Dupnik made multiple statements drawing connections between conservative "rhetoric" and Saturday's crime.... At a time when most politicians were behaving responsibly, why was Sheriff Dupnik speaking with a reckless disregard for the truth...?...More likely he enjoys covering his ass. Shame on all the journalists who scurried forward with their big old newsrags to help him cover said ass.'
The Arizona Republic reported Wednesday that Dupnik's department was "refusing to release a wide range of public documents about the man charged in Saturday's shooting rampage that left six dead and more than a dozen wounded." Later that day, the Republic reported, the department relented and released "12 sets of incident reports" about police calls to the Loughner home or Jared Loughner's high school....
It's quite possible that Dupnik simply enjoys shooting off his mouth.
IN THE COMMENTS: Irene (who knows such things) says:
A juvenile point: the surname "Dupnik" derives from "Dupa," a word used in Slavic- and Baltic-speaking languages. The word "dupa" means "ass."
"Dupnik" can translate as "assman." There is a bawdy dance — usually done at vodka-infused weddings — called the "dupnik," during which the partiers "fist bump" their cheeks.
५५ टिप्पण्या:
They don't seem to like all Shire Reeves in AZ. They would like to throw one in his own jail.
The bit about CYA is probably the closest. It's going to be interesting to see just how badly this guy might have screwed up. The Republic is a hard core Conservative paper and you can bet they're going to dig deep on this guy.
As to heroes of the Left, the last fives decades have shown their standards are subterranean in that regard.
PS There were no deputies at the meetup. Could just one on the scene have prevented this?
You left off the part about how the County Sheriff may have gone easy on the guy because Mom was a County employee.
Same with the Fish and Wildlife cop that stopped him for running a red light the morning of the killing might have let him off because Mom worked for Parks and Rec and knew the cop.
"More likely he enjoys covering his ass. Shame on all the journalists who scurried forward with their big old newsrags to help him cover said ass."
A juvenile point: the surname "Dupnik" derives from "Dupa," a word used in Slavic- and Baltic-speaking languages. The word "dupa" means "ass."
"Dupnik" can translate as "assman." There is a bawdy dance--usually done at vodka-infused weddings--called the "dupnik," during which the partiers "fist bump" their cheeks.
One of the wags over at Ace's site referred to Dupnik, scathingly, as "Sheriff Nifong."
It's exacerbated by the fact that this nuts parents weep and moan on how they didn't know their little angel was a cold hearted, brutal, psychotic killer, and how sorry they are about what happened. When after all this time the cops had to come to their house 11 times because of him. Oh woe is them.
When I saw Douchenik on tv spout his mouth off, my wife was sitting right next time and we both look at each other and said, "Oh boy, here it comes." and did it ever.
Irene, fist bumb which cheeks, face on their "dup" (ass)?
PaulV, "ass bumping."
Also! Let's not miss the "Sheriff Dupnik is my Hero" Facebook page.
We no longer have a traditional news media as we have historically known it.
What counts as the "mainstream news media" are little more than cheerleaders for the Democrat Party for the most part.
No mainstream reporters are investigating the Pima County sheriff's office for dereliction of duty in the face of massive amounts of evidence that Sheriff Dupe could have prevented this massacre simply by doing his fucking job.
They had this guy charged and he should have been in jail, but he was out on a diversion program. And now a 9-year-old girl is dead and 18 others killed or wounded.
Hey, I have a great idea ... maybe Boss Hogg should be recalled and then maybe the people of Pima County can go get a loaf of bread without having to worry about some whackjob the sheriff let go shooting up the fucking Safeway.
The problem with these elected officials is that they think they're untouchable.
The people of Pima County need to reach out and touch Sheriff Dipstick.
I don't know that the Arizona Repulsive is such a conservative paper. I took it for 25 years and finally got disgusted with the continuing slide in quality and increasingly leftward slant.
If you want to see some really repulsive editorial cartoons about the Safeway affair, Benson (the Repubs resident doodler) has some that really go too far re: Sarah Palin.
I think truly that the Republic's interest in this is to stick it to Tucson - there has always been a bit of rivalry between Phoenix and Tucson. I have no idea why - but there you have it.
ps I've lived in AZ for 28 years and have never herd of Dupnik until this week.
Most revealing line of the Journal's commentary:
"At a time when most politicians were behaving responsibly, why was Sheriff Dupnik speaking with a reckless disregard for the truth that better befits a New York Times editorialist than a law-enforcement professional?"
