Representative Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican on the Ethics Committee, said members need to take a firm stand in order to restore the public’s trust in Congress, which are near all-time lows.
“Credibility is exactly what is at stake at here,” Mr. McCaul said. “The credibility of the House of Representative before the American people.”
Oh, Mr. McCaul, that ship has sailed.
Even Donald Trump, who had been solicited by Mr. Rangel for a donation and had been scheduled to testify at his ethics trial, said Mr. Rangel was fortunate that he was not facing a punishment more serious than censure.
“It’s too bad what’s happened to him, but in certain ways he’s very lucky,” Mr. Trump said on the program “Fox and Friends.” “If it happened to you, you or you, it’s called jail time.”
And this is really the point. Anyone else would be imprisoned. Poor Mr. Rangel has to has to face the "humiliation" of personally appearing in Congress as the resolution is read into the record.
Lots of interesting votes in the House the past two days. Republican unanimously voted against tax cuts for the middle class today. And 157 Republicans voted against a deficit neutral school lunch program that would feed 17 million hungry kids. And would appear to be voting against DADT, in spite of the recommendations of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.
That depends, Mary Beth, on whether you consider it tragic that he turned out to be a crook... or if you knew he was a crook, and think it is tragic he got caught.
"Lots of interesting votes in the House the past two days."
Nobody's buying the tax hike Barack Obama is trying to force onto an economy in its death throes, Garage.
Not going to happen.
Why does Barack Obama want to raise taxes on the very people who create the jobs? Then they'd have less money to create jobs. It's retarded. Government corrupt-o-crats don't steal enough of our hard-earned money already?
And if Democrats want to feed hungry kids, they can take the money they're spending on Ant Piss Christ down at the Smithsonian and instead put it to some good use. $2.5 million would feed a lot of kids.
They voted to extend middle class tax cuts that effect 98% of this country. I was wrong, 3 Republicans did vote in favor of it. Pretty easy to see who butters the GOP bread, don't you think?
Watching Charlie Rangel today was a lesson in the utter corruption that a life in politics can produce. He is embarrassed, and resentful at being embarrassed, but he seems incapable of feeling the shame that he should. He talked about his "fund raising" efforts, blaming them on his staff before grandly accepting the ultimate responsibility for himself--how phony. But he doesn't mention owning four rent-controlled apartments--was that something he claims to have been unaware of?
Part of the problem is the deference he gets from so much of the media by dint of being a liberal. The Times, which in its article is unbelievably solicitous of Rangel, calls him "a feisty advocate of a muscular version of liberalism." Translation: he relentlessly sought legislation that would benefit his constituents. To the Times, this makes him a hero.
If there were equal justice in this country for politicians and us peons, Rangel would do a couple of years at Club Fed.
"So my taxes are to stay the same. How is that a cut?"
It's a cut to the government, which is the sole owner of your money and which will dole it out to you only in the chunks it decides it doesn't need yet. And you should be happy they're not taking all of it. They'll doel out just enough to keep you alive so they can force you to buy shit from their donors like insurance and other unnecessary shit you don't want.
unanimously voted against tax cuts for the middle class today.
Hey bozo, if "tax cuts for the middle class" are so important to Democrats, why didn't they hold any votes on the issue when they have an overwhelming congressional majority?
It is so invigorating to see a Pelosi scapegoat done in as her offering to angry voters. Rangel broke the first rule of thieves: " Never steal anything small". If he had helped send a couple of hundred million into the pockets of Railroad boondagle designers he was in cahoots with, then that's would have been an everyday Congressional perk. But stealing a few tax dollars on undeclared income and taking advantage of rent controls like everybody does makes people spitting angry. It has been my experience that the people who will never back down and will fight to the bitter end over $50, will quickly compromise over $5,000. Welcome to life in ultimate DC fighting cage Charlie.
Boo frickin' hoo. I would love to know how much loot he's stashed into numbered accounts in the Caymens and elsewhere.
I'm guessing the Democrats timed these proceedings very carefully, so that the Republicans couldn't use them pre-election, and the incoming majority won't bother with the Thief of Harlem post-lame-duck.
Try making your own shoes, for an instructive experiment.
I used to buy shoes made in Chicago. But production was moved to India. I often wondered how the employees there could work with dead cow parts, but what the heck.
When I was a kid we had a TV made in Chicago, an FM radio made in Chicago, an air conditioner made in Chicago. Later we got another TV, from another Chicago company. We could have had a car made in Chicago, but we were a GM family. Our appliances came from Benton Harbor, Michigan. Later I worked next to a giant guitar factory. Electric organs, telephone exchanges, Teletypewriters, speedometers, tachometers, locomotives, cranes, car wax, candy, cookies, cracker jacks. I'm depressing myself.
Despite him being a crook (of sorts) I always kind of liked Rangel, even when I disagreed with him. He's a colorful character (and I don't mean anything racial by that). So I feel bad that he's being censured now, as I would feel bad for anyone who goes through turmoil who I kind of like. But Charlie, you had to know what you were doing was against the rules. You wouldn't let otehrs, especially repubs get away with what you did, so man up and take your punishment. It's just a censure.
