December 21, 2010

Settle in!


The table's all set up for you.


Unknown said...

Snow cones for one!

Ann Althouse said...

Yeah, just take a big old bottle of grape (or cherry) syrup, pour it all over that, and start biting.

Freeman Hunt said...

Maybe if I settle in, my hackles will go back down.

former law student said...

Last week and this have been the most productive of Obama's term so far.

garage mahal said...

Amazing what you can get done with just a few moderate and reasonable Republicans eh?

Tex the Pontificator said...

My wife and I had outdoor seating at lunch this afternoon. It was not uncomfortably warm, but it would not have taken much more to make it so.
(San Antonio, Texas)

KCFleming said...

My son is all bummed. A 'postponed' admission at Mad. No news until March. I gather that's a soft 'no'.

Bad news before Xmas. But he'll find his place to settle in. Life is weird that way.

Clyde said...

It looks like a snow sculpture of a Boston cream pie. Mmmmm, pie...

Anonymous said...

Garage said,

"Amazing what you can get done with just a few moderate and reasonable Republicans eh?"

It's a Christmas miracle, a lefty socialist prog Pres. gets his ass handed to him and drifts right. Is there nothing those tea baggers can't do?


garage mahal said...

Old Dad couldn't help rising up and smacking that bait.

"Got one!"

The Scythian said...

This just in:

The release of the douchebag who massacred 270 people over Lockerbie, Scotland was the sham everybody knew it to be.

Anonymous said...

Garage thinks he got one.

Call him Ishmael.

wv: meadedi--da da

Moneyrunner said...

Looks like global warning to me.

garage mahal said...

Old Dad
I used to do alawt of musky fishing. One marriage's worth. Fishing surface lures sometimes I know they will come up and pound it with no intention of eating it. Irritated, territorial, who knows. So I'll give you that ;)

Anyone have a bigger musky than 48" 30# ? And pics or it didn't happen.

Anonymous said...


You know some fun fishin', Crappie or Rock Bass on ultalight tackle.

Can't match your Musky but did snare a 28# carp through the tail with a spoon on a worm rod. Felt like a log coming in. What I did with the fish resulted in much merriment and a fist fight.

traditionalguy said...

That's more than your share of snow and it's only December. Send some snow down here where we need it. Keep the ice, but send the snow. Many cars and trucks heading to Florida drive on the Interstates through Atlanta every day still covered in snow along with road salt stains on their doors.

garage mahal said...

Old Dad
Yea I bet that carp felt like reeling in a bike after a while hooked through the tail like that. 28 lbs and they start looking like a football don't they? We used to snag hook them for fun in the Crawfish "River". You can cast way across it. Anyway I think the biggest I ever "caught" was maybe 18lbs tops. I remember snagging one, started reeling it in, and I was like "WTF? This thing is hardly even fighting". Then I got it in and saw it was the same exact carp I fought and caught a few minutes ago. Hooked in the same exact place. We got a helluva laugh from that one. That's the good thing about snagging rough fish. They don't really need to be "biting", do they? LOL.

Unknown said...

former law student said...

Last week and this have been the most productive of Obama's term so far.


The only thing that's really gone the Demos' way was repealing DADT and The Zero doesn't even like them that much.

Patrick said...

Garage: No muskies, I go for trout. I always say, and it seems to apply to muskies as well: "If it was easy, they'd call it bass fishing."

The Scythian said...

It's cold outside and I'm in for the night, but too lazy to do anything constructive. And it's an open thread...

So how about some music?

In honor of our host's Bob Dylan fetish, let's hear how Old Crow Medicine Show decided to complete one of his unfinished songs.

The Scythian said...

To shake things up a little, here's Thee Headcoatees doing a cover of "Strychnine", originally by the seminal garage band The Sonics.

Eli Blake said...


He's also gotten 10 of his previously blocked judical nominees confirmed (while accepting that four won't be.) I'd say that's a pretty good number for him.

Even the tax bill only extends the Bush cuts for two years and brings back the estate tax (though at a reduced level) and in return he got more than a year extension of unemployment benefits (which brings the next vote in-- that's right, 2012, the next election year) and over $60 million in additional stimulus type projects (a.k.a. 'pork') that will result in some more hiring.