Ohhhhhh ... snap!
From "all the news that's fit to print" the New York Times has been reduced to nothing more than the butt of a sad joke.
Someone put a microphone in front of Dupnik because he was the Sheriff. So far, no problem.
It all went south when Dupnik neglected to understand the responsibility of the JOB of "sheriff".
The man does not get paid to tell us how he "feels".
Do you hear that Juan Williams?
Another man who forgot he was being paid. Paid to be an "analyst".
He can't be the assman. That's Cosmo Kramer.
Gee, two posts having to do with asses. There is some kind of weird similarity between Loughner & Dupnik.
Tucson should rename the intersecting streets where this happened "Insanity Avenue" & "Incompetent Boulevard".
Way off topic, but this is just creepy.
The Dire Straits song Money For Nothing, a staple of classic-rock radio and music-video oldies shows, has been ruled as too offensive for the airways, two and a half decades after its original release.
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has found that the word “faggot” in the lyrics breaches the council’s code of ethics. The decision is in response to a complaint against radio station OZ FM in Newfoundland for broadcasting the song last February.
Hero? The left is pretty pathetic if Dobnik is a hero for speaking partisan nonsense.
The only reason Dupnik-Dipshit-Dumbass spoke was to cover his own culpability in doing a bad job on protecting people in his county.
Back in the sixties Dupnik was not a septuagenarian.
white sheriff from Arizona
Tucson is Arizona's San Francisco.
"The man does not get paid to tell us how he "feels"."
It's actually much, much worse than that.
You see ... it's a sheriff's job to investigate crimes and determine motive and by doing so establish justice for the victims of the crime.
ut Sheriff Dipshit didn't want to do that. He wanted the motive to be something that it isn't. He wanted to blame the shootings on those opposed to his open borders policies because he's pissed off at them for making him arrest illegal aliens and do all that paperwork.
Secondly, the sheriff, by creating out of thin air with no real evidence a false motive for the shooter ("right-wing eliminationist rhetoric made me insane") he's helping to create a plausible defense for the defendant that the county prosecutor will now have to spend precious time and money arguing against.
Sheriff Fucknik is actually helping the murderer - by creating the very chaos Jared Loughner sought to impose on us by his actions and giving him a defense ("Sarah made me do it!")
Sheriff Dupenik should no longer be allowed to hold public office because he's fucking unfit to do so.
I for one hope there are some adults left in Pima County who are motivated enough now to get themselves organized and do the right thing and retire this fucking moron.
Has anyone explained how a complete nut case bought a handgun? Or why all the warnings regarding this guy - some to the police - went unheeded?
I'm more concerned about incompetent law officials letting nuts have guns than what Rush Limbaugh says.
Dupa also means hostile ghost. In Ethiopia the dupa is feared and a primary source of madness is being invested by a dupa.
In case you were wondering.. The Best of The Web linked to in this tread had a little blurb about democrat presidential candidate John F Kerry.. they forgot to mention that he also served in Vietnam.. in case you were wondering if that was the same Kerry...
Never mind ;)
The thought had more flavor in my own mind.
My theory was that the Sheriff saw the opportunity of a lifetime to make a viral video.. and he did.
an MSM viral video..
The Republic is a hard core Conservative paper and you can bet they're going to dig deep on this guy.
The newsside of the Republic has not been conservative since Eugene Pulliam's death in the 70s. Don't expect any more from it than any other rag.
The people of Pima County need to reach out and touch Sheriff Dipstick.
Pima County is the most liberal county in Arizona and Clarence Dupnik is the biggest vote getter in its history.
Tucson is Arizona's San Francisco.
I lived there for 30+ years and I agree.
Dupnik believes and has argued publicly for years that violence on tv, in movies and video games fomented real violence. This shooting was a perfect opportunity for him to repeat that argument. That he didn't makes me wonder if he is covering his ass.
Check out the Arizona crime statistics - Sheriff Dupnik vs. Sheriff Joe.
... and the winner is:
The Chancellor of Berkeley is blaming the shooting on the failure of the Dream Act.
He suggests that it wasn't a coincidence (thus a causal relationship?) that it happened in Arizona because of immigration issues.
He accuses those who disagree with his political stands of "mean-spirited xenophobia" and cites the "tolerance of hateful speech" without seeming to note the irony.
Those who disagree with his political views and ideas about what is right to do concerning illegal immigration, do not have different opinions that are merely wrong or misguided or even uninformed, they are mean-spirited xenophobes.