New Hussein Ham wrote: TSA Bomb Sniffing Dogs Fail Test At Philly Airport
Are these extra clueless dogs because they are from the TSA, or does this mean that using dogs to sniff out bombs is less than feasible? Which again, would make the necessity of scanners that much more important. If you could say that you don't need scanners because dogs can sniff out bombs, then that's one less reason to use scanners. But if you can't then you'd have to come up with a technology that could do what the scanners do that doesn't involve scanning people. Dogs are out. What else have you got?
So my taxes are to stay the same. How is that a cut?
Better question is why all but 3 Republicans voted against keeping your taxes as they are. I can only assume they voted no because they wanted to raise them? Just weird coming from low tax party.
LOL, garage. You know better. I believe the Republicans wanted the tax cuts extended AND budget cuts, no? Cherry picking a vote as if Republicans are against extending the tax cuts that they put in place is kind of absurd, isn't it?
As for Rangel: And then they all gave him a standing ovation. Or something. They're all creeps, you know? All of them.
New Ham - "Why does Barack Obama want to raise taxes on the very people who create the jobs? Then they'd have less money to create jobs. It's retarded."
The reason is when the top rate was 39.5% under Clinton - jobs were created by the score. The reason is that when Reagan ended tax shelters for the rich in the 1986 Tax REform Bill, it had no effect on the Noble Job Creators (as Republicans are now calling the Fatcats exporting jobs to China) fact, persecuted under new Reagan regs that generated huge tax revenue by closing loopholes and shelters --the Noble Job Creators took their licks and Reagan continued to see huge economic and job growth.
The impact of Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy? Private sector job creation has not matched population growth - private job creation was flat as the "Noble Job Creators" took their tax cuts and profits generated by destroying 4 million American jobs for the Chinese to take...and 5 million illegals doing as Bush said "The jobs no Americans want to do" ( once the owners start lowering wages to illegals only levels and pocketing the labor cost differential)
The end result of 10 years of tax cuts for the wealthy was net zero jobs in the private sector created once the housing bubble collapsed. All BUsh's and Obama's job creation was in government jobs.
I'm willing to give Reagans 1986 slap in the face to the rich in ending their tax avoidance strategies for a period of time - and Bill CLinton's "pay your fair share" tax strategy a try - because 10 years of Bush tax cuts for the rich has been a jobs creation failure.
I also support ending Free Trade for Freedom Lovers - by which nations like China and India are sucking jobs away from us. And slapping a "we paid X amount for you Euroweenies, Japanese to be safe lowering your defense budget and we will get it back on by a modest 2% defense contribution charge we will levy on what you export to us and only add to the great killing of US jobs CHina and India are engaged in.."
n fact, persecuted under new Reagan regs that generated huge tax revenue by closing loopholes and shelters --the Noble Job Creators took their licks and Reagan continued to see huge economic and job growth.
FLS: My home town, Holyoke, MA, was once big in lumber and furs. That industry moved west. Then it was big in paper, shoes, and fine fabrics--alpaca, vicuña--but those industries went to the American South. Then, for a while, it was big in light chemicals, but that went to the Mid West. Next up was electronics. Drat, the Japanese and their off-shore factories ate that one.
Well, there was that good old SAC base across the river, with thousands of jobs. Oops... USSR folds, we don't need SAC bases all over the place. Bye-bye, jobs.
Now, Holyoke trades places with Lowell as the most economically depressed city in the Commonwealth. That's depressing.
But you know, looking at what's happened over close to 300 years makes one think that maybe there's a pattern at work here. The pattern is, somebody, somewhere is going to try to find a cheaper way to do what you're doing. Often they'll succeed. If you want to sit around and weep, well you can certainly do that. But if you want to more than wipe your tears and snot, it's likely important that you get off your ass and change with the times. Holyoke, right now, is pretty much in a "I quit" mode.
But the folks who lost their jobs to the last swing of fate are dying off. Many of their kids have moved out. They're being replaced, strange to say, by large numbers of Punjabis, eager to get ahead and push their kids further. I suspect that for all the bad times, the future is going to be pretty interesting there.
The reason is when the top rate was 39.5% under Clinton - jobs were created by the score.
Really? In 1997, the Republican-led Congress passed a tax-relief and deficit-reduction bill that was signed by President Clinton The bill: ---Lowered the top capital gains tax rate from 28 percent to 20 percent; ---Created a new $500 child tax credit; ----Phased in an increase in the estate tax exemption from $600,000 to $1 million;
And what happened?
By 1998, the first full year in which the lower capital gains rates were in effect, venture capital activity reached almost $28 billion, more than a three-fold increase over 1995 levels, and by 1999, it had doubled yet again.
And what happened?
The economy averaged 4.2 percent real growth per year from 1997 to 2000
I like how those tax cuts are down the memory hole...
How many jobs has Barack Obama created in the last two years when the Democrat Party had complete control over the House, the Senate and the White House?
When they could pass any law they wanted (and did)?
When they could have enacted any tax increase they wanted? (And did!)
Why didn't they do it then - if it was such a smart idea?
If it's such as obviously good idea, then why didn't Democrats votes?
