ADDED: "Please go." What a line!
AND: In defense of Obama, Clinton can be a windbag.
With Mr. Obama standing largely silently at his side, Mr. Clinton took over the lectern to lend his backing to the tax compromise the White House reached this week with Republicans. And then Mr. Clinton went on, for half an hour, answering questions and holding forth on topics from triangulation to Haiti to the mortgage crisis and the nuclear arms treaty with Russia.Why did Obama leave himself vulnerable to this grotesque upstaging, and why did Clinton do it? Was Clinton unaware of how this looked? Was Obama? Maybe Obama realized he'd made a mistake sharing the stage with Clinton without any ground rules, and walking out on Clinton was the best idea he had at that point. And maybe Clinton decided to deliberately show off the way a real President talks to the press because he actually wants to weaken Obama and create an opening for Hillary to challenge him in 2012.
Even after the 44th president excused himself and left the room, the 42nd went on. On cable TV, Mr. Clinton’s presence in front of the blue backdrop with the White House logo was familiar, as were the wagging finger and the occasional bitten lip.
Mr. Clinton and Mr. Obama turned up suddenly after meeting privately together for almost 90 minutes in the Oval Office. With no warning to Mr. Obama’s aides, the two men wandered through the nearly deserted West Wing — most staff members were at a holiday party — and tried to get into the briefing room but found the door locked. Only after they finally encountered Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, were arrangements made to turn on the lights and microphone and assemble the press corps.
१३९ टिप्पण्या:
Having former President Clinton show up in the White House Briefing Room - no problem.
Leaving former President Clinton in the Briefing Room - problem.
(What was President Obama thinking???)
Word verification: lenath
Do my homework, Bitches.
The ultimate in voting present.
Since a lot of the hard-core Lefties see Willie as a sell-out, The Zero might have done better to find someone with a bit more radical street cred.
PS MrBuddwing, he wasn't.
More pragmatism!! Obama realizes that Clinton was a far better President than he will ever be, so he has abdicated!
edutcher said...
"The ultimate in voting present."
Or not present. Or maybe he just needed to present.
I don't know a single employee, business man or woman who would leave - LEAVE - on something this important saying they were keeping their spouse waiting. I can't think of any spouse who would approve of this, or any boss who would tolerate this.
Is this man completely out of his mind? does he have any idea what his position is?
Best Tweet
Well, to be fair, this could have been a "Leo would like you to meet an old friend" via West Wing. ie, Obama was needed in the Situation Room.
But I love the way Bill gave him permission to leave.
And I bet Hillary is fuming.
Clinton is completely incoherent in the first four minutes of the clip.
Perhaps because he's totally stunned that Obama has left him out there like this.
In the second 2-3 minutes, Clinton is saying that the financial reform bill is responsible for lack of lending, or at least lack of comprehension of the bill.
Just whose fault is that?
"When I watch that video, I don't see a melt-down at all. I see Obama coming into his own at last. I see the Obama I voted for."
So is the Obama in this video still the Obama you voted for? Or, like a mayfly, does the Obama you voted for only show up once a year for a few hours?
Perhaps because he's totally stunned that Obama has left him out there like this.
True. That was dumb. Clinton is great at ad lib, so it must have been even worse for him than it appeared.
I'm wondering if Obama left because he was in danger of having yet another meltdown over this bill.
remember Wally Pitt
The Zero might have done better to find someone with a bit more radical street cred.
Come on, Obama found the only Democrat over the age of 35 who can't primary him!
just when you think it can't possibly get weirder...
This just in...
Obama Names Bill Clinton to Presidential Post
Obama is not in charge.
Funny how much more comfortable I am with Clinton at the podium and with Obama out of the room.
Clinton didn't bow. That's something.
That's "Wally PIPP"...not "Pitt"...(shakes head)
Belkys said...
remember Wally Pitt
That's Wally Pipp.
Jeeez. Aren't there any other Yankee fans out there.
Man, Obama really *is* pragmatic.
Thanks Charles.
Everyone should know that Wally Pipp was the guy who went out of the line up and was replaced by Lou Gerhig.
And of course he was the father of all three of Glady Knight's backup singers.
He knocked three chambermaids on that road trip. That was why he couldn't play.
If Mort was awake he would say that was racist.
