT story with the unsubstianted rumors about McCain & the lobbyist"

Have they covered the boning Boehner buzz?

KCFleming said...

That's the point, jpb, innit?

The lefty media only reports the transgressions of their enemies.

The key concern is enemy, the actual transgression is immaterial.

Anonymous said...

Marjorie is one of those old fashioned lady names like Mabel.

Something extra funny about old lady names.

Unknown said...

1jpb said...

"we should assume all Demos are on the take, rape every woman they encounter, and are functionally incompetent."

At times it seems like some here are already assuming the third point. And, it does seem that some cons do assume the first point, from time to time.

So, I guess y'all could also finger your middle point when you compile your boilerplate list of assumptions re Ds.

All any need do is go by the behavior of prominent Democrats.

The performance of the current Administration bears out point 3.

Prominent Democrats regarding point 2 - Willie Whitewater, The Chap of Quiddick, the Friend of Angelo, etc.

The list confirming point 1 goes off the chart - Cold Cash Jefferson, Slobbering Barney, Charlie Rangel, and on and on.

And please note PB&J's less-than-cute attempt to invoke the Althouse Hillbillies trope. Given the behavior of SEIU, Common Cause, and The Zero's often errant middle finger, one would think he could appreciate his own side's vulnerability on that score.

But, then, he is a Kos troll.

I'm Full of Soup said...

PB&J does not get that Pogo. It would require he have the logic gene but libruls are born without that gene.

John Edwards -nothing to see here. Ed Rendell- ditto, Al Gore - ditto, Bill Clinton - ditto.

But Newt Gingrich cheated on his cancer stricken wife! Lindsay Grahm is not married so wink wink! Rudy Guliani is divorced and Catholic!

MadisonMan said...

So outside of the university context you're generally introduced as Dr. MadisonMan?

Never. But the article about Dr. Rendellflame was from a college paper about her teaching there. Very relevant.

(This story has legs: LOL)

traditionalguy said...

It says that Rendell's been married for 47 years to a woman called Midge. My guess is that she bugs him , or she is very short while Ed's dream is for a long legged woman.

Anonymous said...

Philadelphia is a one-party machine politics town. The article appeared on the Phila paper's web site. The governor is a former two-term mayor of Philadelphia and before that he was our D.A. No one reading that paper needed to be reminded of Fast Eddie's political affiliation.

Ann Althouse said...

former law student said... "Is the professor's point that Republican divorces are all bitter and acrimonious? But doesn't she get along with her ex? If Meade, Althouse, and Mr. Ex were all invited to the same party, wouldn't they all go and all enjoy themselves?"

1. No.

2. Neither I nor my ex-husband is or ever was a Republican. Especially not him.

3. Yes.

4. We didn't send out a notice telling people to invite us to the same parties.

le Douanier said...


How can you write that I don't get that the left has problems? It's especially odd that you'd do so immediately after I gave you a link that indicated (according to the NYP) that the NYT was ready to drop a story (sans proof) against Boehner.

In fact, I regularly take shots at the left. Another example (in this thread) was my shot at Boxer, as I followed up w/ Palladian.

I sometimes assume that some of you miss my, not all that rare, un-left efforts because you're projecting your own unflappable partisan loyalty onto me.



Hey, boys and girls, let's a game of "Guess The Party"!!!!!!!

k said...

Thank you for the link, Palladian. That song is all I can think of when I hear the phrase "leggy blonde." (And I miss the Conchords.)

The Ghost said...

Sorry Ann, but you're completely out in space here. It's a Philly site, and Ed Rendell's party affiliation is slightly less well known than the President's.

I know, it's hard for blogger chauvinist types to understand that not all news articles are written for their linking benefit.

le Douanier said...

"4. We didn't send out a notice telling people to invite us to the same parties."

Does Althouse really not understand that the Rendell's social schedule is on the opposite side of the (proverbial) universe, when it's compared to her own?

You'd think that she could imagine that right coast high fliers have nothing in common w/ her Madison professor existence. But, I guess not.

geokstr said...

Newsbusters.org has an ongoing game called "Name that Party" where they have been documenting this for years, ad nauseum.

If a D is caught doing anything wrong, he is almost never identified as a D, if the story is reported at all, which it often isn't, on all the alphabet news stations and fishwraps.

But let an R do anything at all that the media even thinks might be potentially wrong (even if it likely isn't), he's ID'd as an R in the headline, and the rest of the story is about whether this spells the end of the Republican Party for all time.

geokstr said...

Newsbusters.org has an ongoing game called "Name that Party" where they have been documenting this for years, ad nauseum.

If a D is caught doing anything wrong, he is almost never identified as a D, if the story is reported at all, which it often isn't, on all the alphabet news stations and liberal fishwraps.

But let an R do anything at all that the media even thinks might be potentially wrong (even if it's just speculation or gossip), and he's ID'd as an R in the headline, and the rest of the story is about whether this spells the end of the Republican Party for all time.

Automatic_Wing said...

Marjorie? Damn! I might have known.

Amos said...