And slapping a "we paid X amount for you Euroweenies, Japanese to be safe lowering your defense budget and we will get it back on by a modest 2% defense contribution charge
That is going to be real difficult to collect when trade declines.
A generation and a half of modern American society has come of age in sheer ignorance of market economics.
The Dems could care less about the middle class. In fact, they only want to destroy the middle class, and that's what every policy position they've advocated for the past six decades has done.
Why no manufacturing jobs? Because Democrat-backed business, environmental, and labor laws have crippled our ability to compete globally.
Why no recovery? Because Democrat-backed 'stimulus' bills were specifically NOT targeted to help the economy recover. You see, the Dems believed that the economy would recover on its own ("GOP tax cuts have never worked!") and therefore they could spend with impunity on a decade's worth of pent-up boondoggles and the economy would be okay. Oops.
I can't believe the Democrats are so dumb as to actually believe their policies will help the middle class. Thus, the only alternative is to believe they are deliberately trying to destroy the middle class.
I’ll be judged by my life in its entirety." Said Charles Rangel... before taking a very small dose of arsenic... the first step (or so Rangel believes) to becoming a republican ;)
Why no recovery? Because Democrat-backed 'stimulus' bills were specifically NOT targeted to help the economy recover.
The days of anything helping the middle class are long gone. There's been a modest recovery, certainly better than when Obama took over. There were thousands of infrastructure projects built by the stimulus employing tens of thousands of people that would be without. But you are right, bending over and fucking in the ass anyone that isn't in the top 2% seems to be the consensus in D.C. The media has already decided that Operation Bringing on the Pain! -- to the only group of people not responsible for this sorry ass economy is the New Normal.
How's that Republican-Lite working out for you Democrats. Not so good is it?
From the Christian Science Monitor article on this story:
And he also brought along a character witness – Rep. John Lewis (D) of Georgia, himself a respected veteran of the civil rights movement. Rep. Lewis reminded committee members that Rangel is a decorated Korean War veteran, and that he had walked with Lewis and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, to try and help win the right to vote for African-Americans.
John Lewis--he's the liar who claimed that Tea Party members spat on him last year. He's referred to as "a respected veteran of the civil rights movement" but I don't respect him at all, not after that disgraceful performance. And I'm so sick of Charlie Rangel talking about his Korean War service as if that should entitle him to get away with anything.
Jay said... And slapping a "we paid X amount for you Euroweenies, Japanese to be safe lowering your defense budget and we will get it back on by a modest 2% defense contribution charge
That is going to be real difficult to collect when trade declines.
A generation and a half of modern American society has come of age in sheer ignorance of market economics.
==================== Actually it is Jay locked into antiquated Ricardo and Smith models of "Free Trade for Freedom Lovers!!" as ALWAYS being mutually beneficial. Not so. If Germany has a 30 billion dollar trade surplus and threatens "retaliation" over the few things they buy from us if we charge them for the military free ride they get from us.....well, after the Germans retaliate away, the more of that 30 billion surplus they lose which goes into siting those jobs in America or bought from some other supplier willing to accept the modest tariff we impose. (which the Euros have effectively gotten away with with their VAT surcharge on imports, which the Chinese, S Koreans, and Japs have employed "extra rigid health and product safety inspections on US imports" in addition to currency manipulation.
Everyone knows this, but doctrinaire rabid Free Trade fans are blind to the machinations of the other side, say the consumer benefits from dumping regardless of artificially cheap goods costing jobs in "Flyover Country", or preach that we have to get used to the US worker being grossly overpaid while NORKs, Pakis, INdians and CHinese are grossly underpaid and Free Trade will help correct that global assymetry with "labor wage levelization".
In the end, Free Traders tend to be rich or serve as tools of the rich, unconcerned with the destruction of the middle class in America or the joblessness of blue collar workers.
Yes, he deserved censure. But I give some respect to his honorable service, and there have certainly been far bigger crooks that walked the halls of Congress. And most of them exited with full honors.....I remember reading in the Caro biography of Lyndon Johnson how Lady Bird Johnson had an uncanny gift for buying real estate parcels in areas that later became valuable after a highway was built nearby. And Hillary sure had a knack for trading cattle futures.....Rangel was a crook, and I'm sure we don't know the half of his crimes. But my spidey sense tells me that some who voted for his censure have far greater crimes in their resumes.
I'm not going to take the time to look it up, but WTF? We sent Martha Stewart to prison, for what? And this motherfucking piece of shit walks? Don't give me that he's a veteran shit, there are plenty of examples of veterans growing into pieces of fucking shit.
Rangel is a tool and, in a just word, should be filing for unemployment and living in only ONE rent controlled apartment after FINALLY being nailed. Instead, he gets to acts mortified that someone had the nerve to mention misdeed when he got caught and lecture those who would judge him. Pffft.
Hey bozo, if "tax cuts for the middle class" are so important to Democrats, why didn't they hold any votes on the issue when they have an overwhelming congressional majority?
