I've already blogged the text. That's done! No more fretting over typing out what the Prez is saying in real time. Been there. Done that. This post is for everything else. What are they wearing? Who's falling asleep? What was that funny look? Where did he stumble over the text? All style and no substance, except to the extent that style is substance, baby.
UPDATE: Thanks for keeping this going in the comments. I don't have much to say about the visuals. The House fixtures looked surprisingly shabby on HDtv. Obama spoke slowly, had some gray hair, and made stabbing gestures with the pinched-together fingers of his left had. The mixing of the Democrats and Republicans in the audience really did — as critics warned — have the effect of making it look as though everyone supported him, but perhaps the demonstrations of support were a bit more toned down than they would have been if the parties had kept separated.
UPDATE 2: Instapundit has a grim screen capture. Was O's suit that blue?!
AND: As for that look, I think that's the Boris Karloff look.
CONFESSION: I slept through parts of it.
२०४ टिप्पण्या:
204 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I'd like to see Boehner doing a sudoku.
And then, to kick it up a notch, slam it down when he realizes he's f-ed it up.
That would be cool.
If I go to bed right now I'll be able to sleep 7 and 1/2 hours.
The text is usually all I'm exposed to. On the west coast I'm usually still at work when the SOTU starts.
Plus, I prefer to text over audio and video anyway. It lets me focus on content instead of style.
Do we get to vote for:
Cutest Couple in the audience?
How about Unlikeliest.
Most Likely to Succeed.
I was about to say I can't watch because I canceled my cable and don't have any tv, but apparently you can watch this stuff live on hulu...you can even pick your news channel! And watch the pre game. Cool!
That said, I doubt I can deal with the actual SOTU.
I see Roberts is there..
I've got it muted with text on--can't STAND to hear sound of his voice..
wV: stfart---LOL
Apparently all the ladies are forced to wear red jackets (but no red suits).
Lots of familiar faces in the SOTU crowd. A real collection of human garbage.
OMG, Michelle's dress. I swear I saw her SPANX when she hugged that lady. Horrifying. That is one wide load.
The Ensign or the Chief Justice?
wv= mingl [have they turned the lights down low?]
Oh, there he is! The Jive Turkey!
Prof. Thanks for your blogging. Things are good in Chicago. We are helping the next Mayor (Rahm). He will be the POTUS in 2020 after many years as the Mayor.
I also want to see Joe Wilson yell, "STFU you POS" at the POTUS during the SOTU.
I dont see Gifford's husband next to Michelle..
All the lib judges there.. including Kennedy.
OMG the Sotomayor hair from behind is a NIGHTMARE. The Kagan hair. Balding. I don't think I can survive this, just on style alone.
I STILL think it bad form for EITHER the JCS or the SCOTUS to EVER attend what is a political event.
I was kind of hoping Cantor would saunter up to Pelosi and punch her back twice as hard.
Alas, Cantor appears to be a pussy.
I see Boehner's wearing a lilac tie in memory of Pelosi's purple victory suit.
Wolf Blitzer was just trying to sell the idea that Obama's tie (purple) is symbolic and chosen carefully. Yes, Obama's tie represents the political parties, but Michelle's red dress did not represent the political party of her guest.
lots of gray in his hair tonight, daughter 4 noticed he hasn't said 'um' yet, daughter 3 thinks he said we were a democracy and that Boehner looks bored.
Enough already. Bring on Michelle Bachmann.
I wonder if Pelosi Galore and Lurch will bring their real faces.
Boehner looks ill.
daughter 3 is on a roll --
our paychecks aren't bigger - we're just able to keep more of it, lol
He's trying so hard to be inspirational and falling flat.
I must sort my sock drawer...I'm out.
Well, about fifteen minutes in, all Obama has to say is how we voters sent him and the rest to Washington to do stuff to enable us to succeed.
No, O. We sent lots of people in 2010 just to get you jerks out of the way.
You can also watch the speech with supplementary charts and graphs here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/state-of-the-union-2011
Because you're too fucking stupid to watch a speech without visual aids.
Blinky blinky. Finger pointy.Hands fluttering.
"Vacant store fronts, shuttered windows." How about DESERTED OIL RIGS?
Fishing boats sitting in the dock?
Coal mines silent??
Light bulb factories shut down?
How bout that, HUH?
Another pull on the bottle is appropriate.
...I know things are tough out there, but please be assured that Michelle and I are having a great time.