Pragmatism on Obama's part. Knowing that Clinton would suck all the oxygen out of the briefing room, it was only prudent that Obama exit in order to avoid hypoxia...
wv: popperly - Obama exited popperly, but seemed disoriented...
Clinton to Obama: "And I... I don't want to make her mad. Please go."
Please go.
And with that, I think Bill Clinton finally speaks for all of us.
I think you all are reading too much. Obama is most confident - he should be as he is the BEST. The MSM says so. The voters say so. The consultants (like yours truly) say so.
Believe me now, remember this later.
Obama-Biden (II) will defeat anyone in the GOP in Nov. 2012. Any one in the GOP. You can take it to the bank. There is nothing - nothing - at all you can do. The result is known today. Is this not an irony? The GOP cannot do anything about it.
"Obama-Biden (II) will defeat anyone in the GOP in Nov. 2012. Any one in the GOP"
The bigger question is: Can they beat anyone in their own party?
Wow. This is truly bizarre. To the point of disturbing and creepy. It seems our current President is having a nervous breakdown.
I remember when O was all about "unprecedented" this and that; this really is: unprecedented unpresidenting.
How can any politician or office-holder (let alone POTUS) with an adequate grasp of reality think he can leave an ex-holder of his office alone at his press conference to speak for him, defend his policies, and handle the questions meant for him???
I feel like laughing, but I'm genuinely creeped out now. It's a theatre of the absurd, at the highest levers of power.
America's Politico: Obama-Biden (II) will defeat anyone in the GOP in Nov. 2012. Any one in the GOP.
Meade: The bigger question is: Can they beat anyone in their own party?
Has he resumed his consumption of cocaine?
"Gotta go cause my wife says so".... what a flippin' pussy.
Gees...AP's escaped his minders again.
Somebody get a net.
"It seems our current President is having a nervous breakdown."
A meltdown may be coming, but this is not it. This was just a very public (though in a sense piddling) example of Obama's bad judgment and contempt.
Meade rises to nibble at Politico's very stale bait.
Just wow.
Sixty Grit said...
"Has he resumed his consumption of cocaine?"
Or even just a cigarette. Clinton has a reputation for being late and talking too long. First Lady waiting 30 minutes = I need a fag.
Toto! We're not in Kansas anymore!
We've been saying for over a year that Obama shows little interest in actually being president. If you were looking for evidence of Obama's detachment from the presidency, here it is.
Obama ducked out of his own press conference! (And Bill Clinton stepped back in so easily it was eerie.) And yeah, Bill giving him permission to go was very odd.
Who is actually in charge up there?
David, you're probably right. But the contempt shown in that act (leaving Clinton to finish the press conference alone) is stupendous-- contempt toward the press, Clinton, and us.
This does show just how far out of his depth Obama really is.
The interesting question is: Why were we all so badly fooled?
I think it was because Obama is black.
There was an internal inhibition on thinking bad thoughts about him because he was black, and there was a total absence of critical perspective coming from the press about him because he is black.
Plus, thee was a compulsion to over-praise his blather and remoteness as eloquence and discernment.
This is another example of how affirmative action corrupts everything it touches--because affirmative action is and promotes racism.
Obama has simply lost interest in being President.
Quaestor, that sounds like an Onion headline.
The interesting question is: Why were we all so badly fooled?
Who is this "we" of which you speak?
Some of us had Obama pretty well pegged (it wasn't hard if you took a clear-eyed look at his background).
However, I admit today maxed out the Barack Obama creepiness meter.
It was like watching an American president disappear right before my eyes. Was David Copperfield in the room?
I got the sense that this is what Obama really wanted to say: "Screw you guys, I'm going home".
It's interesting that "Creepy" and "Scary" are two common reactions to what happened here. Why do we find this creepy or frightening?
Is it because we can now be pretty certain that the man in charge is mentally unstable?
As Tonto the Indian was won't to say: Who'sthis we whit man?
Maybe it where I work but I could spot this Affarmtive Action Ivy a mile off.
Unless Obama was being sued to death, I don't want to hear another single word from Leftists about Sarah Palin quitting as Governor of Alaska,...
The ultimate in voting present.
Obama needs another vacation. What's it been, 3 months?
I'm thinking the Narcissist ditched the conference once he realized Clinton was upstaging him.
What was the WH staff thinking, that a joint conference would win back their base?