You couldn't be more on point, Jay. EXACTLY. But they were the New Emperors, who were to have something like an estimated 40 years in power to do their thing, so what's the rush, right? Lots of social restructuring to mash through the legislative chinoise first. It's SO much flashier than mundane "taxes", "jobs", "budget" "blahblahblah" can see a Democrat's eyes rolling back in their skull already
former law student Salaries are tax-deductible. The more jobs you create the less taxes you pay.
Canard. The more jobs you create creates MORE tax payers, creating more taxable income.
I used to buy shoes made in Chicago. But production was moved to India. I often wondered how the employees there could work with dead cow parts, but what the heck.
When I was a kid we had a TV made in Chicago, an FM radio made in Chicago, an air conditioner made in Chicago. Later we got another TV, from another Chicago company. We could have had a car made in Chicago, but we were a GM family. Our appliances came from Benton Harbor, Michigan....
You also used to have those appliances repaired. The price of that TV or that toaster, relative to one's income, meant that it was around for YEARS, if not decades, and the small appliance repair shop on the corner was a fact, not a fond memory. What DO we do NOW (and have every EXPECTATION of doing) if the toaster dies on us, or the telly fritzes, and we don't have an extended warrantee?
We hotfoot it over to Target/WalMart/BestBuy (after checking the Sunday circular or Amazon) and snatch us up a brand-new one just that fast.
That mentality of quick REPLACEMENT vice waiting on repair (Do you know where an independent electronic repair shop is in your neighborhood?) and that instant expectation of a relatively inexpensive purchase doesn't jive with manufacturing toasters/TVs/electronics/$89 A/C's/widgets in Peoria under contracts for folks who need a living wage HERE.
We have become a throwaway society and that's the price we are paying for the prices we are willing to pay.
Garage: It is said that the recession ended in June of 2009. The growth rate has been under 3%, about half of what is seen in a normal post recession "recovery." Can you help us with how you yourself are making decisions based on your tax rate in 2011 and forward? Can't? Don't know your tax rate? Does the IRS? No? How can that be since the "Bush Tax Cuts" have been meant to expire for the entire time that Obama has been president and the Democrats have controlled both the house and the senate? Can you explain? Thanks.
If Germany has a 30 billion dollar trade surplus and threatens "retaliation" over the few things they buy from us if we charge them for the military free ride they get from us.....well, after the Germans retaliate away, the more of that 30 billion surplus they lose which goes into siting those jobs in America or bought from some other supplier willing to accept the modest tariff we impose. (
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७७ टिप्पण्या:
A whole life's worth a 'thievin.
Proud day for black folk.
Representative Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican on the Ethics Committee, said members need to take a firm stand in order to restore the public’s trust in Congress, which are near all-time lows.
“Credibility is exactly what is at stake at here,” Mr. McCaul said. “The credibility of the House of Representative before the American people.”
Oh, Mr. McCaul, that ship has sailed.
Even Donald Trump, who had been solicited by Mr. Rangel for a donation and had been scheduled to testify at his ethics trial, said Mr. Rangel was fortunate that he was not facing a punishment more serious than censure.
“It’s too bad what’s happened to him, but in certain ways he’s very lucky,” Mr. Trump said on the program “Fox and Friends.” “If it happened to you, you or you, it’s called jail time.”
And this is really the point. Anyone else would be imprisoned. Poor Mr. Rangel has to has to face the "humiliation" of personally appearing in Congress as the resolution is read into the record.
Yawn. I'm sure his hand burns after such a slap.
“It’s too bad what’s happened to him"? That makes it sound as if it was all beyond his control. Some outside force acted upon him.
Lots of interesting votes in the House the past two days. Republican unanimously voted against tax cuts for the middle class today. And 157 Republicans voted against a deficit neutral school lunch program that would feed 17 million hungry kids. And would appear to be voting against DADT, in spite of the recommendations of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.
Hard bunch to please.
That depends, Mary Beth, on whether you consider it tragic that he turned out to be a crook... or if you knew he was a crook, and think it is tragic he got caught.
Guess which group Trump's in?
The judgement: having public buildings, etc named after you, lots of tributes from people you've funneled government favors to. Its all good Charlie.
"Lots of interesting votes in the House the past two days."
Nobody's buying the tax hike Barack Obama is trying to force onto an economy in its death throes, Garage.
Not going to happen.
Why does Barack Obama want to raise taxes on the very people who create the jobs? Then they'd have less money to create jobs. It's retarded. Government corrupt-o-crats don't steal enough of our hard-earned money already?
And if Democrats want to feed hungry kids, they can take the money they're spending on Ant Piss Christ down at the Smithsonian and instead put it to some good use. $2.5 million would feed a lot of kids.
So fuck off, troll.
There's a new sheriff in town.
And his name is Reggie Hammond.
Republican unanimously voted against tax cuts for the middle class today.
No, they didn't.
Michelle Bachmann was too busy to vote.
No, they didn't.
They voted to extend middle class tax cuts that effect 98% of this country. I was wrong, 3 Republicans did vote in favor of it. Pretty easy to see who butters the GOP bread, don't you think?
Why does Barack Obama want to raise taxes on the very people who create the jobs?
Salaries are tax-deductible. The more jobs you create the less taxes you pay.
