Later in the article, a quote from the Animal Shelter her volunteered at to walk the dogs
Over all, Mr. Janes said, referring to Saturday’s shooting, “It is very disconcerting that someone who showed compassion for innocent animals would do what he did to human beings.”
Batshit crazy. Everyone knew it. Spinning out of control.
And citizens can't do anything until he actually becomes violent because otherwise it's gulags and concentration camps and lobotomies of McMurphy and Frances Farmer.
Shit. I actually can understand the fear. Psychiatry has really messed up in the last century, and it has let itself be abused by the State.
As a result, people don't trust it or the gubmint to do the right thing.
Did he really show compassion for the animals? He kept walking the dogs in an area where parvovirus had been detected. That doesn't sound like someone who cares about the dogs.
All the warning signs in the world won't change the fact that there was nothing anyone could have done to stop him. I'm not sure what Arizona's statutes are concerning involuntary commitment, but at very least he didn't pose as imminent danger to himself or others until the shooting. As much as I sometimes wish it were, especially while shopping at the mall, being creepy and having no fashion sense is not grounds for commitment.
I'm not sure what Arizona's statutes are concerning involuntary commitment, but at very least he didn't pose as imminent danger to himself or others until the shooting.
Are you sure of that? Or did various agencies and institutions choose to pass the buck rather than take the necessary steps? (I'm looking at you, Sheriff Didpshit.)
won't change the fact that there was nothing anyone could have done to stop him.
"According to one source, the Sheriff's Dept was contacted on multiple occasions by the Community College concerning this kid. The Sheriff and/or associates assured callers that Loughner's case was being handled by the Mental Health Dept. It wasn't."
I think Drugde has more on this. Explains why the Sheriff is all over the networks trying to assign blame.
"Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff’s Office was informed, his deputies assured the victims that he was being well managed by the mental health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County."
In Arizona, any citizen may petition the court to force another individual to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
Nobody made such a request in Loughner's case even though any one of his relatives, friends, teachers, or the law enforcement personnel who had dealings with could have.
Nobody made such a request in Loughner's case even though any one of his relatives, friends, teachers, or the law enforcement personnel who had dealings with could have.
Would you? Would you take the chance they'd put him through the wringer... then let him out, knowing who was responsible?
Or would you just grit your teeth and hope he went off on someone else?
I suspect that Laughner was a lonely child that discovered himself to be socially retarded when as he grew into a teenager and he simply could not accept that he was the problem. Then he found some of those bad friends in his sudden understanding of an extreme nihilist philosophy that seemed to him to one up everyone. Only he had these real answers. (This phenomenon is also found among believers in the John Birch Society propaganda). This philosophy cut him off from getting the socialization he needed. He finally struck out at the Authority which he blamed for abandoning him...which I suspect was his Mother.
Over all, Mr. Janes said, referring to Saturday’s shooting, “It is very disconcerting that someone who showed compassion for innocent animals would do what he did to human beings.”
You do expect from a delusional leftard. They don't view humanity the same as they do animals. Even Hitler had compassion for animals and yet saw Jews as being beneath them, so what do you expect from leftards anyway? Look at PETA. Look at the any other environmental Gaiaist fruitcakes. Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!
I'm not sure what Arizona's statutes are concerning involuntary commitment, but at very least he didn't pose as imminent danger to himself or others until the shooting.
Well, this person called 9-11 on him:
And again, he started his rant about the Constitution, pointing to the flag, pointing to the Constitution up at the front of the room, and at that point, he wouldn't stop, so I asked the students to be calm and wait, and at that point I went to the next room, and alerted my lab staff that there was a situation, and I called 911."
If Sheriff bozo did his job instead of brushing this aside because his mom works for the county, this may have all ended differently...
"I suspect that Laughner was a lonely child that discovered himself to be socially retarded when as he grew into a teenager and he simply could not accept that he was the problem."
You know, Occam's Razor would suggest that there is probably a much simpler explanation.
Maybe the murderer just listened to Barack Obama, who told him to bring a gun to the fight and get in their faces and punish his enemies.
Maybe he just did what his President told him to do - like any good citizen would do.
Maybe it's that simple.
Maybe he just did what Barack Obama has been telling him to do.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is this not a time for people, like Sarah Palin, who have used violent imagery – she just has. I know some of my conservative friends and family members won’t like that reality. Or, Michele Bachmann, who said she wants Minnesotans armed and dangerous. Isn’t this an opportune time for them to apologize -– not saying that it led to anything — but just saying that they’ve been irresponsible in their rhetoric and they’re going to be more careful moving forward?
On his show Monday morning, Scarborough said when he heard the news of the shooting on Saturday, he and his wife were absolutely furious. When they learned more facts, they calmed down.
Scarborough left unaid why he and his wife were so angry and why the facts calmed them down. I suppose he was angry when he thought it was a right wing/ tea party/ conservative and was disappointed when they learned it wasn't.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is this not a time for people, like Sarah Palin, who have used violent imagery – she just has. I
Actually Matt I saw this on Monday morning and I was disgusted. I think at one point Scarborough was a conservative but when he's on air demanding an apology when there is zero evidence that Loughner was influenced by anything Palin or Bachman said, then I have to say he's not a conservative but an idiot.
I'm sorry but anyone, right or left who wants to tar conservatives with this evil act are pathetic, simply pathetic. Its fucking people like the lefties who after Hasan slaughters 16 people at Fort Hood demand calm and not jump to conclusions, its an isolated incident. Then when it comes out the bastard was preaching his Islamohate to anyone that listened all we heard was how terrible it would be if our 'diversity' became a casualty over this incident.
Contrast that with Tuscon and my disgust for people like Scarborough and that idiot blonde to his right hits a new low.