"Seriously, what was the thinking here? This has to be one of the worst PR moves in the entirety of the administration. Obviously, Clinton is probably a more popular Democratic figure right now, but they had to imagine this would hurt Obama. I mean, letting a former president explain your tax bill while you head to a Christmas party? A Christmas party?"
"In defense of Obama, Clinton can be a windbag."
No, that's no defense at all. When you're the boss, you control the conversation. The wind bag sits down and shuts up.
It's interesting that "Creepy" and "Scary" are two common reactions to what happened here. Why do we find this creepy or frightening? Is it because we can now be pretty certain that the man in charge is mentally unstable?
WH insiders have been telling the media that Obama has become disengaged and apathetic. Why would they do that?
I was sharply critical of Clinton both when he was President and after, but he was a good deal better than Obama. If Obama wants to delegate his Presidency to Clinton, I'm all for it.
Fen, brace yourself. This is hard to take:
Obama's mental health
Fen said... I'm thinking the Narcissist ditched the conference once he realized Clinton was upstaging him.
I think you're onto something. For a while, Obama stood beside Clinton, head tilted back, striking a cool confident pose. Then maybe he thought, "Screw it, I look like an idiot standing here," and left.
Is this one of those times Bill Clinton talked someone into something against their better interest?
Fen wrote: WH insiders have been telling the media that Obama has become disengaged and apathetic. Why would they do that?
Disengagement and apathy are typical symptoms of the passive/aggressive personality when confronted by frustrating circumstance. It is a mentality very typical of adolescent males. Most teenage boys grow out of this pattern, but not all. Unfortunately for all of us it is growing ever more apparent that Obama has retained this adolescent character of mind.
NYT makes it sound like Obama left after Clinton had been droning on for half an hour.
And by the way,
whatever advantage Obama gained by having Clinton come in was lost in this travesty.
O looks weak. Hell, he looks downright silly.
Pretty soon he will be off to Hawaii for Christmas.
Wonder if he and Michelle enjoyed the party?
First black President by committee
Biden's crippling assburger (Asperger) syndrome!
Weeee! The LP disc goes 'round and 'round, weeee!
That was very Omarosa of him - or of Michelle as the case may be.
"It takes a village".
Obama's going to start appointing "Deputy Presidents".
Just kidding there. REALLY!
OK, that was clever, Palladian, but I have a question.
Is our country too complicated for one man to have all the answers?
OR...are the people too eager to find a goat?
Good leaders "lead"....and then they get out of the way!
Right, Althouse?
For Obama's audacity of hoping to bring Bill Clinton forward to pull his chestnuts out of the fire, two words suffice:
That's precisely why she leaves us alone most nights.
"Somehow, Chip is now Althouse!"
"For Obama's audacity of hoping to bring Bill Clinton forward to pull his chestnuts out of the fire, two words suffice:
Easy to say... when your nuts aren't roasting on an open fire.
Do I have to lick or spit to get you to reconsider, dave in boca?
Update: there are nine candles in a menorah.
That must mean something, deborah?
I'll leave you and Althouse to decide just what.
lucid says:
"The interesting question is: Why were we all so badly fooled?"
Who is this "we," Kemo Sabe?
I'm a black man and I was never fooled; and I've been warning anyone who would listen since Obama declared his candidacy. But then I grew up steeped in the politics of black socialists/Marxists like CLR James, Walter Rodney, Michael & Norman Manley, LFS Burnham, etc. Obama is a lightweight compared to those men who at least were genuine intellectuals.
Having grown up in the world's only Cooperative Republic I immediately recognized that his proposed policies were no different from those espoused by African socialists like Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyrere, Kenneth Kaunda and others. Just look how well "cooperative socialism" worked out in Guyana or East Africa.
It doesn't look bad to anyone who is looking at it from the Left.
In fact, it looks fucking dandy! We love Bill Clinton.
wv: "gityrin" -- That's what she said!
Belmont Club sees it as stupid and dangerous.
[Obama] forgot the presidency was not an extension of his personality; he neglected to remember that his idiosyncrasies were only tolerable within its mighty and inviolable framework; that a man might act a fool for so long as the crown was reverenced; but no king can long survive the demotion of the throne to a footstool in a saloon.