Let's see if the good people of Harlem want to recall him.
So my taxes are to stay the same. How is that a cut?
So whats the consequence of a censure? Rangel pretends to be ashamed for 15 minutes?
What a farce.
Watching Charlie Rangel today was a lesson in the utter corruption that a life in politics can produce. He is embarrassed, and resentful at being embarrassed, but he seems incapable of feeling the shame that he should. He talked about his "fund raising" efforts, blaming them on his staff before grandly accepting the ultimate responsibility for himself--how phony. But he doesn't mention owning four rent-controlled apartments--was that something he claims to have been unaware of?
Part of the problem is the deference he gets from so much of the media by dint of being a liberal. The Times, which in its article is unbelievably solicitous of Rangel, calls him "a feisty advocate of a muscular version of liberalism." Translation: he relentlessly sought legislation that would benefit his constituents. To the Times, this makes him a hero.
If there were equal justice in this country for politicians and us peons, Rangel would do a couple of years at Club Fed.
"Let's see if the good people of Harlem want to recall him."
They do not.
They cheer him.
They will re-elect him.
This guy committed felony tax evasion many other felony crimes and he's walking around Scot-free because he is above the law.
The law does not apply to members of Congress. He can break whatever law he wants and you can't do anything about it.
Because he's better than you.
Get comfortable with that.
Wasn't Rangel's seat previously occupied by Adam Clayton Powell, another African-American congressman censured for corruption?
"So my taxes are to stay the same. How is that a cut?"
It's a cut to the government, which is the sole owner of your money and which will dole it out to you only in the chunks it decides it doesn't need yet. And you should be happy they're not taking all of it. They'll doel out just enough to keep you alive so they can force you to buy shit from their donors like insurance and other unnecessary shit you don't want.
You are not free.
You are a fucking slave.
Get comfortable with that.
Welcome to Barack Obama's America.
Adam Clayton Powell was white. He just had a great tan.
What a pathetic display.
This country can do better than Rangel.
unanimously voted against tax cuts for the middle class today.
Hey bozo, if "tax cuts for the middle class" are so important to Democrats, why didn't they hold any votes on the issue when they have an overwhelming congressional majority?
"Adam Clayton Powell was white. He just had a great tan."
You mean like Obama.
New Sparta will definitely have a pit for these weasels.
TSA agent wands a bomb ... then allows it through:
I hope he enjoys hanging out with Lucifer for all eternity.
That's what he means right?
TSA Bomb Sniffing Dogs Fail Test At Philly Airport
Apparently just an email was out of the question, Imus said.
NBC Reports on improper advance notice given to agents by the TSA.
TSA Administrators are caught tipping off TSA Agents to undercover tests - and they still fucking failed them!
Charlie got less than he deserved. he should have been expelled.
That's just the first page of Google.
I can keep going if you need more documentation.
Just say the word.
There are 1,060,000 more results.
The rich are the ones that use their money to create a way to make people productive enough to hire.
If you want employment, the rich are the ones who need money.
Try making your own shoes, for an instructive experiment. But you can earn enough for shoes in an hour if some rich guy puts capital in back of you.
Did it take you an hour on your own? It would take more like weeks. You couldn't make a living at it.
It is so invigorating to see a Pelosi scapegoat done in as her offering to angry voters. Rangel broke the first rule of thieves: " Never steal anything small". If he had helped send a couple of hundred million into the pockets of Railroad boondagle designers he was in cahoots with, then that's would have been an everyday Congressional perk. But stealing a few tax dollars on undeclared income and taking advantage of rent controls like everybody does makes people spitting angry. It has been my experience that the people who will never back down and will fight to the bitter end over $50, will quickly compromise over $5,000. Welcome to life in ultimate DC fighting cage Charlie.
Re: Rangel's ordeal:
Boo frickin' hoo. I would love to know how much loot he's stashed into numbered accounts in the Caymens and elsewhere.
I'm guessing the Democrats timed these proceedings very carefully, so that the Republicans couldn't use them pre-election, and the incoming majority won't bother with the Thief of Harlem post-lame-duck.
"I know in my heart I am not going to be judged by this Congress. I’ll be judged by my life in its entirety."
Sounds like his "heart" and he are already bargaining.
wv: "noroc" - a sign of his changed lifestyle
Try making your own shoes, for an instructive experiment.
I used to buy shoes made in Chicago. But production was moved to India. I often wondered how the employees there could work with dead cow parts, but what the heck.
When I was a kid we had a TV made in Chicago, an FM radio made in Chicago, an air conditioner made in Chicago. Later we got another TV, from another Chicago company. We could have had a car made in Chicago, but we were a GM family. Our appliances came from Benton Harbor, Michigan. Later I worked next to a giant guitar factory. Electric organs, telephone exchanges, Teletypewriters, speedometers, tachometers, locomotives, cranes, car wax, candy, cookies, cracker jacks. I'm depressing myself.
Despite him being a crook (of sorts) I always kind of liked Rangel, even when I disagreed with him. He's a colorful character (and I don't mean anything racial by that).
So I feel bad that he's being censured now, as I would feel bad for anyone who goes through turmoil who I kind of like.