If I'd known Loughner and realized what was going on, I would have busted my ass to get him help. I have seen the progression of paranoid schizophrenia up close and personal, and I have seen what a difference even the most minimal treatment makes. I wouldn't have assumed that he would come out of an evaluation gunning for me (literally or figuratively).
Scar'bro is one of my biggest disappointments. Was a vocal conservative, now a NOLINO (No Label In Name Only). He's a fraud. At some point, his ideology will match that of Chris Matthews.
I don't think Scarborough should said this either. I think the violent rhetoric is a tad bit disturbing at times but both sides do use it metaphorically.
Hoosier Daddy Actually Lieberman does support DADT - so he at least has some liberal views.
I think the violent rhetoric is a tad bit disturbing at times but both sides do use it metaphorically.
Yes, key word being metaphorically. Its a five syllable word and maybe that's too many for the teacher's unions to get the kids to learn so perhaps many don't know what it means.
But here is the problem. There is nothing to indicate that Loughner acted based upon any 'rhetoric' none, nada. On the contrary, there is overwhelming evidence the guy was as nutty as a ten pound fruitcake and had some pretty hairbrained ideas, none of which are even remotely close to anything Palin, Bachman or even Beck or Limbaugh have uttered.
Yet assholes like Scarborough and others can't help but try and blame someone, anyone as long as it fits their warped, disgusting view of the world. I used to watch Morning Joe to get the 'other viewpoint'. Now I can save myself the trouble and just tune into Kos or Olberman if I want the dumbass view of the world.
Hoosier Daddy Actually Lieberman does support DADT - so he at least has some liberal views.
DADT is a 'liberal view'? Is that a typo or did the narrative change again?
If I'd known Loughner and realized what was going on, I would have busted my ass to get him help.
If you knew him how well? I think most people would do that for family and close friends, but what about a casual acquaintance? What about a student in one of your classes?
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is this not a time for people, like Sarah Palin, who have used violent imagery – she just has. I know some of my conservative friends and family members won’t like that reality. Or, Michele Bachmann, who said she wants Minnesotans armed and dangerous. Isn’t this an opportune time for them to apologize -– not saying that it led to anything — but just saying that they’ve been irresponsible in their rhetoric and they’re going to be more careful moving forward?
Scarborough can go fuck himself. Where does the premise for his rhetoric come from? What basis does he have to even assert such a thing and to demand an apology from people that had zero responsibility for this murder at all? Leftards are the best maudlinists on the face of the earth. Woe is them.
Sheriff Dipfuck should be arrested for jury pool tainting.
It's amazing to me how people who have sworn an oath to administer justice equally can set about perverting that justice by leaking every single damaging piece of quote - unquote "evidence" against this obviously very mentally ill and probably innocent individual.
It's clear that this kid will never get a fair trial in Pima County, not when you have a corrupt politician as a sheriff, selectively leaking evidence to the press in a blatant attempt to poison the jury pool and to deflect attention away from his own failures.
This kid is being railroaded.
This Sheriff should be gagged and bound over for trial - arrested for obstruction of justice.
The accused has rights and they're being systematically violated by our government.
Methadras: Where does the premise for his rhetoric come from? What basis does he have to even assert such a thing and to demand an apology from people that had zero responsibility for this murder at all?
I think its a deliberate tactic.
Like Blanco and Nagin did: if you are responsible for the foul up, blame the other side. Use the most outrageous rhetoric you can muster ("hates black people"). By the time the actual facts are being reported, everyone will be weary enough of the partisan firestorm to declare: "both sides need to stop blaming each other" (even though only one side has been doing so). So you get to tar your political opponents and then escape the resulting backlash when its discovered that you are the one really at fault.
Actually Matt I saw this on Monday morning and I was disgusted. I think at one point Scarborough was a conservative but when he's on air demanding an apology when there is zero evidence that Loughner was influenced by anything Palin or Bachman said, then I have to say he's not a conservative but an idiot.
So basically Scarboroush can't be a conservative because he said one thing conservatives don't like. Poof. Down the memory hole goes a Florida Panhandle Conservative. And I see the WATBs are as thick as thieves in here again. "SURE I GUESS THIS WAS TERRIBLE. BUT WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE!?
Still waiting for the left, the media, and the democrat party (redundant, I know) to show us the evidence that this guy was moved to kill because of "extreme rhetoric".
And now the Left is circulating a FAKE voter registration falsely claiming the shooter was a Republican:
via Free Republic:
"There are two reasons why the document is faked, and one official proclamation that undermines it:
•TUCSON is spelled TUSCON. People who live in a city do not mispell it's name.
•If you go to the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission website and put in the address listed on this “registration” it comes up in Senator District 26. This fraud voter reg says District 27. (Hat tip, Brytani)
•Chris Roads, Pima County Registrar of Voters, declares that Jared Loughner is registered as an independent. First registered in 2006.
So basically Scarboroush can't be a conservative because he said one thing conservatives don't like.
There's little point in worrying if he qualifies as conservative when we already know he qualifies as an idiot. It doesn't matter if a person is a left-wing idiot, a right-wing idiot, or some other flavor of idiot. Idiots of all political persuasions should be ignored when possible.
You know, I'm starting to come around on the whole inflammatory rhetoric caused this nutjob to crack. I thought it was far fetched but now I see the wisdom of it. Back in 2008 Daily Kos targeted Giffords district with a bullseye on Giffords district just like Palin. And they later posted an article about how Giffords was dead to the author of the article for selling out libs (or whatever excuse used). So clearly it was Kos's fault. THis was a left wing guy, he heard KOS was targeting her district and that she was dead to him and quite naturally followed his lead and tried to assassinate her along with the republican judge. Mission Accomplished KOS. Too bad she's not quite dead, despite your best intentions. There, hows that liberals? KOS is responsible for all of this violence as are you for egging him on. You are murderers.
jr565 Don't bother the Left will just ignore it, just like they always do whenever a Lefty does any thing violent. The only reason they keep trying to pin this on the Right wing is to bully us into silence.