Right, I mean a local newspaper would assume that everyone knew the political party of the governor. I mean, Rendell is SUPER famous - more famous than any governor I can think of, either in or out of his state. You know, since everyone knows that the electrons you put on the Interwebs are meant only and exclusively for a particular community.

Wait. Oh, you mean the Sac Bee mentions Arnold Schwarzenegger's party? Well, hell, you righty fascists, NOBODY knows who he is. You have to mention that. Or they're going above and beyond. But it's common knowledge and common practice to leave out a politicians political party. It takes so much effort to type (D) or (R). I was barely able to do it right there, myself.

Peter Hoh said...

FOX News has a different policy when it comes to identifying politicians: label scandal-plagued Republicans as Democrats.

Freeman Hunt said...

"We are a political power couple, therefore our marriage, and the failing thereof, is secondary to any political networking opportunities you may wish to offer us. Please do not worry yourself that the emotional upheaval of ending a forty year marriage will be bothersome for us. Such upset will be far less than any upset we might experience from perceiving that we have lessened our individual political forces by dissolution of our union."

Freeman Hunt said...

Her position was appointed, his elected. She'll keep her clout by force of her position alone. I think she should tell him to go socially pound sand.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think it's humorous that press releases about divorces always describe the divorces as "amicable."

"Amicable divorce" is equivalent to "Bigfoot" or "Yeti."

Jeff with one 'f' said...

Fast Eddie was wel-known in Philly in the 90'sas a rounder. While mayor he got got handsy with an attractive reporter in the back of a limo- while she was interviewing him. She reported it but everyone treated it as a joke at the time.

This was after Anita Hill but pre-Paula Jones.

cassandra lite said...

You're actually trying to prove that Reinhardt dutifully recuses himself from matters that intersect with the ACLU by sending the judge's explanation WHY HE REFUSES TO RECUSE HIMSELF on a matter? Really? Seriously? In any event, his refusal and reasoning make my point. He refers only to "my wife," not to the ACLU in general. More pertinently, the parties in this motion to recuse obviously had reason to believe that Reinhardt had a conflict of interest, given his marriage to Ripston and her position in the ACLU. He declined on emotional grounds, tenuously legal, including what he considers an updated definition of marriage that, according to him, doesn't apply to his own relationship. Tautology, at best. Thanks for bolstering my comment.

David R. Graham said...

A fun post and comments!

"So, I wonder if the Gov and the Judge ever cut dead any former spouse of a friend? I mean, who thinks about that unless it is rampant among their circle?"

So, I say yes, point taken, but does that cut to the heart of it? Don't people in *that* circle (at least) count on regular, free association within the circle to keep their "marriages" "stable" (the Elizabethan correlate of "genteel")? Both the males *and* the females? And cut dead those not functioning to expectation?

So something caused this particular "marriage" to sunder despite the arrangement of many years' standing? Perhaps someone was getting old (non-functioning), or perhaps someone wasn't? Who knows outside the circle?

Ego is ever young, body and mind notwithstanding.

In any case, it is a shameful display, but the principals are unashamed.

David R. Graham, MDiv.

le Douanier said...


All I was doing was giving you more information. Your original comment suggested that he had never "recused himself from adjudicating an issue in which the plaintiff or defendant was repped by the ACLU."

Hence my link contained:

"Proponents additionally suggest that I must recuse myself due to specific ACLU/SC litigation activities. I have long had a policy regarding any conceivable conflict that might result from such activities. I do not participate in any actions by this court when the organization of which my wife is the Executive Director makes any appearance or files any brief, amicus or otherwise, before this court. The clerk’s office was notified of this policy many years ago and it has been implemented in numerous cases. In fact, it is impossible to know how many times I have actually recused myself from such cases because the Clerk’s office automatically assigns cases covered by my policy to panels of which I am not a member rather than to a panel I am on, as a result of this directive. Later, if there is an en banc call, I advise the Clerk to record the fact that I am recused and to notify the court."

Presumably you can see that you were completely wrong when you assumed that he doesn't recuse himself whenever "the plaintiff or defendant was repped by the ACLU." BTW, how does my demonstrating that your assertion was 100% wrong bolster your assertion?

Assuming that you are willing to acknowledge the "crushingly obvious" re his documented recusals re the ACLU, are you now suggesting that he should also recuse himself when his wife and/or the ACLU express opinions outside of his court room. [You may want to think about Thomas before you answer that.]

William said...

The dog that didn't bark: The article did not post a picture of Dr. Snow. If Rendell had been a Republican, there would have been a picture of Dr. Snow in a swimsuit or, ideally, lingerie....Dr. Snow has an iffy kind of PhD, but anyone who has gone to the Miss America pageant has solid credentials in my book. In the article it states that she appeared in an infomercial for DivorceDoneRight.com. Does this kind of publicity make her a more effective salesoman for this organization?

Shipping / Receiving said...
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Shipping / Receiving said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jcr said...

>If they find a jaywalker who is a Republican, the report that a Republican was arrested.

And if some nutjob shoots a democrat in the head, they report that Sarah Palin drove him to it, bought him the ammo, and lent him the gun, while Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh cheered him on.