Unbelievable. Obama came off looking completely pussy-whipped, and diminished his presidential image at the same time by ceding his own press conference to Clinton. "Just go," indeed!
It was a win for Bill, by the way. Compared to Obama, he looks like he ought to be on Mt. Rushmore. (This is NOT to say that he actually belongs there, by the way, only in comparison to Obama.)
A citizen goes to he White House and tells the President of the United States to "go", and the President turns around and leaves. We live in interesting times, don't we? What will the next two years bring? We laugh now, but we'll be crying by the time this is over.
Phone call at 3 am? He wouldn't answer it.
Phone call at 3 am? He wouldn't answer it.
Allen nails it. It doesn't matter if this is Obama playing the passive/aggressive brat trashing his room or Cesare Borgia laying a trap for his political rivals. In the end a President must project an image of determination, not diffidence. To do otherwise is to invite adventurism by an enemy -- an Ahmadinejad, a Chavez or a Kim Jong-il. A President who sends such signals to warmongering despots is gambling with the lives of millions.
The present President and the acting President both comporting in deference of the First Lady, who apparently has acquired a new title – She Who Must Be Obeyed. If the Democrats put the wrong Obama on their ticket in 2008, they have – barely – time to rectify and recuperate. Let's watch the spin doctors.
"AND: In defense of Obama, Clinton can be a windbag."
That windbag sells policy. Clinton went on Jon Stewart's show in September. Stewart just was in awe and let it out -- why can't we hear this from them meaning Obama and co? And he mocked about how DNC chair Tim Caine gave him a car key.
you can watch it all here
Obama was merely being pragmatic so now Althouse will find this incident as another reason to justify why she voted for him and be smugly pleased with herself.
Who is this "we" who were all fooled? Prior to the election I heard Obama answer a question about the capital gains tax. He said it needed to be raised, but he was not sure about what the rate should be. "20 or 25%" he said. Anyone who talks about tax rate changes in big round 5% increments clearly has no understanding of the impact of tax policy. He is clueless, has always been clueless, and will always be clueless.
The World Government Debt Bankers are in charge. They are the ones that installed the Usurper (father wasn't a citizen). Obama didn't want to be the one supporting keeping tax rates the same in front of his base, so he brought in Bill. His base wants the "Rich need to pay more" class warfare.
Raising taxes won't cure the deficit, neither will keeping them the same. The debt is insurmountable, and Obama has tripled down on more debt, at the behest of those really in charge. This argument is ALL about divide and conquer.
The rule of law is gone. Instead of "raising taxes" they should be throwing the "rich guys" who caused the Financial meltdown, and subverted the rule of law in jail, including Bernanke. But somehow they give them trillions, and let the criminals be in charge. Then the CIC, who is criminally Usurping the office, lets Willy the Philanderer speak for him!!! I think they were both drunk, or doing a few lines.
Please, no more Clintons. I seem to remember BJ Clinton complaining about Bush's tax cuts. Now he's saying that it's a good idea for Obama to keep them. Makes no sense, unless you're willing to believe in anything that the two Clinton's and Obama have to say. Project your pragmatism.
Wow, man. Flashback.
wv: stedly
That was bizarre. Obama got up and left his press conference to go to a christmas party. WTF?
"Sorry guys, but I gotta go meet the wife. Bill's gonna take over. any pertinent questions ask him, I got more important things to do, and anyway he understands all that economics stuff better anyway"
Selling liberal policy to Jon Stewart isn't exactly the greatest feat ever, is it?
I think Obama just remembered that he left a bunch of important papers behind in the Office of the President-elect. Bill will mind the Oval Office until he gets caught up.
I'm going with "triangulation gone horribly wrong".
Obama is likely trying to appear as a centrist and figured that he'd throw Clinton out there. Sure he'd piss off his base and Clinton would have to reverse himself on taxes, but the disengaged public (i.e. most voters) would only see that Clinton supported Obama's plan.
However, somewhere along the line Obama realized that appearing with Clinton was making him look diminished and decided to bug out.
Frankly this entire thing smacks of 2 men deciding to be clever and fucking up horribly when, horror of horrors, it turned out that both were narcissists. To use the diplomatic parlance: Obama can't stand playing Robin, and Clinton can't help but play Batman.
wv: catter - a Middle Eastern nation as run by TV's Andy Levy
"Who is this "we" who were all fooled? Prior to the election I heard Obama answer a question about the capital gains tax. He said it needed to be raised, but he was not sure about what the rate should be. "20 or 25%" he said. Anyone who talks about tax rate changes in big round 5% increments clearly has no understanding of the impact of tax policy. He is clueless, has always been clueless, and will always be clueless."