Interesting that this will likely be reduced down to a mental health care issue.
But what if, at the end of the day, that's what it is?
What Greater Meaning did we take away from the rampage of Seung-hui Cho at Virginia Tech? He was a disturbed kid who killed a lot of people, including himself, and it's obvious he was a nutjob. Doesn't make it any less of a tragedy or atrocity.
Or is the temptation to politicize the Tucson shooting just too great?
Hoosier Daddy: "Or just pandering to his audience which may be the same thing."
Assuming MSNBC has an audience is a bit too much for me to stomach. You, good sir, should apologize for misleading the readers of this comment section.
I cannot tolerate out and out fabrications like the one you have perpetrated. *slaps Hoosier Daddy with a white glove*
I wish y'all would stop it with the "batshit crazy" stuff - anyone who reads my blog sees the outlines of his motivations clearly. I'm not saying he's not insane but to deny we can't understand his mindset is nonsense - I've been outlining it, and saying something awful was going to come of it, from Day One. I'm sorry, but it's personally insulting to read it from people I commiserate with daily.
It may seem like I tie everything to NewAge, but, as I've written on my blog, that's only because you ignore all the things/people I don't claim to be part of it, or influenced by it. Now, as I watch Glenn Reynolds and Co. go after the media - which is acting exactly as I said the Left did when my wife killed three people (full of irrational explanations that targeted my conservative ass) - with phrases like We fight the Left on this and we fight it hard, I hope a sense of what I've felt, and been doing, for 5 long years finally makes me, somehow, seem more comprehensible to you.
Or let me just flip it around on you, now that the Left has gone into full-smear mode, and ask how it feels to be told to "calm down"?
There is a coherence to Loughner's nihilism that I'm not sure has been commented on yet.
Loughner lists a lot of interesting works among his favorite books. (I think too much attention has been paid to the presence of "Mein Kampf" on the list, which is likely there for shock value, and is probably not a book that Loughner actually read.)
He lists two of Plato's works, Meno and the Republic. Meno begins, "Can you tell me, Socrates, whether virtue is teachable?" The dialogue does not answer the question, or even attempt to. Instead, Socrates asks Meno what he means by "virtue", and reveals that Meno has no answer. The word "virtue" has become separated from the concept (for Plato, the Ideal) that it once represented, and so has ceased to have meaning.
Compare this to one of Jared's other obsessions, government-issued currency. The currency has become separated from the gold or silver that it once represented, and so has ceased to have value.
These ideas can indeed be troubling. Most kids Jared's age don't take ideas seriously, so they aren't troubled.
Why do you think Scar'bro works for MSNBC? The home of Larry "Liar, Liar, creepy Liar" O'Donnell, Ed Schultz, KO, Rachael Maddow, and Chris "I've got a tingle up my leg' Matthews.
If he were a real conservative the left-wing MSNBC execs wouldn't have hired him. His whole schtick is pretending to be a conservative while attacking real conservatives.
As for the link I'm not seeing? Could care less. In fact, I even wonder if we are not "glorifying" both this man and his illness, simply through the attention we give to him.
As good humans, shouldn't we be hanging on every word of the victims' progress instead of the evil that came to live in this man because of his illness?
By the way, I'm asking myself this as well, so not pointing fingers with that question.
Ironically, the article about Giffords's progress had a good amount of information about what the lawmakers were doing.
Passing laws! FAST!
"In Phoenix, the State Legislature quickly passed an emergency law to block a controversial church that protests outside funerals from getting too close to the services planned in Tucson."
They're passing laws to keep the Westboro Baptist Church away.
Amazing to me, since all we need to do to rid ourselves of Westboro Baptist is to IGNORE THEM!
It may be difficult and very emotional for the families, but perhaps if they realized that by being strong they can help other families who will not have to deal with Westboro later, it might be doable.
But why use common sense when we can pass more laws...and so on and so forth...
Wow... that logo is just beyond parody. It's so appalling, yet painfully hilarious, that Obama's people would "package" a memorial service for victims of a mass murder-- imagine, a memorial service with a title, logo, and slogan!-- into a tacky cheery "Yes We Can"-style political marketing campaign. It's like something out of a dark surreal political satire directed by Kubrick/ Altman/ Ashby.
Obama's political advisers have settled on a strategy for him to make maximum political hay out of the death of these people - including the nine-year-old girl born on 9-11.
That strategy: link this event to Tim McVeigh and then tar "right-wing extremists."
The strategy is on prominent display (it even has a logo as a previous poster noted). And the New York Times has all the details in a story reported this morning.
The Strategy:By staying above the partisan fray, Mr. Obama is adopting a model that is very close to what President Bill Clinton did 16 years ago, when Mr. Clinton was faced with responding to the Oklahoma City bombing at a similar point in his presidency. On April 23, 1995, four days after Timothy McVeigh detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Mr. Clinton traveled to Oklahoma City, where he told grieving family members at a memorial service that “those who trouble their own house will inherit the wind.”
Those who trouble their own house ... hmmmmm ... I wonder what that would refer to.
It's clear that Barack Obama intends to make as much hay out of this tragic event as possible to tamp down the successful debate the resulted in the ousting of Democrats from office during the mid-term elections.
Make no mistake about it ... they will do anything possible to restrict the speech of everyone who made that defeat possible.
They want their power back, and if they have to trample on the grave of a 9-year-old girl born on 9-11 to do it, they'll do just that.
The best thing Barack Obama could do is to stay away. His presence injects partisan political strategy into what should be a somber apolitical event.