He's using a new concerned cadence I hadn't heard before.
"We're the home of the worlds _best_ colleges and universities"
"Bring on Michelle Bachmann."
Yea, baby!
Let's hope she fires at these fuckers with both barrels and remains on target long enough to strike a blow for Tea Partiers across all battle lines, demolishing all opposition in her path.
And does so in a stylish dress and coquettish demeanor.
Obama sounds hollow..
You did not get my Ensign Roberts joke!
I can't stop watching Obama's eyes shift between the teleprompter and the audience.
Glowering look. Eyes meeting the teleprompter. Hey, this is mah moment!
This is mah time!
This is mah inspiration for y'all!
EW, what's wrong with Gary Locke's eye? EW! It's all bloody!
"The future is ours to win."
Manifest Destiny--to the future! He's sounding pretty jingoistic with all this talk about kicking every other country's ass. It's so Bushian.
@ May Bee
I noticed this seemingly labored new enunciation style.
Obama sounds defeated
Oh, he thinks JFK invented wishful thinking. And now he can, too.
"I can't stop watching Obama's eyes shift ..."
Yeah, they're kinda shifty, ain't they?
"We're the home of the worlds _best_ colleges and universities"
That's true. Schools like Harvard & Yale have sent thousands of misguided grads to our Capitol where they work hard at wrecking the country.
And for that, the rest of the world is thankful and so they rank those colleges among the best!
THAT'S IT! Solar shingles!
You did not get my Ensign Roberts joke!
Sorry. too obscure for me ;)
He's also dipping down into his "husky" register to express real caring. Michelle did this in her in person pitch in Copenhagen to get the Olympics and it sounded so phony.
And Utopian vehicles!
Every time I see the acronym for State of the Union I think STFU. Why is that?
Yesterday's energy...
Obama you are it!
Is Os hair gray, or not gray?
(I'm not watching because I dislike seeing our elected representatives jump up and down at applause lines like trained seals.
If they learned to toss beach balls back and forth with their noses, I would watch.)
That "clean energy" pitch fell flat.
Did he just say "think about it"?
He's confusing college degrees with education...
Let me sum up the speech in the words of the inimitable Buzz Lightyear.
To infinity and beyond.
We need more taxes, regulations, and 2000+ page legislative bills passed. That will save us.
"We are in a race between education and disaster." *
*Put 2 dollars on disaster..
Replacing No Child Left Behind?! Is that any way to honor Ted Kennedy?
I actually do like what I'm hearing about education policy.
Public education stinks so instead of just dumping more money, we're going to dump money and add regulation -- yah - that will work. He's holding his hands as if he's holding all those students and schools in his hands - as they race to the top.
homeschoolers -- no government help - there's a reason those kids are generally better educated.
Hillary looks like she just got out of the shower.
"Obama sounds defeated ... "
No he doesn't.
You know what he sounds like? He sounds like a man who has run out of ideas. Who has, after two short years, exhausted his repertoire of Saul Alinsky's trite tricks.
Anybody who believes that Facebook represents the best of what America can produce is a fucking buffoon - bereft of any knowledge of our history or any respect for our capabilities.
He knows he is surrounded now by his own people ... devoted to the singular purpose of ensuring that his political career is finished ... not because he is black, or because he was a bad person, but because his ideas are fucking moronic.
He surrounded himself with the people who brought him to power and they fucked it up for him, and now he's throwing every single one of them under a bus.
But he has nowhere to go.
Nowhere to hide.
He'll limp out the next two years passing proclamations.
He should save us the trouble and leave a winner.
@ David:
1. "I'm not watching because I dislike seeing our elected representatives jump up and down at applause lines like trained seals."
Actually it's a really sedate affair, the vibe could be described as "Benedryl Cocktail Hour".
2. Also, Hair = Peppery-Salt in color
This is the quietest SOTU ever!!
False enthusiasm falling flat.
Phoney, phoney, phoney.
Where's the beef?
You did not get my Ensign Roberts joke!
Mistah Roberts, He Dead.
Oral defecation.
"Hillary looks like she just got out of the shower."
Hillary looks like she hasn't taken a shower in quite some time.
I give up (about 25 minutes in). This speech is like Postum. He's not saying anything substantial. Maybe he'll get to that late in the speech, when only the liberals are left watching and listening.