I think thats right. The 'Won' offers more evidence in this latest fiasco that he suffers from severe reality-deficit disorder.
He makes prima-donnas everywhere blush with envy.
Has anyone tried to imagine what the response would have been if Bush had brought in an elderly Reagan early in his first term for something like this, then left the Gipper on the podium while he bolted for Crawford?
Obama is a puppet, as was Bill Clinton.
George Soros is in charge.
That was sad. Sweet old Bill is back. I bet the Arkansas Whoremonger wishes he was Sarah Palin today with an 8 year term in sight. And why does Alaska get pegged as less culturally acceptable than Arkansas?
Nothing new here, Obama just appointed another Czar. In this case a Czar as congressional approval required.
Carry on.
Or maybe he figured that after all those czars it was time to bring in a Rasputin.
Something that I read on another blog this morning:
"Obama left to get Bill Clinton some coffee."
Palladian skewers the good professor who just recently was gushing over the pragmatist.
Well done.
I only wish Mr Clinton would have invoked Oliver Cromwell's speech to the rump parliament: for the love of God: go
you know bill looks really annoyed when barack interrupts to say he is leaving and then annoyance turns into relief when he knows he will be alone in the press room
jayne: Frankly this entire thing smacks of 2 men deciding to be clever and fucking up horribly when, horror of horrors, it turned out that both were narcissists
With Mr. Obama standing largely silently at his sided
But Obama is like super-duper smart and stuff!!
The interesting question is: Why were we all so badly fooled?
I think it was because Obama is black.
1. I wasn't fooled, and I can say, we tried to tell you.
2. The only reason Obama was even considered was because he was black.
If Scott Brown ran for President, would anyone consider him a serious candidate?
He has Obama's resume.
Clinton never sat on a ventriloquist's lap even when he was impeached. We'd be better off with Biden.
New York Times: Look! Over there! It's Nixon!
WTF. I take a nap on a Friday afternoon and have a quiet evening with the wife and you guys let Bill Clinton become president again???
"...maybe Clinton decided to deliberately show off... and create an opening for Hillary..."
And maybe they've all got their heads up their spouts, which is what all the other evidence supports.
Maybe Obama has absolutely no idea what he's doing, and he's tired of being president.
I don't think that there's any maybe about it.
And now Michelle is probably pissed at him, too.
@ Jim Treacher
Rectal-cranial inversion will do that to you.
@ Jay
I think its now safe to say 'we told you so'.
Did the teleprompter run out of words?
Is BJ the new President Czar?
Does anybody remember voting for Obama??
Less than 120 posts after 10 hours? Some commenters have gone silent.
Obama leaves the room, and the very next question is addressed to...."Mr. President"
So, the press has already accepted the transition of power?
I think its now safe to say 'we told you so'.
We could legitimately do that much after those first jaw-dropping few months (iPod of his own speeches to the Queen; bowing to every foreign thug and despot within reach; "I Won": etc., etc.).
"Please go."
Only Cromwell said it better, speaking to Parliament in 1653:
"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes, have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!"
"The interesting question is: Why were we all so badly fooled?"
Unless you're gonna qualify that with a 52% figure tossed in there somewhere, you're still suffering from the vestiges of the delusion that influenced your vote in the first place.
Hey, where are AL, FLS, garage, HDH, DTL, Trickles, or any other of the more sane libbies on this one?
At :40 Clinton says, "Help me."
Watch Gibbs' reaction at about 48 seconds. He's not happy.
@AllenS: The amazing thing is that Gibbs (the friggin' PRESS SECRETARY, for crissakes!) would think this was a good idea in the first place. The notion that Obama is a young man in way over his head--something voters are believing in droves these days--is perfectly encapsulated in these few minutes of video. This administration, from top to bottom, does not think on its feet very well.
I don't think that Gibbs seen this coming. I doubt if he thought it was a good idea for Clinton to take over so Obama could go to a fucking party.
Just before Allen posted 'watch Gibbs' I had replayed his reaction several times. He wanted to follow him out, but then either said 'screw it,' or thought it would make it even worse if he followed him out.