And then, yes, there is DADT. Which is actually the direct fulfillment of a promise he made and that Republicans had promised to block.

An-- the Senate will soon be voting on the START treaty and if they pass it then, yes, I would say this was a very good Lame Duck session for him.

Eli Blake said...

Oh, and don't forget the bill settling with the black and Native American farmers that had been going on for a couple of decades.

So a VERY productive Lame Duck for Obama (DREAM act notwithstanding, but even there Democrats got their 'at least you tried' points from the Latino community.

So this was actually a banner Lame Duck session.

garage mahal said...

I think anyone with dedication can be a decent musky fishermen, if they put in the long hours. Trout fishing is a whole different animal though. My nephew is a trout guide in Montana. He is in a whole different league than me with a fly rod when he takes me out. The kid can really stick em.

The Scythian said...

Kris Kristofferson wrote "Me and Bobby McGee" and gave it to Roger Miller, who had a hit with it. Janis Joplin did her own version (which isn't really surprising, given that it's pretty obviously about her). It was one of the last songs she did before she died. Kristofferson didn't know that she did a cover, and heard her version the day after her death.

What a headtrip.

AST said...

That's how my satellite dish looked this morning. I couldn't watch TV for a few hours, but if I had to choose between TV and the internet, the latter would win.

Titus said...

I have always wanted to catch a muskie.

Those bitches are mean.

I have 8 months left in Wisconsin. Perhaps I will snag a muskie.

So how about a date Althouse?

Dindin, drinkies, dessert, light shopping, hair coloring?

My treat.

We can look at pictures of my husband and braid each other's hair and giggle. Just us girls.

JAL said...

Eli thinks Pigford was good.


Merry Christmas to you too.

sunsong said...

Here's a time lapse of the eclipse if you missed it

JAL said...

Pogo --

Daughter #1 had three waitlists for med school.

She got called for one with a 24 hr yes/no. Took it.

Graduated with the award for exemplifying the best of what that school wanted.

Your son will find his place. :-)

The Scythian said...

In Joplin's home state of Texas, there was a band called The 13th Floor Elevators, the first psychedelic rock group.

She actually almost considered joining them, although her manager advised her to go to San Francisco instead. With Roky Erickson's guitar and Janis Joplin's voice, the music of the 1960's might have been very different (just as the country renaissance of the 1970's might have been different if she'd lived).

Here's The 13th Floor Elevators' single Top-100 hit, "You're Gonna Miss Me".

The Scythian said...

And, speaking of the country renaissance, I'm reminded of this, my favorite song of the movement. Which is a good place to stop for the night!

On the off chance that anybody clicks through to any of the songs, enjoy!

traditionalguy said...

On Saturday January 1st it will be 65 and sunny with a gentle breeze in Pasadena, but only hot dogs and no brats will be sold at Rose Bowl field. That may be a bad omen for brat eaters from the frozen North.

Titus said...

My transcendental meditation is going really well.

I got my mantra today.

Very exciting.

I already feel a peace with myself, the world and the beautiful animals that give us so much and ask for so little.

Please, don't forget the animals.

I would kind of like to get a job as a PETA investigator where I get a job at some slaughter house and film the inhumanity.

If you knew how your meat got to your table would you care?

Titus said...

I would also like to be one of those Irish Dancers with those freaky legs.

But want I really want to be is a dog breeder and dog shower. I would love to go to those shows and be all bitchy and compete against the other fags.

I would be the new girl on the circuit and all the other girls would be saying, "smell you".

My dad has a farm in Lodi and I would like to redo the Barn and live in it with all my rare clumbers. It would be really cool. He said it's all mine if I want to but I don't know what my Indian UK husband will do. I think he would hate it here. It's fucking cold, the grocery stores suck and the gyms are horrible.

Otherwise, we are heading back to Boston or Chicago in 8 months when his 1 year has expired and he can come back to the states. He's in Chennai now on business.

KCFleming said...

Thanks JAL,
I trust you're right. He'll find his own way. Prayer seems appropriate, though.

J Lee said...

Out at 9:15 tonight here in West Texas in a short-sleeved shirt, with the temperature still in the low 60s after the second straight day of a high of 83 degrees. But at least it's supposed to be below freezing Christmas morning.