I'll take democrats seriously on education when they agree to abolish the teachers union and allow competition and choice.
Is he going to start singing a Bruce Springsteen song shortly?
q12345q6789 said...
@ David:
Actually it's a really sedate affair, the vibe could be described as "Benedryl Cocktail Hour".
Let me know if they start throwing beachballs with their noses.
Everyone is wearing the Tuscon shooting black and white ribbon.
The reason.com liveblog had a great comment about the speech: "this is like a Bruce Springsteen b-side".
I like Bruce, but -- yeah.
There is no reason to spend money on college degrees for 50+ year-olds. It is a drain, it puts upward pressure on tuition, and diverts scholarship money away from young struggling students and gives it to bored housewives whose husbands don't want to finance their latest whim.
There ARE a lot of red blazers out there -- solidarity with Michelle O's state dinner dress perhaps?
Biden looks like he still can't believe the dems were able to pull it off and get the white house and that he's vp.
Kerry looks ill
wv: snersh -- Kerry looks snershed
Poor Obama - he so badly wants to rule and do so much good, but he was outwitted ab initio by a bunch of dead white males
AJ Lynch- I didn't mean to comment on the substance. I was trying to find a way to write out his new cadence. He gets kinda breathy on a word or two every sentence.
I heard today that Obama has not spoken to six of his Cabinet heads in his first two years in office.
Therefore, I suggest those six departments be dissolved and their budgets be zeroed out ASAP.
We are going to ride that high speed rail right out of this recession!!
Facebook? I've heard of it... sounds familiar... Yeah! Now I remember. Sarah Palin has a li'l ol' Facebook page.
If Boehner has any balls, he'll reach down and slap that jive turkey upside the head.
We'll see.
The speach is a rippoff of Bill Clintons bridge to the 21st century..
Obama makes a joke about avoiding TSA pat-downs on hi-speed rail.
"I'll take democrats seriously on education when they agree to abolish the teachers union and allow competition and choice."
I'll take them seriously when they stop raping our children.
Dead white males opposed everything Obama has proposed!! Starting with this!:
In July, 1798, Congress passed, and President John Adams signed into law “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen,” authorizing the creation of a marine hospital service, and mandating privately employed sailors to purchase health care insurance.
This legislation also created America’s first payroll tax, as a ship’s owner was required to deduct 20 cents from each sailor’s monthly pay and forward those receipts to the service, which in turn provided injured sailors hospital care. Failure to pay or account properly was discouraged by requiring a law violating owner or ship’s captain to pay a 100 dollar fine.
What does Obama not get about Founding Father Factlessness and Fetishism that all the ignorati do?
Obama. Get with the program. We don't have money to spend on infrastructure. In fact, we spent $250 billion in 2006 on infrastructure.
This high speed rail--
--emphasis is a total non-starter. We don't need fast trains. The northeast corridor wants high speed rail. The rest of us don't care.
Hey - Iowa and Alabama. I grew up in one and live in the other. Don't worry Obama - even though you mentioned us in the SOTU, we still don't like you.
"Obama makes a joke about avoiding TSA pat-downs on hi-speed rail."
This is a signal to the terrorist what the next target should be. He's actually telling them where our security is weakest.
This guy isn't just a buffoon ... he's dangerous and puts American lives at risk with this sort of stupid fucking comment.
Oh gawd he made the
without the patdown ...
Bribe -slash -lie.
Anyone over the age of fifteen should remember or know about the bombings in London and Madrid.
Sorry to harp on this but holy PollyAnna.
Did a twenty year old write this speech?
And You May Ask Yourself
What Is That Beautiful House?
And You May Ask Yourself
Where Does That Highway Go?
And You May Ask Yourself
Am I Right?...Am I Wrong?
And You May Tell Yourself
Someone wake up Althouse.
So he said a few minutes ago he was going to take $4 billion from the oil industry and give it to the clean energy industry, and now he's complaining about our tax code favoring some industries over the other.
Obama has not said what the state of the union is.. 45 minutes in
The Golden Spike was the first step in bringing Marxism to America.
"Did a twenty year old write this speech?"
Obama's principal speechwriter will turn 29 this year.
Terrorists don't need a heads up from Obama on this.
They've been bombing trains for decades-just ask India.
This is more of the same from Democrats-they have their heads buried in the sand.
We need government "investments" to do everything. We are blind and helpless with out government "investments".
Lem said...
Obama has not said what the state of the union is..