Watching Gibbs' facial expression and the swipe of the arm, it was a WTF moment.
The amazing thing is that Gibbs (the friggin' PRESS SECRETARY, for crissakes!) would think this was a good idea in the first place.
My understanding is that he didn't, but was kinda ambushed by them wanting to unlock the Press Room.
Just watching the clip for the first time now (I know, bad Fen).
I'm amused at how easily the press slipped back into "Mr President" mode with their tax questions.
You could almost sense a sigh of relief from the press: the nightmare is over, Bill is still Prez
Hey, where are AL, FLS, garage, HDH, DTL, Trickles, or any other of the more sane libbies on this one?
Cowering from it, one and all. (... and, good grief: can one honestly blame them...?)
Picture this:
Barrack arrives at the Christmas Party.
Barrack: Sorry I'm late . . . . Happy Holidays!
Michelle: Ah? Barrack, where's Bill?
Barrack: I left the Billage talking at the press briefing, you know how he can go on, and I . . .
Michelle: (Recovering from being dumbstruck) YOU DID WHAT?
Barrack: (Self-satisfied) Not to worry, Belle, 'Bubba is my co-pilot."
The Billage, The Billinator...
Obama is a fool if he thinks that either Clinton is his friend.
I'm amused at how easily the press slipped back into "Mr President" mode with their tax questions.
You could almost sense a sigh of relief from the press: the nightmare is over, Bill is still Prez
Project much? I was taught to always address a former as well as current President of the United States as "Mr. President." This would apply to Clinton, Bush I and Bush II: "Mr. President."
Word verification: mentri
The Billifior.
Not sure when people started calling former presidents "Mr. President", but it is something new-ish. A former president is a citizen, just like you and me, and is more properly called Mr. Bush or Mr. Clinton or Mr. Malaise.
Of all our former presidents, I would bet money that George W is the one who cares least about the "Mr. President" title.
And--shocking as it must seem to O--the current president is also a citizen just like you or me. But we call him Mr. President out of respect for the office.
Hmm... Miss Manners does not agree with me. I bow to her wisdom. That's a figurative bow, not an Obama bow.
Remember how Khrushchev was convinced of JFK's weakness because of the Bay of Pigs failure, and so decided to move some nuclear missiles into Cuba?
What's the likelihood that another foreign leader will look at this press conference fiasco and conclude that Obama is a terribly weak man, and will reason that aggression against the USA might be warranted?
Mark my words, this pathetic little display by Obama is going to get someone killed.
What Obama should have done, since this was not a scheduled press conference, is just tell the press, "Thanks, that's all the time we have. Merry Christmas" and leave.
Leaving Bill there was a gross error but we've come to expect them.
Wonder if Clinton is going to be named Czar of the executive Branch of the U.S government.
a spur-of-the-moment,joint press conference was the first mistake but leaving the former president behind was just mind-boggling. imagine gerald ford saying "betty's wondering where i am, so here's dick nixon to take your questions..he knows more about this stuff than i do anyway..catch ya later!"
'michael' here has it exactly right: all barack had to do was to say "sorry to cut this short, guys, but WE have to be going." to politely mitigate what was already a big boo-boo. instead, clinton stayed and demonstrated that he had figures and details at his fingertips regarding negotiations in which he is not even involved..totally showing up our sitting (and partying) president.
of course, if you rely on MSM for your info, you would have no idea any of this occurred besides, as my local news reported, that the two men appeared together at a press conference.
Whatever happened; still it was a warm comfort to hear Bill Clinton like old days;someone on whom the world relied then and hopes for some miraculous escape now.........
Whatever happened; still it was a warm comfort to hear Bill Clinton like old days;someone on whom the world relied then and hopes for some miraculous escape now.........
Marvel/shudder at the incredibly phony smile from Obama at .40. Obama does not like Clinton. He freely treats Clinton like hired help.
Clinton was not expecting this but Clinton, being Clinton, rolls with it. Then as Obama is leaving, Clinton blurts out "help me" then goes ahead and does what comes naturally - wonk talk. Gibbs wasn't expecting this either.
Obama does whatever Obama wants to do and NO ONE says no to King Obama. Well, the electorate did, but they're gonna pay for that!
Please pack your knives and GO.
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