TUCSON — The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on more than one occasion before the attack here on Saturday that left a congresswoman fighting for her life and six others dead, the Pima County Sheriff’s Department said on Tuesday. ... The news of police involvement with the Loughners suggests that county sheriff’s deputies were at least familiar with the family, even if the reason for their visits was unclear as of Tuesday night.
Six dead bodies lay in his jurisdiction that he could have prevented by doing his fucking job.
I'm surprised he hasn't been recalled already.
The people of Pima County are not being served by this buffoon of a sheriff.
They had many, many chances to get Jared Laughner off the streets and to get him some mental health treatment.
But the Pima County Sheriff's department is too busy to do actual police work. They're too busy politicking immigration policy to worry about the innocent people being gunned down on their streets in broad fucking daylight.
Penny: Amazing to me, since all we need to do to rid ourselves of Westboro Baptist is to IGNORE THEM!
Doesn't work. You need to understand that those people are a family of lawyers who finance themselves by provoking and then sueing those who respond.
You might as well expect the commenters here to ignore trolls. Doesn't matter how many resist the urge, there will always be a handful who feed the trolls.
WV: subtoi = a very insightful commenter over at BelmontClub. Ha.
Bumper stickers!! Obama wants to profit from this crisis with bumper stickers.
We can paper over this problem with slogans, and people will thank me!
It's the new haiku! Call it Obamaiku! Mindless slogans in 3 words or less!!
"Yes, we can" "Sí se puede" "Together we thrive"
If Giffords was an old, white guy conservative, then would this news cycle have lasted more than 15 minutes?
I'm sorry, but do we really need to re-hash the babble from Morning Joe the talking head...and to debate his bona-fides as a conservative. He's on the TV....he's immediately disqualified. All he wants is viewers!
BONUS: If you play Obama's "Yes, we can" backwards, it becomes "Thank you Satan".....or least that's true on the internet!!
Did you come to this (premature) conclusion before or after Sheriff Dupnik's multiple comments about our supposedly poisoned political discourse?
He likely came to this (not premature) conclusion after learning that Sheriff Dupnik and his deputies had MULTIPLE encounters with the perp over his MUTLIPLE death threats. They assured the targets that the perp was getting medical help when its clear that he wasn't. They lied. They dropped the ball. And now they are pointing fingers.
This guy should have been on a gun ban list for mental disorder. Sheriff Dupnik should be impeached for his negligence.
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९६ टिप्पण्या:
I nominate this kid to be the next sheriff of Pima County. He's already 100x more qualified than the current office holder.
Later in the article, a quote from the Animal Shelter her volunteered at to walk the dogs
Over all, Mr. Janes said, referring to Saturday’s shooting, “It is very disconcerting that someone who showed compassion for innocent animals would do what he did to human beings.”
Why is it so hard for folks to figure out:
He was irrational!!!
Batshit crazy. Everyone knew it. Spinning out of control.
And citizens can't do anything until he actually becomes violent because otherwise it's gulags and concentration camps and lobotomies of McMurphy and Frances Farmer.
Shit. I actually can understand the fear. Psychiatry has really messed up in the last century, and it has let itself be abused by the State.
As a result, people don't trust it or the gubmint to do the right thing.
People saw this coming, but couldn't do anything. I know we've had the argument about government abuse, but there's got to be some way...
PS Hate to disagree with c3, but a lot of people (Dahmer, in particular, IIRC) who killed sizable numbers of people started out abusing animals.
Did he really show compassion for the animals? He kept walking the dogs in an area where parvovirus had been detected. That doesn't sound like someone who cares about the dogs.
Re: animals
Schizophrenics are not known for hurting animals.
Torturing animals is a different brand of insane.
He was a nihilist and loves causing chaos,
Like a ham on rye addict who quits mustards for mayos.
The hairstyle (for someone that young) should have been the first clue.
All the warning signs in the world won't change the fact that there was nothing anyone could have done to stop him. I'm not sure what Arizona's statutes are concerning involuntary commitment, but at very least he didn't pose as imminent danger to himself or others until the shooting. As much as I sometimes wish it were, especially while shopping at the mall, being creepy and having no fashion sense is not grounds for commitment.
Okay, he's batshit.
What's Paul Krugman's excuse?
I'm not sure what Arizona's statutes are concerning involuntary commitment, but at very least he didn't pose as imminent danger to himself or others until the shooting.
Are you sure of that? Or did various agencies and institutions choose to pass the buck rather than take the necessary steps? (I'm looking at you, Sheriff Didpshit.)
won't change the fact that there was nothing anyone could have done to stop him.
"According to one source, the Sheriff's Dept was contacted on multiple occasions by the Community College concerning this kid. The Sheriff and/or associates assured callers that Loughner's case was being handled by the Mental Health Dept. It wasn't."
I think Drugde has more on this. Explains why the Sheriff is all over the networks trying to assign blame.
Dupnik. Nagin. Blanco. Same pattern.
Gateway Pundit too:
"Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff’s Office was informed, his deputies assured the victims that he was being well managed by the mental health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County."
Interesting that this will likely be reduced down to a mental health care issue.
In Arizona, any citizen may petition the court to force another individual to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
Nobody made such a request in Loughner's case even though any one of his relatives, friends, teachers, or the law enforcement personnel who had dealings with could have.
...who he had dealings with could have...
Mequito and Fen: That is interesting! I wasn't aware of those little tidbits. Thanks for the links!
Oh, for Pete's sake.
Nobody made such a request in Loughner's case even though any one of his relatives, friends, teachers, or the law enforcement personnel who had dealings with could have.
Would you? Would you take the chance they'd put him through the wringer... then let him out, knowing who was responsible?
Or would you just grit your teeth and hope he went off on someone else?