He's showing, not telling.
Obama has not said what the state of the union is..
We are now a banana republic.
...pre-Mugabe, stage one.
That is funnny. Althouse may have fallen asleep.
Iraq and Afghanistan.. what happened?
What debt?
I'm done. So boring. Lots of empty seats. And no close-ups of Rand Paul. He's such a dreamboat.
Obama should propose that public servants get paid to do NOTHING! That is the way the Founders wanted it. Public salary, do nothing! If the government does anything it will kill our freedoms!1!1!!! FOREVER11!!!!!!!!
Obama's principal speechwriter will turn 29 this year..
Well they need to fire the kid or some "adult" beside Obama should have to read it before it hits the teleprompter.
I'm also curious why the TSA wouldn't be in charge of any government-run high speed rail system. There's no guarantee they wouldn't be there, checking bags, giving handjobs, and making like generally miserable.
Enough with the opening act. We want...
Bachmann! Bachmann! Bach...
Obamacare - Hey “Anything can be improved”! Then why did they shove it down our thoats? The mess is clearly untenable.
what the hell is his Asian fixation?
China might have high speed rail but a large portion of the country doesn't have a pot to piss in-quite literally.
The Car in the ditch is now the plane without an engine.
Money that goes to tax breaks is not really money. It's FREEDOM! (For China).
How about when China-all of it- gets indoor plumbing-then and only then we'll match them on the high speed rail.
Better yet: When China gets freedom and democracy then they can get our money.
"The Car in the ditch is now the plane without an engine."
But he thinks that the way to lighten the load is to take all the oil out of the engine, and tie the propellers down with red tape.
And how will the plane fly then, Mr. President?
madawaskan- yeah, I was just thinking someone should have taken him to a public toilet while he was in China.
Freeze domestic spending for five years? Piss off. That's not a cut nor is it savings. The democrat's trillions and trillions of dollars in debt cannot simply be "frozen".
Too busy watching Ohio State put the smackdown on Purdue.
Boehner looks like he's bored to tears - like he's having to sit through a beginner violin recital.
Fair Tax - YES!
Quick! He just used a conjunction! Get him, boys!
Wow Obama made a marijuana joke..
This is the president we got people.
i will veto it...and this time i'm serious!
All the wisdom of a street-corner jive turkey..
Bachmann. Bachmann. Bach...
BOooh! Obama is bad!11!
The line about things getting complicated when the salmon gets smoked was pretty funny.
(Throws spitballs).
"smoked salmon"
That was the most awkward joke delivery / audience response EVAR!
I know I'm being snarky, but snark is all that is keeping this interesting.
Did Republicans made too much of "earmarks"? Obama's gonna veto 'em ALL NOW! Sooo... Congress will start calling them something else now?
It took a while for the general to realise he was praising the soldiers
Obama and the dems are going to further reduce our healthcare costs. LOL. With trillions and trillions of new unfunded mandates, more red tape, never ending government agencies, and punitive tax rates on the already bled-dry private sector.
You go, Obama!
"That was the most awkward joke delivery / audience response EVAR!"
That's because it reminded everyone that Obama still smokes.
And salmon is controversial among the New Agers and Greenies.
Oh! He just said, "Ta-LEEH-bahn."
Obama is boring us. Like a teacher assigned to a special needs class, he needs to make this more interesting and participatory. Involve the audience more, somehow. Stop making this government thing so removed from us! We want participation. And lobbying! LET US IN! LORD OF THE FLIES RULES YOU SNOBBY ELITIST INTELLECTUAL!
Ritmo is really bringing the clever tonight.
When Obama proposes sensible ideas, it just makes us inferior for not having thought of them. What an asshole.
Who is he to tell us that life isn't perfect? Who is he to tell us that there are national problems worth addressing? Jerk.
hey Obama got his gray back..
wasaup with that?
This is less a "State of the Union" than a "State of The Last Year of My Speeches Greatest Hits".
Except that apparently if China has 90% extreme poverty but also has more high-speed rail - We should be more like China.
Obama got gray.. but no groove
Tunisia?.. is that a lost aunt?
wv slump..
Three Obama SOTU speeches down and only one to go!
And what about all those pat-downs, red-light cameras, and wild car chases, sucka!
Eleven cops down in 24hrs. Seems like folks are a tad on edge. Sucka.
Mary Beth said...