But Charlie, you had to know what you were doing was against the rules. You wouldn't let otehrs, especially repubs get away with what you did, so man up and take your punishment. It's just a censure.
New Hussein Ham wrote:
TSA Bomb Sniffing Dogs Fail Test At Philly Airport
Are these extra clueless dogs because they are from the TSA, or does this mean that using dogs to sniff out bombs is less than feasible? Which again, would make the necessity of scanners that much more important. If you could say that you don't need scanners because dogs can sniff out bombs, then that's one less reason to use scanners. But if you can't then you'd have to come up with a technology that could do what the scanners do that doesn't involve scanning people.
Dogs are out. What else have you got?
So my taxes are to stay the same. How is that a cut?
Better question is why all but 3 Republicans voted against keeping your taxes as they are. I can only assume they voted no because they wanted to raise them? Just weird coming from low tax party.
You are so convincing, garage. You are forcing me to rethink everything I've believed for thirty years.
Are the House members then above the law? Will an actual criminal investigation be part of this? Shouldn't he do time?
How does this affect him?
He has already denied that the body has any right to judge him, which means that he shows no remorse whatsoever.
LOL, garage. You know better. I believe the Republicans wanted the tax cuts extended AND budget cuts, no? Cherry picking a vote as if Republicans are against extending the tax cuts that they put in place is kind of absurd, isn't it?
As for Rangel: And then they all gave him a standing ovation. Or something. They're all creeps, you know? All of them.
New Ham - "Why does Barack Obama want to raise taxes on the very people who create the jobs? Then they'd have less money to create jobs. It's retarded."
The reason is when the top rate was 39.5% under Clinton - jobs were created by the score.
The reason is that when Reagan ended tax shelters for the rich in the 1986 Tax REform Bill, it had no effect on the Noble Job Creators (as Republicans are now calling the Fatcats exporting jobs to China) fact, persecuted under new Reagan regs that generated huge tax revenue by closing loopholes and shelters --the Noble Job Creators took their licks and Reagan continued to see huge economic and job growth.
The impact of Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy? Private sector job creation has not matched population growth - private job creation was flat as the "Noble Job Creators" took their tax cuts and profits generated by destroying 4 million American jobs for the Chinese to take...and 5 million illegals doing as Bush said "The jobs no Americans want to do" ( once the owners start lowering wages to illegals only levels and pocketing the labor cost differential)
The end result of 10 years of tax cuts for the wealthy was net zero jobs in the private sector created once the housing bubble collapsed.
All BUsh's and Obama's job creation was in government jobs.
I'm willing to give Reagans 1986 slap in the face to the rich in ending their tax avoidance strategies for a period of time - and Bill CLinton's "pay your fair share" tax strategy a try - because 10 years of Bush tax cuts for the rich has been a jobs creation failure.
I also support ending Free Trade for Freedom Lovers - by which nations like China and India are sucking jobs away from us.
And slapping a "we paid X amount for you Euroweenies, Japanese to be safe lowering your defense budget and we will get it back on by a modest 2% defense contribution charge we will levy on what you export to us and only add to the great killing of US jobs CHina and India are engaged in.."
The impact of Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy?
Er, you do realize that there was a vote today on these "tax cuts for the wealthy" and nobody but you bitter clingers calls them that anymore, right?
n fact, persecuted under new Reagan regs that generated huge tax revenue by closing loopholes and shelters --the Noble Job Creators took their licks and Reagan continued to see huge economic and job growth.
Yes, yes!
Regulations create jobs!
So does the health care "reform" bill!
And carbon credits too!
FLS: My home town, Holyoke, MA, was once big in lumber and furs. That industry moved west. Then it was big in paper, shoes, and fine fabrics--alpaca, vicuña--but those industries went to the American South. Then, for a while, it was big in light chemicals, but that went to the Mid West. Next up was electronics. Drat, the Japanese and their off-shore factories ate that one.
Well, there was that good old SAC base across the river, with thousands of jobs. Oops... USSR folds, we don't need SAC bases all over the place. Bye-bye, jobs.
Now, Holyoke trades places with Lowell as the most economically depressed city in the Commonwealth. That's depressing.
But you know, looking at what's happened over close to 300 years makes one think that maybe there's a pattern at work here. The pattern is, somebody, somewhere is going to try to find a cheaper way to do what you're doing. Often they'll succeed. If you want to sit around and weep, well you can certainly do that. But if you want to more than wipe your tears and snot, it's likely important that you get off your ass and change with the times. Holyoke, right now, is pretty much in a "I quit" mode.
But the folks who lost their jobs to the last swing of fate are dying off. Many of their kids have moved out. They're being replaced, strange to say, by large numbers of Punjabis, eager to get ahead and push their kids further. I suspect that for all the bad times, the future is going to be pretty interesting there.
This was so unnecessary, but he did not get it, still does not get it, and so here he is.
Rostenkowski, also chairman of Ways and Means, and also "a great guy" went to jail for less.
And Adan Clayton Powell Jr. was expelled from Congress, was re-elected by the good people of Harlem, and has a street in New York City named for him.
The reason is when the top rate was 39.5% under Clinton - jobs were created by the score.