I suspect that Laughner was a lonely child that discovered himself to be socially retarded when as he grew into a teenager and he simply could not accept that he was the problem. Then he found some of those bad friends in his sudden understanding of an extreme nihilist philosophy that seemed to him to one up everyone. Only he had these real answers. (This phenomenon is also found among believers in the John Birch Society propaganda). This philosophy cut him off from getting the socialization he needed. He finally struck out at the Authority which he blamed for abandoning him...which I suspect was his Mother.
Over all, Mr. Janes said, referring to Saturday’s shooting, “It is very disconcerting that someone who showed compassion for innocent animals would do what he did to human beings.”
You do expect from a delusional leftard. They don't view humanity the same as they do animals. Even Hitler had compassion for animals and yet saw Jews as being beneath them, so what do you expect from leftards anyway? Look at PETA. Look at the any other environmental Gaiaist fruitcakes. Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!
Pogo said...
Batshit crazy. Everyone knew it. Spinning out of control.
Well, everyone but the Democrat Sheriff Bozo they have there.
Can't wait until those records come out...
I'm not sure what Arizona's statutes are concerning involuntary commitment, but at very least he didn't pose as imminent danger to himself or others until the shooting.
Well, this person called 9-11 on him:
And again, he started his rant about the Constitution, pointing to the flag, pointing to the Constitution up at the front of the room, and at that point, he wouldn't stop, so I asked the students to be calm and wait, and at that point I went to the next room, and alerted my lab staff that there was a situation, and I called 911."
If Sheriff bozo did his job instead of brushing this aside because his mom works for the county, this may have all ended differently...
"I suspect that Laughner was a lonely child that discovered himself to be socially retarded when as he grew into a teenager and he simply could not accept that he was the problem."
You know, Occam's Razor would suggest that there is probably a much simpler explanation.
Maybe the murderer just listened to Barack Obama, who told him to bring a gun to the fight and get in their faces and punish his enemies.
Maybe he just did what his President told him to do - like any good citizen would do.
Maybe it's that simple.
Maybe he just did what Barack Obama has been telling him to do.
Some conservatives say...
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is this not a time for people, like Sarah Palin, who have used violent imagery – she just has. I know some of my conservative friends and family members won’t like that reality. Or, Michele Bachmann, who said she wants Minnesotans armed and dangerous. Isn’t this an opportune time for them to apologize -– not saying that it led to anything — but just saying that they’ve been irresponsible in their rhetoric and they’re going to be more careful moving forward?
Joe Scarborough's a vile schmuck.
Loughter was a registered independent, so he a member in good standing of the No Labels Radicals
HDH said "Interesting that this will likely be reduced down to a mental health care issue."
But not before Sheriff Sputnik smears, deflects and prevaricates.
Some conservatives say...
Joe Scarborough is a New York media personality.
And not "conservative"
@Rick..Sheriff Sputnik? Well said sir. Well Said!
On his show Monday morning, Scarborough said when he heard the news of the shooting on Saturday, he and his wife were absolutely furious. When they learned more facts, they calmed down.
Scarborough left unaid why he and his wife were so angry and why the facts calmed them down. I suppose he was angry when he thought it was a right wing/ tea party/ conservative and was disappointed when they learned it wasn't.
Meanwhile Obama says France is our new BFF
Really, until Scarborough stands up to the squalid lies emerging from his network he really has no business lecturing anyone else about decency.
But you wouldn't want to risk a paycheck and some cable teevee facetime, wouldya Joe?
Boy is Rush going to have the Sheriff in his cross.. oops.
I just caught myself engaging in incendiary vitriol.
Some conservatives say...
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is this not a time for people, like Sarah Palin, who have used violent imagery – she just has. I
Actually Matt I saw this on Monday morning and I was disgusted. I think at one point Scarborough was a conservative but when he's on air demanding an apology when there is zero evidence that Loughner was influenced by anything Palin or Bachman said, then I have to say he's not a conservative but an idiot.
I'm sorry but anyone, right or left who wants to tar conservatives with this evil act are pathetic, simply pathetic. Its fucking people like the lefties who after Hasan slaughters 16 people at Fort Hood demand calm and not jump to conclusions, its an isolated incident. Then when it comes out the bastard was preaching his Islamohate to anyone that listened all we heard was how terrible it would be if our 'diversity' became a casualty over this incident.
Contrast that with Tuscon and my disgust for people like Scarborough and that idiot blonde to his right hits a new low.
Matt I suppose Joe Scarborough is a conservative in the same manner that Joe Lieberman is a liberal to the left.
If I'd known Loughner and realized what was going on, I would have busted my ass to get him help. I have seen the progression of paranoid schizophrenia up close and personal, and I have seen what a difference even the most minimal treatment makes. I wouldn't have assumed that he would come out of an evaluation gunning for me (literally or figuratively).
Scar'bro is one of my biggest disappointments. Was a vocal conservative, now a NOLINO (No Label In Name Only). He's a fraud. At some point, his ideology will match that of Chris Matthews.
I don't think Scarborough should said this either.
I think the violent rhetoric is a tad bit disturbing at times but both sides do use it metaphorically.
Hoosier Daddy
Actually Lieberman does support DADT - so he at least has some liberal views.
Check out the Sheriff on CSPAN again.
I think the violent rhetoric is a tad bit disturbing at times but both sides do use it metaphorically.
Yes, key word being metaphorically. Its a five syllable word and maybe that's too many for the teacher's unions to get the kids to learn so perhaps many don't know what it means.
But here is the problem. There is nothing to indicate that Loughner acted based upon any 'rhetoric' none, nada. On the contrary, there is overwhelming evidence the guy was as nutty as a ten pound fruitcake and had some pretty hairbrained ideas, none of which are even remotely close to anything Palin, Bachman or even Beck or Limbaugh have uttered.