Everyone is wearing the Tuscon shooting black and white ribbon.
It's Civility Chic.
AJ Lynch said...
That is funnny. Althouse may have fallen asleep.
She's so bored she and Meade went upstairs to proclaim the state of their union.
How dare Obama praise China for doing anything worth learning from? They are a poor country run by communists and therefore CAN'T DO ANYTHING WELL. AT. ALL.
They can't even use utensils. Obama is stupid.
@Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene
One can usually spot a moby not by the words they write, but by the amount of caps they use to make their point.
I think that more people would support R&D expenditures, Big Infrastructure Revitalization efforts, etc., etc. - IF we still had *any* faith in the political class and it's hand-maiden bureaucracy and special interest crony-corruption.
OMG, he's s-t-i-l-l talking!
@Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene
You've made a tremendous point with your posts;
which is that you got nothing.
"The future is ours to win."
Somewhere in the background Michelle is singing, "Que sera, sera".
WV "gunke" (no kidding) And so appropriate.
Quiet Scott. Obama is stupid and you know it. He is praising the feats of a country that can't. even. use utensils.
What a tool. What an imbecile.
@ Quayle
it is a troll.
do not feed the trolls.
The best line he might have saved it for last.
American exceptionalism.
Obama is running for president again.
Bachmann. Bachmann. Bach...
Don't get me wrong. I was so impressed with Scott and Quayle's reasoning skills that I thought of going the non-satire route. But it didn't make the point as well.
So I am just trying to see things their way.
The way Obama says "Tali-bahn", I always think that would be a good name for a Bollywood dance group.
Keep it together Boehner!
Hold it in... You can do it!
Oh.. is he? uhh...
Didn't cry!
Good job, my man.
Do not feed trolls.
Ah, yes, sorry.
Althouse: Jeez it's 10:10 and the president is still at it- did he start speaking at 9PM sharp?
"The future is ours to win"
Well, aside from the fact that we had already won it and decided to parcel it out while mainlining progressive pablum, doesn't "winning" the future denote exceptionalism and competition?
I mean...how can we be one on this Spaceship Earth if WE beat the living shit out of everyone else trying for it? Doesn't the very concept of winning cut against the liberal gib?
3 or 4 hour day..
That's overtime for Obama ;)
Right. So much less credible a character than someone who calls "himself" "123456789"!
The state of our union is strong..
My name is 109234748539849573458897345 and I am here to say that there are people here, who don't go by mere numbers alone in referring to themselves, who should just NOT be taken seriously.
Only the number-people are serious. 1203973547309034508350945494
There were several moments when it was abundantly clear that he was holding in a fart. That was the most riveting part of the speech.
"We do big things!"
Smallest round of applause thus far.
"The State of our Union is Strong."
Phew! I was worried.
I wish he'd just said that at the beginning. And saved me some time.
HI there 2349045787. 20342803247 here. I just wanted to let you know that I got your message about 20394802047. What a jerk that guy is. I don't think he should ever speak to 2398427945793457 again. I know that me and 23942796761 will never give him the time of day for as long as I live. That's what he gets for doing what he did to 203428734972379.
Yours truly,
First post-SOTU media question: how did the mixed seating "sell" at home?
Wow. That's all you got?
The future is ours to tax and spend, and create all sorts of new government agencies that will lower your healthcare costs.
Llllllllllllllooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn gggggggggggggggggg speech.
moving forward going forward into the future going forward freeze high speed freeze oil companies bad don't add to the deficit but spend and move forward frivolous tax codes veto ears and pets moving forward as one into the future our courages men and women in uniform moving forward into a strong future as one
Dr. Kutner is on at the white house
You are using irony! You MOBY!
I am on to you and this irony thing of yours! Your attempts to point out the inconsistencies in my reasoning will. not. work!
I am entitled to make no sense at all and don't you forget it. MOBY!!!!
Am I the only that thinks that "future" line may turn into his WIN button?
Or that business about shared leadership (or whatever it was) was him saying, "I lost"?
The only thing he didn't say was, "Try to say something good about America".
Since LBJ, State of Union speeches over one hour:
LBJ: 1
Clinton: 7
Obama: 2
All others: 0
I saw by the picture at Instapundit that John Boehner not only has a better tan than Biden, he's darker than Obama. Obama's sporting the gray hair again, too.
So are we agreed?
Obama is stupid, boring and useless. And his hair is sooooo not like Ronald Reagan's.