But by all means, let us not tolerate hateful speech.
"Pima County is the most liberal county in Arizona and Clarence Dupnik is the biggest vote getter in its history."
He just lost 5 votes.
I bet between now and election day, he loses some more.
"He just lost 5 votes."
Wait ... no ... I forgot. They were Democrats.
I'm sure they'll be voting for Clarence for years and years to come.
A few comments:
Florida said...We no longer have a traditional news media as we have historically known it. What counts as the "mainstream news media" are little more than cheerleaders for the Democrat Party for the most part.
It was ever thus. Did you not notice James Reston's comments on Lee Harvey Oswald, Walter Cronkite's comments on the Tet Offensive, or RatherGate, or Helen Thomas's recent outing?
There never was a historically, wonderfully unbiased journalism. There was only journalism. It was always biased and always will be.
RimrockR said...I don't know that the Arizona Repulsive is such a conservative paper.
The Republic was known as Phoenix's "conservative" rag for years simply because Phoenix was a conservative town and it was the most important paper. Phoenix and its suburbs have changed, culturally, and the Republic and Gazette have become one. There is only one paper voice, and it's just a whisper anyway...and it's liberal.
rcocean said...Has anyone explained how a complete nut case bought a handgun? Or why all the warnings regarding this guy - some to the police - went unheeded?
Has anyone explained how peanut butter and jelly came together? It's really not a meaningful question. This particular nutcase had scared a few schoolmates, apparently, but had not acquired a record sufficient to deny him his rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Or so I understand. You might argue whether or not those rights should be guaranteed, but just wailing something should be done! when will anyone think about the nutcases?! doesn't help much.
This ass-calling is taking off.
Today, Isthmus's Bill Lueders called Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald an "ass."
"Exuding hostility."
Lueders hitches this incident onto the Arizona violence/mental illness tempest. Lueder's letter recounting the incident concludes, "I have no idea how serious Mr. Fuller was in making this threat but I can assure you that I did not appreciate it. Especially given the events of the last week, it is clearly not appropriate for public officials to threaten members of the media with violence, for whatever reasons. Additionally, I have serious concerns about Patrick Fullers' mental stability, which I think you should share."
Violent threats. Wisconsin politicians received threats this week. The recipients were Republicans.
"Someone put a microphone in front of Dupnik because he was the Sheriff. So far, no problem.
It all went south when Dupnik neglected to understand the responsibility of the JOB of "sheriff"."
So sorry. I seem to have repeated myself.
Do you hear that Juan Williams?
Another man who forgot he was being paid. Paid to be an "analyst".
And Juan Williams,... "paid analyst", hasn't figured out he wants to be a blogger one day...right after Fox is done with the "usefulness" presented either by the color of his skin in conservative ranks, OR right after the NPR public funding debate gives way to the "no more talk radio" debate.
Yet again....And as ever....with NO resolution.
I call them "trotter issues".
We trot them out...into the arena... for the SHOW.
The Tucson sheriff was covering his ass so bad he blamed everyone but the mailman for all the deaths that took place in his jurisdiction.
I'm assuming the sheriff runs for office as a democrat.. democrats have an ass as their logo..
An ass on many levels.. oh no.. I'm ratcheting up the rhetoric again.
We are the world.. we are the children..
Penny, on Fox News Sunday on 9 January 2011, Juan Williams said the following (I backed up and typed it to make sure I got it right):
"I do have worries about Arizona...there's too much of this kind of anti-immigrant fervor going on in Arizona...the people in Arizona have to stop for a second and think about exactly why they are so angry and why this incident happened in Arizona."
I do like Williams overall; he tends to admit it when he's wrong, and I'm convinced that he strongly believes what he says. But that stuff is disgusting.
Bob Ellison, Juan Williams is a good man, and so is Sheriff Dupnik.
Merely trying to point out two men, both well meaning, who didn't seem to understand the fundamental nature and of their jobs.
"Jobs", meaning that which you are paid to do.
Back in 1973 it would have been the Sheriff... yadi yada yada.
At least to my mind, BOTH neglected to do their respective paid jobs, and BOTH allowed themselves to be "trotted out" for the show.
Wow - that comparison between Maricopa and Pima County is really telling about why would Sheriff Dupnik talked the way the talked at that press conference.
CYA is right.
Just wondering.. could "yadi yadi yada" be considered hostile vitriol..