Yet assholes like Scarborough and others can't help but try and blame someone, anyone as long as it fits their warped, disgusting view of the world. I used to watch Morning Joe to get the 'other viewpoint'. Now I can save myself the trouble and just tune into Kos or Olberman if I want the dumbass view of the world.
Hoosier Daddy
Actually Lieberman does support DADT - so he at least has some liberal views.
DADT is a 'liberal view'? Is that a typo or did the narrative change again?
People keep trying to find a theory that fits. But all the sensible people are denying that there's any theory that fits.
It doesn't matter if Loughner happened to hear what Obama, Palin, Bachmann, Rahm Emanuel or any number of pols might have said/written.
We cannot restrain our discourse in the hope that some madman will not be moved to madness. To so restrain ourselves would be foolish and fruitless.
Who here would restrain himself in the hopes that HDHouse, C4BDH or AlphaLiberal did not take offense?
Only a fool.
If I'd known Loughner and realized what was going on, I would have busted my ass to get him help.
If you knew him how well? I think most people would do that for family and close friends, but what about a casual acquaintance? What about a student in one of your classes?
Matt said...
Some conservatives say...
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is this not a time for people, like Sarah Palin, who have used violent imagery – she just has. I know some of my conservative friends and family members won’t like that reality. Or, Michele Bachmann, who said she wants Minnesotans armed and dangerous. Isn’t this an opportune time for them to apologize -– not saying that it led to anything — but just saying that they’ve been irresponsible in their rhetoric and they’re going to be more careful moving forward?
Scarborough can go fuck himself. Where does the premise for his rhetoric come from? What basis does he have to even assert such a thing and to demand an apology from people that had zero responsibility for this murder at all? Leftards are the best maudlinists on the face of the earth. Woe is them.
[The Congresswoman] is one of the finest creatures that God has ever created..
The Pima County Sheriff
Sorry Sheriff but you are hiding something.
Sheriff Dipfuck should be arrested for jury pool tainting.
It's amazing to me how people who have sworn an oath to administer justice equally can set about perverting that justice by leaking every single damaging piece of quote - unquote "evidence" against this obviously very mentally ill and probably innocent individual.
It's clear that this kid will never get a fair trial in Pima County, not when you have a corrupt politician as a sheriff, selectively leaking evidence to the press in a blatant attempt to poison the jury pool and to deflect attention away from his own failures.
This kid is being railroaded.
This Sheriff should be gagged and bound over for trial - arrested for obstruction of justice.
The accused has rights and they're being systematically violated by our government.
Coketown: Mequito and Fen: That is interesting! I wasn't aware of those little tidbits. Thanks for the links!
No prob.
And isn't it telling that, with all the 24/7 coverage, the MSM hasn't seen fit to report on this?
Blows their narrative I guess.
To put it bluntly, Joe Scarborough has been pussy-whipped by Mika Brzezinski.
And his former constituency should mount an intervention.
Methadras: Where does the premise for his rhetoric come from? What basis does he have to even assert such a thing and to demand an apology from people that had zero responsibility for this murder at all?
I think its a deliberate tactic.
Like Blanco and Nagin did: if you are responsible for the foul up, blame the other side. Use the most outrageous rhetoric you can muster ("hates black people"). By the time the actual facts are being reported, everyone will be weary enough of the partisan firestorm to declare: "both sides need to stop blaming each other" (even though only one side has been doing so). So you get to tar your political opponents and then escape the resulting backlash when its discovered that you are the one really at fault.
How many times have we seen the Left pull this?
How many times have we seen the Left pull this?
I don't understand the racial component the Sheriff is talking about..
Nothing that I have read in the news or or anywhere else says anything about race.. except the Sheriff.
Why is the Sheriff harping about race?
The Sheriff is acting like the shooter... saying odd things.
Actually Matt I saw this on Monday morning and I was disgusted. I think at one point Scarborough was a conservative but when he's on air demanding an apology when there is zero evidence that Loughner was influenced by anything Palin or Bachman said, then I have to say he's not a conservative but an idiot.
So basically Scarboroush can't be a conservative because he said one thing conservatives don't like. Poof. Down the memory hole goes a Florida Panhandle Conservative.
And I see the WATBs are as thick as thieves in here again. "SURE I GUESS THIS WAS TERRIBLE. BUT WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE!?
Still waiting for the left, the media, and the democrat party (redundant, I know) to show us the evidence that this guy was moved to kill because of "extreme rhetoric".
Or Sarah Palin's old campaign web-site.
And now the Left is circulating a FAKE voter registration falsely claiming the shooter was a Republican:
via Free Republic:
"There are two reasons why the document is faked, and one official proclamation that undermines it:
•TUCSON is spelled TUSCON. People who live in a city do not mispell it's name.
•If you go to the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission website and put in the address listed on this “registration” it comes up in Senator District 26. This fraud voter reg says District 27. (Hat tip, Brytani)
•Chris Roads, Pima County Registrar of Voters, declares that Jared Loughner is registered as an independent. First registered in 2006.
No shame.
So basically Scarboroush can't be a conservative because he said one thing conservatives don't like.
There's little point in worrying if he qualifies as conservative when we already know he qualifies as an idiot. It doesn't matter if a person is a left-wing idiot, a right-wing idiot, or some other flavor of idiot. Idiots of all political persuasions should be ignored when possible.
Sometimes crazy people get hold of guns and do horrible things.
Garage - we don't move in lockstep like you fascist thugs.
"woe is them"...
is that a threat diaper boy?
You know, I'm starting to come around on the whole inflammatory rhetoric caused this nutjob to crack. I thought it was far fetched but now I see the wisdom of it.
Back in 2008 Daily Kos targeted Giffords district with a bullseye on Giffords district just like Palin. And they later posted an article about how Giffords was dead to the author of the article for selling out libs (or whatever excuse used). So clearly it was Kos's fault. THis was a left wing guy, he heard KOS was targeting her district and that she was dead to him and quite naturally followed his lead and tried to assassinate her along with the republican judge.