Fen said...


Eric Fuller's radicalization by the MSM is ignored, while same MSM call for FOX News to be silenced.

Common Cause's racist hate-speech and threats of violence are ignored, while they search for racism at Tea Party rallies.

This is why we hate them.

Jeff H said...

"The point is that when the press finds a vicious pedophile who is a Democrat, they just report that a pedophile was arrested.

If they find a jaywalker who is a Republican, the report that a Republican was arrested."

I'm reminded of the (perhaps anecdotal) story of a headline in the old Soviet party propaganda rag Tass touting "Soviet driver places second in race, US driver next to last". There were, of course, only 2 drivers in the race.

FrancisChalk said...

To those who dismiss the refusal of the media outlet to identify Rendell as a Democrat as any indication of bias, I say: "been all the way to Reading and back eh?" Try getting out a little beyond your microscopic world of what's up in Philly. The Leftist Philly rag that published this article purposefully omitted the (D)for the sole purpose of confusing the generally ignorant public, and as is quite obvious from the comments by many of the naive: mission accomplished!

damikesc said...

I wonder if our President will have this amicable divorce's dirty laundry aired....you know like he did with Ryan and his amicable sealed divorce to Jeri Ryan.

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Hayden, early in the posting:

Perhaps you are right about spousal involvements in powerful positions. But as the powerful practically form their own species, we mere mortals are going to be awfully busy prying them apart; they're "powerfully" attracted to one another, much as I love my do-nothing, couch-potato-ey husband. I would suggest that you check out the recent mention of Mrs. Justice Thomas is [would like to be]up to.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

"Show me a Republican who can fuck around on his aged wife with leggy blonds, going so far as to bring their fuck-buddies to political luncheons and the media not erect circus tents." uhh...how about John Ensign? And thats for starters. Of course the Republicans are more famous for bringing their little Twinks to these types of affairs.

Jim O said...

Here, my friends, is the quintessential example:Bernie Madoff.

cassandra lite said...


You keep pointing to the issue of whether Reinhardt should be recuse when his wife is directly involved. But as I noted earlier, the parties to the motion to recuse you cited earlier had reason to believe that he ought to recuse himself from adjudicating the matter before him because of his marriage. The standard is appearance of impropriety, and in their opinion he crossed it. He disagreed. Ergo, no recusal. Ripston is a direct party to relatively few actions that come before the 9th Circuit, since she's (still) exec dir of Socal ACLU and the 9th Circuit covers a colossally large area of the U.S. It would be folly to think, however, that the judge doesn't hear or overhear matters that will or may come before the court, given that the national ACLU has such reach. I did not say, if you'll reread, that he's "never" recused himself. I said that I'm unaware of his recusals from matters represented by the ACLU. And I'm still unaware. The memorandum you linked to explains why his relationship is NOT ipso facto grounds for recusal, because his wife is "an independent woman." Such stinging reasoning, don't you think? I happen to play poker monthly with a judge from the California Court of Appeal, and though he's from a different district, he insists that I not talk to any of the other players while he's at the table about this fascinating investigation I've been conducting for three years on the one-in-a-gillion chance that there might be an en banc. That is to say, he has a higher and, in my opinion, more ethical, threshold than Reinhardt does, even if you judge only by the memo you linked. As for Mrs. Thomas--you really jumped the shark there. But since you asked.... Yes, if one of her firm's clients has business before the Court, I'd expect Justice Thomas to recuse. Now let me ask you: Do you expect Judge Kagan to recuse herself from the Obamacare matter?

former law student said...

If Rendell had been a Republican, there would have been a picture of Dr. Snow in a swimsuit or, ideally, lingerie

I have never seen a picture of the woman Newt Gingrich left his cancer-stricken wife for.

Hey, would John Edwards have been a more sympathetic candidate if he had formally ditched Elizabeth before taking up with his bimbo?

former law student said...

Thanks, professor.

So we know at least that some non-Republicans have amicable divorces.

I'm still pondering why that SacBee column linked in a comment identified Jerry Brown as a Democrat and Schwarzenegger as a Republican.

Bill said...

'"... Rendell has long been the subject of speculation involving younger women, typically leggy blonds."
Exactly how "leggy" does a woman have to be before she is called "leggy?"'

How feminine does a woman have to be before she is called "blonde"?

Anonymous said...

Random thought: lot's of use of the word, "fuck" here; I don't have prudery issues, but just the feeling that it always accompanies anger at this point and at the least underscores a small vocabulary.
Not so random: To Cassandra Lite
Bad analogy - Mrs. Justice Thomas to Elana Kagen. Mrs. JT has political consulting firm and yes, if one of her clients came before the court, JT should recuse. Does Justice Kagen have healthcare connections? On the board of a hospital or insurance company? All justices get appointed by presidents, so if she had to recuse herself every time a case intersects something to do with an Obama White House initiative, she'd never sit on a case. It's so obviously not a good comparison that in rereading my explanation, I'm doubting myself for HAVING to explain it. Jeez, gotta go use my intellect for the hand laundry or something........

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