I blame seemingly arbitrary movements of the winter jet stream over the Rocky Mountains (which is not as trendy as blaming climate change, but more accurate), since the jet appears to have bedded down for the night someplace around Albuquerque, along with the cold front that was supposed to arrive on Wednesday, but now isn't.

former law student said...

Become a pro handler. You need to apprentice with someone, though.

I was surprised how many gay folks are in the dog game.

Meade said...

Titus said...
"My transcendental meditation is going really well.

I got my mantra today."

Betcha I can guess your mantra.

Titus said...

Where do I begin
To tell the story


Love means never having to say your sorry.

Thank you.

Oh, and are there gays in Arkansas?

Penny said...

"Maybe if I settle in, my hackles will go back down."

Would love to help settle your hackles, Freeman.

But we just might need to get closer. You know...try to understand each other?

Trooper York said...

Wow. We haven't seen Eli Blake around here in a long time. Welcome back.

We can always use an extra commie or two. Lighten the load for Robert Cook and hd.

Welcome back dude.

Peter Hoh said...

Did you get the freezing rain on top of the snow like we did? Made for a crunchy coating.

This evening, large, highly reflective flakes were falling lightly. They looked like glitter strewn across the sidewalk when my wife and I walked under a streetlight.

Peter Hoh said...

Youngblood, remember all those guys rushing to BP's defense when Obama was shaking them down, Chicago style?

Now we know what kind of company BP keeps, eh?

Penny said...

"Now we know what kind of company BP keeps, eh?"

You bet your bippy!

That was reluctantly presented for the the day glo dago.

Peter Hoh said...

Warning, Cute Kid Video: Books for Christmas?

Peter Hoh said...

Here's wishing that your son finds his place, Pogo. My boy is looking at life after high school, too.

Penny said...

"My boy is looking at life after high school, too."

An ageless, and totally worthless American tradition..."looking at life after high school."

Wouldn't we be better off romanticizing "looking at first paychecks", followed by that very special WTF moment when we first see how much time we spend working for the government?

Penny said...

Whoa, that sounded almost bitter... and who wouldn't find THAT hard to taste without the sweetness of a European hostel or Community the ready?

rhhardin said...

According to Mark Simone substituting for Imus, the wedding section at the NYT is called the women's sports page.

Michael said...

Garage: I won 25 bucks in the Genesse beer fishing contest in August of 1968. Skinny fish but over thirty inches. I needed the money. Moved back south after that and have never caught a musky since. It tasted of lake grass and mud.

KCFleming said...

Thanks. The future for young people seems uncertain as it was in the 1930s. So the standard approach to college seems questionable to me. yet I don't know what to tell him. I feel fairly useless at the moment.

My grandfather had to drop out of college in 1931 and became a low level grunt at a newspaper. His life turned out rather well, though. Hope is the thing with feathers.

jungatheart said...

In other news, you send me.

MadisonMan said...

Pogo, my daughter has been accepted to UofM, but has heard nothing back from UW. Yesterday she finished her application to school #7. I hope your boy finds a place that suits him and challenges him and makes him happy.

It's unnerving to think how much of their future path rests on where they go to school, but I figure there's not much to do but take a deep breath and watch them go.

former law student said...

Oh, and are there gays in Arkansas?

I do know Houston is chockfull of gays, and Arkansas is not too far away.

former law student said...

The future for young people seems uncertain as it was in the 1930s.

The economy should look very different four years from now. But has your son considered ROTC? Why not plan to work for Uncle Sam for a few years?

KCFleming said...

MadisonMan said...
"It's unnerving to think how much of their future path rests on where they go to school..."

You're right, and thanks.
Not much to do but watch and advise. Learning to roll with the punches is needed, no matter how much I prefer to take those punches for him.

bagoh20 said...


KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter Hoh said...

Penny, what makes you think that a year of European hostels is in the cards? And why pair that with community college in your snarky response? Are the two somehow equivalent in your fevered imagination?

Sending one's child to Europe or community college after high school is a clear mark of the elite, eh?

WV: oxhinges.

Might replace bullshit in my vocabulary. It has a good, woody quality to it.

AllenS said...


That is a mighty fine word.

MadisonMan said...

What a bunch of oxhinges.

Titus said...

Which is better Wisconsin or Michigan as far as college?

Is Ripon good?

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