Mission Accomplished KOS. Too bad she's not quite dead, despite your best intentions.
There, hows that liberals? KOS is responsible for all of this violence as are you for egging him on. You are murderers.
So basically Scarboroush can't be a conservative because he said one thing conservatives don't like.
Scarborough has said a lot of things that I think disqualify him as a conservative, this latest notwithstanding.
Joe Scarborough is living a lie!
Joe Scarborough is living a lie!
Or just pandering to his audience which may be the same thing.
57 states!
Don't bother the Left will just ignore it, just like they always do whenever a Lefty does any thing violent.
The only reason they keep trying to pin this on the Right wing is to bully us into silence.
Tourettes acting up garage?
Interesting that this will likely be reduced down to a mental health care issue.
But what if, at the end of the day, that's what it is?
What Greater Meaning did we take away from the rampage of Seung-hui Cho at Virginia Tech? He was a disturbed kid who killed a lot of people, including himself, and it's obvious he was a nutjob. Doesn't make it any less of a tragedy or atrocity.
Or is the temptation to politicize the Tucson shooting just too great?
Hoosier Daddy:
"Or just pandering to his audience which may be the same thing."
Assuming MSNBC has an audience is a bit too much for me to stomach. You, good sir, should apologize for misleading the readers of this comment section.
I cannot tolerate out and out fabrications like the one you have perpetrated. *slaps Hoosier Daddy with a white glove*
Well I used to watch Morning Joe to get a more liberal viewpoint but after Monday's screed, I may as well just go to Daily Kos.
You were their viewer? Given 300MM people in this country it seems nearly impossible that I'd meet you...
MSNBC: Last in ratings. First to be quoted by a Democrat.
I wish y'all would stop it with the "batshit crazy" stuff - anyone who reads my blog sees the outlines of his motivations clearly. I'm not saying he's not insane but to deny we can't understand his mindset is nonsense - I've been outlining it, and saying something awful was going to come of it, from Day One. I'm sorry, but it's personally insulting to read it from people I commiserate with daily.
It may seem like I tie everything to NewAge, but, as I've written on my blog, that's only because you ignore all the things/people I don't claim to be part of it, or influenced by it. Now, as I watch Glenn Reynolds and Co. go after the media - which is acting exactly as I said the Left did when my wife killed three people (full of irrational explanations that targeted my conservative ass) - with phrases like We fight the Left on this and we fight it hard, I hope a sense of what I've felt, and been doing, for 5 long years finally makes me, somehow, seem more comprehensible to you.
Or let me just flip it around on you, now that the Left has gone into full-smear mode, and ask how it feels to be told to "calm down"?
It was the only time I watched it whole I was getting ready for work. Not much else but infomercials on that early.
Traction for the desired meme is less likely than in the pre-Internet Clinton era, but damned if the left isn't giving it the old college try.
HDHouse said...
"woe is them"...
is that a threat diaper boy?
What are you mumbling about, you doddering, toothless fuck? You don't even make sense anymore you simpleton.
Careful, HDHouse is another one of those pot-smoking leftists who stroke off to their fantasy violence.
There is a coherence to Loughner's nihilism that I'm not sure has been commented on yet.
Loughner lists a lot of interesting works among his favorite books. (I think too much attention has been paid to the presence of "Mein Kampf" on the list, which is likely there for shock value, and is probably not a book that Loughner actually read.)
He lists two of Plato's works, Meno and the Republic. Meno begins, "Can you tell me, Socrates, whether virtue is teachable?" The dialogue does not answer the question, or even attempt to. Instead, Socrates asks Meno what he means by "virtue", and reveals that Meno has no answer. The word "virtue" has become separated from the concept (for Plato, the Ideal) that it once represented, and so has ceased to have meaning.
Compare this to one of Jared's other obsessions, government-issued currency. The currency has become separated from the gold or silver that it once represented, and so has ceased to have value.
These ideas can indeed be troubling. Most kids Jared's age don't take ideas seriously, so they aren't troubled.
wv: aphiest: a nonbeliever with a lisp
is AL one of those Laughner types that are gonna go shoot up a mall?
Democrats set the groundwork for blaming the next atrocity on the Right Dem Congressman: If Violent Rhetoric Didn't Cause This Shooting, It Will Cause Next One What a scumbag.
Why do you think Scar'bro works for MSNBC? The home of Larry "Liar, Liar, creepy Liar" O'Donnell, Ed Schultz, KO, Rachael Maddow, and Chris "I've got a tingle up my leg' Matthews.
If he were a real conservative the left-wing MSNBC execs wouldn't have hired him. His whole schtick is pretending to be a conservative while attacking real conservatives.
If he didn't attack Palin, he'd be out of a job.
More evidence Democrats are scum sucking dirtbags
Sanders Fundraises Off Arizona Murders
It's amazing how a post can disappear like that. Did/does anyone see the post I put up here - I can't - which I think is weird.
Let me know.
R.L. Hunter said...
More evidence Democrats are scum sucking dirtbags
Sanders Fundraises Off Arizona Murders
He's Stalinist human waste. What can you expect from filth like this devout communist.
Hi Crack. Yeah, I can see your post, but for some odd reason, Althouse's link is taking me to a NYT's article titled "Doctors Say Giffords’s Condition Points to Survival".
What a blessing for her and her loved ones.
As for the link I'm not seeing? Could care less. In fact, I even wonder if we are not "glorifying" both this man and his illness, simply through the attention we give to him.
As good humans, shouldn't we be hanging on every word of the victims' progress instead of the evil that came to live in this man because of his illness?
By the way, I'm asking myself this as well, so not pointing fingers with that question.