I don't want to cross the new line.
I really hate words like "septuagenarian." Even now as I post this I have to look back to the lead-in to see how to spell it. Fourteen letters; oh my; and seven (I think) sylables. What's wrong with "old guy".
Back in the mid 90's LIRR gunman Colin Ferguson was convicted of killing 5 people during their commute in the LIRR.
I recall noted defence attorney William Kunstler proposing a novel "Black Rage" defence on behalf of the gunman.
Maybe the Sheriff is proposing a "Political Rage" defence in Jared Loughner's behalf... what I know so far points to a sheriff in Jared Loughner's coner.. a good thing to have when you are accused of murder.
I'm just saying..
Usually the Sheriff's roll is not to stand for the accused.. but maybe Jared Loughner's case is special enough to merit a roll reversal..
Whats the big deal? Its not like Jared Loughner killed any.. oh wait..
I'm so confused ;)
Sheriff Dopenik was clearly spreading a smoke screen with his early comments after the shooting. He knew who the shooter was and knew he was going to be in trouble.
At least to my mind, BOTH neglected to do their respective paid jobs, and BOTH allowed themselves to be "trotted out" for the show.
Was the sheriff fired?
Then it's not comparable.
"Dupnik" can translate as "assman."
A mix up at the DMV, no doubt.
"Cosmo Kramer? You are the ASSMAN."
You go, girl. This is like some kind of English murder mystery in which the culprit misleads the investigation initially. Megan McArdle had a post today in which she talks of being in a picture with Mayor Koch, of shaking Senator Moynihan's hand, putting herself in the place of the 9 year old girl and her loss. By implication, she asks why such a thing didn't happen to her. Other than it's been a low probability event, the Sullivan law in New York left guns in the hands of the police and well connected mobsters. Internal controls in both organizations minimized the chance that overtly psychotic individuals would be armed in either group. To paraphrase the bumper sticker 'When guns are outlawed, only nonpsychotic mobsters will have guns.' Sometimes that's an improvement as Sheriff Dupnik's loosy-goosey administration suggests. Though I do think he might have been helped out by some kind of restraining order category that allowed him to restrain purchase/control, similar to an order in a domestic dispute, without demanding hospitalization for 'imminent dangerousness.'
Initial reports I read indicated that it took about 20 minutes for police & fire/rescue squads to show up at the scene. Seems like a long time to me. As I have not noticed any mention of this since, perhaps those reports were wrong. Or perhaps the sheriff is engaging in misdirection.
the Sullivan law in New York left guns in the hands of the police and well connected mobsters. Internal controls in both organizations minimized the chance that overtly psychotic individuals would be armed in either group.
Google the phrase "Son of Sam" sometime and contemplate the stupidity of asserting that the Sullivan law kept guns out of the hands of psychotic New Yorkers during McArdle's childhood.
To paraphrase the bumper sticker 'When guns are outlawed, only nonpsychotic mobsters will have guns.'
google PG County 2011 murders to see one of our local (very democratic) MD counties that has thus far a higherr murder rate in 2011 than A-Stan. 13 killings in 12 days.
I disagree Dupnik is covering his ass. It's unlikely he knew about the same day stop when he gave his initial comments.
His comments are an effect of never being exposed to critical arguments. The left has spent two years demonizing the Tea Party to discredit it. Dupnik accepted this PR campaign without asking why people engaging in harmless political theater should be considered a threat because he trusts the liberal commentators engaging in the PR campaign.
This is how liberal politics works. Get people into positions of perceived authority - academia, media, government agencies, NGO's - and substitute the perceived authority for empiricism and logic.
Sgt. and Revenant,
For reasons that Instapundit has gone into, I agree with the Second Amendment, however the Atlantic Wire had a recent article indicating that states with greater gun control had fewer homicides. Generally, by iteration and refinement, we can make things better. The current gun restriction in relation to mental illness seem archaic to me and, were they improved, perhaps lead to greater sensible liberality in 2nd Amendment rights. When McNaughton shot an ambassador, thinking that his country was plotting against him, there was no realistic hope that McNaughton could have become nonpsychotic. Today the situation is more like that of a domestic dispute, where hypothetical dangerousness might be temporary. What I would propose, in cases like that seen in the premurderous phase of the Virginia Tech killer or Loughner, would be perhaps a five year restriction on gun ownership or control.
Atlantic Wire:
Who'd have imagined that a feminist law professor at Wisconsin would one day become a hero to the right?
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