In 1997, the Republican-led Congress passed a tax-relief and deficit-reduction bill that was signed by President Clinton
The bill:
---Lowered the top capital gains tax rate from 28 percent to 20 percent;
---Created a new $500 child tax credit;
----Phased in an increase in the estate tax exemption from $600,000 to $1 million;
And what happened?
By 1998, the first full year in which the lower capital gains rates were in effect, venture capital activity reached almost $28 billion, more than a three-fold increase over 1995 levels, and by 1999, it had doubled yet again.
And what happened?
The economy averaged 4.2 percent real growth per year from 1997 to 2000
I like how those tax cuts are down the memory hole...
How many jobs has Barack Obama created in the last two years when the Democrat Party had complete control over the House, the Senate and the White House?
When they could pass any law they wanted (and did)?
When they could have enacted any tax increase they wanted? (And did!)
Why didn't they do it then - if it was such a smart idea?
If it's such as obviously good idea, then why didn't Democrats votes?
(I'll wait before breaking out the crickets.)
If I take your money, and I spend it on something I want, have you benefited in some way?
If Democrats take your tax dollars and give them to ACORN, how has this helped the economy? Has it created jobs? Opportunity?
If instead, you spent that money at J. Crew, wouldn't that be better for you?
Are you better off with Barack Obama?
Are you better off having him give your money to ACORN, or are you better off keeping your money and getting the G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu grip?
And slapping a "we paid X amount for you Euroweenies, Japanese to be safe lowering your defense budget and we will get it back on by a modest 2% defense contribution charge
That is going to be real difficult to collect when trade declines.
A generation and a half of modern American society has come of age in sheer ignorance of market economics.
Garage, that dog won't hunt.
The Dems could care less about the middle class. In fact, they only want to destroy the middle class, and that's what every policy position they've advocated for the past six decades has done.
Why no manufacturing jobs? Because Democrat-backed business, environmental, and labor laws have crippled our ability to compete globally.
Why no recovery? Because Democrat-backed 'stimulus' bills were specifically NOT targeted to help the economy recover. You see, the Dems believed that the economy would recover on its own ("GOP tax cuts have never worked!") and therefore they could spend with impunity on a decade's worth of pent-up boondoggles and the economy would be okay. Oops.
I can't believe the Democrats are so dumb as to actually believe their policies will help the middle class. Thus, the only alternative is to believe they are deliberately trying to destroy the middle class.
BTW, no one ever got hired by a poor person.
I agree with fen -- a farce played out in front of colluders.
wv: phonied
What a babboon.
I’ll be judged by my life in its entirety."
Said Charles Rangel... before taking a very small dose of arsenic... the first step (or so Rangel believes) to becoming a republican ;)
"Salaries are tax-deductible. The more jobs you create the less taxes you pay."
Former Law Student, not Former Business Owner.
Why no recovery? Because Democrat-backed 'stimulus' bills were specifically NOT targeted to help the economy recover.
The days of anything helping the middle class are long gone. There's been a modest recovery, certainly better than when Obama took over. There were thousands of infrastructure projects built by the stimulus employing tens of thousands of people that would be without. But you are right, bending over and fucking in the ass anyone that isn't in the top 2% seems to be the consensus in D.C. The media has already decided that Operation Bringing on the Pain! -- to the only group of people not responsible for this sorry ass economy is the New Normal.
How's that Republican-Lite working out for you Democrats. Not so good is it?
From the Christian Science Monitor article on this story:
And he also brought along a character witness – Rep. John Lewis (D) of Georgia, himself a respected veteran of the civil rights movement. Rep. Lewis reminded committee members that Rangel is a decorated Korean War veteran, and that he had walked with Lewis and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, to try and help win the right to vote for African-Americans.
John Lewis--he's the liar who claimed that Tea Party members spat on him last year. He's referred to as "a respected veteran of the civil rights movement" but I don't respect him at all, not after that disgraceful performance. And I'm so sick of Charlie Rangel talking about his Korean War service as if that should entitle him to get away with anything.
Jay said...
And slapping a "we paid X amount for you Euroweenies, Japanese to be safe lowering your defense budget and we will get it back on by a modest 2% defense contribution charge
That is going to be real difficult to collect when trade declines.
A generation and a half of modern American society has come of age in sheer ignorance of market economics.
Actually it is Jay locked into antiquated Ricardo and Smith models of "Free Trade for Freedom Lovers!!" as ALWAYS being mutually beneficial.
Not so. If Germany has a 30 billion dollar trade surplus and threatens "retaliation" over the few things they buy from us if we charge them for the military free ride they get from us.....well, after the Germans retaliate away, the more of that 30 billion surplus they lose which goes into siting those jobs in America or bought from some other supplier willing to accept the modest tariff we impose. (which the Euros have effectively gotten away with with their VAT surcharge on imports, which the Chinese, S Koreans, and Japs have employed "extra rigid health and product safety inspections on US imports" in addition to currency manipulation.