Ironically, the article about Giffords's progress had a good amount of information about what the lawmakers were doing.
Passing laws! FAST!
"In Phoenix, the State Legislature quickly passed an emergency law to block a controversial church that protests outside funerals from getting too close to the services planned in Tucson."
They're passing laws to keep the Westboro Baptist Church away.
Amazing to me, since all we need to do to rid ourselves of Westboro Baptist is to IGNORE THEM!
It may be difficult and very emotional for the families, but perhaps if they realized that by being strong they can help other families who will not have to deal with Westboro later, it might be doable.
But why use common sense when we can pass more laws...and so on and so forth...
Okay, this is just weird.
A logo for a mass shooting memorial service? Thrive?
Another tone deaf move.
BJM said...
Okay, this is just weird.
A logo for a mass shooting memorial service? Thrive?
Another tone deaf move.
The unwasted crisis movement is in full swing. IGNITE THE SPIN-O-RATORS!!!
wv = manlog = How HDHouse is best described as a piece of shit.
Wow... that logo is just beyond parody. It's so appalling, yet painfully hilarious, that Obama's people would "package" a memorial service for victims of a mass murder-- imagine, a memorial service with a title, logo, and slogan!-- into a tacky cheery "Yes We Can"-style political marketing campaign. It's like something out of a dark surreal political satire directed by Kubrick/ Altman/ Ashby.
Obama's political advisers have settled on a strategy for him to make maximum political hay out of the death of these people - including the nine-year-old girl born on 9-11.
That strategy: link this event to Tim McVeigh and then tar "right-wing extremists."
The strategy is on prominent display (it even has a logo as a previous poster noted). And the New York Times has all the details in a story reported this morning.
The Strategy: By staying above the partisan fray, Mr. Obama is adopting a model that is very close to what President Bill Clinton did 16 years ago, when Mr. Clinton was faced with responding to the Oklahoma City bombing at a similar point in his presidency. On April 23, 1995, four days after Timothy McVeigh detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Mr. Clinton traveled to Oklahoma City, where he told grieving family members at a memorial service that “those who trouble their own house will inherit the wind.”
Those who trouble their own house ... hmmmmm ... I wonder what that would refer to.
It's clear that Barack Obama intends to make as much hay out of this tragic event as possible to tamp down the successful debate the resulted in the ousting of Democrats from office during the mid-term elections.
Make no mistake about it ... they will do anything possible to restrict the speech of everyone who made that defeat possible.
They want their power back, and if they have to trample on the grave of a 9-year-old girl born on 9-11 to do it, they'll do just that.
The best thing Barack Obama could do is to stay away. His presence injects partisan political strategy into what should be a somber apolitical event.
Obama's presence is divisive.
a mass shooting memorial service
Wellstone II with some OKC on top.
Uh oh:
TUCSON — The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on more than one occasion before the attack here on Saturday that left a congresswoman fighting for her life and six others dead, the Pima County Sheriff’s Department said on Tuesday.
The news of police involvement with the Loughners suggests that county sheriff’s deputies were at least familiar with the family, even if the reason for their visits was unclear as of Tuesday night.
The Sheriff is headed for trouble...
"The Sheriff is headed for trouble..."
Headed for trouble? Headed?
Six dead bodies lay in his jurisdiction that he could have prevented by doing his fucking job.
I'm surprised he hasn't been recalled already.
The people of Pima County are not being served by this buffoon of a sheriff.
They had many, many chances to get Jared Laughner off the streets and to get him some mental health treatment.
But the Pima County Sheriff's department is too busy to do actual police work. They're too busy politicking immigration policy to worry about the innocent people being gunned down on their streets in broad fucking daylight.
This sheriff needs to be retired - permanently.
You can't always outsmart crazy.
Penny: Amazing to me, since all we need to do to rid ourselves of Westboro Baptist is to IGNORE THEM!
Doesn't work. You need to understand that those people are a family of lawyers who finance themselves by provoking and then sueing those who respond.
You might as well expect the commenters here to ignore trolls. Doesn't matter how many resist the urge, there will always be a handful who feed the trolls.
WV: subtoi = a very insightful commenter over at BelmontClub. Ha.
A logo for a mass shooting memorial service? Thrive?
Maybe they'll have Pepsi and Doritos there.
Six dead bodies lay in his jurisdiction that he could have prevented by doing his fucking job.
I'm surprised he hasn't been recalled already.
Did you come to this (premature) conclusion before or after Sheriff Dupnik's multiple comments about our supposedly poisoned political discourse?
"Together we thrive"
Bumper stickers!! Obama wants to profit from this crisis with bumper stickers.
We can paper over this problem with slogans, and people will thank me!
It's the new haiku! Call it Obamaiku! Mindless slogans in 3 words or less!!
"Yes, we can"
"Sí se puede"
"Together we thrive"
If Giffords was an old, white guy conservative, then would this news cycle have lasted more than 15 minutes?
I'm sorry, but do we really need to re-hash the babble from Morning Joe the talking head...and to debate his bona-fides as a conservative. He's on the TV....he's immediately disqualified. All he wants is viewers!
If you play Obama's "Yes, we can" backwards, it becomes "Thank you Satan".....or least that's true on the internet!!
W/V: thness - a thug like finess
Did you come to this (premature) conclusion before or after Sheriff Dupnik's multiple comments about our supposedly poisoned political discourse?
He likely came to this (not premature) conclusion after learning that Sheriff Dupnik and his deputies had MULTIPLE encounters with the perp over his MUTLIPLE death threats. They assured the targets that the perp was getting medical help when its clear that he wasn't. They lied. They dropped the ball. And now they are pointing fingers.
This guy should have been on a gun ban list for mental disorder. Sheriff Dupnik should be impeached for his negligence.
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