His Brylcreem is not conservative enough.
Did he say anything - or did he just ramble?
wv: berneure --- what Obama just dumped on us.
Instead of wasting his time going on and on about transportation, education and science, Obama should have just lowered his head and blasted a big ray of Brylcreem onto the audience, and through the video cameras. That would have brought America back on track. And scared the Muslim Communists, too.
Paul Ryan's hair is just soooo much better than Obama's.
That's how I know he's a better politician.
Paul Ryan's up.
Wave that coif over me, Paul!
I am positively salivating over Paul Ryan's hairdo.
It makes me feel all economistical and stuff.
That's right! Responsibility. Constitutionality. No right to commit big government atrocities like this.
Too bad the Repubs got a guy to speak that they don't listen to themselves.
I missed the whole thing. We had dance practice for our Mardi Gras ball. The POTUS started as we went in and finished up his last sentence when we got back in the truck. That should tell you how long it was because 20 couples danced a routine and had to go back and practice certain parts.
What a looooooosssserrrr.
Obama has trashed the ideals of the Founding Fathers.
He must be watched. very. carefully.
I went and worked out instead. I figgered the synopsis was 'I'm gonna take yer money and spend it on green jobs grooming unicorns and you can't do a damn thing about it'.
Or along those lines. Me, i'd rather listen to Yoko sing.
Who would watch something like this?
You guys are gluttons for punishment.
You might as well be Jets fans.
Same old Jets.
Same old Obama.
The Fashion Show is on. Why not tune in and listen to Iman mispronounce new words.
You will get a lot more out of it.
Ryan's speech:
- Mostly Boilerplate. But, at least I really believe Ryan when he says he wants to tame the government debt beast... Obama, not-so-much. Bourne out by Obama's actions, not words. It's possible Ryan will fail in deeds too - we'll see.
- Republicans really do need to do a better job of viscerally explaining why they say they care about these things. As evidenced by Pres. Obama's speech: Most Americans do not understand the finer points of our economic woes. Very, very many of us don't even know what, exactly, a Trillion dollars even means numerically.
- Overall, I expect both speeches to go into the dustbin of history right about now.
You guys are gluttons for punishment.
Sacrifice, the price of [limited] freedom. And getting more limited by the minute.
Paul Ryan had me at "hello"...I though he did a wonderful job concisely stating a conservative philosophy and contrasting it with the presidents last two years of actions.
WV: bumsing
Def: SOTU speech
Obama has trashed the ideals of the Founding Fathers.
He must be watched. very. carefully.
Amen. Definitely a red doper diaper baby communist.
The worst SOTU speech I never listened to. Watching Petticoat Junction is definitely better.
The Senate GOP Caucus had an intervention with Boehner and made him quit Restasis cold turkey.
Major drug withdrawal, plus jonesing for a smoke. You'd look jumpy too.
Wait! Petticoat Junction was on? Damn! -cp
wv: bresser: one who bresses the Hory Saclament
"CONFESSION: I slept through parts of it. "
A thoroughly better use of your time.
Frostiest date: Weiner/King.
There won't be a second one.
"Obama is stupid, boring and useless."
He's not stupid....
@PatCa, don't you just love saying "Weiner/King" though?
I am the Great Obama!!! See my powers of misdirection, persuasion, and illusion!!! I am now Ronald Reagan Lite!!! and now for my next trick...
Oh, Boehner cried alright: http://twitpic.com/3tfpyz
I'm pretty sure his hometown success story was pointed out just for that purpose. And it worked.
Obama reminds me of my favorite hippy line from the 60s:
'Someday tomorrow will come.'
(from the song "Someday" by Moby Grape - a cool song BTW)
that is an... unfortunate pic for Boehner. And I saw the biographical quip moment and I thought there might be some less than noble rationales for it as well.
I saw him wavering;
but I was looking and I didn't see any actual tears. But I did watch it on a computer monitor over a webfeed via PJTV/Hulu and I could be wrong.
Why was Boehner wearing a tie the color of the SEIU union thug indigo brigades? Biden was flaunting his plugz and flashing his toothy grin as often as possible.
This is from the instant replay as I actually fell asleep around 830PM until midnight, and was awakened by a hailstorm in boca, of all things. Looking back on parts of the speech, methinks the heavens themselves did protest this imbecility across the land.
The morning after, and the jive turkey is still president.
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