Everyone knows this, but doctrinaire rabid Free Trade fans are blind to the machinations of the other side, say the consumer benefits from dumping regardless of artificially cheap goods costing jobs in "Flyover Country", or preach that we have to get used to the US worker being grossly overpaid while NORKs, Pakis, INdians and CHinese are grossly underpaid and Free Trade will help correct that global assymetry with "labor wage levelization".
In the end, Free Traders tend to be rich or serve as tools of the rich, unconcerned with the destruction of the middle class in America or the joblessness of blue collar workers.
That's right, Garage, go Left!
Gives me hope for 2012; when the Tea Partiers go after the Lugars and (gag) Murkowskis with the same zeal as in 2010, I will feel positively giddy.
"Taxes are for the little people..."
Rangel has lived in his little cacoon for so long that when he gets a slight slap on the hand he's in shock. And he wrote our tax code...
to FLS, Garage - so tell me Obama-fuckers how exactly ARE jobs created in this country?
Yes, he deserved censure. But I give some respect to his honorable service, and there have certainly been far bigger crooks that walked the halls of Congress. And most of them exited with full honors.....I remember reading in the Caro biography of Lyndon Johnson how Lady Bird Johnson had an uncanny gift for buying real estate parcels in areas that later became valuable after a highway was built nearby. And Hillary sure had a knack for trading cattle futures.....Rangel was a crook, and I'm sure we don't know the half of his crimes. But my spidey sense tells me that some who voted for his censure have far greater crimes in their resumes.
The rich are the ones that use their money to create a way to make people productive enough to hire.
The Rich are like The Poor, for example, in the following way: Neither is a monolith. (Details, details.)
Which rich are you referring to, rhhardin?
Rangel should thank his lucky stars that he isn't white and Republican. He would have received something worse than censure.
I'm not going to take the time to look it up, but WTF? We sent Martha Stewart to prison, for what? And this motherfucking piece of shit walks? Don't give me that he's a veteran shit, there are plenty of examples of veterans growing into pieces of fucking shit.
Isn't tax fraud and evasion a criminal act?
What level of wrongdoing does congress consider worthy of expulsion?
Is the standard set so high that they can all feel safe?
So Rangel gets a stern lecture and Wesley Snipes goes to prison.
Rangel is a tool and, in a just word, should be filing for unemployment and living in only ONE rent controlled apartment after FINALLY being nailed. Instead, he gets to acts mortified that someone had the nerve to mention misdeed when he got caught and lecture those who would judge him. Pffft.
Hey bozo, if "tax cuts for the middle class" are so important to Democrats, why didn't they hold any votes on the issue when they have an overwhelming congressional majority?
You couldn't be more on point, Jay. EXACTLY. But they were the New Emperors, who were to have something like an estimated 40 years in power to do their thing, so what's the rush, right? Lots of social restructuring to mash through the legislative chinoise first. It's SO much flashier than mundane "taxes", "jobs", "budget" "blahblahblah" can see a Democrat's eyes rolling back in their skull already
former law student
Salaries are tax-deductible. The more jobs you create the less taxes you pay.
Canard. The more jobs you create creates MORE tax payers, creating more taxable income.
I used to buy shoes made in Chicago. But production was moved to India. I often wondered how the employees there could work with dead cow parts, but what the heck.
When I was a kid we had a TV made in Chicago, an FM radio made in Chicago, an air conditioner made in Chicago. Later we got another TV, from another Chicago company. We could have had a car made in Chicago, but we were a GM family. Our appliances came from Benton Harbor, Michigan....
You also used to have those appliances repaired. The price of that TV or that toaster, relative to one's income, meant that it was around for YEARS, if not decades, and the small appliance repair shop on the corner was a fact, not a fond memory. What DO we do NOW (and have every EXPECTATION of doing) if the toaster dies on us, or the telly fritzes, and we don't have an extended warrantee?
We hotfoot it over to Target/WalMart/BestBuy (after checking the Sunday circular or Amazon) and snatch us up a brand-new one just that fast.
That mentality of quick REPLACEMENT vice waiting on repair (Do you know where an independent electronic repair shop is in your neighborhood?) and that instant expectation of a relatively inexpensive purchase doesn't jive with manufacturing toasters/TVs/electronics/$89 A/C's/widgets in Peoria under contracts for folks who need a living wage HERE.
We have become a throwaway society and that's the price we are paying for the prices we are willing to pay.
Garage: It is said that the recession ended in June of 2009. The growth rate has been under 3%, about half of what is seen in a normal post recession "recovery." Can you help us with how you yourself are making decisions based on your tax rate in 2011 and forward? Can't? Don't know your tax rate? Does the IRS? No? How can that be since the "Bush Tax Cuts" have been meant to expire for the entire time that Obama has been president and the Democrats have controlled both the house and the senate? Can you explain? Thanks.
If Germany has a 30 billion dollar trade surplus and threatens "retaliation" over the few things they buy from us if we charge them for the military free ride they get from us.....well, after the Germans retaliate away, the more of that 30 billion surplus they lose which goes into siting those jobs in America or bought from some other supplier willing to accept the modest tariff we impose. (
Your economic ignorance is staggering.
Rangel gets a censure, and Randy Cunningham goes to prison. Well, he's white and a Republican.
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